Newspaper Page Text
'IjC Stt'tlCt VOL. XIV. BUTLER, MISSOURI, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER ;(), 1891. NO. t 1 A Kb. 0 imiMi OF BATESC00TY, Cash Capital. l V. THOMPSON ... . K. ItOSIKR K. A MKNNK1T K. I. KIPP Dr. J. l.V KItlNGIIAM I. W". Hl.VF.US DIltECTOKH. Ju'l(- ark;Vix, Farmer ant etork raiser. It J Uarlcy of R. .J. Hurley Lumber Company. J. K. HoHier, Viee-Presiiieiit nl Farmer. M. S. Klerne?, Farmer and Stork rainer. K. A. liennett, of lit-nnett, Wheeler Company an l -Jii't Vire-l'rehl.ient. P. K. Kmery, IJenl Fetate Investor. M. ii. Wilcox, farmer ami SuirkraiPfr. I!. M. Gaily, farmer ami Ktoek !!s-r. T. W. I.eir. 'hutler Carriage Works." I X. Tlioinpson, Pret-Hent, farmt-r and sti-kraiser. John ."Steele, Farmer ami utorkraiser. J. .1. MrKee, Farmer ami etorkraieer K. I. Kipp, Caehier. Receive Deposits subject to check, loans Keneral banking business. Your patronage Rescued From Dire Peril. Southampton, Dec. 22. The Xoith German Lloyd steamer Spree, with tho passenger aud crew of the the burned steamer Abyssiuia on board, arrived Lero at a late hour to night The passengers aboard the Abyflsinia lirnt heard of the. firo last Friday afternoon. The Kt earner was then on fire at both ends. Three hours latrr the steamer Spree was righted and she was asked to take iff the Abyswinia's passengers and crew. The Spreo immediately sent her boats to the rescue and all on board were safely transferred to the Spreo with the exception of one sea man, whojumped overboard and was drowned. As tluro was then not the slight est chance of saving the Abyssinia she was abandoned and the spree proceeded on her voyage. Perfect discipling was maintained aboard the Abbsiuia uud there was no excitement among the passengers on the discovery of the fire. The rescued passengers are full of gratitude for the kindness with which they were treated b the captain of tho spree, to whom they have pre sented a testimonial. Tho fire was discovered by the of ficers at noon on Friday. The flames had then gai'ied such headway that they soon spread over the whole ves sel. The origin of the fire is un known, but it is attributed to spon taneous combustion in the cargo of cotton. All of the Abyssinia's pas sengers were lauded here. Backlen's Arnica Salve, The Best Salve in the wortd for Cut Brutse,Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter,Chpped Hands, Chlblains Corns, and all Skin Eruption, and posi tively cures l'iles, or no p required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 35 cts per box For sate bY II. L. Tuckir, druggist. Looking Westward. The growth of the west eiuce the war lias been the boii6t of the nation and marvel of the world. History affords no parallel to its increase in population, development in agriculture, advance in material prosperity, magic rise of great cities and addition of new states. Ir 1870, when the first federal census nfter the war was taken, there were, pioperly speaking, twelve, western f tates. To day there are nineteen. Theu th air cremate population of the west, including the territories, ! was 13,000,000, or about a third of j total population of the country. Now j it is more than 25,000,000, or nearly half of the whole. It is true that the east aud south have more electoiial votes than tluy hid inJlSM But it is uot less true j tl.t t iv... 1m iTniiiv.l f;n mote i .I- .1. v .!,, .rt ..f th. ! 0 - ' . . 1 country in electoiial representation aud consequently in political pow r. These facts and figures are pivg- i the saloon, aud beiug recognized, j when Pastures Improved Patent wa uaut with signification to tho demo- i the cry went up. "lock the doors and j lev tiller is guaranteed to purify it crats. Thov show where the balance i of political power ha9 been looming j $50,000.00 PrisMent . Vire-Prenident . 2-i V!re-I'r-sil.-r.t tahiei St-rrtsry Attorney money, Issues ilTafts, ami transact, a reeuectfullv ullcltt. up in striking proportions. They render obvious the advantage of a wentem over au eastern candidate. Tin' republicans have not failed to reognize or appreciate the impor tance of these consideration except on one occasion. Every campaign since the war they have taken their leader from the west except in lSS-t. They met defeat only when they made an exception to their general rule. Will tho democratic leaders rea I a political lesson in these pregnant fa.'ts from historj? New York Her aid. CIIII.I WILL SETTLE i i', The Haiti more Case May fcmm t; in, posed of Two Men as Lambs. Valparaiso, Dec. 25. The United States cruiser Boston ai rived here to day. There is scarcely any doubt thnt Gomez and Rodrigues, who respec tively admitted stabbing Conl Heav er Tuubull and Boatswain Mate Rig gin of the Baltimore, who died of their wounds, will be punished to the utmost legal limit. For the past few nights there has been unwonted activity abc ard the Chilian war ships in this harbor. The crews have been roused from their ipnuters, electric lights have been thrown into the forts and the sailors have all been armed with Maunlicher rifles. Extra vigilance has been shown also iu guarding the arsenal. All these things have been done as a matter of precaution and to prevent any attempt at a row when President Moutt is inaugurat ed to morrow. The formation of the new cabinet by Ramon Burros Lucos is regarded with the greatest favor. It is believed that the finau cial scheme of the bankers will pro pose the payment of customs duties iu silver after June 1, 1892. The text of Presideut Harrisou's speech made when receiving the Chilian ministers produced aa ex cellent impression here except as re gards some minor points. The pro vincial government to-day before re signing presented to the 6euaU au amnesty law in favor of ail Balma cedists except those accused by congress, a few military lieutenants and couimou criminals. This was done despite knowledge of the ef forts of the refugees at the American legislation to create disturbance Officers With Nerve Chicago 111., Dec. 25. A crowd of several hundred, males and females, white aud black, assembled in Col ston house place this afternoon to celebrate. mo street naci ueen turned into a race course when a Tho street had souad of pohcemen arrived. At the .. k - i S:llilC lime n ruciai uixt urjjJii iu m neighboring saloon. Two officers in citizen s clctues trained entrance to kill the officers." and ut the same! time the kev was turned in the lock. Backing into a conr tie meets drew ihriv i tcI i .-, f;i. t.l tLfe crowd t!.r- - te:.i il to hhon: the first man V. ii . !;.'.V;i i. i LeV V. ei L" c JOll l'CSCUvd l.y ci'LuKi'l' W ami each after adesper- a ti ll i : Lt ;-cuied a prisoner IcloIvH'S as Ll!:lP- hi liii led U'-h ii, .t it: I W'0!!. A ih M.igoii was g uway bu !y ..Htjr . Rob forward and sho "Come 'ti. l.-ts ' kill the , j . j t-.' dovvn by ;i h.i and ii'.c-ieiuo!-;. . -the wagon. W. .. the. v.-av .as c!ea; ' ' tin- -i.iv..: n; away ,i: d V.-:t kf.-i -ck-'d .i i. ivVu.VCt i:,to n.x.Ker I -i the wa 'ouj to pass through the o wd. the piis - oners constantly utruggiirg i i ft ; ana cumd to Butler j ill. The sber The whole crowd fu!l.tved the. , iff promised the best protection that nto the Harrison tion. -M eet sta - 1 hat Snookinc Committee. Jeflerson City Tribune. We hai 11 iroiii an exchange pub lished in tlit Twolfth (v. v.'v.t-h1 i . t. .i .1 t- 1 t t i er" Union of Henry County has ap pointed a committee to louk nfter Hon. D. A. DArmond's course in congress. The committee will reed more watching than JuJgi DeAr uiond. Thid thing of appointing a smelling comuiittee is ridiculous Any person with common seiiSL- can know what a ciniessiiiau is doinji by reading tho uewspapers, and the farmer who do-s uot care enough for public affairs t o read the newspapers will not be interested in the report of a committee. We take it for granted that Missouri congressmen have sense enough and honesty enough to demean themselves prop erly at Washington. This is the gen eral reputation our congressmen have at home, aud Judge DeArmond is no exception to the rule. He has beau a prominont man iu the tate for t le last fifteen 3 ears aud, so far as integrity aud ability goes, he ranks among the very best. The Henry county committee may safely adjourn with the assurance that Judge DeArmond neither needs watcning nor prompting .13 a mem ber of congress. A New (Jolit Cure. St. Joseph, Mo., Dec 25. The National Bichloride of Gold Insti tute yesterday filed articles of in corporation, with a capital stock of 50,000. The incorporaters are Dr. A. Y. Baynes, John Donovan, Jr., Geo. Black and Geo. Schneider of this city and Ira K. Alderman and Drs. Koch and Campbell of Mary ville, Mo. The institute will be lo cated iu this city. For some time the Maryville phy sicians have been experimenting aud they believe they have discovered a cure for drunkenness which is des tiued to knock Dr. Keely out in this part of the world. The St. Joseph capitalists think so, too, to the ex tent of their respective investmeHts. A number of patients have been treated at Maryville, aud it is said that the method employed produce successful results. A Mysterious Horse Disease. Rich Hill, Mo., December 25. A mysterious disease has broken out among the horses about eight miles northeast of Rich Hill. The dis ease is in tha nature of a distemper, but is reported almost as fatal as glanders. The legs of the animals are said to become '"stocky,"' and a running of the nose with other evil efieets, speedily ensue. Four head of W. T Meglassen's horses have died ajd another is thought to be afflicted Other aniniils of the same neighboiivd nr sufferiug from the dread dweasc. and quite a panic has taken hold of the farmers of that neighborhood in consequence The stte veterinarian has been notified l)Ul 1)HS not ?et "rrived. r Why use impure cistern water For Sale bv Bessext-Weeeles Meec't. Co. 38 tf HIMS GANG WIPED OUT. i A Triple Lynching in an Ala bama County. De Soto, Mis.-., Dee. 2t While the poste in charge of the Sirus party were en route to Butler last night a mob of Choctaw county men overpowered the po.s and banged llu- three men. Bob Sims, Tom .Sav age ami Young Savage. It is report ed that another of the Savage boys was bauged at the same time. This is m addition to John Savajre, who was hanged on Christmas eve. Sims Lad agreed to surrender on j condition that they be protected 1 Ul' toul d give under the circum stances. Sims selected twenty-live I men and the sheriff tweutv-five and started with them to Butler. About one mile from Sims' house a body of men from one t two hundred strong tock them from th guard aud hanged them all three to a tree. SiiiiS txpivssed fears that he would never reach the jiil dead ur alive. When he was placed in th;- buggy for the fatal ride he refused to be blindfolded. He held out his hands and asked them to feel of his see if he was frightened and said he was going to heaven. Young Savage said: "If you think enough of me to bury me, put me by side of Sims; we are lighting tor the same cause." The women were turned loose. All is quiet now. The names of the Simsites hung are Bob Sims, Tom Savage, Con Savage and his two grown ton. Thus ends the defiance of the United States, the state of Alabama and in fact all laws, of notorious Bob Sims and four of his followers. TWO MORE OF SIMS SET HANOED. Shubuta, Miss., Dec. 27. The lynching etill goes on. John Sims, brother of Bob, aud Mosely, nephew of Bob, were both hanged last night and the avengers arc in hot pursuit of a negro who was with the Sims thj night of the massacre. They have burned both the Sims dwelling and the houses on the place and killed every living thing to be found on the place except the family, and they had to escape to a neighbor's house., Mo , Dec. 17, 1891. Mrs. F. M. Steelk, Lone Oak It is a pleasure to me to return my heartfelt gratitude to you and your family aud neighbors for their kind attention extended to my son in his protracted sickness, please express my thankfuluess to them and tell them that I esteem them highly and that He who rules amid the arenas of Heaven and the inhabitants of earth may visit them with his choic est blessings and that he will lead them through the vicissitudes and wanderings of life and hand them down to their graves in peace and iuJHeaven crown them with eternal life. Language cannot express my feeling to you all for the disinterest ed love and affection manifested, and also for the sorrow and tears shed over his corpse. May these tears form a rainbow under whose arch they will travel the rest of the journey of life. Iu finishing let me again extend to you and family my best wishes for your future welfare Edward 1'ocxg. There is a split in the ranks of th L ouisiai.a republicans. The Moberly Daily Sentiuel has suspended. "3Iy Danshter's J.ife Was saved by Hood's Sarsaparilla." says Mr. B. B. Jones of Alna, Maine. "She had peveu running g(res jn different parts of her body, but 011 giving her Hood's SareapariHa there was a marked improvement and now she is well, strong and heartv " Hood's Pills cure constipation bv restoring the peristaltic action of the alimentary canal. They are the the bfst familv cathartic. Missouri OF BUTLER, MO. CAPITAL, Receives Deposits subject to Check, Loans Money, Makes Collections aud does a General Banking Business. DEPOSITORY FOR COUNTY FUNDS. In the Real Estate Loan Department- Make loans on Real Estate on lono' or short time at lowest rates without delay. Alien , Mrs henna Houlware, T C. Physician Hiirk. Monroe Farmer Ballard. J X Karmer Hrown, I-uin Hartlett, K'lmund Farmer Brvner. Margaret t'helf. H. U Farmer Oileman. Sam'l I. Caruthers, ii A Farmer Christy. J M Physician Clark, Hubert Farmer Courtney, .1 M Stock Healer Ieerweter. John Farmer i.evy m Pry Morrison . C H Miller, Alf Farmer McCracken, A Farmer McCracken, Robt Farmer Owen, M V Farmer Pilaris, John Grocery lavis. J It Foreman Times offlcePowell, Kooker 1 nans, u t urocery nutcner. c n rror .Normal Sen J'ljfott, 11 II Kank clerk IeArmonil,i A, M C Hosier, .1 M Farmer i: an8, .John Farmer Renter, Oscar Kverinfrham. J Physician Haif'orl, ( has R Farmer rreemam. i.aroline and Kliza Keisner, J w rowier, Isaac Sullens, J 1. WM. E. WALTON BOOKER POWELL president vice-president Found i Mastodon Tuk Crawfo! dville, Ind., Dec. 22. The tusk of a huge mastodon has been discovered at Darlington, ten miles north of tho city. The find proves to be much better than was at first thought, and promises to be one of the fiuest ever made in this country. The tusk was discovered in diumnj; a well at the residence ot iteortre Lynch. The tusk was struck by the drill, and so perfect did the ivory seem to be thnt they decided that it had a commercial value and conclud ed to dig it up. They dug down to it, about twelve feet under ground, and found that the tusk that thev had struck was at least twelve inches in diameter, and evc-u on the outside was almost perfectly Pie- served. The men have already un earthed about four feet of the tusk and have found no sign of an end either way. Judging from that al leady in view, the tuak is about fourteen feet in length, and the finders are confident in their belief that tho skull and other bones will ba found in a like stato of preserva tion, as the whole is submerged iu living water and covered with clean, pure sand Several geologist of this and other cities will make ever' ef fort to get it out aud mouut it for the college museum. The Democrats can not afford to allow H. Martin Williams to walk home from Washington, whether he did go to make an effort to secure the position of reading clerk of the house. Martiu is a man you can't trifle with indifferently. Don't at tempt to toy with his affections or hopes. Should the "Roarer from Aurora" be cotnpfelled to "hoof it'' along the long and tedious lines of the Baltimore and Ohio, across the fertile fields and magestic forests of Ohio and Indiana aud get kicked off of the rear of Yandalia express car over into egypt, just think of the consequences. Think of the hours H. Martiu Williams will have for re flection and study. Just think of the phials of his wrath that must accumulate during the time and then think that next year is lSi2. Have a care gentlemen of the demo cratic party of Missouri, as to your manner of squelching the Jerry Simpson of Missouri. Yernon Co. Republican. The Democratic party did get along quite well without him while he was racing over the stst dissem inating his greenback and other cranky doctrines If he comes monkeying around here airing his grievances we wiil sick Billy O' Jack son on him again. Dr. Ack.-i'.-i K:s!U! P Ms Axe active, aUcctive arid pure. For i sici iietuace. d-.sordered stomach, loss of appetite bad complexion and biliiousnesa, they have never been equaled, either ia America or abroad. State lank $110,000. STOCK UOMER8i Hayes, Johut;. Slalai k, K1 HRr.iiiifc-er, W X Farmer Smith, U 1, I.ivervman Hickman. G B Furniture dealer Smith, Jhn Tl.awver lleatii, 1 H Starke. I, K leputv circuit clerk Jenkins, .1 R Cashier Turner, Mrs M K i aj'ilaiist Kinney. Don Ass't Cashier Tucker, W K Dentist Good A Clothing Tyler, W H Farmer Farmer oris. Frank M Farmer Vaufthan. J M Capitalist Wystt, H C Lumber dealer Wells, Wllev Teacher West, K G F"armer Wolfe. Pattie Walton, Wui E Cashier Wrijfht, T J Capitalist Weiner. Max Hoots A Shoivi Walls, Wm Farmer W alien, G W Farmer AValls, ,T T Phvsician Whipple. X I. PhvMeian Williams, R V Farmer Farmer Insurance Banker J. a. JENKINS DON KINXF-Y cashier Asst. cashier Million.-. St:irvinc in Hiismih. Urbitna. O., Dec. 22. John H. James of thi city has written Alex ander E. Gregor, charge d'affairs of Russia at Washington, offering to start a fund for the famine- sufferers iu Russia if desired, reply says: Mr. Gregor in "It is unfortunately too true that the population of twelve provinces iu Russia, representing a great deal over 20 milliens of people, is actual ly starving. I have not been instruct ed to open bubseiiptioms i;or ap peal to t I.e help of the citizens of your great and uobl country, but ou n.3 be sure that tvery cent sac riheed by you uud jour friends for thi relief u. our Hin'iViers will help? a:;d will brin- evt 1 lasting gratitude fuin the millii ns of my country- mtu Pears' Soap People have no idea how crude and cruel soap can he. It takes off dirt. So far, so good ; but what else does it do? It cuts the skin and frets the under-skin; makes red ness and roughness and leads to worse. Not soap, but the alkali in it. Pears' Soap has no free, alkali in it It neither red dens nor roughens the skin. It responds to water in stantly; washes and rinses off in a twinkling; is as. gentle as strong; and the after-effect is every vay good. All sorts of stores sell it, especially druggists; all sortSr of people use it. f doctor"'"'" "? mm- ! ENGLISH ; for Coughs. Colds and Costla. Is topi : ; question tha greatest el all atotfer rts.; : it (rilisiopt CoB6h Ihobs eight, it will check a Cold In a day. it ill pretest Croat, relieve; Asthma, and CURE Consumption It take in :ifne. IF THE LITTLE ONES HAVE : j WHOOPING COUGH ft L - I. k. . I. .( j A 25c. bottle mzr save 1 100 In Doctor's Bills', I a sate thetf lives. ASK YOUR D8U6-' J GIST F&R IT. IT TASTES GOOD.! !HHIMHHIHUMm.Ma.HUIHIIM H L Tucker, Agent I fl. GROUP i : ? - ik IT WILL CUBE : : 4-ZttL&s- THtma else: