Newspaper Page Text
littler mm I VOL. XIII. BUTLER, MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY JANUARY 28. 1891. NO. 10 if I ii J Missouri OF BUTLER, MO. CAPITA!., - . . - Receives Deposits subject to Check, Loans Money, Makes Collections an.l does a General Banking BusiueBs. In the Real Hstate Loan Department- Make loans on Real Estate on long or short time at lowest rates without delay. Allen, Mn. Leviiia Konlware, T (,'. Physician ISurk, Mooron farmer liallari, . N Farmer Brown, Lnln llarilett, Klmnnl Farmer 1 heir, II It Farmer ( arnthers. i A Farmer Christy, .1 M I'll) i-ian ;lark, Robert farmer Courtney, J M Stock Dealer Dee.rwester. John Karmer Morrison. C II MIIIer.Alf Farmer Norton. .1 A Bank Clerk Owen. M V Farmer Pilaris, John Grocery Pilaris. : F Grocery Patton , M Physician Davis, J ii foreman Tms.aofllcel'owell, Hooker Dlr.keneliceis. n i; uon a. Ken't rijrntt, n 11 rank Clerk Iiatclier. O II I'rof Normal Sch Rosier. J M Karmer UttArmonil.O A Ircult Jii'lge KanVin, J I. Karmer Kvana.John Farmer Had tort! , lias Kelsner, J W Kverlnfrliam. J Physician OTlirxa, Win .M Farmer n-joKF.n roVKi.L t. c. nov I.WARE ullens, J L Pres rresulenl vice-president YOI'Nt; r.I.AIXK WAS 'IOO (JAY lie Tickled a Laiiv's Shoulder and Un shod Himself at it Hull. n l!a tiaiore. Aid.. Jan. noun" 1 4 James G. Blaine bad the distinguish- fill lionor of beinr? sliown the door at Lehman's ball Tuesday night for conduct that was not in keepiug with rules that govern the local Four Hundred. After the performance at the Academy yesterday afternoon be, with other members of the eom V...- pany of amateurs who took part in Fr Diavolo, attended a supper at which wine was served very liberally. He imbibed very freely consequent ly felt rather hilarious. One of the ladies felt bo completely worn out that he" went to sleep. After sup per Mr. Blaine attended the geruiau at Lehman's hall Society here was largely represented and the affair was one of the brilliant affairs of the season. Mr. Blaine danced and seemed to enjoy himself immensely until his shoes began to hurt, when he deliberately sat down in the mid die of the floor and toek them off. The sensation produced can better lie imagined than described. Subse quently he put them on again and the escapade would probably have been passed by had not, Mr Blaine so far forgotten himself as to tickle a young lady's shoulder. This act was resented by Mr. J. Ridgeley Trimble, who, without further ado hustled the young son of the Secre tary of Sate out of the door. Where Mr. Blaine subsequently landed is unknown. The dance was continu ed without him. Mr. George M. Pulman, the pos sessor of 150,000, recently said to a correspondent, when asked how it felt to be a raillionare: "I have never thought of that. But now that you mention it, I believe that I am no better off certainly no happier than I was when I didn't have a dol lar to my. name, and had to work from tkvlight till dark. I wore a xgod'suit of clothes then, and I can -w fie . 1 oulv wear one now. 1 reiisneu mree good meals a day then a good deal more than I do three meal a day now. I bad fewer t are. I slept bet ter, and I may add, generally, that I believe I was far happier in those days than I nave Deeu many I became a millionaire. ud vet it is a comfortable feeling to be rich:' The motiou to repeal the law which prohibits the importation of t American povk was defeated vesttr- day in the German rcicbtag. lLe argument advanced iu favor of iu.i.u .:..; the . tuvseut embargo was iaiii"h that there is no system of meat iu- spection in the .United Statep, and thev - exclusion of . American pork waa demanded as a measure of pro- tection to the pubbc With. Mate mil I M $110,000. i STOCK HOLUEBS Ifar'llnKcr. W S Farmer Smith, G I. Liveryman Hickman, O II Furniture dealer Smith, John T Lawyer Jenkins. J H Aaa't Cashier Starke. L B Deputy circuit c'.eik Klnnej. Don Bank Clerk Tnrner, Mr M K t'aiiitaliet I-evy Sam Dry (."Oils ft ClothinicTucker. W K Dentist Karmer Tncker, J M Capitalist Tyler, W B Fanner Vorls. Frank M Karmer Vanjrhan. J M Capitalist Woods, F M Karmer Wvatt, II C Lumber dealer Walton, Wm E Cashier Wright. T J Capitalist Weiner. Max Boots A Shoos Walls, Wm Karmer Walton. J W Farmer Walls, J T Physician Farmer It Karmer Insurance) Whipple. N I. I'hv-ician Judge Co.Ct Williams, It V Farmer wm. e. walton J. it. jexkiss cas-bier cashier ASSt Hit) laid IleiitM. Charley (ireer attended the litera ry at-Harmony last week and went borne leaving bis horse tied to the fence, at least he found it there in the moi nii;g,but bo thinks some one played a trick on him John Eui- bree has concluded he does not want to sell out as Mr. Decker com pelled him to back down, so he will rent and not sell .... Pc to Randall has sold out and thinks some of rent ing a farm a year before buying Tom Stover would sell his farm, so we are informed, it is a good farm and we know of one or two that would like to own it. . . .11 M Glass is being entertained by II Evans and Sam Kiersey. . .D O'Baunou reports everything quiet in the Bethel neigh borhood. .M F Perry laughs hearti ly over the road business Tj's is a beautiful day and we are busy .... Bob Hays, Chas. Arbuckle, Lee Em bree and the Thompson boys took in the hop last night. . . .Ote Reeder says the Salvation Army is fine run ning order at Peter Creek .... John Arbuckle says he has rented the Wm. Andrews farm at last John Lentz did not go to Adrian Sunday but he is all right anyway as he was out southwest about 6 miles. Do you know where, John MeC!... Some have property and some oth ers have none, it was our misfortune to have none, still we live and not away down south on the R R either, but oh one of Bates county's beauti iui mils, yy e snow wnat little we do know as well as you do SB McFarland, wife and son spent Sun day at Ballard. Mrs. Emma McF. reports her school as being in fine shape. She will teach the summer j school at the same place. . .We hear it talked quite often, why not have a lady school commissioner. If so we can name oue who lives in southwest Bates and is known by all our teach ers as we se her name as secretary of the teachers institute quite often . . .Our better half will be home this evening from Shawnee township. where she has been for some days visiting parents relatives an friends . . . .August Herman tells the bovs he is only building a feeder but does not tell them who lie intends feed ing. : . .Mrs. Geo. Graham cf Butler visited relatives north of here last week. George met her here and his face was all smiles. . .The band boys i aie ualTv ere J,n,o Ave predict I some one else win ue wuen uiey ! quit practicing at her house S W Price, trying the roads iu his cart '' to day. He has hogs for sale from the way he sefs his cap CD Grtcr and Havden Rav were at the ' post office Monday.... We came to i tell Will Cole we got a load of hay . . John Greer and Will O'Barrion J vcere seen out trying the roads Sun- day eveuieg R X Glass able to j COme to town and report to day j Quite a Dumber met at Booker Greer's one day this week and tried ! to eat huu out but failed which sounds strange to us as Uncle John Evans was there James W As- f.'lilf-il Tlll-tiil IV f -&l'.'tr f I V I W T 1 mail as did many others A J medicine a few even O.v.1 y alter i',J,' ",ict- Stveral ou the north ..C D and W Ji Co e killed hotrs strain to-dav If you doit believe Rough on liti I)hm a gun to trade for a hog a-ik Wili t' or McCIemey. How about it Rough," what was wrong with I In- hfg.' Ogbome, Price A Jor 1 ii '! tlietiiins name of late, and I.'nc'e Sam Lotl.eied the boys with the pait'iriship proposition. Fort explained it Any amount of fat hogs in this neighborhood but not worth enough to sell. .Harvy Rhiae, wife and baby, passed the postoffica going to see Uncle Mose Greer Sorry to hear that Robt. Knous is very sick at Hartwell, Henry county. Chape Crow was down to see him and reports him some better. .. .J B Hays is able te be up and about the place Will Howard is all 0 K if he has quit going northeast he is well. . . .Ace Hendrix called a few minutes to day and gave us some chat. . . .M Jj Ensbree stays close to home these days, but he is not sick by any means John Harris has gone to Vernon county en a short visit .. .John Lentz is reading ad vertisements now. 6o Bill Cole tells him, uess it must be an Adrian pa per Jim Cole heard of a candy pulling near Stumptowu (Dawson's) and he will be there, don't you think se Miss EC Tom Broaddus is among the F & L U's in Arkansas, where he is educating the young men, no doubt, to vote T B. ere many mouths for some office Father Colson is visiting his daughter, Mrs. McClenry, this week, he looks well for oue of his age 70 years Bill House has failed to write since going to the war dance; afraid he has felt an arrow. . . ..John .Lentz savs its all a mistake about the roads south be ing settled, if Sam Price did walk over them. .. .Have you seen the horse Ogborue brough from Illinois? If not, see him, he is a fine draft horse, weighs 1750, is 17 bands high and 4 years old; he is owned by Ogborne, Price &Jordon.... Miss Mary Mosher has returned from Appletoc for a few weeks. . . , Dick Andrews is killing hogs to-day rather sleepy as he was down on Soap Creek last night. . . .Rutledge goes about 3 miles south with his stock this week and we must say he has two fine horses which we hope to hear they are appreciated by all in his new field. They can be found on the Elvis Wilson farm... .Jas. Wilds has gone to K. C. accompan ied by his daughter, Mrs Kate Wine gardener, who leaves for her home in Nebraska; won't Richard be glad? Jack. mi 1 ine aeaw oi rung ivaiakau in San Francisco and the return of his body to his home in the Hawaii is- lanas, recalls an incident which is said to have actually occured during his visit to this country six or seven years ago. He attended the Missou ri Legislature while in session, and took a train for Kansas City. The King bowled up so frequently it be came necessary to put him to bed Arrangements had been made for his reeeption at Kansas City, and it would be an unpardonable offense for him not to respond. Mr. James N- Burns who died a representative in Congress, was adorned in the King's toggery: and at the proper time spoke to the assembled thou sands. Among other things, he re marked he had heard of Kansas City's wonderful progress in his far off home, whieh was greeted with great enthusiasm. .Nearly All For Cleveland. Montgomery. Ala., Jan. 2-t. In a poll of the senate of Alabama, 30 out of 33 members being present, the vote was unanimous for Cleveland for president. A poll of the house showed 76 present out of 100. Of these CS wtre for Cleveland and 8 scattering. BOB FORI) SHOOTS AKAIV. Je Jniii-t Slayer Involved in Tror- M' fu Cnloi ailo. Walsenberg, Col., Jan. 23 Once more Bob Ford, the slayer of Jesse James, is a principal iu a shooting scrape. It is not his fault, nor that of his opponent, that no graves were dug in Walsenburg yesterday. J. 1. Haiden runs a sitloou between the town and the mines. He and Ford have not been on good terms for some time. The two men were shoot- ing j craps Wednesday niht and quarreled over the stakes. Thev ad journed to the bar for a drink and the quarrel was renewed. Both men began firing rapidly at each other. . They were so close that each ote i was trying to knock the other's gun j out of the way, and as a consequent j the bullets new in every direction. The bystanders who were iu the room at the time began crawling ui der tables and hiding behind the bar.' Ater the smoke of battle had cleared off it was discovered that Harden had been shot in the shoul der, the ball going through and coni ng cut in tiie back, and was alfco shot in the hand. Ford was also hit i in tle foot and was badlv burned abeut the face with powder. Both men' were arrested. Beth guns had seen service before, the jine used by Ford is the one with whuih he shot Jesse James and which he has carried with him ever sinc4 that event, some ten years ago. Hardeus revolver is the one which Pete Foley used when he shot Jack Edwards some months ago. Woe ami Gray Reunion Proposed. Mouticello, 111., Jan. 25. Maj. Lamar Fountaine, the noted Confed erate soldier, and author of "All Quiet on the Potomac," has sent a request to the Grand Army com rades here and throughout the north that there be held at Chicago or St. Loojs a grand reunion of the Sol diers who wore the blue and the gray, to last eight or ten days, where the survivors of the two armies can hold a genuine reunion of hearts and hands such as has never been held since the war. He promises that the boys who were the gray will come in large numbers. Globe Democrat. The Senatorial contest in Illinois A is aparently as far from solution as it was this time last week. The vote stands: Gen. Palmer, D. 101, Got. Oglesby, R. 100, and Streeter, A. 3; necessary to a choice, 103. The democrats are confident that they can secure the two votes necessary to the election of Palmer, while the republicans are equally as confident that Oglesby will capture the plum In the mean time the three alliance members are holding the legislature at a dead lock, costing the state thousands of dollars per day, for what reason they alone can teH, cer tainly they do not expect that 101 democrats or 100 republicans are going to desert their faith and come over to their man. But then if that body is hke the average State legis- tures it may be a good thing thft state, if they stay tied during the whole of the session. for up A Noted Desperado. Sacramento, Cal., Jan. 24. Ap plication has been made to Governor Markhani for the pardon of a San Qeuatin convict named Wiison How ard, who. under the name of Charles Bravn, was sentenced from Calaver as county in August, 1S90, to serve eight years for robbery. Howard is stated to be a notorious Kentucky and Missouri desperado and fugitive from justice from those states. He is accused of the murder of seven people and is cow under indictment for five murders committed in Ken tucky. He is also under indictment in Maries county, Mo., for the mur der in 1880, of Thomas MeMieba?, an inoffensive deaf mute. nn OF BATES Cash Capital. D. N. THOMPSON J. K. KOSIF-K..... K. A. BF.SNKTr, . K. D. KIPP Dr. J T. W. r- tKiNUII AM SILVERS. DIKECTOIW. Judge clark;Wx. Farmer and stock raiser. K. J Hurley of It. .1 . Huriey Lumber Company. J. K. Hosier, ire-President nd Karmer. M S. Kicrse, , Farmer and Stock raiser. K. A. Bennett, of Bennett, Wheeler A Company and ind ice-President. P. E. Emery, Real Estate lnelor. M. G. Wilcox, Farmer and Stockralser. II. M. Gaily, Karmer and Stock Raiser. M. It I.yle. Karmer and Stockralser. D N. Thompson, President, farmer and Mockraiser. John Steele. Karmer ami stockraieer. J. J Mi-Kee, K armer and stockraiser. E. D. Kipp, Cashier. IJreiM'S Deposits subject general banking business. to check, loans Your patronage fVnidi-iisfil Baltimore Sun . Rule of Health. Preverted health aftects men sphy- i . , . , , . i mi-hI. social anJ personal w ell being, . , if , . , i liiclits and faiuo are but a mere bag-i . . it , atelle compared with n sound body. ... , , . . , Wo lionet nam licli (n um-hitt vn food: fats, sugar and starches to feed the body, and meat, the white of eggs, and rlour that is not too re fined, to furnish muscles. Vegeta bles are indispensable, or scurvy will ensue. Whilst alcohol, tea, coffee, tobacco and cheese are accession foods, they are injurious because they prevent the natural 'waste of tie body. Too much of the fuel mak ing foods are apt to promote inflama tion. Cheese should hs eaten only in small quantities utter meals when it aids in the secretion of juices. Man should keep regular hours,take exercise, give las brain a chance to j rest and let cheer fulnees prevail at ! the table. The body of the average man generates sufficient heat to raise forty four pounds of ice to Aie boiling point, and if the pores are not kept clean this iuflamatory agent is confined and accomplishes mis chief. Sleeping apartments should be well ventilated, with the top of the window lowered an inch to let out the impure air, and the lower window raised an inch to let in pure air. it the night is cold put on .more blankets. Every man should have eight hours of sound Bleep She Was Competely Cored. A daughter of my customer suf fered from suppressed menstration, and her health was completely wrecked. At my suggestion she us ed one bottle of Bradfield's Female regulator, which cured her, J. W. Hellemus Water Valley, Miss. Write the Bradfield Reg. Co., At lanta, Ga., for particulars. Sold by all druggists. 5 lm Notice to the Fanners ot Bates Conaty To whom it may concern: This is to certify that I suffered a total loss on my stock Noy. 20,1889, policy issued by the Geman Insur ance Company of Freeport, 111. They have this day settled in full of all loss and damage, and I can cheerful ly and heartily recommend the Ger man Insurance Co. to any and all who wish insurance. I also recom mend Calhoon &. ir . . agent?. Carthage, Mo , and J. F. Her rell, special agent, Adrian, Mo., for said German Insurance Co., I know them to be honorable in all their dealings and pay just as they agree. I remain Yours Respt. P. K. Wri.os. To whom it may concern: This is to certify that I suffered a total loss of my barn and contents ind 1 bottles by all leading drug on the 20th of Nov., 1890. policy is- gkts. Any reliable druggist who sued by the German Insurance j may not Lave it on hand will pro Coiapauy, of Freeport, IU.. aad ' -u it promptly for any one who they have paid in full for all loss, ; "kbes to try lL Do not accept any $875.50. I wilbnglv recommend ! 'U ute. recommend Co.. to all iuc uci mnu xunuiaute L T r a ,, ! who wish good safe insurance. I also recommend Messrs Calhoon Harrison, state agents, Carthage, Mo , and J. F. Herrell, special agent, of Adrian, Mo., for said German In surance Co., to be honorable and up right in all their dealings.and prompt and honest in their adjustments. Tours Respectfully, 8 4t Mb. S- L. Hewitt. Ml III JJOUNTY, $50,000.00 .President Vice-President il Vice-President. CA.SlllkK Secretary Attorney' money, issues drafts, and trausacla a respectfully solicited. Public Sale. T Will ttf'll fit fllllilii-. Qilt.ti.iu i-i.i -... . ., ., farm, 2 miles south and 4 miles west , rr, , , n , of Adrian, on Tuesday February 3rd. 1w.t t, t m lM'l, the following property, to-wit: ,, , . One 3 year-old work horse, 2 work ' j fillies, 2 sucking colts, 20 head of 3 ! year old steers, 4 yearling j 2-year-old steer, 2 milch cows, one i riding plow, ono mower and other j farming implements too numerous to mention Terms: 5 and under cash, over that amount a credit of . mouths will be given, without interest if j paid when due otherwise notes to draw 10 per cent per annum from date. A discount of 10 per cent per annum for cash. Notes to bear approved security, i C. B. Lewis, A. S. McClure. I Auctioneer. Miles' Serve ft Liver Fills. An important discovery. They act on the !i ci, stomach und bowel through the nerve. A new principle. They speedily cure billiousne, bad taate, tor pid liver, pile and constipation. Splen did for men, women and children. Smallest, mildest, surest, xo dose fci 5 cents. .Samples tree at II. L. er's Drug Store. Tuck, -ivr When Baby was sick, we gave her Oaatorta. tVben she was a CfeUd, she cried for Caatorta. When she becaunc Miaa, she cluuc to Caatoriav When abe had Children, aha gave them Csttori or is exjoys Both the method and results when Syrup of Fi-s h taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta Evilly yet promptly on the Kidneys, Li-rr and Buwels, cleaus the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head- -! .nm i'. cn uu'i ..i b iiiiimuai vnm ot 1' rs is the an!y remedy of it? kind ever cro- uuceu, pioa-mg to the taste and ac ceptable to the Ftomncb, prompt in its action and truly beneficial m its aSscta prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its ; many excellent finalities commend it : to all tr.d have made it the most i - i , ..... . popular remedy known. ! Hvmp cf I i?s is for rale in 50c CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SH FBAHCISCO. CML. LOUISVIIU. K1. HIW 10UK, H.f. Backlen s Arnica 8alve, The Best SalTe in the world for Cuts'' Bruises,Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter.Chapped Hands, ChJblains Corns, and all Skin Emotions, and nn.!. i tivelY cures Piles, or no py required. It suLiiiceu j give pence: satisfaction or money refanded. Price 3? cts perboxC For sale br ail drog-gisu. 1