Newspaper Page Text
CI illlClS LV IV III II III ill l VOL. XIV. BUTLER, MISSOURI, WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 10, 1892. NO. 12 Missouri OF BUTLER, MO. Receives Deposits subject to Check, Loans Money, Makes Collections ami does a General Banking Business. DEPOSITORY FOR COUNTY FUNDS. In the Real Estate Loan Department Make loans on Real Estate on loner or short time at lowest rates without delay. Allen, Mrt I.evlna lioulware, TC. I'hyalr.lan Iturk, Monroe farmer liallard, J N Farmer drown, I.nia liarilett, Kdmond Farmer Kryner. Margaret heir, II It Farmer Coleman. Sam'l I. i ariitliem. 1 A Farmer Jhriatv. J M I'hyalclan iurk, Hubert farmer l.'ourtney, J M Stock Dealer heerwenter. John Farmer I-evy Sam Dry .Morrison. C II Miller, Air Farmer McCracken, A Farmer McCracken, Uobt Farmer Owen, M V Farmer Pharls, John Grocery havia. J it Foreman Tmicaofllcel'owell. Hooker mans, j t Grocery Imtclier. C II I'rof Normal Sch PiKott, II II Bank Clerk lieArmond, l A, M C Hosier, .1 M Farmer Kvana, John Farmer Keeder. Oscar KverinKham, J I'hynlclan liadford, (J lias H Farmer I reeinam, Caroline aii'l tliza Keinner. J W Insurance Fowler, Isaac Sullens, J L Banker WM. E. WALTON LOOKER POWELL rresident vice-president TIIK KANSAS ALLIANCE SPLIT. Siib-Treasiirj ites Determined t Rule the Whole Party A Fight Certain Topeka, Kan., Feb. 4. The ex ecutive committee of tho state Far mers' alliance held a long session here to day and in addition to its regular business discussed the row which it precipitated by ap pointing an anti eubtreasury delega tion to tho St. Louis conference The coianiittee seemed disposed to back down from the position it so quietly took and to be willing to set tle everything by compromise. The call issued by the national council authorized the state execu tive committee to appoint live dele gates lo represent Kansas at the conference. Tho committee, through the influence of such opponents of the stiblreasury scheme as W. II. Flams and Frank McGrath, named five delegates who were known to be opposed to this scheme. When this was thoroughly understood by the eubtreasury men a revolt was organized headed by the Marshall county alliance and the work of elect ing delegates to the conference is now going on independent of the nction taken by the executive com mittee. The executive committee has dis covered that Kansas is entitled to twenty delegates instead of five and is inclined to believe that the dele gates elected by the district conven tions should be entitled to the priv ilege accorded the committee's dele gates. This would mean a divided delegation from Kansas. The sub treasury men, however, will not be satisfied with such arrangements, but elected bv the district conven tions be admitted to the conference and that the five appointed by the committee be excluded. The fifth district convention will lineet at Clay Center to morrow to fleet delegates. 18 Pounds of Blood, s about the quantity nature allows 0 an adult person. It is of the ut- nost importance that the blood should be kept as pure as possible. Sv its remarkable eures or scrofula, alt rheum, etc., Hood's Sarsaparilla .. 1 L 1 1 1 A ias proven its ciaim 10 me Desi lood purifier. V.ip a iriifrnl family cathartic we Confidently recommend Hood's Pills. ;'hey should be in every home med iae chest. Considerable Consolation . Ft. Scott Tribune. A young wife who lost her hus baud by death in a Colorado mine, telegraphed her father iu this city in these succinct words: "Dear John died this morning; loss fully cover ed by insurauce." What a yast aiuouut of grief tho magnanimous" insurance company can allay. Three Horrible M Women. BudaPesth, Feb. 6 A judicial inquiry recently held at Nensatez, a town of Huugarv, on the Danube, has resulted iu the indictment of three old women named Piouieski, Kurgakoov and Keruacz for the murder of ten peasants. It was (harged that the ciimis were in stigated by the wives of the victims. The inquiry also revealed the exist ence of a class of professional poison ers lmncr in village of Southern l Hungary. Stale $110,000. STOCK HOLUEBSJ Haye, John C. Slayback, Ki ilardiDRer, W X Farmer Smith, i l LUeryman Hickman, G Ii Furniture dealer Smith, John Tl.awver Heath, I it Starke, I. 15 Iinutv eircuit clerk Jenkina, J U Canhler Turner, Mr) M K Capitalist Kinney. Don Aaa't Cashier Tncker. V E Dentist Goods A CIothingTj ler, W II Farmer Farmer Vorla. Frank M Farmer VauKhari. J M Caiiitalist Wvatt, II C l.nmter dealer Wells, Wiley Teacher West, It G fcarmer Wolfe. Pattle Walton, H'm E Cashier Wright, T J Capitalist Weiner, Max Hoots & Shoes Walls, Wm Farmer Walton, G W Farmer Walla. J T Physician Whipple. N L I'hv-itian wniiamai U V Farmer Farmer J. R. JENKINS DON KINNEY cashier Asst. cashier Virginia Items. Rain, raiu; the next cry will be mud, mud. Wo mortals can always find something to grumble at W P Duval says that he was sick but as for him being dead and buri ed, that he wishes to brand in every particular as untrue. . . .Uncle Israel Nestlerode will surely get well if he keeps on improving as he has in the last few days Dr Glesby of Amu ret met Dr Mitchell in consultation ou Rosa Nestlerode' 8 case.... W' in Smith Br., was circulating a subscrip tion list for the purpose of securing funds to liquidate the burial ex penses of Stephen Adams. The people of this neighborhood auJ the business ineu of Butler all con 'ributed their mite. We will say that Mr S. is the right man for the place, he makes a splendid solicitor. W G Bard, Wm Smith and Pierce Hacket last week presented to the county oourt the facts existing in regard to the destitution of Stephen Adams' family. We are glad to learn that the county court acted on their advice and made a liberal appropriation to supply their imme diate wants Prof. Wheeler is having a very interesting singing school at Graudview school house; iu some respects he surpasses the uoted singing master from Arkan saw. . . .The birthday party at Mon roe Burks was a very enjoyable af fair, so report the young people. . . . Yes sir, there is no dodging it, the law prescribes it, the collector will demand it, and you will have to pay it. We refer to the notice in last weeks' Times in regard to the pay ment of taxes by Feb1 20. . . .Elmer Garner sends the booming Times to his sister, Miss Rosa Garner in Chi cago. . . .On account of the inclem ent weather the long looked for dis cussion at McFadden's hall was post- p ned until Saturday night Feb. 13, at which time the literary society will close up its affairs for the sea son .... Look out for a wedding in high life soon Lewis Dudley and Cyrus Nestlerode are opening a coal bank in Virginia . . Miss Sarah Oldham is visiting in Virginia this week. .. .Henry. Feeback arose one morning lately, roached his hair, gave his moustache and extra twist, burnished up his collar buttou.leap ed into his buggy and doubled him self up into a double bow knot and with awful laughter that betokened joy within started for D. B. Nestle rode's, calling that dignitary and his first words were, "thank the Lord Dan, its a girl.-' To his sur prise Dan jumped about ten feet high, knocked his heels together, threw his arms around wildly and gave one long, loud and prolonged shout, as he winked and blinked and hollowed 7 times as he struck the ground the words shot out clear and short "a girl, be gad, I have one too ....Miss Rosa Gamer of Chicago will come home on a yisit soon . .H. D Fendersou and wife now reside in Foster " Mrs Emanuel Nestlerode is on the sick list UDcle Joel Zinn will ecou start for Miudeu. in the Nation C. Porter sold his farm to Grant Garner Amos Lockridge came sailing home from Butler the other dav in a new wag on Ike L;gLi will soon move to Tex? . . . .Parry Henderson has his new house almost completed John Hedger wants to buy a fresh cDW....For valentines lace and comic I have them. The 14th is near at handxome early and get first I choice. .We interviewed G. W. Park further as to tLe tub treasury, he says he read iu some platform t ijual lights to all and special privi leges to iio one. "Now, Mr. Cur I will have to give ruy idea of the sub treasury according to the book that I learned fiom in my boyhood days, the d ays I refer to when a person s:iiii you could not have special privileges over your neighbors he meant what they mid. All are ejual befoi e ti e law. There is nothing raised but what is perishable except cotton and Uhaoco. Corn an I wheat w 11 not I-eep li ng in large bulk. I will t 1 1 you Mr. Cur just how I look at the matter, the wagon maker should hate the same right to put his wagons in the warehouse as the farmer his wheat, they are as much his labor as the other; the man that makes tables should have the same right to btoie his table in the warehouse; the stove maker, the wheelbarrow maker and last but not least tho man that makes cribs with rockers on for the sweet little dar lings should by all means have the right to place them in the Bub-treas-uiy and receive his little NO per cent. My mother used to read out of a little book that King James had something to do with, that said that we are all equal before the law. N. M. Nestlerode. This is 3Ieant for Yon. It has been truly said that half the world does not know how the other half lives. Comparatively few of us have perfect health, owing to the impure condition of our blood. But we rub along from day to day, with scarcely a thought, unless forced to our attention, of the thousands who are suffering from scrofula, salt rheum aud other serious blood dis orders, and whse agonies can only be imagined. The marked success of Hood's Sarsaparilla for these troubles, as shown in our advertis ing columns frequutly, certainly seems to justify urging the use of this excelleut medicine by all who know that their blood is disordered. Every claim in behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla is fully backed up by what the medicine has done and is s till doing, and when its proprietors urge is merits and its use upen all who suffer from impure blood, in great or small degrees, they certain ly mean to include you. Double Branch Items The cold weather has come and gone. The last few days reminds us that the balmy spring will soon be here The young ladies of Wil low Branch are contemplating a leap year party in the near future Several new cases of La Grippe in this neighborhood Mr. Gough aud family are having a severe time with the La Grippe Uncle Bert Haskins and family are improving. There will be an open meeting of the union at Double branch school house on Feb. 13tb....Miss Allie Dillon is quite sick with la grippe. . Miss Eva Vance was the guest of F. M. Steele on Saturday and Sun day .... Mr. Bridgman aud wife have returned home from their visit at Eldorado Springs While Rev. Ellis was holdiug a protracted rent ing at Pleasant Valley, the boys were indulging in a freindly fight; no bones broken. Take care, boys, some of you will get to take a trip to Butler, as circuit court is in ses sion.... The next Sunday school convention will be held at Double Brasch church Charley Bryant is building a large poultry house on his farm .Mr. White is quite sick Dr. Lee was called to the bed side of Nathan Godfrey a few days ago; he was taken worse again . The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Goueh is dangerously ill, ...J. Evans is . Wonder if the school house as with pneumonia... slowly improving . . . union boys left the clean as Miss Vance left it Friday eve? Among the ladies taking ahorse back ride Sunday evejim? we noticed Miss Liza Allison Things we would like to know: Where the road overseer was last Sunday night? Whether Mies Vance marked a certain young rnau tardv last Tuesday or not? What 4 00k a certain yc ug man out to early Mon day morning? Where that beautiful neck tie came from?. . . .Never mind, boys dr 't get mad, maybe you will get a new neck ue before leap year is over. Little Jessie. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher" Castoria Circuit tourt I'rcceedintrs. M K JUrtic w Mo Coal d: I'uu t amended petaii d ti !. Rich Iliii Toa vs M t t'ac Kv C, t-tiDulaton for couiiuuaiK-tf. w O Schei.i-4 v3 Oiivnf Bjt:er, in ituia for cats ami ai w-r rH-i. J 8 Fraih'.iii c ul vs itclenuur Baker Gro Co et a!, death of piff, S 1 (.-, sut j;e8!ed. E L Rice ex rel J K Or. ai vs w M Ar Dout. motion for os: iSiett. w u .Met Hire- v. Hn; Pfo-t filed. answer Jot ii Mi.c v.- t-ti.-rii Coa! Miniu rooMou for ct liie i to, J N Booth el ul H.Lry Moudv, Al fred aud Autin Moiidy tile iutt rpieaa. Gau-s & M.eitoti Mat Co vs .ame, sillle enrv. K L B;irt(') t-t al v -ati.e, smne t-utrv. Sratvex r. l S M 1) ivic v- J (' Luih. lin et al, de(erdt-nt tiles return To writ. MirtliH Duncan i Nil- liinH:iu. an. j wer tiied. j Ml:. nit; K Il.uris.'tl vs llir.'i tiooiirirk j ft al, drf:s liifil notice of a pplie-Uion f.,r ! con! inuuiu r ; rontinu-d. i Mrv F I'unt t vs Tims 1, Hen dr rson, i No 200 nn . r 1 Fred Kii-ri, ,lr S K Black t a!, Sillle. ! w A Sunt ii vs c B Lewis a!, in ruc, for csi mil 1 Mnswt-r. M K M.irun vs Mo Cusl (Ton Co, de. murrer to l-t court And motion to stnk out 2,id coun'. w O Sclifiu-k vs City of Built r. silida. vlt and notice tl't-d for change of venue bv i-ltf. Si E Smli Ii f l al Vs ' l.i.rv Moii.iy ft al, inurptead i;id pU-:i in .ilulriiii nt ti; d A X Sliusjt 1 ft al vs w w Svo!t et al, :i itower. K L Hie-e. irl Orenr vs .V M rnolo et ul, million for cost withdrawn and ile. uiiirier tiled. Albert llollisclii d i t al vs Bsnk uf Uockviile, coiitliiiied al Ji'ffs cost. J M Citterliu Vs S A Wiseman, inter rotations tu uarncstiee 11 ed. Charles Fa!or vs Kicli Hill Millinc co, verdict for p'ff . K I. Bsrfon et , vs Alfred Mo tidy el at, answer to inte rple tl ed .1 M Cmterlni s S A wlseman, Butes Coiiutv Xaiiiinal B-uik, jiuar, uruishet: tih s answer to "miei roua: ion. P II Smith P C B irrt it el !, Pollie B:il'lelt flies million for lieW tli.ll. Mute ol Mo ex re I vs Addie K ;jers Gage Bros & fo et motion to extend tune for tuz hill expenses sustained. Time extended to Fe 15, Leon Ureenhur vs Citv of Rich Hill, p'ff fll.-s r.osi hoii.i with L H Meyer as security approved ; replv Hied, Grand jury returned the following in dictments : One iiaiii-t F M McCoy for grand larceny, one n:iinst K M McCov for sell in liquor unlawfully, two against W A Camphell for lelonions assinll, on against JameP Biovles for induction, one ;i!Miiist .lames w Fanner for incest, one against Hetirv Selilficlimtn lor seduction and one aainst Hetirv SchleUiman for carrvlpsi concealed weapon. Alex O McCIurj! et al vs C E .IcConnel, judst lor plfi. E L R ce ex rel J E Orear vs v M Ar nold et al, demurrerof dft8 and motion to strike mt overruled. Singer Mfa Co vs M J Kious, dismissed. Ca iries Taylor vs Rich Hill Miliing Co, moti.m for new iri il tiled. M C M ir! in vs Mo Conl & Cons Co, an. swer tiled P E Smith et al vs Henry Moudy et l, answer to inlerp'ea filed. W A Smith vs C B Lewis et al, ru'ition and demurrer confessed and leave to amend petition by making A W Beckee. partv deft Cost bond Pied with S L Con'i lin&Son. Leave for Lewis to answer bv April 1st, IV.12. M K Martin vs Me Coat & Con Co, piff files motion to strike out part of answer. State of Mo vs J P Sear, motion to quash Hied, T .1 Ferrell vs H F Caton, dismissed. .1 W Ennis Hilnir vs Rosette Fear et al, piff amende petition for chaninu name of Vitta Hichardson to Alice. State of Mo vs Vi m Hern, demurrer to indictment sustained and deft dischaed. Mary J Parcy et al vs Mary J Clem mnn proof ot publication filed. state ex ret Addie Rogers ve Gage Bros A Co ei ai. amaavu or c a orr tiled in support 01 mo tion to extend time for tiiine bill ( ex, Thos I. Henderson v Mary Huncan et al answer filed. W O Jack eon vs M Mansfield, Fame. Tlios L Ilendernon vs S H Lewis, same. AsoitrnmeiH of fothrien, bond approveii. M I Shaetfer vs K C'r.iwfor-d, et al, leave for defts to plead during the term. State tf Mo vs Bud C'larry, nolle pros entcr-el- Stateof Movs Wm Midkilf. et al, 107 dis missed. state of Mo v .las W Fanner, incest arraign ed, plea rot sniltv. Set f..r Feb. II. li. Meyer Bros Drug Co vs K M Mono, tried bv conrt by consent, dmlinir for deft John Steele vs John T ShannoD et al, ileft, moiiuu to strike ont petition overruled. Gauss Shelton Hat Co vs Henry Moudy, ct al, denial of intern! a tiled. Mo Mate Bank vs Simeon Siirfrins. motion to discharire earnishee filed. J M Catierlm vs Ge and Peter KeReries, an swer of garnishee filed. W tlMcClurevs Isaac Pfost, continued bv piamtiD. iate nf .Mo a James Puller, motion to d!--charite deft tiled. H C Conover vs A C Kulhvet, jndjrt ii inter- pieaoer vt ens tfothnreil lor cosl. McCard Collins Com Co vssame. same. Alex liumar vs Joseph Koaucap. verdict for plfl. K C Medical & Surgical vs Sanitarium T E Uutt. juiisrt for pff. Wm A Orr Shoe Co vs C Cothrien sam, K I. Kice ex rel J K Orear vs V M Arnold, ft al. contd. J M Catte rlin vs S A Wisewaner. judt't for pi 3. County Court Proceedings Court met in regular session and the following bills were allowed: Allen Dm bee sup pauper $ 5 00 G 11 McKisfcick tup pauper 18 00 W M Biazau sup puaper IS 00 R Sn"!grove sup pauper 13 00 Mib B Campbell temp sup 10 00 rV J Cox Supt poor farm 123 32 W J Cos 46 11 Lee Culver 20 10 Pierce Hackett 30 00 J C Havs 2 80 ro to I OF BATES Cash Capital. I N. THOMPSON ... I. K. KOSIKR . K. A HKNNETT V. 1. KIPP ir. j. lVkkinc;h.vm I . W. MI.VF.KS PIHKCTOHK Judjte ClarktWix, Farmer and stock riiser. K - ,T .Hurley uf K. J. llurlev Lumber Companv. '. K. Itosier, Vice-President lid I KTiner. M. S. Kierse. . Farmer ancl Stock raisnr. K ,.A - Bt-tini-tt. of ltennett. Wlie .der .V Company and iud . , IT.-i.'.cnt -P. K. hmery, Keal Kstate Investor. M.G. Wilcox, Farmer and StiM-kralser. IT. M. Gaily, Farmer and Stock llaiser. T. VV. Leirj.-. ' -Butler Carriatos Works. " I N Thompson, President, fanner and stuckraisvr. J"hn Steele, Farmer and stockraiser. J. J. McKe, Farmer and stockraieer. K. I). Kijij., Cashier. Receives Hejosits subject to check, .--i I 1 . 1- I .. 1 : . vwo, uflLMujj iour paironhe rfftiK-ctlullv oliciteU. WHY RENT LAND If you have a small amount of ready Cash, come in and buy a farm. Easy payments, low interest All the way from 40 to uo Acres. GEO. M, CANTERBURY. Office in rear of Fanners Hunk, IJutlf-r, Missouri. Harper & AtkiHon uulse H C Wyatt Si Son mdwe 18 00 k; jr E Gordeuier litbor 1) 70 Hurley Lxituber Co iik!s 5 00 J W Short 18 J B licatty labor 1 00 W llliaui Berry labor J 00 (jteo W Adams labor 1 ,() J W Lewis labor -J f0 A D Cunniughoui labor 18 00 J B Marsh county urveyov 32 '25 V J Bard lumber for budge 59 87 F Lovell rock for bridge 03 00 M T iuncan mdse 2 25 Bennett Wheeler Merc. Co. mdse 2 l'i R R Deacon mdse 4 J5 O F Rtnick 12 50 J W McManus sup pauper 15 00 G W Brtchear 'J 70 R S Shields Fulton asylum 134 10 R & T A Ennis stationery 7 75 M V Carroll printing 11 50 C Herni county treasurer cancel ed warantt to the amount of $5.19:$- 75. S A Douglass, county recorder files his annual statement of fees, which is by the court approved. F J Tygard granted a correct un assessment of taxes for 1891 Statement of bridges bv Bridge Commissioner Marsh approved. The report made my the bridge committee in regard to the Bard bridge approved 10 (M 10 00 4 05 43 90 47 2 00 E A Hill temp support ! G G Jones pauper S A Douglass Geo D Barnard J H Stone assesting M V Carroll Jno Starr G B Hickman mdse Badgley A Hall W F Stephens temp sup C W Porter sup pauper Sarah Powell temp sup Mary E Ellege temp sup Levy & Co mdse RATA Enuis H V Pentzer coffin for paup C B Saunders asylum No 2 L Orear berviee as coroner M V Carr- ll printing J E Williams ic Co mde TLe court orders that W 3 10 I 21 25 ! 1 4, 20 OO 2 -0 ." 2 2 12 18 00 0J' H 19 m 3 00 42 50 J Cox pay $240 for rent of poor farm in stead of 230 as is inserted in con tract The statement of fees by Jno C Hayes circuit clerk, for the quarter ending December 31, approved. The statement of Jas Dryda.!e, county clerk, approved and the court orders the overplus to be j aid into the treasury. The appointment of Weldou I Yatts as deputy recorder approve Prof Starr and T J Wheeler w-r appointed ou th institute b :uril. James Drysdale, county iI-iL. presents his report for quarter tu i ing December 31. 1891, which is bv the court approved. THIRD DAY. MM COUNTY, $50,000.00 Presidrnt . . Viee-Presntrnt Jd Vice-President Cashiei Se-rntry Attorney loans ruon-y, issues drafts, and transacts a ... G T Briiminetf, wolf nen'p A Tutwiler, pauper Samuel Hale, ' I'haris 4 Son, mdse ' M McKiMien, mdse X A id'-, pniiti;!.! 1 i 50 1-' to 3 Ml ; : ho If 15 i (ill .5 f R & T A Ivnnis, mdse w ll.tiisoi'k E L K'ce i Co, mdse J A ptviniiev, us.-e.-sini: Mt rieas- ant townst)ii (; C W II i tsn:k 4 1 tiy J M Mctvikj!;tn, mdse ,o ,i Boston Store, y f,o Dryadale, clerk's fees Til l E i'yk, mdsi- 5 j,4 Geo p 1! u mil d a '.is The dramshop bond of Mr McAlister approved; also that of J Schmidt. School Nun granted to A, I. Limh. Kot itiii hav. B F ji ' tiifis makes appiiclion lor swamp 1 :inl pail-til which is bv the court granted John Cranscliaw, mud puip, lj oo C w Hrtsoc, fee?, m oo G II Adams, j iuiter, 11 'h C A HaitsocK. 5 75 I S S Q lil.eur, 1 00 Geo lla 1st, 1 h J CoVeV, 1 IMi C Hirnt -h n J C H.fVet 7 t'3 C w Hartsnfk Jo 511 j The contract for roofing the court j house w let to Harper 4 AtkUon. j FIFTH 1.Y. j The scti'einent f C Hirni, county i trcasur-r, wu by the court accepted. j Adjourned to meet trie !irt Monday in ; March. j of Butler that the partv feeling of j iIt. i'leasant township is to sit. j down on the supernumerary candi- dats of that section this year. The l Sheriff is conceded to Osage and i 4ne prosecuting Attorney to Mt. j Planant most likely Judge Boxlev j but out side of this these town" j ships are not in it. Review. ; ; i ; TE BEST FOR EVERY PURPOSE. IfORY SOAP 99.o Pure.