OCR Interpretation

The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, November 26, 1890, Image 1

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066489/1890-11-26/ed-1/seq-1/

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- . .
ves Deposits subject o Check, Loans Money, MakeH Collections an J
does ajfneral Banking Busineas.
the Real Estata Loan Department- Make loans
Suicide near Apple ton City
From the Clinton Democrat.
TLc Democrat learna from a letter
tliftt JoLn Page, a well known St.
Clair count j farmer, living ten miles
east of Appleton City, committed
Huicide Wednesday morning Nov. 19
by cutting Lib throat. He was a
brother of Ava E. Page, of Bates
county and Master of the state
grni.je una union labor nominee at
the last e'ection for the state senate
in t'.iix di'-trict. The cause, so far
mm ki.o'.vi.. is a mystery.
on Real Lstate h loner or short time
lowest rates without delay.
In. Mr. I.evina
11 ware, T C. PhyMclan
Jk, Monroe Fanner
raru, J I armcr
vn. L.aia
1 .. , IMfflfinil Vmrmar
lit, II Ii farmer
titherr. u a r armer
ttv. J M Physician
rk , Robert rarmer
nrtnev. J M Stork Dealer
J.,wHtv Jnhn Fnrmer
l.vl. J It Foreman im as onjceru
Jekeneheeta.KOCon. Be'l riw
utcher. u ii rror junrin.i "
aArrnond.D A Circuit Judge
aim, Jonn Farmer
eringham, J Physician
iggs, Win M Farmer
HaSnger. W N Farmer Smith, G I. Liveryman
iiKfian.u is Furniture dealer fmith, .lonn i Lawyer
leia. J K Ass't Cashier Starke. I. H Deputy circuit clerk
Kiniy. Don Bank Clerk Turner, Mr M K Capitalist
l evfiam DrvOoodsACIothlngTacker. W E Dentist
rucaer. J si caiitaiiei
Tyler, W B Fanner
Vorla. Frank M Farmer
Vaughan. .1 M Capitalist
Woods. F M Farmer
Wyatt, II C Lumber dealer
Walton, Wm E Cashier
Wright. T. I Capitalist
Weiner. Max Boots ft Shoes
Walls, Wm Farmer
Walton. M W rarmer
Walls, J T Physician
wmppie. . i. rnymcian
Moon. C II Farmer
MlllAlr Farmer
Nor. J A Bank Clerk
Owm V Farmer
PI', John Grocery
Phaa. C F Grocery
rata, m rnysician
Booker Farmer
II II Hank Clerk
J M Farmer
Kan. J L Farmer
KwnJd. Chaa R Farmer
J w insurance
, J L Prea Judge Co Ct Williams, It V Farmer
Asst. cashier
Leadinq Importers of
Diamonds, Watches
and Jewelry.
100 Vli!Hn Ctrdi
Engraved Coparplitt,
Illustrated Catalogue,
Thsndsamst ever Issued In the
Weawlll give vou thousands of
eugMlon as t. what will make a
nluilnnlveraary, Birthday or Holi
day Meant Write ue, and we will
giadlsend It t. you
100 VUttfwg Card i
From Flat,
Silver Plated Wae,7aile Cutlery,
lllaaik.ii. rilr1siSJallV OlIIAA
!ri ntuuiri' anu iNUivtmtHi ninun.
I in St.
- 815 Mala ftre-et.
k ,
i-;-1 1
'I T'n New Judjjes.
Veisoi, (Mv, Mo.. Nov. 22. It
in i ci.;,M htattd to-day that uov.
1 latins wi 1 appoint Judge McFar-
iu.1 u. ilei.ic, and Judire . II.
Thomas of De Solo to the supreme
h nch. Both gentlemen are now on
the circuit bench, and both were
candidates for the supreme bench at
tne state convention.
AT PINE R 1 D(i E A(i EN C Y .
Enoiitrh Hostile There to Wipe Ont
the Troops if They Wish to.
etlnff of the Vii -ri 'llft
1 ,4111 m,
I he vice ureiidsnti of thlet-con
rat amociation of MisHwri met
idnosday last in Ht. Loui tweWs
Irobers being present, i"""
(ij wm cboeu for tlmir thUrd mi
(ml re union on WsilnomVy and
uml.y, August l'J and n, The
huucil, ilttiug in tlioix(cuti com
Itee of tu oonreaeraie nois turn
ard rtporti from the T(ftl con
esslonal district!, which ftfAtcat-
,1 total cih anil Hubiioriptpf of
iU)VV ..... .
pr locating the Home, and K&out
(Aing official action, an adjov taint
la bad to HalunUy, Pecan 20,
l comuiltttie, (omprisiiig Pi 4dnt
linncruian, H. W. Hitlinnn, if. II.
(eni.an, F. V. Broniiugh, V. J Pitts
vd A. J. Andsraoii were ins cUl
Tlsited all plaoea and invetoaU
1 propositiona lubtnttted lrwe
I ktion of the confederate hotwiad
(ort to the full cotniuittee
le above slated.
fThii conuressional distric
presented by tice president
jronausu oi tLis county, w
iorted upward of 12,300 i
ltd good subscriptiona, con
alt from a pottiou of Henry .CaU"
id Vernon enmities. I
1 Letters received from distioiin
I centlemeu unable to bo rutins
I Ige D. A. DeAnuoud, couFe'
o elect frem the twelfth diblct
I .-ompanicd his letter with aLX
9 100. Oeu. John McNuIt,
IslinguisUud oflicer in the tie5
hnt, also sent n remeiuliraricep'5
Hpe of n check for 2 . p
anew 8nt a ttlesrrnni. IIlpo
. .. . ..." .. .j
o subsenbt'd liberallv. LIO0
L '
n rt-
Syrup of Figs.
lodueed from tho laiativo an
tioua juice of California
iiubined with tho medicinal
V of plaids known to be irost
V'ia.1 til ilio litimiii sctnm
F- ........ 17 J I. iii ,
Uy, on the Lidner. liver nnd
.-11- 1 .,
. f lutiunny ciensing me ays
leuing corns ana headaches,
hing habitual costiveness. 4
i . -J-
J3nng your pictures to Prof.
ifeufta ' ll.- t I 1 1
I -! iur ate uami rihi pen ai
ugeitbe nnest work vou
?r seen. Located in mwm lJl
I Oak heater like the Live
thing of beauty everlaat
Tbnvinjc Butler.
The Review scribe spent the larg
er portion Friday in Butler, a silent
spectator of icenea at the court house
aa well M of the county capital in
Butler baa made splendid progress
since our former visit there, and the
two Kroery blocks, the Missouri
Wank buildinir. the new brick ooera
State bouse, which will be ready for a
Cbristmas opening, besides a large
number of handsome aud substantial
residences in different parts of the
town, abow evidences of thrift aud
prosperity never before seen during
a similar period in tbe history of But
ler, but wbat tbe county capital now
stands mostly in need of is a system
of waterworks and soiuo modorii
system of lighting but ns the citi
zen realize this, they will no doubt
secure both in good season. Rich
Hill Review.
Wanted !
Wool, bides, pelts, feathers, bees
wax, rags and grease. North Main
street, opposite post-office.
J. JrisiiEn.
Overpowered the Guard.
Springfield, Mo., Nor. 20. Six
prisoners broke jail here this morn
ing about 8 o clock. The deputy
stierin went into the main cell to
feed the inmates, snd three prisoners
seized him, threw a blanket over his
head, grabbed his revolver and
opened the cell door. James. S. Ii.
W 1 4 V "I -V 1 1 I
lierry aim a iaui j nobl er, nois
here charged with burglary and fl
onious assault, havm' th f?icersi
Pine Ridge Acrency, Nov. 21. It
is probable that the troops will take
tne held against the ghost dances
about Saturday. Everything points
to a long campaign against the
Sioux, who are now inflamed at the
presence of the colored troopers of
the ninth cavalry, and who are grow
ing more fanatical every day over
the religious dances. The situation
is so grave that old Indian fighters
ami scouts refuse to express an
opinion as to the final outcome of
this trouble. This is certain, that if
the Sioux on Pine Ridge were to
take a notion to attack the troops
now in camp here there would not
be a soldier, civilian, woman cr
child left to tell the story of the on
slaught. There are 1,500 heavily
armed warriors within a radius of 40
miles of tho agency and the available
force to place in the field would not
amount to 500 and 100 are Indian
police employes and half-breeds.
Post Trader Asay says if the present
force of soldies were to take the
field they would be the worst licked
body of men since the massacre of
the Seventh Cavalry ou the Little
Big Horn. The Gatling and Hotch
kiss guns would be of no service in
a campaign, as the Indians always
scatter in an engagement and it
would be like firing a magazine to
kill squirrel. Mr. Asay is of the
opinion that the ficbtintr will take
place in the Bad Lands.
It seemed to be tbe present pro.
gramme of tbe army to call in all
friendly Indians and then l'o after
tbe hostile without quarter. Last
nicnt ;io Indian police at the agen
cy on neetfooted ponies were sent
out to tbe surroundloff country to
warn the friendly Indians to come
to tbe agency Friday and ever since
sunrise tbe Sioux who have net tak
en part in or have no syampsthy for
the religious craze have been riding
into cum).
Sixty of the of thes friendly In
disns will to-morrow be drawn up
in tbe beef corral and heavily arm
ed. Then tbe Indian police, under
command of one who has the sword,
a captain, and Lieutenant Fasthorse
will lead the friendly Sioux to the
camps of the ghost dancers and de
mand that the dances cease. If the
hostiles refuse to comply with this
command they will be warned again
then if the order is disregarded the
noldiers will take the field and put
down the rebellion by force of arms
The trouble will come when the ef
fort is made to atop the dancers. Lit
tie Wound, YouDg Mau Afraid of his
Horse. Torn Belly, Swift Bird, Big
lioau, aix reamers and .Little Mau
have openly and repeatedly declared
that they will fight if the soldiers
Circuit Court Proceedings.
Geo. R Gorham vs K C i S Ry
Co, transferred to Henry county.
Iraac Leonard vs same, same.
State of Mo vu Daniel Gilmore.
Lydia Rhodes vs City of Nevada,
verdict for plaintiff of $1,800.
RiLLard Webb vs C W Neil, con
tinued bv consent.
Mary F Duncan et al va Georira
W Henderson, sheriff acknowledges
deed to Mary F Duncan.
J W Ennia vs Michael Chorette
et al, Bherifl acknowledges deed to
W O Atkesou.
Rich 'Hill Town Cj vs Mo Pac Ry
Co, petition for order for plaintiff to
produce bok, petition sustained
and plain tff ordered to produce
Rich Hill Town Co vs Mo Pac Ry
Co. defendant files amended answer.
Kincaid & Co vs Mary Lloyd, mo
tion to dismiss sustained.
State of Mo vs G A Heath et al,
nolle prosequi.
State of Mo vs J E McCauts,same
State of Mo vs Belle Ruff, same.
R 13 Muritield vs G Zeller, defend
ant motion i dismiss sustained.
C C Clingau vs? , H J Kelsey, jury
empannelled and evideuce heard;jury
disagree aud are discharged.
State of Mo vs M M- Kaufman,
State of Mo vs Fred Mathe, same
D A DeArmoud et al vs Thos
Lashbrook et ul, W G Rose elected
special jude.
State or Mo. vs Kicliaril Muckabv et al. ver
dict not guilty.
State f Mo. vs Jacob Smith, continued at
cost or pi 'IT.
State of Mo. va Wm F liartlett, continued at
cost of deft.
State of Mo. vs Jennie Hun, noil prosequi.
James Henry vs Mary Henry, proof of publi
cation Ille4 and interlocutory JiKljrmant.
Mary B L'mstedt vs K B Wainscott. decree in
m on
Cash Capital.
J. K. KoeiKK
K. 1. Kll'P
Or. .1. KV ElilNGH AM
id Vice-President.
i)iui:c rous.
J mige t'lark'.Wix . Farmer and stock raiser.
K.J. Hurley of !'.,!. Hurley Lumber Company.
J. K. Rosier, ice-President nd farmer.
M. 8. Kierse, Farmer and Stock raiser.
K. A. Bennett, of Bennett, Wheeler ft Company an l 2nd Vice-President.
1. K Kniery, Keal Estate Investor.
M. G. Wilcox, Farmer and Stockralser.
K. M. Ually, Farmer and Stock Kaiser.
SI. K Lvle. Farmer and Stockralser.
1) N. Thompson. President, farmer and stockralser.
John Steele, Farmer and stockralser.
J. J. McKee, Farmer aud stockralser.
E. I. Klpp, Cashier.
Receives Deposits subject to check, loana mony, Issues drafts, and transacts s
general banking business. Your patronage respectfully solicited.
Kebecca Spencer v John T. spencer, dec.reo
of divorce granted pl'tf and rustody of child.
James K Burnham vs J suns Pillen, Judg
ment for id' ft.
J at T Merchant vs (ierge Kapp, motion to
retax costs filed !v pi'ff.
Wm Msbet vs Margaret Mxbet, leave to (lie
cross bill
Slate of Mo. vs Jas Franklin, deft and John
Short enter into cognizance of S'i"o
K L Barton et al vs 1 K Martin et al, Gillie
CUIar.ebrook, edinrx, enters appearance, or
dered that she pay Into court SUno, received by
Geo G Glazebrook, late sheriff, being proceeds
from sale of attached property.
State ol Mo ex ret It G llartwell, et al. vs
Juo II Sulleua el al, 5 cases, rirtlurarl issued
against delist returnable Nov. Iwm,
l.vdla Kliodee va city of Nevada, motion lor
new trial overruled t affidavit lor appeal ftled
and appeal granted to Kansas City court of ap
peals. Leave to Ilia bill of exceptions by Jan.
1st, 111.
John B Henderson va Cass county, et al. No.
13; demurrer withdrawn and answer Iliad to
emended petition i motion to dissolve Inlnnc
tlos tiled i stipulation for dismissal tiled snd
cause dismissed.
John U Henderson fa Cawunly, amended
answer filed
Narad it Hooper st si, va Jamea Hooper, re
ply nlel.
hts'eof Mo. va Benjamin Woods, burglary
and laeeay, P II llolcomb and J M Francisco
attorney appointed for drtt arraigned, pies
net gsllty i eel for Nov, 4Ath,
Ballard Items.
Kb, Tiusei As our sqolbs did Anally reach
Ihe prea we will try oar hand once mora,,,.
w aether on tn iet few nays, lo-day some.
rather Coleaone. of II
revolver, made tue otht-r officer rre-1 -''ttempt to coerce them. They have
ent open the door, and th si rris-; 2r1"'ftt influence with their people
oners escaped, lwentv int. were niuuls uom me nosuie camps
soon in pursuit, rmi they came upon ! n,le 'l''ng the ridges of the Buttes
three of the fletinr Mis-oners near m llie agency. Une ol them who
Drury College grounds. IWry im
mediately opened lire on the t llicers
Snd a regular pitched battle ensued.
After Berry bad tired the last round
in his revolver he threw it down and
lurreudered. Two other prisoners
save also been captured, while three
Ire still at large. This is the second
fime within the past rix months that
lie prisoners have broke jail.
McBhidx &
Wlient Wantwl.
I Will pay eighty five cents per
tsshel for wheat delivered at my
jjill. I will take wheat on deposit.
!-d give 33 pounds of tbe very
Tit flour per bushel.
rode up to Uolf Creek was in full
war dress. Through a rair of flfld
. , f
glasses the warrior could lie seen
studying the camp intently. At 9
o'clock last night two horsemen gal
loped furiously up to tbe agency.
They were Baptiste, or Little Bap
tiste, or Little Bat, one of Crook's
famous scouts, anl Louis Mossoi.
another scout. They rode 70 miles
from Fort Robinson without rest at
the command of the government.and
are now in the White Clay district,
studying the movements of the bos
tiles. Later in the night three more
scouts returned from the Wounded
Knee and reported to Gen. Brooke
that the Indians were still dancing
witb their rifles on their backs.
.. 1
y, i mi innii ,,-. jnurfiir, oi steer ah
tona, en old'tlme democrat passed last week
county, la visiting hit daughter. Mrs Mo ln-
nay, i onr village rat juurpny
or near Al
bound ler Montrose to J M Ballard's farm. He
h traded Bate county for the U, S, snd
y save SID.... Sam Price was seen In Rtitler
ew nay alnen. and In eoinuanv with enaih.
er gentleman eon I tided they needed kicking
ivr voting me v , t imaet, m seen aicki the
other, Merry, but tbe repentance ram too
late ...KPMeehler was Is Butler list week, ,.
Dome in snd lea yoar name with the P, M,
for th, old reliable of Bate connty , , , , 0 U and
W tt t ola went to Montrose mill with wheal . ,
see Will Hooper' new barn.., O l Greer hss
l.itHt a stable , M t, Kmbree repaired bl barn
, Larolletl has re-covered his lions and
other Is Improved his farm T M Starke
ha the bos hot bonse ,fM fort be a fie w
stable,.,, K J Bennett bs bought a farm near
Peterereek , , , Ote Meeder bosgbt M W Ander'
son' farm lookout, boys, tne mean bnsl
nes ,:.sii Amoree neme tire sad eon ml.
asseislng all done and no one killed. T M
Hean still talk of baying n farm In Sate,
That's right, do not get scared and leave at,
but hoy end stand the storm. ...M M Greer is
ahead so far, he Snicked gathering corn the
th. and la blowing the land. He is a matter.
..LO Armstrong, we hear ha landed In Loe
Angeio. cat Hope be may do well, and yet
remeinuer some oi ns in tide .. Ja. not-
ledge baa rented the Elmer Wilson farm n few
mile south, where be will move In tbe spring.
tie is mcay in getting sacn a place . . . Did yon
tee Bill Hughes on hi road home from Mont
rose? V v Cllzer still llveth and is in the
harnee buslf.es at hi old standi where be
hopee to keep John MeAninch bnsy attending
to customers ...Spelling at Falrvlew a few
nights since. V K Kdrington ia giving good
satl-factlon a a teacher.... Cap Price at acliool
daily except Sunday evening... Lee Embree
want yoa to Know ne is a man , no more a boy
Sorry could not be a man abont two week
sooner... .Merry, assisted by Jno Greer, I
gathering s w price's corn. We epect to
hearer Horry going to Pettis county roon
Squire W Has feels so good be must be working
all the time, as be Is not seen on onr streets
often... John lnti is doing a booming busi
ness or late.... wrier Is rort? He mn t tie on
coon creek John Thompson and Hook Greer
each lost a horse We look for Iianie home
Iroru Appleton City Saturday to soend Sundav
in the community liallardhaaa daily mail"
arriving at Ki o'clock a. nt .. Geo Price receiv
ed notice from Mr. (Judge elect) Cole, to get
the best rig in Spruce and take her and the
Judge to Butler And a 1 Rav found tbe
"cart and team" for Georrs. he" nil i i,
hand in do season J B tames, the Kansas
man who is feeding a lot of catUe on Ballard'
farm, call regnlarly for hi mail as he is in
terested in the market ...Tom Starke is feed
ing cattle end hogs... Sara Price sold his So
aijoiaing Klersey'a. to Mr. Combs: also rent
ed him the farm one mile aoutb. Welcome, to
oar midst ...J M Coleman looks thio: natural
result from batching.. ..Charley SwaggaTt is
In Illinois where be is being treated bv an In
dian doctor.... Spruce and Mingo township
boards met here Monday and ordered the line
road to be opened . Thia ba been long need
ed road, and Dr. Warford and others deserve
mneti credit tor tbeir work In securing it. Ja.
Wild offered hi resignation, wbreo. was ac
cepted, nnd J S Arbuckle appointed to fill tbe
vacancr....BP Billing ana A C Edriagton.
two of onr road bosses, settled with the board
... JadgeCO Cole sold 50 bead of sheep thia
week nnd still feeding 115 bead for K C market
. . Ed Grigg sad Bee Cole report school all O
K and they are getting along Cne and will be
bom. about Christmas Haydea Ray la at-
tendiBgaefaooI at K. C.Wendleton tbe 'tnr
'P ' snew wagon snd hsrneaa.... W
BCole kUled fatted hog the other day. He
ys be fa a. U eat Jest tbe semens voder dem
ocratic rale.. ..John Grabam saskes naito
X Sis!
mmmM m. mckibb
m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m mmmmmm m
1 'J ' ... . . jr i .j . . i il lisi
? r v r r w w v w
w-oy iiai
You will see tho finest of Dry Goods, Boots and
Shoes, ever on tho market. I have juit returned from
the east where I purchased a'J the lateht styles in Dress
Goods aud trimmings; also, thtf, latest styles in Boots
and Shoes Hats and Cans andGe)ts Furnishing Goods
trop in una taue it 100 k at our iirunienso stock; our
f. "V.
low prices and convince yourself
--, j
good patent-right man, Mr hi fence balltler
.... Moore uro. and rrank Gmer bsveour
thank fer a line lot of bird, p.m. scat.. ....
tinman.. Do. O'Banln tell us t P Stover ba
gone to Kanaat to e hi mother, who I lrk
,.,.Js Wood called s few minoie Friday
vinlng. Jcs.
Laclede Hotel Kor Hale.
Tbreo story hotel situated south
west corner square, one door west
or ew opei-ft liouHi-. Has U) well
furnished rooms, 2 sample rooms
on ground floor, also one omnibus,
4 good horses and harness. Will
sell for cash, one half down balance
in two years. Holtd hns always
paid. Old age reason for selling.
fiOdf Mas, M. .T. Tattoi
. .-wwa-rTi'
UtViV '-- Kj'
Jlii t:io L-- f!!-(! r
t- C t ' . : .
rup gi i v-i i , iiKtu; i:. ;
a.-i'l re1'rr.-!;i:r s- u:'..
..j ........
5'C-nlly yet j;:-ft:-:;i:!y o'l t!io
Liver and Wz :A ci".'tT;-;-
torn cfk-cttudly. u-y.
co;; tiimttoii. ,SvriM
Dr.! :l;K-4y of 3;
duced, i!eaiii t
s now offered you todoorat
your bomss witb boautifulverayon
jiortralts and other pictures rfflid by
your own hands. If vou bavs ttsU
for drawing you can learn, and it isv
pleasant as well aa a profltsbla buai
ness. My terms ara reaionabla for
instruction as I guarantee you suc
cess, length of term, when you can
do work that will sell redily, or In
other words time unlimited. Call on
me for terms nnd learn something
that will be of great value to you.
J. W. Cover.
tf. opera b'id'g.
Truetees Hals.
Wheresa.John ftlnsn snd Anita Dlnan
husband snd wfte, by their dee ot
trust Sated funs J6th, i8I9, snd recorded
Ir. the recorder' office, within snd tor
liatf county, Mlnsourl, in book No. vl 6
page no convejed to th j undertlghed '
trustee the following described teal es
tate lying snd being situate In the coun
tr ot Kates and state ol Missouri, to-wltf- J
Beginning st tbe ontbwet corner of ibe eV I
northeast qasHer of the eontbwest unaiierof k. ' 1
section thirteen (IS) township thirty. eight (!) SJ
range No. twenty-nine (W), snd running
north twenty-seven (27, rod, thence east elev
en and one-half (11 1-3. rod, thence south
twenty-aeven (J7) role. thence west to place ?
of beginning, containing two acre, also north
half of the south balfftf the northeast q natter
of the southwest qoarter of section Mo. 13 towa
sblpss. range No. 28: also the following de- w ',
ecriueci lanu. oeginning at the outbeast cor
ner of the northeast quarter of the southwest
carter of section Jio 13, townsbin m range
So r. rnnrina-thenae north lour .i,.i.. ,
W links, thence west 17 chin. and 11 i.e. Il,.k.
, tneneeeasi
ve described
.3 V. ilCU j thence sooth 4 chains and i links,
; i.' .n-.iint rwiiiKHH uniDniDr o ail aim
l' . P'rMof,ml':ontiui"lhteenacTesmWOT
, flTi t JiCta i le which conveyance wa made in trust t- e
T':,?.,0,.c. ; ci"- the pryment of one certain note fully de
"". -"'J-' .'ciihcd In aid deed of trti-r; and ),..
1 l u'. Ct
w2 habitual
f Fig3-i3 the
i;i I ever pro
tasi? and ac-
eeptab'e i flic .-!..; ich, prompt in
its sctiou and tr:;!;,'bc:icficial m its
cfTecis, prc-pEr?l otlr from the most
healthy and szrceab'e substances, its
many excellent fjualitivs commepd it
to all end hare made it the most
papular remedy kiravn.
i?yrup of Fig3 is for sale in 50
and $1 bottles by all Isading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not hare it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
Tisbes to try it. Do not accept any
loutsniu. nr. tew ron. nr.
j --- i as ueiauit ri neen made in ,!
1 1 ! i .i . . . 'iism
urzfi' ; ft the principal o f.aij noie nn.i m
than onetear'i act rued in'erc.t thereon,
now past due and unnaiJ. Now therefore
at the request ol legal hoit!er ot said note
and pursuant to the condition of said
deed of trust, I will proceed to sell the
above described premise at public ven
due, to the highest bidder for cash, at
the east front door of the court house.
in tne cttv ot Butler, cctintv of Kate.
iiu siaie oi Missouri, on
Thursday, December 18, 1890,
between the hour ot 9 o'clock in the;
tJl'f'Sl!0', lhe PurP ot satisfy,
ing said debt, interest and cmt. .
A r- niCKM AH, Trattee.
eardtaj! If yon mean bnsine." drop n. a ear
and ret mm. tt . w. n, T " earu
AlegitirniwiiS.,."; ff.
wanted to Introduce them fa town ni
try- ixm'twsit! Addreae. it oneo.
. w- H. McLAl
none men
St. Levis, Me,

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