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,'i!r ' i ! I ! If 1 . i J ! j f! V I: 1 l 1 The Secret of Is wholly in trsisg Dr. The only pure Cream Tarter Povder sold on the market. Other brands contain either ammonia, alum or some othsr adulterant. Ammonia or alum powders dry out, make the xlough too porous, leaving a bitter taste, etc. No agency has assisted so much toward perfection in cookery as Price's Cream Baking Powder. Its ingredients are simple and so blended as to exist in exact chemical pro portions, so after use there is never any excess of either left in the food, ilencc there can be no impurities whatever left in the finished food. 2o bitter taste, no taint of ammonia, but food raised with Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder partakes of the natural sweet flavor of the flour and keeps moist and fresh for days. This powder possesses qualities peculiar to it alone. No other makes such delicious pastry. No other contains the white of eggs. AUIKU ItOULANGKK. The Kenowned Freucliman Dies on His Mistress' Grave. Frowns of Phiiip hikI (irief ton SvKr ro Be Kndurad. From Fortune' PmnHt le ti Misery' End in Five VeHix. Brutjseln, Sept. 30. George Er nest, Jean Marie Boulanger, ex-gen-?ral of France, ex-iuinister of war of the republic and once the idol of the common people and the friend of the royalists of that nation, commit ted huickle by shooting himself about noou to day on th tumb of Mme. do lioiiiitinaiii, his mistrc-sp, who died here July 10 of consumi tieu. About 10:2U o'clock this lnoiniij'' Uoulunger appeared iu the cemetery uud for tomn time was seen stand ing alone by the grave of his mis tress, appearing to be deeply affect ed by sorrowful recollections. Then he began pacing the paths. lie must have walked for nearly an hour and a half before ho re tinned to Mine, ltounemain's tomb. As hoou ha hit re;ich.d the tomb the second time he immediately placed tli pis tol to hia head and shot himself. The report of the revolver was heard by the coachman, who was driving the general's landau, and valet, who had accompanied the suicide to the I cemetery. They both rushed to Mine, lionnemaiii's tomb and time found the general quite dead, lying across the grave. Death have L een instantaneous. SHOT TUKOl'l.lI THK ilh.VD. The weapon which Boulanger iied to destroy himself was a revol ver of large calibre, lie had this weapon tightly grasped in his right baud, and it was- seen that the bul let had entered the general's head near his right temple, had passed through his head and left it by the left temple. Some workmen who were employ ed in the cemetery, and who had al so been otrracted to the spot by the report of the revolver, notified the inspector rn charge of the cemetery. The latter placed himself in commu nication with the police, who were soon upon the spot and took charge of his remains. As the police were bearing the general's body away from the tomb of his mistress with the intention of placing it in the landau for convey ance to Brussels, the dead man's niece, accompanied by M. Dutins. reached the cemetery. The niece fainted upon hearing the news and M. Dutin 8 grief at being too late to save the life of his friend was ex cessive. .The body of Boulanger was then stretched out in the landau, the face covered with a white handkerchief. The police in charge caused those cf the general-s friends who were preseut to conSm the statements as to hia identity aud then permitted the body to be conveyed to police headquarter, where, after another formality had been complied with, the authorities permitted the body- to be removed t . the general's residence. V ' DRIVtN TO SVZC1PE BY 1'Esr.ViK. The general's position, financial an.l political. generally ad mitted, been getting blacker and blacker of recent mouths. He had no hope9 for the future and his re- ' mamiDg fmnds were becoming Fine Pastry. Price's Cream Baking Powder. colder u.a lib dropped moreund more out of public notice. There is no doubt he was conscioua of these facts and that they preyed upon his mind. Coupled to this wa the trit . . i .- ... . j moruiu rove or imatuation which he had for his dead mistress, r.s was ev idenced by his renouncing what might have been an important po litical career iu order toflv with her to France. General Boulanger came to this city from London a few months ago. Recently he had not occupied his former gorgeous residence on the Avenue Louise, but owii.g to leduc ed means had been compelled to live in a small hotel, where his apart ments were very diffeiei.t from those he had become accustomed to as a general of the army, as minister of J war or as th- friend of Mme Bosu.e- main. Th general's friends say that he hi:s been inconsolable since the death of Mm. de Bounemaiu and he has aged perceptibly. He was much than during his more pros perous days. SCICIDK LONG I'UKMKiar vTFP. 'lhere are, us usual in xuch case..:, many contradictory reports circu lating in regard to Boulanger's be havior previous to his suicide. For instance it was said t-hortly after his death became known that thegener al had not in any way allowed his friends to form nny idea of to his in tentions. Tins fvenin.' tin,-;.. uli O ----- - w funned his entouiage admit that the direct contrary was the f:u-f. They now ay that recently he fr intently Openly avowed a dr.-,i:v .ah and it is even added that he several A 1 j iiiuch ( i iaie even maue attempts (o take his own life. The cons, queiice was that he was watched as cios.'v as possible by the friends who tijl remained loyal to him at the low tide of his fortuuks. Miles' Serve & Liver Puis. Act or. a new- pritu-inle rer,,l:o;,r the liver, stomach imd bowels through the nerves. A new discovery. Tliev speedily cure bflliousness, bad taste, tor did liver, piles and constipation. iSpIen did tor men, women and children, smallest, mildest, surest. 30 doses xot 2 cents. Samples tree at H. L. Tuck, er's Drug Store. j-t-ivr Hiitfe Kxports .f Wheat. Dulutb. Minn., Sept. 30 The head of one of the graiu firms here, which is probably the largest wheat exporting firm in the west, said to day that of the 6,500,000 bushels of wheat which has been shipped out af this city in six weeks about 4,000, 000 bushels were for direct export. The bulk of this has gone to the United Kingdom. The amount of export business is at least twice as heavy as has ever before been seen here. The demand still costinues and there is a large amount of wheat yet to go forward. tiiiiarantee Cure. We authorize our advertised drug gist to sell Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption. Coughs and colds, upon this condition. If vo are afflicted with a cough, cold or anv lung, threat or chest trouble, and will use this remedy, as directed, giving it a fair trial, and experience no benefit, you may return the bottle and have your money refunded. We could not make this o2Vr did we know that Dr. King's New Dis covery could be relit d on. T v..,-. .. il.'t.innnmts T, ;.,l 1. , i 1 1 "11 WiUc Ilee ut ! H. L: Tucker's Drug Store. Large Size ; mu s (, j 1., 1'-. All jaier says ttwVv:xor ! I rancis Of Missouri has witLi:: tLe ' pat ten years amassed a fortune cf i 1 inUliou dollars bv judviom" ,r 1 I lucky investments in 1 lucky investments in Jwheat. This uiav o wuy me governor is so pop ular in the rural districts. :OLCNlS. rii- Mrw l...ti;i4 Th-iu i:i 1 ri:i-i,-o. There are tw I rur:c: '. and t r;e..r -;ies in $an -.':.::?! ' .'.. feu them '. me-, from Has- -vn;l. an,? ' " :'' ' 1 ' '''isv near m. ;:.: the-e J ' ! r;-t ! : : . ..f u.e :v ;" their wares ; :. ! !.: .::: : t . !.-ej, the trade of '' are coatantiy !' T end '. tirm a:.-- ::! vantage . '. . '.Miv . ;,riees m:n :i.imtd ;ba ;a - ;.tiv wl.vh i n- ' -,,i i - Ilitrtromi re..rie live ' cinta. a -iiii-irii J the other !..;;; t the Mime f,ty. thr sta !)::: -ami thev .'f ii. It 1 and I:nMti.i t:i' imth favti.T.s. a watching e;:e!i tJ See if !! Mi over the ti:i-r or torniv A heads the l!a-c habit a rvjrni:: trraph hill. '1 h- tionn on Mini TWO QUEE. mil: -street, ami are d v J.iI-". Xecf.t...! CS an.l deeds 1. These hawiiers iu;lie a i of Sru.-t. K,: . ve him a draft K r ; of it, th.t::i th;-v driissi.i , ,. , J i ..r. . .. ; the mor.ev and put r &rret ill are .iliay- iiiimir j)r ! 1 '. hey haw here fyr !l 'flJv leaving his oil:ee. King satis-1 years and the col. .nles are i ie Lad fraudulently claimed the j adily. War-. a-o N::nilar j, , ,- , . 1 411 j .,,.,.1 :.. v v ... .... land, which Le never owned. Allen one Shorln-l. P'kxI tiling hhablily am mouths. Th five or six growing steadily. War, a-o ::nilar . - . ... wiuioea ei e -i;in.e.i ill i".v i.i:i;c;tv, and now two or three of tie-e-ped- dlers are wholesale merchants there. ") jiuc jinnuj- any lieaiiuirs Willi their neigh bors. and verv few of them are naturalized. One of the Ilacinta men, I iee, was mysteriously murdered up country the othvr day. I have often wondered if the crime was not the out growth o( the feud. If it was I don't think the assassin will ever be found. The dead man's friends aud relatives w ill see that he is avenged. St. LouU Globe-1 K mocrat. A NOVEL CALENDAR. It Furnished Kntertuiuuirnt for a VVhol Ver.r. Some one the other day thought of this about a calendar. A daughter was to go away, to be gone a long time, on the other side of the earth. So the mother, thinking to bring Ikt good cheer, bought a calendar. Now the ordinary calendar .lifters little from its fellow, except happily now and then 1:1 the way of quoted phrases, or blithesome child, or maybe decorative fruit am! :!ower. More than that, no ordinary calendar seems an in dividual's very own. As how could it. with its counterpart ,:i evcryliody's desk, and its mate all ma uifactured by the ! Im: the calendar tlii, mother made -ould 'h- duplicated 1- no one. fortius is what she ,, I. M.-l.e.v tlu- date on each j leaf there was a blank snace. She t therefore, took the calendar apart, send ing its three hundred and sixty-five leaves to as mr.ny different friends and relatives, asking eaeh to write some sort of salutation 0:1 tM- l.!:;nk space K-low the date. When thes.. v.-".. ,-..r....i ;hev were boinul together again, and :he calendar w as given to the daughter. who knew nothing of what had been .lone. She was made to promise, how ever, to tear off no leaf until the day had dawned when the leaf was due. What a source of deliirht such a cal endar would be to an exile from home .'an easily be imagined. Mverv dav n different rreetinr from :i liiiferent friend! Kverv dav a new surorise. and never to know liil the morrow what friend was to send a word of good cheer. 1 ne i.iic ad.iiii .'i thi, neither luiiht mal;e on another cale.- l ..f it i.-;.i would U- to ask each, triend to keep a record of the date win a the greeting, as it were, fell d-i,-; thea to remember both greeting and so tliat when the exile read it in one of these far- -iway countries, she and her fricn.U nt might for lu'iin.-nt at least. statu! conscious per's Kazar. Iv t 1 f 1 Har- Ile liiiew Nature. A peddler was slowly passing along the street with tie y of -St ra wher ries." meliMlioiisly rising an 1 falling. I p at a sceoud-story window sat a woman w ith a !ahy i:; her arms. The peddler stopped as became underneath. non 1 you want some nice strawber ries, ma'am-.'" said lie. -Only five cents a quart." "No. not to-day." said the woman de cidedly. "I've only got two quarts left," said the peddler. "Won't you buy them for the baby?" "N-o-o, I think not. "said the woman. "If I had a baby like that," said the peddler. -I'll buy these strawlierries for him." The woman rose from her seat. "Just wait a minute and I'll send down for them." she said. St Louis Chronicle. To T-t I'nwfler. During the w arm weather, when the use of powder is considered almost nec essary, great care should be taken to obtain the best. Rice powder is eon- Bidered by most physicians to be the least injurious, although a few advise a talcum powder. Every woman who w ishes to be sure that there is nothing injurious in her toilet powder can satisfy herself bv submitting it to the following test: Place a teaspoonful of the powder in a glass and add the juice of a lemon. If effervescence takes place, it is an infal lible proof that the pow der is danger ous, and that its use should be avoided, as it will injure the skin and destroy the beauty of the complexion. X.Y. World. An Kiiorm.pj, Water Power. The enormous water power of Lake Superior is the next natural force to be utilized. It has been calculated that the actual velocity and volume of water falling at Sault Ste. Marie is l 'J, 000 feet per second equivalent to 2:;0.000 horse power and it is rr.iixised to constrnet very extensive w orks in the r-einitv eluding blast furnaces and shin-vaw j paper-mills, pnlp-miils, flour-mills and j other industries. The learning of science and the ingenuity of inventors are daily succeeding :n diminishing the waste of energy that is met with in the "asu- iu eiu rify wmi is met with mth nechaaical world, and. doubtless be fore thc century shall have closed, even Proator trinmphs xr-ni be recorded. I'hilaIptia Keeord. .-pa. :. .. . ; Father "Harrv. what tim wa ,' when yon got in last nig-ht?"' Uwr t i.Tfueij) Bedtime." man named Allen came Iat Mon- :i, w .:.!ei o Mr. W:V r'.tr!;: n: to : : :. . . : 1 I ';.::.e .. i - stl.tft book: H!::i a:. I ; uii.! the I t: ,rV. iteonis of . 1 wh:cL hf i-":lim- e i : . the I.;;: 0 oLio Hi . S et wivi by t-s. i.e JuaUc "tt.r 1 - I' 1 tl.e o i f u Mr . Aii...l tint U-Jisoli of Ct.:; a t L-: i: r ii ii a: . 1 ,11-11 1 land, which he never owned , j claims to be from Ohio, aud says he j :i ,let..J for lttu, m liis trunk. 1 1 r 1 i i he tned it for record here live v ai s ' He was arriouid tiefore Esj. Bohon, and the case stt for hearing on Friday the '2nd day of Oct. and failing to give $1000 bond w as sent to jail. Harrisouville Democrat. This is pretty good. .' Mr. John C Ooodwin, a carpenter ot Danville, 111., writes: "About two weeks ai;o a heuw saw log tell upon my toot erv badlv crukhin it, o that I was un able to w alk t all. I sent tor a bottle of H.i'.iard's Snow- Liniment and kept mv toot we'd saturated w ith it. It is now two weeks since that occured, and mv toot i nearly wll and I am at woi k Had I not uied Snow Liniment I should have been laid up two months. For healing wound-, sprains, sores and bruises it has no equal. No Inrlamation can exist where Snow Liniment is used. "You can use this letter." lieware ot all white Liniments substi tuted tor Snow Liniment. There is no other Liniment like Ballard's Snow Li:iime:tt. Sold bv 11. L. Tucker. Will Halim Iletire? New Yolk, Sept. :i0.A Wash ington special says: President liar :o;d Co!i;uisio!ier f Pensions ll'ium wci e closeted together for au hour esterday. The circumstances has revived the rumor that in a few wet!:s General l!aum will retire from the administration of the pension buieau. II. is said that the nresi- h lit will tender the place to ex Rej. resentative McComas when the va caiiry ecu i s. POISONS IN COSMETICS. It seen: t be the fashion for young ladies w ith pimples and blotch es on their faces to make ex peri mei.ts wi;l. various osmetics. Ma i uiijt P;llp;-.:;y advcj tises her foreign compound composed of a combinu- j t:oii of j h-oiious mineral substaiuvs J that deaden and burden the deii jcate Miiis;.-i!:c. s 1 f the skin. Tin re ;aie no complexions lik th:se that j gives. Tiie t ni.-, strength- eiiiug and healthgiving ellects i f Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) permit na ture t) work h'-r will ju this respect, as thousands of la'li-s both xcung and old have discovered. The cheapest and most beautiful com plexions cepend on health and vigor It is the officii of Swift's .Specific to give vigor aud tone and lualth to the system, aud in this way to give lustre to the eve and roses to tLe elneks. Justice Laniar'n decision tbat tie authority of a United States Mui- shal does not extend beyond the dis trict for which he is appointed is very unsatisfactory to those who think that, when appointed a Fed eral deputy something, they are euiitled to do as they please where ever they pit-as.-. But it is u sound decision. Thwe are still st.ifps state laws left in this country, and no Federal official is above them. Senator Gorman is said to dislike the pretentious style iu architecture as much as he dislikes ostentation iu oratory. He in building a house at Laurel. Md., to the oi. that was burned l ist winter. It is described as a commodious, substan tial and unpretentious farmhouse. Sudden De.itiis licart disease i 5v tar tiie outiu cau-e ot udden oeal) 3 tno.-t ;ic vvhtcli in S'.rce ot iDur ca-c- i er.tipected The v:rp:o:ni are not generally under stood, 'i ne-e ure : a !i";it or villi the ris' ide, n-i t iireatn, pain jr dis on tress in side, back or shoulder, irregular ruii-e, asthma, ean and hunrv peHs, ! e'ir'-- ir. Mik" ilfu-tratcd back on ij!carf tree at !!. !.. i uker s I :'rtyre 'i aarar.tee Dr. : :Zr eting. Or. Mile?" ii'.u-tra'n. J book Ilcarf I):e:ise, tree at !!. ! .. , u;cr 1 .cw neart urease Cure, and his Restorative Nervine. which I cur r.ervou.nes, headache, -!eep!e.-s-j ness, enects ot UnnKir.g, etc. con- A day i . m c for infants 'Caatoria is so well adapted to childrra tiuu I r-comuit'cJ it as superior u any prescription kiowT: to me." H. A. AacnKR. M. P., !tl So. Oxlo. J St, Brooklyn, S. Y. at Stapled Fancy Groceres, Feed and Provisions of all Kinds. QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE CIGARS AND TOBACCO, Always pay the highest market price for Country Produce. East Side Square. Butler. Mo de. C. MIZE. MIZE &CLARDY Snccrt-sitri to I)K. C. MIZK. Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Sgents, o EE T LOAN COMPANIES IN EXISTANCE HAVE A LINE OF THE BEST INSURANCE COMPANIES, COLLECTIONS AND 1IKMITTANCKS AND l'VY TWFS FOP N ( )X-li ESI DE N TS. A notary pulilie mil lie fiiuml in the ollirc will attend to all ronv,.va.-,.s i,.t will altfiiit to all conveyances lor you iu uii-oiY nn.i up win ,io vou irnod store, IU TI.KK. M. ' SHIRLEY SELLS Itchell, tahll and South Bend W A G- O KT S. A ITI.I. LINK OF Buggies, Carriages, Spring Wagons and .'Road Carts. Also the celebrated FLYING DUTCHMAN SULKY PLOW SHIRLEY GUILDS. mmcwwmm. w oift mmm 4 Sole Agent for the Rockford ftI.d Aurora Watches Filled Caseii, 17? I headquarters JEWEL Watches, Clocks, Solid Silver and Plated War &c. .. . ' ' -?;esoiau kinds and for aliases; also fine Opera Glares. Vo. are cordiauy invited to visit his establishment and examine his sp.endid display of beauMru! goods and the low prices ALL KINDS OF ENGRAVING NEATLY EXECUTED. I and Children. Caatorla cures Colii?, Con!rt1ivit!oti, Sour tihuuAeh, 1' Krueiatitn, Kills Worms, gives &ieep, aul promotes di Icestion. Without injurious niedieatioa. The Cistalr Companv, 77 Murray Street, N Y Welto . W. CLAHDY. i "iim viiwr ui Kt ll i;,,.. . c. . "..Ll 'X" ,s''ur'nif "iilne?8 lionrs nn.l I 1N . it I o. nrr iih Mfll'll o invite vou n (.ikinu I., l ...i . KMI'IXTFUI.I.Y, MIX 10 At CI.AHDY. CHILDS TIIK 5 ir. Gold Silver anl Very Cheap. ERY STORE, tor P, 1c -: tains no opiates.