Newspaper Page Text
CORItECT Mii-MMiri Pacific Time Table Arrival and departure ot passeng-r train at Butler fetation. North Bound Paiwenger, - - 4:51 a. nc. Passenger, - - V5 p. m. Passerine-, - 9:25 p. m. Local f .-eitfit - - 10:05 a.m. South Bound I'atKitngcr, - - 7:04 a. m. 'aoenuer, - 2:28 p m. Passenger, - - 1:46 p..m. Loral Freight - 9-1:37 p.m. BATES COUNTY National Bank. BUTLER, MO. THE OLDEST BANK in iMit.t:sr ami i iii: ONLY NATIONAL I5AXK IX IJATKS COUNTY. CAl'IFAL, SUUI'LUS, s2o,000 uo F.J. TYGAK1), - - - President HON. J. 15. NEWHEKm Vice-Pres. f. C. CI. ARK - - Cashier DR. F. M. FULKHRSON, iioirri-i'r, BUTLER, - MISSOURI. Office, South A'vst Corner Srjuare, Dr. Tucker's old stand. LnwyerN. T. W. SlLVfcllS. J.A SlLVKUS SILVERS & SILVERS, Attorney-at-Law. Will practice in the courts ot Hues and adjoining countict, the Court ot Appeals, Supreme Court at Jetieron City anil in the Kederal Courts. jjajuOtlkc over Farmers Hank; third door trom head ofstaiiway. JE AKMONO Ai MITM. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in Bates and adjoining counties. Uif Office over Hates Co Nai'l Hank. AKKINSOM a GRAVES, ATT0RN,VS AT LAW. Office West Side Square, over Lans downN Drug Store DR. J. M. CHRISTY, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, tront room over P. O. All calls answered at office day or night. Special attention given to temale dis eases. T. C. BOULWARE, Physician and Surgeon. Office north side square, Butler, Mo. Dlseasesof women and chil- en a specialty. J. T. WALLS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office, Southwet Corner Square, over llart'n Store. Residence on lla vannah street norrh ot Pine. Potter UBros. BRICK LIVERY STABLE. Au ample st'pply of Buggies, Carriage, Phaetons, Drummer Wagons, olc, This is one of the best equipped Stft bles in this section of the state First Class Rio.s Itrxithep a ov limit, dav or uisrht on the av tin 1 - j ' - most reasonable terms. Farmers desiring to put up their horses when in the city will find this barn the most convenient in town.' POTTER BROS. KATE FIELD'S WASHINGTON .2 00 a Year; 5 cents a Copy. It is the brightest Weekly in Aim's ica Send Fifty (VntS to 3l Core i au Bailding, Washington. l C. tnu ou will get it every week f r a months. If you send before De cember 15 you will receive iu addi tion a fine lithograph of its Editor. KATE FIELD, A BIG SCHEME. Bogu, Morteaee G,en to a Banker on Goods Not Paid For. A GREAT SENSATION CREATED. The ti Ant.- irut u violated tif t IoIikio irut Miruttn-Tiie ' Inlon faritle ltate nient. A Si. I' K ilKMK (ii'iiiRiK, k., .).i. 1;. -a decided sensation was developed in the district court here On November Melone urns, ciosminj store, tin; largest la uie - city, nuu'lnvil tv a chatt.-. mortgage f.,t oi inn. 1... ..... v...: ..; ' wa",iw, 111:1 .1 ii lilir .1.1 11 i.iii i.aiin of (Jutnrie, an I tin- n.vxt iu riii'-'.f K T. Pattoii ,t 4 'a. look p ioji under a bill of salt?, ( rvlitors of ii.- lii mi from ' Chirao, St. I.oni. K.niias itv .mil ; St. Joseph at .!n-- a. ta' hfd the MoeK, airJ tae matte- i-uai-' up in the i!i,irii t i:r! ii r h !'at bin V "o. suiii' f r pos-a-Niion of tin- s'.oi-V. 'I n.- M-ion.- iirotinTs, who are nftn vouiilt mc 1. in 1 1 1 , i i- ti-li-rnony irni'l'' ;t e 1.1 s -.1 mi w!';.c!i i as tonnliii' to ver" ori. '1 hey t.-st.ifi-d that th.; o:t.rt;''i:' fr.oi.l ilriit an 1 th-y had n. t re- ov.-d . n -ni .,f con sideration for iji-i '!' .. . further testitii-d thai .;. t .1 ii o;ia:n. tin; a'.torne of tin- . ou t I1..UK nf (Juthric, and 1. I fe-iir. ;.ie ,':,lent rid jrenTal mana-'-r : :li- ii:oik. pro- ! posed them tlmi liiey east aad buy i: 1100 ( r ?;.), 00 J wurili of .H-ds and then turn tli -m over to the I)--stiy-ners on a lio;cu- niorttrae. thus 1 ut 1 1: the credit r, an I a t -r tne stov-i; sold the or n e Is to be divided quaily lwt . ee.i the tirm of Me!oae Krithers, 11,-stip-ner and Cunuinli-iin. liiurv Mi-. one, the yonnu'er i;:eml t of ti e t i -1 1 1 , ::s sent to Chienjro to buy the '.roods, but weak ened ai.d came 'a v ithout purchas- ing. liis tjio 1 er. KaUer M.-ioii". was next sen' to M. do e;ili Iiestif'ner and Cumiinjjham. and purchased ?:.,r)o0 worth of jjo-.ds. re u nr to buy further in Kansas City, a instructed After be rcturne I the fraudu.eii. uiortajre was made, and the :ittertp- eale to defeat the credit irs. All ihe patties men tionetl are very prominent and high ly respected citizens, a-id the testi mony lias ereat 'd a tremendous sensa tion. Criminal prosecutions and along leffal fie'ht will ensue. Melone Brothers came here from Texas, C'linuinham from Dardanelle, Ark , and liestiner from Carrollton, Mi). TOIIAl O Tlirsr M.Hi.V.VI'KS SCAHKI). Washino rox, Jan. 15 Texas sen ators and representatives are being' asked to intercede the attorney general and other law officers of their state. This intercession is askedjin be half of certain members and agents of the tobacco manufacturers' trust in Maryland, North Carolina and Mis souri. In their attempts to persuade Texas customers not to patronize manfacturers outside of the. trust the members and agents have violated the Texas anti-trust law. (irand juries in Texas have investigated and have re ported quite a number of indictments. The penalty is very severe. The in dicted men have wealth and high busi ness standing. They would be willing to pay a fine, but they don't want to languish in Texas county jails. Tney are asking the influence of the Texas delegation to get the present cases dis posed of as leniently as possible on the condition of future go wl behavior. IW'ION PACIFIC STATKMI.NT. I.oston, Jan. b". The Union Pacific November statement, entire system. shows irross earnings, ?. (, -..; in crease, S'-Ioi.TSl; net earnings, ?l,s-IS,'j:.."; increase, 8'-I.V4. A decreasj of S:'71,- 44- in expenses is sh vn. l'or eleven months to November :"0: Grss earn ings S40,2.":i,s3;!: d 'crease, SlSfi,:;95; net earnings, ?14,ls,00.: in'-rease, 7-S0,3!5 expenses decreased ? t, TiV 1. 7 1 1. The Morphine Uoute- LK.WKNWOtiTit, Kan.. Jan. 15. An unknown man committed suicide in the small town of Brighton, four miles from this city. Shortly after ar riving in tha place he took a heavy dose of morphine, which caused his death a few hours afterward. The man had the appearance of being well bred, but was penniless. There was nothing oa his person by which his identity could be established. II UK Haniitsp to Cahforni l' Los Cab, Jan. IV The heavy frosts of December were very destrnctive to the fruit crops and the trees in the San Cialriel va'ley and around the Riverside. No accurate es timate can Ik made of the damage, but one authority places the reduetien in the citron crop at over ,"0 per cent, and some estimate the loss in dollars to be 51,000,000. A strike on the rttubnrCh Kieotric l ine. "Pittsburgh. Pa., Jan. l.v The em- Ployesof the Pittsburgh Alleghenr . Manchester Lleetrie fraction Co. strnek this morain-r ac-ainst an in. rease in hours of l:lKxr. The lines orwM-.itei! by this company are completely tied up. Hiintinc K.r eer to l ynch Him. Little Rock, Ark.. Jan. is. -Hen U Pate w as hit on the head w ith a stone in the hands of Damp Sanders, colored. Pate xx ill die. A posse is hunimsr tor Sanders and he wi.l be lynched if caught. The 1'ope licetie Iejiondent. Lonoox, Jan. b" A tiispat h from Rome says that tV oineidetu-e of the deaths of Card'ral- Simeor.i and Man nirp so affected the pope '.hat he ex claimed: "I fee! that my hour is also approaching." A Viouri I urine r H msr tlimelf. Platte City. Me.. Jan. 1 Richard Loan, a wealthy farmer living two miles east oi here, !i;r'.v 1 hi -rise If in a shed adj inin his resilience, lie leaves a wife and six children. Rudoloh Rcrers, the celebrated American sculptor, whose serious i.l- ncss from intlrnonitis was announced , 1 j- 1 . , a few davs airo, died at h". residence, Rogers YillaT ia Rome. McKiuley and Shoddy. A practical dyer, Mr. P. M. Street ose occupation in finishing woolen ! fabrics gives hini an opportunity to j know the inside of the business i writes in a communication to the World, September 15, as follows: ! 'J 'M l'ast belief the amount of shod- j dv that is iu trood solid as ali wool, i ; and patties bringing such goods to us fieuuentiv gst iudiu tut when . 'told it ii shoidv, for when bnv-'iust . - ;''g i-ey h- toed it wus a tiue a.rttI.- and s A I for such. I tell vu .1 i'U,j euii'iise i he ceo ! ; : .i.a .iifotiat the ux it it was p. is-1 s.b '.- for th-ni to realize Low hr I . . . 11 1 -. M ... wo 1 Mi 1 s luio a so c.i:if-u 10 wool s ..t." Even the nieich-ti.t- w.,uld 'e . . 1 r ' 1 11 r V (O il .Ki r- I ii) . . ; 1 : A- 10 . . 1 11 ie is an su:e.n-i; ; 1 m:i- .-eL tLls , d- A i .t-e ! I i;.ii; lb put o r t 1 t. ' s tLal Us t and ( .11 1 a..s l.i;j)- s "It 01 !e to b lost i is' fe'A yeai '1 be Dobsoii's hii'.;: , nf i':tureis oi" l'hila 1 C.ll o.t. poi ted as authority ftr the statement t'.ial c-f oo.UdU.l'l'O pi.unds of cari'tit ; material used in the country ltl.U0;.!.- (MM) ;o clean w 001 (equivalent to 2.7.o(iO,ilt.O of raw wool.) -JO.IJ. 10.000 ale shoddy and 2o,0'-l,.,1;,i otlii" iiiit ires. The Commercial lJuli-titi ' ui xttenie prutectioti journal, speak-1 1 11 l" 01 tiie carpel iimnuiaciure f Philadelphia in June, ISs'j. siid: l'iiat city turns out the cheap-J e-d can ets, both in oiadt- aud price, in the country, being a very uge consumer of cow hair, the C'ieap substitute for wool." A petition presented by the work- i igmt n of Philadelphia, largely em ployed in the woolen industry, to tl liftieih congress reported that in- jraiu carpets, largely used by the masses, and which were formerly made largely of wool, are now made of an averao-e of one fifth wool and four fifths adulterants, and that it) the .hole carpet industry of the county probably not a million pounds of domestic wool are ued. the use of cheap, coarse foreign wools, best adapted for the manu facture of carpets and which are not grown in this country, being great ly restricted by the tariff, and which restriction, although o ierous before lSt'O, was greatly increased under the McKinley act, namely from 24 and 30 per cent, ad valorem to 82 aul 0 percent, and here we find a probable explanation of the curious fact that, while claiming to make more carpets lhau auy other country we were able to export or svll to foreigners iu 1SSU only o.OTO yards, whi'e Great Britain, in the game year, with her fret- wool policy, ex ported 12,000,000 yards. How is such au experience likely to be rem e lied in any degree by the negotia tions of treaties of reciprocity or the maintenance of a hijzh wool taiiff? A Sound Liver Makes a Well Man Are iou Billions, Constipated or trou bled with Jaundice, Sick Headache, I5ad taste in month, Foul Breath, Coated tongue, Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Hoi dry skii. l'ain in Back and between the shoulders. Chiils, and Fever, &c. If you have anv or these symptoms, your Liver is out ot order and your blood is slow ly being poisoned, because your liver does not act properly. Herbixe will cure an v disorder ot tiie Liver, Stomach or Bow els. It lias no equal as a Liver Medi cine. Price 75 cents. Free trial bottle at H. L. Tuckci's j IV ug Store. 44 - 1 r. Des Moines, la . Jan., 14. The Democratic state committee last 1!iobt considered the question of I presenting the name of Governor J B i to the nationaI convention as , 1 !t candidate for President. The ' ,,. ,mitn.i o. uninonJr .- -c.l tlwl i ! , .. . , . ... 1 v lutr fsovcov o name "uuw oc j presented for the high honor. i Miles' Nerve & Liver Pills. Act or. a new principle regulating the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new discovery. They s.eedi':v cure biliousness, bad taste, tor did iiver, riles and constipation. Splen did tor, women and children, smai cst, tmioest surest. 50 doses lot Cttils. er' Ihiii Satiiplcs tree at II. L. Tuck. Storc- :4-ivr Co Iambus. O. .Jan 14 In the ;-eti is :t.crtr.nir, the lcsolutiou h. to r. or.ire th-4 le-i'iiy of th O'i ot Caivin as st nat. 1 t:t Ohio was iv felled to the c ia ittee on resolutions, veas -4. nays : Oo. The Democrats voted so i iiy . .. , 1 i -..:a i,-i,; 1 against it and A. K (jiitnn. 1 roni- loa'u-1 lfc jbition. voted with them. Won bv an Eye Lash- i When Volaute was good, "Lucky" j Baldwin had settled on a race, at j Saratoga, to bet heavily on him. Ike j Murphey was then the stable jockey, Knownjg the colored Archers's fond . ues8 for a fiue fiuish. Bnldwiu sent ; for him before the race and said: now look here, ilurirb v. I don't want i auy uiunkeving about this race, Uoue j of vour sensational finishes. You ; cut the old horse loose, aud : J seud him along from the fall of the ; tiac to the- tinish of the 1 ace. and I ; 1 " ( don t Want to be woiiie-l about tue ' - tinish. , Murphy ih-.ved his whit e tetth m a smi.i n'.j. a:.d ihtli i ii f r,ne 1 the la I es in iu a low ton 1, , iw 11, - ; c. . v t , at he would make r tii the 1 . 1 "l.ii.. away. When pi: olaiite .".I.. h a' i to lo .i ili pi aci a 1 1 le'l l him fcteu !- iiioU:.d thelilst ttllii Down . th. - baek stletcil tie 'uil'it l.s ileW, w .: ii M 'i r;.i, y 1 1 itiii '. a'i 'i oil o- ;:.l, . ;;s though lie ijuietly w 1 1 e out for a yy uie ride. IUldwin began ! to gro-.v hh v 'Us. b-.t oil' big chunk ! of t b iceo and m:i-t;cated it at a , rate. As the Loisv.s ; rounded the lower turt; :i:id entered i the stutcii Mui phy beg;u u; inch bv inch, but it s-e: moving , an iai- poBSb:li!v for linn to reach the lead , eis, but lie Uf did, aud one one by OI e they sun emit red. until when within 100 feet of the wire Yolaute hrt'l disposed of all but one Then with ii iiiii'oiiticent cxhibitoti of h i setnanship Murphy fail ly lifted his mount tin to even terms and iu the last bound landed Yohmb.- :i winner by a nose, or, as the sporting fraternity term it, "by an eyelash." Before the jockeys dismounted Baldwin turned to a member of the party and said: "George, I wish you would get these Yolanto tickets cashed and bring the money down to the hotel for me. I'm going home riirbt awav. I don't feel well. Some fellow swallowed a chew of tobacco which I had in my mouth when that black devil ma le that close finish.' Specimen Cases. S. II. Clifford, New Caesol, Wis , was troubled with Neuralgia and and Rheumatism, his stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to au alaiming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a running sore on his leg of eight years standing. Used three bottles of electric bitters and t-even boxes of Buckliu's Arnica Salve, and his leg is Found and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had five large Fever sores on his leg, doctors said it was incurable One bottle elec tric Bitters and one box of Buck len"s Arnica Salve cured him entire ly. Sold bv H. L. Tucker. St;i!it(i(l Sells Aaron Washington, Jan., 13. Senator Stanford acknowledged to day that he had sold Aaron, the 3 year old, to J. Malcolm Forbes of Boston, but refused to name the pi ice. He says, however, that the price was the highest ever paid for a horse. It is generally understood that $150,000 was the price paid. Forbes is the well known Boston yachtsman and he already owns Nancv Ilauks. Woman has been compelled to suffer, not only tier own ills, but those arising rom a want ot -knowledge on the part of those with whom she s'ands connect ed. In the mansions of the rich and hovelsof the poor, woman has been alike the patiet victim ot ills unknown to man But now the hour ot her redemption lias cetr.e. Bradfield's Female Regulator cure al dbeases peculiar to her 7-im. Sold by all draggist. From newspaper talk the race for the nomination for governor of the state has about narrowed down to : Lieutenant-Governor Ciaycomb, of i Joplin; r.x congressman W.J. Stone I of Judge James B. Gib SOU. O! Kansas Catv. John Sherman" was rctel to the United States senate from Ohio last wc-ek. Et G ,veruor Foraker wasen't 'in it" by fifteen votes. Startling Facts. i lie American people are rapih comi;-: a racj ot r.ervou wrecks, an.i ' tr.e following suj;t' the best remedy : 1 Airmotiso Ilemrnir.g. o: autitr, i a., -wears that when hi- son was speechless ' trom S. Vitus Ir. Mile-, great ' Rti-torative Ncrvire urcd him. Mr-. : J. K. Miller,"., ;-r.d I). r.i'ior, ot Loa:i-por. Ind , euch ai-.- : e l ;j pounds :,o;o i.isi;, it. Mr-, H.A li.irjr-er, or : .: Ir.,1 , was e:;rcd ' : 4":o :,,e - ;. r d.iy, ..r.J : - .'.! ; headache di?2ir.e, backache, and r.erx- ous pn.'tration hv one bo't'e. Ti ial boi- tie-, arsd t tree at il. .e boos, ot marvelous c-:re . .. recommends ana guarantee qualeJ remedy. Mimey Found Tin 0UU a Dream. Petersburg, Ya. Jan., 14 Some weeks ago Mr. Isaac Robinson, a wealthy resident of this place, died very suddenly, leaving au estate val ued at over $150,000. He left st-v eral chil hen, among whom wis Mr?. Jacob Dryfos, of lladf 01 d, this t.ut-, and Mrs. Isaae liobinsou, of this city, llecently, for three cvnseei:-! tive nights Mrs. Diyfos deamed that j her father had buiied in a !.t in this j . . j eitv a jar containing a large sum of j Money iu gold. Mrs. Drvfos ac-! - j Muauiieu net nusoanu 01 uei ureams aud the two became so iuinesstd 1 ,that Mr. Pivfos caiue hire Monday last aud ui company w.tb h.s biotli er iu law, Mr. Ilobiuson, i f this place made scurch for the supposed d a tleasui'e. After a good deal of p ' l" . I It t , 01 01 'oiii; iiO ii'iiCfOi Uie 'ruia coirtl be found Last nioht Mr. Itobliisoti resumed the search and was re- Wali! a l iiliiiilig tile j il" ot goivl. -ee. ! ;.!. g to M ; . ljobilison's state meiit. tin If was a riy large iimoui:t !' nemt-y in gold :n thejir. but h- j dednn s to .-ay how much, lie nis that h ' forwarded half o! the money ; ' ' - : " lib s at.d kept the other j half himself. j ...otb,.,- liiistolf. A mother's mistake .v -t ocrs Ireucn; i make a 'in-taK-- in " " ".. -v on th daughter i cais old had a -eicie ' ouuh i.iit as it was nothing unu-ual 1 thought liotliii, ot it, and allowed it to inn on lor 5 oi n weeks, when it hecanie so o! tHi.ltc she began hiring tle-h. 1 called lna phstcian who ticated her three weeks w ithout heuctit . A neighbor m sistcd upon my to ing llaHai ii' lion -houml S ri:ji ; Itrclievcd her trom the tii t Jose and she began gaining tlcsh rapidlv, when we had used two bottic her cough w as entirely lisippeareil . I would not he without it. It does not Constipate my chihhen. Hallard'i lloic hound Sirup is tree trom Opiates. It" the most soothing throat and lung med icine in the world. Price 50c. and $100. Sold by 11. I.. Tucker. 'My wife's a democrat," he s lid, "and I'm a republic tu, and now we've got a third party at our house."' "Iu deed?' Y'es; a boy born last night."' 'Yhat is he, republican or democrat?'" "I guess he's a mug wump, for he dosii't seem to know much.'' New York Press. THE SOMA ) In the Aryan PLANT. religion the chief offering to the gods was the fomented juice of the Soma or Moon plant, which beiug a strong drink gave new excitement to those who partook of it and was beliofod to im part power to the gods It was be lieved, moreover, that it wrought miracles, aud for this reason, per haps, it afterward? became the chief god of the Hindus. In avedic hymn the worshiper says. "VYe'ye qualified the Soma bright. And are immoral grown: We've entered iuto light, And all the gods have kuow. What moral now can hat m, Or foemau vex as more Though free beyond alarm. Immoral God! we soar." No such power as attributed to any plant but the present time, and j between the hours ot nine o'clock in thelore . - fit i noon and live o'clock In the afternoon of thai yet many Of the Cures performed UV I dsv. for the purposes of satisfying said debt. S. S. S. a purely vegetable remedy' seem almost to border on the uiira eulous. In contagious blood poison scroiuia, ssin uisease, some iorms oi cancer, etc , it is the ltmedy per ex " CelleuCJ. j-itroii-iv on uiuuu ana DiUU iUk tast'S mailed ftee. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. (iail Hamilton's Nephew Indict ed Hauuiba!, Mo. Jan. 14 The grand jury Iris found a true bill against '.eutenant James E Dodfe i ut x". al' la!:'1 hr-1 b.vt the same eflwtu . , ... ... T, , , . ; ail " thse j.lBinU.T. and to rarove clou I charged with robbing Edward l)reh- from th" tt51 ter.of, and that unless the said I , , l delen iant he aud appear at tin court, at the er s store here several months aire. t thereof, to be beK!in and hoiden .t j Podge i said to be- a nephew of Gail ! Hf.milfon and a first cousiu of Mrs James G. Blame. He will be cmt ! m K s snnn m tic ...... Fion of Jhim from tho civil authorities. Con sumption Cured. j An old, retired tr.n; prac ; 'ice, bavins had placed ir hi- hut Js !-v j an East India missionary the formula '! ,e- j simple vegetable remedy for the .peedv ana permanent cure ot Cort-ump! ion, rtrcnci.itis, Catairh, Asthma and alt and Lung Arrections, ai-o a po-t-tc.e arid radii al i-urc tor Nervous Dehii i.v and ail Nenua. Complaint, alter having te-ted its vo-.dcrtul cura'tve po v ers in thousa.-.ds ot ca-.--, has te't it h,is iuiv o make it Known to hi sufiirins telioivs .etua--d bv this moti-.e and a -issire t relieve hu Tan suirerintr, 1 tJ tree or charge, to . w . tectpe, tn Oerman, French, o' En g.tsh, witn tui! directions lor pre-iarir.z and using. Sent by mail bv dr'.Hic -,c- i Noves. So Power- , r , i;,-.-,.-..', Block. Rochester i X. Y. i . -y i j car Pears' Soap Wc perspire a pint a day without knowing it; ought to. If not, there's trouble ahead. The ob structed skin beconio sallow or breaks out in pimples. The trouble goes deeper, but this is trouble enough. If you use Pears' Soap, no matter how often, the skin is clean and soft and open and clear. All sorts of stores sell it, especially druggists; all sorts of people use it. W. A- ROSE, I . I V 1 : STOC hi AUCTION E E 11. 'i;i do !.;i-i. cs iu Bates, Cass am! adjoining counties. Address me at Hat risonyiiie. Mo. Keteu nee. Fiist National Bank and Bank of 1 l.ii i ivonvi'le . tt AUCTIONEER. I will er, sales inam part of the iuuh U . Twenty "eai experience. Chaigcs reasonable. Satisfaction gauarantecd. Call on oi address l. V. BROWN, liut'er, Mo. Trustee's Sale. Whereas Julin I.. ShIsiiihii &w Mollii- Sultauaa his lie Dy llu ir ilee.l ol trust ilatnl Si-iitemla-r .".nil. lssT.'aiei r-i-oriii in tiie recorlir' ot li. within aii'l lor liati ii county, Miskuuri, in book Vo 4 aip :! roiiveycit to thi' inutcr-hittii- l trustee. lh lolloiyin itcnrrilicii rrl pstate hiiK mui hrinr situale in Uih county ol Ilati'M ami stntt- of Mitiuourl. to-wit: The w est hall or the sotithwrst unartiT of beciuMi twenty-three (i'l) Iu touliii thirly eitht (.isi of muce thirty-one (:il) rontaininK m mTM inorcor lfs, which ounieyance u iiuele ia trust to secure the nayiuent of two I't-rmiu notes fully ili-acriheil in said UeeU of trust; anl whereaw ilifault has been male 111 the ami-nl of hotli of tm notea mm- past due anil iiniiahi Now therefore, at the reijuest of thu le(jal iioliler of alil notes ami laimuant to the contlitloiis of kaiil ileeil of trukt, 1 w ill proceed to Hell the above UnBi-rlbeil premiaea at iuiblii. vendue to the Inhc t bld-di-r lor eali . at the i-ant front door oi the rourt houne, in the city of liutler, county of Kates and slate ol Micso id, on Thtiisday. January 21, 1802, between the houra of nine o'clock in the fore. iiown and Hie o'clock in the af lernooii oflhat day, lortiiu iiuriiom a of attlisf v inr said debt, interest and costs. M . Al.l.KN, ti-t 1 "I rimlce. Trustee's Sale. Whereas, l'hillii Kearnea, a siiiKh- man, by his deed o trust dated October II. 117, anit recorded in the recorder's niuee within and lor liaiea countv, Missouri, In book No. !, pajfe -."i.'i conveyed tu the undersiKned trustee the follow injr described real estate lj injt and beinir situate in the county of Italea and state of Missouri to-wit: r ifty-tw o 5J"' acre off of the west end of the eouth'half of tiie iiortheunt and all of the sou Hi cast nuarter of the northwest iiuartt-r all in section eleven (II! in township lorty -two (lit of raiifje thirty two '.".J. containing W acre more or it s which conveyance made ii. trust to seeurfi the liaviuetit of this certain note fully described in said deed of trust; and w hereas. di-lHtill has been made in tiie -nient of the principal of said notn and the In terest thereoM now pust due and unpaid. Sow therefore, at the r - ue.t ol the lejral holder of suid note and pursuant to Uie conditions of said deed of uurt. I will proceed to sell the above described premises at public vendue, to the blithest bid lcr lor cash at the east front door of thi? court house, in the city of Hotter, coun ty of Males and etate of Missonri, on Thursday, January 21st, IHU2, ;.t,i ;ruete. Order of Publication. ' -TATE OK MISSOURI. j county ot nates. ) j ;,-"i r'r E,tesrouy ' uuuo, ,.-" Il'tt'i. l-t'l H. K Wilcox rt ol .Utit, vs. s A. Wilcox, defendant ; . - """-.. m ins am iavn, alli-(r- w ilcox is not a resident of the state of Mif Isouri. Wherenjion it is ordered by the clerk i in vacation that said defendant be uotifit-d bv i publication that plsintiff has commenced suiv kiiisi nun in mis rort bv i.ciun,n Bni; attidant the Keneial nature an! object fit w hich is to correct an altered d-ed or convey ance from Isaac Wilcox and ife to plaintiflv of and to the following land sitaate m HMe county. Missouri, to-wit: The south half of the southwest quarter and r.; a, res off th wet end ol the southwest onarter of the em h-.... ; '''-. I -1 ranpe tmrty-nne li'i'andtod'i- 'uai.t-r oi secnon seventeen w't u'fim day AiLntynUt. ?1 -i"i-o,e ii ir i nay oi tai'l t-rm.jfthe t term shall sr. (on? continue and If not then Tr rlZVh7x! ' t ""r. " '""-" sn'igmetn wti rendered accor liiiit.j. And be it forther i eT L1' vL,"; ac- a weekly r.ewepsper printed an-l publisher lri Hate county. Mis-o-iri forfonr 11 as. , nvely, the iat insertion to be at least flfieen davs before the Srat dnv nt the rxt term thi-circult court .loilN r HAVK A true cr.y of the record. Circuit Clem W itne?s my hand and the seal of iw - al r..rciiit ynrt of countv, thi i'.nh day of Ji"cen,her. l-yt. J''HV c i; tiK't, ir'-nit f lerk Notice of Final .Settlement arid S;U ii ben-by y,na '.."it tn- on-'ersia-ned W rro I . Lane. ,ine ' - W lioi-rt wii! at the regular t-brtiarv terra of the Ha.. 'arcuit court ad on .;. t ebr!7ry i --J an 1 iiue s-aid C';:r; i-:n i-e-ion. at itf. rentar Kehrn&r .-t-r:ii j.r- erit M ,.f - tion for bi di-i-ar- fr..r;t i ,,.t ;r-ie.t an t will, at aid tiri; &:..t j i i-'. it:.. 11 f-' ivcouiitin s:.;.; tiiere' i, .Urvi ing t$ .-- - return to sat-j court for its Ca-I ..t .t Jidsment. all rsn-v.lcr' ani -ion-cone; :, l"Xl2 " . u ?h'" .... - a.iB. - s.iirii." - -forth" fcet ioter 1 tb creditors estot ;-:-r-. Br:t:er Mo.. JSr.csrv i itii, K2. M. i I.1SE. " Aii:0-nee of Ozo. .V. UMtni.