Newspaper Page Text
H 1... i RIVAL THE BENDER. The Westmorland Aiif-tfii fr Many i M tel iolis M in ilei ei s. Joit Smith, Ai!-.., June 1'.. At I iSt OUH (if t lif-r lliost 1 eilial dell Of ti i es Stl.d Ut thloa-s !!: tl.- count! v has been raided, aii'l three of the t'4"o' iot-l Westmore lands, were brought hue to-day and lie in jail ou the charge of vurious murders. They aro Wilde Westmore land, John J-liid and Jolin Cagle,broth er-in law of Westmoreland. A few lays u) a 1 ' y I'.' years old, ivin Lin liHiuf) a Sherman came the. United States Marshal's of fice and related the killing of two travelers by the Westmoreland on February 15, IS'.hJ, ovr a year ago. They were robbed of their money and the murdeicrs compelled the boy to thrww the bodies into .Salt Creek, which Hows into the Arkun s.'S. The boy, with a ioi round Lis neck was made to swtar never to reveal the crime, and did not until in the presence of the I". S. Marshal. The matter was kept outlet to enable the authorities to ui'iuehend the parties, which they did ou Sunday morning last at their homes at the luouth of the Cimaiou. surinisiL thini in their beds. The creek is too high for dragging now, but will be searched thorough ly as soon as low enough to admit. For years past travellers have been known to stop at the Westiuoi elands and have never been seen again. The bones of three victims were found in tho woods nearby, pointed out by Cagle to the Marshal's party, and near by were found some good cloth ing, a lady's No shoe, and three watches, all buried under a foot of earth. The tumbledown cabin is at tho foot of a bluff 100 feet high and behind it were found frames of vi. lises, piles of clothing and other ar ticles, probably booty taken from murdered victims. It I auie Without a Winning. Knowille, Ten.1)., June At Nttiuuanville, Cireen county, Satur day a cloud burst did great da'inige. A small creek became a raging river 100 yards wide. The store home, residence and tho outbuildings of T. N. King wero swept away; he did not have time to eTen close his store doors. An iron safe, weighing 1,500 pounds, was carried one fourth of a imlo by the force of the water. A number of other houses were cur ried away, and all crops along creek bottom lands destroyed. The water came down so fast th;it the people barely had time to llee to the ridge, and if this had not hern near there: would have been serious loss of life. Considerable slock was drowned. All About a Horse-tliiet. Lincoln. Neb., June lti. The Governor of Nebraska and Governor of Wyoming are at loggerheads over a horse thief named Kingen. This fellow skipped into Wyoming and stole a valuable horse. A mob fol followed him orer the line for the Yuvp6s of lynching hiui, but in stead took him back to Wyoming, where he was sentenced to the peni tentiary. Governor Thayer demand ed of the Governor of Wyoming that Kiugvn be immediately returned IVtvuiing'a Governor sent back a very emphatic reply in which he flat ly refused to give up Kingen. Thay er then declared that he would hate Kingen released if he had to march an army of malitia iuto that state. Thayer is now in Wyoming. It is declared by the Paris Ap peal that Johu T. Rogers of Clay township, sheared twenty-eight Cotswold and Shropshire sheep this spring, aud the fleeces weighed 319 pounds, luaking an average of a lit tle over eleveu pounds, which take the cake and the whole bakery. Consumption Cuied. An old physician, retired tr.m 5rac k, having haJ placcJ ir. hi hainis br an East India missionary the formula ot Minple vegetable remedy lor the speedv and permanent cure ot Consumption, KiwuhitU, Catarrh, Athm.t and all threat and Ltirt;? Artect!o:t, a No a po-t-tue and radical Cure !or Nervous Debil ity and all Nervous Complaints, alter l. iviair toted its wondertul curative pow ers in ttiotisanus oi cae, is ten ii ni U;.tv to make i: Known to his suucrin te.iows- Actuated ov t:ns tnoitvc ana a lic ii-e to relieve human surteritii;, I will t-end tree ot cliarge, to all who Uoire .. liiis lecipe, in (.icrman, French, or E- gli-a, with tull directions tor prepan:: 1 usiiiij. Sent bv mail bv aJJresirg vih stsmn. n.iniir.iT thi ria:cr- . A. ! 1 . ..........j, i "i - - - Noves, S:o Powers Block, Rochester, . i . ij i year NEW FIRM? Having purchased the stock of good- ki.ow:. a tie Grange store consisting of GROCERIES & DRY GOODS, I desire to sav to mv manv friends that I have re plenished the .stock and fitted up the t- -re room in shape and I would be glad to have all my old friends call and see me. PRODUCE OF ALL, KINDS WANTED. I will guaiantee my prices on goods to be us low as any store in the citv. Call and see me. Tiie Prince f Wales a TrinVr. NfW York Times. This is not a pleasant thing for a man to have nu his conscience -ven thouith it be a ewnseience so well narcotized as that of the PriLce of Wales. lint, apart from that, the I sj.ectacle of an heir to the throne so j ad.licted to a low and unintelligent form of excitement that he carries j about with him the counters of a gambling game that he cannot live without is very serious and discour aging to the loyal Britons. Some Methodists in Wales have giveu ex pression iu resolutions of sorrow and deprecation to the sentiment that the testimony in this case must have inspired the hundreds and thousands of Englishmen. "I do not call a gambler a dishonest man,"' observes Dr. Johnson, '"but I call lion an unsocial man, an unprofitable man."' Nothing could bo more un social or more unprofitable than what is now shown to be the favor ite pursuit of tin? Prince of Wales, i ami when it leads him to coerce those, about him into risking what they cannot afford to risk, it is plain that if not dishonest himself he is the cause of dishonesty in others. The same moralist from whom we have just quoted also remarks that at 5() it is tim. for a man to bi iu earnest. ThejPrinee of Wales is in his oOth year, but he is as far as ever from being iu earnest. In truth, the Guelphs have been as frivolous, with the sole xception of George III. as the Stuarts whom thev succeeded without the intelligent brightness that socially redeemed in part the political impossibilities of the Stuarts A man wit is at once dull and frivo lous is not an attractive or promis ing object as the heir to a throne in democratic times, !Uid the Prince of j 1 1 - l wines setms not to i- anxious to j rise above the level of that "ignoble voluptuary," George IV. Happy Ilonsirrs. Wm. Timnious. postmaster of Ida- vil If. lll.l ivritiiC- '"1-Van .ti-i.. Itittuvu auv.., ...,.v'. ,lV,4i,. fc,,l.lO. tias itouenioie uu aie man an oiner , . i r ... a. ... li .i I mlicmes ccMdnned tor that ball teelmg arising from kidney and hv- er trouble." John Leslie, farmer : mi stockman of the sTime place ; writes: -r ma r.iectnc outers to : L. ,.T?- 1 l I,".. be the best kidnev ani liver medi- i cine, luiuie mw teei tine a new man. . . . 1 . . t l 1:1 . . : T IV -.111 i J. . uarduer, hardware merchant, same town, eays: "Electric fitters ; is just the thing for a man who is ail 1 . , . j run down and don t care whether he lives or dies;" be found new strength ! ood appetite aud fIt just hke he had a new lease ou life. Oulv oOc a bottle at H. L Tucker's drugstore The Tuscumbia Autogram savs: Jeff Yaughan, who lives west of town about three miles, had a thrill ing experience with six wildcats on last Friday, which fully proves the statement that a man can "whip his weight in wildcats." Mr. Yaughan was out hunting on the day in ipies tion, aud hearing repeated howls of pain fiom his dog. started in the di rection of the sounds. Arriving at tlm eoar, 1..-. di.ivro.l thotliia .1. had Deeu attacked by six wildcats, J two on! ones ami lour kittens. nA that the dog was getting decidedly - the worst of the tight. Fearing to ! shoot lest he kill his dog. Jeff jump- e.l iuto the frav with "both feet," so I The old cats snraun- to . , one side, when tnev were citsratch- el by two wtll-directed shots. v-i n , ' i i-v , lieu tue okt cats nad bceu kiLed three of tue young ones left the d -ma ,-t tla nnac U.'i 1 and went to where the old en lav vltUu One cf the kittens still held on to the dog who bv this time was ; nearly ustd up. This one was killed by a well directed kick, after which tlie otlier three kittens were killed. NEW GOODS? WILL NOT RAISE t .MILLION i Mohier Now Savs the Kan-a Wheat i Cloji will Net Eveee.l ." Milijoii Topeka, June lo Secretary Moh-1 cf the state board of agricultuie -cturne I this morning from a trip through the northwestern part of the state, back on liis He goes completely previous estimate.-, of the crop of wheat and say nuw that there will not be more than three-fourths of a crop raised by the state this year. "The fact of the matter is,'" said he this morning, "Jiat there never was a time iu the state when there wei e such great diffei enctrs between adjoining who.-: field. Iu the Solomon va -ley for instance.I found liel Is, which woui.t maki fifty bushels to the acre v. h le a Ijoining them would be othei ti-Ms which would not pay for ihe haivost. The statement tU;tt 11 that the wheal ieid will reach t'lii million bushels is eironeous. The area will reach 'A million acres, and as near as can be estimated at pies eat there will be thiee-iVurtii.-, of a crop, or fifteen bushels to the acre. This places the yield for the state a t 4o million buht iitainlv a large yield, and I can sve no reason for exaggeration." The forthcoiniag crop report will give the county assessors' figures on the wheat acreage aud the estimat ed yield per acre S .'Civtary M h -ler does not expect an especially large yield from the northwest. A Woman's Happiest Heliefs. Krom I'.ab's letter. But there are lots of quevr things iu this world. And between you and me I think it's iut as well not to dabble too miu,h ju tht. iu.t.r thii;' or to m ike etn its to explain ! them. To take life simply is the i happiest state for any human being. ' What do I mean by that? ' I mean to be ableto believe thai the I good God is over us all aud is g ing , . to no ine uesi ior us. ....:.. t.,;t.i.o ,.,.t. I mean to ,hmk that husbands , and wives, parents and children. S ..!. otl.-v ! T mean to believe that all flowers ! 1 smell sweet, that ail women ' ... are ..nA.l .ti.I .ill nicti-i nrft lirkti&tct fc"'- ""- " "' 't ,i-i i i I mean to believe iu hope, to have i - i faitL tJ. eharitv. T t , 0 fftlw ,nn .... est ,u J'our gating, and to give the stranger that which you have. I mean to try and thiuk of things i at their best and to trv aud do my best. I ineau to have some of your kind ly feeling aud some of your charity for a woman, who, if she some times doseu't agree with you, some times enthusiastic and sometimes says things that are of little worth, is after all trying to do her best to please you. Who is she? She's Bab. Forjrotten Already. 1 From Ue ChicaSo Tribnne. lScene, almost anywhere. Time I - . 1 . Tl i J 1 I SOn' let mP mtroda lu? friend' tL IT t :.l.o: ,. .. -' Hon. Jeremiah Simpson." (With an effort of the memory.) Glad to see you, sir. Your name 1 1 - - - r :l: T 1 . i always regarded the late Bishop ; " , . ! , , - i ' this country ever r-roduced. " T'n T.n Plata Hom I ress sav5 ' I that the Miss Ella Ewing. the Mis-: j soari giantess, wh has been cj ex - j liibition in New York. Chicago and '- .,, i other large cities, has returned to her boiae m Scotland ccoiitv to j spend the summer. FIVE HUNDRED BLESSED- rir-t-i'iijiciaii Kcj; Tiiatina ImaSnI- Bi:sy -1. . Pa.. June Th- ; tie church . f The M, t Sioiy Name I in; M.-u:.t Tn c utilities t- be the . i cv::tre ot attraction ir huud;t ds i t ! ailiicte.d humanity. About f00 ii.; . valid applied to 1'atLtr Mo.iinger i ! f ,-r his hb sing this morning. at d all I wwt accoiumodatod. In no, ; however was preset iption t 1 U v i .-it- t. cmt: olv,-ii ...lit. 1 lie tei i lOic hen ! dav a-ld-d ui-.ich to the suff.-rh if i ; the invalids who braced the suns (rays iu their elicits t" reach the j prtfct-nce of the priest Many sv.tVer I ei s. w eakt-ne 1 by disease and hng i coiiiiiiciui nt, wcie ovt iwuiit' a:.d : fainted. 1 hey were revived by at tending friends and in some iutanees r.!iiove 1 to their homes. This morn '"g Martin Lav in of Somerset, Niug ara county. X. Y . a 15 yar old Voy ! Lv ha I nevt r wulkeu it.Ce chiSd i hood, was ctrrie.1 into the j-i eseuce of Father Moilinger. After annoint- ing and blessing the boy the priest c 'inmarided him to waik, which, to his great delight aud amazement of the vast audience, he did, walking from the altar rail to the rear of the church uuasisted. It is said that the priest physician will remain on Troy Hill until the latter part of the week. Father Moilinger asks no charge for his services iu blessing tin- afflicted. The voluntary contri- butions, however, that are left in the basket at the side of the altar are enormous. The individual contribu tions of receiving blessings range from s:5 to Sit) and even larger sums : DOCTOR I'inese ieienrai.:a tuea; Pills area Pu.-.iiiveCureUwSl.l.: IliuJu.he, jnilou.ncM, and! ACKERS : PURE I PINK Coiifttlpallon. Fimall, plii-. ant and a favorite v!Ot Hi t bullet. Sold in Koitlaml for 1 ; ii.. In Arnerio f..r a. ".p. ii i; them from your Irti-isfs, or; aenit to . II. Itookiu A to ; 46 Wnt llromlwar, Nw Yuri. 5 I PILLS. H L Tucker. Agent. A Mail ( airier Made Away With Paducah, Ky., June 17. It is le ported from Graves County ou We 1 nesday night Pay ton lleetl (colored) driver of a mail hack betwe m May tield aud.Cuba.waii taken from home by T.diit caps and since then has not been seen Pay ton and a girl of re spectable parentage, neas Stuble tield, had been exchanging letters and were about to elope. This fact being discovered, piomptiy came the raid upon Pa ton. It is not known what became of him, but the idta exists that he was hung or shot and his body hidden. beiial ChaoM in West Virginia. Wheeling, W. Va., June 15. A sensation has been cause:! by the discovery that over four-fifthe of the juries drawn since the seBsion of the legislature were drawn illegally. At r Il,w,nb...:.,,di,, ih ,v,.a 'n. . n .. rn,'.., important. -trials will be rendered i.i iiuu luuuauu!) ui uuiiaia iuai. i . i i ,,.. ! . ,in !.,, j Iu some circuits the judges have re- , , . . , . , , lusen IU UUiU b UULU iui iae ,t.t,i inn m ivis'.i. The Marshall l'rogress says: Mr. James Branch bought Mr. G. X. Jackson's little mule, 30 inches high aud weighing 1G0 pounds. He took it to kis home near Fairville in the hack, and will arrive with it here this evening on the hack. A mule that travels in a hack is certainly a curiosity as a first-class passenger. The Marshall News has discovered the biggest mule. It says: Marshall is not only the moit extensive mule market in the state outside of St. Louis, but has furnished the largest representative of the long eared tribe to be found iu the state, and possibly in the world. The mule has been in the possession of Marion Sparks over three years. When a sucking colt the animal measured 15 hands aud 1 inch nigh. It is now 4 years oil and measures 20 hands?. Mr. Sparks this week sold a half in- terest in the animal to James Car- : . f . -. . . 1 peufr for 500. How to Succeed. 2 Tiits is the threat problem ot lite which i tew atiractoriiv solve. Some tail be-! ! cause o !..... poor neaitri o..ners -ar.t ot ' the sr.aioti:v rro-v dc"lcirr.t : rit wint ot nene. Thev are nervou, j irresolute, changeable, eay to set the 1 blue and spirit do.v- to K.e.-p ; the spirits v.p." Thus wa:in time, f iiiOnev, .7 .: i ,snd sere : .... There i n t4"ii"4 lirii Mie iv--' irativ- : : Xervir.e.dNcaverei thi srre. -o-ct ai. ; it, I r- .i.e. zo cure a.i ner us uw- eaes a neadacae,. tae ;mu-. net vou ! pmtrasio ceple-sr.e-s neura.:i.i. bt . Vitus dance, tits and hysteria. Tiial bottles and nr.e boost oi testimonials i ree at H. L. Tucker's drugstore. for Infants CaMoria is so weH aia; to chOAn-n that I tveonauctvl it m upior to ar.y jrw.nptuia known U ce " II. A. Aiu-nrs. M. P., so. uiio. .' St., liixWiyo, n. y. A. vv Stapl Fancy Feel EfiSWAHE AND GLASSWARE CICAPS A WD TOBACCO, Always pay the highest market price for Country Produce. Hast Side Square. Butler, Mo " IB1 'lb 1 3 iaW' fc i J p 1 1 irrvi , j r ... - Sole Agent for the Rockford and Aurora Watches, in Gold .Silver and Filled Cases, Very Cheap. JEWELERY STOUE, Is headquarters tor Pne Jewelry Watches, Clocks, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, &c. Spectacles ot all kinds and tor all age; also fine Opera Glares. You are cordially invited te visit his establishment and exa-ro . his splendid display of beauMtui goods and the low prior-.. ALL KIND OF ENGRAVING NEATLY EXF.i'HTED. THE POSITIVE CURE. I JKLTEEOTHERS.M Wurea St, Sew Tork. rrieeMctal and Children. CaotorU cia-s C. tic, CVmstlpntlon, SiH.r Si.i'.'-.iU'is, lHarrhiv.A- Knu'iation, Waiuiut iiari.ius r.oa:catjoi. Tbe Okntai-r Ci-ni-ASV, TT Murray Streft, N. Y elton Groceres oil TZ j ys q DT. ... watch