EI 0001 and I0TK,
ajt 'rnic
We want the short month of February to
be a big month for us and we will have it
that way if LOW PRICES on Dry Goods
will make it so. We will commence Feb
ruary with a special sale on all our
Dress Flannels, Ladies & Gents Underwear,
and the biircst thinir in CLOTHING vou
ever heard of. Remember we sell for cash
and forthat reason we can and will sell goods
cheaper than any other house in the city.
Boston Store.
IVoi'tli JSicle lnii?, Uiitlor-, I.
will sell after this day anything; in lite store for actual Ooet nl Carriage.
I now do all Watch and Clock work Myself
Anil as learned watchmaker with QO YKAftH EXI'KKIKNCK I can ami w ill give you
satisfaction. Fluo Watoll Xlopnirlilg pfiltj. All work
A. C. Nichols, of Hudson town
ship, was in the city Monday.
't lio Most I'leasiiig Way.
Of preventing the grippe, colds,
headaches, and fevers is to use tho
liquid laxative remedy Syrgp of Figs,
whenever the system needs a gentle,
yet effective cleausing. To be ben
efited one must get the true remedy
manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co. only. For sale by all
druggists in 50c. and 81 bottles. 7
Why use impure cistern water
when Pastures Improved Patent wa
ter filter is guaranteed to purify it
For Sale by
Miss May Crawford gave a social
at her pleasant home, north west of
the city, Monday night, Jan. 25, iu
honor of her guests. The evening
was devoted to music and games.
Elegant refreshments were served
and it was at a late, or rather an ear
ly hour before the guests! departed.
Those present ware the Misses Ev
ans, Belle Salee, Lou Gwiun. Bonnie
Burrows, Phenie Cline and Mrs.
Stewart. Messrs. L. C. Parish,
Strothor Lewis, Will and John Gwin
Will Crawford and Bert Cline. Am
sterdam Chief.
20,000 stock of dry geods and
geueral merchandise to exchange for
good Bates county land.
Mize & Clakdt.
Mrs. Anuie E. Baxter is hence
forth a historical character iu Mo.
She will live in the annals ef the
state as the defendant iu the case of
Fischer vs. Baiter the case in
which it was decided that a woman
mav hold the office of county clerk
iu Missouri if she gets legal votes
enough. The case was taken on a
change of venue from Jasper to
Greene county. There may be furth
er litigation, but Mrs. Baxter's fame
will live like the story of Lexington
in the history of the American reio
lution. K. C. Star.
Drug Mock For Sale.
A new cleau stock of drugs for
ale at a bargain. Call on or address
J. S. Pierce, Adrian, Me.
Is Life WortU Living?
Not if you go through the world a
dyspeptic. Dr. Acker's Dyspepsia
Tablets are a positive cure for the
worst form of Dyspepsia, indiges
tion, Flatulancy and Constipation.
Guaranteed aud sold by H. L. Tuck
er, druggist.
A Cwmfort For Democrats.
Kev Ir. Khan.
God asks, not "To what party did
he belong?" Hut "Did he do the
right or love the wrong."
For modes of faith and freak let
uenseless bigots fight. He can't be
wrong, w hose life is in the right.
Clothim; Sales Agents Wnnteil fW
Butler and vicinity unprecedented
opportunity to a man of pluck and
push. Commissions yield $2000.00
income to the right man in the right
place. Waxauaker & Brows:
Philadelphia. Pa.
Johnstown Items.
As it has been some time since I
Got. Snort have had auvthiui; in
your columns aud for the beuetit of
our dear brother Unione I will show
up at this junction Johnstown is
still up and a coming; it cau't keep
from it C. C. Chiser has gone to
hard work on the farm but still
looks after his interests in town.
Johnstown hss one of the best sil
ver cornet bauds in the county, to
its age. We are blest with music
ouoe a week Walt McCown has
returned home Chas. McAuuch
is visiting in Cais Had you
thought? It's leap year The
Gov. was favored with a trip to Mr.
Will Whittles' lat wee to a leap year
upper. Miss Lulu treated her
guests royally. Let the work go on.
. .George Wells has returned home.
Good toy George Will Corer is
j in the Homer's Business. Stick to
it Will Supper at Sam Buds' t
I night Prof. R N Cranfora our
! band teacher was in town Mondav
night. He i a tiue teacher and a
gentleman The farmers in this
section are busy getting up summer
wood The Sohnstown Carnet
band do hereby express thanks to
Mr. Blissard and wife for the favor
shown them on the night of their
crystal wedding May peace, pros
perity, happiness and long life at
tend them along tLe pathwny of life
is the desire of the Johnstowu Baud.
,' ....Did vou attend the sup: er at
j Mr. Beatv's Walt McCom b now
; walks ia Deep Water. Ah. There.
; .... Dr. Maxey reports some sick
I uess. . . . With Lust wishes to the
Times and its enttrprising editor I
remain. Gov Sxor.T.
j t: exchange 812.000 stock of nice,
clean hardware.runnmg and doina
good business in good county seat
town in Ohio. Mize Jc Claret.
Yirjclan. I team, j
Bum. to the wife of Freeman j
Short a girl ... .The township alii
auce held an open uieetin g at the hall
Thursday evening Several meet
iugs of the sauie kiud will be held
iu this township. . . . Heury Feeback
fouud bin new bed blauket through
the popular Times. Mr. F. says he
is under great obligations to the
Timem. . . .Frank Summers Las mov
ed to litavel j near liich Hill to work
in the coal Mrs. Altie l'ark cf
Nebraska is visiting his father iu law.
A. J. Fark and I ainiiy Altie will
con.e as soon as Le can get a lay off;
he is boss capenttr, building box
cms. . . .The long talked of diM-oaise
on chribtiauity aud science by our
debating club will take place iu Mc
Fud Jen's hall at Virginia ou Sutur
day night, February (j. Everybody
invited ...Is it m the atmosphere!
Last week we gave the readers of
the booming Tints an account of the
wonderful arenic performance gyra
tions of Prof Wheeler. Ou mat
Tuesday Fred Nestlerode was simi
larly effected, jumping ovr wagon
Bheds, hedge fences, hay stack and
shouting hurrah for our bide. As
he paused for breath same one titn
idl' asked him what the trouble was,
"No trouble." shouted Fred as Le
went over the ttp tf an appL.- tree,
its a boy doii'tchvi ktiow . . . . 1) F
Harper is going t .Butler : he:
buw 1 jug Le remains v.ili K j I on
Judge Lay, he will liktly while away
the time sitting on th" jity
Our township collector instructs
me to s-ay to the t;tx pay is of Char
!,.it.. t lut u 1,, i...r iiv 1 1 . i I
taxes by February 2'Jth wiii L ivc to
pav the penalty prescribed by law.
This warning is certainly sulheieiit i
....Come now Bio. l'aik, weulej
glad to It ai n that the rumor concern
nig your attachment to the pvupl's j
part? and sub treasury was inior i
lect, but JOlir COUsiil's holding Lis;
corn is not logical argument; let s
Lave something deep Dr Jioul
ware of Butler was called in consuLa
tion with Dr Mitchell ou Unt ie Isra
el Net!erode's case. On January
I'lst I was to i-ee Uncle Ira 1 and
he is undoubtedly on the mend and
for care Le is undoubtedly blessed
... .Cics Wright of Elkhai i town
ship Las moved on the Jennings
farm. . . .G W l'ark, who some call
a crauk, in simply a plank in tLe pro
hibition platform, its a good one
and some of the alliance ate taking
note of it. . . .1 want to trade for
some good hay small lot.
N. M. Nestleroi e
Public Sal.
We will sell on the W. li. Tyler
place, seven miles northwest of
Johnstown and 'A miles southwest
of Ballard, ou Thursday, Febiaary
11th, 1S92, the following propel ty:
Seventeen head of horses and mules,
as follows, 4 brood mares, 1 3 year
old mare, one saddle in use. 1 2 year
old horse, 2yHMilmg tillies, oue year
ling horse, 3 last spring's colts, 2
yearling mate mules. 2 mule colis.
3 milch cows. 2 cuhen. 12 or 15 tons
of hay. 150 bushels of corn iu crib,
200 bushels of seed oats. 28 bushels
of timothy seeil. Hi busliels of good
clean rlax seed, 2 farm wagons, one
Racine spring waj, n. one road cart,
oue Buckeye binder, two mowing
machines, Buckeye and Standard,
one 2 horse sulky rake, 1 one Lcise
rake, one drag rake, one Brown coin
planter and check rower, one teed
drill, one stalk cutter, three cuhiva
tors, 4 breaking plows, two natrowe.
seveial sets of chain banter, and
other things too numerous to meu
Terms: Under $10 cash, $10 and
over a credit of 10 mouths will be
given without iuterest if paid when
due, if not then to draw 8 per cent
from date. Not to bear approved
security. W. B. Tylis.
J. F. Allisox.
Makes the
Weak Strong
Tho marked benefit which people la ran
down or weakened state of health derive
from Hood's SarsaparilU, conclusively proves
the claim that thia medicine " makes the weak
strong." It docs not act like a stiainlant.
Imparting fictitious strength from which there
must follow a reaction of greater weakness
than before, but la the most natural way
Hood's Sarsararilla overcomes that tired feel
ing, creates an appetite, purifies the blood,
and. in short, gives great bodily, newe,
mental and digestive strength.
Fagged Out
Last spring I was completely fagged out.
My strength left me and I felt sick and mis
erable all the time, so that I could hardiy
attend to my business. I took or.e bottle of
Hood's Sarsaparilla, and it cured me. There
is ccdhing like It." R. C. Bkgcle, Editor
Enterprise. Belleville, Mich.
'I derived very much benefit from Hood s
SarsapariHa, hich I took for general UeLilily.
It built me right up, and gave me an excel
lent appetite." Ed. Jex kixs, Mt. Savage, Md.
N. B. If you decide to take Hood's Sarsa
parilla do not be induced to buy anything else
Instead. Insist upon having
Sold by aH druggists, ft ; tlx for fts. Prepared on! j
fcy C. L HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar
Royal Baking Powder is Best.
" The Roval Baking Powder is absolutely pure,
for I have so found it in many tests made both tor
that company and the United States Government.
I vi
11 go still further and stato that because of the facilities that company
for obtaining perfectly pure cream vi tartar, and for other reasons depend- -at
the proper proportions of the same, and the method of its preparation,
"the Roval Baking Powder is undoubt
edlv the Purest and most reliable
baking powder offered to the public.
WLeu in tLe name of sense is the
lefoim count v court oir." to build
1 1. at new jail for Hates county. If
Judge Coi.iitl! intends to make a :
inoTc in that direction it was high i
time Le was at it. An economic :
move of tLis kind will pay the pen- ,
pie better than fooling their money
away on nonsensical investigations. !
Give the tax-payer something sub
stantial that is wLat we all want.
Tti purify
Your blood
Take Hon l"s
Oliil ll.l! .
Died, in Papinville, January, 23d,
isy2. at 0:30 o'clock p. m Mrs
Kitn Schmidt, aed 53 years, the
h loved wife of Jake Schmidt, our
LigLly esteemed feliow-townsnsHn.
Aunt Kate, an she was familiarly
celled by all that knew ber,is anoth
er old land mark gone from our
midst. She was first stricken with
la grippe which soon developed into
pneumonia and after two weeks of
intense suffering she passed away.
She left a loving daughter by her
husband, Jake Schmidt, and four
children, the fruits of her marriage
with Judge Bradley, deceased.
Aunt Kate was beloved by all that
knew her. being ready at all times
to wait u 'on the sick and help the
needy Her good deeds have left a
sweet leiuembrance behind her. We
all miss her and especially her de
voted husband and children. Weep
not dear friends and relatives, she
is not dead but sleeping, awaiting
th resurrection morn when so il and
body will again be reunited.
She is now Imi-kiiif; in the presence
of tliat God whom she delighted to
serve on ea;th. Vceping relatives and
friends if you are only faithful to
that God whom she served, you will
be reunited around the throne of
God where there will be no more
sorrow or death.
Her funeral sermon was proached
by Ler pastor, Kev. C Hamilton, of
tLe M. K. church south, who preach
ed an eloquent discourse to a church
crowded with an attentive audience,
and after the services her remains
were followed to their last resting
place by the whole congiegation.
1h Pound of lilood
Is about the quantity nature allows
to an adult person. It is of the ut
moet importance that the blood
should be kept as pure as possible.
By its remarkable cures of terofula.
salt rheum, etc.. Hood's Strsapariila
has proven its claim to be the best
For a general family cathartic we
ci'tiriJently recomweud Hoo i s l'jds.
They should be iu eveiy home med
icine chest.
Trustee's Sale.
Whereas A. L. Keti and Carrie P Betz,
his wife, Dy their deed of trust dated July
eth. 1:si, and recorded in the recorder's of- i
lice within and for Bates county, Missouri,
in book No K page 4 W conveyed to" the under
signed trustee, the following described real
estate Iving and being situate in the countv of
Kates and state of Missouri, to-wit:
Beginning at a point ten rods north of the
southeast corner cf the southwest quarter of
the northeast quarter of section twentv-two
township forty (tO; of range thirty-one (SI) thence north one hundred and thirty
;i:l') feet, thence west cignty-six reet,
thence south one hundTed and thirty (ISO, feet
theuce east eighty six So leet to beginning. Al
so a tract, beginning ten rods north of the south
ast corner of the southwest quarter of the
northeast quarter of section twenty-two hti)
township forty to', of range thirty-one 'iSl;
running thence north one hundred and thirty
feet, thence west one hundred and fiftv-one
feet to a point of beginning, thence running
south one hundred and thirty feet, thecce w est
on hundred and thirteen feet, thence north
one hundred and thirty feet, thence ast one
hundred and thirteen fett to beginning pvirit,
being a oart of tne southwest quarter of the
northeast quarterof aid section iwenty two ;.2:
and situate in the corporate limits of the city
of Butler, Mo. . which conveyance was made
in trust to secure the payment of two certain
notes fully described in aaid deed f trust:
and whereas default has been ma le in the pay
ment of the vrincipal of one of said notes
and the annual interest on both of said notes,
; now past dm and unpaid. Now therefore,
I at tJie request of tne legal holder .f said nte
j and pursuant to the conditions of said Jh! of
j trust, i wiii proceed to sell the above described
premises at public vendue to the highest bid
j dsr lor cash . as the east front door oj tha court
: house, in the city of Butler, county of B&'tes
ana state or Missouri, on
Friday. February 26, 1S92,
b;twee the hours of cine o'clock in the fore
noon and live o'clock in the afternoon of that
day, for the purpose of satisfvicg said dent,
interest and coeu. J. li. ALLEN.
. ;Tnit.
Late United States Gcneruwt tn
Stallion and Jacks for Sale. J
I have seven stallions and live j
jacks f different classes. Oue im j
ported Cideda!e, the others high- j
guile rou-iter. drivers and saddle
hoies. Can suit any man in quali
ty and tle of j u-! Come and sec
me at the l.inho- n stable. Butler, or j
address J. V. Smith. .
Butler. Mo. ;
An article by 1. under Matthews!
on 'Twentv .u ' changes at Co i
lumbia CoiL ;.;.'" with iiiimei oils por i
trails of pioft ssois and liiccrs. and :
li 111(1' .'1 lur j ' J cn.'i niki
tLe college, w ill lie a prominent aud
interresting feature of tLe t ext num
ber of Harper's Weekly, published
February 3d Julian Ralph will
contribute to the same number of
the wr.ekly an article on the city of
Sau Francisco, which will be appro
priately and fully illustrated by
Charles Graham.
Several good farms in Bates coun
ty to exchange for merchandise.
Mize & Claroy.
Kept Spreading Until Ills Face Was
a ltaw Sore. lie Scratched
Until lilood Kan.
Best rhysieians Said No Cure While
Teething. He Was Cured
Promptly by Cuticura.
Somi tliinji over two yi-ara ao, our boy, then
thun one yt-ur old, w:ia troubled witb an eruption
on his heatl, pronounced tiy our best phyniciiiiiH to
be a e;iie ot " milk crutil or infantile eczema."
Tliey aljio n.iid thut it would be imponciblt to cure
it until after he ha ) tininhed tee thing. Thia malady
kept rpre alm(r until Inn f,n-e w;ih a raw fore, and
every few days he would draw bin finger naitn down
un both cheeks, removing the Realm, and the blood
running down m his chin rnadu bint preoent a
KbuNtly night. We commenced uning the CCTifi'RA
IiEMEDlEH.aiid intwo weeks we noticed a wonderful
improvement, and in two monlha his face was fresh
and fair.and hai leen perfectly well ever niuce. We
unllcdltatinirly give all credit to Ct Ticcn.
C. 11. WILLIAMS, Fort Dodge, Iowa.
Scaly Humor 17 years
I ; ulllicted for seventeen yearn with a rcaly
and blotchy humor over my entire breaot. Attiioea
I would scratch till soreuesn compelled me toceaae.
After reading your advertisements at different
times, I concluded to give Cdticcua a trial, and, to
my avtoniahment a welt aa satisfaction, 1 wan cured
with one net of Ccticcra Remedies, in about two
and a half weeks. That has been nearly two year
since, and no symptoms of return.
3610 Palm Street, St. Louis, Mo-
Cuticura Resolvent
The new Blood and 8k!n Purifier, internally, and
Cuticura, the great Skin Cure, and Ccticcra
6oap, the eiquifite f-kin Bcautitier, externally, in.
Bt.iiitly relieve and speedily cure every disease and
humor of the ekin, scalp, and blood, with loss of
hair, from infancy to age, from pimples to scrofula.
Sold everywhere. Price, CcTirrnA. .Wc. ; Soap,
25c.; ItEsoLVKNT, fl. Prepared by the PoTTBB
Uri o and Chemical Corporation, hoston.
-' Uow to Cure Skin Diseases," 4 pages, 50
illustrations, and lot) testimonials, mailed free.
PLES, blackheads, red, rough, chapped, and
oily akin cured by CVTICC&A boar.
Back Ache, Kidney Pains, and Weak
ness, Soreness, Lameness, Clriics, and
Pain relieved In one minute by the
Cuticurs Antl Pala Plaster.
Will ori up an
H W j'
MRS. flM
NTfifliis Minns n xhm
and a full line of irents tailor-made pants
and shirts of which she desires her friends
to call and examine the stock about Feb
ruary -20th. With many thanks for past
patronage and soliciting a continuance. I
shall endeavor to merit the same, with good
iroods. honorable dealing and low prices.
"West side square. -3 doors south of ISates
Co. National Bank. Yours,
Mingo Items.
The angel member of our family
is away fiom home now, and satau,
his majesty, hris us in charge and
wiil use us to write some items
for the Tiviks, hear ye him
..Willie McClue and wife visited
lelatives in Adrian last Sunday. . . .
John Massie was summoned to Ills.,
hist week to the bedside of his broth
er, who is not expected to live. . . .
Uncle Eaihart and his aged wife are
vn y sick at this writing. ... A. E.
Andrews, one of Creighton'e popu
lar grocery merchants, is home tak
ing a few days rest .... Miss Mary
Staley visited her sister, Mrs. Lucy
Chandler, of Cass county this week
. . . .Mrs. F. C. Tyre has been mite
sick with erysipelas but we are glad
to learn at this writing that she is
some better. . . .Marion Staley, Min
go's fiat iweiiey chumpiou, formerly
I'at Donau's prodegy,w ill hold forth
at Smokey Row Friday night. Gue
he w ill have to get hie audience from
abroad, as he has sufliciently bored
the citizens of this township.
Sheriff a S;ile.
Ity virtue and authority of a speelnl execu
tion on meelinnie'a lien Issued from the office
of the clerk ol the circuit court ef Hates coun
ty, Missouri, returnable at the rebruary lerni
l-'.i-'. ol said court to in directed in favor of
I W. Iiraiiimond and against Clinton HuK
I havel ciil and sizsd upon all the right, 1 Itle
inlere't and claim of. In anil to the following
described real estate situated in Kates county,
Missouri, to- it : Kent lining at a point one
hundred feet son til ol tha mirtlieatt corner of a
certain tract or land rontaing one acre foi mer
lv owned by Alex Walker In the north part of
tlie north est quarter ol the southeast quarter
ol section tw enty-lhree township forty (oj
huge thirty-one ( !) dn Mates county, Missouri,
and running thence east two hundred ami sev
en feet, thence south two hundred and seTtn
feet, thence west two hundred aud seven leet,
thence north two hundred and seven feet to the
point of beginning, ail in Hates county, Mis
souri, I w ill un
Thursday, February '25th, lS'.i'i,
be! ween the, lionrs of nine o'clock In th fore
noon and five o'clock In the afternoon of that
day at the east frontdoor of the court house
i in the eltv of Itutler. Kates county, Missouri,
sell the same or so much thereof as may be i e-
(iiured at public vendue to the highest bidder
: for cash, to satisfy said execution and cost
sdiariff of Hates County.
Trustee's Sale.
Whereas M N II all by his deed or trtiRt dated
January .Ui K5l,and recorded in the record
er's office within mid for Kates county, Mis
souri, in book No. W page conveyed to the
undersigned trustee the following described
; real estate lying and being situate Id liiejcoun-
tv 01 nates ana state 01 .niraoun, to-wit :
The west half of the northeast qnarter of sec
tion twenty-nine township forty (401 of
range thirty-two (.12) subject to a deed of trust
for 41 ..'lOto Missouri State Hank of ISutier.Mu.
which conveyance was made ia trust to secure
the payment of one certain note iuliy describ
ed in said deed of trust; and whereas, default
lias been made in the payment of th interest
dne on said note, now pt due and unpaid.
Now therefore at the requestor the legal holder
of said note and pursuant to the conditions of
said deed of trust. I will proceed to sell theabove
j described premises at public veodne to the
J highest bidder for cash, at the east frontdoor
of the court house, in the city of Butler, coun
ty of Kates and state cf Missouri, on
"Wednesday, February 24th, 1892,
between the hours of nine o'eloca- In the fore
noon and five o'clock in the afternoon of that
day, lor the purpose of satisfying said debt,
interest and costs. W. E. WALTON
l"-t'l Trustee.
entire new stock of
ft i A m