Newspaper Page Text
- BARBER BARBER! Artintic Hair Cutting, SbampooiDg, Sea Foam. AH clean and fashiona ble, on North Main St . FRED DORN, Proprietor. LOCAL. ITEMS. Tax Tayers Take Notice- All prHOTi who have not jet paid their taxes will take notice that if the name in not paid by Feb' 10th, 1891, th law compels me to add the penalty, which I will dq. To save yourHfclf money you will come for ward and pay your taxes without further delay. A. O. Welton. Township Collector. The oldest inhabitant has no re collection of ever wituenaing pretti er weather in January than we have been having. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday were regular May day. E. C. Ogburn, of Spruce town ship, favored us Friday. Mr. O. had just returned from Illinois and brought with him a fine young En glishire stallion, 4 years old, which weighs 1,750 pounds. He is a very line stallion and Mr. Ogbuiti is proud of him. Dr. Frizell of Butler, came over loot. Mnndav and remaiutd until Wednesday noon with Prof. L. B Allison. Dr. Frizell, in company with Judge Wycoff, called at the Journal office for a few miBUtes yes terday and was the bearer of the cheerful intelligence that Prof. A! lison is much better and will ba out their esc ipe. again in a few days. Appleton Journal. S. M. Talbott, manager of the Car bon Center coal mines, in Vernon Koagh ou Kockrille. From tho Poet. Not quite six weeks have elapsed since Rockville was visited by a dis astrous fire, and yet it seems that at least one-fourth of the town was not enough to gratify the spleen of Jas. Gragg, a prominent farmer of near Adriau, was in the city Tues day ou business and made a pleasant call. The election bill introduced iu the House of Representatives at Jeffer son City by Mr. Sevier, of Lafayette county, proposes to make the Aus tralian system of voting general throughout the state except for of ficfis not chosen by. ballot and in school, village and township elec tious in which no state n ir county offic2is are to be voted for. This system was found to work so well at j whicb htailvlscr aoe.l, o: tbtf east ! the lust election iu towns having a 8jde Gf the railroad, and -which was population of 5.000 or more that occupied by Job ', W. Turner and there can be no question that it th(J etlltor of tLj became the would prove a welcome reform iu the oh- t of attack aiR, wag uu.ue3 cx. smallsr towns and at country voting cept tbe 1,1.. waljj wLicu precincts. The measure deserves SfceQ to Htand iu 8uIeian mocfcerv 0f early attention from the country the dastardly dewl, with all of it members iu the legislature, with a contents. On the first floor was the view not only to extending the sys- , generai merchandise stock of Sprague Items. ! STOP AND READ: If you want a t- -r .- .i ! nice hair cut, shave or shampoo, go to fcD. Times. A e ask a little space , lhe firM cU b!ubr shop ct J R Patter- county, speut Sunday in the citv with I in your valuable paper to report the ' son's on the north side square Old and , . , " . , , S experienced barbers are kept no other friends. ; more important events and happen- kind empIo,ed. Call and see me. mgs in this part of the country; we . will try and write that which will be j A Pleasing Sense interesting to a majority of your j of health and strength renewed and readers. So here coes There has of ease and comfort follows the use been a good many Teal estate changes j of Syrup of Figs, as it acts in har muuy Willi uiiiuir iy mrviuiuij it.:. r i i t t. iu iuls vicmuy oi uue. o a. j cleange tfae wheQ C(JgtiTe or living three-fourths of a mile north-1 billioUs. For Sille ia 50c an jji.oo nuL euougu 10 gn.ii.., wis apieen ui wefit of Sprague ha$ soM Lis fine i bottIeg br all lead;nff druggists. 7 the hie bugs which, doubtless, have j farm wf so !U.res to j w Meeker of j "- 7- 7. a place m our own midst, for Mon- j c ,x,per countv orait.rU of thi s place j ' 'r T day night the large .tone block j ousl Jenitln per acre; Mr. i lftuli Jukins has gone to to T.i yv n .-1.-4 r A ,1M,A,ta -iiass has not vet decide las to wheie ; , ... , , , , . , . and fi lends Mrs. . J. 31c- ue win locate out we nope ue m ...41. i o r Cowan, accompanies ,f . , 0 t i. ' Mrs. M. D. Malonev, left last week jxcuiinnis, tue siockjihu i4 v7?injc d dv her aunt tern but to perfecting and simplify ing the present law. Outrage on Little Boys Milwaukee, Wis , Jan. 26. While skating on a pond to day Freddie Hackberth and August Priese, both aged 12 years, were seized by three older boys, who said they wanted to 'make niggers of them." After a fire had been lighted the little fel J. W. Turner, while the western ; half of the upper story was occupi ed bv the editor of this paper as a family residence. Tiie lire originat ed in the frame ware room which stood at the north end of the build ing and was not discovered until that building v.. is well -i!iu!n-ed and the tin- luid bvs ii c j'uni'r. i cated to the floors and window cas- lief, and the oldc lows' faces were held over the lire IUS M lu n omUmg, ine smoke until the flesh rolled off, and both from which b-.-ing e..uv-ytd t j the may lose their eyesight. They will 'JOIQ il1 which ..ur two tns weie at any rate be disfigured for life, keeping had the tV,-ct of awaketiMig 1 s. .1 v 1 r No arrests have as yet been made. utner !:ic:nuers 01 tae lami- The cries of the youugsttrs brought ly-were aioused and h istily dress- workmen in the vicinity of their re- ,US 11111 le tlj' u xU iiUlu Lbt' l'';u l- der ones mado good I inS Just in time to escape suffoca tion from th hf.rt and smoke that now filled ths hall and which was A l ollege t- goon followed bv a sea of nims. Et- The Nevada christian university. cept ft few ftiticles of we.uing up the which was erected and opened atNe- United States adopted a tariff law vada. Mo , a little over a year ago, of tjie same and a dresser there was whose mctel schedule was prepared dismissed its students and closed uotui.lff s.ived to the editor and fam- by the metel manufacturers, and a its dowrs Saturday. The uuiyersity hj auj tupre ,ejllpr uo insurance on dispatch from Ishpeming, Mich., Wuiiamg is neaviiy encuraoereu ana a of hil4 ff00,ig Lis loss was abso- January 11 says: the board of managers regret ttiat lute - Mr Turner saved a small lot I.. .mm. . The iron mines of Marquette they are not able to meet the ex of goods and wa!i partially insur- , 1 , 1 1 i I n ...... n.. TUa i ,l . -i.T lacf foil I . . . . -i . . countv nave ueciueu on a iw p AUc i.uUJ. .. eel lor tue remainder, as lie carried cent, reduction right through, with a large attendance, and it is a poiicT Gf 5,000- All of our peo Very few men will be discharged, Uelieved mat witn sumcieni nnan- pe manifested a disposition to do - m 1 ail all but tin reduction in waget has been ciai backing to meet tne present ue- alj tll.y couid, but the fact ithat found neeessary in view of the pres- mauds, it would soon have been one tuere wa litte tliat ooujt be done ent demoralized condition of the ore the leading educational institutions unJer tlie circumstances. For the market. In the Menominee and of the state. little that was saved of our iroods. thousand Gocebic ranees several men have been discharged. I have purchased the Dickausheet our thanks are hereby teudered to restaurant on the west side of the Fred Wliite, Jrck Evans and Prof. suuare and expect to keep it up to McCourtney. Our own loss includ- Mr. James 1'itch, engaged in aig- jtg former excellence in every respect, mg our library, which we highly priz ging a well for Mr. Gottlieb in the j uave emp0yed the same clerk and ed, could not be made goed with northwest portion of town, this ueiD employed bv Mr. Dickensheet. $600. It was not much to lose, to morning fell from the top to tbe tate day boarjei.8 at $3.00 per be sure, yet it was our all,and comes bottom of the earae, a distance of we8k 8iDge meaig 25 centB. Keep as a calamity and at a time 41 Teet, Tecemng injuries which will QQ taQ(j freh fruita candies and and under circumstances that will perhaps prove fatal. The unlertu ever-tniDfr f0U11a ia a first-clasB res- test our faith and try our souls. nate gentleman had nscenaea taurant. Lunch at all hours. Give Not until you have experienced it, ladder to the top, and when aooui mfl ft Cftlj Respectfully, will you ever know the peculiar I. L. Hobbs. feelings of him who lays down a night surrounded by comparatively to step on terra firma his foot slip ped, precipitating him to the, bot tom, aa above stated. Another gentleman, whose name our repor- bees J. Fisheb. Keith & Perry out of Court. A Carious Bill . . . . , . , , , . I plenty, but who wakes next morn At, iininnd lull riaa un hann(i tn I r - 7 . . . ... ine to hnd that all he had has been ter could not learn, wa in tne wen uutuuu f1"""-"1'"' - . at the time, but fortunately was not Hon. Uenjimen Stuart, by one oi his - I strknafir nn linf. ha hat nnr vif. I mjurea. Keview. 7 , . , " J " I Wante.1 ! uiuuo up uib t uuUuu i-. Wt,r. J. B Durand has shipped bis last n ct to prevent spitting tobacco wax rag8 crease. North Main tar load of apples for the season, provides a penary lor the pro- street, opposite post-office and receive the returns, amounting miscuous squirting oi me amoer nu to $630. The whole number of cars J on floors, carpets, walls or any shipped by him during the season, other place upon the interior of re- was thirty two, making a grand speciaoie uumung, except m cuspi- Forthefirgt time giBce thebig totaof 114,000 which he received nrepiaces. a law oi uui logion of Ma,ch 29 188s the for this one class oi fruit. Itockville p""""" - ow"J" Keith & Perry Coal Co., is out of Post 01 tne court n0U9e bJ8 in tQ1 Clt J- court. The two cases of Carter for Other farmers of Bates county The "Sun" Retracts. injuries received in Sept., 1889,have might profit by Mr. Durand s exam- Flom the St LoBii pHe been pending for some time. Th pie. 514,000 a year is a very Weshincton, Jan. 16. The Wash- company won the cases at the last neat little income for a farmer to ton correspondent to the New June tu. but they were brought receive for one product of his farm. York Sun, who charged Senator over again, the plaintiff taking It is true last year the season was yegt witu bein g conn8Ctd with the chauge of veuue to Harrison ville. fayoi-able to the apple crop, but not gI1 ool Te8terdaT, and attribu- On Monday they came up and after .... . - ' l more so than the one preceding. tej Mr Dte,.,-, acti0a in pushing an uour and a half light were throw It has becu thoroughly demonstra- tte inVesrigation to a desire to dig- out. The company always claimed ted that fruits of all kinds are the credit Mr. Vest, in order that he the mau was hurt in going into an old best paying products of the farm. couu 6UCCeed him in the senate, re- abandoned room he had no business when attention is given them. traded to dav. The following mr. and the evidence seemed to bear - - o r j agraph to-day appeared in the Wash- il out that claim. We believe A remnrkale dinner rartv was civ- inirton dispatches to the Sun. It ex. Lawyer Dooley of this city had X ml O I O en by Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Simpson, plains itself and shows tbe utter falsi- or rather Mrs. Simpson, ou last ty of the allegation t sat est was Thursday. Fifteen invitations were eorad in the silver pool and that issued, and owing to sickness, and Dockery was pursuing him: 0lice iu one instance death only eleven lhe panuraph concermuir Mr. lxavmueom au interest m out- responded. The eleven were com- Dockery, Senator Vest and the sil- stock of goods to Everett Walton, posed of great grand mothers.grand Ter instigation, printed Jterday we wish to notify the public that all 1 . , , . , . morning is calculated to do both , . T mothers, mothers and maids. The gentleu!en injustice. Represents account8 due us nP to Jan 'e oldest was 84 and the youugest 56. tive Dockery says that Senator Vest uow aue ana PaJble to us and all charge of the coal company's tide of these cases. R. H. Review. township, bought the Johnny Resb. farm in eastern Howard township and one hall mile south of Sprague. If we were rightly iuformed $30 per j acre was the price paid Mr. McGiunis also bought 80 acres of Billy Gault adjoining the Resh land on the south for $30 per acre We understand that Billy Gault is about to sell his tine home farm of 30 acres Tom Ray living about the center of Howard township.sold his fine farm of 80 acres at $30 per acre. Mr Ackenuan, a neighbor be ing the purchaser. Mr. Ray will move to Oregon county, this state, and Howard township will lose a ool citizen TC Robinson has eturued from Indiana and will niova ou to his farm the first of March A Guinu who owns ; section of laud ust southwest of Sprague has leas ed fourteen hundred acres of land in the Indian Territory. His sou, Clay, will g down io take charge of t as soon as his school is out. . . .T C Robinson 1ns the b3st 2 year-old mare in the count'. He shipped her from Indiana; she weighs 1,250 rounds in medium flesh . . . ,T1uj M church at Sprague h is a choir that any place might well be proud of Spi ague 1 ad better sell her wind lump and build sidewalks Mr. Bryant will have to enlarge his col ege building or stop rustling for more students. Mr. Bryant has an excellent corps of teachers. . .There will be a large acreage of corn and flax iu Howard next season . . . .The Bryant college Friday evening so cials are a success, and that Miss Lizzie Smith as president is also a success. .The postotlice at Sprague is the loafers paradise. .. .Railroad business at this point is good There were 4 car loads of cattle and 2 of hogs shipped from here one day last week.... Tho southern Bates and northern Vernon county teach ers institute convened at Bryant col lege Saturday the 24th and was a grand success. There being about 120 teachers - and visitors preseut. Among the prominent teachers pres ent were Profs Burke, Ryan. Thur man and Ozenbaugh and Bliss Steele and a number of teaches from Rich nill and vicinity. There were some teachers from Arthur whose names we did not learn. Prof. Richard Guinn of the Hume schools was the only teacher present from Hume. Prof. Miller and Mi s. Bryant of Bry ant college. R. Lone Oak S'quibs. The snow is about all gone.... Mrs. Bently is reported not any bet ter Preachincr is coiner on at Willow branch conducted by Rev, uuinn Mr. .Joseph Usburn is goinc to have a sale the 30th. He will go to Texas soon after Preaching commences at Mt. Zion next Sunday. Also Parson Miller will preach at Double branch next Sunday The U. L. party had a speaking at Willow branch last Thursday.... Mr. Will Voshell is making the Sprouts fly this week. . How is Dr. Doue getting along how about the widow?. ... Howard Voshell has sold his buggy. Oh, girls, what will you do, for Howard can't take you The Bracking lit erary is progressing fine, they have about 12 or 13 members. .. .We I think it funny the young people all got married aBd none of them will have a party John Hail says he can "do Morgan, for he said the gill says so, and she ought to know During the Inst snow the bovs made the rabbits suffer. We heard of two for her old home in Ohio to visit her parents The Christian church have their new singing books and are practicing about twice a week. . Jack McGuire passed through town one daj- last week with a fine load of furniture The youug folks have three literaries a week ta attend, at the Harper, Hotwater and Nestle rode school house on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights.... Misses Rosa Garner and Ella Wil liams started the other day for Chi cago, Ills, to visit relatives aud friend Miss Hsttie Stfems has gone to Emporia, Kansas, to attend school John W Cordell and Mrs. Elizabeth A Hussy, of Austin, were married at my house by J. W. Mc Fadden, last Sunday Mr. Frank Summers' luis a new girl baby at their house William Batemau is locking for a good hand to work by the mouth Hedger, Maloney and Cox shipped a car load of hogs to Kunsas City Tuesday. . . .Mrs. Vina Comiford is up from the Nation vis iting When you want cheap flour and meal come to me. . . .For valeu tiues, comic and lace, I will have a good supply on hand iu due time. N. M. Nestleiwde. Trustee's Sale. Where is, M H Zimmerman and NE Zimmerman hi wire, by their deed ot trust dated Pec i;th, i5y, and recorded ir. the recorder's office within and tor Bates countv, Missouri, in jook No. 90 page 36 convened to Thus. Mcknight trustee the lollowing described teal es tate Iving and being situate in the coun tv ot Hates and state ot Missouri, to-wit: That piece ot gtound described as fol lows, beginning at tl e northeast corner ot Broadway and DaKota streets, in the cetv ot Butler, Mo., running thence north one hundred and thiitv-nve (135) teet thence ea-t one hundred (,iti3 ,ctt th. nee south one hundred and thirty-five fljteetand thence west one hundred looj teet to lhe plaee-ct beginning be ing in ection twenty-three (23 town ship torty f 40 ot range thirtv-one f1 which conveyance was made in trust to secure the payment ot one certain note tully described in said deed ot trust: and wheteas default has been trade in the payment ot said note now past due and unpaid, whereas Tho. Mcknight refuses to act, now therefore, I C. V. Hartsock, sheritt of said Bates county, at the request of the legal holder ot said note and pursuant to the conditions of said deed ot trust, will proceed to sell the above described picmises at pub lic vendue, to the highest bidder tor cash, at the east front door of the court house in the city of Butler, county of Bates and stale of Missouri, on Saturday, February 7th, 1891, between the hours ot 9 'clock in the torenoon and 5 o'clock m the afternoon of that day, tor the purposes ot satisfy ing said debt, interest and costs. C. W. HAKT.SOCK, Trustee and acting Sheritt of Bates county. --4t Order of Publication. STATK OF MISSOURI. County ot Bates. ) In tlie I'robate Court for tlie County of Ratrs. reoruary term. ii. uii t. .viie, admlaia trator of estate of Martin W. Mtze, decease!. Order of Publication, lie C. Mize. administrator of estate of Martin XV Mize deceased, presents to the court his petition, praying for an order for a sale of so much of ttie real estate of said deceased as will nay and satisfy tbe reinaiDinic debts due bv said estate, and vet unpaid for want of assets, accompanied u the acoouuls, lists ana invento ries required by law in such case; on examina tion wuereoru la oruereu, tnal au persons interested in the estate of aaid deceased, be olitfed Chat application as aforesaid has been made, and unless the contrary be shown on or belore the nrst day of the next term or this court to be held on the second Monday of Feb ruary next, an order will be made lor tbe sale of the whole, or so much ot the real estate of said leceased as win be sumcieni for me payment or said debts; and it is farther ordered, that this notice he published In some newspaper in this state, for four wevks before the next term of this court. STA'lE OF MISSOURI, ) V Wheat Wanted. I Will pay eighty five oents per bushel for wheat delivered at my mill. I will take wheat on deposit, and give 33 pounds of the very best flour per bushel. J T. Shannon. Sheriffs Sale. lty virtue and authority of an execution for costs issued from the office of tbe clerk of the circuit court of Rates countv. Missouri, re turnable at the February term. lti. or said court to me directed in favor of Klizabath ie- nevav and against Melissa Geneva? et a!. 1 have levied and seized upon all the riicht. title interest and claim of, in and to the following described real estate situated In Kales county, Missouri, to-wit: The south hair or the southeast quarter or section 4, township 3. range si, ana soum east quarter of the southwest quarter of sec tion 4, towshlp39range31, all in Bates county. ausBoun, i win, on Wednesday February 18, 1891, between the honrs of nine o'clock in tbe fore noon and Ave o'clock la tbe afternoon of that day, at the east front door of the court boost In the city or Butler Bates county, Missouri sell the same or so much thereof aa mav be re aired, at public vendue to the highest bidder or cash, tosaiisiy sain execution ana costs. C. W HARTSOCK, Sheriff of Bates County Trustee's Sale. Whereas, Anna Leiker and Jno A Leiker her husband by their deed ot trust dated October 4th, 8S7, and recorded in the recorder's othce within and tor Bates countv, Missouri, in book No. 44 page 290, conveyed to the undersigned trustee the following described real estate lying and being situate in the countv ot Bates and state ot Missouri, to-wit: The east half of lot one (1) and the northeast quarter ot lot six (6) in block one 1) ot Montgomery' 3rd addition to thetown, now city, of Butler, Mo., which conveyance was made in trust to secure the payment of one certain note f nil vde scubed in said deed ot trust: and where as default has been made in the payment ot the principal of said note and more than one year's accrued interest thereon now past due and unpaid. Now therefore at the request ol legal holder ot said note and pursuant to the conditions of said deed of trust, I will proceed t sell the above described pieimses at public yen due, to tne nignest btuaer tor cash, at the east front door of the court house in the city ot Butler, county ot Bates and state of Missouri, on Saturday, February 28th, 1891, between the hours of nine o'clocK i the torenoon and five o'clock in the at ternoon ot that dav, tor the purpose of sati-lvmK satd debt, interest and costs. S. W. .S. CHIMIN, io-4t Trustee. ss. County of Bates W. T Cole. Judge of the probate Court, held n and for said countv. hereby certify that the furegoine is an abstract copy ol the original or der or publication therein referred to. as the same appears of record in my office. w itness my hand ana seat or aii skai court. Done at office In Butler on loth dayofJenuary. A P., )). W. T. COLE, 8-4 1 Judge of I'robate. Sheriff's Sale. Bv virtue and authority of a special execu tion issued from the ufnee of the clerk of lire ' circuit court of Bates county, Missouri, re turnable at the February term, lsUI, of said court to me directed in favor of Oscar Beeder ex-olliclo collector of the revenue of Bates connty. Missouri and against W 8 Brown and Margaret lirown, 1 have levied and seised upon all the right, title, Interest and claim of, in aud to the lollowing described real estate situated in Bates county, Missouri, to-wit: ine west nair or me northeast quarter or sec tion seventeen (17 township thirty-eight (Sts) range imriy (.tuj , au in nates county, Mis- surl. I will, on Thursday, February 12, 1891, between the hours of nine o'clock in the fore noon and live o'clock in the afternoon of that day. at the east front door of the court bouse in me city or uuwer, uates county. Missouri, sell the same or so much thereof as may be re- inirea at puonc venaue, 10 tne nignest uiaav or cash, to satisfy said execution and cot Vs. C. W. HART8OCK, -4t Sheriff of Bates County. 3 Sheriffs Sale. By virtue aud authority of a special execu tion issued from the offlce of the clerk of the circuit court of Bates county, Missouri, re turnable st the February term, 1801, of said court to me directed in favor Oscar Beeder, ex-offlcio collector or tbe revenue of Bate county, Missouri, and against mien r. Hoff man, I bave levied and seized upon all the right, title, interest and claim of. in and to the following described real estate situated la Bates county. Missouri to-wit: The north hair of tbe northeast quarter of the south ast quarter or section twenty-oat (21) township thirty-eight range twenty-nine, all in Bates County, Missouri, 1 will, oa Thursday, February 12th, 1891, between the boors of Bin o'clock In tbe fore noon and five o'clock In the afternoon of tbal day, at tbe east front door of tbe court bouse in the city or Butler , Bales county, Missouri; sell the same or so much thereof as may bo re quired, at public vendue to tho bigest bidder tor cash , to saUsfy said execution and costs. C. W. HARTSOCK. -4t Sheriff ot Bates Countv. The combined age of the leven is has had no connection, either direct accounts against the firm of E. T. j fellows that killed 40 in one dav- with 785 years, or almost eight centuries, or indirect, with the silver pool. and the average age is a few months J. M. Courtny the cattle king of ver 82 Tears. Iu this rapid age the Bates county, informs us that he 72 years'represented br the.o eleven wilJ make !arKe JPnent of cattle , ,7 " . . and hogs this week. Mr. Courtny ladies cover th. the age of the great. 1Q th waj di8tribute6 a Ure est inventions the world has ever amount of money among the farmers seen. HoldenEnterpise. dnring the yean Steele & Co. will be paid by us. E T. Steele & Co. ! the dojrs and a club We noticed J Williams of Butler, in our ueighbor- Thanking our customers for their j "0Ky ""'i -' "u"au ? , (for the democrats m lc-92, and Gro- paironage iu me past aim nopmg to merit their continued favors we are yours, Steele, Walton & Co. Successors to E. T. Steele & Co. ver Cleveland Stumptown re ceived quite a loss by fixe last week; the fine opera house was burnt. RsxtiV Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given to all creditors, and others interested in the estate of Joel S wright deceased, that I Allman Daniel executor of said estate, intend to make tlnsl settlement thereof, at the next term of the Bates county probate court, in Bates county, state of Mis souri, to be held at Batiernnthemhday ofr'eb usry.l!!. ALLMAN DANIEL. f-t Executor. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that letters of adminis'ration on the estate ot Vm. B, Corwine, deceased, were granted to the undersigned, on the the 2oth day ot Januarv, iVji, by the probate court ot Bates countv, Missouri. All persons having claims against said e-tat are required to exhibit them tor allowance to the administrator within one vear after the date ot said letters, or tev may be precluded from anr benefit or said rstate; and if such claims be not exhibited within two years from the date ot this publication thev shall be forever barred. This 2Cth day of January, iSoi. ELPHEMIA R. CORWINE, ;T4t '.Administratrix. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue and authority of a special execu tion leaned from tbe offlce of tbe clerk of tbe circuit court or Bates eoaoty, Missouri, re tarnable at the February term, ltI. or said court to me directed in favor of Oscar Reeder. ex -officio collector of the revenue of Bates county, Missouri, and against William Clink- I enbeard. I have levied and seized upon all I right, title, interest and claim of. In and to the following described real estate situated in $ Bates county. Missouri, to-wit: ' f The east half of the west half or lot rour (4i I or section Ave 5t township thirtv-ninth IS'jI I range thirty 130 ail in batet connty. Mis- 1 souri, 1 wifl, on . Thursday, February 12th, 1891, 1 1 between the hours or nine o'clock in the fore- noon and five o'clock in the afternoon of that iay, at tne east front door or the court house S '" th city or Butler. Bates connty, Missouri, o.niril. at public ventlae to the highest bidder 5 v.. ..o..,, iu tawmy bbkj execution and costs. ;. W. HARTSOCK, $ .Sheriff or Bates County. ft Public Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that by virtue or an order or the Probate court or Bate county, Missouri, made on th th h.. ,., , I 11, tbe undersigned public administrator for saia county has taken charge or the estate of Bines w . saighman . deceased . i- p' hving claims against said estateJ j !r3.T?4to"nl5i,themto me f allow -11 -""invuc year aiter me date of said or it J?1 ey mmi ! oded from any bene- ??u wi-hin two '"m from the date or Vhr,ict,,n; they h11 frever barred Tbiaatn day or January , ii. - Pnblie Administrator's Notiee. rV.1 U heTey Slven, that letters of admin istration on tbe estate or VAith u j,.h- h. cased, were mnti ih, ... , V?l!2 ??.J.'iaaT7t by tbe Probate j CUUDIT, Missouri. All persons having claims against said estate i we required to exhibit them for allowance to ...c BumimeiTaior within one year a.'ter tne date of said letters, or they may be urecluded rrona any benefit of said estate; and if sue claims be not exhibited within two years rrom ue oi m;s publication, tbey shall be for ,er Dirreo. Thi b day or Janasry. I t 8-4t isry. 11. J. S. PIJBBCK. Administrator.