Newspaper Page Text
7 M? NEW GOODS? iv:jg puipase'l the htock of goods known as the Grange Ktore consisting of CRIES & DRY GOODS, I dire to nay to my many friends tbut I Lave re- pl-nislied the htock and fitted up the store room in hate and I would be glad to have all my old friends call and nee me. PRODUCE OF ALL, KINDS WANTED. I will guarnntfu my prices on goods to he as iow as any store in the city. Call and hcc nie. ARPER & ATKISON The "GOOD LUCK" Merchants DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions, Qnsware and Shelf Hardware. THE BEST IN THE WORLD. V ?!ebrated Wood Base Heater, v BUT' lj all the leading makes of Heating Stove?. . s r r V A market price paid for Country Produce, and goods sold on e ', margins. Remember the place the big "Horse Shoe' of square. i i go1 J Harper & Atkison, Missouri. be ro NEW MILLINERY. 'J! . 1 i Fashionable Dress-making. Best Goods West of Chicago c at the Prices Asked. . FINEST STOCK OF MILLINERY IN BUTLER, TO JPBMIE T AILIL. 9 DISCRIMINATION, A REASONABLE PROFIT AND HONORABLE DEALING, IS OUR MOTTO! I ftS. W. O ATKESON. . y ai a? f 1 House Corner ? Y " Li' Thu. BUTLER, MO. the : Ix&U COAL! COAL? op side o $ Satun 4 1-2 cents per bushel at the bank. 1 ) Thf called .ls(,, ,,n Stiuirre Beck's fnrm about one half mile north vote in an be, will say that I. now have a I.-irge quantity of coal mined U . This Coal will be sold at the bank at 4.J cents per bushel. ship, . Sat a: Smit , sum 'j7, the c ' ..- ,'ecor'i'S . I; which. Urj ' Booiu $m . j.l; in me p. : " " " ILK v il ana M W. R JENKINS, IJjitcs county, Mo. LL BRE ttuwc: .a iNW0 i . A3 judges. VAu o nen. Afjii r im rvnnr ouoiriViUllIXLY rlAKKILI ty bon jjo i, one 0f the beat known city luxuries and each time a cake Eialtour MTod floors, tables and painted work it acts liks town rT louring pots, pans and metals it has no equal. If your day 'ter does no keP 7 aouM insist upon his doing so, as it Kansas satisfaction and its immense sale all over the United States 400 ran almost necessanr article to any well supplied store. Every- ' A 7 Th ?eB ftr iU use and Ten ctndren lisW it is - P cf the t!lipt nP " 016 hou building is the i bT Chr ST. JOHN IN JUBILANT MOOD The ExiOTernor Tells What He Thinks Heat the Republicans. Ex-Governor John P. St. John of Olathe, Kas , passed through the city last evening on his way home from Nebraska, where Le had been for a month makiug speeches for the prohibition ticket. He appeared al moit as jubilant over the election a he would had it been a prohibition victory. Aeked his opinion of the land slide he said: 'I was on top of the hill when the slide set in, and the results have been yery satisfactory as far as I am concerned.' ' To what do you attribute the de feat of the republican part j?" "To the McKinley bill. Reed, the saloon aud the Shorehain, with a great fetling throughout the coun try that there could be no possible risk of danger by a change. The re publicans of Kansas should at once call an extra session of Hip legisla ture and change the name of the party."' "On what grounds do you base your gratification at the results?" "I am opposed to any party that will deliberately espouse the cause of such a robbery as the McKinley bill. I am in fuyor of every man be ing able to buy necessaries of life as cheaply as possible.'' "That sounds like free trade.' "Call it what you like. That is my political and common-sense be lief. The whole tax system is now and haa been for years a scheme to enrich the few at the expense of the many." Mrs. St. John, who accompanied her husband, requested the reporter to ask the republicans of Kansas whom they would hang in effigy now on account of the crushing defeat they have sustained. This query was prompted by the recollection of an incident that occurred on Kansas avenue in Topeka a few years ago, when the labors of St. John and the prohibition party secured the whole Bile defeat of the republicans. K. C. Star. Miles' Nerve & Liver Fills. An important discovery. They act on the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new principle. They peedily cure billiousne&s, bad taste, tur Pl liver, piles and constipation. Splen did for men, women and children. Smallest, mildest, surest. 30 doses for 25 cents. Samples tree at II . L. Tuck er's Drug Store- V-ivr m simm sannoT female m. JTm f rUT VITT Tmrx wiVBMn - H IJ r B IU 3 ai 1 PHI" yiRVQDB DKHHTTT- is1 siWAmiiWUi ttlWi w w w trwi.r f 7vi ..'ia Tfar npas seya. fin. u in riruuy, tiim- : . K - - . . i;emiuiu r.Tiiuinsr pniarrea. rvnoviifu bltki ip. . - w. ; riiri)Hv1 ' aAm nalMi sin1 i nf- ialiM ST 1 I faa . oo mwt aLo. ML Yr ;ccuo 'lUr-a R. K. BINFORD, Prraident. or W. UlilX.Bin. Ugt. !KXlJUTO'. UO I caliKitl. Fur est Pennsylvania Totals. Harrisourg, Pa., Nov. 13. The computation of the official returns of the late election, completed at the state department late this afternoon shows the following total vote for state officers: For governor Pat tison, D., 4G4,209; Delamater, It., 447,655; Gill. P., 1U,108. RynuVr. L., 224. Pattison's plurality, 10,- 554. Buckleu's Arnic? Salve, The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises,Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum Fever ores, Tetter,Ch-pped Hands, Chlblains Corns, and all Skin eruptions, and poti tivelY cures 1'iles, or no pa required. It is guaranteed to gtve perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cts perboxj For sale bY all drugcists. Not Able to Walk. I was confined to my bed for six months with rheumatism, not able to walk a step. All of the remedies usually pre scriled for this disease having been employed to no effect. I commenced takiug S. S. S. I have now taken 11 bottles of this excel lent medicine and um on my feet, attending to all my house work as of vore. I feel that I canaot sufficient- y express my thanks for the bene fit I have receive i from the use of this medicine. Mrs. M. A. Woodard. Wtbb CaU, Mo HE PKESCIUIJES IT. I have used S. S. S. for blood dis eases for several years aud find it all that it is recommended it to any one needing a blood purifier. O. 13. Trutnian, Drug Clerk, Oakland Cijy, Ind. Treatis-.' on blood and Skin dis eases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Atlanta, Ga. Will Many a lwai t. Quincy, 111., Nov. 12. Miss Nel lie Ciaiiham, the celebrated dwarf of Paris. Mo , is to wt d one of the lead ing society young men of that place in the near future. She is 23 years old and is 22 inches high, having a faultless form and winning ways. Her intended husband has within the past few weeks become of age aud declares that he will disregard the protests of his family and marry his love. He is unusually tall, aud as the couple walk along the street together the young lady holds to the tip end of her beaux' coat tail, pro rided it is a long one and she can reach it. The prospective bride has a sister 18 years of age who is ox actly her height, being just 22 inches high. Drunkenness Liquor Habit In all the orld there is but one cure. Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It can be given in a cup of tea or cot tee without the knowledge ot the person taking it, effecting a speedy and perma nent cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinKer or an alcoholic wiecK. Thousands ot drunkards have been cured who hive taken the Golden Spe cific in their collee without their knowl edge, and to-dav believe they quit drink- tig of their own tree wi.l No harmful effects results from its administration. Cures guaranteed. Send tor circular and ful particulars. Address in confidence, Golden Specific Co., 1$ Race Street, Cincinnati, (). 4S-IV. DEARTHS ntoi ffiufetatalMillli GUATF.Fri.-COM FOTING. EPPS'S GOGOA. UliEAKFAST. " I!y a llioriu:!i kn.ilr.L-o r Uie natural Jw w htrh (fom Oir op.rt ifn of !iffitln ti l nutrition, an l by a rarrful application of the line jrjTUe i rll trie-i 1 Mr Kppa ha our tift-atfa! table with a driii-awly flarorM lTrra-; wlurli 1 1 1 a y sae n many bravy tliwrto hills It I by the Judicious ne ofaucli artlclrvof iliet that a ron Utntion may be pra lually bnilt np until trong enounb to rr,t eery lenleiii-y to lia eae. liunilrtU of utt! niaIatii- are float Inn around u rra Iv to a'.titck tu-mrr tiii-re U a weak point. We ma eM-ape many a lata! haft by krepinK ouraeitr well r'.riillr.l with pore blood anil a proprlv nnnrtahi-t lame " Civil sertiee iiartie ::n;ilr ilh boiling water or mil 1 s.iMonl.t in hall'-poiinil tinn. by jrooer laiirlr I thu I tIK KM's 4 CO .' llomu'patlur litiui-ls, I. il.oi, Kn( Mayor DAMtl. t . I Wanhln.'ton, . J. km HAIR BALSAM as mxnm Um kaia. Rnmal STava lalli 9 mm Sfa at m ia TtMUftrai color. Vara atai? awn a aair tat IBt.aaJSlWai PniorUa, -r . iftnm ToMlo. Il cm lh .m Cwutu li. ft. rMu'.BT, liulifMiom !, Tt iali.Mcu, ' ',SflCORNS. T mw cnt e Cjni. . . ...a. . . .1 unu, at UiSvVX CO-t M. i. HIItIROds CURE fr ASTHMA CCUllL xm 8ii CD1Bia XML uuvutoiMit lo I. n4 for rroa nanipia niMROD MANUFG CO.. fiOI.K l nOPUIETORS, 191 FULTO N ST.. NEW YORK. tue rest POROUS PLASTERS IN THK WORLD. WTH IneUnUr relieve BUC II II IT CII V nfJLV P1IN. I lh HACK. UHOHTKNOK efc KICIIAKDH, Batm, maaa. ail pain such ti cents at Pnca-lata. Politics III I'tHh. Salt fjake City, Utah, Not. 11 Returns from all counties in tho ter ritdry show the election of Caine, Mormon, by about 4,500 majority, a Mormon loss of 1,500 as compared with the election of two years ago, aud a gain when compared with the recent county election of about 4,-000. It is generally understood that the Mormons are all democrats. This is a mistake. On the coutrary, the leaders are nearly all reptibli- caiiH. ueo. u. jrinnou, rirst jouu selorto President voodruff, Bishop Saarp, anl W. W. Riter, three of the wealthiest and most influentia' men in the church. Worth its We-islit in Gold. If a price can be placed on pain, 'Mother s i nenJ is worth its weightjiu gold as an alleriator. My wife suffered more in ten minutes with either of her othr two children than she did altotreth?r with her last, having previously used four bottles of "Mother's Friend."' It is a blessing to any oue expecting to become a mother, says a customer of mine. Henderson Dale, Carmi. 111. Write The Bradfield Reg.Co., At lanta, Ga., for further particulars. Sold by all druggists. 52 lm. A little deception may be permit ted or at least is practiced, when the occasion is desperate. An Idaho bank on which there was a run piled upon tne counter what was suppos ed to be 40,000 in gold. This stop ped the run and brought in deposi tors and when the tioub'e was over the gold was taken down The packages contained iron washers ' cut to the size of 20 gold pices. It is suprising to observe how many explanations the republican leaders and ne wspapers furnish for their defeat. One thinks it was the new tariff bill that laid them out;au other Spe.wr Reed's tyraniccl rul ing; another pension extravagance; another the unpopularity of admin istration; another the refusal to pass the free coinage bill; another the force bill. This multiplication of causes shows how rotten the repub lican party have become all over, and through aud through even in the opinion of its own adherents There is hardly a sound spot in it Such a party cannot be reformed It is like an old pair of shoes too Iar gone to be tvoo.ei. it the re publican party s.1, u!d correct itself inallthfse poinis of weakness, it would no longer be itseif it would be a new party St. Joe Billot. The population of London is greater thnn that ct Norway and Sweden combined but there is dou ble the r.overtv and miserv in the citv to that in the two northern lauds combined. j - 1.... 1 :. i l.l-:.C W U1UIU - . u hM n many yemraDd ter in the system Th average man ! rwe4 infallible in every ca, from Bimpie itr m tue bsuiu ill. ieia0e man - mplM and Boroftesonthefareand Sore driiiks in in the course of his life j rijds to obstixutte Eczema, Tetter and TO CURE 8EIN DISEASE OF ANY FORM USE HEISKELL'S OLNTHENT. (ointment,) 10 re, THE BEST Trustee's Sale. Whare m. Newton Beall by till del oftmit dat ed March, in. lxt4, and rerortled In the reoord er'a office wltbin an4 for Batea county, Ml- aourt. In book Xo. 'M. page 41, ronveyed to the nndaraisnail truatea. the followln deaerlbeil ' real eatate lying and being aitaate In the ooun- i ty 01 itatea inn aiate 01 3iiaauuri, hwii: Trfmrmnflp Milk Shake, lor neingina nnuivuiea iwo-aevenma or ijemonaae ami -uiik ouane, ior tnlrti;fth- Unj, belonging to tha 1 the finest Candies, for the best 5 cent cigar in town, for the biggest selection of Albums, Plush goods. Toys and Stationery. Call on. J. E. McCONNELL, Novelty Store. East side Square. Some Mi Money, Some Must Borrow! A careful prudent man who wants to borrow money for any purposs will always seek to get the loan where the terms most favorable. We can now offer the lowest rate loan on from one to five years time. Notes drawn from one, two, three or five years. Money Paid out Promptly. Come and see us before you make loan. SAms LOix m title co Br P. C. Fulkebson, Manages. West Side Square, Butler, Mo. LUMBER!'. H. C. WYATT&SON. tw- belonclna- to the Milton Beall eat ate. aiiuated in townahlp thIrty-Dlna () ran (re thirty-one (.11), (Oaage) Ratea coun ty. Mo. .which conveyance waa mad In trnat to aeenre the payment of one certain note fully deei-ribed In aaid of trnti and whereaa Newton Beall baa been dead more than nine raontha. and whereaa defanlt haa been mad In the payment or the principal or a aid not and more than one year'a acrnred in terest thereon, now pitat due and unpaid. Now therefore. at the requeat of the legal hold er of aaid note and pursuant to the condltioua of the deed of trnat, I will proceed to cell the above deecribed premlaea at public vandn to the higheat blildr forcaah, at th eaat front door of the court bona In the city of Bailer, county or llatea and atata or Mlaaouri, on Thursday, December 4th, 1890, between the houra of 9 o'clock In the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon of that day. for the nurpoaea of aatlafying aaid debt, Intereat and coat. W. II. ALLEN. 1 Trnatac. Public Administrator's Notice. Notice la liereliv given, that hy virtue of an order of the probate court of Batea county, Mlaaouri, made on the ;th day of November, luiai. the undenlgned public, admlatrator for aaid connlv, haa taken charge of the aetata Of Emily Cree, deceaaed. All peraona having claima agalnat aaid eatate are required to exhibit them to me for allow ance within one year after the date of aaid or der, or they may b precluded from any beneSt of each eatatei and if aaid claima be not exhib ited within two yeara from the date of thlt publication, tbey will be forever barred. Thia th day of Nov ki. J. VY. ENNIS. .11-4 Public ADMlNIKTBATOa. Executor's Notice. Notice la hereby given, that lettera testa mentary on the eatate of David Atcheaon de ceased, were granted to the nnderalgned on the Sth day or November, lnuo. by the Probate court of Batea county Miaaonrl. A II ka.l.- .I.Ln.. .-I.I ul.l. are required to exhibit them for allowance to the executrix within ona year after the data of aaid lettera, or they precluded froaa any benefit of aaid eatate; and If auch claima be not exhibited within two years from tho date of thia publleltion, they shall be fortver barred. This t'.lh day of Nov . , Iwm MAUT ATCHESON. 11 -4 1 Executrix. liarr.MORC OLIODCn laioo ca rr MONK THAI STYUl 100 "aii a. a. 11 1 1 m IU WIRE W I Ca Ei l lirtsl U.SMH. e that each amool haa Diamond trail mm aanuf act ured only by rracman Wire and Iro Jo., St. Louis, Mo. Send 6 centa for aampla. For Sale by R. R, DEACON. BUTLER, MO Save monev bv calliti;' on oh jiiici-H m for LUMBER. LATH CARTERS ITTLE IVER PILLS. a a a r , . 4. a . e k 'i ! t ..-Hi 1 : C J i T i T PAINTS. -And all- Building Material about 175 hogsheads of liquids. The t man who contracts the beer habit j drinks still more. ! Sold fc7 Enlists. 50 cts. per Box. Send for Treatise on Sarin Dseases aad Cert i fir at nm of Core. -Our motto is HIGH GRADES And ILOW PRICES Honest Work!.'.V.';,: by earnest men and women. We fnrnieh the capital! If yon mean buineaa, drop us a card and gft some facta that will open your eyea! A legitimate line of goods, and h'inet men wanted to introduce tbt-rn in town and coun trr. Don't wait: Addr. at once. W. if Mcl-AIN. 4;-ra St. Louis. Me. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice l hereby given to ell creditor and others interested ic th-eatate f D I. ?niitt deceased, that I. t. W. Ennts, admin istrator, and assort) in charge of aaid estate, intend to make Anal settlement thereof at the nett term of tbe Bates county probate court, in Bates county state of Mieoonri. to beheld at Batler on thelStb dav of February. 11 M-4t J. W. ENN13, ADMI9ISTB&TOK. Bck TJiWIac be and raUaraaU thatvoablaa taaf dent to a bilious atata of tho eyatam, each aa Dl Uinta, Karma, Prnwalnaaa, Pistraaa aftsc oatlng. Fain la tbo Side, Ao. While tnolrnaaS isaa Daaaanowaucitaag 1CK BeaSaehe, yet Oartar LUtte tirar WOM 8W ltrar and raa-ulase th bowaas. EvaaU tbajoaly Aei tbey wosld baabnoatprioalaaato rtinaaolial an tor from thia distressing eoanplatnt; bat forto Kasaly tbatr goodaasndoaa noVasd haiaand taoaa whooncotry thorn will Sad thane littla pUlavnhs. ahlalaaomajiy waya that thay wUl not bo wO UBg to Co without thexa. IMaxWallaieabsa4 AGMI f la tha baoa of so many Bres that hat la wbara we maks out great bost. Oar ptUacuroU waist Others do not. Carina little Liver PHts ara Tery small aad Very easy to take. On or two ptlls mahsa doss. Tbry are atrictly vegetahlo and do not gripo or part, bat by their gratia action plena aU -mha tisstheia. Ia Tlala at 25 centa ; fivo for $L Boat !7drueslstsYrTwiatorasBtb7Baa. .Tf.?T?L1 EDIC,NE CO Nw York. 11U11PILL SMALL DOSE. SLULLPCti DON'T FORGET IT! That J. R. Pattersons, Barber Shop North Side Square, is the place to go for a nice hair cut, share or shampoo. - Call and see me. Every thing firstclass.