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Image provided by: State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO
Newspaper Page Text
111 vol. xrv. BUTLER, MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY APRIL 20, 1892. NO. 22 MEWS O; CLEAR, D IB IMT EVERYTHING OF THE LATEST FASHION. MEW! o NO SHELF-WORN GOODS. NO ANCIENT STYLES. NO TRASH. In our Dross Goods department all the newest effects will be found: Bedford Cords, Chanton Pongee, Henriettas, Faiuy Cheeks and Stripes, Zephyr Ginghams and a line selection in novelties. Shoes. Shoes. Shoes. Our Shoe Department has been a! "land success and in thes-hiit time; i it Las been running, ba.-i sprung; into a large business and the rea-! i son why -we carry a line of Shoes which we Guarantee. A genuine bona fide guarantee. TOOTLE, HOSHEA k CO., c an not be beaten. We are solo agents here and give a guarantee with every pair. ZT W i : Quote no li;in:s. Come and look through our stock, you will find all our goods at bed rock prices. You cannot buy cheaper than your neighbor; again, you will not pay one cent more strictly one price to all, but this price we guarantee to be right. Checked, Striped and Figured Organdies, In and all the leading colors. This (.election must be seen to be appreciated. Nothing appraehing it has ever been shown in the City of Butler. HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Lace Curtains, Silkiline and Pongee Curtain Goods, Poitiers, Smjruo Rugs, Table Damasks and Napkins, Towels, Towelings, Tickings and Sheetings. A splendid assortment of Domestic and Imported Ginghams. Furnishing Goods. Our line of Furnishings is far ahead of anything in the city and iu this line of goods we defy com petition. Call and inspect them. The most stylish stork of shirts in the city A full line of odd pants. Remember our motto: A fair living profit and one price to all. Very Respectfully, Mrs. TpH km. M issoun maw mm OF BUTLER, MO. $110,000. Receives Deposits subject to Check, Loans Money, Makes Collections and does a General Banking Business. DEPOSITORY FOR COUNTY FUNDS. Ill the Real Estate Loan Department- Make loans on Real Estate on long; or short time at lowest rates without delay. STOCKHOLDEBSJ iiaiuiujivi , ' Allen, Mrs. Levtna Konlwar. TC. Physician riurk. Monroe Farmer Kallard, J N Farmer Krown, Lola Kartlett, Edmund Farmer liryner. Margaret their. II. B. Farmer Coleman. Sam'l I. I arntliera. ii A Farmer i hristv. J M Physician Clark. Robert Farmer Courtney, J M Stock Dealer . . .inhn Farmer iTriwcn."' . - ..v. I. i v Davis J K roreman iiuhoiuiti uiis, i ""V , -nteher C II Prof Normal Sen Powell, Booaer er eArmond V AU C Plgott, H It Bank Clerk eeVrr. Frank Coach com Rosier. JM Farmer " in Firmer KeeaeT, vscar . " t. .1 Phvi Irian tmnnn inn ihipuhi - Slay back, Et Hannah. W I medical student Smith. G L Liveryman W N Farmer Smith. John T Lawyer Hickman, G B Furniture dealer Starke, L B Deputv circuit clerk Heath, 1) B Turner, Mrs M E I avitalist .Tenkina, J R Cashier Tucker. W E Dentist Kinnev.Don Ass't Cashier Tyler, W B Farmer Lew. Sam Drv Goods a Clothing ona. ran M farmer Morrison. C II Farmer Miller.Alf Farmer McCracken, A Farmer McCracken, Robt Farmer Owen, M V Farmer Fharis, John Grocery V'reeniam. Francis. r l-awyer WM. E. WALTON BOOKER POWELL Kadrord, Chas R Fanner Kt-Uner. J W Insurance Sullens. J L Banker Vaughan. J M Capitalist Wyatt, H C Lumber dealer Walla, Wiley Teacher West, R G Farmer Wolfe, Pattie Walton, Wm E Cashier Wright, T J Capitalist Weiner, Max Boots & Shoes Walla, Wm Farmer Walton. G W Farmer Walla, J T Physician Whipple. N L Physician Williams, R V Farmer Virsinla Items. W R Craig had a jolly time at their party the first of last week .A J Park has his plum orchard pruned up iu Hue style Ed Dudley has a good second hand cultivator for sale W J Black of Merwio, lost his dress coat between Virginia and Amsterdam; if found please leave at the P O or Creth W right and b.9 will pay you for your trouble TJ Wheeler has 2 fine Jersey cows for sale. . . .Lee Browning has pasture for colts John Hussey of Vinton was visiting iu Virginia Sunday Tom Wright has gone to the Nation Morton Jenkins and Harry Gott have gone west to grow up with the country The following is a letter from Efhe Kerr who was in the Kan sasstorm, to Mrs Carr Dudley: Towanda, Kas., Apbil loth. Dear Friend : Pa and Andy was j ownv frnm linmp- ma. T'.nrl. hfibv. ! Alex, Hershel Cuff and myself were all at home. The cyclone struck the house at 9:30 o'clock and that is the last I remember, and when I came to I was sitting on the side of a hill half a mile west of our house. president vice-president J. R. JENKIN8 PCS KINNEY cashier1 Asst. cashier Pleasant Gap Musings. Weather fine Oat sowing is the order of the day S J Brooks has purchased the widow Hales farm. . . R B Campbell now signs his name with the following handle at the oth er end: J. P., P. M., P. G. M. His titles are almost as numerous as his good qualities The Pleasant Gap school closed last Tuesday. Miss Mellor the teacher, has now taught her second term here and has given perfect satisfaction. She returned to her home at Montrose, on Friday. ; Miss Mellor was a leader in society i in Pleasant Gap, and all regret very ! much to see her leave, and hope to see her return in the near future. . . ! Miss May Burrows is teaching the i Orchard Grove school this spring. The "Brush Rats of Pleasant Gap; school district voted a proposition to issue bonds to the amount of $600 j to build a school house J W Campbell is working in Platte coun ty this spring. . .Miss Nora W. says ; the future is all bright to her 6ince Mamma's son stopped m to rest that Sunday eve A crowd from i Pleasant Gap attended the spelling ' at Scifers school houpe last Tuesday j I found Earl first by the flashes of t nirtlit tlpv rnort a food time . lichtniof. then I found ma and the ! It is strane-e how depressed a fellow i babv. S Cuff and Ellen Thorndon : will become after his best girl leaves fa r n uu El OF BATES COUNTY, Cash Capital. $50,000.00 D X. THOMPSON President J. K. ROSIER Vice-President E. A BENNETT id Vice-President E. D. KIPP Cashiei Dr. i. ETERINGHASI Secretary T. W. SILVERS Attorney Receives Deposits subject to check, Loues Money, issues Drafts and" transacts a general Banking business Your patronage respectfully Solicited. Stranded Nejsrues. Little Rock. Ark.. April 15. Four hundred negroes, bouud for Okla homa, arrived here to day and are quartered in the homes and halls of xiVro clubs, with poor prospects of arriving at their destination. They came from East Tennessee. -Uisis :....: .....1 Alabama, and have Lu't-n I two weeks on colonization white men, agreed to carry Guthrie at $10 por head, wt-re conveyed by rail as far T?n;u ix-mntv. this state. they were Jumped off in the swamps. This was ten days ago. They came hero on foot. The negroes are in most destitute circumstances, many being half naked. The negro churches and merchants of Little Rock have been appealed to for aid This is their only chance of getting bevoud tho citv limits. I the county; W D R has been so ; melancholy since the school marn j left that he allowed the tonsorial j artist of Appleton City to shave his ! upper lip and now he goes arouud j with a hp on him that reminds one i of the picture of an Irishman on a ! comic advertisement. . ..Jim Cassitv Wolf were married Thursday even- O. L. Housley had th sad raisfor- took us to Mrs Greens. Ma was' ,? 7 V i t , " ; tuce to balance while walk- , , , , . . , j thick and tuin;boys let Andy alone be : , ... badly hurt and has been in bed ever mU J &nd & hg do . ing through L pavjre the other since until yesterday Earl died in a few mke him think thfc day and in the fall he broke hi, limb April o irom iraciuieu sh.uii: xier , . ... , ,. r. .i v .., i n t- i- i i r. i icows have come home with bells ou over which was ludeed scfii v-Lin intu nu iiuui aittr ue was; found, the back of his head was j u,eir aorn8' crushed and one of his arms was and fiddles. braken in two places. The baby was not hurt verv bad. I waB not circular saws, guns N. M. Nestlehoi-'E. sighs. Oh. would I were a bird! and j much hurt; my arms, hip and back Uouuil Praii if Itriii. Weather Pleasant at present. Hope it will remain eo...Th flee a very giJ i affair an d now this leaves him in a j shape that he cannot do anything oa I the farm for a year at least.... The That Terrible CourIi tso j ibaina, and have bet-n i jQ the morninsrf hurried or difacult j i the road already. A : bathing, raising phlegm, tightness , company, cjuiposed of iu tbe ouickened pulse chill- ; j boys of Round Prairie have organ ized a brass band and are getting a!on2 nicelv and vri'.l k nl.l .u . . . . . r iin.lrttoni tVot I fa mi imnrnronmnta aro a MmnlcU ; t... : . 1 T .1 ! it i - " x i;uu;...,iii: uuunnuuiv. ma,:.-. lunuum.,, " - - t 1 1' j u is j e r au u iiey a hi a is rtj jicing wen oy campaign season .... There L. Oliiu mil ur tm.v.mnv,. ivi . v . n " " . OVei' its lltff OtaCeTS. J Oif ne will niaKe ! uouse rlli tO Th.v n- St. where iui iness iu the evening or sweats at night, all or any of these things are the first stages of consumption Dr. Acker's English Cough Remedy will cure these fearful symptoms, and is sold under a positive guarantee by H. L. Tucker. Ed Ellington replies, Oh, would I . were bruised some. Our house and wtr S L a . It .. V -i It'A I l an. c? t rs-t r o a f rtTV 11 TH lttf f i k I .,..1 rprtnWdr d-- wind. . The well and cave was not I tOD' MaJ ' Lud Holt Cuaney serving man. one to whom the ceuu- damaged and if we had gone to the eph Mel- wil' e a Sunday School entertain rley B1- ! rilf'nt &t tte KaI-tist church Sunday. tv mav saW" trust its finances. McGlNTY. o othtr rrepaiation combines the positive economy, th merit and the medicinal power ; Hood's Sarsaparilla. cave we woul t have been savei. The wind had been blowing so hard idl day that we did not notice the clouds. Half of the town was de of; Effie Keee. . is ruiuiuS iiie bpanKapnone at Key Andy Simpson and Miss Bertha nard this summer Our friend omy, and James Culver, Aldermen. R G. Hail. City Attorney, T. J. Hinea, Marsha' Preaching Sun day morning an J night at the LU. tiat church Miss -iguts Si ionrasw iLus section nave purchased them a fine horse and he is kept by Jeff Mock onr; of the com pany The party at Mr. Ropers was a success but we guess Will an 1 Charly had better go aft or their girU :ar;ier or they will be gone to be L . . . We wonder ho w Dorsy and Pon sy are getting along. W