OCR Interpretation

The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, October 29, 1890, Image 7

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066489/1890-10-29/ed-1/seq-7/

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io gtlempt ia being ma le by the
publican managers to colonize tifc
totersfrom the south in the
oge districts and doubtful htat-3 in
L north. The Bclienie Las been
L;nr on aince early in the spring,
td the object is to give it a trial
Ujg fill. If t works, as they expect
.-ill. this "it ot maiiulactunijg
,oter will carried on on a much
lger scale in I he coloniza
tion of negroes is to answer two pur
pjKft one to increase the republi-
jjTote in tbe northern states at;i
- &h many congresHinen an posni-
jand tlie other, ana most serious
rhiecUw to use these- negroes us
LwMi. tliereoy cneai.ening me
ricetf labor for the tni.-its and iuo-
moliea of the north. Should kucI
r gjlierne be puk in operation the
kite labor would feel Uh effects.
k negroes are to be uel as sub
flutes for men on strikes. If the
Lrkinfincn htudv tin ir own interest
Ly should vote en masse against a
rtytbat will resort to such lueas
. i . . : i : ...... c T. ...
Liferent MetlitHUof Following the In
junction "Liivr One A ie.;i !!. "
Do men ever fall in love with t ach
Women do. Not long ago a young
lomau in New Jersey was married
l youthful laborer on her father h
r i 1 '1
irm. Sometime imerwaru n was
Lcovered that the husband was a
loale; the young wife, however.
sough earnestly entreated by her
riends, refused to give up her chos-
L consort The strangest part of
lit discotery was the fact that the
;riJo knew her husband was a wo
La before she was led to the altar.
II men do not exhibit this strange
Lfgtuation for one of their own sex,
ley at least oftentimes give evi-
Emco of the fact that they love one
Lother. There are many instances
L record where one man has given
s life for another. There are many
.ore instances where men have giv-
life to another.
It is a proud possession the
bowledge that one has unveil
rerious human life Merideu, Conn..
1 the homo of puch a happy man.
obn II. Preston, of that city, July
1th, 181)0, writes: "Five years ago
'.was taken very sick, I had several
ithe best doctors, and one and al
filled it a complication of diseases
was sick for four years, taking pre
iption prescribed by these same
ioetors, and I truthfully state
Tumf at tint toil tit 'ct. mv batter. At
lliis time, I coiuiueuc ed to have the
Ipost terrible pains in my uach.
fey an old friend of mine, Mr. 11. 1.
;ook of the linu of Curtis t Cook,
Jhrtroed me to try Warner's Safe
lure, as ho had been troubled the
un wav and it had effected a cure
lorhun. I bought six bottles, took
the medicine as directed and am well
loday. I am sure no one ever had
worse case of kidney aud liver
rouble than I had. Before this I
las always against proprietary med-
pnw but not now, oh, no.
Friendship expresses itself in very
Miar ways sometimes; but the
L friend is th friend iu need.
.The Chinese gamblers in New
it. -
Ware taxeil 5l,lH)U a weeii ior
"ice protection. Protection always
lies high.
ji' Frenchman's politeness never
ports him. One once said on the
Blottoe: -Cut away if you please,
How 1'mn ii Keporter llct III nival la
a :otel .vi artier Case.
TWO VO.tf-rlin T.O w..'i:.r.O" r:;n r-.rta rA
whom vta-; formerly conne-cio.l with the
New York II ral I buri-au at l'aris, were
taiiiin o'.it . ti :i:f-s a -vening3
since in the presence- '. a Tribune re
porter. They drifted into a romnarisoa
of the work done by American reporters
with that di.r.e hv th: on the other
side of the AtlmT': ;, particularly in Ea-
fland and l-'rani'n.
A number of brilliant exploits were
recalled, notablo anion th'-m that of
a Tribune reporter in metin;r a ship
wrooked sailor on Lake Michigan, the
only survivor of a terrible disaster, and
successively ke-ij)iri(r him secluded
from other interviewers i:n'il li is story
wa published in the Tribune. It ws
agreed that American reporters have a
keen scent for ii- a s and are more skill
ful in their methods of getting facts
than any of their foreign brethren.
"l!ut," remarked the former correspon
dent of the Herald, "tho French report
ers am not slow. The feat accomplished
by tho reporter for a Paris paper at the
time of the great Troppmann murder
caso was agitating France, will eon: par
favorably with any on rcco'-i. The
reporter was sent to (' may,
where Troppmunn's father lived.
"Fpon bis arrival he called upon the
Justice of the Peace and the Commis
saire de Police, ask-.l the:n to follow
him to the Mairie, took his seat in the
Judge's rhsir, and with unparalleled au
dacity ordered the iarde Champetre to
brinrr the assassin's father before him.
Tho dignity and imperiousness assumed
by tho reporter repenea any question as
to hi authority. When the father of
Troppmann was brought before him he
interrogated him as though officially
commissioned to do so. The result was
that it was learned that the son had
written to the father on the eve of the
dar of tho crime.
" 'Monsieur le Cornmissaire, go to tho
house of tho witness and seize those let
tfr ' conrnnanded the reporter.
"Tho functionary obeyed and tho let
tnr wero brought. Tho reporter found
they contained unqestionablo evidence
nf Tronnmann'.s mult. Ho eoljied them
- - " r r o
carefully but quickly and solemnly. He
then handed them to the Justice ana
tnM him to seal them and preserve them
safely for future use. He put tho copies
in his pocket and dismissed the court.
'It was now only a little alter noon
and no nassonirer train would leave for
Paris till evening. That would make
tho report too lato for tho next morn
ing's issue of his paper. To make mat
ters worse he met two other reporters
. . mm r rr
who had just arrived irom t ans, men
he had to do something to keep tno news
from thciu and at tho same time escape
to Paris. A happy thought eamo to nis
rescue. They had not eaten sinco morn
ing. He told them ho, too, was half
starved. If they would go to tho inn
near by and order a good dejeuner w ith
plenty of wine, ho would join ttiem soon.
"They wero ready to accept ine suj?
gestion. As soon as they were out ot
sight he jumped into a wagon and had
himself driven rapidly to tno station
where, after much urging and undoubt
ly somo financial persuasion, ho suc
ceeded in getting aboard a luggage-train
K'hirh wan aliout to start Ho cauirht a
reirular train at tho junction somo dis
tance from C'erney and reached Paris
lato at night. 1 ho nrst page oi his pa
nor had been made up, but the import
anco of the news he brought was such
that the pago was reopened, and tho
next mornin!T Paris was made acquaint
ed, through ono paper only, with the in
disputabio evidence of tho guilt of
Troppmann. Chicago 1 ribune.
Having purchased the tock of ood-s known as the
Grange ft ore c-n-lstinjr of
I desire t ay to my iu:!iy friend that I have re
plenished the stock an i tit ted up the store room in
vbupe at. 1 I w(..u!d be -.dad to have all my ..Id friends
call a:. 1 see iu--.
I will guarantee my pi ices on yoods to be as iuw a any
store ir. the city. Call and s. e m.
w,MIP8U!rB 1
A u mtt M W. '-r-B Wni. fitin.
T.y r tlor.'uh lim"i !i-'!."f i :h naral
law ? V i-ii' rm lic .'T-rrT-.-iis cr -iic--!.! :
! niitriti.tM n.l i-v a varrlui &: l i'.ca .l" el
tht fine pr;erti of e!Hifd "."ix-oa Mr
Kv h I ...-. ivh-1 our I rraifs-. tat-trs it!i a
delicately Baw.ml li rt.f r.son ths .e
i., ii-t.v tivv !.m'.i ' 1 -.11 It 1 I t li.e
ju.liilu use .'f sue!. ar.ii-!e i f .fi that a i'o
t.tatin mv W era.inaily J.uilt uj unt:l
trotifi eiiculih So re-:?t e er tefl-lency S" t!-n-r.
Hundrr-U f su'otie maU.!:e sr "!''.
init ar..un l u rtaiv to s'.Uot wfterever tn.-re
; a weak in-snt. WV may r-caj't' many a la'.ai
shaft l.v keei-ini; ourei r r!s f,.Tlirte-l with
pure luoo-i nd vrvlrly ti.ur:he,t frame "
Civil SeT-nre lia.'ette Ma-te iittli witft
boilln water or milk s!4 nlv in h!f-i""""l
t:u. iy .r-rer lai-rir-t th-t .1 A M 1 - H'l'
A t O. , lloinu'l'atlnc C hem;.-;. l.u:.U..n, t.U
Kiir to t Touttrui w.or.
5V-. w,i . t iv,s.
The "GOOD LUCK" Merchants
Ei-m.a Mill Vf ;:. 4r.'',h SJ K..r
Mavi-r IMMl.l. l;KA 111
. - .e: u.r.i.r Tom. I; cv: f.
' ii : c iv.x.i-r. IsntMB. rj. Ia m :. eta.
' aanx m FtiEr, DiBUftmi, Wioopm
tn, Croup n Canmoa Colds.
i Rem,men.1e4 by TbU:"TtJ'lJ$L
' cm t-nipRirroRa.
Groceries," Provisions, Oueensware and
Shelf Hardware.
The Celebrated Wood Base Heater.
And all the leading makes of Heating Stov
The lii. du st market mice mid for Country Produce, and goods sold
O 1 A ,
on very close margins. Ratiuember the plaee the big "Horse bhoe
East Side of square.
Hamer & Atkison,
Dutiov Missouri.
tS cenia at VtuatiM.
There are more psople in the
I -
kw who cannot see than is geuer
lUDDosed. Out of every million
ft A
pie there arp 800 who cannot see
jthere are a great many "lords and
Piet" in England who own thoue
W of acres, and there are 00,000
Pple in London who live in cellars
The Fulpit and the Stage. 3
FT.F M Shrout, pastorl'nited Breth
pl II 1HY UUIJ IU IClt "t.ai "Viiuv."
mg a New iJtscoTry r.as 'lone ior
Prihioner thoucht I could only a ,
IweeV. I tcok. five bottles ot Dr.
K'New Discovery and am sound
ell, gaining :6 pound in weight.1,
lithnr I fini.wr l.nvf's Funnv .
1 Combination, writes. "After a
fagh trial and convincing evidence, j
confident Dr. King's New Discov-
for Consnnintinn be.its 'em all. and :
when eycry thing else tails. The
kindness I can do to my many j
.inds is to-jriie therr. to trv it." Free
I bottles at II. L. Tucker's drug store
u'.ar size 50c and $1.
How An English I.prturiT Wi IMaoomHted
by lr. l'hlllip 15riok.
I recalled tlie incident a few days ago.
as I sat in Trinity listening to Phillips
l'.rooks noon-time taiUs. it napponea
in tho spring of M-'. The four of us had
irono to Europo togothor Dr. McViekar.
of l'hiladclphia, Phillips l'.rooks and
Mr. Robinson, the builder of ioston s
Trinity Church. Kobinson stands 0 feet
i inches in his stockings. Dr. McViekar
measures t". foot 4 inches, and T. rooks ex
roods ti foot in height. Kobinson is sen
sitive about his length, and suggested
that in order to avoid comment the three
tall men avoid being seen together.
They humorously called themselves
"Brown, Jones and Kobinson. Arriv
ing in England they went direct to
Leeds, where they learned mat a lectur
er would address the working classes on
"America and Americans.' Anxious to
hear what Englishmen thought of tho
Iinnublic thev went to the hall.
They entered separately and took seats
as far apart as possiDie. 1 ne lecturer,
after somo uninteresting remarks, said
that Americans were, as a rule, short.
and seldom, if ever, rose to the heignt
of flvo feet ten inches. In fact, they
were a race of pigmies. He did not
i-n,.. tn what cause he could attribute
this fact, but he wished he could present
Phillips Brooks rose to his feet and
tretehed his six-foot frame to the utter
most as ho said: "I am an American,
and am, as you see, about six feet in
height. I do not exceed the average
American in stature or weight thouga
1 mm tho scales at two hundred pounds
and I sincerely hope that if there be
any other representative 01 my country
present he will vouch for the truthful
ness of my remarks."
After a moment's interval Mr. Robin
son rose and, in a stentorian voice, cried:
"I am from America, in which country
my diminutive height-six feet two
is the subject ef no rema-k. as I am just
a little l"'low the average. If there
l. anv ether American here I hope
that he will corroborate rr.y testi
mony." The house was m a jolly humor.
Waiting until the excitement could
... in s.mie decree and the poor lec-
turer regain control of U;s scattered
nerves. Dr. McViekar slowly drew his
mastic form to his full height ;ind ex
claimed: "I am an-" But he got no
further. The audience roared. The
lecturer ran down the aisle into the
street, and the peoVb crowded about the
three giants. .
1,' The board c.oscs in ti.ieen nuo-
utc-s.--'. V. World.
Fashionable Dress-making.
The Best Goods West of Chicago
i at the Prices Asked.
Kit ctior. Notice.
.' .:.... ... ............ 1-n . h.t t tiMr. w. tl li fitlll-
.lll.UT IP lir.ru. ht.ru urn. 1
miUe.1 to tlie .iua!itlvl voters ol Hate county,
at a special election to be hel.l on
Tuesday. November 4tL, 1S00,
a proposition to bniM a county jail at Butler,
tne conniT aeat oi aaia nmiu fi.... .v..,
completed not to exceed the sum often thous
and lollar(l.0i; and to authorize an addi
tional IkVV ol li l-S cents on me one uuiimih'.
dollars valuation of the real and personal
property of Hates county to pay fr tlie same.
Plans and specification on nie in the office of
the clerk for examination. 15y order ol me
eoanty elerk
1. 1.. iiAurcui
4C.-4t HyW. JI. Waksocr. I. C.
Onler of Publication.
Coui.tT of lsatea.
In the probate court for the county of lLtea.
AUKQH lenu. tww.
15. E. Senior, executor, Kichard Miller, de
ceased, order or runiication.
. ., i L' u u..lnr f the i.
u v, . ti...rn 1 . . - ...... , -
tate of Rirhari Miller, deceased present to
ll.e COUrt IllS peUWUH IBJU. w mm v.... -v.
the sale of so much of the real estate of said de
ceased as will pay and satisfy the remaining
debts duH bv said estate, and yet unpaid for
want or sufficient assets, accompanieu oj nie
... 1 i...f.tf.rieB rfn.iired i)T
H.-.-ouu.", nr.. w.... ....... -
1 . .r.n.lnltkAn U ll.r.ltl it 1
1BW ID 1U. II l.r , yt . . " -
ordered, that ail persons interested in the es-
.... 1 1 ........ ...u, i.hll..U.
tate or sai.i ueceaaea, oe nouu .u ....
tion as aforesaid has been made, and unless
the contrary be shown on or before the first
day ortlie net term of this conrt to be held on
the second Monday or November next, an or
der w ill be made lor the saleol the whole or so
much of the real estate of said deceased as will
he sufficient for the payment of said debts;
and it is further ordered that this notice be
piihliwhed in B'.me newspaper in this county
for fonr weeks before the net term of this
court; and that a copy of said notice be served
on eaeli heir and devisee or said deceased, liv
lnK in said Hates eonnty at least four dBys
prior to tlie lirst day or net term of this court
as aforesaid . ,
A substantif I eopy of the record.
' Attest. .1. S r-KAMTM.'O.
4.-,.4t Judge of Probate.
Trustee's Sale.
Whereas. Maw K. Staike and R.J,
. StarKe, her husband, by their deed ot
trust dated uly 17th, iSj, and recorded
ir. the recorder's oflice within and lor
. Bates countv, Missouri, in book No, 91
page 66 convejed to the undersigned
trustee ttie loliowmg uehcuueu ieai es
tate King and heinj; situate in the coun
ty ot V.ates and state ol Missouri, to-wit:
The northwest quarter ot section rttteen
(l) in township twrtv-one (4) range
twenty-nine (X) , containing oiiC hun
dred and sitv acres more or less, which
conveyance was made in trust to secure
the oati.cnt ot one certain note lully de
sciihed in said deed ol trust: and where
as detauit lias been made in the payment
ot the principal ot said note and more
liun one vcar's accrued interest thereon,
now past "due and unpaid. Now therefore
at the request ol legal holder ot said note
and pursuant to the conditions of said
deed ot trust, 1 will proceed to sell tlie
above described piemises at public ven
due, to the highest bidder tor cash, at
the east front door of the court house,
intheciiv ot liuiler, countv ot Hates
and state ot Misx.ui i, on
Friday, October, 24tb, lS'.H),
between the hours ot 9 o'clock in the
forenoon and 5 o lock 11 the afternoon
ed that dav, tor the purposes ot satisfy
ing said debt, interest and touts.
45 W. !:. WALTON, Trustee.
Oveka House Corner
4 1-2 cents per bushel at the .bank.
SlieriiVsi S.tb.
! virtn. un.l lltlloTtV of 8 KetteTBl MXeCU-
tlon issue.l from the office of the clerk or the
circuit court of Hates county. Missouri, re
turnable at the November, term. of said
court to me directed in fav or of tlie lireat es
tern Manufacturing Company and anainst
Jol.c A. I.elker, I have levied and seized upon
all riKht. 'itle. interest and claim of. in and to
the lollowinK described real estate situated In
I'.Hta i-oimtv. Missouri, to-wit: The south
east quartefof section three (. in tow nhip
forty-one t I ) oi ranict iiiirv.-w,,.
Hates county, Missouri, i win, on
Wednesday, November 5tb, lHi)0.
between the hours of nine o'clock in the r..re-
.. I .....l.w.l. In tt... RftMrnoon of tltat
nimii nu. iim: " inn I, 111 , - -
dav. at the east front door of the court oouse
in the ciiv ot liutler, Kates county, .Missouri,
sell the same, or so mneli Oier".f as maybe
required, at Mib'.ic vendue to the hirhet l.i'l
der for cash to satisfy said eecution and cost .
i; . s. kwin.
47. 4t Mieriffof Kales County.
SherilTs Sale.
Itv virtue and in pursuance of a judgment
and'deeree orthe circuit court of Bates county .
state of Missouri, rendered at the June term
thereof, Js-tu. in a certain action In partition
wherein Itobert Catron and Thomas J.
Smith are plaintiffs and A brain l.aier. et al.
are defendants, a certified copy of which de
cree has been delivered tn nie by the clerk or
said court comiiian.linir nie as sheriff of Bate
county. Mo . tc sell the real estate hereinafter
.i... ri'i.e.l at the November term. I of said
court . Therefore, in pursuance t.r said judg
ment aad decree. I. Charles H twin, sheriff
of P.ates county, Missouri, will on
WediieKday. November otb, lS'.H),
between the ho'urs or nine o'clock in the fore
noon and four o'clock iu the afternoon or that
day and while said circuit court is In session,
offer for sale at public auction for cash, to the
highest bidder, at the er.sl Trout door of the
conrt house In the citv of Ibitler, the follow
ing described real estate, to-wit.
The west half oT the northeast quarter of sec
v.. ..lovon (11. ami the east half of the
northeast quarter of section No fourteen (14)
all in township No lrtv-one (ID ol rantf No.
thirtv-two Cij, P. P.ates countv. Missouri.
.M.erilTot Kales County.
Having leased land on Squirre Beck's farm about one half mile north
west of Shobe. will say that I now have a large quantity of coal mined
and for sale. This Coal will be sold at the bauk at -U cents per bushel.
Shobe, Hates county, Mo.
N ticeof Shei ifFs Sale.
Notice is hereby jriven that by authority of a
decree rendered in the circnit court of Kates
countv, Missouri, at its June term. .m,
wherein J. W. Knuis as administrator of la
vid Snvder, dereased. and S. W. Childs. trus
tee, were plaintiffs, and Michael Chorelte a:.d
Vda I.. Chorctte, defendants. I have levied and
sei.ed upon anu win, at ineeasi irou.
the court house in the city of Kntler. Missouri
between the Iiwutj or nine o'clock a. ni. and
five o'clock p. m on
Wednesday, November 5th, 18U0,
expose for sale at public vendue, to the high
est bidder f.r cash, the following described
real estate situated in Kates county , Missouri,
jviz: lhe west tvvo-tnirus oi mr eou.on.
' nnsrter of the southeast quarter of section sev
en Ci in townshin thirty-eiirht (. and range
' tliirtv f.".i.i,. the proceedsof said sale to be ap
I plied as directed in said decree.
! C. S. KWIN.
4;. Sheriff of Kates Connty.
.OThtR iTYU.!
IO v
ce that each ..Tioril !ias iJlamond trad ma??
lanufacturedonly by Kree.man Wire and Ire
X., 8U Louis, Mo. fcend 6 cents for aaiuple.
For Sale by R. R. DEACON,
0 0
Sheriffs Sale.
Ky virtue and authority of a general execu .
tion issued from theofflee of the clerk of tlie
circuit court f.f Hates county. Missouri, re
turnable at the November term , of aaid
court to me directed iu favor of Mary ranees
Huncan and Joseph S Duncan and aamst
vi- 1 1 .n r...n I hi.-, lffvie.l and aeiz-
vvw.fc . . . . . ..... . - - - :
! ed uion all right, title. Interest and claim of.
an4 to the following described real estate
situated in Bates county, to-wit: Nine acres
off The east side of the northweet quarter of the
southwest quarter of section sixteen (1 town
ship fortv-two It-M ranje thirty-one (SI;, all
i in Bates county, Missouri, 1 win. on
1 Thursday, November 13th, 1800,
between the hours of nine o'clock in the fore
i noon and five o'clock in the afternoon of that
i dav, at the east front door of the court house
1 In the citv of Butler. Bates county. Missouri.
: sell f-e same or so much thereof as mn be re
' quired, at public vendue to the highest bidder
for cash, to satiefv said execution and costs.
- a v li' f V
:" ..i .oe tha .iim iuk aat
eest so mm. . '-JITILI.
ZmAtM mlm Ln U H&m. Wkll UMtt
IB 111 I . I mmTuT LOST cr THZTSQ KAy303O r,.' . io jV t C c.. .af:
General and tfEBVOCS DEBILITY; " '' ' '0-v- - -
Siieriffof Bates County.
Notice of Finul Settlement.
Notice is herebv given to all creditors and
otheis intereted ir the estate ,f Kliza C Lusk
deceased, that I.J. W. Knnls.pnhlie ; adinin
ifrator. and as such in charge of said estate.
n-.i.. el settlement therefjf at the
l ll r ii ' i -.. - :
net term of tl e Kae county irobate court. .
in Kates countv state rf Missouri, to beheld'
at Botler on ti loth dav of November, l-..
J. U . tSNI.T 1'tiit.ic AiiiTalom.
BMdaeSa. yet Oartefa UUU Uvr 9fflt M
aUyvalnabla In Contlyatlom. eortaff jand
rjoUM tkiaanoTlMotBPlalit.wBlVs tbeyata
Utt anfl wfulaaa tbatKywat, ytf thraaUJ
iW tWy vomia. t ahDort prtaalMif n 1
ivJbrtrom thlrn d!tr t eomiiatat; batfotta.
iSJ'SSTai find it UtU. ptUsvsJa-jSttowitSatU-iB.
to ii-i a
week made
r!iieneri sua rtmui ""i" 1
I'Tt - . ar;-J V.r.,
1 "i II . - ... ..... . . . -
Bl.l. H(KUIltr Borei. How l.mir a
SSlIel rlli HOKK T RESTS KT-B-i ! s it?.
Mm let!r ft- u lile l Ferrfcrs C:rt. 1 r.lr lif ;
Uwerlvti.' Bk. iiii.s ao4 fiwh ksIIW ' :.".
S4nnp.at Work!
my earn St n.en ami women, we iurniii
cai-itai : If von meat, fcusinws. in us a car l
I get '. me facts that will open yi.nr eyes'
git:nit line f goods, and hunet-t men
wanted to ir.tr'K.luce tfcm in town and cour.-t-r.
lion'twait' AiWfe". s
i...(aji t. IjjUiis, il-.
Wiror.r prest bott. CmrptlUcttrattwIUla
' oSert L?tito LiTer PT.ls ar, -rery na 1 and
-ry eary to Uxe. Cra or two pl cu" a A .
rSy mri atrietij yegbie acd do not grp cr
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