V; will ;losu tliis lino of goods out at
cost or loss, for tho reason wo do not
oxpoct to carry Clothing. Now if you
want a bargain that will boat a bank
rupt sale. Coino to tho
We will givo you a cut price- on all
goods for the next :-J0 days. BOSTON
J. M. McKibben spent last wetk
in bed with a seTere attack of the
grip, but was able, we are glad to
6tate, to appear at bis place of busi
ness Monday.
j Mr. Watson, au old gentleman
j living it. the northeast part of the
I city.died Saturday after suffering for
I several days with gripp and pneu-
I moni;.
When you deaiie tu make a real
' estate loan c dl on Dura!! & Ptrci-
Our good friend and old subscrib
er E. Mullis, called on us yesterday
and renewed for another year.
Two parties giving their names as
Owen Regan and Dsn'l Porter, stole
an overcoat from in front of the
American Clothing House, on yes
terday. Mr. Carrithers and Mr. Cul
ver arrested them in possession of
tue co it shoitly afterwards and
brought them before Squire Xew
som. who bound them over for trial
to Jav.
Notwithstanding the ministers of
v a', west side squire, Hutlr, Mo. dalia with on- aeeoi d too a nim
Money p iil wha apers are t-igued , stand and did all in their
! and your principal and interest is power through their churches to
j made payable at their office. 7 it discourage and defeat the charity
bill given at Sedalia last week, the
The l'attou b jvs an- making the
rame w
0. E. GILBERT, Manager.
F. M. Crumley is on the sick list.
l)r. IJoulwate's little sou is quite
Mrs. C. B. Lewis, who has bteu
a week or so visiting Mrs. Hanks in
the Indian Territory, returned home
Saturday evening. She report a
pleasant time and Mr. and Mrs.
Hanks doing well.
Mrs. W. G. liuck has been having
a severu time with the grip.
T. T. Wemott, of Kansas City, is
visiting his son Aithur.
Judge Ballard of Montrose ha n
daughter, 12 or VI years old, very
ill. He wired to IV C. H. Watkir.s
this morning to come and visit her.
She is troubled with inthtmation of
the bowels. Clinton Democrat.
inland sueves. and the
Laclede h-.ttl ursi ci iu tvety j proctls ai:.,,ui)teil toV(,r xe Luu.
particular. Water and incandescent p,, flfur ,,avillg eXj,eijStS
lights have been add", d to the many j The b:l!1 j.ivt:i iaa gO0tl caUs?e
improvements which the building j ,.Ull we ca no re.ison whv the
has undergone in the pat te w j m:llistt., s il;)Uia lukt. ch a deeid
mot.ths and the h-tel now enjoys a j ,.j ,t;Ui,i niutit wav of
itage patronage, raiding mo::ev for s.veet el
i , .
KiiKe. vjii.etimt'S
JELsft!S9 Caps, Hosiery.
s .veet chant v s
preachers make
A. .1- Vcr w it.-; no lu si-t- us
, ," , . ,, . mistakes as wcil as othtr ieoi!e.and
IM'.l'IV Mill IVIlCU'fil tllsi !ll t-:Tl'l!:fft III I 1
the booming Times for another year
He has been under the weather for
the past weeii with a severe attack uf
tht; gripp. ills wife and child have
also been ipiite sick with the same
been i Mrs. J. Y. Stockton entertained
; her Sunday School class at her home
, , t luesiiav eve Lrames were
lho doctors ot tne city are Kepi
Mrs. Leonard Davis has
quito sick for so vera! days.
very busy looking afier the sick.
Mrs. Aithur Wemott, has been
ipiito sick tho past week with the
Lewis Hoffman, of Kaunas City,
spent yesterday in tho city on busi
ness. V. 1. Lane, a prominent farmer
of Prairie township, favored us Mon
day. J. M. McKibben spent the past
week in bed with a severe attack of
Mrs. J. D. Allen and son Robert
have both suffered with la grippe
tlm past week.
plaved and just before going home
delicious refreshments were served
nfter which all expressed them
selves as having had a grand time.
A. E. Blachert, clothing merchant
on the north aid'? made- an assign
mont the 1st. inst. The Timks re
grets very much to make this an
nouncement as Mr. 1 was among
our best business men aud a live
Night watchman Dick Wiight, who
was taken with a severe attack of
gripp las: week is repoited to be iu
a pecariou condition. Everett ai
tou has taken Lis place ou the bat
and will pel form the duties of watch
man until Mr. Wright's recovery,
which tin Tints Lopes will be in a
short time.
especialy is this true when they step
from the pulpit to the street and
undertake t dictate to the commu
nity what they shall on sdiaH not
Well we would like to s-e
county court make a move i:i
direction of building that new
We believe this would prove of
more benefit and rtai tavii g to
the public than the extravagance
of appropriating the people's
muey needlessly aud uselessly man
investigation i f the records. On with
the jail gentlemen, on with the j iil
Hazel and George, little daugh
ter and son of Mr. and Mm. W. H.
Sherwood, have brcn quite sick.
Harris & Lisle have about forty
live head of extra fine mules which
they are feeding at their barn in
this city.
Frank Kldridge, of C.inton, Mo.,
and Charley, of Texas.nre iu tho city
visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. W. Kldridge.
If the Times is not up to its usual
standard this week our readeis will
have to lay it to the "grip." "We've
got it."
Miss Emma Benson of Rich Hill
I eturned home Monday noon after
several days visit with the family of
D. W. Druinmoud.
H. B. Owen, of West Boone town
ship, in company with public ad
ministrator, J. 'W. Ennis gave us a
pleasant call on Monday.
Johu Fry Jr., the Apostolic man
will preach at the court house at
Butler, Mo., on Saturday January
.Uh, at 2 o'clock p. in.
Several good farms in Bates coun
ty to exchauge for merchandise.
By an oversight last week we neg
lected to make mention of that fine
baby girl which arrived at the home
of our asteeiued young friend Wal
ter Aruold. Pa is exremely proud
of his little daughter, aud the Tiux3
hopes it may grow to be a grand and
nobl woman.
lion. D. A. DwArmond left for
Washington City on Saturday even
ing. He was accompanied by Mrs.
DeArmond, Miss Hattie aud Master
Mike. Jiulge DeArmond will be
found in his seat when Congress is
called to order, and will he there
at the adjournment, always on the
alert for the interests of his constit
uents. Let Henry county Union
labor committee keep its weather
eya on DeArmond.
A. M. Eppsteiu, for the past thir
teen yeais, one ot the lea lmg sales
men in t lit-! dry goods department
at the store of Sam'l L-vy & Co., re
niyned his positi -u v..! uutai ;ly the
first of the new year. Mr. Eppi-tein
thinks of locating i.i :ln east and
will h-ave this wt.ek for the purpose
of looking uj a h-eation. He makes
this change on account of the health
of his wi:'e which has bt en very poor
for the past two or thre years. As
a salesman Mr Eopstein has few
equals and during his years of ser
vice btliiud the counter at the store
of the Messrs Lwy he was punctual
to duty, faithful to his employers,
attentive, polite and accomodating
to customers. His resignation was
regretted by his employers, but
their be:t wiidies as well as those of
the employees of the store with
whom he was so long associated will
ever be with him, no matter where
his lot may be enst.
The recorder of Bates county is
reported as using the following for
mula with candidates for matrimony:
''You look old euough to be over
18?" "Yes." "Is the gal over Is?"
"Yes." "Is her dad williu".'" "Yes."
"All right, it's a go." Kanias City
Thos J. Smith, who has been on
tho sick list for several weeks, im
prudtntly over-taxed himself last
week aud iu consequence he took a
b.ick set and since that time has
been confined to his bed. He is re
ported to bo on the mend again and
we hope to see him out iu a short
It i with regrets we announce I
the death of Mrs. D. T. McKibben,
which occurred at her home on Ft
Scott street, this city, Tuesday
morning. Mrs. McKibben was
quite an elderly lady and her sick
ness was of short duration. She
leaves a husband aud a large circle
of lttlatives and friends to mourn
her loss.
Jas. Brouh, who has been spend
ing the holidays with his family in
this city, will leave for his place of
business, at II arum an, Tenu.,
about the middle of the month. He
says that when he went to that town
twenty months ago; there was noth
ing there but a few log cabins, now
it is a place of 4.000 people, two
daily newspapeis, ehctric lights,
water woiks, belt line railroads, &c.
II. Moudy Co., the hading mer
cantile stablishnient at Adrian,
Mo., made uu assignment last week.
We understand a younger brother
of Mr. Moudv has taken charge of
the store and will continue the busi
ness, lne lirm oi 11. .uorely & (Jo
have beea engaged in the busiu ss
at AJri.m for the pat twelve yeais
aud Las btea recognized as one the
solid institutions of the county, aud
all will regret to learn of their failure.
Uncle Joe Harrold and Henry L.
Manlove, prorniueut democrats of
Elkhart township favored us while
in the city Yeb?niV-
T. K. Lisle was takn quite sick
Mouday night with the grip, but it
soon passed off and he is on the
streets again.
Dan'l V. Druinmond sold hit home
place, iu north west poit of the city,
to G. N. Rsgey en Monday last.
Mr. Ragey comes to Butler to edu
cate his children.
G. W. Irwin nnd MisElla Banks,
of Cornland, were married on De
cember 30th by Squire D. J. Whet
ston?. The Time extends congrat
ulations and be-t wishes.
IK'Witt McDaniel, living in Sum
mit township, killed two hogs, the
comDintM weignt oi wnicn were
1230 pouuds. Oue a pjlan china
weighed 802 pound?, the other 428.
Thirty five gallons of lard were ren
dered from the two hogs. The lar
ger one was three years old and Mr.
McDanitl has five of his descend
ents, all big hogs.
It is with feelings of profound le
gret and sorrow that we announce
the death of Mrs. John 'Wiusett.
which occurred at her home iu Sum
mit township on Tuesday morning.
She was taken with la grippe which
developed into pneumonia with fatal
effect. Her two sons. Doctors Jay
and Frank Wiusett, living in Iowa,
were telegraphed and the remains
will probably be kept until they ar
rive. Au appropriate obituary will
be given next week. We learn that
Mr. Winsett is quite sick.
Mr Atkeson, prosecuting attor
ney of Bates county, has started in
to annihilate Wade and Allen Hear
him rave: "Henceforth I ask no quar
ter. But the light of truth shad be
shed abroad, round about you and
your foster brother o that your
aims, objects and motives ehall be
know n by all men The day of your
mutual time serving, sycophantic,
and hypocritical o'icy is at an end.
An awakened people will laugh you
both to scorn ir the stories you
have told."
R-a-t-s I Soc it tu 'em. At., hoc it
tu em.
This is leap year, you know, and
now girls here is your chance. We
are authorized to sty the following
young gentlem- n in good standiug
in the B. N. C. society Gto. M.
Canterbury, John Adair, Bruce Lud
wick, Win. McClemments, Harry
Piggott, Shirty Child Sam Cuuter
bury, John Francisco, W. W. Graves,
Dr. F. M. Fulkeison, Ed. Williams,
S. P. Francir-co, Cy Walker, Dan
Walker, Charley Ross, Cy Pat ton
and George Wheaton, will receive
sealed bids during the next ninety
days. All communications must be
addressed to the secretary, Geo. M.
Canterbury, who will see that they
are duly recorded aud turned over
to the president, Dr. F. M. Fulker-
son. Each communication must be
accompanied by a photograph of the
young lady, and she mut also wiite
Lei name in full. No pioposals un-
U'-r tne ure oi iti or over 40 years
will be considered by the society.
At the end of each week a meeting
of the society will be hell aud the
communications opened and refer
red to the executive committee for
final dispos; ion
The ladies aid society, missionary
society, the W. C T. U and other
charitable societies of the citv, can
do a noble work an 1 a work that
wid please the Master if they will
turn their attention for the resent
and during this bad weather to
looking after the wants of the wid
ows and poor of our town. As chari
ty begins at home, the Tiuls hopts
to see the benevilmt societies turn
their attention to the above suggs-
tion. Owing to the prevalence of
the grip we understand there i quit
a number of families who have been
stiickeu with the di.-easo that art in
dire want of the necessaries of life
and thev should not be allow d to
suffer by the good people of this
city. Now ladies, get in your bug
gies, canvass thj town and find
those needing assistance. Then ap
point your committee!' to solicit
aud the busitiess m-u, we ieel sure.
will respond to your i quest with a
liberal Laud and open pui-e.
iMi.ii t. iiom:!. iu ii. dim;.
K. U. Deacon Dead.
Mr. R. R. Deacon, who wasstiick
en down several months ago with a
complication of diseases died at his
home iu this city at ! o'clock yestoi
day morning at the age of 71 yeais
Mr. Deacon was born ul Picton, Can
ada, and came to this country when
n b it. He was educated at Whites
town Uiivei sit v. NkW York After!
receiving his education he trave'- !
ed for several years for a New ;
York wholesale hardware tiim. lie j
then started in the hardware busi
ness for himself at Newark, Ohio,
remaining in business there a few
years he changed his location to
Tiffin, the same state from there he
went to Fondu Lac, Wisconsin, where
he remained in the hardware busi
ness for 27 years. His next move
was to Butler, where he has resided
for the past twelve years. Mr. Dea
con was married to Miss Harriet
Cochran at Waukngan, Ills., and
leaves a large family of giown chil
dren, sous and daughters, to muuiu
his loss.
The deceased was oue of Butler's
most prominent business men and
is well known by almost every citi
zen of tho county. He was a close
student to business, and by his hon
orable way of dealing had gained a
large and lucrative patronage. No
111 i V..
Tdisolial Artist.
Six chairs, no waiting, ou arc next
C.ul and gel a liit-cias hair cut,
!mootli shave Hini a shampoo. Finest
shop in the citv. Uesi harhcrs Nortli
Main street, opposite pcotortice.
W.w. I'.oonk, Prop'r.
Whn Habj- was sk'k, we Ka- her Castoria.
Whi'n she w as a CliiKi, she crieil for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she chmg to Castoria
When he bad Children, the gave tbeui Castor
An Indiana lawyer received a let
ter from a stranger asking him what
6tato permitted cousins to marry.
He wrote "Kansas'" on the letter
and sent i; bae'e to the writer and
forgot all about it until he received
a check for 8200 from his unknown
client, who stated thit it was in
"payment for professional advice."
The man had prcbab'y taken his
cousin to Kansas to get married.
Pretty good pay that for a word of
advice, but perhaps the purchaser
may live to wish that he had not re
ceived it.
Rheumatism is like raud in the
bearings of machinery. Hood's Sar
saparilla is the great lubricator
which cm en the disease.
Senator Tui pie, uf I.idiaua, has
struck the kev note bv tne lntroduc-
uian stood higher in this community . , , ,, . , . T. . .
J tiou of a bill to elect L. S. Senators
r ... :..4 :t.. ,:!.. i :..... :
1 bv direct vote of the people. It
or citizen, ami in ma uearu me city
loses one of its foremost and uiott
euterprising citizens. The family
in their affliction have the warmest
sympathies of this entire communi
ty. The fuueral services will take
place at 2 o'clock.
not expected that the measures will
j be popular with the present senate.
The men who compose, that body
prefer election by state legislature
rather than by direct vote It is
j easier to gain a seat it; the senate
that way. Besides those who un
I derstan 1 tha manipulation of legis-
ld piii to any
Sedaliu (ill 's Lost
Springfield Mo., Jan i. A fw j latures prefer tit-
days ago two youug women came j change which would biing with it
here from Sedalia and registered at j more work to the cauJi late. Bj
a hotel as May Morton and Mollie j Mr. Turpie's plan wd! peove popu-
were I lar with tli3 masses; i id after prop.
Something went wrong at the en
gine house of the electric light com
pany Saturday night and when the
current was turntd on the street
lights refused to burn. Sunday
night the condition was the same.
It is thought the current when turu-i
ed on was too sudden and strong j
and that the lamps have been dam-!
J t, .1. , !.!- i l,.. !
n-cv cm tue puuva, auii tun , uc ue w i
lamus will have to be susDended be-i exenauge cr-.ojy mock o. nice,
Parlew, but their real nanus
Mollie and Livia Blue. The next
day they hired a horse and buggy
and left to visit relatives near Brigh
ton, Polk county.
Friday the two started on their
return to this city, but when at
tempting to Ford Little Sac creek
which was greatly swollen by the
rains they were both thrown into
the water aud turrie 1 down the
stream aud drowned.
The body of one of the young
women was found the same dav, but
the ether was not recovered until j
yesterday. Both were buried near ;
their gi andfather's grave in that lo-
cality. !
The great and impoitant topic of
the day, the event of ail events j
which ha lately set Pleasanton agog !
is the marriage ef J. E. Latimei,ed- j
itor of the Herald, to Mrs. Edith j
Roenspeiss, which took place iu Ft.
Scott, on the 18th of December,
1891. The ceremony was performed
by Piobate Judge Hackett, in the
parlois of the. Interstate hotel. Col. j
R. M. Chenauit, Hon. J. H. Couth ;
and others were present to witness
the uuptiais. PleuSantOM Herald, j
William Black's new story, "lhe j
Magic Ink." will be published se- j
rially in Harper's Bazar. The fir&t
infetailmeut will appear iu the isue
of January tth and wiil run through !
about four numbers.
er agitation
Hill Review.
it will obtain. Rich
A FlVe Pei-t V;it IllVelell 1.
Nevada. Mo., Jar. 2 A dividend
of 5 per cent will ! paid to the
creditors of the C:tixen" Bank next
Monday. The bunk failed tix months
ago, and this is t!ie first d.videud to
creditor. Tne allowed claims against
the bank amount to -.200,000.
The gripp seems to be no respf c
. i - t-
fnr tVio ,Um(TB i i-riiroi1 fVin. clean liai d wai e.runniug an J uo:ug a ; ter o: persons m tuis citv, ana is
sequent!?, the city may be in dark-' good business in good county seat j claiming about half of our poplation j
ness aram for a few davs. town in Ohio. Mif a- Ct iput as victims
fbc importance of
keeping lite blood in
a pure condition Is
nrjTeraily known,
and yet there are
very i;vr people who
liave perfertly pure
blood. The taint of serofuU. salt rheum, or
other foul humor la beredited and transmitted
for generations, causing untold 6uflerit.s, and
we also accumulate poison and genui of dis
ease from the air we
breathe, the food
we eat, or V' lliy'ttie water
we drink. lllll There ts
nothing II lllll naore eos
cluslvely II mjR proven
than the potltlv
power of Hood's Sarsaparfflaorer ail diseases
of the blood. This medicine, when fairly
tried, does expel every trace of scrofula or
salt rheum, removes the taint which causes
cataiTh, neutralizes
the acidity and cures
rheumaUjm, drives
out the germs of
malaria, blood poi
soning, etc It also
vitalizes and en
riches the blood, thus overcoming thai tired
feeling, and building up the whole system.
Thousands testify to the snperiority of Hood's
Sarsaparilla as a blood purifier. Full Infor
mation and statements of cures sent free.
8oMbyalldrosit. fl ; rixforfS. PreprdoaJr
by C. I. HOOD 4l CO., Ajxsrthecarie, Lowell. Haw.
IOO Doses One Dollar