Newspaper Page Text
VOL. XIII. iilTTLEH, MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY JULY 1. 181)1. NO. 32 TO CURE SKIN KsSrSi MEASE VTaVJ of As re; USE HEISKELL'S OINTMENT. It h;c ! '-li In ii Irnriv ?. r. :;ti l !..i ; I roi"! i;,j;..!'.i.. i-i vi ry -:i , .;.;' i'rl(.' s ami of (. 'In tin- (.!' :! '! ,S -.r J:yrli'li nitiiiiii': J'.fxriiij, Tetter uu ! Itching 1'ilfS. Cold t7 rrzsgi:.:. 50 e.:. per 2:r. Send for Trentie on Skin Ttinrases at I CertiUcutea of Cure. BATES COUNTY National Bank, BUTLER, MO. THE OLDEST BANK hi i,tit;ir ami Tin: ONLY NATIONAL liAXK ' IN BATES COINTY. CAPIIAL. - T"J-".i(ii do j SURPLUS. - F. J. TYCAUl), - - - iion. j. ib NF.wnnirm I.C.CLARK "J.l.Ulnl (tu I e-i.!..-.:. Ux:-V vr-. Casliier John AtkisoiUs Pension Agency, wvi-r It Kv riiixtmiii'h nure ruoiiis West Side - Butler, Mo. DR. F. M. FULKtRSON, ii2isr.ri-'rf HUTLER, - MISSOURI. Olllcc, SmitliAot t'ui iu r Siuare, lr. Tucker's olJ Ntamb Lnwyerw. y: ARMOND A: M! I II. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in Hate adjoining counties. tBgrOrticc over Bates Co Nat'l Bank. JpARKINSUN A: GRAVES, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office West Side Square, over Lans iiown Drug Store. DR. J. M. CHRISTY, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, front room over P. O. All calls answered at office day or night. Special attention given to temale dis eases. rp C. BOULWARE, Physician and X Surgeon. Office north side square, Butler, Mo. Diseasesot women and chil. en a specialty. J. T. WALLS, PHYSICIAN AND Sl kGEON. Office, .Southwest Corner Square, over Aaron Hart's Store. Residence on Ha vannah street norrh ot Pine. Potter HBros. BRICK LIVERY STABLE. An ample supply of . . Phaetons, Drummer1 Wagons, oic. This is one of the best equipped Sta bles in this section of the state. Cl.s Km- I'rr.NtTHKO. At any hour, dav or rhrhtov. the most reasonable terms. Farmers desiring to put up their horses when in the city will lind this barn the most convenient in town. POTTER BROS. A ;:!;i'i'i:i.i( AN ," i'i'.NslnV An. I ! li ill In Pn- t A :ilf!,i it-. . M-. . -I ; i .i! : i.t i ' -.-- :i '.. i .. L-j i : . . : i - . :. read w 1 1 ii ; in tl..- t v.-!.' ami J ! 'i a l'e, .i ! "pal ti-:ili. that :-:!, f ! );; ! S must ' I hav- to Us J :. he 1.:- r ti.. t ... ' , 1 V, Itii i.,l it.r . . .1 s'll es fit .:.( ;i!l I ,1 j r our l'i-M-ini! s willing than 1 am ! ' i I::- c: '. and truly i -- : v v.-ti-inti- r e. g'.od round pension from the t n.iiit-iit iiitt th-v ht iped t I save, and ior v-,'ti oit-; lias had it l:b i : l v!i ii our Tnrtv penson pi ii: evei y L'im and passed s' ch lib- (-itl w-i.i-ion I:iws I tbou'Tl;t it v::x j ihf oiilv t-.-nvct sukI viiht V.ih.y t- I do; but h:t!.- we tliiuL: it v. . f t'-;:1; 1 W.'.s tiuiU .'i'':cit 1'iot'oitioiis. w ith U ! i:bi "! ! f. tl.f' o-iv 11: If of ih- o; i:; w::-, let il- .-a I'.l tn that i l'!'.V jwn-ioiis. H" oo ei'ulUfi.t :'"''! than its .hry i l l i-. Ii-S ; was mii j u j-t il w h n. in stieakiu of ' i .... . . r i some --t our !n ii'ls aiil hi ;oL I or- : v.'.io w er in av. pensii n. w ""t I e.l fourteen who to all pl,(';11:ll t"' s Were able bmlied men and w , u ked i every ilay at their dilleieiit callini;s. ! but of course the' must have some j complicated internal disease. Theiei was my friend's next-door neighbor. Mr. Blank, whose hip was shattered at the battle of Cormth, Miss., strug gling along with a large family and living on a rented farm, but draw ing no pension, because he was un able to furnish some proof that was lacking to tstttblith his claim. There is justice for you with ft vengeance; and if such justice as that confines a few years longer, the tax payers .f the country, without regard to poli tics, will rise in their might and abolish the whole peusiou system. Then the crippled and needy veter ans whom the law was enacted to assist will suffer. I would be glad to see some of the prominent republican journals cham pion the reform mentioned, for iu their inmost hearts they must know that such reforms are not only right but sadly needed, and they must know that there are a great number of lifedong republicans who do not believe in their hide bound protec tion policy and lavish pension sys tem; they also must know that it is hard on us old fellows who have voted with them from the time of the great Lincoln to the present Harrison to have to lock to a parti sanjdemocratic paper for encourage ment and help to reform two of the greatest evils this country has ever been confronted with, that high taxes and lavish expenditures. In conclu sion will sav. mav succes attend you in your efforts to bring about a ! reformation is the wish of your re-j publican reader. Stanlkv Banks. Shot IOWIl Hi Self lrtris. Garden Citv. Ka . June 21 -C W. Brown an 1 Sol Will; ;:;.s. livin.' near Johnson City. Lad an ol i feud j to settle ytstot thiy. Vi;!him threat- ened to whip Br..v.i:. who is a much :cr man. ar.u was rroctvtUi:'- to i 1 car. y tit his threat when Blown "i I'.in. a shotgun h;:.:. Brow: it. to his body, up to th sl-eriff. who brought him here to prevent Williams fiiends iviicii'.i-.g i. Both iun haTefami- Miles' Nerve & Liver Puis. Act or. . io .bcr, e nerves .eeJ.ii i :; t or. a r.ew principle lesulatinir ' :iiuc:r :r.d bowel through ; : ew J:-ccer. l"; ; 'e'.bt;::c, bad taste, :o:- t ,-:.-::.:;;o:!. plcr v. c::-er. ehuirer.. t., t.ret. ;o Jcses p.t-s nee a: il. L. Tiick-re- 4-ir tc... D; There is a probability of peace in northwest. St. Paul and Minnt ape- lis are about to unite. R. R. DEACON, i:n AMINVAKK A3fl Oil SPRING WAGONS, ' B f KuAD ( 'A I ITS. Till: CELEBP.ATEI ::ts-;ilj V Sulkv I'low. WILL FLOW IX HAUL) FALL I'LUWINli. WHEKL ALL OTHElts" TAIL POUTEKS HAY CAKKIEKS. Can be Reversed iVoiu Bain i"i -i. BUCKEYE FIIOCL PUMPS. Freeman's Dnmcnd Barb Wire, Cuilders Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails and wasron Wood Work. HAVOC OF CLOMPS Disastrous Freshets in Iowa Least Kilit Lives Lost in tin' Raging Torrents At Vlll: If. I ii'i!n!:: i-i auii 2M . 1 1 1 her S i-pr Aw a . '.in. i- 'l', T'i .Tin fi -i I i.e fAV- l'ovs of the Johnstown t'outl wciv i:i pat repeate 1 i:i this place to-day. n'.'ti.-i-s bu1.' trrieil ;ht in a N;a-:ta like tori cat. How many lives h:;ve ! e; matter of uncertain iOt is yet a y. A tfiiilh- l eptated an I ichaid b tlnit wind aluutt a I urneaiie aie what f,l wur!;. The storm, which began last night appeal s t have swept a vast circle t circle ! of northwestern Iowa fully P0 miles iu diameter, with Chetokte as its' center. Up to iO:oO p. m. to-night, owing to the destruction of wires and railroads, only the vaguest re ports have reached here from the devastated territory to the west, ! north and south. The daning here, ! taking into account the relatively '; small size of the tcwu, is enormous. ; Most of the destruction in Chero-j kee was wrought by the extranrdi narv rise in the Sioux, resulting from i the tremendous downpour of rain. ; Some idea of the immensity and sud- j dnness of the flood can be inferred j from the fact that it carried off, ap parently without an effort, the big truss bridge on whioh the Illinois : . . . , . , ibeen spent in the quest. Large and with the bridge went 400 feet , . , , . of trestle pieces of float had been found in rj, x ... , the vicinitv, which assayed .18,000 To-night the Little Sioux is at the ., , , , , . , , , . to the ton in silver glance, but as highest stage ever known. lnebet, . , . information indicates that the Illin ois Central rails are under water i continuously for many miles on the Onawa branch and that the havoc both to roadway and bridges is sel dom paralelled iu railroad history. AT LEAST EIGHT LIVES LOST. It may be a week or more before the full extent of the disaster is known. At least four persons were drown ed here and four at Correctionville. The railroad depot at Calumet was blown down and much damage to tewn property is reported. Sutherland, O'Brien county, a small station on the Chicago and Northwestern railroad, fiftv miles from Calumet, is reported to have been winett t ut. over fort v buildings be-in blown down. The wires are all blown down and it is impos: to obtain accurate information !)ie ex- cep-t through the repoits tranmit , ted to the railroad official.. As r.ear as can bo learned, the art a of the stcrm as given has been. i; at.ytl.Iiig. uiilrvcsth-ated. Ac , cording to latest advices, the siorm j falls little short of a tri-state aliiic j tion. affecting not only a hue stretch of country in Iowa, but large portions also of Minnesota and Ne- brasha IUP l.EIOKTS FROM SIOl'X CITY. Sioux City. Ia.. June 24. The ter rible rain ot l ist night and this morn- r -st devastated this or tion t ' L.- .V.:. N roads are :;;. :; g trains trom tins city east. The Flovtl river vallev is inundat- i ed for thirty-rive mile north of this city. Many houses in Letnars are flooded over the hrst floor, while AiN AND FISH BROS? FARM WAGONS ummi nnu i ivii uiiUv the towns Mei riii. Hinton ittivl Jaincs itiv eohiplett'ly suliiiK-ryVvi. TLiity-tive imlt-s of truck on t-uch si-.le of the Iiliuois LVntriil. Chicngo. St. Paul. Minneapolis au 1 Ou.aha ai;J Sious City ainl l'acilicaic lloo.l- J noitL of tlii city, with ha I wash outs at Lfiuai's. The Little Sioux river bottom at , f-t'OKfc IS eUtil'eiV inunJateJ ana t!. u. 1- ( teres oi crjis are u:i- L-r watf-r. The water at tMllleil awav fultV lit MlMt-N i .i i. V ('I'llkLX' tu.l barns in tlo- bottoms, but no fatalities are repotted. At the same place both approaches f the Illinois Central bridge over the Sioux river are gone. On tL.j Central Iowa branch a hun dred feet was carried out. TIIF. FAMOl'S "LOST VEIN." A F.iiuiliiiis Kiea Mine lIeiiM-u en il in Colorado. Boulder, Colo., June li:?. The "lost vein ' has been found. It con sists of a (' inch streak of aluiust sol id silver glance and brittle- silver, es timated to run from $15,000 to 2.V 000 in value per ton. It was found by Albright and Winslow Carlisle, and is undoubtedly is the famous 'lost vein." The crevice is 4 feet wide, with good strong walls, and the ore from the vein is so rich that it can be cut with a knife like cheese. For twenty years Albright and hundreds of other prospectors have honeycombed the mountains for the vein, and thousands of dollars have the side of the mountain was lower j ed with a dirt slide for forty feet it was impossible to locate the vein. Two years ago a cross cut channel was run within eight feet of the lead and abandoned. Albright, who has made this hunt a life work.start ed from this tunnel and after drift ing eight feet struck the bonanza. As it is the only silver glance mine in the district there is no question that it is "the lost vein." Congrat ulations are being showered upon the luckv men from all sides. A iirl"s Frightful Death. Pierce City, Mo., June 24 A daughter, aged 14 years, of Terry Campbell, who lives a mile north of Kite-key, was seen last night leaving town a few yards behind au old man named Fleck, a shot maker iu Pitch er. Two young men named Hardy and Armstrong saw the girl and the man about a mile from town. This was the last time the girl was seen alive. Searching parties secured the neighborhood from Saturday even in j; until Sunday evening, when the mutilate 1 body was found a few feet i from the read by these same young 1 men and near the place they had ; seen her the day before. Her hea l was crushed, her throat was cut from ear to ear and theie were several gashes on the breast and abdomen. There were evidences ' a hard stru-rgle fr the roa 1 to itui..oi sav s iinr .i'i was au im portant witness in a murder case now pending in Newton county, and the ; interested parties are suspected of j knowing something of the murder. s niisie if nuuitVj R. DEACON. "aut a ( airijtaita l iniil. 'luj tka. Kan., June "J.'i The liret pubhc call for ui iifv fur caiujmigu uii iit s iMijit-s fioiu the new polit ical patty. Kvt-iy lVtjpie't party pap-'-' in this xt;tt this wt tk will publish a c.iiil i'roia lljlt-rt fc'jhil i.n. M-cit-taiy of the liational coiu- tuiiU-e of the Peoples party ur. ilH liberal contributions to a campa'gu fund. It is addressed "to ail friends of political reform." Iu this call Mr. Schilling declares that the PeO ple.s pai ty has bfen formed under tiie most laerab'u auspices and gives piuu.i.-e of an eaily emancipa tion fim the thralidom uf the mon ey power. "Lut this emancipation can licit be securtid withiut fpecial aid extraordinary iiloit, reijuiriug a large outlav in the preparation of " - 1 1 documents, iu arranging met tings aad for Other legitimate and proiier 11 inu poses. To this and every ear- net fri.n.l of nolitical mid economic reform, and eyery eform organiza-1 tion is urged to tiibute at once and liberally." The secretary closes by urging that ail contributions be sent to him The expenses of the Kansas state central committe last fall was less than Si, 2.00. The campaigns have heietofore le.Mi carried on through the secret societies, which have borne their own expenses. When the fall pic nics begin the farmers iu the atate will use the same methods of raising money that are so popular in the churches. There will be voting booths and rallies, while the rents from the various stands and merrv-go-rounds will be turned into gantr al campaigu fund. Specimen Cases. S. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was disor- dered, his liver was affected to an , . . alarming degree, appetite fell awav, , . f , , , . and he was terribly reduced m t!sh and strength. Three bottles of Elec- trie Bitter cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a ruuniug sore on his leg of eight yeai s standing. L'sed three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Arnica salve, and j his leg is sound and well John Speaker, Catawaba, 0.,had fivelarce lever SOieS on his leg, doctors Said he was incurable. "One br.HU r.f uue OOllit OI Electric Bitters and one box of Ar- nica salve cured him entirely. Sold' by II. L. Tucker. SHIRLEY CHILDS SELLS WH TT.R7 ill AND HAY RAKES, . And a Full Line of Repairs for Champion Machines.. Bos gies, Phstons, Spiingi Road Wagons And a Full Line of Leading Cultivators. i I Kh'veu Persons Poisoned. Kit-Ten persons are lying serioush, at and near Mo Washington a -enue, in Springtiehhfrom mysterious po. soning. AH, two families- and : bi;-,h v. t .fk supper S.;;; lay j,ig."-J with C. J. Jlrt-noll. a well-know? builder oi' that city, at which rieo nuish was .an artie'e uf diet Sin ; then a;! hae been : then ith cramps and o:nitlug. I he alt-adi;ig p'uv sici.ras are at los to ftccount fc-i tiie poison. All will piohah'y recov er. The peaks tf the world have uc all been measured yet. Another ex pedition to Mount St. K!ias will l sent out this summer by the Natiou i al (leographical bociety. The pri:;a object is to ascertain the true height I of the peak. Cclors go t .iyi ther in the iea. Pi vers in the clear waters of the troi i ; cal .-eas lind that lish of ditVeiei. t ; colois when frightened do not dart iu the same direction, but that each, lish takes shelter in that portion i f the submarine growth no u est in ct'. or to that of the fish. Sudden Deaths. ;5 1 lean diea-e is the niu-! i;c- ii tie nt eati-e ot !fil Ui'.lii:. whicu i:-. tlirce out t t-our cao is nsisteete!. The 1 1 i plums are not eneruu'v uiu!er- 'I-o.i. i :ic -e .tie: a the riirl'.T vide. !inrt iuut or .ying nam .)f tl: s- tic- in side, hack or shnuMer. irie-'ular puUe, asthma, weak, and hungrv --pe'.is. , "1 in stoma,!,, Mvelliag ot ankles or uow , oppression, drv cough and sir.oth- i erimj." Dr. Miles' iifustrated hook on, rr.i)iiM, tree at II. I.. VuekeCs Drugstore who s-ell and guarantee Dr. ' Miles' unequaled New Heart Disease Cl;l t" alld Kestoratn e Nervme.w hic'i 1 lift's lli-l tfi:isllf'.S s!.' llV. v- ncss, etteets ot drinking, etc. It con- ' 1 tl:l f-Ttes. An eastern joker writes that Uu ! cle Jere Busk, in an absent minded I bucolic moment, wrote a westix j syndicate that ''Leaves of Gras" is : one of the bn books that have exf i ; cised the most influence oer his ta 1 reer. In the ol I readers the boys and girls used to read of the whaU smashing sea vessels but now tho whales seem to get the worst cf it. A boat struck and killed a large whale iu the Atlantic ocean a few days ago. General Butler still keeps on the i legal harness and his latest yietoi j j iu the Johnson habeas corpus case ' WH bring him a host of cougratula j tioDH' 11 wa oue of tLe neatest triu,nI,s of th generals' long ami brilliant farcer." I . ,, ', '. . , T All people who think they aie. ur- i .. . . x- , ., lists are not so. No less than 10,- . . . , ... i 000 'ilctu,es were rJected tb,S -Ttar ' b7 ue selection committee of th British Royal academy. Most of . them were hopelessly bad. , " iCFIVlTI F IUT LP (l I OVrSti A !' U 0 1. 1, pr.fferlnp from lervouM aebl1"?. mvoiunury io... th tnct of youibfat upon receipt of S J.OO. Perfectly hrnil. Ot r- ; "?"ty in uMsful ant,. Aa mn infllli:, : fe ud rmpid cur, it Ijm no equal. Commiinio- ! tionn strictly confltlcntiah l'artl-nlri ad te;l- rur rniiDno ..cmr., 3-39 I.iTinsston St., Brooklyn, V. THE MOWERS