Newspaper Page Text
SOLIDLY FOR HOIKS. Tin li-tii1 (inventor 1 in o m i - hated a mill (ireat liners i:i tutu lo-T 111.: Ottiimw;i, l i . June -L What iri probablv destil.c-1 t be tlir ii,i.i-t I ' v v.; it of!i,ii-.-aii Jecisiw campaign ever waged f-,r ' matiditi' them to innkt certain lov rxditicul supiMij.K T in the stab- of I ,f' : ' " it-r-r ami -ots in ;M Iowa was opened to day ! 1 i j Chairman I'uller rapped to order at 10 o'clock this morning 1,000 of the iaOrit ( i.tla.. i .-tiinemb!od in ,.c democrats er convention in tie Jf law key t state. The campaign is di cisive because it is conceded by both political j ai- ties that as Tow goes in the c-omiu" j election so it will probably go in the j presidential election of li'J2. Should the democratrt tairy the f-tate ami re elect Governor Uoies, the claim of Iowa as pivotal state in the .;reat a.utiouul campaign of next year will le too well established to be doubt d even by the republicans and the voice of the Hawkeye htate will con seuently be a power iu the coining ai&tional conventions. Both partit-s ire enteiing upon the present cam jaiign with equal confidence. The Grand opera house was dec srated for to day's convention. To the right of the chnirinau fentoontd in evergreen hung the motto: "A Public Office is a Public Trust,'' while to the left was hung the in junction, 'No Backward Step," a .reference to the free silver plank tf the demociatic state iilatform (.f hot c.tar. SoMIJiUKU 1)V ACCLAMATION. .1,- ..........1 : 3o:es be ticclared the nominee by rwclmiation. '"Let,"' .viid tlie chairman. Simulta-ieonsly l,oUU cneolllig ilelnocrats lum- Iu their fet -in-l even the ladies in the boxes caught the en thusiasm by rising ami waging their fans and handkerchiefs. The band tdruck up "Auld Lang iSyne " nud the announcement of the chairman that Boies was the unani mous nominee cf the convention was ciever heard amid the cheers which ..he familiar nulody called forth. The ticket was complete with Samuel L. Bestow of Cliariton, for lieutenant governor; L G. Kinne of "Tama county, for supremo judge; J. B. Knoepler, for superintendent of public instruction, and Peter A. Dev. for railroad commissioner. The greatest interest was mani "iested in the report of the commit tee on resolutions. The platform as iiually presented contained the fol I awing: We reitvl'at? our demands of one year ago lor the free coinage of sil ver mid that it bo made full legal tender for all debts, public and pri vate, and denounce as nujust and dishonest the provision of the law recently enacted allowing parties to stipulate against payment iu silver and silver certificates, thus setting up a standard for the creditor and auother for the creditor, one for the voor man and another for the rich man. We denounce the McKiuley bill, r:he motives of its authors and de fendeis and the theory undr which it is submitted for the approval of the American people. We demand equal opportunities for ever section of our country and for every citizen .Ami we insist that every oppressive feature of the tariff be eliminated to the end that our merchant marine .may be restored to the sea, and the Miiari'cts of the world opened to the producing classes. The sugar boun .tj is not ft tariff. It is a spoliation f ihe treasury for special clastes and interests which are no more en titled to be aided by the government than the farmers of Iowa in raising Jaogs and corn, or the poineer set tlers of the frontier iu tle.r hard ships and sufferings as the vanguard of civil soldier. Over a I'isar this lime. -No," said the nnaraial editor, placing his loaded cane within reach T dcift believe that st:y. Its a fake. Xo ghost was ever Jscen with a lighted cigar in its mouth. A host." he contiuued. nusicg . his o oice. "can't even slow u vital sjpark." "A ghost. I reckon." retorted the exchange editor, with his eye on a heavy paste mug, -could smoke a cigar tiiat had a spirit wrapper." ST. , MR ror.NTY liONIK. A . ui.ty lor .JnH I: 'l com.ty attor.o- Ivi!;s i with t!. oSM' Itili; C m response t j piuries r tilj ' a bonded ir:debted!:f-ss. Ju-lg" 1'hiiips gave the court a onghty t-;k ami continued the rases until S ; teml the 1. that in ' th mc-iiitiine a ro!!!j'i-...!ais: may hit j , faflVeteth The court has made a rail ! for a coiifeifcticts meeting at Osceola, ' Monday. July the various town ! ships to meet at l. p. m.. on June -J,, ; t choe one delegate for every 20 votes cast and one additional for t.aeh fractional vote of eleven. Under tliis appoi ti mment. there will be ll'.'i delegates. Referring t the m.-eting the Os ceola Sun sa: Mr. Overall, attorney for thy bond holders, intim ites that about 70 per cent wou'.d be the correct figure to compromise on, and the people have generally he'd stillly for 40 per cent though at one time ) per cent was offered in good faith by the people and rejected by the bondholders' representative;. Mr. Overall and Mr Coiiuard. The as-. sseJ valuation of tlu c ainty is in round figures 5i,U(X. 0JO; the lo-.inty debt is nearly SS00, 0), and hearing ii.tuest at the Irate of hi per cent T mv this as the debt now stands would require .SO,0!Jfi j or y:ar to mett the inter- est .f siijjoo er year to create a fiu.a and s:5.".o '0 more to meet tla oi daiarv ei eases of the liav- the stunen- county. lb-re wi doiiM sum o! l;.r.lio a vear he sides statt: road and school tax-s, to be diided among lii.OoO souls, or about 2,000 actual holders of real estate. It will be readily se.-n that the people must tight, hant for the low est figure possible, both principal and interest. SAJ1 WOODS hlLLKI). Tho Notorious' Kansaii Shot Down in Hugofoti. Kits. Jim r.i t'lunui the Mnrilerer The Trass -ely (iiTW Out f the No-Mn's-Liiiil MassiM ie F ars Tiuit tlie War Will 15e Keiiewetl. Hugut on. Kas., June Colone S. N. Wood, the most noted man iu estel u Kansas, w as murdered to day by James Brennan. The ivur- j der of Colonel Wood is only one of along list of tragedies that have in sulted from the notorious Stevens county seat war. To-day's tragedy resulted directly from the massacre in Xo-Man's Land two vears ago of Sheriff Cross and five deputies by a gang of despera does headed by Sam Robinson. TLe massacre was the result of a war in Stevens County, Kansas, over the couutv seat. The war was waged between the towns of Hugoton and Woodsdale. The latUr was founded by Sam "Wood, the victim of to dy's murder, who was the leader of the faction which held that in the coun ty seat election the victory had been obtained bv fraud bv the adherents of Huiroton. Several ineffectual at tempts had been made by the Woods dale people to remove the county records from Hugoton to Woods- dale and establish the county seat there. One day about twenty-five Woods dale men armed themselves and marched iu the direction of Hugoton They were met by Sheriff Cross of Hugoton with a posse. Iu a parley which ensued the Woodsdale people aid they had no belligerent intcn tiou aud were only going down to the Indian Territory hunting. They i marched into the Territorv and Sher iff Cross aud his posse followed them. That same night Bobiuson and his gang surprised the Sheriff and his deputies, stood them up in line and shot them down. A boy, I Herbert Toney, was shot in the arm- j He feigned death and escaped to tell ! the storv. j xr ,a .e i..-. m-.,., i . i ,t. ..-i,..- . , , 1 , , upon that meatiug. as a mm of abi.- arrested on a warrant issued from j r the United States Court at Paris. ty. honesty and courage v.ouid na Tex., in the criminal jurisdiction of turally do. by the delegates of the which is the Indian Territory. The surrounding counties who knew him ! riial resulted in conviction. The ; bfst.h was el-eted by an overwhelni ca as appealed to the Supreme i ing majority. Sine time bis 1 Court. wh.-re the verdict was :wers ed and tin.- ea - remanded f.-.r tu.-tl Til- ease i sti'.l J -!: d'.llg 1)0;::: witlies-t till. lV.i. Tex.. tli" principal v. a- r ti-e it. was . i.e t-I ti.e 'li-I-a ;a'..t - i i 'an I diaing the trial hanJIe.l lrei-n.-tn without lows. UiViinan swute it-Venge. an-l wL-u hf heal .1 to l;y I that S m Woods was iu t :u . ana hinieh. ami. att'-r a ;vr:a. j fotiml Wools ,-tainling oa th cor i ner. Without watniii; he liew his , fevlt-r an..I il : - I f.jiir shvt-. i i 1 1 .. his victim's h ait. Woo l wathout uttering a v, 01 J. ired ' . Sht-riff Cann attempt 'd t- nnst the murderer, but Ikrunan t.,,d t i the ofiicer off with his rev i. r. Fai- i ally he surrendered to Sheriff Weir 'of Morton County, who tutm d him j over to Sheriff Cann. j Sam Woods was very popular iu Wood.-dau-, and when tlt'j news of las. naualer l i-acnes Uoo lsaaleit is feared the people will seek revt iio and that the war between the two towns will be renewed. The murdered man was prominent j del ed him without the official posi in thr Farmers" Alliance and was tiou, even though eminently fitted clerk of the Legislative Committee to till it. iu the Lower House of the l.-it Lg-! The onlv trouble with 1". S. Hall islature He was also one of Steering"' Committee, and about the only "due woikei" Lower House- blasted of. the was I tin. , 1 I " ., . rarii; nc-' recks, ami ! Startling Facts. Thj American people are cotniiiir a racj ot nt-non- tlie rollowinjj suiriie-'s tlie : c s t o.- .ipi:.tiso lieiiipilini,', of i j tit ic- r. eai. tlnit when hU -.n va i-- Irom M X'itus ilasue Dr. Miles, irreat ! keto:ative Ner ine cure.l him. Mr-. J. K. Mi '.cr, t Va!;;uo, ami i. D. l';o .!-, ..r t ,, i-.n il L-ii i, . ..i.tuis trom taking it. Mi. II. A (i.o.r . or i-r:.i.i, r..!., lire.i . r tx to - i .ou t-ion-, pel ,I.,v, an.i ;;.:i: h he.tkl.n'i c ili. oark.icl.e, ami l)e!" oiis j- :i ':iv eeie houle. Trial hot-t'c-, ..mi li.,e :i. ..ik of mar. e!:i: -U!e-, tree 11. 1.. Tucker, Drie. reco-!ri.enJs ,aul eiunantCv quali. d rcniCii " . .St. .re, who is ne- I'le-Mt-Ilt l' . Hail as ailO!liee-Seek r St. I.' .'.i.rnI or Aicricullnre. (:.e of the most temarkable tacts eoniocted with the present farmers" movement, is. that until the idea of politics began to be associated with tlie rdi-r th"ie were very few pa pers which paid any attention to the movement For two ir thre years the Journal of Agriculture' was the only paper in ?dissouri in whose col umns anv Alaance or Wheel matter could be found. But as soon as the Order trot mixed up with politics nwspapi rs itevoted t' the Alliance j cause sprang up thick. j But the fact is no more remark:-! i b!e than the one. that here iu .Mi.--! soun, every poatical Alliance paper is. instead r doing ail it can to pro mote harmonv and build up the i' ll" ! Order, putting its energies to the base use of vilifying President U. S. Hall of the Stat-Union. But unanimous as thev are in the' effort to brak down President Hall, it is a notable fact that not on- of them can make a charge against him through the press that is not perfect ly puerile; and not one of them dares to prefer a charge against him ac cording to the terms of the consti tution. The onlv charge thev make against O mi O him thut is true, is that he is a Jeiu- ocrat: the most frequently utlered charge they make that is false, is, that he is seeking to use his position in the Order to secure office. As to the first, they are right; he is a democrat, and he comes of a stock who have seived their state and beeu honored by the poople as democrats; and what is more, the majority of the farmers of Missouri are democrats, and they do not seem to be ashamed of it, aud do not seem to think they are barred from membership in or all the rights of the F. A L. U. being such. As to President Hall s being an i office seeker, the imputation is ab solutely false. The editor of this paper has been intimately acquainted with V. S. Hall since he made his first bow to the state alliance in Springfield. August. lSs'.t. He c ime representing the handful of a'liances at the time in Randolph county aud was sent by them be- cause Le ua.l maae a rcora as a fighter against monopoly in the shape of n miller s trust iu north west Missouri. lie made Lis mark Missouri ' ar- ' .! iii.owu to Hit-:.:. At S:-::t:-:i-n p;t - r b-:i.; -t: i.r and li'-ted to uat v i :a ti.: .it ft-. b ii :! ..a-1; ui. r to a active wo:L iu the i uiia, h.usM t aab'.e elects d govern. 'r f the c.ul.-c v.. i.; hi in to be stat-. has i. thJ n I'iii--" Ut:.l Kit). Hail let ll-d the::, a- ht- ' my times sine..- uid. that h. t g J into the MlOVellirtit to jet ! a:.d that the nrta wh- lost;- : ,, - ,,-h !. Ue. the order. a . aea out o. That he has Iie i ctu:?untly u thi is fall v n id:.c. d the fact that to this writ-i's c l ta:n k :i jwlt b e. ass a ointaant of Lo-:or and iutlucnce with a salary of siverd thousand d -liars attached has bet n declined by President Hall within a ear. It was declined .!. ly becau sw he would not pel init hia official position, even without stok iag on his pait, to secure for him an jfri'"- th-tc would not havu been ten- is, that he is too honest and too can- did; has too little '"policy" to be a demagogue and stands squarely uj on his convictions though the whole world opposed him. We do not know whether Bio. H.dl wants to b governor or not; biit one thing we djknow, the oilice Wlll hate to Seek the man. for the man waa never setc ttie omee; ana that is th 'and of oil! -ials we want iu rial evej-v wie-;e else , . i ... i "file The !'! tyl'in'i ill Star. Washington, Juno Juiy 1 an other star will glitier in ti e national tlag. The law requires thit thi ad mission of a new state shall be sig nalized in the national banner from the Independence day following the admission. The new star which will find a place July 4th this year will stand for Wyoming. That, vigorous voting commonwealth came iu aftr l ist Independence day by just a week or so. Idaho had been more luck', as the president ha 1 signed the bill admitting it the evening of July so it bus had its star all the year. With the one added for Wyoming the stats will number forty-four. It is left for the army emblem to fix the grouping according the gov ernments i lea. This is done in the Older just issued by the war depart ment as follows: The field or union of th" national ! ring in use in tlie arn'iv will, on and ! after Julv 4. lS'.H. consist of forty- tour stars in six rows, tne upi er j jOW4.r r0wn to have eight stars, and j the second, third, fourth aud fifth mows seven stars each in a blue 1 1 ' Lvery ring hoating as the sign tf j authority of the national government t will henceforth conform to this oi ! der. The flags with less than fortv- four stars will not be condemned, but as new emblems are needed the old ones will gradually disappear. Hi I'Hst lleciuat Shown Ujt. j Xashville. Tenn., June 24. Thej j American will publish the results of J a thorough investigation of a politi- cal record of John H. McDowell, while he lived in Desha, county, Ar kansas, from 1ST1 to 1877. He is now president of the Teuuessee alli ance and coal oil inspector at Xash ville by appointment of Governor Buchanan and is stumping Mississ ippi iu opposition to Senator George. He has of course passed as a demo crat and beeu rewarded as such. Af fidavits from forty of the leading cit izens of Desha county show that he was an out and out republican, being a member of secret negro leagues organizing the negroes at night and eating at their tables. He was elec ted justice of the peace, etc., by the republicans and became so obnox ious that the white people at on- j time discussed the advisability of j j lynching him. The young woman who edits the : Sedalia Bazoo thiuks that "Mi Kiibourne. wuo married bac nu ber General Schofiel.l was in straits for a husband." It is said th at Eurof e no longer Sweden for their "nightingales"' but is giving to Areric the credit ofpro duckig the beft feraale voices in the world. for Infants -CtoriissoweUaiaftNl'.ochil.lrx:i:hAt I rt?ora::u :: J it as su;-r.or Wiifi rosont'S. .n kscwii to n-,t.' II A. V. I' .1 so. or: A: O W elton Staple d Fancy Groceres, QUE C!C r t ! Alwavs pay the highest n Prothice- !:;ist Side f. Mi''- S3 . . . . 1 1 . ' I . I ! l'l 1 'lit I U. CI 111' I i i - ! . 1 . krtiz PRANZ Sole Agent for the lioekfoul and Aurora Watches, in Gold Silver and Filled Cases, Verv Cheap. JEWELERY STOBE, I headquarter tor Pi.e Jewelry Watches, Clocks, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, &c. Spectacles or aK kind and tor all ages: aUo fine Opera G!ase. You are cordially invited to visit his establishment and examine his splendid display of beau:tul goods and the low prices, ALL KINDs OF ENGRAVING NEATLY EXECUTED. I - THE POSITIVE CURE. ELY M Wrr and Children. j Oa-torl cv.r-s Oi '.f, Cr.nstijwtin, i JVJ:r V."""' I'rrln-.v. Kr.i.-,a:i-n, iktus onus. 4jii-a sivi, aJ y-rouKKf Ci CcSti. V:. Tm Okntair C mpanv.TT Slurray Slrt-t. X V Glassware LAW U TODAOCO, - iii'kct price lcr ( ountrv Square. Butler. Mo leoii-IVMl St, 'ew Tort ffxeSOettJ 4 W'ri'iiO-'iiliilllll . mi :i;iiij!;!""j'!i' is!'!'!.,. BMIHMDT. 1 - '. , -i - '-i