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BUTER WEEKLY TIMES LOCAI ITEMS St. Louis gets the prohibition national eonvtntion. A corker for 10c at the Boston Store. Quail shooting is no more until next winter. The station ht Ovid was burned oue night last we-k. The war cloud seems to be hover ing over' Wellington. D. W. west of tho city wu bin if 1 Monday. And oik') more the ice men of Butler hij lilt-il last Monday. I Circuit c-jiirt will oonwna in tbiK city tho first Mond.ty in February. John Wtnsett, from reports brought to town, is still n the sick Idies coats and newmarkets at own price at the Boston Store. Clinton, Sedalia and Rich Hill are making efforts to capture the state university. Of course the Tuu is for Rich Hill first last and all the time, and we will watch with great interest the course of Bates county's representative in this matter. Caaper Stammons, L. 8. Paddock, A. L. Fox, Geo. Todd, John and Cy Patton, W. H. McCanta and the op era house saloon have all put up ice, and from the present prospects the price to con Burners will not be high neit summer. Miss Alice Hayes, who has been attending the Neosho college, left C. N. Hardin and wife of Decatur. I tb Iast of the wek for Cuattauoga, 111., visited their brother, James j T n"- whe, e ,ie xl'vcU Center lit 1 1.1 Hardin and their many friends in this city, last week; they left Thurs day for Ioht, Kan , to upend a few days with O. M Hardin before re turning home. J. C. Hale informed us of the death of Andrew Itogera, which oe furred at his home 2 miles north of i Pleasant Gap, on last Wednesday. He was in his 80th year and was an old and highly respected citizen of our county. "Ye call attention to J. E. Wil liams & Co's. ad. They are un- Mil Mil TIE Mil lill college and complete her education She is a bright and promising voting ! 1 ...111 i of her oppoi tunities In fact it moves the world. Just now we are needing money badly and in order to get the CASH we will otter for the next two weeks, and for two weeks only, the following extraordinary I concessions, but For the Cash Only. list. The reading room is getting to be j doubtedly knockiug the bottom out ,..iite a lesoit for the voumr ladi: a on giweutB, ami mey ueserve to t.e 1 o and gents of the city. E. D. Kipp, cashier of the Farm ers' Bank, is bedfast with a severe attack of tho gripp. A big bargain in Boston Store. blankets at the The railway mileage in the United States, now amounts to 171,1)00 miles. The thermometer registered 15 degrees below zeio in this city Tues day morning. largely patronized. The Blue D. and Hawkeye flour which they sell, takes the cake over any Hour ever sold in Butler. G. C. Carney and Miss E. A. Mer edith of Passaic, were married at the bride's parents on last Wednesday evening, January llttb. A number of friends and relatives were present and the presents were numerous and valuable. The young couple will make their home at Knon, Mo. Mr. A. Jj Gil morn and Miss Jessie At a meeting of the directors of j the Missouri State Bank last Tues j day evening, the business of the bank was verhaul- d and found to j b in excelle it condition. The offi- I cers were com plimented on their j excellent showing and a substantial dividend was declared to tho stock holders. The following aie the otU cers elected for the ensuing year: President. Win K. Walt n; vitv lresident, Booker l'uud!; cashier, J. 11. Jenkins; assistant cashier, Don Kinney; secretary, Frank Allen; book keepers, H. H. l'it'gott and Bert Allen. J.M. Wells, living w.-s't of the i w "ed in marriage city, was in the city yesterday and honored tho Tints sanctum. J C. Clark's smoko lions s broken into Sunday night by a sneak thief nnd several pieces of mi at was stolen. We are glad t ) learn that Hon. T. J. Smith is much improved in hea'th though still confine ! to his h iue. Thos. J. Smith is reported to be improving which is yiatifying iicwh to his many friends. Sleighing wm good Monday, but few took advantage of it on account of tho crisp notthein breeze. If Sedalia gets tlie university and then moves the capital it will make a real booming city. The question of redisricting the state is now settled the governor has called the legislature o meet Feb. 17. !by Rev. W. F. Jones, at tluhome of ! the bride's pit cuts, Mr. and Mrs. J. j B. Newberry, in Spruce township. January 14th, 1ND2. The wedding was quiet only the relatives of the contracting parties being pieseut. Walter A. Wood, the well known inventor and manufacturer of harv esting machines, died at his heme iu IIocbic Falls, New York, at the ripi old ago of 7(1 ytars. He was a representative in congress for two term?, and as an inventor of farm machinery he Htood among our greatest men. One who has ha I considerable ex perience with the grip recently said to the Sedaliii Bazoj Gss:per: "Tln re are three kinds of triio nei v.n: aal an 1 -astrie- d e.icli kind is meam r tha'i the othets 1'oi iy grips 1 r e ul c nt i f tli nei: m Catnl-! It'll j L. If 10 J i All 25 Suits and Overcoats cut to - - SIS 00 All IS Suits and Overcoats cut to - - 1 50 All IT) Suits and Overcoats cut to - 11 00 All 1( ) Suits and Overcoats cut to - 7 50 All 7 50 Suits and Overcoats eut to - 0 00 All f) Suits and overcoats cut to - 4 ()) Men's S2 Hoots cut to - - kJ 00 Men's o Boots cut to 2 50 Men's 3 50 boots cut to - - . Q( Hoys 5()c all wool red under wear now - 25 Men's 75c underwear now 50 have ncrvou ; grip you wi.l want to j commit suicide with tin? blues. If ...... l t. . .: .: ;n ! JUU till- '.ll.ll- ialij' ytill lll wish you were dead forty times a day. That is all." 'Suppose a fel low had all three kinds at one .) Joe Buck arrived from Velasco Texas hist week on a visit to his par .uts. Joe has great faith in Velasco as the future great and says there is no doubting they have deep water. A railroad has just been completed from Houston, which gives them a direct connection with Kansas City and the great west. Joe is engaged iu the newspaper busiuess. You are invited to visit the free reading room, now open ou the wet side of the square. It is well fur nished,"and supplied with the lead- I i 11 it 1 1 1 1 V m !." It iitwl itt am ing him of the serious illness of Ins , . . father. , , . ..... , ,. . every stiaae or political ana religious b dief. The room is open daily, ex cept Sunday, from S a. m. to 7 p. m. five to any who desire to lea 1. J. T. But ler and Mrs. Kliz ibeth Davis were married at the parson age of the M. E. church, south, by Rev. Pierce Sunday. Judge Boxley, was called to Indi ana Saturday by a telegram inform- CoJ. John F. Williams, of Macuu, Mo. the eminent liwyer and d-ir -ojratic leader died at his home in Mrcon, Friday n orning, his disease b.-ing a cane r A the Lvi r. He has brfen iu failing health "or the pat live months. In the late war Col Williains espoused the cause of the union and soon became lieutenant colonel in the Missouri state vo!un teers, and in l!Stj.' was promoted to colonel. In ls7G he was a member of the legislature, and was elected speaker of the bouse. Later Gov ernor Crittenden appointed him surauce commissioner of the state. Bargains in all departments. Note these prices and remember that when we advertise an 1S suit for lo 50 it is an 18 suit and has been sold by us for that money (818) audit is worth every cent of that amount but remember to brinir alonir the cash. No credir at these prices. X. H. All our friends who know themselves indebted to us will please settle at once as we need the money. L S. Paddock lost due of his tine draft horses Saturday. The animal feli on the icj and received injuries mn which he died at night The new bank at Amsterdam iu tlx? northwest part of the county, will ha opened iu il few davs, with Charlie Kiuersou, late of the Butler Fational Bank, as cashier. Still they go Thos cheap suits for $4 and $5 at the Boston Store. The prosecuting attorney is rais ing caiu with joints in Emporia, Kan sas, and several of the high-toned druggists of the city have been pull ed. ' Dr. Boulare is of the opinion that tho cold weather of the past week or so will have au inclination to diminish sitkuesu and especially the gnpp. ! Speaker Crisp, who has been dan gerouslj ill Bince the assembling of cou-'ress is on the mend and it is said will be able to take the chiar in a week or ten days. Catarrh is not a local but a consti tutional disease, and requires a con stutioual remedy like Hood'a Sarsa parilla to effect a cure. It is said the citizens of Hume are talking of building a dummy line to the Bich Hill coal mines. It would be quite a big undertaking, but there is no doubt but wht it would rn?. We are nut busted nor dead but we will sell more good goods for the money for uext 30 days thau any house in Bites coiiuty. Boston Store. G. G. Henry and his father, Ed ward Henry of Pleasant Gap town ship, were in the city Saturday and made us a pleasant call. Mr Hen ry the elder is 7o' years of age, and is as active and sprightly as most men are at GO. He moved to this county with his family in 18(C and has resided continuously iu Pleas ant Gap since. Y. H. Warnock has accepted a position with tbe Whitely Machine company, of St. Louis, as traveling salesman. Mr. Warnoek is a gentle mau of tine address, clever, couite ous and accommodating and this company was very fortunate in se curing his services. He was first deputy under county clerks Stark, and Harper, and the splendid rec ords be kept stand as a monument to his ability. Mr. W. has a host of friends in Bates county who will al ways rejoice at his prosperity. We will say to Mr. Cairoll that were we disposed it would be no trouble for us or any other citizen to prevent the investigation of the county records by the methods pro posed by the present com t, and that. iu spite of the Union's boastful words. But. we are anxious to see the records fairly and impartially examined and will not interfere with the methods employed, unless the court should employ an uuprincipal ed, unscrupulous partizan, who would undeitake the job with the sole purpuse of riniiii." something wtong and without unj intention making a fair investigation. In that event something is liable to "drap' ana me court wi.l near ;t come down. Rfl mi Ifli JVJ Cant of Thank. We desire to l etui n our heartfelt thauks unto our many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy during the recent ntllic tion and death of our little boy. Mr. Ji: Mrs. W. M. Harmnof.r. C. B. Lewis received a letter yes terday from Col. Smithton of Kan sat City, requesting him to meet him in Henry county, Feb'y 6th and as sist in ig a large sale of thoroughbred stock. The colonel could not have selected in this sec tion of the state a better associate, and the fact that he selected Mr. Lewis is quite a compliment to our frieud Charlie who gets there with both feet when it omes to crying a sales. If you want a bargain in clothing come to the Boston Store. The tw. tramps that stole the overcoat from the American clothing house a short tim ago. and were imprisoned for the otlVns.'.' weie dis charged Tuesday morning. The sheriff said oue of the tramps ad mitted to his fellow prisioneis that he had served el. yea ytars of his life in state's prisons in different parts of the country, two terms be ing at Jefferson City, one term in New York nnd one in Pennsylvania, and tLat he had been in almost every jail in the country. One of them was searched before leaving the jad aud a quantity of cheap jewelry was foii'.d in a sock iu his pocket. The jnuchy was taken to a jewelery who pronounced it cheap and woithless and the f-hriffreturu d it to hi:n. The two tiamps were loath to leave the a-id would not have objected toiemaining long er, at least while this cold snap last ed. Both men poked fuu at the But ler jail and said if they had wanted to leave they could have got out in fifteen minutes. The marshal should keep a close watch ou these fellows while they remain in this city. But the best thing to do is to give them their walking papers iu short order. Butler is much better off without I the citizenship of such cattle and the sooner they take their departure the better for the town. Judge David MeGaugby died at his residence northeast of Butler on last Tuesday e vening, of la grippe. He hid been sick only a few d iys, having taken to his bed on Saturday before Judge McGaughy was one f ...... .loct .....I mrtct liirrVilv till UlUtOl HUM L . K - " . , , . . TT I i i I ft a! respondents, teemed citizens. lie came to .bates i . county at the close of the war iu 18G.1. He served as county school commissioner for several years He was appointed in lSOO, by the conn ty court, county seat commissioner, and while serving in this capacity j the present court house and jail were built. Oa the organization of the22ud ju dicial circuit iu 18l5'.. Mr. McGaughy was appointed ju.lyeby the governor and at the first election thereafter was elected to tiiat office. After hold Among the cases passed upon by the Kansas City Court of Appeals Monday we notice that the case of of John W. Silvers, appellant, vs. G. Hess, respondent, was affirmed. This suit was brought by Mr. Sil vers on a note which he held against Mr. Hess. The note was purchased of a tramp doctor who was passing through the county curing all man ner of diseases, and it was claimed by Hess that the document waB a forgery. Also the case of Geo. E- Logan vs. Enterprise Improvement Co, of Bates county, j ! was affirmed. j The case of Lydiu Rhodes, re spondent, vs. City of Nevada, appel lant, was reversed and remanded. This suit was tried on change i of venue in the Betes circuit court was awarded some $1,800 damages against the city of Nevada on ac count of alleged damages rece ived bv falling ou a defective fidewalk. The case of B. F. Robbius et a!, respondent, vs. Thomas Conley, ap- 20,000 stock of dry goods and general merchandise to exchange for good Bates county land. Mik & Claud y. ' ,i . i i ii ing it for several years he resigned j l'r"ani, was roeiseu ana remanueu and retired fiom the active practice j "iout directions. of law. He was min i" 1 in October 1S75, to Miss Dorcas Tuttle of this Mrs. L. Sackett, who has been visiting her parents iu Butler for countv, to which union several chil- the past few weeks, passed through dreu w ere bora. Judge McGaughy ! city to da.v en route to her home . . , . , , 1 at Thaver, Mo , where her husband leaves considerable money ami preo-j . : , . . J 1 1 I is employed as station agent for the erty. His wife, we aie sorry to say, j Hrtuplrs Route-. Mrs. Sackett was is very ill, and small hoi es are en j accompanied as far as this placa by tertaiued of her recovery. TLe j her father, W- W. Ross, and her BttB county bar met un Thursday i; f"d Mis Alice Boxley. Rich Hill and p6seJ suitable let-elutiuns. The ieUfcW bereaved family have the sympathy ! The Handsomest Lady in Butler of our entire people. j Remarked to a friend the other day that T i t i he Knew Kemp's Balsam tor the throat The coid wave and snow strom aild lun;,s was a superior remedy, a it which struck this place Sunday ! Mopped her cough instantly when other . , . i i " ! couh remedies had no eir;ct whatever, night according to telegraphic re-: To pr,ne his and convince you of its ports was pretty general all over the i merit, anv druit win gie you a sam- Paul th- weither '' " "" J ' country. In rt. ram tn bure.-.u reported 21 degrees below zero. In Guthiie. Oklat o.i:a. the snow fell six inches deep acco npa'i- ied by a reguler biizzird In I wa i the mercury weut down to 2 nd 30 debtees below zero. Kilisas 1 .as also vistt-d bv ti e b'tzzn . A few men are now actively en gaged retiring Col. Hatch from con gress. For what? Voting for Speaker Crisp, as good a democrat, and courteous a gentleman as ever tilled the place. Because by bull dozing calumny Col. Hatch couldn't be forced to vote for Mills these i gentlemen ate now deposing Col. Hatch from his seat Mr. Hatch has done as much for Missouri as any man ever sent to congress. and when the time comes Col. Hatch will go back to congress all right, if he so desires. Nevada Democrat. Makes the Weak Strong The marked benefit which people in run down or weakened state of health derive from Hood s SarsapariUa, conclusively proves the claim that this medicine " makes the weak strong." It does Dot act like a stimulant. Imparting fictitious strength from which there must follow a reaction of greater weakness than before, but iu the most natural way Hood's Sarsa parilla overcomes that tired feel ing, creates an appetite, purifies the blood, and, in short, gives great bodily, nerve, mental and digestive strength. Fagged Out Last spring I was completely fagged out. My strength left me and I felt sick and mis erable all the time, so that I could hardly attend to my business. I took one bottle of Hood's Barsaparllla, and it cured me. There is nothing like it." K. C. Begole, Editor Enterprise, Belleville, Mlcb. "I derived very much benefit from Hood's Sarsaparilla, which I took for general debility. It built me right up, &nd gave me an excel lent appetite." Ei. JE.NKis.Mt.8aTige,Md. V. B. It you decide to take Hood's Barsa partlla do not be induced to buy anything else instead. Insist upon having Hood's Sarsaparilla Several good farms in Bates coun ty to exchange for merchandise. Mize & Clabet. Stallion Mi.d Jack for Sale. I have Sr-veii stallions ai.d five Soldbyalldnuwiits. fl;s!xforgS. Prepared oclr , L , r, - y C. L HOOD to, ApotWrl, Lowell, 1 icks af different ca-ses. One 1m- , .. parted Clyde. Ule, the otheis high- i0 PS6a ne Pollaf grade iodst. is. dnve. s at.d saddle 1 Notice of Final Settlement hor.-es. Can 8 Jit any mn in quali : ty an ! style of jrck. Com- and ee ' me at the E'khotn stables, Butler, or ! address J. W. Smith. S Butler, Mo. Notice is hereby jriren to all creditors anl others inturektea io trie estate of L. . Pierce de-eeil. tNst I, J S Fierce administrator o.' said estste intend to make final settlement thereof, at the nxt term of the Bites prolie court, in Bates cooatr, ttate of Mis souri, to be held at Btitler, Mo., on the tb day of Kebrnsry. 1"J J- PIKECE, H-tt A'iniBistor