Newspaper Page Text
VOL. XIII. BUTLER, MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY JUNE 24, 1891. NO. 81 '13 r -J a If 41 Jg i F.- 3 BBSS b t. I : l-ir"S lie ft? XL p 10 r ii P T K f i rsir r.v n a t? f: mil ID OF BUTLER, MO. CAPITAL, - . . Kccives I ) subject t Check, Loans M'.i.f y. M. $110,000. does a General Hanking Business. dui'ositoky rou county it:nis. In the Real Hstate Loan Department Make loan on Real Hstate on lonr or short time at lowest rates withou1 delay. Allen, Mrs. levins i'.oulware, TC, Physician KiiTk. Monro Karmer I'.rtHar l, -I N Kurm-r lir.itt n , Lul l Kartlctt, Kdinund KaniHT Kryan, Margaret helf. II. r"armer i anither. i A Karmer t;hrit, ! M Physician Clark, Hubert b urnier Courtney, .1 M stock Dealer "I .-crsr-tiT. .loliri Jiirin. r lini..l It I nn-niun Tim k-!! i in'ki-m-i.f"-; -. i: c . i; t r .ni .i, r..-k.-r t arm-r I mt' lii-r. C II IT'.!" N.iriiiul cli l'i,, II II I'.ank rk l...rm I.l A 1 ircuit .1 u ! I : : -r . .1 M t.inn-r Kvuiih, .lolm Farmer I.' 1-r, t Near KveriiiKham. ! Physician liadlnrd, I iian I: Kiimn-r Freemam. nroliup and hlina K. iKiit r. J VV Inimrance Oritn?ii, Win M Farmer Sullet.s, J I. Hanker '-Tin Hardinifer. W N Farmer Siuitli, I. Liveryman Hickman, It Furniture dealer smith, .Inlin T l.iwvi r ll-aih. I It rttarke.I. I; Deputy circuit clerk IcmUms, I I: aliifr Turner, Mr M Ku; jta':- K si.i.i-v. Ion Af't ii-lucr I i.-k.-r. W F. li.-nn-t levy Sam lrv ood A Clothing ! i-r, W It Fanner 7 OF BATES Cash Capital. COUNTY. $50,000.00 1 N. IH'Ml'.-oN .1 K. mmki: K i;i v t i : i: i !U-r .. lr. .1. b n; vi,u AM i. . iivh;- . . J'resulriit V ice l'ri-.:,)'it 4 V . c " -rctar. Morrison. C II farmer Miller, Alf Farmer Mc( rarken, A Karnrw McCrarken, K'ht Karno r Norton, .1 Altunkilt-rk owen , M V Farmer I'! iiri-, .T. : ii ,ru.-.-ry I'hnn-, i I- (i'oc.-rv " VoriB. Frank M Farmer VatiKhaii . ! M Capitalist Wvatt, II 'iculer Vp1!s, iley Teacli-r West, K Farmer Wolfe, I'httie V-'sii'on, Win K ':' - r W'r.-i.t, T -I C:i.ita:i-'. ". i,.T. M . I; ..- . -Wall-. U'm F .mi. r .i a . . 1 Hrri; r all, .1 1 fh -i.-itiii N I. I'!:;. -:. '.ita W illiam, II V Farmer Daisy Reapers, Mowers FOR SALE BY ' . 14 (J Lav,' j C.U.!'i ic'i " raph us the eat tU- :i:t.l hog :i for tLe lit-ni f.t '.f uur f rieiuls. T.-!.. -:i i ' t:'l T:in:i-City .l.ii'.ii-. '; in-' fuT iiiiiLt-t lcj 'tuts. Call aii'.l in tfitiate at your lOsiue. f vtfil aiT.-uirfuniitis w ith the J. H. m;si.!i Couii-atiV of I :n- is C'tv, to t i ki t at t. n , adi ii.iv, Alsv reeii'V "Drovors" ML, I- ul' rid ; 1 jj i fa DKALEKS IN ijOii I I Iteteivcs Ie.o!-;. subject to check, loan !ih!;k.:' 1 usin-'ira. Votir ratrimaKe n i-ues .Irai., :i.l xraiiMn ; a ll'.V t-olicitell. W.M. K. V, AI.Tm hook it rowi:i.i. lTt'.siiltlli vii't'-iifsiilciit A uJ A, t !; . Jt lin Wvnii-. a iiiLrlc man almnt vt-ais uf a was tieci-Iently kill- ! simiily that Houd'u Samqmriila is t-1 Lcurtiic isaf1 nii'i''f at an t-anv Tin) One Dollar"' means J. I:. .! F.N KINS I'HS KIXNKV rar-i.K-r Ast. rahi-r Mr. Quay aniiouncts that, he will j Syrup Of Fi;;. not noryt thf chairmanship of flip p,,,,,,, fl.(u tlie llltive ;i!;-l nu republican national eommitt-' for tritiutis juie- of California ti's. omi the next eanipain. hine.l with the medicinal virtues f This looks bud for r. puhlican l,,llnts kllHW" to he 1'pnehVia' i i i i , ! to the human system, acts jreutlv. success in ICats desert a sink , ,., ,-. , . r i on the knlnevs, liver and howe-ls, ef my ship and the old, -ray, Ion- , fe(.tuallv ele;o.sin.f the svst, ,,. .lis A. n m a i. a ii. l til i. m:-,. hour this iiioriiWi . The rei-i nt rains have swollen that stream to i;c'u projuu ti' us the bridge was endangered, and a party composed of tlirte of the ,-eirUiar die mo-t ecmoinical nudienn to buy. because it gives more for the money than any other preparation, i'.ach bottle contains loo doses and will average to last a month, while Mo. l'ac bridge gang was stationed 0 1 lei;u.itlo!i-,. taki.n rn'.Mi-.iiii, ------- Ill I Mil S KA1NS Xeligh v-steid.ty. over !ie ,-uid ttl headed, experienced fellows are the first to leave. So the sailors uiv. pelling colds, and headaches, and curing habitual constipation. 27 Unit Scott Suddenly Flooded (Jravf Tear tor the Safety of Many St l it ken lVople. A I' Hoin - Tor sale, one block fionithe square, si i rooms, good well and cistern, NO fruit trees and all kinds of tdiade trees. Ono third cash, balance to suit pin chaser, or will take laud or j when she haJ Children, the gv tLcu cstor4 cattle in part payment. Cull at this i otliee. i ' lt;t ii 11 ami At Uinisas I'uv Swept !v 15al Stoi ni. AI- When Baby was sick, we gare her CoV.. .rl.i. When ahe w&a a Child, the cried (or Cist. ini. When shu became Mi, she Clung to Custoria. mm UVJ II rvn 11VJ Jim A Three Dayu Sale of Special Bargains will be inaugurated Thursday morning and continue until Thursday evening, June 27th. Bargain liuuters cannot fail to appreciate the special offering for three days and for the Bpecial consideration of Bargain Hunters we offer the following unprecedented offer ings, you will find them as Bargains to be unequalled, in fact, Lightning Money Changers. In this sale will be found a lot of choice styles of 7 inch Dress Serges (it 5 Cts a yard tat are worth more than double the money asked. In this sale you will also find 3G inch wool Beige Suitings, handsome styles, good quality at cts per yard. Did you eypr hear of double width dress -oods being sold at this price before? In this sale we place a lot of Strictly eft nice and f't'xt prints tit .'t J'4 ctKts a 'iU'- i'rt' aw bettir qual ity or style at any price, than these are. In this sale we ore going to let out a lot of UNBLEACH ED SHEETINGS, S 4 for ITi cts a yard, i 4 for 21 cts a yard; also in Bleached Sheetings, 8 4 at 20 cts a yard and 9 4 at 22 cts a yard, these goods are full standard quality and not tia.-hy low priced stuff. l.all inches coming down within three Lours. Drains and ravines be came toi rents ami brooks became rm.-is. John Lm enseu. a farmer, was washed from his wajon and dl oWlied while dossing u flooded ravine. '1 hree children living inEuieiick township, about tif'teen miles south-ea-t ff Tilden were drowned during the U r:a while trying to reach the house fiom school. A ravine which they were accustomed to cross sud denly tilled with the tlood. washin" them away. Lamont, Col.. June lit. The warm weather of the past few davs has caused a;; unusual amount of ; snow to melt in the mountains the result of which is that the St. Vrain river is overflowing its banks and in many places inundating valleys, 1 weakening bridges and doing thou . sands of dollars worth of damage j to the growing crops. The waters are still rising and further damage is feared. Uoit Scott. Kan.. June 2". A dis astrous rain storm sti tick this com muitity to night at '. ..clock ami vast volumes of water fell to the damage of growing crops, while it is proba ble several lives were lost. Surface water swelled the streams which run through and surround this city out of all proportions, and the large dams of Mead A: Hartmau and H. H. Lamb broke about fifteen minutes after the storm began. The bottom land settlements were com pletely flooded. Houses were swept away like straws and it is feared many lives have been lost. The fire depart ments and in fact everv available man in the citv is out tning to as- j M"omingt.,n. III., June 19-Thre. oi unugesoi tue ijaue r,ne western railroad between Crandall 'and sist in the rescue, but, from all ap pearances, they are perfectly help less. The water in what is known as Buek run bottoms is fully a mile in width. Numbers of men women and children can be seen on roof tops and trees, but it is impossible to reach them. The storm ceased late to night,but td-morrow's sun will probably 6hine ou many a floating corpse. KAIX. HAIL AXP A CYCLONE. Chanute. Kan., June li. At 7 o'clock this evening the worst wind and raiu storm that ever visited this section struck this town and lasted Farmdale, west of this city, were de stroyed Wednesday night by a cloud burst which flooded Farm creek valley. Five ' other bridges were crippled and several trains had narrow escapes and all were delayed. The loss by the flood at Utica last night will exceed $200,000. The flood was caused by a cloud burst. Peoria, 111., June H). Additional particulars of the flood on Farm creek and Copperas creek valleys last night verify the first reports. The people in Fon du L ie were corn- there to watch the same during irst lirections. are week. Therefore. brt Hood s .S.o.sapaiilia. th purifier. night. At an earlv hour this niorn ing Mr. Wynne, heeommg wearied and sleepy, built up a lire near the track and lay down to rest He soon fell asleep, but shortly after wards was aroused ly the rumbling .'. liUiO Ul C.ll 0110.1111111" UClllL II, Oil. 1 , . - . , .. i i ..u i .. .i hocton, Ohio, last Monday. nan iisieep umi 11,111 aniih" ine uir o - sure to get best blood type ,ct- V. C. Wolfe, the old. tor in the country, drown-.1 himself in the Muskingum river, near Cos- He was fortunate man raised up just in time -v, :ir,i "f had been for b'7 to be struck in the back of the head i years un active type-wetter. by the pilot beam of the passing en- p onci f nile "onv gine. His companions rushed to his i A bUnUrllLUUS BOY. rescue, but when picked up he w us ; Uunning Sores Coveied his iounu 10 oe Diee.uug pro;usei iium, and Head. Jiones AllecU-d. Cur- wound on the bnck of the horriblf his head. The north-bound passenger, due ed by Cuticura Io medie. hen bi months Ul. ti.e leii han.l ,,,ir little Kraieleliil.i l.eraii to nn.-u, u,i hadev- here at 4:20, was flagged and the it.' but an to no .uriore. ai.oiu live numma unfortunate man taken on board and .ormeT' uATAT .T, 1 IlJil- . "I T: - ..11 i . tirougnt to mis citv, wnere meuieai lid was immediately summoned, but to no avail, as the poor fellow died . .., i . i .... Miuuiv unci ftiii i, ueei inn 111 i - us gained conseiousut ss. Mich Hill j 5 Meview. June 22. OIi One of the promises made by the defenders of the monstrous McKiu ley bill was that it would increase the wages of American labor. Mr. McKinley will now have the oppor tunity of explaining on the stump why it was, that just as he is nomi nated for Governor on the platform of the McKinley bill, 22,000 mill op eratives in the city of Fall River Mass., are aBked to submit to a re duction in wages amounting to 10 per cent. St. Louis Republic. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. The republican convention of Ohio last week nominated McKinley o men from there rowed ! for foveruor of the state with a each hand, und a his blood orcain more and more i:n I'ure. it leiss tiint- for tie ni lo hreiik out s,,,,-,. on the etui). Imnt-ath trie under lit,, whirl, w . v...t Y7 VH l end r on'. P.J aol'd n-ali, itt--imrKiiK a endition at tivnty-t.v iiioniua oni, when 1 under took the rare of him. Lit mother bavitifr die,) when he wa little niuis than a jeiir olil, orronhnmption (scrofula, cfconrte) II could walk a little, but could not get up if he lell down, and could not move when in bed. having no ng ofhla hands. I immediate, ly commenced with the Cuti.-ura Kerne. li-g ntintt sll freely. One eore alter another heal ed, a bony niattar loninnK in each on of theee five deep ones Juat Letore healing which would dually grow loose and were taken oat then they would heal rapidly. One of the1 ufrly hone formation I preserved. After uelnir a dozen and a half bottleg he w as completel v cured, an 1 is now. at the ape of six vears a -tron(T and healthy child. Mra. E K 'liric'e May :, Is.-.-, M1 Cl.y St.. Illoominjrton. Ill' My grandson remaini perfectly well No o'tiis vi o iuiuii nj no sores. Feb Mrs E 8. Iirifnrs. inooniinjrton, 111 . Cuticura Resolvent. The new blood i.nrifier, internally (to e'ean-e the blood of all lrupuntiea and tJ'Jiaonoos e.e ments au4 thus remove the causei, and Com cura. the (rreat skin enre. and tnticur soai. an exqiiiMte skin heautitier, exttrnalli? ,ti clear the skin and scalp, and restore the h'a'ri enre every disease and humor ol the sk.n tui blood, from pimple to scrofula Sold every where. Price. Cat.cnra. rr Soap,i,c.: Uebolvent, SI. Prepared bv trie I otter fru and Chemical Corporation, lA eion tj-end for -'How toture Skin Liseaes " .I 1-ageg .1 illustrations, and lofj te.t;:i.o SALT'S ,kin ""1 Scslj PoriflVd and beauti'td Btutt W by cuticnraSoap. Absolutely pure. 1 RHEUMATIC ?ALS noneiiiinute :iie n- :n flatter re:ivea riie.ifi i. Bin.-, nip. m-mev.'-nert ai i n pa.ns and weaknesses 'rice ents. Mrav N'ntice. many places the water is yet st in 1- ! importance. It is said the admints- riiatfi yar-'il-t stad o-- 1-fJ i.:r.d :,:. ,,,, All of the above and many more spt cia spine will not allow us to mention, will be ifuick ular Money Changers as it were; so come ouick. bai gains that lelS. K.g- ! nl'f j1t" l,nT)lTtl.,l 1H V,.- n-alr.i- T-,,1 fiHv iiiiinittv I Iia ivntf-r te II 111 tier. to.av tw i- o-,t 1 I iwidt 11 f 1 iT tllC VltW i,T t Imildin.s'n om the .opposite of i tL; Wue, liU . rtich thU l- Th l yf tL MVeu' i.ol.lo, Tut' :irUiers lt,r HXt- lulle" "P the.tion m thus nomm itiug the father lur .-ut i- v i. ii v . . . , , . 1 .. ... ... , -j ai v -...-w aa t u..v 'wim u i.iuu Ult IHrU u;:ijl Mil. in iiaur lux. " uf ' ffra.;r:.r .TTf-i- ti . ... , . , j the lulls have lost all their croi.s. In election iu Ohio this tall of national About 2.UO0 acre of wheat on the (bottom of the Neosho river east of in. . m -'i beir.g all blown .V wn. Arkansas City, Kan.. June 19. The I. ail storm which visited this A:.?i t i- clar o"' nn'i a mi.r tin.i ii ii;ia i Ci !Ai I ne i i T"' D.ii win ;u lue ice . i bk-ii up r.r ira i-e r- - eoit , colar !ay w:t n Ly I : I I Itow.lre an-! K J.,rd ' in" nim- feet deen ..v.-r orprienU w.. bm ,b ,U .T7."'J . ' "h These peci:d money cha: gi can appneiate a bargain when apply Boston bargains for customers who it. No other r.eed Househohi furniture cf people in ; of thousands of dollars to carry the ; Farmdak and Hilton was all washed j state. The farmers' alliance f away. Baby carriages. wagons.dead ; Ohio opose the high tariff and fa-1 cattle, pianos, tables and fences are ! vor the free coinage of silver and the ; piled ten feet high against the rail-'result of this election will he watch- : road trestle. The iron bridge. 30 i e-1 with interest to see what the ;:c feet long, over Ten Mile creek, just ' tion and platform of the republican Ma:-. COICKECT li'soiiri Pacific Time Table- section this evening was tue worst ever krown here. Ralls uf ice fell ; t, tv t .-l 1 ' ' -llf .11 ll.UM- M'Oiv nf 1 . - , "' , , - i completed, was washed awav and ! party of that state wi.ic i were tli:rteet: inches n -i r - ... 1 - cu!..fe:: c- and few being smaller ;La:. a a'.nut. Windows were brok- has nt vet been located. iovernor Hogg, of Texas has thin- wii. have upen There is one certain thev must now show Aniva; and cVpa.-:::- ,,i ; ':-:on- at B;;t:tr Sta-j-N"orii k- 'i, Pa-sent'e-, Ioiu. r .-i'.!it t..---t Set: I if I: Of 4 : 5 ' a. t. IO:c-r a . ; in Store, BUTLER, MISSOURI. three bright children, two boys, and their colors or pull in their sigi .-,..,, -f.'i' ic..j.c.inrii a.e as iue uuio rcjtuoiicau cocveu.ii.ii i'l'Ae , jIua Hocir. Ura Ho-rg and Moore ! r.n wavpd the red flan- in their faces. en in one fourth the houses the and other a v.- rsoiunwesi 01 here near ; Hogg. These names, the public is th- tate lit- tt cyclone did great told, were bestowed by Goveincr d iiii.i-'e to : loi-eitv but L-o t'trsona ; H.--gg Lutist-;i. This L-'vs iu c- j. i lM.T.t.t i.o.r r.f ;!' roi"K LIVES LOST IN NEBRASKA. Oruaba. Neb.. June The heaviest rainfall experienced in twen-1 tv-eiebt Tears in Nebraska fell rs'-en.'-rr, i'a---enger. Local Fre.i--ht 7 04 a. U 46 ;'. Liill!c.I. This L- 'Ws , -1 1 . t IiaiiUllg CUilu:etl tee 'VeVl.C bi-:fest hog cf ti-e Ho! Ho! Agents and Canvassers. A NEW IDEA FOR CHILDREN. Administrator's Noti' "0tic- i herhr :vr.. That : ni;ni-tration on the part'er;..:. K W j eina.n, wer- trar.t-.? t fjgned on the J ,t lav ,,f i ai , bate court ol ;&-; onr.V- . Ji. -.-,r! A!; j.-eri-ons ha-;HiT ..; .,- IF SI- f: ; arsnmethlnff new anrtnnlcneln edoeatinnal rteriiv. ; nershili et-tate. are ri.!;rel tr, . . !.:.' i- 1 t. tt-i - , if ariMaoBt. rreni pieasea aoa cniiaren oe- . ior anowance W the a'im.Ejttrator w'-oinr.r. Wanted. Hides, re.ts. featheiS, 1u-M- OMMiistfelr.!M!if. Attota- ' year after tbe date of aid lttr 1 ht " beeswax, and grease North Main St., -eetother.FhaTeo-n better. ,i you? ! S&'g"1 P' 0 ' Bmt. hiK Ika Imn II hoL tt,rritr,rw vninff ft. tJ1P M.a.e. i h.S ..uU :a7 f Jane. Ifeti . at i orro?tP rost -office J FissmtR Cinralara and unu froe. Address C. 1. IXiSTEB, , '. B. COLEMAJf. 1