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The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, July 01, 1891, Image 4

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

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J. D. ALLEN Editor.
J. I). Ali.cn Si Co., I'toprielors.
I he Week.IV liMKs, puoni-rieu eery
Wednesday, will be sent to any address
one year, postage paid, for $1.25.
Th body of Stonewall Jackson
has been plueed in a new grave.
Tb New York farmers alliance
refuse to take 11? with the tbird pur
ty movement.
Tbe city papers bare it that Mrs.
John A. Logan, in soon to marry a
New York millionaire.
A bronze statute of Henry Ward
Beecber, tbe great preacber was uu
Tailed in Brooklyn New York, laht
The Globe-Democrat thinks tbat
defeat would be more burtful to re
publicana in Ohio tban to demo
crats. A democrat bas been appointed
city treasurer of Philadelphia, in
place of Bardsley the republican de
faulter. From reading tbe papers it would
eeni that Yale and Harvard colleges
have been turned into base ball
training schools.
William Hays bas just retired
from the Brooklyn police force with
a penson of $550 a year and a for
tune of $40,000. Officer Hays ap
peals to have clubbed the tree of
prosperity as vigorously as the
iieadg of the vicious.
The Republicans of the country
would bo sorry to lose Pennsylvania;
but this would be a smaller calamity
than holding it while it is dominat
I by its present bosse?, and being
obliged toopologize for their villainy.
Globe Democrat.
Senator Plumb in speaking of free
ilver the other day and what would
he done in congress said, Wall street
taunt go. When the people tackle
a great question the politician drops
to ins knees. By the way Senator
Plumb is a pretty good tariff re
former also.
(Senator Brice, chairman of the
national democratic committee, has
gone to Europe. In his absence
Senator Gorman of Maryland will
take charge of the committee and
take a band in the Ohio campaign.
It is said McKinley and Quay would
be glad to see Mr. Brice cut his
visit short.
"Secretary Foster has issued a cir
cular specifying the classes of irai
grauta that are not desired in this
country. The list includes '.paupers
and idiots." This part of the circu
lar will be denounced by Quay and
Dudley as being against the interests
.uf tbe republican party.
"Mrs. Elizabeth L. Harrison, wid
owof the president's brother, has
just been granted a penson and giv.
n back pay amounting to $8,329.93.
Her application bad been previously
disallowed upon two different occa
sions, but then that was before her
brother-in-law became presides t.
Public office is a family swap in the
republican creed.
awFy .1 - - - J
President Hall of the Missouri
alliance is fighting the sub-treasury
scheme and he should have the as
sistance of every farmer in this state.
Suppose congress should pass 'the
sub-treasury scheme, of what use
would it be to the farmers of this
ounty. Do you suppose a warehouse
would be located here, if you do you
would miss it bad as it is extremely
doubtful .whether this congessional
district would get one.
The campaign in New York this
year like that in Ohio, hs national
Interest and significance. A Gover
nor and other State officers, a Leg
islature in both branches, a Con
gressman to succeed the late Gen
Spinola, ten justices of the Supreme
Court, a Mayor of Brooklyn, and
numerous county officers are to be
chosen. This not only implies prizes
well worth contending for at any
time but the result of the election
will have a direct and potent bear
ing upon the great battle of next
year fer the possession of the Gov-rnment.
WAATD0E8 ITMEA5? ! force its process, or that the people j BOY TRIAX-WUFCKKIts.
We understand a petition paper of a county could be successful in anv j .... ,
1 1 1 . I .. .. 1. . . jTlieOluo iunters VWnA Guiltv to i
is being tent to different persons in attempt to resist the power of the liym- to V ret li
the county, accompanied by a re- j United States. 1
quest that the same be put in circu-1 The same instructions were given ' T-,i,a, , T . .
, . . . ,. , . , , : . . . r-t . L 1 uaiiit, U., Jnue J.. Detectives
lation for Burners. The object and I the county court of St. Clair count v n ... ... ., ., . ,
. 0 . J . i , , .1 i George . Ca.dwed of the Lr.e
purpose ol tbe petition is praying
the county court to employ expert
bookkeepers to investigate the rec
ords of the different county officers
for the past twelve years. Another
stipulation in this petition is that
the court shall take the money out
of the county treasury to pay the ex
pense of this investigation. One
of these petition papers was receiv
ed by a gentleman living south of
the river a Bhort time ago, but he
refused to circulate it. Just why
the originators of this petition want
to go back over a period of twelve
years, covering the democratic ad
ministration of county affairs, and
let the republicans go free is not set
forth in the petition. Neither does
the document give the signer the
faintest idea or conception of the cost
of employing experts to do the work
of twelve years standing. It simply
asks the court to go ahead with the
investigation regardless of expense
that it may be ascertained how the
books have been kept.
Well, this bookkeepiug business
was the hue and cry of the union la
bor party during the campaign.
Their song was, books and banks aud
banks and books, aud we took it as
a matter of course they were going
elect officers fully competent to
overhaul the records and expose to
broad daylight all the defalcations
aud bad doings of both the republi
cans aud democrats for the past
twenty years But we never dream
ed of this economical party being so
bold and extravagant as to o down
into tbe pockets of the county treas
ury after the money to pay experts
to do this job.
However, we may have been on the
baek track in regard to that 40 eent
levy, as that extra 10 cent might
have been put ou to defray the ex
pense of this investigation instead
of paying the county attorney's
criminal costs.
The county court and the citizens
of Cass county are now in a greater
dilemma over their railroad bonded
debt than they have ever been
Their late interview with Judfre
Phillips of the United States court,
at Kansas City, has placed the coun
ty judges in a position where longer
escape from actiou is impossible
and their further refusal to act in
the matter of payment of the debt
is likely to get them iuto serious
trouble. Consequeuty the judges
have called a delegated meeting of
representative tax-payers of the dif
ferent townships of the county to
meet with the court at Harrison ville
July tth, to formulate a plan of
compromise to be offered the bond
holders. In presenting the matter
of a settlement to the county judges
Judge Phillips said:
These bond debts were properly
c.Uled fraudulent but yet their legal
ity has been affirmed by the highest
courts. That all lawful means of
resistance had been exhausted by
the county. That it has ceased to
be a question of justice or injustice
aud the question ujw is what can
the people pay. That to talk of a
forcible resistance to the levy of a
tax or to its collection was utter fol
ly. That it would be wise for the
holders of these claims and the peo
ple to adjust their differences and
that action must be taken at once."
He continued the causes until the
first Monday of September, and
stated that by that date the people
and the bondholders and judgement
creditors must agree upon a basis
of settlement and in case they could
not agree a basis would then be fix
ed by him which he would promptly
enforce. That should the people
refuse to sanction a compromise up
on said terms as he should consider
reasonable and the county judges
still refuse to levy a tax in obedience
to the writs said judges would be
severely punished. He said his
court had deferred action for years
in the hope that a complete adjust
ment could be effected by mutual
concessions, but that a crisis had
now been reached and no further de
lay would be granted. He urged
the tax-payers to give the matter
their immediate attention and not
to delude themselves with the idea
that the federal court would not en-
wnoan iei.u im awui me same :is
that of Cass county
The Nmi Hamlftl Down to His Grand
son Louisville. Kv.. June 23.-W.rd 1
has been received here that .,;,. !
given last Friday
James H. Dew,
evening bv Mrs.
" :
in Nw Y -, L- in !
Mrs. Jefferson Davis and her oldest
daughter, Mrs. Addisoa Hays of
Colorado, Mrs. Hays introduced her
youDgest sou as Jefferson Davis.
The boy is about 2 years old and
was christened Jefferson Addison
Hays nt his birth. As Je9fron Da
vis left only daughters. Mrs. Hhys
wished to perpetuate his name by
giving it to her child her family
and husband at first object
ed. Last winter he yielded, howv-
er and the change was mad.. Mr. !
Davis did not know of her dau-u-ter's
action until just before thev
retched New York Mrs. Hys was
Margaret Davis before her marriage. '
She lived in Memphis until recently,
but her husband moved to Colerado
for the benefit of her health.
The Billion Doll ir foiiie44
From frank llatton's Stalwart Republican
All the gold, silver, copper, iron,
coal, petroleum and lead produced
iu tbi-i country last year could not
pay ilie expenses of the government
for tho same length of time. All the
the ottou, all the wool, or all the
rye, u u ley, wine potatoes and the to
bacco produced iu this country a
year could not do it. The national
banks of tuts country have a combin
ed capitalization of $599,000,000.
One year expenses of the government
would all but swallow up this sum.
Thesj uie liyuren on jfuveruiueut
taxation alone. Add to this city,
county and State taxation, and some
thing of the enormity of the burden
may be comprehended. The Unit
ed States has no yreat standing ar
my, no government railroads, no im
mense navy, no profligate court of
kings and princes. Yet its annual
expenditures are greater than those
of Austria and Great Britain and Ire
land, or the Germau Empire, great
er than British, India, and Chiua, us
great as those of the Russian Em
pire. Th revenue for the enormous
expenditure is acquired iu but one
way, by taxation, by levy iu one form
or an other, mainly in an indirect
form, ou the sjbstauueu of the peo
ple. The St. Louis Republic announces
that its great feature from now un
til the end of the campaign of 1892
will be a tariff department which will
be given large epactj iu the weekly as
well as iu the daily. The depart
ment will be edited by Hon. Wil
liam L- Wilson, of West Virginia, a
member of the ways aud means com
mittee, and one of the ablest demo
crats in congress, aud in addition to
the articles he promises, there will
be contributions from the ablest and
most authoritative writers ou the
various phases of the tariff question.
The departments begins early in
The Weekly Republic, two issues
a week, one mailed Tuesday and one
Friday, is only one dollar a year.
Sample copy free.
Impnled ly au Iron Bar.
Altooua, Pa, June 26. Shortly
before noon to day at the large
quarries at Piuey creek Robert Cal
bert and a gang of men prepared
two blasts and fired them. Our,
however, failed to explode. Calbert
took a sixteen foot bar and prepar
ed to drill it out. He placed the
end of the bar in the hole and let it
drop, when aa explosion occurred.
Twelve feet of the bar was driven
through his body and it ia said his
screams were heard half a mile. The
remainder of the bar was pulled
through the wound and after twen
ty minutes of agony he died.
Whitelaw Ried has been called
upon to explain why he imported
two marble layers from Austria to
work on his new house, contrary to
the labor law. Mr. Reid will perhaps
explain that he thought that great
republican editors were exempt from
the law. Kansas City Star.
rmlio.ul a!iJ H. M. Fort of the K g
Four Lave L m wt-rkiug several
days u the attempted wrecking of
the nigjt tipre- train on the Erie
road several Jays ag. They suc
ceeded vesterday iu aricstiuyr
v J. !
ward Erilaizer, age 13, Chailes
ruce' 13 auJ Ch,uIs Steinbarg-r,
15' as4 tLe uilt-v V"-
Youn !
' v...t .. . t 1 !.. 4
fc,vilMZe r oos.fesstd aft r h:s arrest,
iwiil fitittiit tliA fliiAM nHAmrv
tatiu that thre attempts had j
oetn m-.'iae to wrecK tne nini ex
press train. After piling the ob-
, ,. , ,, l , ii
Biruci:uuB ou me tract tuev uiu in iuv
woods near bv to 6ee the train run
into it.
Fortunately no damage was j
done. Ti5e boys were arraigned b
fure Mvor Gau.sou this evening and
entered a plea of guilty. They will
probably be seat to the Reform
i. t!io method and results when
t : Fi-s i-j taken; it is pleasant
in.i i t treeing to the taste, and act?
r-nily vet promptly on the Kidneys,
L i '-r a id Bowels, cleanses the sys
. m etK-ctually, dispels colds, head-w-'--
an I JVvJi.s and cures habitual
;-..i'.:i;atio:i. Syrup of Figs is the
inly r- nioly of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
!;.- n.'tion and truly leneficial in its
filed., prepared only from the most
!ea!thy and agreeable substances, its
riianv excellent qualities commend it
to nil and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50o
md SI bottles by all loading drug
'its. Any reliable druggist who
::iay not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
vihc to try it. Do not accept any
Public Administrator's Notice.
Notice ia hereby given. That by vlrtaa of an
order of tha probate court of Rate county,
Missouri, made on the nth day of March. 1891,
the undersigned pnblic administrator for said
county, has taken charge ol the estate of bte
phen Richardson, deceased.
All persona baling claims against said estate
are required to exhibit them to me for allow
ance within one year after the date of said or
der, or they may be precluded from any bee
fltofsorh estate; and if said claim be not
exhibited within two years from the date f
this publication, tbey will bv forever barred.
This -. day or June, 1K1
"1 Public Administrates
Public Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given. That by virtue of an
order or tbe probate court of hates county,
Missouri, made oa the 9th day of June. 1891,
the undersigned public administrator for said
county, has taken charge of the estate or Abi
gal K ranee, deceased.
All persona having claims against said estate
are required to exhibit them to me ror allow
ance within one year after the data of said or
der, or they may be precluded from any benefit
of such estate; and if said claim be not exhib
itad within two years of the date of this publi
cation, they will be forever barred. ThU iJ-.'nd
day of June, 18-JI. J. W. ENN1S.
32 Public Administrator.
Trustee's Sale.
Whereas, L F Michel, a single man, by his
deed of trust dated March 10th, m, and re
corded in the recorder's office within and for
Bates county, Missouri, in book No !).page .
conveyed to the undersigned trustee the fol
lowing described real estate lving and being
situate in the county of Bates and state of Mis
souri, to-wit:
The south half of lot one (1) in the aoutbweat
quarter of section nineteen (19) in township
thirty-nine (39) of range twentv-nine (29),
which conveyance was made in triist to secure
the payment or three certain notes fully de
scribed in aaid deed of trust; and whereas, de
fault has been made in the pavment of both
principal and the annnal interest on one of
said notes, and the annaal Interest on the re
malnlng two notes now past due and unpaid.
Now therefore, at the request of tbe legal hold
er of aaid notes and pursuant to tbe conditions
or aaid dead of trust. I will proceed to aeil the
above described premises at public vendue, to
the highest bidder far cash, at the east front
door of tbe court house, in the city or Butler,
county of Bates and state of Missouri, on
Friday, July 24th, 1891,
between the hours of nine o'clock ln the lore
noon and live o'clock in the afternoon of tbat
day for the purposes of satisfy ing said debt,
interest and costs. JOHN HEDGES.
"fc-4 Trustee.
Trustee's Sale.
Whereas, M. R. Boaghan and R. A. Boagh
an her husband, by their deed of trust dated
June lAth, 18wt. and recorded in the recorder's
office within and for Hates county, Missouri
in ooolt ?io 92. pa?e conveyed to the under
signed trustee tne :oi, owing described real es
tate lying and being situate in tbe county of
Northwest quarter of -ection number thir
teen (IS) iu township fortv-one ftl ranee thir
ty-two ') containing one hundred and sixty
acres more or less, which conveyance was
maue in trust to secure tne payment of a cer
tain note fuilv described in said deed of tmn
and whereas, default bas been made in the
payment or said note and the interest thereon
new past due and unpaid Now therefore, at
1 l' T.awr
me request or the lejral noier orsaid note and I
rnrsuant to the conditions of said deed of trnst .
will proceed to sell the above described '
premises at public vendue, to the highest bid- !
der for ea-h at tbe east front door ol the court i
house in the city, of Butler, countv of Bates I
and state of Missouri, on j
Wednesday. July 22, 1891,
between tbe hours of 9 o'clock in the forenoon !
and 5 o'clock in the afternoon or that dav, for j
the purpose of satisfVias aaid debt, interest '
andecsts. J.B.JENKINS.
52 Trmatee. i
SpiiugtielJ, M , June 20. At j Mr. Cleveland is talking of chang
Aurora yesterday, depot ar-nt Roork j iug his residence from New York to
attempted to put a tramp out of the j New Jersey. However, he may
depot who had insulted u lady. Th ' change his mind before 1S92 and.
m m resisted and the aei.t hit him
en.- How und-r the left ear, break-
-e!x Rooik is a
Proposals for Public Lights.
Saled proposals will be rceivM by the City I
i Council of Butler. Mo. , up ti aul inrliil.ni;
Wednesday July l.'.lh, ly'l. for the erection of
sal for rai-ii Proposals to he ma vie on Hie
follow ins iiasis. i:
1-t. Tlie city lo grant an exclusive franchise
for liithtmtt the city ly electricity, with or
eTfe "f'Z
T,bt to buy tne wort at any time arter nye
Trar t a price 10 ne at-Teoi nHn or neu iv
arbitration, tn the usual way. The franchise
"e (iraniee. ami to consist o
system to ne atroved bv the ma
ayor and citv
ity to (urnisn
it-r each, and
council, and ol suilicient caiaci
-Jo arc lights of candle ioer each, and
m.v '.ii ad, ,Vv ti eXM
10 oe 01 smnoteni capacity l supply tne tie-
mands of this city or its inhabitants.
.ii. Alt hi 1 must state the price per lamp
l.r month lor ihei lights furnished the city, ,
and must also slii'e the price for birth arc and
incandescent iiftht,
4th. The SO lamos to be located as directed
by tbe mayor and cltv council, and placed i5
feet hi)b,'provitled that not more than seven
miles nf u-irA for Alhwt Imiiiiia will Ua. ronir.1
in city limit j
ith. The citj to grant an exclusive ri(jlit to I
lay mains and pipes over the streets and alleys I
ana otner city property lor ir.e f works. lor
a period of ten years, with the same reserva
tion as to purchase as of the Electric l.inlit
works. lroposals to state time in which works
are to be completed alter the franchises are
t.th. Proposals to state the price per thou
sand cubic feet for pas to city and private con
sumer. 7th. All bids must be addressed to the clty
clerk, and be in on or about the :"d Wednesday
ol July. 1M.
tli. All bids must be accompanied by a
certitled check on some solvent bank for SVKt
to be forfeited to the city if such bid be ac
cepted and a failure to complete the plant al
time above stated.
The Council reserves the right to reject any
and all bids. AI.lttK I ft A I Hi LEY
w rritn m ins nil viunoui rosi in.i noi w nf ..(.fjo ln Wrtv lit 111 I fill. IiiiM
considered ia determining the valne ol the , , ' ! r nu,ul lce,
work. the Missouri 1 acihe Lauway has
..T!" I'Unt to he owned and operated bv half r:it f. r,m nil
Bennett, Wtaler Mercantile Co.,
buckeye: fmmslsss
Buckeye and Champion Mowers,
Aultman Taylor Threshers and Engines,
Top Buggies,
Hardware, Groceries, Stoves
Bennett Wheeler Mercantile Co.
TO 0X3X3
To be Found
3 m
Here you will find th Throat 7&
Here jou will
& m
A Select
NOTIONS, &c , ic,
move to Washington.
The assembly, this year at Pertle
Springs, will be held from July 3d
to 13th, and will undoubtedly be the
most successful in the history of tbe
meetings. All departments will be
I -.we v. vw.ul-vwv -
under the charj
; PtrUOtOrS, and meetlDLT Will be ad-
Pressed by some of the most famous
ami popular orators of the dav. In
, - ; , . , .
onieT tuat this may be ft complete
j(s Hues in the state of Missouri, ex-
. , , .. ... .
i cept the Sedaha, Warsaw V South-
i oep
iSl' very low rate
irom points OUlSKie Ol Hie State,
T:l. 1. . , i i: i .
' ictvein unie umpic iniiu to it-iurn
, rtuJ full information, tickets, etc.,
I .... , , . . , , , '
will be cheerfully furnished by your
local ticket ajjeut.
First-class work
it every respect
Man of 2o Years Experience
in charge. First door north of express
office, on North Main street- Give me
a call betore sending your work out ot
Phaetons, Road
in the City go to E3
find the Latest
Assortment of
i atmie sianuani r -.

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