J. B. ALLEN Editor.
f . D. All km & Co., Proprietors.
The M'keki.v Times, published everr
Wednesday, will be sent to any address
one year, postage paid, for $1.25.
Mr. Flower wai inaugurated gov
prnor of New York, Jan 1st.
Governor Humphrey, of Kansas-,
Las appointed ex-goyernor Iiinhop
W. I'oil.irjfi, T.'r itnl States senator
to succeed Mr. l'lumb.
The Cl.erokte council Las ratified
th agreement for the sale of the
Cherokee btrip. Action by congress
:g alone w cessary now.
Tho McKinley bill scored a fid
ure in the New Yoik wo mU 11 trade
ia celebration of the advent of the
newjeir. It camp too lat to bo
COUntel in the total of the fiilurcs
Since tho republicans ha I full con
trol before. St. Louis Republic.
Foraker and Sherman are Laving
a red Lot tilt for the Ohio seimtoi
ship. The legislature seems to be
about evenly divided between the
two aspirants and both claim the
i.oininatiou. It's the tit Ht time John
Sherman has ever had to scramble
for the oflice and it will be very hu
miliating to be beaten by Foraker.
Mr. Perkins, the new senator
from Kaunas man be a good man
but he does not seem to be giving
satisfaction, especially with those
disappointed fellows who wanted
tho place themselves; and several of
tlnso fellows left the field with
their ncalping knives buckled 1o
their belt and longing for a chain c
to lift Gov. Humphrey's scalp.
Th Legislature of New York,
elected the first Tuesday after the
first Monday in November last, is
Democratic The court of last re
sort has said it, and from its fiat
there is no appeal. Both parties
have been claiming it. The State
Court of Appeals decide two of the
contested seats in favor of the Dem
ocrats last Tuesday. This gives
tha Democrats u majority.
Judge- James Gibson of Kansas
City arrived in the city this morning
and will remain at the Laclede ho
tel for several days. Tho distin
guished jurist has entered the raca
for tha democratic nomination for
governor iu 181)2, and to a Chronicle
reporter he said this morning: "I
shall make a thorough canvass of
the state, and, if possible, visit every
couuty within her borders between
now and the time ot the uouvention."
St. Louis Chronicle.
"The public understands you are
opposed to the sub treasury, the
two per cent laud loan, free silver
and prohibition; and that you are iu
f '.vor of national banks, lailroad ex
tortions, minimum circulation, gold
standard, and monopoly in all its
forms except possibly, high pro
tective tariff.''
The above is au extract from an
article in last week's Union by NY. O.
Atkeson, aud is directed at tho edi
tor of tho Times. The public is per
fectly right in understanding that
we are opposed to the sub treasury
nd two per ceut land loau schemes,
but we are not, neither does the
public understand us to be, opposed
to the free coinage of silver, nor in
favor of the other things he men
tions. If Mr. Atkeson wishes to
discus issues he should state them
fairly and honorably as he knows
them to exist and not go off into
wild haraugues, aud make extrara
gaut assertions which he knows he
c.rimot sustain, as he did at the
school houses over the county last
The only good things your party
platform contains, that ot tariff re
form and free coinage of silver, was
st )leu bodily from the democratic
party, aud all these visionary
schemes were added to catch suck
ers. Last year was a good sea
son for them to bite, but you cau
hardly expect to catch the same old
sucker with the same hook aud bait.
If Mr. Atkeaon persists in taking j ot aud would not be a candidate for
the people's money for services as j the nomination aud would not an
prosecuting attorney, wbil he is de- tagonize their aspirations by such a
voting his tino to airing his polit:-' candiJaoy.
oal rievf s, his converts will have to I , ' faitL by tLem refore,
. ' . , forbids ine from occupying that po-
be numerous to again force him upc a ( siliotl which your partialitJ to e
the public. ! has placed me in."
County Judges Coaue.ll aud Mil
ler hare ordered an instigation of
the county offices and appi oprutted
money out of the ccuuty treasury to
pay for same. In an attempt at jus
tification of such a course they in
dulge iu a number of whereases and
resolutions that would better grace
a political platform, than county
When these gentlemen made the
race for county offices they pledged
the people that if elected they would
investigate the records. They were
successful, now let them keep their
pledges, :in.l not go to sj ending the
people's money iu employing other
pal ties to do work fu' whi h they
were elected. There is no public
I demand for nn expert examination
of the records. The.se paiti'.s Lave
been in olliee over a yfar and Lave
teucLed ddi'entlv to discovtr
something wrong, an J thy cm dis
cover nothing on which to l ase an
investigation m l so fearful ar : they
that they will not find something
out of which to make political capi
tal, that they use the siily subter
fuge that "the people demand it and
the press demands it, and the wishes
of the people and the pi ess arc en
titled to a fair and favorable consid
eration."' The gieat de
niand of the people and the press
and that petition of tax-payers', they
prate so flippantly of, originated in
tho brain of Judge Council and oth
er leaders of the union labor paity.
Tnev tidk of "precedent set by our
pi-edec-ssois,"' when they know, if
tht-y will take the ains to invt sti
gate and havj the intelligence t"
understand, that the investigation
' f the V. T. Smith nc ;ds by Wm.
K. Walto'i was don1 at Sir. Walton's
own expense and on tin- per cent,
plan. Arid xt investigation was or
derud until thy county clerk discov
ered tno'igh t i convince him that
something was wrong.
The county court has no authority
under the statutes to appropriate
money in this manner, and they may
themselves be the subjects of invest
igation at the bar of u higher court
if they persist in wantonly expend
ing the people's money for political
We want it understood that we
are not opposed to an investigation
of the county records under demo
cratic administrations; in fact we
court an examination. But o well
convinced are we that everything is
all right that we do not want our
people to bear the burden of ex
pense. We should elect men to oflice
who are. competent to perform th
duties and not have to hire other
men to do their work.
The people of Bates county aie
hardly prepared to employ a man at
$0 to $10 a day to go on a fools er
It is no easy matter to defraud a
county like Bites. We know what
its assessed valuation i, then the
rate of ley gives the ameunt cf
tax and the delinquencies deducted
leaves tho amount of money from
taxation. Then fines, licensee, back
taxes, etc., is easily computed. A
detailed financial statement has been
published every year, showing the
amount of money recti ved and from
what source.and how expended. Now
what do these parties expect to find?
They hope to uuearth a political
bomb and they are likely to ruuonto
a boomerausr.
Judge E. H. Norton of Platte
county, who has been frequently
mentioned iu connection with the
gubernatorial nomination, has at
ljkst declared himself out of the race.
Iu a card to the Platte City Land
mark the Judge says:
"While I am profoundly grateful
for the cumplimentary terms you
you have seen fit to use iu putting
ate forward as a candidate for the
Democratic nomination for the office
of Governor, I cannot occupy that
position fr the following reason: I
have heretofore said in response to
the question 'whether I would be a
candidate for the Democratic norm
natiou for that place,' propounded to
me by two or more cf the distin
guished gentlemen who are now
j pronounced candidates, that I wae
The United State Supreme Court Said
to Have Decide t Nebraska's Case
Washington, D. C, Jan. 1. There
is a repc rt in circulation that the
supreme co urt of the United States
has d
was elected by the democrats of 1
Nebraska coventor of that tt in
the fail of 1890,and was subsequent
ly turned out of office by the state
supreme court on the ground that
he was ineligible because of an im
perfection in his citizenship, is eli
gible and at th time of his e!t
ecti on
as governor of Nebraska he was a
a boua fide citizen of the Unite 1 j
Mares, litis will make Boyd yv-1
It is very difficult to get a supreme
court decision iu advance of its bein-'l
c i
rcii imt'.i out the above is 0:1 sum
cient authority to warraut the st.ttt
ment that the highest court in tho
land his decided that Boyd w is eli
gible for the governorship an 1 w..s
entitled to that oflice.
Cut. FraaciMn in YrtiTnui,.
Yi'e clip the following complimtnt
air notice of our fel!ov citizen S-
1'. Francisco, from the Warrensburg
J.urnal Democrat.
The case of the State vs George
P.tvton, on change of venue from j
Cass couuty, came up Tuesday. Le j
fendant was indicted for the ban,-!
l.-ig of a cuuich biuhiiug, August 1,
lSST, iu Cass county. The case
went to argument be'ore she jury
o-i Wednesday morning and was
final submitt.-d ut G p. m. the same
Tin- aigumt-ni on the part of the
Stat.- . s opened by Mr. liailey of
Cass luoty, who was followed by
Mr. a:ic;sc of B-ttes county, for
tho il. feti-.-. unl again by Mr. Sitl
dath i 1 n c stat'1, then Mr. Wallace
of Kiasas City for the defense, and
was closed by Jarrett of Cass couu
ty for the state.
The state was ably conducted on
both sides, as much so, possibly, as
auy rise which Las been tried be
fore the criminal court of Johnson
coun y for many a day.
It. will be inappropriate to speak
of th- ability displayed by Bailey,
Suddath, Willi ace and Jarrett, bi
cause tho age of their experience
has put the leputatiou of each of
the n on a footing which go s with
out saying it in Juhnsou couut.v,but
Johnson county people were partic
ularly gratified to witness and hear
the magnificent ell'oit of our old
Johnson e,j;ii,ty bov.S. P. Francisco
Sim was 1 cared an 1 educated here.
Studied !.iw hire, was admitted to
the b it Lei . and as a consequence
a young man of his mala up would
have a host of friends anxious to
know of his success. ile was one
of the leading attorneys in the dt
fense of this very intricate case.
When it came his turn to address
the jury 0:1 Wednesday forenoon,
the housj was packed with a solicit
ous and waiting audience to witness
the contest of legal oratory.iu which
the Johnson county quondam boy
was to take a leading part.
Railey led the fight in one of his
most eloquent and ingenious efforts.
It was a hard speech to follow but
Mr. Fmncisco rose with the occa
sion aud for three quarters of an
hour succeeded in facinating court,
jury and audience with a speech,
which, for eloquence aud argument,
was not surpassed by any speech
which either proceeded or followed.
It was simply grand in all which
pertains to a jury address.
The complimentary manner in
which Mr. Wallace and other attor
neys alluded to the efforts of their
younger brother, showed that it was
duly appreciated by the bar. As he
took his seat at the dinner hour,
that audience would have cheered
the young orator to the echo, but
the well known stern inflexibility of
the judge as to order forbade.
The jury, being unable to agree,
were discharged from further con
sideration of the case at the opening
of oourt Thursday morning. The
jury stood six and six.
j The news from the Mexican br-
der is that Garza is gaining strength
and uow has fully 1.500 men, well
armed aud equipped. He seems to
K.,.Jo., 1 t 1
iroui some ;
mysterious ?ource in Mexico. Unit
ed States troops are rapidly moving
to the front along the border.
Oprxcd t a Third Party !
Atlanta, Ga-t January 1. The
state executive committee of the al
liance do not wat the people's par
ty. The developments of to day set
tled that conclusively. The dele-1
gates elected to attend the national j
alliance convention which meets in '
St" Loui3 Fb'-T 22' vote a U,,it
P"v movement
The end of the Russell Sage mat-;
ter is not yet. When Norcross tried
to kill Stgf he grabbed Laidlaw, a j
cltik and u-Ad him between the j
bomb mi 1 himself, mucht the safe-,
;tv of Mr. S.i-v. but trrrat.v to the,
thm:a:: - of Mr. Laidbw. Almw.-t j
a:ot:e would have done the same j
thiu but Mr. Sa-'e eboul i pay tor
his protection,
wuii t - Mi.H'.OOO.
and Mr. Ltidliw
t. -
4 I 2
.i---t!:o.! and results '.vlicu
' .i take:.; it is pleaTr.t
: : it) the taste, and act
; :::.!. tly on tho Kidney?,
! '.v.'Is, flea ncs the sys
:T", dispels C'll'l:", head-I'.-vers
iind cures lir'.bif.l.tl
i. Svrup f Figs is the
v 1 1 itd kind ever pro-
const .
Jliiy ren:ci
.l.;ee.l, pleasing t the taste and ac
1 ' , tl.o .'ton-n-h, prompt in
jictioM ..:(! tnily beneficial in its
e.Iectf, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to nil and have made it the moat
popular Tmody known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c
and SI bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may net have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. J)o not accept any
Trustee's Sale.
Wlierca T. .1 . C. t'artt-r inle run by
hi trv (it trust dteil Octolivr 2'Hli, l-vili, ml
Terviriled in th- rcconli-r's ollico uitliln anl lor
Kates ronnty, MiKHouri, in book No. .t ihi 17W
eidiveyeii tot hi umiersiKneil trustrc the fui
lnwinr lH-ril)Cil real et.tHtc lyin' ami l)fin
itunte in the county ot Iiatcg aixt Mate of Mis
souri, to-wit:
Tlie southeast quarter of tl;e southeant
iuarter of sprtion i-leven (II) ami the
northwest quarter of the southwest quar
ter of section three all in town
ship forty 1 10 ) of ranre thirty-two (Si)
containing i acre mere or les which convey
ance was r.iaile in trust to secure the payment
of one certain note fullv iegrritel in saiJ ileeil
oftrust;an(i whereas, default has been ru:nle
in the payment of the annual interest line on
sai.i note. which ilel'aiilt accordinjr to the term
ami conditions ol said note and deed of trust
renders the whole of the debt due and pay nble.
Now therefore at th request of the leal holder
ol said note and pursuant to tliecon litions of
said deed oftrnst.l will proceed to sell theabove
described premises at public vendue to the
hitthest bidder for cash, at the east frontdoor
of the court house, in the city of Heller, coun
ty of Hates ami state of Missouri, on
Wednesday, January 27th, 1892,
between the hours of nine o'cIock in the fore
noon and live o'clock in the afternoon of that
day, for the purpose of satisfying said debt,
interest and costs. K. M . Al.LKN ,
T-td Trustee.
Trustee's Sa:e.
Whereat Winfleld S. .Jarvis and Aunn M.
Jarvm his w it by their deed of trust dated
August atth, l!-."l, and recorded in. the record
er's ofilce within and for Itates countv, Mis
souri, in book No. ic pae HI conveied to the
undersigned trustee the following "described
res,l estate lving and bein? situate in the
county of Bates and state of Missouri, to-wit:
The at half of the northea-t quarter of
section thirty-six (;j and tifteen U'O acres
being all that part of the northeast quarter of
the southeast quarter or section thirtv-tive CC)
lying north of and including the creek, all in
township foriv-ooe (41) of range twenty-nine
i'.K; and the east half of the west lialf of lot
one in the northeast quarter of section one 1 1 ;
township forty l4oj or range twentv-nin
containing in all one hundred and fifteen acres
more er less, which conveyance was made in
trust to secure the payment of one certain note
fully described in saiti deed of trust :and whert.
as, default has been made ia the pavment of
the principal of said note and interest thereon,
now past due and unpaid. Now therefore, at
the request of the legal holder of said note aud
pursnant to the conditions of said deed of
trust, i will proceed to sell the above describ
ed premises at pnbiic vendue, to the highest
bidder tor cash at the east front door cf the
court house, in the citv of Butler, ooantv of
Bates and state of Missouri, on
Wednesday, January 27th, 1S92,
between the hours of 6 o'clock in the forenoon
and fUe o'clock in the afternoon of that day,
for the purposes ef satisfying said debt, inter
est aud cost. c. C. lilKK.
Notice- of Final Settlement and
Jiotiee is hereby siren that the undersigned
Wm. P. Lane, assignee or Geo. W Roberta
will at the regular February term of the Bates
circuit court aud on the isth Uav of February
and while said court is in session, at its
rejcular February term Isri, present his peti
tion for his discharge from li s said trust and
will, at said time and place, max his Snal
accounting settlement thereof, showing the
full amoui.t and disposition ef said treats and
return to said eoart for its final order and!
Judgment, all uncollected and on-collectibie j
assets of said trust estate and pray for the'
winding np of said trust and the discharge of '
saiu assignee as oemg ior me oest interest of
the creditors thereof. Bnt'er. Mo., .lar uarr
b. WM. P. I.AE.
T-"t Vssigaee of iito. W. I: rcis.
Not'ce of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given to aH creditors and I
others interested in tbe estate of Ilenben s
Owen decase.l, that I.J. W. Ennis. ftdmirdi. !
trator of said estate, intend to make final set- 1
tiement thereof, at the nit term of the Bates !
county vronaie court in Bates conntv. state of
Missouri, to be held at Butler, Ma. on the eta
day r February , l?r. J. w. ENM?.
-t Adaiicistrator.
.. a-'-
The (brarlantl is the Hkestt.
! Ldw. .w't
It is Guaranteed to give btthr satisfaction thau any other heating
stove on the market. We handle a full line of
And the Celebrated
With the wonderful wire gauze oven door.
Bennett Wheeler Mercantile Co.
mm 1 pee m money
3R.esbX Esta,te
Call and see him and take
Advantage of his Cheap Rates.
Cut this out and hiing it along and get his best rates.
De. C. MIZE, NuT.vp.Y Public. O. W. CLAUDlf-
Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Agents,
Io a general REAL ESTATE and exchange business. Represent a line of the best
our nVJ?ihXZtT! rn" rU'" BEST LOAN COMPANIES in exlstance.
ur rates the lowest, terms as to pavment. to suit. Will rent manure i,r.
ion an wil be lirLlv? v0'"' T "V"'1 """t vry state in the . n
you" desire to sk 1 "r ,ntere:t t" put your proi-rty on our LIS t if
you uesire to M.I.L. Ourcharbt are reasonable, no sale no commissloii .
Buyers will find our Office Headquarteis for Sale of Property in Bates Co.
W'l1Ukie ,,le,,ur,'lnEh0"in anything have on our books. We can
now be foundn our new and elegant quarters. e can
We buy our whiskies direct from Distilleries and can in ike prices
a3 low by the Gallon as Kansas Citv.
Nothing but the best brands of Whiskies, Wines, Brandy and
Lrms handled. Anheuser-Buaeh celebrated BUDWEISER'bffp
m Butler and on tap. Cdi and 8fce us. U
Opera House Saloon.
Southwest Corur Square, Butler, Mo.
It is made of the best
maternal in the market;
it has the heaviest steel
jacket; it has ae extra
htavy fire pot; it Las an
ash pan; it has cold air
llues'it has an automat
ic damper, it is more
hamdsomely ornament
ed than any oth r, it
has the heaviest nieklo
trimmings, it wil
weigh more thau any
other of tho same sie.
t will keep lire longer,
it will take less fuel, it
will last longer.
k I i i k i