Newspaper Page Text
i i 1;U ifSf'flL J ;f Ije r - - BUTLER, MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 3. 1890. NO. 2 Lissoun State llbAPITJSX, IJ.V: : Bank OF BUTLER, MO. $110,000. eives Deposits subject to Check, Loans Money, Makes Collections an. does a General Banking Business. Ii the Real Kstate Loan Department Make loans on Real Estate on Ion" or short time at lowest rates without delay. Special 1'orrespoudenrp. Jtffeison City, Dec. 1. Ki. Time- The appointment of Judges and Thomas to employed $3.50; pages and laborers. $1.30;oth er employees, $2. There will rot be s manv clerks at this session as at the Allen, Mrs. Levin Boolwarc. T C. PhTalclan Jiark, Monroe Farmer larci, J n i inner iwn. Lnla rtletl rlrotini. Farmer elf. I B Farmer rathf . O A Farmer riatr M Physician , 1 -jert Farmer artat f M Stock Dealer STOCKHOI.liERS HarcJlnK-r. W N Fanner Smith, G I. Liveryman Hickman, H Fnrnltnre dealer Smith, John T Lawyer Jenkina, .1 It Au't Cashier Starke. L B Ieiiutvi ir uit rlerk Kinnev. Ion Itank Clerk Turner, Mm M K Capitalist; I-evy.haru IirT Uoods ft CIothlngTacker, W fc Dentist eerwfl al. i Hcken .niche. Pi lt Arm r.vq-iuy Morrison. C it Farmer Miller, Alf larmer Norton. .1 A Bank Clerk Owen, M V Farmer Pharii, John Grocery Pilaris, V Grocery John Farmer i'atton.M Physician 'oreman TxMEsofllcePowell, Booker Farmer i.HC Con. A Bes't PlKOtt. II II Bank Clerk II Prof Normal Sen Bonier, J M Farmer D A Circuit Judge Kankln. J L Farmer fa Farmer laiforl, Chaa K rarmer m. ! Physician Uelsner. J W Insurance m M Farmer Tucker. J M Capitalist Tyler, W I. Farmer Voris. Frank M Farmer VauRhan. J M Capitalist Wooils, F M Farmer Wyatt. II C tlealer. Wilton, Wm E Cashier' Wright, T .1 Capitalist Weiner, Max Boots 4 Shoes WalU, Wm Farmer Walton.GW Farmer Walls. .IT Physician Whipple. N L Physician Mullens, J L Pres Julj?i Co.Ct Williams, U V Farmer COOKER POWELL T. C. BOULWARE president vice-president WM. E. WALTON J. R. JENKINS cashier Asst. cashier . 1 1 ii ii ii M i ii ii ii " i Engraved Copfarptate, $1.30. l m mmnCtrU hi r, Leadino Importers of Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry. LOWEST PRICES. - Our Illustrated Catalogm, Tha handtamast avar Issuad In the Wast, will give you thousands of aucgestiana as t what will maka a nice Anniversary, Birthday or Holi day present Write ua, and we will gladly send It te yovi FREE OP cmwflf. 100 Visiting Cardi From Pitts, $1.00. Silver Plated Ware, Table Cutlery, Wcrsruuti tun FuntOfUfHT RlkiH. ml lllllnm " - 81ft Main Street. I Indians Adjacent to Oklalioma Con verts to the .Messiah Iiitutnittinn. IMBIJRI) WITH THE CRAZE. MRS. ANNIE UAXTER'S OFFICE Fischer Repudiated at the Polls, Wants It on a Technicality. Guthrie, Ok., Not. 28 The tribe 3 of the territory adjacent to Oklaho- jjoa proper hare become imbued with the Messiah idea and a ghost dance , It was in progress to-night, in which H Utes and Missouris were the leading fl ? .ipuriU. A number of the leaders of 'hos'tribes were here to-day and w6re greatly excited over the state if affairs prevailing. They are firm Wivers in the Messiah doctrine. V Much uneasiness prevails among settlers as to the final outcome. Whistler and Keokuk of the Sac and fox tribes were in town all day in conference with leading citizens, They announced that a ghost dance had been arranged for to-morrow night about eighteen miles from the city. The same feeling of uneasiness has taken possession of the Potawat- 'omies and Kickapoos. Scalp-Him- (Quick and High Kicker of the for I mer, Snake-Creek, Hunting Pony, p Tall-Reed and Whispering-Bear of t the latter are all iu the city and to il night were in couucil with Captain lCavauaugh of the United States iarniy. These several representatives of the tribes belong to the mo6t in- Vousidered worthy of credence. ' Tho troops stationed here have been notified to hold themselves in readiness for transfer to other fields, but the secretary of war has been advised as to the critical situation in this section and it is hoped the or der will bo revoked until such time as the Indians getover their restless ness and discontent. the supn-me beich by Gov. Francis seems to have given geneiul satisfac tiou. The new judges will take their seat on th.- tirst Monday iu January next and wili have c'aarge of the "cr.minal division" of the court. Thy hold office f r two years and their successor will be elected at the general el-ctiun iti ls02. The republicans held a state con vention hi this city hist summer and Mr. Cu-uucey I. Pilley the director general of that body, annouueed that the ai ty which he had in charge would not make an effort to carry this state this vear, reserving that task for 1892; but that it would car ry the legislature. The result of the effort is know. Some one look ing for Mr. Filley a few days ago. The governor had to appoint a com- raitte to examine the books and make settlement with the auditor and treasurer, and he needed a republi can member of the house to make the third man on the committee. It was very difficult to find one whose name was sufficiently well known as a republicau to assure the public that the-committee was non-partisan. All the prominent republicans who had offered themselves to the peo ple had been been buried under a democratic avalanche and their re mains couldn't even be gotten at pJj Finally the governer secured a man from a county that was rash er.ough to send a republieaiito the house and the committee was thus made up This was Mr. Weeks of Jasper conn ty, who with Senator Nat Sheltou of Schuyler,and Representative Hughes rd J of DeKalb constitute the examining v jujuiiii;?. a tie repuuucaiis oi rue next house will be able, without any trouble to sit around and take their meals off a wash-tub. When Chauucey I. Filley makes another prediction he is likely to hear the word "rats.' The appointment of Judge Thomas to the supreme bench wil cause an appointment to the circuit 53 E3 S3 I last, for the reason that the last was aievising session and the clerical assistance demanded was very great. Besides the new legislature come in with the determination to rtrmch expenditures and will no doubt set a good example in the matter of em ploying as little help as is necessary for the transaction of the business. The state officers are preparing their reports for submission to the governor and transmission to the legislature, The departments are all in good shape and interesting re ports may be looked for. The finances of the state are iu excellent condition and the administration is prepared to make a fine showing for the two years it has been iu power. Jeffeiiiou City i getting its house hold ready for the reception of the egislature. Houses are being re painted, streets repaired, the hotels ar being redecorated and refurnish ed and altogether there is quite a house-cleaning taking place for the guests soon to arrive. The session promises to be a pleasant one social- y. Mike. FARC ii Ml P I UV1 II OF BATES COUNTY, Cash Capital. $50,000.00 I. N. T1IOMPSUN . FTMldeat I. k. KOsikk Vlc-Prtunt K. A. BKSNKTT, id Vlc-FreellMit. K. l. KIl'P .CASIIIKK lr. J. KV KU1NUH AM Secretary r. W. S1I.AKKS. Attorney DIltKCTORS. Jntige ClarVIWix, Farmer amlatork raiser. K. J Hurley of H..I Hurley I. ii in her Company. J. K. Iloiiier, Vice-President ml farmer. M 3. Kierse., . Farmer anl Stock raiser. E. A. Bennett, of Hennett, Wheeler A Comiany ami 2m! Vice-Prenldent. I. K. Emery, Ileal Estate Investor. M. ti. Wilcox, Farmer an. I stockralser. II. M. tiaily. Farmer anl Stock Kaiser. M. It Lyle. Farmer anj Stockraiser. I N. Thompson, President, farmer and stockralser. John Steele, Farmer and storkraiser. .I.J. McKee, Farmer and etockraiser. K. I). Kii, Cashier. Keeeiea lepisits subject to check, loans mon?y, issues drafts, and transacla general banking busln-ss. Your patronage respectfully solicited. 3i ijliA 1 liA p.t --v r r-.v.-vv rr r mm W JJ1 & & My w ii v s s y v y y v y v. 51? (OH, DO DROP IN!) WLen Baby waa sick, we gave her Caaloria. When she waa a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she bad Children, she gare them Castoria Johnstown Items. ar at- s Carthage, Mo., Nov. 28. Two more contests as a result of the late election in this county have been an- jU(3gegll5p at pre8ent filed by that nounced. Julius Fischer, the defeat- rrentleman. It is thoueht that there ed cancUdate lor county cieri, niea wiu be ft j1Tely contest among the papers claiming the office on the lawyera in the oct cil.cuit for tue grouna tnat nis euccessiui opponent, Rppointment. Mr. J. F. Green of was a woman and therefore noteligi- jefferson count5, and Mr. J. W. Em ble. It is conceded by everybody erson of Iron county are named in that no man in the county is as com- Lnnnr,;nn kA rnra petent ior tne omce as ms. waxier Jud o. M. Soencer. of St. Joe. and many republicans do not like hag announced that he intends to re- the contest business. As for the con- sign the drcuit judgeship which he testant it has been remarked that hol(ls &Tli enter the practice of law be is not much oi a man or ne wouia ft in He will resign about the 1st of notoojeci to nw Buccesmm oPro- Januarv. The governor will have to . - i mi a a mi I nent being a iaay. ine contest win fiU thig vacailCy aso . . ' , The election of Judge DeArmond cuied win set at rest tne question of eligibility of women for office The other contestant is Judge Hopkins, defeated by Judge W. H Kilgore, D , re-elected for the fourth term. is made, liotn cases w in the March term of court to be held in this city You will see the finest lino of Dry Goods, BootB and Shoes, ever on the market. I have just returned from tho east where I purchased all the latest styles in Dress Goods and trimmings; also, the latest styles in Boots and Shoes Hats aud Caps and Gents Furnishing Goods Drop in and take a look at our immense stock; our low prices and convince yourself. $ A A A A A A A A A A a I to congress will bring about anoth er vacancy in the circuit judgeship. i xne supreme court wm elect a a clerk at the June term. Mr. Henry I Twiner io .Via .r n y. f tn.,,m m4 f4 11 o Hiarira tf lllAnrfll rntinrr b ..v. .Vv..0 . twlAn. ! .... , . . . m . . , I a u-uimiuu tuav lie vv ill UUL Uc U in ue ub.iu I .... . . . canuiaate ior re-appointment and lifk Syrup of Figs. Produced from the laxative irnd nu tritious juice of California combined with the medicinal tiia'i ties of plants known to be u-ost len tficial to the human system, acts gently, on the kidney, liver and bow els, effectually clensmg the system, dispelling colds and head ; s, an 1 cunii'i habitual costiveiiess. 4' lm Rett Clou. I n raucaian. Chattanooga, Tena.. Nov. Red Cloud, Sitting Dulls trusted lieutenant, is a white man and hrts a sister hore.a lady prominent i:i social j fir il .! Slli :iv 1 r us ! stolen when 3 vears old from thefam- the contest for his place has already begun. The balary is 3.000 a year and the term of office six years. There ure six or seven candidates at work now. Candidates for positions in the legislature are actively at work also, the iiiml of tii6 new inc. rubers litiiurr o llooded with applications. The fol lowing is the list of the positions that the legislature has at its dispo sition together with the salaries at- ! tached. Spruce is still iu existence Cli- 13 still on foot Frank Patrick s brother from Ky., is visiting them at present .... Dal Drake sold his stock at public sale Saturday. .. .What in the world got into Bob Davis Sun day, ju6t walked off with one of the fair sex .... Kev. W hitsett preached a fire discourse at the Deepwater C. P. church Sunday You should see Dr. J. W. Choate's musical in struments, several different kinds. We learn that Charles Swaggart, who left some time ago for 111., for medical treatment, died last week. This is a sad bereavement. He leaves a wife and child with a host of friends here to mourn their loss. . . . Dawson is coiner to have some pat nt richfc fence, trot a marriin for Her Ambition. the business The people of the 1 rrom the Touth'a Companion Enterprise school house organized a A Kansas City school teacher was literary; meets every Thursday night 0ne day asking her scholars what at that school house. .. .Walter Me . l4 , , , 4, Comb goes to Butler to day. . . .The ih wanted be or ll wheu Gov. enjoyed a pleasant hunt with mBU uuu Prof. Morns last week. The Prof. ohe received various answers. is a boss hunter, but the Gov. kept One child wished to be a farmer, an up with him . . .bam Budd is haul- other ft merchaut, another a banker, mg logs to tne miu mis wees ... u e , , . , , j t..j i.i .. another a school teacher, and so on V UUJjU ucvn vvio a. o I the Oak Hill church over to the l BU"nci,:u) uuu " luu" Lord Sunday, reminding Him of the Finally she came to Susie Benley, fact that he would be absent for a nice little girl 8 years old awnue. veu, judge, mayoe you uWell Suaie wbat do you want to car. come home, thank th T.ord .1 be when Jou Sron UP! Sam Stapleton is improving his busi- &UBie a086 a demurely replied, ness house, which adds greatly to to the amusement and astonishment its appearance .... John McAmnch 0f the teacher. 3 m: i 1.: l I uu vw iuu.,K " j w&nt tQ bft a married lad ftnd Vc l-om Mr I lro Lrn has vn f kH I t v v Aviai a-a ijlj. . -ix a. mou jlj.u-p a u iu i . Cliaer s farm . . . . Uncle Tommie Hull keeP bouse can be found at the post office al tnAai nvtw nw WTli r V r n l-v- . r w 1JVV. ' ' ; V Laclede Hotel For Sale. - T W jh I i lohnnr I. a ii-t t- a r l i m I !,. .i,t; ifn . Three story hotel situated south- see him report to the Gov. at once. w6t coraer sluare' no. door west Rill frr.v tV.,r,L-a !,, ,...,i.i new ovcio. house. lias well make a good deputy n-corder. Ah, furnished rooms, 2 vample rooms there! Rillv. be careful how von ad- on 6"und floor, also one omnibus- vance in new terntorv A Rare Chance Is now offered you to decorate your homes with beautiful crayon portraits and other pictures made by your own hands. If you have taste for drawing you can learn, and it is a pleasant as well as a profitable busi ness. My terms are reasonable for instruction as I guarantee you suc cess, length of term, when you can do work that will sell redily, or in other words time unlimited. Call on me for terms and learn something that will be of great value to you. J. W. Cover, tf. opera b'ld'. for Sale or Trade tor Sux k. j ily home in Wisconsin, atie' 19 veins A new frame house ii rooms and ; afUr was found and returned hora mntrv, and block of ground, for a s-Lort time, the identification ed 400 feet from court house square. being undoubted. He spoke En ;in best portion of city. Euijune at j glish brokenly, but French fluently, this office. "ltf i and several Indian dialects. He was . UUt.asy land uisconteuted away from Wanted ! . fc saVage friends, and he returned Wool, hides, pelts, feathers, lues to the Sioux and his life of severe jwax, rags and grease. North Main savagry, and has lived there and has treet, opposite post office J. riSHER Wen prominent iu his tribe. the councils of Senate Secretary, assistant secretary, $3; engrossing clerk, 5; enrolling clerk. o; official reporter. was ,, , . ,. . ' co: cnapiain, ?.; reading cleri. S5; folder, 4; sergeat-at anus. $3.50; doorkeeper, S3 30; committee clerks $3.50; pages and laborers, Sl.50;oth er employees, 2. House Chief clerk, j?5; assistant chief clerk. $5; engrossing clerk, 5; enrolling clerk, go; official reporter, $5; chaplain, j 5; reading clerks, $5; folder, f 4; sergeant at-arms, 3.50; doorkeeper, $3.50; committee clerks, , George Drake savs he wishes Parson Em mons would move out of Montrose; it s the girl, ain't it, George? . . . .Jim Cole has not been seen iu our parts since the cart scrape. Come again, Jim Tom Strode will ship a load of hogs next week .... Uncle Billy Martin and Will Howard passed through town with corn for Mont rose to day. . . .Walt McCowu wears a broad smile, his best girl has re turned from Sedalia . . . . Have you seen George Price or Uncle Hick Ray lately? Pretty bad, boys, but cheer up there is a better day com ing. . . .Loren Whitmore w ill be the deputy probate judge, or one of the family, from appearances For cheap goods call at the post office. . How was that Thanksgiving turkey it was boss; we ate the turkey and then gave thanks. . . .Iook out for a change in the weather, Hugh Gor don says it's coming from the north, so prepare, for Hugh knows Un cle Lewis MeComb continues to dig potatoes. Uncle Lewis says pota toes next year. Gov. Skobt. 4 good horses aud harness. Will sell for cash, cne half down balance in two years. Hotel has always paid. OM age reason for selling. 50-tf Mks. M. J. Pattos. i liot.i tho Kietli'Ml and results when I tr'vM.p of Fiirs i. taken; it is pleasant i und r:rr"liing to the taste, and acts ; wnlly yet promptly on the Kidney, I-irc-r and Bowels, cleanses the sys I ;-- en:-ct;::lly, dlspt-Is cohl, lieal- and fever, and cures hahita&l r..v. --tijetion. S'ynip cf Figs h the M:ly nriijc ,y of ii? kind ever pro t duccd, pleading to the tasto and ac- ceptaiJie to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly tencficial in its tfTects, prepared only from the most' healthy and agreeable substances, it many excellent qualities commend it to all and hare made it the most T--.,.i . n.ii. uu pel iu me i-k. - uutiea. JLHJU1 w , . , r . , - papers six months for Mi cents. For .r; .f. ,, , .-', , ""gruk free sample copy of the Journal of LIV 3? wLo Agriculture and splendid premium f" Wm Pr lisV address Joural of Agriculture. ! j r- v We Club THE KL'TLER WEEKLY TIMES AND ST. LOLIS JOLRNTL OF Afil.lflLTlKE A large H page Agricultural, Stock and Familv pajer, price 1 fK) per annum. It is the organ of the Far mers Alliance with a circulation larger than any weekly agricultural No. 9 X. 8th St. Louis, Mo. All re mittances for the two papers should : be addressed to J. D. Allijt & Co, j Butler, Mo. i t-h-titute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, SAH fRAMClSCO. CU loutsvnu. n. n rx. .r. X I I 1