MitMHiri PatiOc Time Table
Arrival and departure ct passenger
trains at liutler Station.
Sort ii BocNnJ
4:51 a. m.
p. in.
4:25 p. in.
10:05 a m.
Local r .-eight
Local Freight
7:04 n. in.
2 :iS p m.
1 :4c p. .111.
91 :37 p. rn".
National Bank,
Tit i.ti:;ir am tiii:
Sl 'Jo.! till) Oil
S2o.MM 110
F. J. TVGARl), - - - lhesident.
HON. J. li. NIWH!-;i;U Vice-Pres.
I.C.CLAUK - - Cashier
Othh c, South. vest Corner Square, I r.
Tucker'- ul J stand .
1 . W. MlI.Vfe.HB.
.J. A Sir.VKK-.
Will practice in tlie courts of Bac
.nul adjoining countiet, tlie C;nnt ot
Appeals, Supreme Court at Jerierson
City ami in the Federal Courts.
rilX.OlTicc over Farmers Hank; third
.lour from head ot staiiwav.
1 iM
Will practice in Hates and adjoining
iQjroiVu e over Hates Co Nat'lHank.
OtVice West Side Square, over Lans
lown's Iru Store.
Office, tront room over I. O. All calls
answered at ollice day or night.
Special attention given to temale dis
sasen. 'p C. BOULWARE, Physician and
L Surgeon. Otfice north Ride square,
Butler, Mo. Diseasesof women and chil
;n a specialty.
Office, Southwest Corner Square, over
Aaron Hart's Store. Residence on Ha
vannah street norrh ot Pine.
Potter IBros.
An ample supply of
Busggies, Carriage,
Phaetons, Drummer
Wagons, &c.
This is one of the best equipped Sta
bles in this section of the state.
Fikst Class Pius Fuhmthep.
At any hour, day or night on the
most reasonable terms. Farmers
desiring to put up their horses
when in the city will find this
barn the most convenient in
S2 00 a Year; " cents a I rpy.
1 1 is the bri-'htest ecKiy in Au. 1 :c.i
Send FiftV (VntS to :V. Corcoran
Building. Washington. V. C.. urd
you will get it every week fvr
inontlK. If vou send before IV -
eember lo you will receive m addi
tion a fine lithograph of its Editor.
HXTott Firm,
Our buyers are now in the market and our Warehouses will soon be stocked with
Farm Machinery, we will have an extra good line of Plows, Cultivators, Harrows,
Corn Planters, Farm and Spring Wagons, Top Buggies, Barbwire Pumps, &c.
lle Donates $50,000 North
Property to the Fulton Or
Orphans' Home
K C. tar.
Dr. W. S. and wi'- .
this eitv, who art- i.o.v sojom:
I -
in Florida for the I n .-ti t of ta
Illl'fi h'-llllli, liitVe just l;n 1- ,: m.-
nitieent donation to 1 1 t m 1 r-
i li ,j is Keli' '1 of Cii! - -lii ai ch.
i lo'-!tt-.l :tt rulton.M... U -v. i r. T. 1-
Haley, their i'liend ul;l ;.?.:.; -i-: -1
iv I'l-eii f '1 from them :i wi r i v
l.lee.Itu the McDowell ca . !: M 1,11
street. The pioieitv in aille.l i.t
Joil.OiKi, aii-1 i ill filed ti) the endow
inet.t fund of tie orphans s''h' o:.
The McDowell is ;i liute
utory hrick humling with a .-tore
front. It has heeii renting tor S." ,
(ICO ii year. Dr. W -o Is j iiid sr,n ,
OHO for the ltoi t-i ty in lhss and it
is considered very !. up at that lim
ine. Tlie orj linns sell". 1 li w Las- nil
endowment, ot s'K' 1 o L can
col.-lodate ul 0 lit 2'-0 gills lllid is no.v
caring f-r K0. The people of Fnl
t"n gave .", it to thf institution
und the buiMing and grounds cost
. 15,000. The school w.-is opened
September, lsOO. Dr. Woods' gift
is a handsome and timely on.-, its b
half of a worthy ciitei pi i-e.
I lmd a severe atta-l; of cit.-rili
and became o deaf that 1 could in t
hear coininon conversation. I suf
fered terribly from roaring in my
head. I procured a bottle of Ely
Cream Uulin, and in three veks
could hear as well as I ever could,
and now I say to all who aie afflict
ed with the worst of disease, catanh
take EIv'b Cream Balm and be can d.
It is woith $1,1)00 to any man wom
an or child Buffering from catarrh
A. I'L Newman, (1 ray ling, Mich. 2
It WoiUvd All Uight.
St. Joseph, Mo., Jan. 27 This
afternoon at 4 o'clock Paul Cron,
walked into A. J. Lein' pawnshop
on F.dinond street and asked to look
at a revolver. He was shown one of
the bulldog pattern with four emp
ty chambers. He agreed to purchase
0:1 condition that nil of tin? cham-
bers be loaded. Levin put in the ern i)istrict.
cartridges and then Caron examined j j j, Jf.lvoh for (V,Ui,tv Surveyor,
it carefully. "Will this go off every j Xom Elll!, for shtnIi.
time'" he asked smilingly, as he held j whlle ..Qabe" was no doubt mere
the pistol's mouth behind his right, j p ..fimi);n wheu he fixed up the
Levin warranted the action, and be j aljOTP it is generally understood
fore the words came from his lips j tU.u if he ai,lu-t h;t th"e n;lil on the
rmn remnike.b "Well. T il 8M I 1. 1 i n. t i .fa..iai.
. , -
whether it works all nget," pulling
.i. . i... c.;-i., t .1.,.
iui. ui-w lie uu15ui-.i "
teuce. lie was ueaa m au infant.
Caron was a frescoe paiutsr, about
r "V
vpam of flcp. o reasons are
--""- " ri -
kuowu for the deed. He fell
tne scanoia some waeh. ago, am.
came out of the hospital a few days
ana t
ago. llewasati langusiiman. un-
mauad, and has brothers living in
Concordia, Kas.
A Nebraska man was i evicted of
burglary and sentenced to the pen
itentiary. He appealed to the Su
preme Court, and pending action
there went to prison and served his
time out. Six mor.ts after his dis
, . , i ,
charge ne received an ou.cnu a you
ment from the supreme c
niinff him that
a new trial,
makes court
a farce; but nevertheless the lawyt i s.
Toicing Sir Edward Coke, continue
to assert that law h the perfection
of reason. K. C. Star.
You should licit be without it.
KveiN t.mii'v i- i-i..i '.c to ,i !u
diiarv taint ct coisu:np:ioa ia it-
j inav date hack
This tact mase
' have a rexcJv
i tins tormidab'e
or even
wa tj
it r.ecesarv
v. itii which t. c V i'ia:j:
at tirst can e.
he c-a .i
1 it j;ct a set i".. '.'-old n t ': :;,
i Ha'dard' Horchound mtu; when taken
; T: :i:V
j cu0,'wv.c:l vcd tc-r .;:. inoc:br. ct the
1 tb'cat.ii.c.sis and ehv:. such c-Misump-
tliT., 1
ti, ast;o:t e
c iw.a-,
w noormc. ecus:'., ci
. 1-.
I It is r-1
-.'.casant 10 tke. r-ertect.y :
:vas he depended cn.
s. ,' '
I, , . i 1 ! tlllUieri luai luc v ii A , Li.iu vcin-oto r uttausc .UUI liver UOcs
ie had been granted i .. .. not act nronerlv. Hf.riuvf ,; ,-,.
, , i - . ! tne worm proviaea ine worm isii i i ,. . -,. . -----..7
Such delay of justice 1 1 1 disorder ot the Liver, Stomach or Eow-
. ,. . " 1 ! bigger than the bird. Ricli Hill Re- ; el. It has no equal as a Liver Medi-
s ridiculous and justice, ; ,ine. I'rice 7. cenl;
To Attack the Turin.
L ii''tju, Jan. :i7. Mr. Luci
iniidge of Kentucky has oil'
fo'h wing a i.f -mlment to tl
CO !- of house i u'.cs:
i. vi led farther, th it w
e the
,f-:ie Y -f
I .i' i
111 Ot
,t M'.y
or p: i
: any g-nerai appro;.', i u;o i o;
del" cO'"dd'-Kttk.!. ' fhttii oe
, der ' In V HS a i' tl ' I e
utmrtidiu--. t r ' u i-'-i
. id li 'o, ' of w 1. I . "i ;,.
.It). ( I 'I 'I'l. i I. .
a 1
i. Wi
ii'i JppiAIm . '.. V
a1 ! a i-' '.'iij 1 te t i,. i; I i
pended to f.ny appi' pi i;
i ti
i hi
der consideration in the h
significance of it is i a '.i'.y
Members i f the Ways uii.l
committee who are in favor of
tacking the MeKinh-y tariff act
sepaiatf bills wile afraid that it
dicated a purp-ose t take the! re vis- ,; f the tariff out of th-ir hands
a'.i l i"0'wse a general tariff bill like
, the Mills bill of the Fifieth congress, i
' The democratic members of the com- '
mittee are at present divided on the '
i s abject of of the best method of at
tacking the tariff, and tin- nr-w aid '
( old members of the coniUUlU- have
not vet b'-s n able to ret together mi i
j the ipieslioii. ;
; Woman lias heen compelleil to -utter, j
! not onlv. own ills, hut those arising ;
! totn a want ot knowledge on the puit i
I ot tiiosc with whom she s'ands conneit- j
ed. In the mansions of the rich and j
( hovelsot the poor, woman has been alike ;
J tiie patiet victim ct ills miKnown to man ;
j Hut now the hour ot her redemption has '
! ceme. Hradfleld's Female Regulator j
i cures al diseases peculiar to hei sex. i
7-im. Setd by :iit (.irjrgist-. !
Candidates For Hates and Vernon.
Oar chief contributor and politi
cal soothsayer, -Gabe" the fellow
who blows his bugle not only for
! Fail view and Keith, but for the
: southwest ipiarter section of Hates
j and the entire norlhei ii half of Ver-
i lion C.untv. has handed in tlie fob
I lowin.r slate:
... ,fi .
. J. Stone for tiov.-rnor.
11. c. neece lor lvi-presentative oi
j paes
C. C.
McGinnis for .Presiding
C. I
Hoxlev for Prosecuting At-
Judge Fix for Judge from South-
, ue!lll !ls regains lue neaci oi lue iieh
j et bft Set fo()t Jown m,ttv b,ml
. "
i ou the tail of it. la short it is gen-
, r uuaerstood that Mr. T. G. El
t lis. whom "Gabe alludes to as
' ..t. .. m..i. i.-
" . mi iu "t ti it i uur i u iu ii i u
xom, is "in it
j only a candidate from Osage town-
, ghii but from twQ or tbrefc otber.
j bke Mf our frieuJ E1Ha
j . rrobaUv a httle backward abut
j c ,mi forWilrd. a trifl
rifle modest
or perhaps only shy ot the newspap
ers, as the rest of the boys sseui to
be on his racket all riirht enough
vi- ,i .. v.. i.- , i fi,
e avivise .ill. l. as vie.i asj e'tii-
ers on -uaue s siate not io niu
Gabe's" slate not to "hide
: their lights under a bushel, but come
, .i if
: nrnmnt v to th scratch iilul ffSS 111!
, t. 1 -
1 .1. . ll. A
; wneuevei lue spun, mints iuu iu
, ,. , . T . .
: lucAnm (-4T1.1 M.IThS. ljt'I riiJIil If-
Illinois board of health has en
gaged special counsel to look into :
Chicago's unhealthful water supph.
Will Be Given Away. i
ti.:r etiterprisir.ij dr.;jgit, II. L. Tuck
er, who cairie the finest stock or drus,
pert urne ries, toilet article-, brushes,
s; i-.;cs etc., are sivinc awav a larae
luitnber ot trial bottles ot Dr. Miles" eel .
cb-uu-d Ket;irative Net vine. They 1
a.-.'..a-cc it to care neadacf.e, d:.:-ir.e-,
nervous prostration, s'eep'.es:. ess, the ill
t :':.-.: t -:-::its, tobacco, cnttee, etc.
iia.i-a ?.iv i: b the gre.tet eilcr
' ever knew, .and is universally
They aha guarantee Dr.
Miics" N w liearl Cure ia a!i Cases r,t ,
r.ervou or organic i.eart disease, palpi
I hiticr., pain it
! Fine bock on
j eases jree
side, s:
.ertng, etc
1. .. fcl.. ..0. . I..... I ... :! K U.... ,- .
and heart dis-
i'oliHK-1 A llllle i!ite-.
SpriugticM Mo, Jan. 27
election co'iti t of Julius C. i
against Mi At:ni W. Bate
tl f
lit i e
1 cu
tuipate.l hi the C-i euit
this m. .mine-, w Leu iti
. 1 a i-i-i . .n i I;;it
not (:.l;;!'i to i:..t 1 1 I
-tip . :ii
r (' ountv
had i.o ti;!,:
('OUt;tV Clei
Mi. r
a punaaty
.t was
of Mi- IJ.xt.
Ot F-.- i.e!'
Kohhcd !i
I'idlii't's Clilpsc
veioped t;
Who kllle 1
Mo . .!:.,.. -It wa- d.
..:y that Jt tl.: o Ma; ti
h:s lath- :- at Martitislu:
last night, is not halfwitted ib
had a!r. a iy -omiti-b-re.'. S.oiHi , f p;.,
father's in.-i.ev atnl dema!idd 1 1 c-
At tlie It.,
iv it Was
sh w n
in-ai Jiarti:i. attt 1 i.i.iv.
robb'rd th- ! o iy of g
it-'.'t '- u.-i! a: it
? ) l - t v. li
tie- sl.oC oil h S
dead fathei "s Pet. leavin;
ones sitting near tLu body
his old
IU then
ransacked the l..isc
Thvi ollicf-i s failed to tind the son
hist night, but this ee aing a be
gram was nciived fiom High Hill
stating that a man answering the
desetiption of Mai tin had been ar
re? ted there. If Le proves to be the
rioJit man aad is taken to Martins
burg will be hanged by the pop
u'ance The weapon used was a
blacksmith's hammer. The dead
man's head 'vas beaten into a pulp.
I. Should ie in Kery House.
J. P.. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharpi
1 burg. Pa. says he would not be
without Dr. King's New Disccvi ry
; f.-r consumption, crughs and colds,
I that it cured his who was thiaaten
, t., WU, il;i:i :lft,.v ,, utti;ck
; of la grippe, when various other ruu-
'l'h' and sev ral Jisicians had
! ,lone hirl "otl- lhuher,
. of Cooksi ort. Pa., claims Dr. King's
v ... i i i
I ew Discovery lias done him more
ood thHii anything he ever used
for lung tumble. Nothing like it
Nothing like
Tiy it. Free tiial bottles at H. L.
Tucker's Drugstore. Large siz.
")(c and $1.00.'
(oiardin; his Vu tim's Hody.
Louisville, Ky., Jan. 27. The lat
est, news from the locality of South
Aineiicn, Helle County, the scene of
the murder of Manual Parton by the
notorious Berry Turner, reveals a
pretty state of affairs. Parton was
shot last Saturday within about 200
jards of Turner's house, aud the
: -i ( 4l , i i i
j b tU
: auowea io mv wnere it tell eter
, K
since, lurner has eicht or ten des
n - -
! perados with him. and thev have
j i t . i . . . ..
I u IV JA LS L4it.l. U CI LUC UUU V itllll III
vented any of the dead man's friends
from taking it away. The Partcn
faction are aroused, aud a desperate
feud between Turner and his gang
and the Partons is brew-inna Tb
; partoUH tlaim to have tL
, tbeh. sicle.a8 Manual was'killeJ whil
attempting th. arrest vi Tur
' A Sound Lirer Makes
a Well .Man
Are vou Billions, Constipated or trou-
i bld .ith taiimli.- siet n.v.. a
S taste in mouth, roul Breath, .'oated
I tongue. Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Hot dry
i - ! 1 .. . . .
; shn, i-ain in uacK and netween trie
i i-i.lO- 1 I- .
' riraiun, aias, anu r ever, cvc. ir Vou
t have anv ot these svmntoms. vour I.tvfr
- .
is out oi order and vour blood is
rree trial hot'de at H.
Drug Store.
L. Tuckci's
44 - 1 r.
Fied Breumstiel was killed bv an
electric wire w hile at work on a build
it:g iu Louisviile.
IheLrual i 1 limb ali's letters coa
ileinijeJ Iinister Eefa:i's !o':l:ral
C .turse in a speech before the lief 01m
Ciub. New York.
Miles'' Serve o: Livtr Piils.
Act or
a new :
apie regu.a-.i
d bowels thr: 1:
the ;icr. s-o-r.ach and I
tne nerves. A new discovery, I
' -
syecouv cure o.:ousne.s, pad taste, tor
did liver, and constipation. Sr'en
did tor, women and children
and children.!
S"-.a.;es- rr.t ).-
deses foi
! 25 cents. Samples Ire; at H
; er's Drug Store.
L. Tuck-24-ivr
Several Sticks of It Placed By Miners
Near a Stove.
Thr shanty ltlonn to Ir- I mint
ScattTf.i in All I)iroti.u Two Meu
Ktl.t'ii anil I'ightcu s-riouly
STICKS OF 1H '.U.-.X WAKMF! 11'.
W'll KKMiAUin:, l'a-, .Ian A U-r-
1 rlSw cxi"..-i v. v.f diiaa-.i fevurr.-.J at
I HoneyhrooU. a '! t ., live
' iniies froai Haeltou, at noon yesterday,
j Twenty 11 .-.n ;:ir;.;t'i miners were e u
' ployed in a coat stripping i.p.-rate-l lv
j I'ick A. Man ..-., ut tii a. pluCA I hey
i were s!!i:ir aroan.l th- stove i i the
I workmen's v eati:,-; their lunch.
when s-veial stick
; had. been ti'iaceil
j hh. hi
I fra:aent - i
I mates in ;: .r.rect:
i the exu' n
of liualin, which
near the stove.
th.- s.uirity to
o'. :' .," t; e iu
i -:s. The sin c'.c of
h- r i !'. mi'es
t iik- hiimireiK
. th - sn it and
s, i ;uno-i' the
:. i;t.!l It . tiiek
! away,
i wiioiiiT
In ;
h:: !
! : v
.1 -
M t .i i.t.e-r . i i.ii- -a not
one aici injur-.-. u,:-,- ly-
; a:a 1 la - v .iircc; an. .1:110
v-. it ii .-: i--.-- h ::': : :ini iih.-od
!ir.u- ir-.i.i in u ay gupin w nui.'.s.
Seven .ctors ivere x i.ei 0:1 tin- spot
a", -tiding to the in; ;ri of the sulTer
ers. :s his til led ui'h straw were
bf. u-rlit and ma-iy of the in, ire !, amid
i-'roaus ari 1 mo:iii. were soon removed
j to i.;
i t hem
I At
h. ispita
"cii !a-t
1 ... ,
o tl
-eiiiu,r a report
came from the h.
seven men th-'re
pita! that t here were
They are still alive,
a is (-. nisi iere.l erit-
hut tin-ir eon,
; .
ica . 1 here w
r t '.v..-n' v i-'avs iniured.
of whom .seven ar." n v ;it th- Miner-.'
hosoit-il hi lla.eit in. Two are known
t be dead aad others ara heim treat.'d
1V the doetors ;it t
i.-ir hiit 1 near where
the accident occurred At nightfall
there were two m--n vet mis ins? and
the doctor i and are scouring- the
woods for them. The explosive is
liiiuu ;i as du.tlia, one of lim hijhest
made. It comes in sti -ks not unlike
tallow candles and possessing much the
same lle.xibilitv. The explosion was
caused by the Slav s heati ig the dualin
and then exposing it to the- eo'.d the
low temreratnr s e.i isin r it to contract
with the result stated. Tne man who
ha 1 the dualin was t na. I pieces.
In the hospital are John Hhioi inielf,
aged 5S; Mike Slero-ik, aired 4"; Steve
Uedford, aged 44; Kanda Martin, aged
!; Hunanish Vasel. a ed :':!, and three
unknown men. a'l of -vhom it is thought
will die.
Dr. Keller last night telegraphed to
the Record that besides the fractures
of skull and bones of the face, the b jdy
of each patient contains a score of
wounds in a !e as i? j bullets, their
legs, arms and chests being pierced
with dualin froai two to four inches
diep. The probing of their wounds
did not reveal in a single instance any
foreign body at the bottom of the
wound. Most all of the unfortunates
are married and have more or less large
CAHillT IX Till: IIKI.T.
Ayltliv Millwright Mf-ets With a Il.r-
rinn- ii tii.
Sr. Joskpii, Mo., Jan. William
Duncan, a wealthy millwright and one
of the best know n in I'.uehanan cour.ty,
met a horrible death in the Iloone .t
Yates Milling Co.'s mills at Agency,
twelve miles smith of here, yesterday
morning. Dun-an was employed in
the mill as sup Tint end-nt. This morn
ing he was engage! iu working close
to the belt that circles the large drive
wheel, w hen in some unknown manner
he was caught in the belt and whirled
about the wheels with terrible veloc
ity. Xo one was in the engine room
when the accident occurred to tell how
it happened.
The ma -hinery gave such a jar liiat
it attracted other employes, who ran to
the engine room t ascertain the cause.
In the engine ro an the .' found the
mangled remains of Mr. iHincati. The
accident occurred s quickly that no
human power e-ull have saved him.
When Duncan fell upon the belt it is
supposed that he trie.! to extricate him
self, bat in so coing ode made death
the more certain. Vhn the Vxxlv
struck the tly wheel there was asuiiden
lurch of the ponderous machinery and
the hea l and arms u.-re crushed into
an almost unree-igaizahl-' mass of flesh
and blood. The Sever liaibs were
shattered and torn aad the bo ly horri
bly mangled Aftr the body passed
over the fly wheel it fe 1 t- tae lower
licit and from there t . t'u :!or. Mr.
Duncan w as 1
leaves a
M'tre I ro eie.t.-u-.s.
rim.ATiKi.i'in A. Jan. :'. - City Con
troller Tnonipson lia- seat to the coun
cil a communication stating that the
out-going health ovh-er, Joseph G. Pat
terson, is shr rt ?:,T7'.i."7. In addition,
relative to th-t pav ment to tiie city of
costs in the abatement of nuisances, a
loss to the city of SlO.v::; W w as discov
ered. Controller Thompson's commu
nication in no w ry implicates Mr. Pat
terson, but suspicion is said to rest on
a former clerk of the office, who was
detected in a similar otTense.
I'ive Vinini.
IlEiDlNf,, I'a.. Jan. A Philadel
phia and Ueading coal engin-; blew up
at Newcastle near St Clair, Schuylkill
county, forty miles ncrth of here y
tcrilay mornmg. rive men were in
stant Iv killed, the engineer. David
j Zeijjler. Fireman X. Haul, and Jacob
j Turner, Jack Winter:? re?n .and Ilenrv
; Sw is b-akemen. The 1, ,d-eS w ere
. horri'-'r mangle i. One iao nit ver
' 1 Iwei
A Tfj.n !p"ra.l KilteJ.
Sax antonio, Tex., Jan. -I'.John
! Cot, a r!erera 'o of iatc-w:--J notoritr
was shot anl iastant'y killed yester
day in a quarrel with Henry Kemprau.
Skin blemishes, like
foul teeth, are the more
offensive because they
are mostly voluntary.
The pores are closed.
One cannot open them in
a minute; he may in a
Try plenty of soap,
give it plenty of time,
and often ; excess of - ood
soaj) will do no harm.
Use Pears' no alkali in
it; nothing but --o.-'.!
All sorts of sti..v sell
it, especially druggists;
all sorts of people are
using it.
; fcrCough. Colds and Consumption, Is bernj ',
; question the greatest et all modern remedies.;
jlthiilstopaCoughlnone night. It (till check ;
a Cold in a day. It will prevent Croup, relieve ;
.ft?thma. and CURE Consumption It taken In
or :
s c: vL-T2- THING ELSE
' can't afford taf
h Kltknul 11 "
fl 25c. bottle may save $100 in Doctor's bills!
nay tsve their lives. SK YOUR DRUG-
H L Tucker, Agent
-John Atkison's
Pension Agency.
Oyer Ir Ih.4-rh-.gli:tni'fi sti r rooms
West Side - Ruler. Mo.
Will do hu-i.iefs in Itate, Cass and
adjoinine counties, ddre-s me at llar
rinville, M'.
Ueterence. First National Hank and
i5ii':k ot I h:i 1 i-oiu ille.
4 i
I vvih ir,- sale- inanv put ot t ie coun
ty. Twenty j ears cxperier.Cv . Chaises
reasonable. Satisfaction gauarantetd.
Call 011 or add: i-k
52-jrn Ilut'er, Mo.
hf' Jkt"? ' yr'
-' ' --s
0 -t'
Wo mftke a cail for all your poulti-y
ami eggs at tlie very highest luaiket
j t ics- in cash.
Poultry and Eggs,
Taken in any quantity anl cah pail
for same. Farmers w want vour
goods and aie v.iiinig ? j.ay for
tLem. Draig oa ynr
An-.l 2'-t ti.e en-!; Vi rrterx at.
A. L. McIiiaUE A- CO.
- I
Hanibal Poultry Co.
'-( L'y JAMES S'illTIL
Notir-e of Fit,! .Set ? Ir.
Nvtie i it-r!j.'ivct. to a a; r---htors nl
'(.ie-ri i:.t-'-st'-'! .;. --;? .'. A. . Ssri
.. .- . ii st I. .1 v.'. J-.r '!rri5Bitra
;vr t.' ti.J etit- ir-'.-n 1 to rt-ac" t.' m-ui-ntr.:
tfiorrf tt.- r,f-t ;-ra. of ilst- ,
eoantv proi-at -'tirt. id Uat-i cisty, ta
of MlsM-cri. tot, i! I et Bath Mo., ou
-th ii7 r;f Fo-mar-r.
3. W. KN.VL-.
s-i A ': a.itratcr