Newspaper Page Text
1 I i ;iVr ii; Drugs and Medicines I'' U - ''iir.-rii 'y (. i.:i:,i..iii-J. ''.. 1.1,0 . !-rk ri ftlwif." iH lili t l.y tue h:i !r.:.:. babllu iiAi:iii:i:: Arti-tw' Hair Cutting. Shampooing. Sea Foam. All clean anil f;tsl; ioriii ble, opposite the post office. FIJKD DORX, Proprietor. LOCAL ITEMS. Dehorniui; Cattlt4. Paities having cittle t o dehorn in Bates county can get the name done with clippers at 10 cents er head. Address G. I). Arnold, IS V Butler, Mo. Township tv Tuesday March ::ist. V H. I'urse. the newly elected Republican Mayor of Louisiana. Mo. started in by Appointing th" best men t" oice. regardless .f party nf l'.liaiioas. He reappointed 1 -ur of tli!- oid Democratic ofiicials. Speaking of the niDVeinciit to ele vate the standard of culture in the west, a copy I UoMsinith s "uo serted Village" is given to every body who bays a ticket to the Kdcn Museo in St. Joseph. The cashier of the bank at War rensburgh recently receive 1 a postal note for 1 from Liurel Biugh a convict in the Missouri Stat peniten tiary from CarioU county Mo., to L)C forwarded to the deititute peo ple in Xorth western Kansas. In graju, culture; Missouri stands Jirst in (piantity produc;d to the JlCra and fourth in the numbers of acres cultivated. This is a most ex cellent record for a state which has not, as some other states have, made a Fpeciaity of the business. Mrs. Swan, wife of H. Swan, f the Record, accompanied by her children, arrived in the city on Tues day, from Xcvada. She will remaiu in Duller for some days before re miming her journey to Colorado, where she is going to visit her moth er and recuperate, her health being very poor. Butler is now trying to secure a tlax factory and it hard telling what they will want next. Rut, howeer, we glory in their enterprise and l uetic, and if they keep things going as they have the past six months they will soon have li city of no little importance. Keep a stiff upper-lip neighbor, and the victory is won. Butler's newspapers are dting the work too! aud backed by her wide awake cititns. Pleasant Hill Ga zette. A man named W. L. Halladay at tempted to oommit suicide by cut ting his throat at the Commercial Hotel in this city last Tuesday morn ing. The cut was made with an ol J dull pocket knife or else the scheme would have been a success. A it was it was a close can. irs. mxon and Cummins attended to his wounds ami he will live. Despondency from financial losic was the cause of his rash act. His residence is not known. ! Nevada Republican. j The Xcticer acknowledges an iu-1 vitation to be present at the ctlt-bra-J tion cf the T2ud anniversary of Odd Fellow-hip at Butler, Missouri, by ' Hate loage o. 1U. i. ). V. 1 . on Monday, April 27, 1S;1. Prepara tions are being ma le to have a grand barbecue. Sixty lodges are expect ed to participate The ta.hoils wi l give i lie ii 1. 1 lau's. .v. there will be a public initiation, bi 1 . . . . . ... ilA -k,,-llil n."w.i 'T"l 1 t. vitaticu is sigued by W. A. Walker, chairman, and A. 11. Culver, clerk of the committee. Nevada Xcticer. Hood's Sarsaparilla is on the flood tide of popularity, Thich position H.L.TUCKER, DRUGGIST. Tall For TowiisImti Convention. The democratic voter of K . Boone to .v.nshi ji are e 1 nii'l r-!U-:t-l to near, ov Bi dett, their regular voting precinct, ; on Sitt ur Jay, March 2sth, 101. at 2 i o'clock p. m, to place in nomination ; candidates for the several township olLc-s. Cms. X. Clusk, Township Committeeman. j W. C. Bronaugh, view-president of the -x confederate association of tho -tat-. Wlit -S it. S Cat!'..!:, cOUlltV e ..:...... i I . i.-.:;; . i.,,.-; Col. .NfAi.rm a.; 1 C,:or. !;..;!.. -.v. will be ut Rich , I'ri lav. Arr.l lTtl:. V.'.'l. at ' 2 o'clock p. :-.:.. an i a B itl--r. ! Sat u i day. Airil lMh. at 2 o'clock i. I . . . in., arid address the citizens in the. interest of the ex-confederate's home, l'jc.ited at Higginsville. These ieii-i tlemcu ur well ostel. entcrtainim speakers, and will give a full history of the order and the objects of th home. All are cordially invited to j he ir them, an 1 the ex-confederates i and tho-io in svmmtlir witti tl-i ! ': ii:-.'Ve:neiit are eana.-stlv i-(;j-..ed i to 1 U! !: O: :!i 1 mat'.'. lh- s I:h.' a SiUCt'Oa.S. tssCouuty jiapeis please copv. Ounlili' Wcfldm. At tiie resi-lence of Mr. Frank Fieem in, two miles south of Rutlrr, i-ae i nviia:: an-i . - i. : ,iei . .w ; Sadie McKown and J. D. Small, on j I'iV 1 1 T sri '. ST March 17th, at 7:30 o'clock. Ri-v. J. ! Timiuons, of Alton:i. and I lev. j Browning, of Buth-r ofliciating. Tin we 1 -ling was iiuito a:; eiabc .'ibr i':i',e at: i:r an i iin- 1: were the recipi" -ts of some -:': icat - Th-.- many ha:ul- i .!:: ''read for the (jccasioa by Mr. and Mrs. Freeman was elegant an 1 consist t-d of the latest viands t-f t le season. The iiiLir was held at thu elegant residence ( f J. K. Rosier, the next day. The young people thus launched upon the matrimonial sea aiv mem bers of the best families of this coun ty. The Times extends its lust wishes for the future welfar an prosperity of the contracting pa; ties a id huivs to see their pathway strewn with liowers. A Card. Kkitor Timks: There seems to be some -pies-tiou raised, in view nf my appoint ment as county surveyor by Gover nor Francis, as to m v aile'Msinee in tiie past to the d inociatic party. I wish to say that I have always bee-i a democrat, never voted a:-iy other ticket in my life and expect to con tinue to so vote, so long as the lin eiples of the democratic party con form to what I believe to be for the best inter st of the state aud nation. Any other statements to the contra ry are false and malicious. Respectfully, J. B. March. The musicale given at the Bap tist chureh M.ondav evening was w ell attended and proved a decided suc cess in spite cf the iuclement weath er. The church was crowded, stand ing room being at a premium. The entertainment was given to raise money to buy song bo. ks for the church. The participants acquitted themselves with credit. 2 Papers a Week tor a Du'dar a Year. The "twice-a-week" edition of the St. Louis Republic has proved a phenomena! success, and will perma nently take the place of the Weekly Republic. It is a semi-weekly of at t i - ' 1 -r i iea si.v pages. ma:.ea on iuesaaysE. E. Moot.r, J. A. Pattt-D, aznirnuavs. it mves the news j nT half a week ahea.l of anv w '' - ly paper, and, at th? same tiun tains all the littere.ry. igiicaltural have made ian.l other features wl.i the weekly Republic so et the '.'vice is nlv one d- ;ar year. special .mssouu. -is. Ar- sare pr.:.t - ed. The geucr.i: states, contains in Uliler : i news columns eve-. o. ! everywhere. ; premium c it For s:i!iir-k c--v ogue, a 1 l: ss t1 ?. or 11:- public, S; Louis yic. The Acidemv contest t r :.-e in iito.::i:;uion v.i-i oe m. I i.; A--:.a emv Hall on Fri.lay eve March 27:b. I.!! - -i.!-ni,'-.i'i f. ,.f K.i xx-,'. ' . . . L-av tue e eiise o seating, ticket ami u htr in cre.enta.s. i The exercises will be aiter.-pe: sed with music and a drill in ealesthe:: - ics. Doors will oj en at 7 o'clock, exercises will be-rin half an hour it later. Tickets may be obtained from Mallard Items. ?!1 of mud ly J us.. Dr. StU ft ivete lim" bone s- ter. for several days, lie gave us ijuite a lecture at deve Warford's. he le liove 1 Mrs. Andy Ray for a tiirse at least. . . .The dance at Mr. Lafolh-t's was a laiiuieuwing to the inclemency of the weather: as was the singing at Mr. Drake hi::;- r MosL,.; savs h-. ha- a job :i a frw.i lai-eL. in l;l!:!-e.; i A I .1!..; t J -ft . li'ij; i :.-r t :. t .. . he gave it s- to Wa.ter l!'.g a-:d :t f.tlv d th' :n. M ih.!i s 1 . . .Dr. Stil: proa-Hii. 1 Ji-:: V,.:.-V.-back out of j jint and .et it f-jr Liu' I . . . .Mr. Hurt has his 10 loacocom-: ph te and will move as soon as the ; ..liill Cde: j weath-r will permit . . . ! was out trotting his hor-e j itav. j He savs he can inaue a im.e m .:, i , Dr. Me. reports three births in ! neighborhood, ail of which are ; th : . s . .Ijooi. ijtr-er is ouv ::i ti::t:rr Mr. Arbm-kh has the V'a-i:- u'tu iligtoii fever V:.. s i ; - ;i,e of 21 by :--.ri!-c !.; ; .. v, : .. - , check. Tn - k was g:vn 1 . with thrre cash ul the Mo. I State Rauk, an-1 having one r.t his own. for "2i he the 21 ci.-eek Up au,i ,-,.Hhe l hi j'.vn. The n t ilic was n tU-d with u .---.-Vi-i v a u;:;:, V v d not know gave the check ir d-e p.-rson, if honorable, v he. Tin1 i n.'tlet Amos lose it.... We ai sorry to hear that Miss Brad'evhas hn 1 aiioih Lta i --ara. s thrte itra'itrs in Ba!l-;r-l t - 1ayh"' ing for a o-1'-! acre j-astui c . . . . M X-.hi n.iali B:.rd is wo, sc. . . .-J n- Clou 1 wants 200 bushels of corn . . . . Wo-: I'.r v, h ) has tint stolen revol o .' Ths p-avties to whom it Le:0-: say i: it is not brought m pit tty soon lluy will make it interr sting for th one who has it as they know who it j is . Foot lacing commences the 2nd Saturday in April bv Ed and! Ree. . . .Township board is in ses-' sion at tiie clerk's oiHee; the Mingo board io also here to adjust matters containing the road ori the township lin. .Doc McCombs and Zib White were in our city buying fat heifeii ami h-i Jac L ifollet and ' Jim Cole have contracted ." miles of i hedge to cut V party of young i folks were inited to Mr. John Hays to spend tiie the evening; all report j a splendid time. . . . Dr. Mc. says he ! will give n free dinner to the next j township board ;is they are sure to be democrats. . . .Tue wheelers of Spruce are in mourning Squire Wild's last dav . as this is j :,"'! I, i sold his line irrav team to Dili Drake I for S27-). . . .E l Owen, one of Grand River's best fanners and Stockmen called to dav on business .... Who is Jack waiting oai now.' Who rode up behind the buiov ami overhead the conversation Judre Cole went to n,i ,. ,i ,i., r... .,, ; Sam. A K. of P. lodge was organized in this city la-t Tuesday night. To assist in organizing the lodge a large delegations came from Adrian, Harrisonville, Rich Hill and Xeva da. A splendid time was had and an elegant supper was served at the Laclede hotel. The following is a list of the charter members of the new lodge: R. A. Atkinson. T. V. Baldwin, Gus Bernhardt, C. W. Bosswell, Paul Bengech, Wm. McClements, W. M. Ciabtree, J. F. Catterlin, G. E. Catterhn. Geo. W. Ely, S. Eich ler. S. V. Francisco, R. G. Feely, C. D. Fleming. W. W. Graves, S. E Hein'.ine, O. Harris. Janus Harper. C. L. Johnson, r. Knoahuski, Siias Lew. A. B. Ludwick, C. B , . ... Lewis, - n..o,, t- n ..,:! .T u Tn.- j J. T. Wails. J. E. Williams, A. O. i Welton. Z. J. Wdliams. G. H. Fiank, G. McReynold,, M. S. Horn. J. R. Dou-'las, M. 1). Shannon. A. F. Her- 1 1 C. A. P u: rami s Dn i E. T. Steele and A. C Elliott of.ii't rs were . s. P. Francis . V. C: G. V Kiev, C. C: C. L. Joh,:so , V. C ; M I s. Ho:::. Prelate EX Williams. M. f A.; J. F. Catt lin. M. of F.; A. O. T. P. B d Iwii:, K. of R. S.: Cy Patt t. I. G.; J. Har- in-", O. C-. Thr A-.lrlan.IonT!lal ay4: Th-.- Biith r b s -'estrvethe high est praise f.-r the manner in which tle-y e:it-.-ita-.n. d the visiting knights An elegant supper w:; seived at the LaCiede llittel. and t ack and every j one- of the above named persons. acting upon their honor as Knights 3 JvrilfTlita : ' -mgrus. did justice to the same in a chivalric TT' - 1-. a m i B'j a '5 S3 R i S ' ft r n ia Ji 111 si I 8 id et: CLOTHING, BOOTS AND fipfopCI liiliSliSy Usitti 3 To See the The friends in the ountrv ana other portions of the state of Dr. i ! K- Calmcs, of this citv. who sevi nd weeks a 'O. suffered the tenible i- ii) - Lrio:l' operation of having his lft arm , amputated at the shoulder, v. ill re- joice to leal n that he has suiheient- 1 i in'iivi In 1 tit oof in flu wti-l - , , ,. : .uoiKlav siiaivinj' lat'i' witn verv- body anvl in his nsual jovial frame of mind. Dr. Calmes now bi-ls fair to regain his usual good health. Ap-! pletoii Journal. ' When r.aby was fil l:, iv; gave her Castr-riv When she w as a CUiiJ. slie crk-1 for (.'astorix When she b-'camt Miss, she clung t- Cast -ria. When she had Children, she gave theti Castoria. Flax Seed to Loan. We are prepared to loan flax s- e 1 to farmers in any ijuantities. To secure seed apply early. ('all fit Butler elevator. 12 Bi'.yant Bkos iV Mc Daniel. Progress. It is vei v imjiovtant in tins ug, vast material progress that a r o; l. e- itv he ;easing to lhe taste an i to t-'e f.iU:ij tibu acceotable to l the stomach and healthy in its na- dv be to fhe taste an 1 to t-,v ..t. l . .tr-tw p. ' .. se :e I i' Syrup of I" V erfect laxative and u:uretic kuowr lo it The 0,!d Fellows of this c: lO i)UliL-i', '!- : 27th of April. to celebrate the ft-,niver-e'.ect-jsaiy of Oil Fellowship. The breth ren at that vlace ar.- iu er-i::.L;' f-.-r a namlicc nt tt!:e.-, a i Lav b ..'i n i- x I: de-1 to v.- 1. 1 U !''-. S tO t't i!-l. e-.:. ; t- . : . i ecia d t--o-i w:ll b rv:n t 1 t : Emi oiia Ci v Clarion. Si!-- Min-ie-i ir . !Vi-:,! l cir-. ilv wife has sulV:vd for jiiteen years from congestion and rainfui me-struati-m Alter i:s:r. ; bottles of Eradneld's Female liegu 1 lator she ismow able to do her owi Louse work iiXid S . where she House v-uit auu uri uc t7...:, u - ivTrJi i -Y " to- OUR fi I 1 . p m m mi ill i I Ik AND Latest Styles, Come TO F. L. RICK. RICE & HARPER, DRUGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS, -DEALER IX Pure and Reliable Drugs, Medicines, CHEMICALS, TOILET ARTICLES, PAINTS. OILS, ETC. PRCSCRIPTIUNS AND FIRST DOOR SOUTH OF THE ( H'xatis For Sale. I have secured the aencv for the Western Cottage organ, formerly held by Miss Belle Thompson. This is one of th; best make of organs and guaranteed to give satisfaction. I also wish to notify the public that I am still giving music lessons on l'lano ana oraii. 1C. ot Fanme A. Crockett. Farmers. always go to Pharis .. t - j i Sou when vou want flout artre i lots, and will save vou money. at Kiv larm 1'ulttic Sale. I will at public sale I) l idles southwest of BtUard post- oliice, ipiid i miles fcst of j omiraov.'ii. on Thursday, April 2nd. 101, the following per.-onal property t wit: Thre-" Vrood mares, one year ling mare colt, one milch cow. on two year old hoifr-r, one vearlin" heifer. H2 had of stock hogs, head shoats, 1"0 bushels of con; 2; in one i-eai ol.- i.ew, one road - wa.iiiKg cr.,i;vator. on. pI-'W. orift thre section :-r- corn shr her. one set ..f :.n :.e.--. one set of single on- .No s cooikiug stove, breukin h::! TOW, loi'ole neaiiv r.ew, one ciu nt-atmg Move, :.-o h.-;:sehoM and kitclr-n furciture. Tfrms All sums of'.r.i-a undr cas-h: all sums over o a credit of 9 i.eailv -ut oi y will le given without inter- ot if paid when due, if not paid when due ten per cent interest from date will be charged. All purchas- , j , - er3 wnl be required to give two an- i proved securities, m.vr m-nnrn r,r JLJL .1LJ JL w JUS o SHOES, OUR T. L. HARFER. Sips. Mil RECEIPTS A SPECIA TY. BATES COUNTY NATIONAL BANK Notice of School Election. Notice is given that an election to be held in the Butler School district Bates county, Mo., on the first Tues- ! , Vr', ,' r IPB11 on i to make the tax levy for the ensuing I Jear cents on the $100 valuation j of the property of said district for contingent and teachers' fund will l. liiiliicOff. 1 in t., ..l:.,.i 1 .1, ; lv.;l 1 1.IH o- i w ijunimi-u voieis ! rif tiiil dfin.rA , i i l -i . 1 Z i" i 1 . ' . ' ?a I iu ue i;e,a ,u lue name rime witn the ! fclectioufor officers for said city and : at the imice in each ward in I Pity of Butler designated by the board of aldernie!! of said citv for j th'i election of the said citv officers. : By order of the Butler school board, i ' n, . m- u- t Clerk-. In,u,1r,t : This 1 ith -1 iv of March, 1 81U. 17 Com tne Graves will buy all Call kinds of fees and court costs. Parkinson ic Graves' office' m EYE ATT) EAR Ul t: I ; 1 1 : Ialltat.-r i it i WHOp ii UuU, tu j . ok i r. x tU1 tu'J Wiiaae., haiLSES UIV, 110. Annual Announcement Free, ' , . j At LaCiede Hotel. Butler. , J . ., , lXV fnL P & June i -tffcUKr ttie third Frt- Dr.Kii Ttaa A 1 : 11 ' i t : 5 has reached by it9 own intrinsic, un th students and at the door of the manner. We hope that Blue Flag, Co., Atlanta, Ga., fr particulars. FRANK CTDDEBACK. day and Saturday of doubled merit hall. i7-2t No. 190 may ever prosper. Sold by all druggists lG-ni E. C Ogbura, Auctioneer. eacn month.