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V WW BUTLER WEEKLY TIMES J. D. ALLEN Editor. . D. Allem & Co.,Ptoprietor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: The Weeki v Times, published every Wednetday. will be sent to any address one year, postage paid, for $1.25. ANNOUNCEMENTS. 'ousiiiu'ir. We are authorized to announce V. 8. PADDOCK, Mt. Pleasant township, a candidate for the oillce of bale county, subject to the a i tion or the democratic party. KOR COUNTY TIlEASf.'RER. We are authorized to announce SA.MLKL L. ST A Kit, of Pleasant Gap township as candidate for the Rice of county treasurer, subject to the action of the democratic party. Call for Central Committee Meet ing. Notice is hereby giren to the mem bers of the Bats County Democrat ic Central Committee tbat there will be a meeting of the committee fit Butler, Mo., on Saturday, Airil 2:rd 1892 for the purpose of determining time and manner of selecting dele gates to attend the several conven tions of State and district, already called, and to attend to such other business as may come before the committee. T. P. CitAwror.D, L. 11. Allen. Secy. Chairman. It would be folly to nominate half or two-thirds of the ticket from Butler and Ilicli Hill and expect to be HIlOCCHHful. Only the very best men need ap rtly this time for the county offices urnl they must be well distributed over tli county. "Farmer Dick" Dal ton seems to Lave captured the hoodlum element of St. Louis headed by Mayor Noon an and Col. Ed. Butler and expects to sweep the city. The St. Louis Republic apparent ly was red hot for Stoue until "Farm er DickV boom struck the town, when it suddenly changed fronts and is now in with the Daltoa cir cus. Col. W. J. Stone is making an en ergetic, brilliant and manly cam paign for governor. He is unques tionably the ablest man in the race and we believe the democrat of the state will recognize his ability and worth and place him at the head of their ticket. At the head of the democratic state ticket Col. Stone would make ov.e of the most brilliant campaigns ever witnessed in Missouri and carry the ticket to a grand victory in Novem ber. Senator Vest and ex Governor Houser, of Montana, have been to ee Mr. Cleveland and both express themselves as being confident that he will bo the nominee of the Chica go convention for president. Why don't some good republican nominate Chauucey I. Filley for governor. The old man has been a wheel horse for many years and it is naughty in his uiauy friends not to give him a chauce to immortalize himself ou the altar of sacrifice. The Record has always been a faith ful admirer, aud it might bu a feath er iu the cap of Pro. Austiu to start the old man's boom. Among the young men iu this state who deserve the lastiug grati tude of the democratic party is E B. Ewiug of the Jefferson City Tribune. He is a thoroughly in formed and reliable democrat, whose advice in the party council, it is wise to heed. Such young men must seeds be at the front in party man agement. Mr. Ewing, we learn, is an ardent lover of the field, dog and gun, which Senator Thurman says is unmistakable evidence of a genial aud compauionable gentleman. La mar Democrat. Two of the most important posi tions on the coming democratic state ticket have already been practically disposed of. Hon. Alex. A. Leseuer of Lafayette will be renominated for secretary of state, and Hon James flJ. Seibert of Cape Girardeau will be renominated for state audi toj both without opposition That this double compliment is deserved nobody has questioned, for even the most radical republicans do not he itate to acknowledge the devotion, the honesty and the capacity which these gentlemen have shown in the discharge of their official duties. Republic. EAHB0AJ) O0KMISSI0HE&- The democrats of Bites county take much : pride and pleasure in presenting the name of Thos. L Harper to the state democracy as candidate for railroad commissioner. Mr. Harper is the only man who ever succeeded himself as nominee of the democratic party in Bates county for county clerk. So satis factory was his four years adminis tration of that offico that his party endorsed him for a second term. His unquestioned ability to satis factorily perform the duties of the office to which he aspires, together with his btanding at home fts an hon orable, upright citizen, and a demo crat of long years of faithful party service, will give him standiug ba fore the democrats of the state. His acquaintance ami friendships are not confined to Bates county, for he has strong friends in nearly every county in central Missouri, where he formerly liwd, besides having ac quaintances and friends all over the state, from whom he is constantly receiving letters of encouragement and proffered assistance in Lis eai vass. Mr Harper was at one time a rail road man lost his leg in the service, and his experience gives him a i i i sight iuto thi duties of the offiM of which few if any of his competitors ciu boast. If a business man intend ed employing au agent to perform a certain work, he would naturally look for a inn familiar with th work to be d ne. So it should be with the st it ? employing her ofScers Having the utmost confidence in Mr. H.irper's ability to satisfactorily perform ail the duties of the of fice of railroil c-)ni:iiisio!ier, th democracy of Bites coanty would urgt-utly ask that his claims h co 1 idered by the aVit-t democratic con vention. The consular court at Yokahoma has acquitted Lieutenant Hetering ton, of the United States Army. He shot aud killed Gower Robinson a young English banker, for being too attentive to his wife. Iu the judgment of the court this intimacy amounted to criminality, and the husbaud was justified iu committing murder, cold and premeditated be coming au assassin and laying in wait for his victim. The wife, who was probably the guiltier of the two, us no man will make advances to a pure and virtuous wife, is taken back to the arms of her husband and her vin dication is telegraphed to America. That is, if a woman falls and some ww is killed over it, her vindication is complete aud she is an liberty to seek new victims. While the de spoiler of a hou.e is au unscrupulous villiau and deserves punishment, let ributiou bhould be visited alike upou the head of the woman. Brother Talmage K g iled his con gregation yesterday with the "wit and humor" of the Old and New Testiment, not neglecting to give the Saviour credit for ni.tny humor ous epigrams. It Talmage really in tends to get up a compilation of scriptural jokes he must n t ignore the prank played ou the old prophet of Br-thel by his sons, as thus lvlati d in the first book of Kings: "Aud he spake to his sons saying: S id ll? me the ass. And they s id lie 1 him" Which was considered a great joke ou the prophet. K. C. Star. Colonel Stoue is making friends everywhere and contesting every inch of grouud. Governor Claycomb is evidently fighting for a solid southwestern delegation. Judge Gibson is devoting much of his time and attention to Central Missouri, which is debatable ground. Rev. Dr. Yeaman is following closely af ter the Judge and receiving encomi ums from the Missouri Pres3. Col. Marmaduke is beating the bushes around Saline, Howard, Lafayette. Pettis and Cooper; and Col. Dalton has goue down into the southwest to show the friends of Col. Stone and Gov. Claycomb what manner of man he is. There is yet a chance for everybody, and the people may rest assured that only the best man can win. St. Louis Republic. Lily Whites is the name there publicans of Texas have taken They wish to exclude the negro from the republican party. If the negro voter is ejected from that party in all the states, not more than half a dozeu will ever again give republican ma jorities. The figures prove it. Kansas City Times. . Leaned r aad tieittert. Two of the present incumbents of state offices will have no opposition for renominatiou and but formal op position for re-electiou. We refer to Hons. A. A. Lesueur, secretary of state aud James M. Seibert, state auditor. In all respects Mr. Le sueur is a model officer. In him are united all the qualities essential to the successful discharge of his du ties requiriug keen iutelligeuce.tirin ness, honesty, close application to details aud robust physical health. He fairly lives in his otfice, and, when it is necessary, performs au amount of work that is almost in credible. To the indefatigable in dustry aud unflinching courage of Mr. Lesueur the people of Missouri are indebted for the progress that has Wen made iu the direction of reforming the corporation laws of the state, as well as for their en forcemeat. Under his admiuistra tion the admirable discharge cf the routine business of the state de parttuent has elicited the ttrongetit commendation from men of all par ties. Iu all respects Secretary LenUeur has made a model officer, and his record is invulnerable to criticism. The fact that Le is to have no opposition before the ap proaching democratic state conveu tion indicates that tue people of Missouri have not failed to duly ap preciate his services. Mr. Seibert's admiuistiation of the state auditor's otfice has been no less satisfactory. Iu no state iu the uniou are fiscal affairs in better hands than iu this state, and the center of our admirable system iu the auditor's office. Any tax payer iu Missouri may find in the bienuiai report of the state auditor au ao cojut of the stewardship ol the of ficials charged with the management f tii : people's business, and it is gi a.i yiiig to know that in tnis re tqec Missouri may safely invite co. 11 , iris'm with auv 111 th; tltil and 1 1 inon of th peUu 1 state. Upon the fidelity, capacity motion of the state auditor a. in upon the proper discharge duties ot any other office ie the maintenance of that high r! .f efficiency, which lias won In 1..: state government of Missouri a hih place iu the estima tion 01 the country. As state audi tor Mr. Seibert has had few equals and no superior in the history of the state Rigid adherence to the re quirwments of the law, sleepless vig ilance, scrupulous care iu the se lection of assistants, close applica tion to the duties of his office and rate executive ability the possus siouofall the qualities essential to success has enabled Mr. Seibert to so strongly entrench himself iu the good opiuioa of the people of the Btate th itlike S cretary Lesueur, he will go before the approaching state convention without opposition. If the convention can complete the ticket by nominating for the other state offices men equally capable, there will bd little difficulty in roll ing up the old time democratic ma jority in tiii Btate i.ext fall. bt. Joseph Gazette Stilll:- 1'lVS1 t'lHIlill'-iil.'i. W illiam J Stoue, if nominated iwhieh is almost sure to ie, will iu spire and lea I the most enthusiastic caur.iis made iu Missou-i for the last quarter of a century Cass County Democrat. Col. W. J. Stone talked straight democracy to th citizens of M today. Colonel Ston- is popular with the masses tin I is developing a strong followiug in his canvass for governor. Mexico Intelligencer.- The feeling a-uoug Newton county democrats seems to be entirely on the side of Mr. Stoae for sroveruor aud we believu he will get a solid delegation iroru Newton, McDonald and Harry counties. Neosho Dem ocrat. W. J. Stone of Nevada has official ly announced himself a candidate for governor, subject to the demo cratic state convention. Mr. Stone is a lawyer of high standing and a mau that will makj Missouri one of the best governors she ever had. South Missouri, and especially How ell county, should see that he has the eupport of every voter. Willow Springs Gazette. Ex Congressman Stone's address before the Jefferson City Democrat ic club was a masterly eftort. It was a clear and forcible presentation of wholesome democratic doctrine. It clearly demonstrates that Colonel Stone's reputation as a sound states man and cogent speaker is merited. Should he bs nominated for govern or the democratic hosts would have an able and fearless leader. Car rollton Democrat. Col. William J. Stone of Nevada, Mo., is seeking the nomination for jrovernor of that state at the hands of the Democratic party. Col. Stone is a man of commanding abilitv and a polished and scholarly gentlemau of irreproachable public aud private character. He has heretofore oc cupied important positions in the state of Missouri aud has always discharged the duties thereof with intelligence and fidelity. Topeka (Kan ) Democrat Filley's Deep Laid Plot. St Loals Bapnblie . Quite an authentic rumor was afloat iu political circles yestiday that a positive deal had been entered into by and between Chairman Chauncey I. Filley of the state re publican committee, partv of the first part, and President Leonard of the state farmers' alliance, party of the second part, whereby the former has agreed and bargained to Bee that the latter is endorsed for governor by the republican state convention if he will enter the race against the democratic nominee. While Mr. Leonard is a democrat he is said to l e very ambitious and to have been seduced by the wily re publican leader into believing that by such a movtmeut he could be tiiumphantly eluded. Mr. Filley, it is said, has been iu rlueuced in making the "deal"' by the utter helplessness of the repub licans being able to accomplish any thing iu tht state by theaiselves and Loping thus to bring discomfiture on the head uf thu democratic ticket A number of prominent local repub licans are s.i 1 to heartily ei;dor.-e this plau of action and will, there fore, support Mr. Filley's delegation iu the approaching primary. So fir. outside of New York State, Cleveland is the favorite for president. i ' .- . . .- .:. juio. v,J -. -l o : t'v '. :;.! and results vlici : 'P is t'.'len; it i pleasant 1 refre.-L::ig io the t::h and avts .'y yet pr.;;:qly or. tiie Kidneys, i. "rr nnd Bowels, cleanses the ?ys : -:u cf!tu:dlv, dispels colds, her.d ii' ::::d il-veis end cures habitual ' 1 -J ':.ii,... Syrup of Fig3 is the ;..y i of irs kind ever pro J - pausing t the tissie and ac--t.i' le to ilif .fom:ic!, prompt in t - scrion nnd trulv. beneficial in its j.'l.'ct-?, prr:-! t'r?m the most .ivuki.y and :igiveab!e substances, its rr.nv ex ce! !!::. (.ualitics commend it ." ull and hnvr- made it the most pubr remedy l.iiown. ; y -up .f Figs ii for sale in 50c ui'l y li itLles by all leading drug 'dsti. Any rt-iiabla druggist who :r : y V:i it on hand will pro-n:-.- it 1 : rvptlj r,;r my one who vis!, -s tt. try v. Do liot "accept any i.'..:t.i;.i i'rUFontiu no wwp co. i ir, I ,.': SCO. CAl. v.ik. N.r. WANTE B. ALSO Eggs, Game, Hides, Furs, Wool. Why sell for low prices, when McC.VSTS CO. will pay you in cash from 1 to 2c raort than other dealers. We want all the Poultry In Bates county. See n before selling. ... McCANTS & CO. oatheast corner of Square, Butler, Mo. Notice of Truster's Sale. Wbereaa George W Stranire and Rebecca Strange hits wife, by thair deed of trout dated January lat, A D 1T, tiled tor record January Ktb, 1WT, and then recorded in book 47 at pace Zil in the offlca of recorder el deeda of Bates county. Missouri, conveyed to thennder signed, l. Owen Brooke, as "trustee, certain land lying and beinz situate in Bates countv, Missouri and described as tollows. to-wit: The south halt of the aou'.heast quarter and the south one-fourth of the north hair of the sonth east quarter of section No. twelre CI'.') in town ship So. forty-one (41) or rr.ns Xo thirtv one (SI) west of the 5th P.M. contaiminir one hundred acres, which deed of trust wa- mad to secure the indebtedness described therein; and whereas said Indebtedness has become due. and is nnpaid. and the iezal holder of the promissory bond therein mentioned has f requested me un'ieniipraeu 10 prweeu 10 sen said property under the pweis to me irranted therein to pay said indebtedness. and tbe costs and expanses of executing this trust Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned trustee as aroreaaia will, on Monday, May 16tn, 1892, j between the hoars of nine o'clock a m. and five v. m. proceed to sell said property to the ' highest bidder for cash at tha court house door in the citr of Butler and county or Bates afore aaid ta "satisfy said indebtedness, and the coats and expenses of executing this trast. D. OWEN BROOKE, Traatea. POUNDS POULTRV Ihe ComiBg Country. The great Flathead Valley in Mon tana, is attracting capital and labor. It is niarvelously fertile in soil, has the largest coal veins ou the Pacific slople, limitless forests of the finest timber and precious metals. Co lumbia Falls, the chief town of the region, has immense water power, and offers a good field for manu facturers. Maps and descriptive matter sent by the Northern International Itnporye ment Co. Columbia Falls, Mont. Wall Pajwr ami Paints. D. F Rosamond is located iu the old Albert liadgley buthlmg. south side stjuate, has 5.000 rolls of the very latest f-tyles uf paper. Also handles paints, oils, varuishes. brushes. Paint rs and paperhaug ers materials. You should see his stock before buying. I ? r sto. lv Kr SjiI.-. A new i. in stock of diugs fcr sale at a baigiiu. Call on or address J. S- Pierce, Adrian, Mo. Bennett. Wheeler DEALERS IN THE CE LE U K ATE 1) SfFT.- w .v . .msi -t, ,:-w m . K' rvj s ma m am a m mm m m i m Bradley and John Deere Stiffing Plows, Challenge, Deere and Keystone Corn Planters, With Kewauee Check Rowers and Automatic Reels. STEEL AND WOOD FRAME LEVER HARROWS, JOHN DEERE. BRADLEY, NEW DEPARTURE AND BROWN CULTIVA TORS, ROAD PLOWS, NEW GROUND PLOWS, STEEL SCRAPERS, DISC PULVERIZERS, Farm Wagons Top Buggies, Road Carts iid the largest stock of HARDWARE, GROCERIES, STOVES, Glass ami Queeuswnre, Barb Wire, Grass Seeds, &c.t in Bales Co. Bennett, Wheeler Mercantile Co. De. C. MIZE, Notabv Public. C & Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Agents Do a gensral REAL ESTATE and exchang baslneaa. Itepresent a liue or the boat FIRE & TORNADO INSURANCE COMPANIES Cur StKw,H?,: BEST LOAN COMPANIES In exiatanc. . t,1;r"l,Mt0 payment, to eu t. Will rent, manatre uro- ion. an1 will be larKelr to your interest to put vonr iTODertv on lurif you deBire to SELL Our charge, are re.aJi.bfe, Bo no comrXlon? " Buyers will find our Office Headquarters for Sale of Property in Bates Co. And will take pleasure in ahowinr anything we hi nn on. wv. nr dow be found in our new and elegant quarter. k"' ' c'n Rooms G and 7 OVER FARMERS BANK. BUTLER, MO. MIZE & CLATIDY. louse oera SOUTHWEST CORNER SQUARE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Whiskies, Wiaes, Liquors, &Ciars We buy our whiskies direct from Distilleries and can make prices as low by the Gallon as Kansas Citv. af JUG and KEG- TRADE A SPECIALTY Nothing but the best brands of Whiskies, Wines, Brandevs and Urns bandied. Anheuser-Busch celebrated BUDWEISER'bEER in Butier and on tap. Call and see us. Opera Houss S.iloon. Southwest Corner Square, Butler, Mo. D. W. Drumruond announces him self still on deck, and better than ever prepared to respond promptly and satisfactorily to the wauts of his customers. His stock of wall paper is the largest and best assort ment ever brought to the city, also of wiudow-glass, paints, etc , in his liue. None but experienced work men Call aud examine stock and get prices. IS tf $500,000 JJ V desire to vlace out on real estate security a large a i) ou n t of m on ey- "ill give the best terms and lowest rates yet offered In amjone in tins line of bit si tt ess- Votcs drawn throne two three or ire years- J la re some money to loan ia liable on or before a given and see how cheap ire ran let you have money- The Bankers Loan & Title Co P. C. FULKERSON, Manager. Mercantile G. W. CLARDTj CLAUDY, Go. Saloon.