Newspaper Page Text
lie PilV. LV. Ill 11 HI II HI vyV VOL. XIV. BUTLER, MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY APRIL 13, 1892. NO. 21 Missouri OF BUTLER, MO. CAFXTAI., Receives Deposits subject to Check, Loans Money, Makes Collections and Iocs a General Banking Business. DEPOSITORY FOR COUNTY FUNDS. In the Real Estate Loan Department- Make loans on Real Estate on long or short time at lowest rates without delay. Allen, Mm. Levi n a l:.)Ulvare, T J. Phyie.lan r.nrk, Monroe Farmer I'.allsr 1, .1 N i arutr Mrown. I.nhl Karliett, Klinuni Farmer P.ryner. Mnrgnret 1 heir, II It Farmer Coleman. -Siim'l I. Cariitlii rs. (i A farmer Christy, I M Physician Clark, Hubert Farmer Courtney, J M Stock Dealer DeerwcHter, John Farmer Levy Sam I try Morrison. C II Miller, Alf Farmer McCracken, A Farmer McL'racken, Itoht Farmer Owen, M V Farmer Pharis, John Grocery maris, s r orocery Davis,.! 11 Foreman Timks offlcePowell, Hooker iMitcher, C II Prof Normal Son Plfrott, II II Hank Clerk leAriuonl,l A, M C Rosier, J M Farmer F.vami, John Farmer Kueder, Oscar Kverinjthatn, J Physician ltaUord, C has R Farmer r reemnm, Caroline ani Kliza lleisner. J w I owler, Isaac Milieus, J I. Banker WM. E. WALTON EOOKEU POWELL president vice-president .lohiiHtuWfi And Spruce, Items. Township Well it rains ami snows seven days out of the week now. . . .John nml Charles McAuiiich sold Edward Chambers a set of harness to-day. . ..Hon. W. J. Stoue is being heard from m different parts of the state. Ah a statesman an orator, he will let the people know he is in the race. . We hear that Mr. John Graham has rented his farm to Mr. Phillips aud will travel this spring and summer iu the interest of his patent fence builder. Success to you Mr. G Mr. Frank Chambers has opened up a drygoods store at Spruce P. O. Mr. 0. is a courteous gentlemau aud a trood salesman, and we wish him success. . . .Chas McAninch goes to Butler to day C C Cliser is in town to day. . . . Walt McCown aud Hugh Gordon is hauling hay to day ... .We learn that the young men who advertised for lady correspond ents are meeting with unbounded success Johu McAuinch can be found at his post of duty iu his har ness shop; if you need any thing in his line call and he will treat you well .... Mrs H P Calahan has re ceived a large supply of spring and summer millinery and invites all to come aud see her goods. .Dr Choate and wife goes to Butler today.. Walt McCowu says it was a terrible rain Sunday night and he had to face it coming home. . .Farmers are busy sowing oats. . . .While looking over the Weekly Union wo noticed an editorial iu regard to Gov. Snort. While it is hardly worth noticing, "we will say this to dear Buddy Car roll, that in regard to a baud for the Gov.'s head, we would recommend an India rubber baud for Buddy, as his swells spasmodically aud we think that an iron baud will be too strong, as iiuddy s brain is very weak, aud not sufficient to stand the pressure, and while banding the Gov.'s cranium we cau say that it will be a cranium banded with some sense at least, and when you band Buddy's you band an empty shell, located on a body of very little, if any, stability whatever. Now, my dear Bro.,the good book tells us not to cast our pearls before swine, aud there is an old maxim like this, "nev er stop and talk with a fool for some one standing there might say, there are a couple ot fools.'' I don't pro pose to enter into a discussiou witn nli .i s.ifi W.le.l. rnttlAiiriunrtW of humanity as Buddy Carroll. - Gov. Short. !nible I'.i'iuuh Item;. Quite a little snow storm on last Friday. . . .The sun is shining once more and the farm work is begun.. ..The Suuday School at ilIow Branch opened ou last Similar with :i trood atteiutancce Hie new- atteiutancce the Methodist Preacher will preach ev erp 1st and 3d Sunday in each mouth at Willow Branch Mrs Dr. Lee has returned to her home at Lone Oak.... The school meeting at Double Branch on last Tuesday was well attended Mr. Steve Hart will act a school director in the future. .. .Mrs. Madison is re ported some better. . . .Miss Vance celebrated arbor day on last Friday. The essays and speeches were good, several loses aud trees were planted. . . . .The political meeting at Willow Branch was well attended Mr. Gra ham addressed the crowd on the money question. . . .Everybody well State $ STOCKHOLDERS.! Slavhack. Kt Itardlnirer. W N Farmer Smith, O 1. I.lverymtn 1 1 jr k tn ').; It Furniture dealer Smith, John T Lawyer ileutli, 1 I! Starke.L I! lc-putv ireu!t clerk J'-nkins. .1 11 Cahhler Turner, Mrs M K (apitaiit Kinney. Don Asis't Cahhler Tucker. W E Dentibt Goods A ClotlilnirTyler, W It Farmer Farmer "Verts. Frank M Farmer Vattirhan. J M Capitalist Wvatt, II C Lumber ilealer Wells, Wllev Teacher West, It G r'aruier Wolfe, Pattle Walton, Wm E Cashier Wright, T J Capitalist Weiner, Max Hoots A Shoes Walls, Wm Farmer Walton, (i V Farmer Walls, J T Physician Whipple. N L Physician Williams, K V Farmer Farmer insurance i. K. DON JENKINS KINNEY cashier1 cashier A8st. pleased with the new school director . . . Little Anna ami Ellie Godfery with their aunt Mrs Prolit will t.ik their departure for Nevada in a few days where they wll make their fu hire home. Success to the little girls. . . . .Mr. Laskey is making new im provements lately Among the visitors that attended Miss Vance s school on Arbor Day was Mrs. Kia uer, Mattie Jones aud Lulu Evans. . .... Miss Belle Evans was shaking hands with friends in this neighbor hood a few days ago.... The citi .ens meeting at Double Branch school house wan well attended The speakers who addressed the crowd were Mr. Laskey, Wilder and Mc Glasseu, and music was furnished by the baud. .. .Miss Cora Betz and Judge Brown and daughter of But ler, attended suuday school at Wil low Branch .Wonder what makes the road overseer go such round about ways to get home? . . . Married At the bride's fat her, Capt H C Don ohue near Butler, Miss Kemp Don ohue and Mr. J. M. Dolth. au excel lent young man of Kansas City, were united iu marriage by Elder J. B. Wright of Appleton City, ou Wed uesday, April Gth. Little Jessie Ilallarti Squibs. Preaching at Bethel and Walnut Grove Sunday; sorry we could not attend either place. ...CD Cole and family went south Suudav, suppose to Bethel T D Greer at the P O Saturday. .. .Dr Levi Warford at the shop having his plows repaired for Charley. .. .John Hays for the first time iu quite awhile was a call er at the shop Saturday but was on his way to the stock meeting at La- follet's Tilden Ray was over from the slope (as Aaron Hart called it) Saturday to have a tooth extract ed with pain Hampton Bennett has a sick oaby . . W e understand Mr Lyda Wise is home at her mother's again; she has the sympathy of all in the loss of her husband .... A J Owsley and Tom Maybree entered the ring aud traded horses; Tom has now has two Mc got away with the hedge brush a few evenings siuce Lee took in the supper at Teeter's; Wilson at home with his mother Dr McF has his yard cleaned off in fine shape R D Beatty assorted his potatoes and now has them for sale. . .C C Poige went to Butler last week J L Arbuckle passed Sundar going to Walnut Groye: tood boy. our ad- i 7 ri vice is go oitener. . . .uiu riuse ou i hand Sunday. . . .Our P M is glad to j have you call for your mail Sunday . as you do uot have time to call or send for it before. . . .Harden Ray ! of Shawnee was at the shop Satur day having his plow repaired Mr Ireland has moved Sam Rogers place south to tie of here Jas Wilds it seems is re ent 1 of our school board . . . If you never Beatty 's young horse, and want to see something hr.e come ami see W B and D C Cole hauled hav auy one having hay or corn to trade for a fence builder a washing ma chine call on W B Cole Bill says Uncle Geo surely let his mind fail him as he had the promise of that laud but its all right we know, as he has IS acres and that is more than he wants Rav McFailmd visitor relatives and tere .jaiuij -.uu v."v...,,j.ul.,vlL iuuy lass accompanied him: Bob visit west; ins: the Grurgs and friends sje:tk w-1! :1, C of the Butler ara-te.u " llllli ivU-ie-ILO-t ' ti oie surely has a iLir, morning as he put in j e ..ay jesierd.iv whittling f I; D sweep but ; u!iy iw nut a chimney a etuun.ey repairer.... Ciis i he ' Greer and wife reluued from country1 looking well.... Ira Fowler nd Will Beatty called at Hull's Sunday a short time. .Mother B atty iMted her son of this place Saturday ... .Master Dow Morlan f Uncn, is visiting at his grand i a's. C I) Cole's .... 1'ec Cole went eat S'i' n ,wpj to Uricli, guess hi hat n.-ei!ei liiiumii'g. . . . Jas Wilds an I faliiih tttenied worship at Walnut Grov- Samlay, the squire is generally ou h hj-1 iu good time. . J M Graham has rented his farm and moved to Butler; he has a patent on fence builder, and will put in his time canvassing, so our reporter in forms us; Johnnie will Le missed from the community and especially from Bethel church SS....Jush Bennett was elected school director at our school meeting on Tuesday and a lively time was reported . . . W B Cole says he has sold several bunches of hogs the past winter and wishes to inform the Ballard cor respondent for the Union, that they were just as he represented them to be sound . . . .C K Crow is running three teams sowing oats....W L Hooper wev.i rust today....Iua Fowler c;mie up a few days since to trade horses, but found the traders (most) so he pulled for home in good time. ...I'M Fort has a game ankle its a wonder to us it isu't his head "'it will be if he fools with us" Mrs W H Warford visited our vil lage a few evenings since. . . .A good turn out at the school meeting. . . . Bud Cuntz has oats sown aud pota toes planted, with a prospect of ear ly flax R D Beatty attended baud practice Tuesday night aud then down to Henry county after a h ad of oats. . . . P Swaitzendruuler called a few minutes this week. . . . D Teeters shipped his cattle to K C this week. .. .A dance reported at Jas Woods Tuesday night and a supper at Mr Teeters. . . .Danie and Geo left for the west ou the early train Thursday morning and before you read this they will be at home iu a new couutry, w here we hope to hear they have found what they were hunting an honorable and profitable situation; the well wishes of a host, of friends follow them. . . . Mrs Lyda Wise.we are informed,will attend the normal until June; she is one of our No 1 teachers. ..SB Mc Farland has oats sowed aud is busy preparing for flax; Bill helped him Freeze out school diotuct we have been informed came to the lrut nt their school meeting; with their donations for library and the Soldier's ho:ne; $10 for the home D L Edrmgton at the shop this week Jas Wilds pushing the mules early with no bad luck he will be to the front with an early crop. . C D Greer is plowing to-day. See Geo Price with his force sowing oats this week Xs B Cole and others out ou the roads to-day, hope they will fix those culverts and drain the mud hole 60uth of the P O If you want to buy a washing ma chine see the Champion at Ed Steel's its a daisy Why wasn't Will Hooper at the school meeting Sam Young was hauling rock on the road Tuesday Mrs Embree was over to call on Dr Mc one evening this week and am glad to say 6he is much better ...Beatty out with a full force sowing oats Milt will have his house to its foundation in another week Uncle Billy Griggs has his house painted Have you heard the Ballard string band; have two bauds here and never hear any music either R J Starke at the shop a few days since. . . . W B Ty ler at the shop Friday eveniug hav ing his team shod preparatory to moving; he started withaload a few few days since and not cross the Osage. . . .Frank Allison has left us and gone to Eldorado; W B Tyler Frank Allison and B F Billings and families are all there Thos N Hendrix comes to us well recom mended and we extend to him the Kr,.s r r pntfl Bne,l , j Li,- i give ft ttiite for the Confederate home 1 will J''ltt.1 c i a tr AT T. T' -ilsrcA who will see that it gets to the cor- Jack rect place. Virginia Items. One morning recently the people of this community were amazed hiid puzzled at seeing the portly frame of William N. Bstetuau on the cipa'o of his Iwrn rsticul.irinff ! wildly and using a gi at deal of ln- :guage mai is not to oe iouna iu our standard dictionaries. His speech. boiled and simmered down, ataoi the boys to about this, '-I wouldn't care a darn about it's Win' a irirl (weight 10.$ lbs) if the People's party didn't need voters. . . .Andrew Trimble, of Louisa Co.. Iowa, is visiting the families of the McElroy boys and C H. Morrison. .. .Flax sowing will commence iu Charlotte Two. this week. It is to b ? hoped the farm ers will have a better yield than last year.... 1 be river was out on the bottom and covered the site of Billy Bateman's well. Had it not been for hi wind mill he would not have known where it was. . . .Mrs. M. D Malouey has the handiest garden in Bates county. She has a long handled hoe. and works it through tie window Frank Adison, of Revely, was up on a furlough and had his hand m a sling. He had it hurt by a slide of soap stone in the mine. . . .Mr. E J. Dudley, of Kansas City is down ou a visit. ...J. W. Sybeit has gone south for his health . . . .Charley Heusley wants a baud at once. . . .The high wind here Fri dsy lowered lots of buildings aud stacks. . . .O M.Drysdale has lots of fencing wire on hand J. W. Mc Faddeu cau furnish you with north ru seed potatoes Dr. Mitchell is moving iuto Aunt Jane Arbogast's house. . . .Jim Crook has painted his new mill. . Mr. Oldham has paint ed his new Jjarn. Mr O , you need a thunder rod to complete it. Three points and a wind talley would look fine . . .J. G. Hays says Smuggler is in a line fix and up and cuminc this Spring I want to buy some seel oats.... Mr. Elmer Wells is talking of going to the Nation in a short time. N. M. Nesti.ep.ope. Brad field's Female Regulator ShouM lie used bv the young woman, she who suffers from any tlisonfer peculiar to her sex, and at change of life is a powerful tonic; ben etits all who use it. .Soi.d by ai.L druggist;-, ib-i-m Virginia Item. Uncle Israel Nestlerode says that if one Dick Craig tells that we (Israel) told him (Craig) that a certaiu man threatened and bulldozed him (Isra el) into voting for him (certain man) for school director at th late school election that he (Dick Craig) does tell a wilfull aud malicious falsehood ... .Grand view school district will have fifty maple and box elders planted iu the school lot this spring . . . .Miss Wuitsett is getting along nicely: she likes the school aud the school is well pleased with her. . . . At the Virginia school election there was $3.15 donated to the confeder ate home L L Short is Laving his spiing wagon riered up in tin top style; the same could be said of Judge C W Wolfe Andy Simp son is arranging things u his new farm moet too nice for bacthelor quarters; the only question about it now is, whether he will marry be fore 'tater harvest or not. . . . Wonder where H B Henderson billed C W Morrison's fruit treesto Yes, Fred Nestlerode out ran Emanuel; the race was at the annual school meet ing. . . .The amount raised at Grand view school meeting for confederate home will be reported just as soon as all pay in Dr Mitchell has moved into the first house west of the II E church, formerly ceupied by Dr McFadden Rev Babbitt preached his introductory sermon to a large aud attentive audience at the M E church I want pasture for three colts Cicero Browning, who has been very sick, is reported much better Dr Mitchell thinks now Mr B is ut of danger. .. .The 2 year-old child of Jas Goodman is just recovering from a severe attack f pneumonia I sell Shannon Milling Co. flour, and will insure it to be as good as any brand of flour brought to this market. My cus tomers tell me they would just as soon have the 'Silver wave' brand ai any they have used for years. Died: On Wednesday evening, April Gth, Anna E Feeback departed this lite, of bold hives, aged 2 months and 2 days. She was the in fant daughter of Henry acd Maggie Feeback, of Virginia, Mo The re mains were laid to rest in Virginia ee:r."-'-ry, followed by a number of j soi rowing relatives and friends. Thus again another golden chain is broken and one more link is safe iu Heaven but the home circle is broken, there j is a", aching void within the hearts ! of those who loved her and will ever cheiish her memory, but it was de .reed that that the'Lillv of the val iey must droop and die, the wild bird must fold its wings and hush forever its earth! v song. Surelv if the wishes of loving father arid mother could avail she had not died. She was one of the brightest of babies. A lovely little gem loaned to earth for onlv a short time A tiny rose bud who was needed in FAR M OF BATES Cash Capital. I N. THOMPSON ... J . K. Ko-IEII E. A BENNETT E. I. K1PP Dr. J. I T EIllNGIIAM. T. W. MI.VFKS Receives Deposits subject to check, L mes Money, issues Drafts and transacts a general Banking business. Your patronage respettfully Solicited. H aven to complete a bequet. Little dear one thou art taken From within our load embiace. And our eyes close not for weepinc Resting on tby still sweet face. Yet onr grief is mixed w ith pleasure, When we think of Jet-its' love. Tor we Know our missing tr aur Is an ang-l now above, Ernest and mother Judy have re turned from Wairensbuig, where they have been attending college. . . The new school house was .oted down at the election. N. M. N. County Court I'liueediiigs Court met pursuant to adjourn ment. Present. Judges Reese, Mil ler and Fix, Sheriff Hartsock and Clerk Drysdale. Court orders W. J. Cox to plant forty shade trees in front yard of the poor farm. J. L. Mcl'eak, collector of Walnut township, makes his settlement which is approved. Heck & Sharon granted siloou li cense. A. O. Wei ton, collector of Mt. Pleasant township, makes his settle ment; approved. School loan of J. W. Corbin, ap proved. S. L Starr, collector of Pleasaut Gap township, makes settlement; approved. Wm Haley granted school loan. The court orders the treasurer to cast asido the old witness fee book aud procure a new one. Lt. li. Allison .''lakes his renort. which is placed on file. J. B. March presents condition of bridge in Walnut township aud or dered to repair tame. Bridtre in Deepwater township re ferred back to township board. J. a. March ordered to examine all bridges and report at next term of court. James Couchlin tenders his resig nation as justice of the peace of Elk uart townsnip which was approve'!. G. A. Heath v Co.. erranted diam shop license. bills allowed. M A Orr, E E Potts M Rumans . G 00 io oa 1 00 WO Butler 12 00 i W M Smith J W Corbin James Dudley 2 50 11 00 5 CO G 00 GG 50 fc8 10 W F Stephens L B Allison J C Hayes W II Igou G B Hickman Standard Printing Co. Aevlum No. 3 G B Hickman Benuett & Wheeler J B March Vau trees Bros Rich Hill Tribune W F Rosser RiiTA Ennis N A Wade J D Allen J C Hayes, criminal costs C W Hartsock II C Wyatt & .Son James Drysdale L Orear W O Aikesou R 5c T A Ennis Cadogau i Hatebr S S Quill en W T Shobe P A Maves M V Can oil C Hirni C W Hartsock 50 00 12 3U 10 GO 17 IS G 00 00 Bennett, Wheeler tV C i J B March H C Reese 1G1 UU 1 00 1 00 1 00 10 50 1G 00 it COUNTY, $50,000.00 President . . . . Vice-President iti Vice-President Caehiei Secretary t:ortiev Fred Fix 10 G 0 Miller 1(5 OO The court adjourned to meet the first Monday in May. They will meet the 25th of this mouth as a court of appeals It is to bf hoped that th wide spread discusc ussion in lfgaid h the improvemen t rf j t.blio roads in this state may result iu sometLiug more than talk. Before any iaipor tant change can be nnoie in the re vailing system of patchiu up roas the constitution must be amend; cL County courts can't levy moie than 10 on the $100 valuation, and us long as this provision lemains, a part of the organic law of Missouri it is non sense to talk about any geutral im provement of the highways. JiflVr son Citv Tribune. Mood's Sarsaparilla Is a concentrated extract of Sarsaparll'.a. Yellow Dock, Pipsisscwa, Junliier Berries, Mandrake. Dandelion, and other valualW vcpctaWc remedies, every Ingredient beliif, strictly I uie, mid Uto Ue-t of Us kind It is Iioss-ible to buy. It Is preparedly thoroughly competent phT iiiacl.sts. In tin; most careful manner, l-y a peculiar Combination, Prortion aud Process, giving to It curative power . Peculiar To Itself It will cure, when in tho power of medicine, Scrofula, Salt lUietim, rIood Poisoning. Cancerous nnd all other Human, Malaria, Dyspepsia, Itiliotifiiesii, Sick Headache, Catarrh, ItliL-umatigm, and all difficulties with the Liver and Kidneys. It overcomes That Tired Feeling, Creates an Appetite, and gives great mental, nerve, bodily, and digestive strength. nixxTs Sarsaparilla sold ly all drngpists. 1, f ix for $i Treparcd only hy C. X. HooJ & Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mats. N. B. If you decide to take Hood's Sarsar . riKa da not be induced to buy any other. IOO Doses ne Dollar 2,!D1D!D WANTEOJL. ALSO Eggs, Game, Hides, Fur-, WooL J Wby sell for low prices. whn MrCANTS A. Co. wiil pay you :r i.s-h fr'tmi'.o lc nuif than other dealers. We et.ail the Ponlsry In Bates coun'.y. See -j h-Sore ttUirsif. - 1 POUNDS POULTRY Joo 20 13 80 2G 00 'fj VJ 's g o -a ( 2 5 -m- 'irmmsL. McCANTS & CO. cfSica-t-, Ba.;r, Ms. Settles;; corne;