Newspaper Page Text
CARTERS OlTTlE I V.ER ' PI LIS. Biek Uwlv.h and r;lieT H tho tronblm tad dent a biliou tato of tho sy.-m. iiuch aa fcizzioeM, Nausea, pruWHl&b. nutrew after eatlnp. I'aln In th. Hl'le. ke. While their moat remarkable mccena La. boon ahown In curing SHOES HeavUche. Tt Carter. Llttl Liver Pfflj are equally valuable In Constipation, curing and xtr vtiaiug tltisaiinoylriKeomjjUti.t.whilo they alaa rorrec tall'tiariliTA' f tboiitiiruit. h,;imiiUtoth.; l.rcr and rutjuUtu Uie bowel. Even ii they onlf U M awaa ia-- JUh.they wonld be alenoatprieelesato thona wha BUUer fiinth'aitri!in(coiniiaiiii; murortu ta'.oiy the.rg -odufcea 'J' uoteriJ herend the. r bo inco try them will find these little pllUrala able in so many ways tUat they will not b Hag to do without litem. But alter alleles bea4 ACH! f la th bane of ao many live that her. la hM iWemakeoiirgroat boast. Our pllto cure It whila ether di not. Carter. Littlo Ucr Pill aro very small and very easy to take. One or two pill, make a doea. They are atrictly veuutable and do not gripe cr pure, but by their gentle action please all who tts.lh.rn. In vial, at 23 cent. ; Bv.forll. Hold ty drugiata crorywhero, or aunt by mail. . CARTER fllCOICINC CO., New York: SMALL PilL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE cosviAri:.!; m i plkawnt IDA' vlli', Special urtenti .i iwn to private col lection'. ,B0 MORE EYE-GLASSES HO .5&k WEAK MORE MITCHELL'S Eye-Salve Certain. Safe, and Effective Remedy for SORE, WEAK, & INFLAMED EYES, Producing LongSiqhtedness, A Restor ing tho Sight of the Old. Cures Tear Drops, Granulation Sfys Tumors, Red Eyes, Matted Eye Lashes, iid ruooi nic qt ir k mm ka nznmn an. A Ho, equally clllcaclmi, when nd In other tnaladien, micli in I leer. FrT.r Wore.. Timori, vhIC Khion. Il.-na. Pile., or wtnii liitlmiiniailnn-nhila, MtTVUtZtliB 0A.M. 1'K limy !') used to advantage. r. Sold fcy all DruseWta at '-3 Cents. WANTED CHICKENS & EGGS V! ' ! .'' o: J r A- ; w-. --;';' .-rrv.'rf'.o .rA e hest I will p ti mill !;et price tor .-. m-.o -n-a id eo- a Itv .i a . l . ..ii;...;.:.. r. a laiiivsioieui u;iiiia. uu. I also have g I 1 st liile in Onnection with mv stiire. Ntt.SON M. NfSTI-EKOIiK. KiJUITAIJLE LOAN AM) INVESTMENT ASSOCIATION The Equitable Loan A Investment As sociation issues a series of i.oiv) shares each month and otter to inv. toi an , opportunity to save inoma and receive ; a Handsome interest on their invest ment. The investor ot 1 00 ter mo. tor 100 tno' rcc' $ 200 00 j 4 1 1 ' 4 3 ' 1 d I 4 ' 1 1 .000 00 i'.i 1 ' -'. , . 4 t 4 1 4 , - 1 s Ve also issue paid up stock and pay ' interest scini-aiinually. Vc have tnoney ,' t.j loan on rtud city property. Anvune deniriiii! a siood pro'titable investment or JLloan ill do well to call and see us. R. C. SNKED, Sec'v., Sedalia". Mo " t 11 vnrfTiiN: v.renf Butler Mo y ur.iSLiuiurjriiii EYE II III I II i Hi lal A SO " liitiitus.r Annual Anr.o-ricsrr.srti t-rse. I At Locletie otel. Butler, 1.1 1 1 -. r.d Septtni- til lie. .Xl.eiiM 1 .4 l r E :h. 1 eit the third 0 It " ,"? ,iar r -sw am tiTnnn ITbrinnt r'ntnr.rll i am, iiuuitis uaimiu. Saturday of each month Tlie'Ihinl Party Iriv- Up. I am tl:p tiiir'l par:r Oit on to my Will von- An i in? triiinuii! '5 li; rary , And my galuf U 1 astenij with a i;n. : -.;.. Hut I'm cuttin widewat;i KiM down th- ii.: 1 i -. A ti'l th?v ran li'-a i .:r Nohow: Mhhf I am -r,rt or A fnrniiT'-.iliaii'--ir::. -- Aliian.' Kni!.t'.--vr-!ihiT- N nl-.'it, a', -iifli: - '.rid; -anti - Monopoly iI:r!'-lax- I'T'ib i Sit !-n - 'A .,ii:H ... nS'ra - i ." n!B' k-fn-e-tl ! -r- I'o'.ato 'urr-nry-50i ia;,5:if rrand-oil-j-oj.N''s art v -;t 'i !,! ! r J aru What an- thy rijhn I v 1i aooitt it That's hat ' I!y zu 'Wi 1 have ruin- T' htay. And no ra. ir bi-:; .1 !,?: Nor !! i-idfl rfpiilisii-an. Nor rinir in-.--.i jhu: uiii Kin root in" out' I'm a aif iirld , I hat yon can ri. anything o Krom a mortra- To a la!" of hay. With s wa'oii load 1 drpssin' throw in And I doa't r dnm Who knows it' I kiu trruli u a stump. In two shakf s of a lamb's tail . And the old political Muiii)i ha to coiiif, Kf I liirit a briti hin ' Doln' of it! Vou hear hip! Mfbhi-my clo's don't lit. And my row-leathfr broian- Han't got nooiiiur n to 'em, Itut that won't to The kickin' '. And brains ain't In that fi-ml Nith-r! All th American iale Ha Knt to do in thi luine M to aet quirt on tin- IVnre And uati'h my Thashin.; niarhi if o When tliat oft mul lta ilonc acrat iiin ' lli.t hack n a,'in th- 1'iii -Hiin me that whip, i.iiii m tiifin lines. Now. Wi -haw , (..oh li 1 1: k i ii ' dost-ill-hfinli.iU . -;N. Y. Sun. 1 :iln ali o'.il !ii.;!i ;itnl hie bfcfll :i -oiislii!it stin'in f with Mtallh for the lust ten Vim i s. I ;ini eiitil't-l.V oait'il hy the iim' of July's crciiiu buhn. It is str.iiif th;it mo simple it leim-ily will cure so stubborn it disease. llenrv l'.illin's, I". S. Pension Att'v Wiishinyto:!, J). C. For ei'-ht wins I have suffered from catarrh which effected my eyes and heurinj;; have employed many physicians without relief. I j aiu now on luy second bottle of Ely's ! Cream Uithu and feel confident of a 1 complete cure. Mary C. Thompson, 1 Cerro Gordo, III. In l.ove With hii Itlea. If Plato were alive he would in staatly enroll Miss Nina Van Z unit among his scholars. ' She lias faithfully followed the old philosopher's teaching ami dili- gently loved an idea all her life. It is not, to be sure, a vtrv loveable 1 i lea, being in substance, that pretty j uiech everybody ought to be knock -' e I in the head, nor is there much ! honor in it, with the uallows loo -T .... :.. tho 1, ,T,.oniul p,,t it i 1 a 0 an idea, and Nina has shown that she loves it. ! Anarchist Spies, whom she marri-; lat.jrs may b? dismissed at the polls. I el as much as sdi-. could seeing that : But when your f tit tire king d i sored -! he could not get out of nor she get its himself an 1 the kingdom, ha can ! in the i til. so that the ceremony was ' .ut be dismissed at the polls. Har- . performed by a proxy, she hardly knew, and marriage under such cir cumstances was simply a proof of her devotion, not to the anarchist himself, but to his principles. Af ter the elimination of Spies she woie! ttioniiii-r a long time, not so much . I ir mm as iuriue tuca mat uan sui- feied in his person. Now. still out of JoTe of her idea, sliewe lsa tierce world deTouring Italian socialist Spies n doubt done in bruuette iustead of lnlonde. IVrhaps with the aid of this auxil-i-it-v lli fair Xinn mav tfar un the , , , . " . ,1 tempi) of the constitution from its r , . . deep foum lation; ot haps, hiving a ! 1 . i real husband at last, sue mav learn that the gospel of love is better than the gospel of hate, after all. Let un hope so. It is better to convert an anarchist than to hang one. President Iugalls cu Drury col - -ii 1 . -a. -1 1 .: . a. . lege win speua most 01 ms acanou in vii-ing friends m the east. His long residence iu Kansas never quite subsided his hankering for sea air - Oue Missouri farmer recoiiiu.tii.l- I ed May apple roots as a cure for hog ! elm'ev-i riot her Missouri farmer ; aii ot wi iLich died excepting one that didn't got any of the medicine. Two of the graduates of William i jewi cc,l!ege this year will become . uissiou-uks. one going to China and the ether to South America. Dz. C MIZE. MIZE & Real stale, insurance l it. IAI. trVi!..- . M. 1 r-.i HAVE A LINC UF THE BEST AT,1 a j o:. -, f We e; e t t" Hi i:- r- r-.-nt- perfect ru'.itii u . t h i.l. - er- fT s-. f'- n- ttr-t. w ;i r-i.t Mi saet we : i tuase it 'ar-iiianai:- j oar i r-iertv. atte:. ! COLLECTIONS AND KLMITTANTES ANI PAY TAXES FOE NON-RESIDENTS. A t.-t? . 'l t.'.' "a':'. ''',. r.r.a- U U'l o!:re il! I !.!.!:. .Mo. i: . W . .1 V M K- New Busi Carriages and Machineryll BINDERS, REAPERS, MOWERS AND Will be sold at that will atonth I !oiijht li' thi car loaJ an 1 ntu-r He so'.J. hand BL'GGIKS and PHAKTON'S, nearly ; purcha-er. Will trade t r 1 1 n-. -, Milcii : and Sprint! Wann-. Cany a line o: CATTMRKIN Ol'KUA Hi 1".K. ' t Dooi- I...-' r 1 1 .:: c :ore. he 'i'li- I'l-inc of Wales. Tin- J!..iiCr Pink. T lit ollicial position of the Pi inee l n loir Juno :. The wondei of 'ii!f i-. i:'..-t t:inu'. He is ful ace-'Unts given by Heurv M. strictly a mere figure he id. Put as Stanley, the African explorer, of the :n Eilislih!::!!, :it 'i-im iii Lis icp- i dwatf tribes. In- had met with in r sen;iitivi character, he mioht be Eniiatorial Afiica have aiiais(d a sappoe.l to have ;.ie h- in be- lnir a ititmi! ;i'i;it-ii';i i lot a -n eai nation, lb mitrht at dcsiie to win for himself the title which the i he mi wnii'll Uie Iaureate applied to his father- blatne!'ss." Ie i.i'.h t l sol ve t hat of this peculiar race, which seems if England made him tho crowned tosupply the h .nee-ought -for missinc head of the empire, h would not link b..'twe.-n th antiirop ii ap? and make England ashamed. He might j man. After a hmo and tedious strengthen the system of which h ' search in the ilepths of the Dark is the nominal chief by ait honorable Continent a remarkable female pig and respectable life. It is hardly I my was procured from a native tribe fsupposable that if he had accurately o .mprehendeal the situation in which i he stood he could have appeared i . everv dav in court. It wi.l be said. I ed bodv and iet black coni;lexion, of course, that a great fuss is made j with a peculiarly monkeyish expres about a gann- of cards, which is a ' sion and a nose so llat that lower j -ery useful incident, and that it may the misfortune -f any innocent plaver to b-. at n lau.e with a cheat. If that weie all there would lne but little to say. Bat a great d.-al is said and mueli more is thought, because it is no ill. The other day there was som absurd conduct reported ' in the H'.iu 'is legislature. It was j discreditable, and tlu offeiming leg- i 1 j per's Weekly. How to Succeed. This is the problem ot lire which tew satistactoril solve. ! cause ot poor l-.ea'.th Some tail be- ters ivar.t ot iucK. out tne irj:onn from delicient rit-warit ot nene. Thev are nervous, ; irresolute, cnans,'eas.e, easy to net the H'n.i nn.i "tiKf sniriis coin ro Keep ; IO.... rt.l . l- cnire. I.i.l t.-, W" r sn:rits Un." Thus wastinir time. monev, opportunity and nerve force. There is nothing like the Restorative Nervine, discovered by the great special ist, lr. Miles, to cure all nervous dis eases a headache, the olues, nervou prostrasion, sleeplessness, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, tits and hysteria. Trial bottles and fii.e book of testimonials tree at II. L. Tucker's drugstore. CliicHsroCiuijilit at It. , T .v, . Denver, Colo., Juue 23. A very , ,f. sensational storv was sent out from Chicago last night to the effect that a royal messenger, bearing dispatch 63 from th Czarowitzh at Tokio, Japan, to his father, the Czar of Rus - sia, had disappeared in Denver and j that it was feared he had been mur- , - . i ,jereil bv rsihiiists. Ihe story is purported to have been given out by i Xoterman. a member of the firm 1 0f Gril!!Str Co. of Yokohama and London, and who claims to have trawled in company with thi "Mich ael StrogotT" of Noterman savs th at he knew that the courier was being pursued by Nihilists The story is laughed at here by police aid detectives and is pronounced a : "f:ike" of the rankest kind. General Schof.eld now knows ' what it is to receive orders, G. W. CLARDY. CLARDY and Loan Asents, r T ' I i. - . W I.nW rs r;trre.-t 6s ; i t . u W . INSURANCE COMPANIES, indemnity ?"r si ! " timt may neeur i; ! :I ..a want n -r;i : . . . i :ut! .;. r i -to y our a ; atae to r - ii:i t y to at ui! tin;- -r ro - ' h- ::rsRTi l iiUite i'ti to . ,li;-',;. ai.d .-e.- u ii 11 ..i..- t,r!i '.rtf. Irnj a .d .trWelrv ial'KL i r L'i.I.Y . .'. I. M. tONNKI.I. giesJIi Sprine Wagons r Road Carts- ii Such as: he o'.ies inh ibit ,rsr. l'h---; sj-i.d were nrst-i-la-- second We aU) carry a a aood a new, will he sold to suit Cow-., Feed and econd hand Busigie bet Hour and Oil Cake Meal. JA'IES & McCONNEL ;reat do a: t f i.iibli.- curiosity. Mr. t o. me i.verpool, m e,i;. order to meet this demand, Sfave or- der to his a-jr-nt- uei hi ins ;i''-n;-i ;,, ontum at MiV price tlie b-st specimen thev could by which he had been captured and j was brought safely to Liverpool ! She is inches high, well-tlpvelon- i j part of her fack loembles closely ! the muzzle of an animal. She ban learned a little English ' and converses freely, so far as her , vocabulary goes, with thosp around : her. Another deeid-dlv human ac i conn. lishnifiit she has also acciuired. ! and smokes th best cigars with a relish. : DOCTOR Th.-je Celebrated E.NGHsIl; Pills arc a Positive Cure tor Shk; lleuduchr., and; Constitution. Small, pea.! ant and fuTorlte with thel laille. Sold in England for Is. IHA, In America for 8 6. Get; them from your Droeglgta, or; .ACKERS ! PURE j PINK end to W. H. HOOKER CO 48 W.t Rreivl-.y, X.w Trk. H L Tucker, Agent. February 1st. 1SSS, a St. Joseph ;iil made a contract with har ern- ! plover, an aged farmer, to take cate 1 cf him during the rem -tinder of his 1 ... . Hie. lilteen months latei the larmer died, and although the girl had proved a faithful servant the legal heirs of th- deceased contested the claim on the ground that the time was too short to warrant the servant iu demanding the full amount. The case was taken to court and a deci sion was rendered in favor of the girl, who is now employed at house keeper at the Union depot hotel in St. Joseph. Keuben Field of Fayetteville, 1 Johnson couatv, is said to be the j greatest mathematician of the age. j He is 40 years old. has ha 1 no school 1 .1 1 1 i"g. cannot reaa or write aim can ! ! not tell one ringer fro n another, yet ! ! with lightning like rapidity can j : solve the most diiSVult problems! j either in simple or compound frrte-; 1 tions. He has not yet had a prob , lent he cou'.d u- ,Ive: can add up ! a c-luntn of ti ires a- f a-r as thev ' can be called. The AtiZi7 (Jiob - -av- "You wiU Vfc,.y oftn ai it tbe case that ; the marl who is gcod iu big things. i makes np for it by being very mean ; in little ones." How ti Kft-p ri. line a ; ; is part of coI-.e-s. S'- take b.ii:. ::: the :.; :. - ti.e w-ttt- jrivi:: v tepid, and :,.f:-r ar-is -t ;f a C C livWe! O ! i; yi.ur cotlit Eat a It,; ht iq,i i I'.L.t u .a! a ra!.--.i.'.e. Eat a li.;ht 'creak:a:. tlisv : . (i;- ;, iy. ,t .;uat.t:t v t t 1.0.1. tak li ;ts i . w;. most i-ritaiiily your tv'iut.-L lor the tiitite dav. A womau w Lo t a V : Hi rl-. city an. U her inii a. av !ale: A gives this a (,'f Cv'lVt-e 111 th- !lin: li:' . nud batter: a luncln-, n and bike 1 I'Olat . wiiii iced tea: an 1 a dmu r ciisitin of a little : ' L i-:. a 1 d b-.-f ,a.b- or Mi.liStt hit of Oi ia i alter meat and one hot ve ' i-1 al ii LTieeli sa.a.l. a c. 11 des.fl t. and a liia.i i'UIi o' taIU-o. iveep tins in nan theit is n i better pievtis tive a-rainst the heat than ) 'd tcm per. w h'ii yi.ut combine ((.Kid bath ing, proper too 1. and evenness . f disposition with it. Youne- Ladit Jjuinai. lo there desirini' to attend the races at Yt. Bucklen S ArulC.t Salve, ' -cott. Kansas, June r-th to C7th, lsiu, the Mo The Best Salve in the world tor Cuts I u"-s11 twlil to i t. Svtt. Bruises, Mores, L icers. Salt Rheum Fever i 8,1,1 r,'lar,i ' ouv ,iltv 1,,r xUv r,,ll"', ui',; U,'k" Soie, Tefer.Chipped Hands, Ch'blains : et!,"w 111 l,e s"1,1 Ju'"' "U" ' '-:t,, K' to re Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and ;hm- ! tur" until'uu'' -'t"- tivelv cures 1'iles, or no pa required. It I '' Uu de-.innS u ..tteiul tne ltlue mid it guaranteed to give pert Jet satisfaction " '''"' '"'er state eioaiiipment ivt Scdulia. or money refunded. Price 25 cts per box: ! M"-- lu' 'M h-Mo v'"' u" 10 For sale bv H. C Tuck-ir, druggist. Merit Measured y Success. j The wonderful popularity of Swift's Specific (S S. S ) is the nat ural result of the tests to which the public has put it. Th merits of the medicine have remained the same, but the knowledge of the peo ple with respect to its remarkable curative properties has increased un til now there is a demand for it wherever the English lanouatre is spoken. S. S. S , was first offered as a specific for contagious blood poison. For that it was. and is. tru ly a specific. But it is now regard ed, whei ever itsviitues are known, as a true specific for all forms of blood disease. Whole columns ouldlio tilled with testimonials to this effect. Brn. Goodman Speaks StrniiKlj". 'I hive been informed, brethren," siid the llev. Mr. Goodman, at the close of th. niominir service, '"that some fault has been found with me for permitting a minister of another r.digious faith to preach in this pul pit last Sunday night. I wish to say that I expected to incur some criti cism. I anticipated that some small souls would object to my action, iu this matter, an so far as I am con cerned,"' he added, with emphasis, "I wish to say I don't care a contin ental. I use the term, brethren, in its strictiv historical and revolution ary and not in its profane sense. We will sing the long-meter doxology and be dismissed.'" Exploded in the Clouds. Washington. June -JI. The late-it agricultural ' appr priatiou act contained 001) to be used in ex periments in the. production of raiu fall. The Department is testing the theory that heavy explosions cause rainfall. Last evening a balloon Bent up in the northern suburbs was exploded with great violence amid the clouds. Whether the downpour of raiu later on iu th" evening was caused by the explosion remains to be determined and the Department will trv the experiment on a larger scale. Administrator's Notice. Notice i herebv given. That letters of ad ministration on tne partnership estate of N B and K W Coleman, were granted to the under signed on the 1st day of Jnne. 1-vl, hy the pro bate coun 01 isaies conniy, 3i.seouri. All persons barinz claims against said i srt nership estate, are required to exhibit tbem for allowance to the administrator within one year after the date or said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of said partner ship estate. This S-2nd day f Jane, IffHI. N. B. COLEMAN. 51 Surviving partner and Administrator. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given. That the undersign ed. N. D. Brown, administrator, of the estate of Charlotte Brown debased, will make final settlement of his accounts with said estate as such administrator, at the next term of the probate court of Bates county, Missouri, to he hoUien at Butler, Mo , in sai"d coontv on the h'th dav of August, A. P. la n. r BROWS, ."l-4t Administrator. 5op;;i- afra rvuxruu Vi, Apamph ot of .r,f&ma;;- r. ..-13... y 1 V ttractof iu i e, O Obtain Psrenta, C&tw. ' i Marks. Copmnbta. t-r. m -K .ll I W I. . Bb. . . r Ss"'i ct-urioij tiokrt to IVrtl ? nn;! v tfi -i.miis an,t McAllister Sj-rinil .:i ss'v iim.; Scjt. ri'th. c:x 1 t. return nnti 1 ! '- Jrsirtn t - the Missouri State .tai'.oaa naat luertins at I.uU;i:a .. ;.! Tth to ; I!.- I'ac. Kv. w;H :o v is.Ls s:-. i It. i.r; jit ,:ie i -;...r S I'are u-r the nnind trhi n the cer'.i- i '.:.( fifth AliiiiSii. a ;.'.a Asseiul-ly nt .rl to r.tit. lit'i. the ro-.un! trip tukeH "... .1 ulv S7t!i . . i... t.-. .i . . : .... -a- i T.n-i,, Mo . .Ja;i r- t; . ii, ;:i -. -! , to rr'uru ui M.i ii iove des.rii lo a'.'.eiid the Uirt tinc Slate 1 1'Sv-iit r A?-N'i'ia: on at Pertie springs, lo , l:n,ei..u. t.. r-th. the M.. l'ac. Uy. . o w ii- .i te-krts to ii:;., t-r;tis and rt-lurtt at .'. -o. ,;,K.,i j return uutil Jul i:th. l.d I'.' li.-e .!e-;l::.- , itt,oll lile ollll-.'e.ipir-'-. oeit-t o: 1, ..It:'.;,!! 11 d,:i 1 1 i . .ill . !.;: et.ii ', ; .- M M . ulieap.i ! i - . M ;i! a .. duly 'il a In ii! ii. iS'l. On July T. s and ti tin- Mo l'ac Itv l a ui -i ii ticket'. , M laneapoii- :n.d 1 f. ill a at mie t.ii La ti.. 1 .):: h 1 1 1 .p. o,i,. i.i l eon ji ii k. t it July l.'.t'n. I'.o-eii. 1 - v ill I e aci i'liUsl tin- iiil,-e it li. i'Oll.!! till';:' i:l kr. lt'i tilC p..;iit .n M i n 1 1 -,t ,...-. wii,.' will lie author ae.! n leud tie- limit tor return untii An :.uM ii.tli. l".ii. I.i those ilwiriiii: to attend the opriiiii lUfrt-ii,-- Kxpositioii lining 1'ark as.-,n aalioii at K aiisan 1 ity , Mo . . J line 1 to July id, the Mo l'ac . Ity . c u ! -. . tickets to Kansas I ity ami return ai ,..i. a.r tho round trip, coo i to return uuti: aui.. -I, iMd. will s-ii ui-Kcis i.i i .1 1 i:4 una niuin 111 Ian Inr tin' round t; lp. I ickwts will lie sold July :!., ami iriHid to return until July Mil. To thotir iiesinn.4 to attend the ltlue ami Gray Inter-State Kncampment at Sedalia, Mo. Jnly :!d. to July Mil. lsol, the Mo. Pac. Ky Co. will sell tieketa to Se.lalia and return at one fare for the round trip; tickets w ill be sold July -'ml, Srd and 1th irood to return nntil July tith . Authority lias been issued by the Mo l'ac. Ky. Co. for the sale of tickets Julv "rd and 4th K'in.1 to return until July nth, at reduced rate for the fourth of July holiday. To those desiring to attend the Young Peo ple's Society of Christian Kndeavor, annual meetiii)! to le held at Minneapolis, Minn . , July -th to lth. 1S!1 , the Mo l'ac. Ky. Co. will aell tickets tu Minneapolis and return at one fare fur the round trip, k.")'! ti return until July l.'.tll, pllsseiijjer-s will be accorded the priile of ileMisitiiisr llieir ticket with the joint a.-i-at at Me.iieaiH.lis, who will be au thorized to tUmid the limit lor return until August '.', snl . It Hind trip tourist tickets a', greatly reduced rates have been place 1 on sale. by I lie Mo. l'ac. Ky. Co. to Pueblo. Colorado Sprint;, Mani teau. Kenver .t I rinidad, Colo., Salt Lake, Orideii, tearlleld ll -rch, and I tall Hot Sprint; l't,ili. For further information call on or ad- drejs w. c. itnmows, iicket Aki'iii, Hutler. Mo. A CENTS V ANTED EVERYWHERE FOIt THK Tvice-a-'eek Republic. Liberal Commision Paid. Fasy Way to Make Money in Your Leis ure Time. For terms. Jde.. addres- THK KKFl'BI.IC. St. Ixium, Mo. H.L.TUCKER, (Succeosor to J.(jH aiker) DRUGGIST. Dealer in Drugs and Medicines Prescription Carefully Compound ed. A niftht Clerk can alw ays b. had by pulling the Knob in front. LUMBER!! h. c. ran & son. Save money by calling on us for -prices on- LUMBER LATH, SHINGLES PAINTS. -And all- Building Material Our motto is HIGH GRADES And JLOW PRICES