OCR Interpretation

The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, February 03, 1892, Image 2

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066489/1892-02-03/ed-1/seq-2/

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BjeSU-U-.itAi - 5, . .'9m
Tariff Text.
k. c. Time..
l'ritlit HarriHon's Chili mes
ays: "We look for no advan
tage iu our relations with tLem, ex
cept the increased excLauge of com
luerce upon a basis of mutual bene
fit. Is it pOHiiible that exchange is
a mutual benefit? If ho, what profit
jh higher than that in selling our
Hurpluii grain an I meat where tho
demaml for thein is greatest?
Backien'a Arnica Sahe,
The Bet Salve iu the world fur Cutu
BruihCK, Sores, Ulcer.. Salt Kheum Fever
Sore, Tetter,Cli!pj'ed Hand, Chlblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and poni
tWelv curt l'ilefc, or no pay required. It
i guaranteed to give pertcrt satisfaction
or money refunded. Price 25 cts perbox
For nale bv H. I. Tucker, drujjyist.
1'linces sern to have some tate
f'r the navy. Among the European
piiiices who uie now in active naval
service are Prince Henry of Prussia,
Archduke f'lirl n Stephen of Xt
tiia. Archduke L-optild of Tuscany,
Prince Waldemaik, Prince (ieorgt
;f fireecc, Grand Duke Aleis,(irand
Duke (Jiiiistantiue ami Gi id Duke
George of Ilushiii. Prince ()c.tr of
Sweden, the Duke i.f (ienoa. Prim-e
Louis of Savoy and Prince (Seorge
of Wales.
A cat may have, as the oM story
got j.', "nine lives,"' but it also has
wonderful power in pcrpetu iting its
fust life. It is told that iu Durham
Me , a cat was shut up in the Masou
ii: hall at the October meeting of the
lodge and forgotten until the day of
the November meeting just a month
afterward. Puss had torn all the
paper oft' the walls iu her efforts to
escape, and was very thin but still
kicking when released.
The Mississippi and the Amazon
are great rivers, but not the greatest.
A geographer says: In the group
of great rivers the St. Lawrence is
the most remarkable. It constitutes
by far the largest body f fresh wat
er in the world. Including lakes and
t-treams the St. Lawrence covers
about 7H.009 square miles. Theag
regate, it is estimated at !,000 solid
miles of water.
A London letter Hays it was an
nounced in England when Mr. Glad
stone went to Biarritz that letters
would not forwarded to him from
Hawarden. But some secondhand
book sellers ventured to send him
some catalogues direct and received
some orders so promptly as to indi-
ente that he looked at some of his
mail, even when it come from strati
The Atchison (done says: Most
of uh Beem to think Unit when we
get old wo will throw away all the
I tad habits that are disgusting iu old
age, nnd become the kind of old men
and women we have always reveren
ced and admired. And every day
we think that we accumulate a few
more bad habits that we cannot pos
sibly throw away when we are old.
F.lectrie Hittfi-s.
This reniedv is becoming so well
known and so popular as to need of
no special mention. All who have
usd Electric Bitters sing the same
song of praise. A purer mediciue
does nut exist nnd it is guaranteed
to do all that is claimed. Electric
Bitters will cure all diseases of the
Liver and Kidneys, will remove
pimples, bods, salt rheum and other
htieictions caused bv impure blood
Will drive Malaria from the svs-
tem and prevent as well as cure all
Malarial fevers. For cure of head
ache, constipation and indigestion
try electric bitters entire satisfac
tion guaranteed, or money refunded
Price .r0c. and 1 00 per bottle at
II. L. Tucker s Drugstore.
Tho Napoleons were doers. Events
are frequently occuriug to remind
you of thed. Count Xeuwerkerke
who died at Lucca, Italv, recentlv at
tho age of 81 years, was appointe
superintendent of line arts iu Taris
by the last Napoleon. H hail livec'
iu Italy since the empire went ou
of business.
This is pit tty good.
Mr. John V. lioodwin, a carpenter ot
i'atiMilo, HI., writes: "Aeout two week
..jo a heavy saw los; tell v.pou my toe
. erv t'Wiv t niMiine IIt 0 mat i was un
..Me to walk it all. I sent tor a bottle e
ilall.ud's Snow Liniment and kept
rootwe.l saturated w.th it. It i now
two weess SI..VV- mat naurc.1, arm mv i
root is nearly w-U .md 1 ;itn at worii. i
Had I not used Snow Linin ent I should j
tavv been laid u; two ntonth. For,
.iea;tn,4 wcunds, sprat. k. sore a:td
' rutses it lias r.j equal. No Indatnation j
an exist where Snow Liniment is u-cJ, i
vu cati use t.tts icttvr.
lvcvvaro ol all white Liniment substi-
;.ted tor Snovv, LiniinetU. T!.ere is no
ither Litutr.rnt like Kallard's 'Snow
Sold by 11. L. Tucker.
According to statistics it i about
as cheap to lire at borun as to go
abroad for a living. The cost per
family of food m the United States
is a year, against $222.52 in
Europe. "To stay at home is befet,"
and also about as economical.
Mrs. AmelieKives-Chanler has had
the grip, and finds her command of
the English language utteily inade
quate to any attempts to deeenb
it. Now you may know how teni
ble a thing the grip is when it is be
vond the imagination and words of
this lady.
Mother'? 1'riend.
U e h.'tve lio'h used " Motlier'- Yt it-mi''
and find it to be one ot U;e best tiittd:
line in the vvorl.d, and woi:Li! i.ot !c
without it in confinement tt anv n.ii-i.!
eration. Mr-. .iruii F Vince'!,
Mi . Marv A I.ui k,
Roj'k Ran, Ala .
11 Soi.d by a 1.1. l)ruuuit.
Dr. Iiucklej, the hend of Method
is:n in this country, fays in the c-n
tuiy that more than half i f th- p
pie in this country Ftill beheve in
witchcraft Th'; ,.1 Jut-tor i-
probably mistaken.
Tlie most distressing mifo: t :iin s
urtt liable tu cj.ne tu the s.nver-tiii.
Mount-Sully, the ctiebrated actor of
the Coioedie 1'raiic.iinc, has bectuue
8 uillicted with b-fuctive viio!i that
he is almost blind.
I Have, as You Know.
been sel.I.in I!rad!lei.d's f emal.e Rcsii:
Lator lor vrars, and have i at! a steadii.v
increasing demand to: it; it gie the
verv he-t -at if at tion : i treiji'.enti.y sel l,
it to jmysicians sho use it in their prac
tice with the most satistactoi y resiii.ts.
R M nomas, M . I) .,
Yai.dosta, ( ia .
Soi.d by ai.L druggist-, 1 1 -1 -; 1 1
Old wounds reseit themse'.ves.
Captain John Wilson f Cramer's
lill, Md. is dyin from the fleet of
a wound teceived in the civil war
27 years ho
At 11 special conclave of Masons
the thirty third degree was confer
ed upon ex Senator Thomas W.
'aimer in Chicago.
JACK AND JILL. Tb(,e ,mf
vio'is accounts
as to how the mau got into the
moon. A commuu one with us is
that he was banished for having been
lrtected by Mcses in the act of gath
ciing sticks on the Sabbath. Iu
German legend he committed the
th same offense, and was given the
alternative of being scorched iu the
sun or frozen in the moon. Iu Ice
landic myth the man becomes the
two children familiarly known as
Jack and Jill, who were kidnaped
by the moon. There we see them
stand with bucket or pole across
their shoulders, falling away, one af
ter the other, as the moon wain s.
And so it is that
"Jack fell down and broke his crown.
And Jill came tumbling after."
Now just as sure as the moon
wanes, just so sure does disease
wane under the influence of S. S. S.
The difference being, however, that
Jack and Jill never go up the hill
auy more in the latter cse, the erad
ication of disease by this medicine
being complete and permanent.
Treatise on Blood and Skin diseases
mailed free.
Atlanta, Ga
The man who quits reading is
ready to stop thinking and stag
The drop in the price of silver
bullion has sent down the price of
Mexican dollars to 71 cents in El
Paso, Tex.
1 he Greatest Strike. 4
Among the great strikes that o; : Dr.
Miles in Ui-cov ei trig Ills Now Heart
Cure has proven itself t be one ot the
m et important. The JeroanJ tor is has
become astonishing. Alreadv the treat
ment ot heatt disease is becoming revo
lutionize J and many unexpected cures
ettecteJ- It soon relieve short breath,
uttering, pains in the side, arm, thou!
der, wfjK and hungry spells, oppression
swelling of ankles, smothering and heart
dropsv. Dr. Miie" booK on heart and
rieneus dUeases tree. The unequalled
New Heart Cure is sold and guaranteed
by H. L. Tucker, also his Uestorathe
Nervine for headache, fits, sprees, not
dathe. nervous chill, opium habit, etc.
Cahuiuo Garza is now s.iiJ to be
iu Mexico at tLe lieu.i of 4.0' '0 tnt!:.
Liep-e Gibsoj, colored, was h
ea bv a !uol, ilt
()V.l.t..e,. Kv..
Oi tir.lt r.
Worth HilD-lreds
M" wire ise.i or.iv
Mother trund bvfoi e 1
1 1 :.!:
tivj lottos ot
i tjiirvi I'otiiir.c-
j "tent, tivj :.c would no, l e witt.oi.t t:
j tsr !.undred ot coliur. Had r.ot i-.aif
i a mtich tr::b:e a l-ctore. Vr. Miles,
j Linceln rarts:;, La. Sold bv all dru-
It is reported from KaIe Pass, Tex-,
that Garza has invaded Mexico with 4,
000 men.
A cab'.e from Santiago reports that
Minister Montt and the Chilian officials
were misled in some wav as to the ne
gotia'iun and be.ieved a. I was pro
gresttiag ,mi etiy whe. t'.e ultimatum
I. E liavens. of Washington, has
Fanners' Alliance, defetln - V edeat !
Power., of Nebraska. Auolnh IV Ai'.tf- j
raanL of Nelraska. w as elected secre-
tary and treasurer.
Fire at Elton, Pa., t'h
r ier ni'-ht !
burned the iiouse of Satuaei !rm' and j
- - - r-i 1
anoxner on .n g. iymir sum las wite j
were onrne-i i.i ceat.i. lie was . J years
of age aad she v;. Tile tire rnriiiated
from an overl -ati.i stove in tn l.'d
room 1 b
i:liam 1 ielm;ir'-.'. an ex-ooiivict
with a police r-cr l that eovers almost j
every fi-iony. '.vas fatauv sh )t at h.ca- !
go wliile atternptln.' to hold up .1 A.
White, a railr ;:d blac'rvsnii'ii. w !.
1. . ... :.. . .. .
idinr injiu 1 'a eii in -i , 1 .v . i u se Lire a u t
1 11 1 , .
cm 1 111 e n 1. lit- 1 . t ie.ii- ;
deelinikt. ,t is sail, .letna:; ied White's i
money and knoek -d him 'Io ah Wliite
refrained his f,..t. b-tt ov o' ;ne l
a knife in'., hi, ri.-hr -id-.'. Whit- drew-
1.1 revolver :'re-i. hit-1 ' cutrgv. 1
I i!. IS
I. Vi- st, U
1 .NsA i : I V J.:
J j
' !
Ca i 1 1.1.
We !i.-.v. :
e k . 1 :
Wit. Kl HM.K ,M sH'i'liV. s ; t.KKs j
1 i I.-;, s, --, 1 tt . , V) I
i ! HI 4 ... . -s . 1 I! 1 i J i
4s ! ;; i .--1 :,: I :; ... 1 .0 1
-'.' ... I :;:: ; ..' , v -. .; !
.11 a : . .. - - : A:-. . 1 ,;: : s 1
: : 1 .;.:: :. :'.
: ; - . . . 1 ;; :."
; !.' .' :t .si v.-.. . 1 is- .j
L't 1 i;:l . 1 1'( .". !.o-.s
-' l :;' a -j". 1.' v::
-'I . . .: ." !-- ' :"
i- . . t ! : .'. ie.!
lis.. U' . . . s" I !.''-" J "o
7 ;ri - "o n !.!: -' ."
J s 1 1 -.' 1. 1 II . ! II -.' 1 )
. i 1 Vi :- . J n
s 1 . 1 .' . :t s 1.1 id ai
4 i.'n.i 1 ; 1 :i
s 1, 'kbits AMi 1 II n I. lis.
7 . ... Tl'i J 'j 1 1-1 . 131 .Til
-M ii.1'1 -in 1; i u :
Hi m-.s- lleei i.ts. y.n-.-J i 1 j 1 I'll M-sti-rilay,
1.1'So. T!ie m.ii.M't was iit '.oe aini i"e higher.
The fuliowii!.' are iiri'viitutiri'Siiis.
tvs. .:t-.'.". 4.:".' ::s.),ii ;j -j.v. i.:u
TU tr.'; 4:1 M :!'-: I.'.T'; r.7 4'.T'i
f'7. si 4 i". .v' 1 -'." '.'- 4
4" ..:tiT 4 J" i's ... ir. :; :: 1 .:
M ..t.ii iii . so -, it 1 '!; i.-ij
"il. . 'Jl'i 4 'J 1 1 -. . -J V.i I JO i'kI I' 4 '.II
Tl . '.HI 4 '."l l.i '- i J'l "i"v .;'.!.' 4 :
M. ..ITS 4 IT-. T.i . J'.s 4 !7' . i T-i 4.15
HI. . 1V4 4 15 ".Si . . It- 11a" ) ..75 4. 1 J
SlIKK.P- Kiveijits. ! s-,.:, j-,' yi'sT,.nl.iV.
405. The market was unlet an l'J'itu a'K- lower
than the tirst i.f u..-lc. Th.- t'.'!;..-.. in-- are
representaTive sair?.
HW mixed '.'1 l 15 i' mix.
Cliie-fteo I iv,. sit.H-u
Chieut-'o. Jan IIiks i"i ii ipis. S-'.OtXi; ofa-
eial yesterday. In. is; hi!m.i ills yesTenlay, 1",
W.IS; left ever. a!ml !0': .:ua;iiy fair. ):iai'l;et
active and jiriees nv hitier. Sales ranvred
at 4.'Jii(.'t4.iVi fur lii:li. i :!.'' I in fur rn'i'h
paeUiiit'. 1 :.'k - I r.n- 1 ir.-' I T i for
heavy i;etii:iv ar.d shi;ijiii..' lots. I'ius. :;.s J
4 45.
Caltie 1". I . : : 7 ''o' o:'i.-!.t'. ye.sii rday,
1.:?:V.I; shin:?; :.t 1,... 5;il. Market
fairly active ai.ii jiri.'i s :e.eiy ai.d tirin
slieep hi ei";i!s. .i ,i!rlt':a! yestern-iv.
9,fih: sliiinn. li'.s y. -t.-rdav. u-w. Market fair
ly ai'tue at steady vW' s
St. I. mi lave m,m.i.'.
St. l.oris. Jan. Jt'. .it : I. ir- i l)it - ".'i.
Market -arumr Ho-- K.-i-elpts .t.5j. Market
higher: fair choice inaiv. 4.4'K; loVJ;
mixed, erd.i.arv to l-e-t. : .ii 4.5n. Yorkers,
4:il'(l 45 Sheeji - lleccpts ,fo. !i..,l'ki't strol..
'hi'iti i.r.kin hii.I irovisioii4.
('fill 'Ai.ii. Jail 'j".l
'.'iri-oi. i-y.fiO'F. (Vejii'lf.
Wheat January H'4
Mav li l
Corn .lai.uary. ....
I'einiarv :! ' :tt
Ma.' 41 , 41
Oats .laniiarv .... ta
15 ; :...,-..'
May -.if-i
Pork- January
May IV 17', t :.:!
Lard Jatmarv
May i .77 : 7'J-i
l I lis ts I i I '." t '; 1 I
Kansas cn v. .: r.i V"'.!-;-. Pi.n for
hard ami firm for n d. ',.r . - v ;1m1,. .iin;
as ftdiow.-: No. -hard. ;.V. No .i. i J;.-7.ic; No. 4,
6i7fHe; No. -' red. s.V: No. X :s.K; and No. 4
red, t:V. 71c. On the eal! s t. was htd for No. 2
red 7sc for No :! ml. 7 f..r No hard, and 71c
for No. 3 hard, dr..- Steai'.v: no material
change iu prices by sat.iyiio from yesterday
which were as loiiows: No. - mixed, ol : i : No.
3 mixed. No J while. :l5',c: No :i white,
84,e. (n call S.V was l id for No. 'J cash and
January. Xt1 je asked for January sc les was
hid and asked I r No. For No. - vj hite :j.5c
was tiid. ats Quiet and steady at the follow
itift prices hy sample: No. 2. "Jt'c: No 3. 'isijc;
No. 2 white, .tv. and No. .1 white. 29" 5c. Uids
on the call were Js ;c for No. -' cash and Janu
ary, and "c for No. 3 cash, live- - Virm: on the
call 77c was bid for No. 2 cash and 7:tc for No. 3.
( hicacrt i'losinir Cmh friers.
Chicago, Jan. 29. Wheat-No. 2 sprinu,
tc: No. 2 red. sv;,riiv. Corn-No. 2 cash.
3sc; No. 2 yellow, V". No. 3 new. ?Cct No 3
yellow, new. "'-4c. (at No. 2 cash. 2s';c
Timothy seed (.'ash. f i.25r, l 2s : March. 1 :ri
Mess I'ork-Cash. old. s M- 55. Lard -Cash,
new, Short Rihs- Cash. 5.75
St. I.auis t;r:in
St. I.oris. Jan.. -I Keeetpts wheat. :tp.it' b't:
shipments, i;UM: receipts corn. y.ii lu;
shiptiients, 143.HM bu. Closing sales were;
Wheat-Cash. s",o: May. Pic. Jr,!v, sT'-.c.
Corn Cash. S7c. May, 37Je. (i-ats Cash. 3oc;
May, 31S.C
Wheat anil f orn in Liverpool.
Liverpool. Jan. -t Wheat Demand iioor;
prices steady. No. 2 winter and sprint, 7i
PX5. Corn Demand poor; spot J low. r ."spot,
4s T-d: January, steady. 4s C ,U: February,
steady . 4s VI. March, steady, 4s 3!,.L
Kan;l City Produce.
Kansas City. Jan. 'JS Butter Receipts of
creamery liht: faaey. very firm and in irood de
mand; lower (.-rades. steady. Country ini'.L'ht re
ceipt; very firm am! good demand for fancy and
choice; fair to irood steady. vVe quote: Creamery,
fancy. v; gotxl to choice. iv. Dairy. f.u-y, j
l!22te; pood to choice. 153 1c. Store packed, i
fancy fresh s eet. i'"'...17c. Roll, strictly fancy, J
is- 19c; choice. !'"' 17c; fair to gxd. 15c.
Packing. !'t Kjs.-s.-Reee;p; of strictly fresil i
light and firm at -t.'. !
11. iv. Ilyo ami Karler.
rmr.tnii. .!::t- -.' -1 ".i'iae prtvv: !t;. . -i '.ish.
TV-.c: M.iy. si ,v- K:nv.s.',Hi-N"..i. 1. i-:i-'i,
)' . srV : M-kv. .'.i:..' H.iro.-T. .!.;. ...t: . :t ;"s.
T. I.ft'ls. ,i -J r. . - . K;x'tii
. t astor Bvan 1 '
siijar in N-r orlc
Nrvv Yi'.Kt. -I.in. '."y s:ir .it. :
stoao.y: Crra !"a:r rrftnt'r... .V. co
lU'itrves tt's. T-UV H-::r t.
iTUSlW. IWi!'v: -,.i-.v - t
crueuiuteU. 4 c.
l atter ami 1 tu i'l t tiicJCo. j
CHii Aiw. J.ir. 29. But-, r. firrct cpeastcry. i
JtVJtlc: liairy, s-.esc. Ksrsrs Easter; fair, 22 i
Ohio's new gOTercor. Hon. "Wil- j
lia n McK'n'ey, was rs-e.rtvl to j
church on the lOtb inst by two j
comptnies of mi it a. Th-.- governor
is a Methodist, and the chunh he !
attend ! is known r.s th Wesy j
Chapel, the moat at Utocratic M". E.
chuich iu Columbus. The iici;t?n
aut govermr ar.d adjutant general
accouipanied tLe -oveiuur. If that
ui'litarv escort had lasstd the i
chuich on au eriau.l of some other
ehatacter, no doubt it would have
bec - a denounced us d. stilt bmg pub
w, rL,; S;.rus f tbe Tunt-s
j Emma lior'.ey cf Brooklyn has
. i 1 ...... 1 ...
ei, allis'.eil lot naming
iitt' tiaUghtwr to a fOJlimelVlU
,;,.,. f,,r $l a nu,u!h
Consumption Can d.
A e 1 1 1.1 !!.ii'!.ui. retire.l tr m ;r.ic
retire! tr m
- , .
ice. hain' had tu-tced ir tu- hands
an K.i-t Iniiia, ir.i-ii ::.i'V ti.e
i -unie ci;cla
lo ret::cd lor tee -pec Jv
r c.!c ft ConsijiiiTit-ain,
and pe rniai.e
.ifotii.nis, Ctaiii.
o.r ..it I.-..: 4 A::
; ;nc a'..d i.idn al 1 1: re
- ,. ... u ... , 1: re tor Ner
: nv ..i,d
Neiw.i.s Com pla
' h.iv ir: ' tested its woiiui'lt.:; .
a" o
c' ic. l::oi;s.i ;: Js ,it c.;es, nas ici: '.t uis
.'.:, to r.s.ike it iv'i .u ;i t- his suneriitg
te.l.-.s Act...ited iv '.ids motive and. 1,
disire to relieve hiriVin s-.;::v ; i .-c. I '. ill
t-eiid tree ot charge, to al! who t-eir it.
tnis tecipe, in Oeriti.tn, r tencti, or t.n
ijiish, witii tul! directions ror pi.-pating
and using. Sent bv mail bv addressing
with stamp, naming tliis paper. W. A.
Nines, 6io Poweis' lilock, R i i : r,
N. V. 2 1 vear
hei i i's Sa'o .
I!y virtue an. i authority ef s f p.vial ee.-a-t
ioi. i.-m!.-i trom tlie oihi t-ol Hit- clerk ol the
circait court id I'.ate comity. Mi-soiiri. r--tuintil.ie
mi the l'eoruarv term. !s..o. ol' -aid
court to me iiirectcd iii laor ol scar Iteed-r.
e.v-oihcio collector ot the revenue ot linns
county ai.d ajianist V ictor t'ldni I have Ion- !
and seied upon all the riirht. ti'.ie. intere-r
and claim ot . in a:i I tu the l.d.ovviii .leM riL,
ed real elatc situated in late county Mis
souri , to-vvit' The couth halt ol the southeast
quarter id 'fractional section tvvent -three 'J';:
to lirlap thirty-cijrht I'o) ratifre thirty tt; tj .
the soiilhwefct quarter of the southwest quar
ter ol the north hall id fractional section
iwenty-iour J4; township thirtv-i-ijrht O; of
ranue'thirtv (."in) ail in Hates coileiv. Mi.-oi:n,
1 will on
Tuesday. Fihrn ii v 1 ; 1 1 . iK'.t J,
l.ctween the liours ot nine o'cioc' in the lore
noon and ti e o'clock in t!ie ntteruonn of that
day. at the ea-t front door id the court house
in the city ot Kutler. l'-atr- oanty , .Missouri,
sell the same or so much thereof as mav he re
quired at puhlic endue to the highest hi. idt-r
for cash, t i thtihfv said execution and cost
M sherilT ol Mate? t'ouniv.
tSliei Suit .
I5y virtue Rad authority ol a fpecial execution
lBfll.d trmii the ofhee ol the clerk ! the circuit
courl of Hates county. Missouri, leturr.ahle at
the t-ehruary lerm. "lsr., ol said court to un
directed in tavor of Oscar Ueeder, e-ollicio
collector of the revftiin-of Hates county and
acainst Win W Burrows and C M Hurrows. I
have levied and seized upon all the riirht, title
interest and claim ot, in and to the tollouiiiit
dercrihed real estate situated in Hates county.
M issouri . to-w it : kat hll of the southwest
quarter id section t'.v euly-eint 1 2s I tuvvntdiip
thirty (.'e; rantre thirty f.ie.all i:i Mates coun
ty, Missouri, 1 will on
Tuesday. IVl.ro.iry l'ltli, l8l'2,
hi tween the hours of nine o'clock in the fore
noon and live o'clock in the afternoon of that
day , at the east front door of tlie court house
in tile city ol Huller, Hates county. Missouri,
-ell the same or so inii 'li thereof as may he re
quired at puhlic vendue to the highest hidder
lor cash, tw satisfy tsaid execution and rnt.
C VV HAItrsiH K,
Sherill'ol Hates Countv.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Voti!"? it hereby given to all creditors and
all others interest.! in t!oestat," of ieori;e W
Kavis. sr.. deceased, that I, VV . M ampiiell
administrator of said estate, intend to make
final settlement thereof . at the n-vt term of
Hates county probate court, in Hates county,
state ot.Mist.ouri. tube held at Hutler Mo. . on
the sth dav id h el ruarv. l-io
W. M. CAMi'HKI.l.,
i 4t Administrator.
Not'ce of Filial Settlement.
Notice is hereby given to ail creditors and
others interestea in the estate of Keulien si
ftwen deceased, that I,. I. VV. Knnis. pdmii.is
trator of said estate, intend to make final set
tlement thereof, at the next term of the Hates
county probate court in Hates countv, state of
Missouri, to be held at Hutler. Mo on the sth
day of trebruary, ls;i-. j. v KNNIS,
T-4t Administrator
Trustee's Sale.
Whereas, Geo W .iacscon a single man bv
his deed.ol trust dated Mav llth. Isss. and
recorded in the recorder's uth'ce within and for
Hates countv, Missouri, in book No. 41. nage
.'ifs conveyed to the undersigned trustee the
following ilescri bed real estate lvinz and beinc
situate in the county of Hates and state of
Missouri . to-wit :
All of the one-elxth undivided interest in the
east half of lots n timber one and two (I ,V 2) of
northwest nuarter ot section three ('D and
northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of
section tnree i i) ami eignteen acres and sev
entv-tive rods as follows : commei cing sonth
east corner of the west half of lot one of the
northwest quarter of section three .1' running
north one hundred and twentv live rods tnt
west lialf of lot two of the nortluvest quarter
ot sain section inree ( ;j. ttience ft! tmrtv
nine rods, thence with an angle to the sontl
line of lot one of the northwest quarter of said
section three and nine rods from begin
ning thence to point ot beginning ail
in township thirty-eight '.Grange twenty
nine 2!j, Hates county, ;M.i containing oil
liuadrel lilty-tvvo lt-loo acres more or
less n hieh conveyance was made ii tru-t
to secure the payment o! one certain
note Inlly ilescnbed in said dee. of trust: am
whereas, default has been made in the pay
ment of the principal ol said note and the in
trest thereoa now past due and unpaid. Now
tneretore, at tne request or the ieirai hol ler o
aid note and pursuant tothe conditions of sab
deed of trust, f will proceed to sell the above
described premises at pnhlic vendue, to the
highest bidder tor cash at the east front door
or the court house, in the city of Hutler, coun
ty of Bates and state of Missouri, ou
Thursday, February IS, 1 ',
between the hor.rsof nire o'clock it, the lore
noon and nve o'clock in the afternoon of that
dav. lor the purposes of satiefyjrr said debt
interest ami costs. A. r . ilICKMN.
!"-tu Trustee.
Scientific American
Agency for
I".-t 'TnrTT:ai'n frw IlariitVw.k wr!t--
MI SS Co., 5H Bkoal.w.y. -NEW V.i:?r.
f'.2i.t t.ur-au f.fr e-vmnff patents in An:--r:'-s
Every patent taken cut by o t lroaebt tor
tie putlsc by a n-xice gxr&t free ot charge w taa
SVtinftftr 5t wt?tYt
Largest circalat-n; of any ssientlflc papr In the
wfTld. plendid'y iJii-trate-l. No inielhc.i.'t
man bonid be without it. Week It. fc.I.oo a
year; Ui six nx-nttn. Address MtN3i X CO
tauusiURs, XI Brjaiway, w i'ork.
ifTlaundr'mid,s hope
: is the-tSLIRETTE- SOAf-
l;xJiW' Mcv'es Icr time and her ktoi;
QfSQi t; if
v. -
s H F
. X I i
" Sw C QYU DTHW Q A tired, lamri'd f eclintr, lor? pplritcil anl despondent, vrlt h no appar
''DlnL Ol niriUn'Oiout cause. lmo'CssUoa, UcaUauUe, backache, hearing down pains, psiia
tcrosa lower part of tHwcl?,rUh froat Porerc4) Jn roHottof ovrtrlcs. Twmorfl, IHaddordifiUnil.
' , i'rnupnt urination, jLi ucerv:: ea. t'oiist'ieit'.on if Imivi !s. r.ii -s. With alt thvo pyniptoiu
.-.it tit nervous ttnd itrit.it la Tii.U UiltNliilil.UUlUll.Vi.'31iX rCUiUVta ttU llieso
: y tt thoroiiirii jiroce.4 Cl libs jrptieil.
h i RPII AD5I If-ATjn'! T'''r rxrflvhr.rmlPGt7Uieh every My can ns?, heraeif. ited
H LUUiSL HI rLluhllUl' iciaes taken interntillytriU never relievo tho nidtiy loraw Cf
t male weatucss. iuo i c-u:.: yrivjct bo applied
A CI A IIS TM f Tfi f r:v?HonrircuUr. Ark ymr -. ruurjrist f oi- ot t. or -vn ? twa
FLlitei t itLr I U iui ti.1 1 ceut Li..iii;i to koxt oico lor sa'Jjplu lox uui circular.
15. Pile Remedy. 51.20 FC8 OtiE BONT'n' J VREATHEHT. O.B. Stomach Powders,
w. Ii. Catarrh Cure. l'liEiA.;Ei iiY- 0. E. Sidney Coaed.
Js A. CofcCLLo R3. DP & CO., 2 & 4 PANOaariA PLACE. CHICAGO, ILL.
O. FIBii tltZ, Vb -oleti-lo Jig -at, C7 Wu'.utustau at., Ckicuifo, kit.
VO( ; AU fll.U, suffering from nervons
d, b.hty. involuntary losses, the e. tec. a of youthful
errorBor excesses, we will send a Ioitive Cure
upon receipt ot S2.tM. Perfectly harmless, tiver
tweiity vesrs iu successful use. As an infallible,
sate and' rapid cure, it lias no equal, ttonituunica-
. . - ... .a.
tious strictly confidential: rarticnlirs and testi
luouiais mailed (sealed; frer. Address j
3 Jt I.iTinc(u St., Ilrooklrn. !H. V. ;
iTTV' 'rraiis mnl Pianos itVi.f lip t'atalogi
fcaiiliii e Dan'l Leallv, Washington, t j
NESsJ OUR';" n '-iv.isu.
iD.Mbii-TkbbtAt; CAR CUsiiiiSti i
bi.r.h..r.i ouiiMtir. tomtort.
A"iir"n,,,,iT',li! r,;..' r1L-JLI"'-ir",,: iTJ;r-
" "'l"1! Ii" . -'
i'WJ&&t hair balsa:.- .
frfJSiClsail.1'. and l..ia.l.v. ti:e :..;r. j
A i l'rui, ,,.!( . lu tuna III ri'if.
tt' . sJta 'r.li...t'. a lllt-uiyill Et..vtl. I
e."" fc f. illiiver Paila to Bti,tor. J .'i.v ,
''''K'"''--.! Katr to tti YoutUtut Cok r.
,ii -j i.", 'j Cir. hi p .1 -tt-.- l...r 1 f
-t, ' 'ii k-,iinj l mat f)iui;;'i.t. j
a 1 nicer 'I OHIO. It i nto lav I i . n ,
Ji- 'ii . I ..t..'t, l'a.u, 1 iivc ill I. ill;'. .-I' ' I'.
v ' O ; i I 'S. 'l-'l i.'iiv mrf cur. tor t'.n.,.
. i -I .u-i.:s, ut 111b' ijX CO., . Y.
rc:..:rw vater or milk
tr $
How Lost ! How Regained !
m - i
Or SEjLF.PRESEKVATTON. A new and only
ar d WEAKN ESSES of MAN. 306 pages, cloth,
pit; 125 invaluable prescriptions. Only ft -00
by mail, double sealed. IiescriptiTe PrOBpeo
us with tiidoreeneBti rnpfi crur
of the Press and voiuntArr fHh I rx'J'r
testimcr.iaia cf the cured. I IlktVal NOW.
Consultation in pernon or by mail. Expert treat
TAIN CURE. Ad!e. Irr. W. H. Psrker. or
The I'eabody Medical Ingtitate, Ko. i Ealficch eft.,
Boston, Mas.
The I'eabody Medical InatHote has rany lmi
tators, tut no equal. Uerabl.
The Science of Life, or Self Prcecrvation, i a
troanure more valcafile than (fold. Heart it cow,
very WEAK and NERVOUS i-an, aaJ i.-aru to
tc STRON Ci Xtdlvxl Bnitw. (C&n rlihtcd.i
"iKK 11 Chich8ter 8 Engu&h. Red Cross Dimuono Bund A
i'sOi TMC oaiCINai MD CtNUIMC. Tl. ..i. .r.. .. ...... u.,, . WT
i-7 Af L,,, Dntxtl. ter -Wlr I HjUmI, tntmd hmi ia H4 aa4 M awtaiu V
I 'ji 6o il iu biae nfchoo. Takr kr ktaa. AdntMim AwiWm. V
I . fett . f " Pi'l la panaaaara toaai. ait .rfr are aujreroaa cavaterfeHa. a i ImiiM. or
15 fc? ft' lTV" f fartlar.. v.u.Wi. ,, M -KriTeT far LaaiM." Uu, by m.rm Mall.
- WU ht ail LmsJ Urmmmt PMH.iWf Piiii, tft.
v- - T!f!f
1 Ar) iwkm
I EL? CK0THSE3. 5fl Warrea
fmd ttal her clothes with a
irilliancV clows
id areajjer lhan these cf her
& Mmufacfui
it ir minniiTi, m
to tin.' parts to obtain permanent relief.
Itls SSy.,ao1l5.i?EAT'
lii'ikT iunnW;-;.
tirant. Sheridan or Sherman. Abraham Lincoln or
Oeoriio Washington. Any one ot the above cle-
llvered to you foronedol lar. Tho Uuure and baso
P'akes a pi,Htin In. hes in heiL-tit. Send money or
ul KT. it A rTi u kniit tliin.i f..pu .innla 'Ho.nwun.1.
DCiuic Bold daily. CanvnsMni: iMitttt fn. Auiifi
Boom No. JO, SO itaHuru bt., liu h,, 111.
The Equitable l oan A 1 nvest ment As-
i sociution issues a series tit i.otm shares
i each iiK.nth- atid otters t.) invtstors an
! opportui.it v to .vc moni'v h ti c! receive
a Handsome interest on their invttst-
j ment. The investor ot
- ........ , .
, T 1 ' Pcr 'mu Met" -oo ou
' 2 i ' 4
. (, 4
! , . . '. .
! -
I 4
! ,
. .s
1 In '
1 O
i i .otio oo
1 -
,s . . . , . . 5 .
! it c also issue paul tip stuck and pav
: inleies. semi-amiiiallv. W e have money
j t. loan tin yooi! titv ptopeitv. Anvor.e
, desiring a Kootl profitable investment 01
loan will do well to call and see us.
i R. C. SNKED.Sec'v.,
! Sedalia. Mo
J. II. NORTON, Agent,
Hutler Mo.
A Certain, Baf, and Effective Remdy for
Producing Long-Sightedntss, & Rtstor- .
ing the Sight of the Old.
Cures Tear Drops, Granulation Styt
Tumors, Red Eyes, Matted Eye Laahet.
us ntoDrcns tjrtci kelief m rrusum ecus.
Also, equally efflcaciout when nd In other
maladies, aiirh a I Irera. Prver fre.
Tamara. Halt Kbeaai. Barn. PI Ira. or
wherever InfiaaimaUon . xl.ta. MM TCUEI tlB
0JLX, VWt may be aaed to ad vantage. C
Said by all Dr ocslata a 35 Ccctc
Money aelline Beverli"?'a Au
tomatic Cimker. l.a!i-st and I
bt-st cufiktnr utensil ever invent
ed. Sells at sivtht. One Agent I
old over 1 TOO in one town.
One naraple Cooker free to I
piMjd agents. Advertrsinu matter 1
lurnibheil. ror lull particulars ao-
oress w. E BEVERIDGE.
bt, y ew Tork. Prtcewcti

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