Newspaper Page Text
r CARTERS ITJlTTLE PUIS. J Belt Hftadacha and relieve an tha tronblaa inaV dmt to a bilious atata of tha system, auoh em mzztneaa, Manaaa, Drominaaa. Diatraaa aftae at log. tain In tha Bid, he. While that meat ramarkabio aoccaaa haa beenshowa lacuxtsg TlHtAvha, yet Carter'a Little Lirur PtTJa are equally valuable In Constipation, curing and pre venting thisannoying complaint, wbila tbnyalM correct all disorders of thes toiuach u mil Lata tha fcvw and regulate tha bo wala. Xran llthejonly curca Araathey woaldboalmoatprimleaatotboaewha auffur (rum this dutrcsning complaint; biitfortu lutoly thelrgoodnoaa doea notend bere.and thosaj a-hooneatry thorn will find these little pills valo. aMelaaoxnany ways that they will not be wiU litis to On v.itliout them. But after allalckba4 AGHI la tha bane of bo many Urea that here la where vamakeour great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. Carter'a Little Liver Pills are very small anil vry easy to take. One or two Pills make a doss. They are strictly Vegetable and do not grlpa or jwr. bat ly Uioir gentle action please all who so them. In vials at 25 centa; five for $1. Sold bj druggists everywhere, or east by mall. "CARTER MEDICINC CO., New York. MALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE Every Month many women sutler from Excessive of Scant Menstruation; the can's snow who to confide i:i t j get proper advice. Don't conf d: in anybody but try tfradfield's aSpectfc :.-'.: . .L.PfsOrUSE. SCAMY.SUPfRtvPCO and IRHEGUIA& M EMCTBU ATION. 8 Book to ' WOM .II" mailed free. BRADFItLi RZS'JiTin CD., fdlsnta, Ga. Sold by ALL DI'I'CiCllSTS THE BEST H E H E B E B E S '"'II i-l THE BEST IN EVERY PARTICULAR. HATEItlAL, YTOIIKMANSIIIP, end OPERATION. CIVE THEM A TRIAL. For Sale bv Hennett-Yh . I. r Mer inutile Company. !1 Bum. "Pmrntf:. PoMtrrn I Curt for Impotence, lota of Manhood, Seminal (missions. Spermatorrhea, Nervousness, Self Distrust, lost of Memory, As, Will make you a STRONG, Vigor ous Men Price 91.00, 6 Doxes, 'i 00. Soeclal Directions Mallrol with eacn Box. Aactrett fiiiiwi Sa:w Llalncct Co., 9Si Lucas Avt. 0T.LOUI3. MO. or um mm rmrot MSTorF&U.IT0 n.NHOOn ifMQeneral aad NaVaVl. U 3 D ABILITY IWMknessof Body apuJEmd. V-tf.-eti JLUof Krror.orExMue.t-. :i Olrt orYcunr. 11 ..4lr MAJtltOOn tmilj MMtortl. Vow ti .1 iar-m tni StmHiikaWS4a,l XIKVKUrKUH44.4arA-.; N il eiy. iiiiwui) (kiiine hoik miUKNT-;' !i, 1. it,. M.a IMtlly trmm tU MrMuil .rltr. I ..trra. Wiilr Iktm. pfertpl. SMt. .ip!Ril,n cwl rn.p. r. ..v..i . aleJifret Uixtm ERIE MEOICAi. CO.. '3ir '.Vv M. Y PmamkHaJiiff? trtHl me I m.rkv4 t.",'i mi4 tu ) mriv fa,iar thkn 1 iaawlal t I It s- T'i'aM. ti I '. V ' ! And build ftmH mmrnw ht If I fa-r-wM t thai. I will to work rwin t tUm .tt, 1 1 wlrrh I ni U mr monit l'BaA e -aa. til w. I:k!trtl't i t. t VfN. raidw! If mm dt. an1 ii wik iiu(ri'j-lv. yon wilt in dn lirrtf t Ntioln-t art i-l I huiul a tnti. if yoaw.ih to !klaan run Ih trt at oar li "T lint or work, ran i.llr n.t li.mitraulv J t la-- . f . Ttuff or old. aad la Ihoirnwn l.wal.tu w:itrt-rlhT liT. Any on na Voi ran l'rftvar - iMin'nt. or all jit tima rM toavaart wtirk-- ltftnf-rn -v r.i jfrfn 9.1 ! rtcne W r in furtiish fori w tench jon) I'KKF. Tin ' - f mtarrr!iM linticn. and hr m n.lht flrtat. a-a.t"'il aaaUH C1" w.m.'er brrltftl rowjiril xi' intinr t.-ita woTkT hvrr yon nrn. aad hMrir ro ; iii?. ron a-int to ai' abent tbta ndt-ful w.ri t -i.-o l.'!r n'n-h mn-y Jiat to n No fir-j.- I.- tpl-am hr-- t h will w-rua to as. will mkj mailt. .mi I ..drwa. Ttil'iA t.t Hoi dUK, Atitwuit, Ual .'!-' ' ' - h. M' a-, y M i.-f-i'-l f PATIENTS TRCATtC i. ;ai ( j.3f. CT ttti Ci For pviacifcan mdr. - .-. ..i. . 1-3 sr-l HEAP W$s-. .- Ji ew ' 4 - -3- mm ISLAND.) lUSS Doekery Democracy. Chicago Times. One of the journalistic apologists I .i ii . .... oi me billion dollar congress ex presses profound wonder at th con duct of that committee which came to Chicago under the chairmanship of Mr. Dockerv. It save: "Invita tions to be wined and dined were ie fused, and the cigars they smoked, j even, were paM for out of t lurir own pockets. Eich man pai 1 for tho sliiiiiii of Lis own sli c. for m fo-uoer lure, mid when Mr. ) icl.-iy put on hi.s aniiff colored owe re -at yesterday alteration hf dre-w h i ne ( OiTi'bll 1 J 'kiltg drafts Lu.u :iu . ;i If pocket and luadn out one on t li sertreant-at anus to iiav U"" sc it- ..; : til'- coniHiitt'-e ;it the Auditor.', m. And t'.i"!i t!i'V valL'e 1 out to tli- cui'b and to k their i.litcf-s in two rry look'iijj ha-k-4. and javi- ui .rl) enf. a head to over to the Penn- sylvai.ia depot." Viewed in the li'ht of that Jef- feraonian Himpiicity and tint !.' .ad or wise fcXeuditure of public niou y wnicu characterize good ien;o crats this coaJu?t is al! riUt. A metroi)olita!i Hauiiltoniati orjun i!d look upon it as tin; cmi duct of what it would bt; pleased to call 'jays " But it is honeht .md paie worthy cot. duct all the fame. Tin i whs l.o ostentatio:; about it Th- -e Coii'MfPfnien wie inreali .u, n it - ic business, and they disch trged it tpu.etly aiid wisely, uud when ihy were Ihrouyh went their wav in ace. It is biua'l inarl th it a publican presn cannot unt.'rni..nd this sort of tuocceuiii'j. It is ac cu toned lo st e the 1 eni eei talivt S . . . ... i o its party ciotued in purpie auu fi it lim-n at the coinmoa eot. and w'.ien assigned to any dutis which throw them into relations with the Ctiiugit s, the Jay Goulds or other inultiinillionaries of the republican party, beueliciai it s of the ie; ubii can doctrine that it isthedu! of the government to take care of the rich, on the supposition that t lu nch will take care of the pour, it is accustomed to see such representa tives titling about in carriages, ac ccpting banquets, cringing before Dives' face and doing his bidding liko so many be liztnied thmkies and lively men, instead of soberly and de cently and in order setting about the public business with that hiyh mindeduess' and self respect which is the respectable posssession of every man who pays his way. Shiloh's Cough and Consumption I'ure is sold by us on a guarantee, ir cures consumption. Sold bv II I.Tucker. In a slron-,' ami healthy person tuere is continually a rushing to ami fro in the system. BlooJ travels from the heart through the arteries ordinarily at the late of about twelve inches per second; its speed through the capillaries is at the rate of thne one-huudredths of an inch per sec ond. Croup, avhocping cough and tis immediately relieved by bronchi Shiioh's l'rescrip- Cure Sold at 11 I. 1'ucKer tion drugstore. According to the Anuy G.lZette, the organized militia of the United States consists of 101.321 enlisted men, commanded by 8,870 commis sioned officers, besides 1. 2-t's staff officers, mating a total aggregate of 111,04s men. The numbc-r of men in the United States available for military duty, uuorgatiized. is 8.- otu,o.0 Johu is going to "get there" no matter how long it takes him to make the trip. A Chinaman le u hed St Stephens. New 13tuuswick, re cently ou his way to Calais. Me., having come from the Pacific coast m bond. It is the first case of the kiud ever known in New Biuuswuk. timul Looks. Good looks are more thin skin deep, depeuding upou a healthy cou dition of the vital organs. If the liv er be inactive, you have a billious look," if your stomach be disordered you have a dyspeptic look aud if your kidneys be affected ycu have a pinched look. Secure good health and you will have good looks. El c trio Bitters is the great alterative aud tonic, acts directly on these vital orgaus. Cures pimples, blotches, boils and gives a good complexion. Sold at H L Tucker's drugstore. 50c per bottfe. A petrified ham of a large hog was recently found iu a field oa the poor farm, Salem county, Ind. Shiioh's catarrh remedy a positive cure tor catarrh, diptheria and canker mouth. Sold by H. L. Tucker. A NOVEMBER DAY. in Iuipreiinlt 1'irtorr in the Country Wlieu the Leaves Have Faded. A sky. swirled with tVecv clouds. that holds Uit? silvery blueness of polished steel, that towards the horizon pales to trauslueent pearl, and turns to tawny (fold where it blurs with the brown j'rass of the billowinff prairies. Such myriad tints as that grass holds! Gray that fades into fawn; fawn that deepens into bronze; bmnze that jflim- ' mers into green; preen tht gleams into gold. Sounds the cheery pif f a quail: "Kob-White." By the roadside tower tall sunflowers, their dun stalks just dashed with burnt sienna. From a dwarf oak down in the creek flutter some stubborn leaves of crimson and gold, pathetic as the ragged roles of royalty worn by a conquered king. A squirrel (tarts across the road. The "stripped" corn rustles mourn fully. Or is that queer, faint ivhiser hig a nmrni'ir of exultation that, t cause it has grown, and borne, and given, many little children are fed? Crisp is the air. A blue haze diifts across the bluffs. Or. the whitu road lies the tangled tracery of bare branches. Comes a cold wind. The skeleton shadows dance fantastically. i "A dance of death!-' sighs a beautiful woman. '"Their leaves will come again. It is the old, old Christian simile of life and immortality. The beautiful woman with the aad eyes says softly: "No the same leaves." The barberry bushes by the farm house hedges have a thousand tints of reddish gold. The few leaves on the catalpas are scrolls of copper. The grape vines are cut from dull bronze. The rose leaves are shriveled saffron. In the straggly country gardens not a single flower dares to blow. Xot an astor, not a dahlia, flaunts its poor bright banner of defiance. Keener grows the air. The sun sinks redly. Here and there a light out gleams: "A beacon of horn,.-to hurry ing feet." Drift forth fugitive scents of warm milk, savory meat of cof- fee. rounds tne nark oi a i iatchdog. "some stars steal out. And the frost has a kiss that stings. lileakness, barreness, isolotiou? Xo; although the w inter be at hand. Peace, plenty, solitude that is not loneliness, being sweet and sacred these, and the laughter of children! Chicago Trib une. ODD WEDDING RINGS. In Africa Tlii-y Are Worn Around th Women's Nerks. The late Lieut, von Francois, the African explorer, described a strange custom among the Mayan.i, who live for many miles along the Congo. The custom would seem to make life a pood deal of a burden to their married wom en. Hrass rods, which are the favorite currency in the country, are welded into great rings around the necks of the wives. Many of these rings worn by the women, whose husbands are well-to-do, weigh as much as thirty pounds, and the burden must be carried around by the poor women as long as they live. "Frequently," said Lieut, von Fran cois, one sees a poor woman whose neck is raw and sore under the heavy weight and in places the skin is rubbed off by the ring. This is a sure sign that the ring has recently been welded around her necK, for after a time the skin be comes calloused, and then the strange ornament produces no abrasion. Hut the weight is an inconvenience; they never get used to, and it is a perpetual tax upon their energies. In every crowd of women may be seen a number who are supporting the rings with their hands and thus, for a time, relieve their weary shoulders of the heavy burden. It may be said that with every move meut of their bodies the ring gives them discomfort. . ring is never put around a wom an's neck until she is believed to have attained her full physical development. Once on, it is no eas3 matter to get it off. The natives have no such thing as a file, and, though they can hammer a lot of brass rods into one, it is very dif ficult for them to cut the thick mass of metal in two. Women who increase largely in flesh, after the rings have been fastened on their necks, are in danger of strangling to death, and in stances of this sort have loen known to occur. 'Yes, these women regard the cum brous ornament with pride, imagine that it enhances their importance and Iveauty. and wear the burden with light hearts, l.rass is the money of the country, and by putting it around theit wives necks the men are pretty certain that it won't be stolen or foolishly ex pended. I'.ut it is an odd and cruel sort of savings bank." Chicago Mail. .reat lire, of History. The great fire of Moscow, which oc curred in IMi was the most gigantic conflagration of history. In it S0.S00 buildings were destroyed, valued at Jl.j0.0JO.ti0j. The estimated loss iu the great Chicago fire of October, 1ST1, was SIJ5.000.000. The buildings destroyed numbered IT. 45a The number of build ings destroyed in the great fire of Lon don, loCC was 13,200, valued at about ?55.0O0,00O. The property destroyed by the great fire in Iioston, IST'j, was valued at S50.(KH).0O0. That fire burned over sixty-live acres and consumed or ruined TT buildings of all kinds. In 1S70 Con stintinople had a conflagration which entailed a loss of $25,000,000 and burned 1.000 persons and 7,000 buildings. In ISM San Francisco lost 2,500 buildings Talued at 817,000,000. In IMS Ham burg. Germany, had a fire which con sumed 1.747 of the finest buildings in the city. St. Louis Republic. Tve just mortgaged ipy house for five thousand dollars." said a New Yorkir to his broker friend. "Can yoa give me a pointer on something that's a purchase?" I can," replied the broker: "buy that mortgage on your house," Harper's Bazar. Pears'i Soap Agreeable soap for the hands is one that dis solves quickly, washes quickly, rinses quickly, and leaves the skin soft and comfortable. It is Pears' Wholesome soap is one that attacks the dirt but not the living skin. It is Pears'. Ilconomical soap is one that a touch of cleanses. And this is Pears'. All sorts of stores sell it, especially druggists ; all sorts of people use it. Trustee's Sale. Whereas wT Cole Toy his 'lee'l of truft iluted March U. 1 ' inl recorded in the recor r's oilirc within anil for Kates county, Miosonri, in bonk No 4'.' 'sre. 'V;.' com-evl to V. M Al len, trustee, the liillou inir ilesi-rihe'l real estate lybi anil beinir situate. 1 in the countv- of Kates anil etate of Missouri, to-wit: The northwest (Uarter oi the southwest quar ter of section twenty five (A".) anil the nortli eat nat ter ot the southeast quarter of sec tion twenty-six (So; ami the east half of the i. orthwest quarter f the poutheaFt qnarteT of section twenty-six . -Jo ' all in township f'rl)- 4! ; hi nip ir' tw eiit v-n:ne i "i, . coin ai u i a Iiki arres niore or less, an 1 whereas sail deed of trust provides that in rare default be niale in the i.i Metit ot ihe said note or the interest In Ti or. or i nv far t thereof when the saaie becomes ib;e. that the siad trustee or his suc- ut .: shall at the reouet-t of the Ippal hoM,T of sai'l note, rrocee 1 to execute the wi r- t o hiia cmiti rre l; nn.l whereas sai-1 rieei! ot trust further provides that in case ot I b-atij. n:i kne. absence or refusal to act. or lisal iHtv of sab! trustee then the then atini; sheritl of Kates e;ui ty, Missouri, might be con:e his successor. And whereas said M. Allen, trustee is sick and u:i able to act. and whereas default has been made in the payment of the principal ot said note and the interest thereon, now lonpr past due. Now therclore, 1 C, W Hart sock, sheriff of Kates county, Missonri at the request o! the lejral holder of said note will proceed to sell the above described propertv to the highest bidder for cash . at the east front door ot the court house. In the rity of Kutler, county of Kates and state of Mis sonri, on Wednesday, Apii' 20tbr 1802, between the hours of nine o'clock In the fore noon and live o'clock in the afternoon or that dnv.forthe purpose of satisf inir said debt. Interest and costs. C. W. llAKTSoCK, Sheriff ol Kates County M.. actinir I rumen I have -old the above property and have mi interest in it W. T. Cole. Order cf Publication. STATK OK MISSOI UI, ) . , County of Kates. ( ' In the circuit court of said county. In vacation March :.(tli Is'.'-.. SophiaC. Wheeler, plain- mi. vs siiaa .u . Miar. , ueorge w . Camp belle..l. II . I amiibellp company a corpora tion, susan r. .Meadows, r l. Oavidson, J I. iiavidson. Martha A. stark. Sarah J. .Mo(,re, l'. jamin W lav i'lson, KUen Iiavid son and Nannie I'avidson. children and heirs at law of .l,d, n U I'avidson. deceased. Ir ran cis la idson and Karthala Davidson, chil (Iron and heirs at law of W illiam Davidson, deceased, defendant Now at this day comes the plaintiff herein by her atlornevs. hoxley ,v Horn, before the un dersigned clerk of the circuit c.onrt of Kates countv, Mi-souri. in vacation, and tiles her petition and affidavit, itliegin?. anionic other things that defendants F. I Iiavidson, F.llen Davidson, Nannie Davidson, rrancts David son and Karthala Davidson are not residents ol the state of Missouri: W hereupon it Is or dered bv the clerk in vacation that said defend ants be notilled by publication that p'ain'ifX has commenced a suit aicaim-t them in tins court by petition, the object and general na ture of which is to vacate and sit aside 5 sev eral deeds of conveyance heretofore to-wit: In tne year i.. executed by delendants, t. r, Davidson, . I. Iiavidson, Sarah .1 Moore, Mar tha A StarK and susan F Meadows, to one Al bert S Moore, also a deed made bv him, to ue lendant Silas M Stark on the -.'ml day oi Febru ary, Jssr,. as well ss a certain deed of trust execnted bysaid d!aa M Stark to defendant, Geo Y Campbeile, trustee, of date March -2d, IssT; as alTectini; and beiiijr clou !? upon plain tiff's lee simple title, in and to the following described lands situate in Kates county. Mis soiri, to-wit: The east half of the southwest quarter ol section S in township ti of range 2! also a part of the southwest quarter of th southeast quarter of section 22 township and range aforesaid, as follows, beginning at the nori beast corner of last above described tract of land, thence running south 5 chains; thence west to Deepwater creek : thence up said creek w ith meanderings thereof to w estern boundary line 01 said tract; : hence north to the north west corner of said tract, thence east to place of beginning, containing b s -loo acreB more or less: also part of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section 211, in township and range aforesaid as follows: beginning at northeast corner or said last above described tract, thence running west -j.'iO yards to a stake tin nee south lioyardstoa stake, thence east 2."io yards to a stake, thence north lit) vards to place of beginning containing five acres of which lands Francis I' Davidson deceated .seiz ed and posse-sed 111 lee mil a his homestead the 21st day of April, and the further oh iec: being to obtain a decree divesting said detendsnts anil ,-ai-h of them as well as all oth ers, claiming through or under them, of all title and interest, or seeming title and inter est in and to the lands aforesaid, and to i vest same in plaintiff; further to judge and declare in plaintiff as the widow of said Francis 1 Du-vid-on deceased, the fee simple tirle in and to me lanus aioiesaid, adverse to stiu defendant or either of them, or those claiming through or unuer ttieni. and that unless the said sev era! above named defendants and r tf David son. Ellen Davidson. Nan ie Davidson. Fran cis Davidson and Karthala Davidson he ami appear at this court, at the next term thereof to De begun and holden at toe court house in the city of Kutler in said ,-oanty on the sixtli da ot Jane next, and on or before the third day 1 f said term, it the term shall so long coti tinue and ir not. then on or before the last day or said term answer or plead to the peti mm in said cause, tne same will be taken as confessed and judgment will be rendered ac cordinglv And be it further ordsred that a copy hereof be published, according to law in the Kutler W evfcly Times, a weeklv newspaper printed and published in Ratrs county. Mo., for four weeks successively, the last insertion to beat least fifieen days before the lirst day of the next Ittm of the circnit court JOHN C. HAYhS, Circuit Cleri. A true ropy of the record Witness my hand an l the seal of the Isial' Circuit Court of Kates county, this .tilth dsv of March 1"2. JullN C. HAYES, Circuit Clerk . Administrator's Notice. j Notice is hereby given. That letters testa-: nientery on the" estate of Nathan UodfTy j deceased, were granted to the undersignei on ' the ttrst day of April. 12. by the probate court of Kates county . Missouri." j Ail persons having" claims against sa:! estate . are required ;0 exhibit "hem for allowance to i the administrator within one vear after the j date of sai l letters, or they mar be precluded ! from any ber.eUt of said estate: and if neii : claims be not exhibited within two years front ! the date of this publication, thev shall be for- 1 ever barred. This first dav of Abril. l-2. I ISAAC X. MAINS, i G.G.HENRY. -o-li Executors. i A - o.weiton StaplelFancy Groceres, Feed and Provisions cf all Kinds. QUEENSWABE AND GLASSWARE CIGARS AND TOBACCO, Always pay the highest market price for Countv Produce. Hast Side Square. NuMer. Mo- Missouri Pacific RYi: 2. Dailv Train 2 TO KANSAS CITY and COLORADO SHORT LLNE To 5 Daily Train, 5 Kansas City to St, Loui, THE PUEBLO ANl DENVER, PlLLliW IllTFETT SLEEPING WiiS isas City to Dcuvt without tr.ane II. C. TOWNSEND. Genera! Passrngci und 1 ii ket Aj,t sr. louis, o. C. 8. LEWIS & CO. Proprietor of Elk Horn Stables Having putchased the EIk Horn barn and Livery outfit ot I. W Smith, and having added to the same a number ot first-class IJugoies, and horses, I can ay to the public that I now have the Best Livery Barn In southwest Mo. Horses and mutes bought and sold, or stock ban. lied on commission, Stock brarded bt the day week or month. With t' years exper ience Mr Lewis Jecls ;.hle to compete with anv Liverv barn in this section. Call and see him C Ii LEWIS i: CO -THE- West Ward Stock Farm, THE HOME OF- Mambrina Chief Jr. FOR SALE, FANCY BRED, IXQUIKE OF LAURA CQNGKLIN, PASSAIC, mo. LaGRIPPE and General TebUitT resultant from WILL BE CURED dt using ;asssn s emu arp htu ids 15. unebcv tie GCAKAXTEEDto cure LAG HIPPE-TTFrtOtD Fever. Chills ami Fe-rer. and all other Malarial FEVEUSor MOXEY RF.FCN UElt. TtMf.OOO boUles sold last year. Ccinaiiflwl endorsements from leading physicians. IJ ret for sale by ynr Omgla we will send by malt oa receipt of 3uc pier bottle. . THE IEST T8!I!C. TAIE R8 SGISTITITE. s J0H1S01 TONIC CO., 133 Clark St., T Order of Publication. STATK Of MIS-OT IM County of Ha , In the circuit court ot . ,1 ,-einlv. hi v acation March sptli, l.vij. MmUoi liaison., plaialiff. b. ajhcj j. lluoti, (jiteudaiit. Now at this day comes the plaintiff herein by his attorneys. Silvers . Silvers, before tht undersigned clerk of the circuit Coart of Kates county. Missouri, in vacation and files his petition and affidavit alleging, among other umiies, that detendaut, Nancy J. llutsou, la . not a resident of the state of Missouri : W here : ii!on It Is ordered by the clerk in vacation HAT ill t i 8Ki'' ,''r,'n,l"t he notilled ly publication UJlAIl.i ) that plaintiff has commenced aiiit agaiust hoj j in oiisr.oiirt n petition ami affidavit, the (ten ; eral nature and ohiect or which is to obtain a . decree of divorce from the btnds of matrimony i heretofore contracted and entered into by anil j between said plaintiff and defendant upon the j grounds ol the desertion ol planum b iletend- ant and her continued absence Iroiu'plaiiitill, i without reasonabl cause lor more I than the space ot one year before the institu I tion ot this suit, and that unless the said Nan cy .1 11 uison lie anu appear at this court, at the next term thereof, to he beitun and holden at the court house in the citv ol Kutl.r in said county on the tali day of Ju'ue next, aud 011 or before the third dav of said term, if the term shall so Ions continue and il not then on or netore the day ol taid term answer or piean to lite petition In said cause, the same lie taken as contested an 1 judgement will be rendered accordingly And be it further or- iered that a copy hereof be published, accord ing lo law in the Kutler Weekly Thiks. a weekly newspaper printed and published in Kates county. Mo., for four weeks successive ly, the last insertion to be at least Ulterii days before the first day or the next term of the cir cuit court. JOHN C HAYES, Circuit llerk A true copy or the record. W itness my hand and the seal of the seal circuit court of Kales county. this isth day March, lst.. JNO. C. HAYES, Clicuit cirk. Truestee's Sale. Whereas, John T Kicii and Marv M Itich his wile by their deed of trust " dated Sep tember 2nd. lssii, and recorded in the re. order's office within and lor Kates countv Missouri, in book No li page 1.17 conveyed to r M Alien, trustee the foUovM.g described real estate lvlng and being situated In the county of Kates and state 01 Missouri, to-wit East hall of lot 00a (1) of the northwest quar ter of section one (1) and the west half ol (be northwest quarter and the west hair of the southwest quarter of section twelve (U) all in township forty of range thirty-two (a-.-) containing Iwo hundred acres more or less; subject to a deed or trust lo Lombard Invest ment company for 2 sou. which conveyance was made in trust to secure the payment of one certain promissory note fullv described in said ueed of trust; and whereas.' said deed or trust provides that In case default b made, in the pavmeat of the said note or the interest thereon when due, or any part thereof, that the said trustee or his successor in trust shall at the reqoest of the legal holder ot said note, proceed to execute the power to him con ferred; and whereas said deed or trust further provides that In case ot the death, sickness absence or refusal to act. or disability of said trustee, then the then acting sheriff or Kates county might become his successor. Ami whereas said F M Allen truettee, is sick and unable to act, and whereas default has been made in the payment of the principal of said note and the interest therein. Now there fore J.C. w. Hartsock, sheriff or Bates ronntv Missouri, at the request or the legal hol ler of said note, do hereby give notice that I will, on Wednesday, April 2()th. 18.)2, between the hours of nine o'clock In the fore noon and live o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the east front door of the court house In the city of Kutler. county or Kates and state of Missouri, proceed to sell the above described real estate to the highest bidder for cash, lor the purpose or satisfying said debt, interest and cost. c. w. IJAKl.SOCK, sheriff or Kates County. Mo.. Actiug Xruitce. Order of Publication. .STATE OF MISSOURI. County or Kates. in the I'robute Court tor the countv of Bate, February term, ibo2. S.tal, E. Chiids and Shirley Childs, executori ot esta'c ot I nomas Chile's, deceased. Order ot Publication. Now comts Sarah E. Chiids and Shirlev Child', executor ot the ettate ft Thos. W Chiids deceased, present to the court their petition, praying tor r.rt order tor the sale ot the equity or redemption or real estate or said decttficrl 10 t,av .,d i satisfy the debt, dire bv said estate, and a lien thereon, and yet unpaid for want of sufficient assets, accompanied bv the accounts, lists and inventories and a full and complete statement ot the lien on said real estate required iir law in such ta-e, on examination w hereof it is or dered that all persons mtctested in the estate ot said deceased, be notified that application a aforesaid has been made and unless tne contrary be shown on or betore the first day ol the next ter.n of this court to be held on the second Mon day of May. iV)j next, an ordei will be made lor the sale ot the whole ot the real estate of said deceased subject to the liens and incumbrances thereon as will be sufficient for the pavrnent ot said debts; and it is further ordered that this notice be published in some newspaper in this county and state, tor tour weeks before the next term of this court and that a copy hereof be served on each heii and devisee ot deceased living in this countv, at least ten day before the first dav of next term ot th"i court as afore said. STATE OK .MJvSOl'Rr.-F Countv ot Bates. I, W T Cole, iudie ! couit held in ot the probate ana tor said countv. hereby I certify that the foregoing is a substantial I copvot the original order of publication j therein 'referred to, aw the same appear, i ot record in my office. Witne-s mv hand and seai 01 said coutr'. ; lsealJ Oone at office in Butler, Mo , 1 i;.thcayot March, A. I)., iy(j. ! W T C OLE, ( Judge ot Probate. Its anstsaA 1 UiUfcSr. "Win C. Rood's MA , I.K Sm rrrt L"jr' Ti;r- j - - j w:t eat wi jr ..iBoa r'-. --zm girnKsu, lCM3tt4i&Y aal i-'l'-'t-' r-r&m bc t f!or to at trtuf, Kiiavct riutar. Esulty larnt. t tfttn. Kimble, Varahle.Praelieal. Qr I.IO.OOO ftaM. Srnt on Thirty lyTrlaU U U a a efcart or "Uaetlae." MnaisnU l!IMaH -u-caiarEl Aitmm of ocr tan Al a. FRE, Sffi,,,TO-. AGENTS WAMTED The Rood Magic Scale Co., Chicago, IIU