Newspaper Page Text
Flow Sloe GOOD FITTING SOLID. RELIABLE, BEST FOR THE MONEY, J. M. McKIBBEN. Thou. L. Harper, of Eat?s county, is a cuti'lidate for railroad comiuis fdoner. Uutes county will give hiia iiu ciuiiest tupport. We learn tbat be is a Grot-class man in every par ticular. L'ltiiar Democrat. Harry Lee, of Wheeling', W. Va., took three ounces of laudauuiu on the 15th at a St. Louis hotel. He is expected to die. Lee is a relative of Gov. Lee of Virginia, and is 22 years old. Drink drove him to the act. Mr. Scott Harrison of Kausas City, brother of President Harrison, waa out gunning for snipes in this viciuity this morning. Mr. Harrison bears a striking resfuibUuce to the president. Ho is a dignified but genial gentlemen, and, the boys say, a good shot. Rich Hill Review. The grand lodge of Odd-Fellows will hold its nest state meeting at Sedalia, May 17th. W. F. Maring of Schell City has been elected Grand Master of the ordwr and will be installed at this meeting Mr. Maring is an excellent gentleman and a bright Odd Fellow His election is a compliment to Vernon county. Nevada Mail. Ruth McEuery Stuart will contri bute an amusing story of southern plantation life, entitled ' Jesseki.ih Brown s Courtship," to the May number of Harper's Magazine. It will be illustrated by A. I). Frost. Four of the men arrested in Taney county for the murder of dep uty sheriff Williams and Jthn W. Bright have been bound ever to await the action of the grand jury and in default of bond have been sent to jail. They are G-o. L. Tay lor, Madison Day, Enos Isaacs nud James Stewart. The people of Taney county seem determined to put an end to mob law. Neosho Times. W. H. Hupp is now located in the Allen building and has a fine line of wall paper. He also keeps paints, oils, and everjt-ing found in a first class paint shop. 22. Senator Sparks, now a candidate for attorney general, was in Lamar Sunday on Lis way to Dale county. The senator is an able man, a good lawyer snd has an extensive ac quaiLtance all ovr the tte. He is making a vigorous campaign for the ominatiou. Lamar Democrat. W. H. Hupp has moved his paint f-Lop in the rear of Gordiuec-r's Bar bt-r Shop, nud c ;n be found at all times with a large line of wa'I paper, paints, etc. 22. You Have no Men How nicely Hood's Sarsaparilla Lits the needs of j j who feel 'all tired out'' or "run down'' from any cause. It seems to oil up the whole mechanism of the body so that all move smoothly and work becomes a positive delight. Be sure to get Hood's. lis act especially upon the liver, rousing from torpidity to its natural duties, cures constipation and assist digestion. it I'M-red. G. W. Webb of Butler, Mo., closed a meeting at East Lynue, for the Christian church last week with 28 additions. They aie building a sidewalk to their church. Rev. Webb is the S. S. evaugelist for northwest Missouri. If any of the churches in the county needs any work done they will do well to write him. Cass Co. Democrat. The prohibitionists met at Chilli cethe Tuesday, aud uoininated the following ticket: Governor, John Soheiski, of Newtou county; lieuten- mwl lniTTrria r , I r I -k I milM.A ton; secretary of state, E. E. McCIeM " B'""""--" an.of Sedalia:tramrr M. Inirraham au J eitbr W,U be satisfactory to the The contest for circuit judge of Cass and Johnson counties has now narrowed down to two candidates, Judge C. W. Sloan, of Harrisonvillf, present incumbent, and W. W. Woods of Warreusburg. Both haye agreed to submit their to a primary, aud the race promises to b an interesting one. Both are of Dadeville; auditor, L G. Stew art, of Warreusburg; attorney gen eral, W. Emmett Johnson, of Brook lield; railroad commissioner, A. G. Brown, of Hannibal: judges of the supreme court, Eugene Ay res of St. Joseph, and James Barker of Spring-lield. Boss Filley is causiug much un easiness in the ian in Missouri. The decapitation of Weuueker at St. Louis has utterly disrupted what was left of the Republican party iu this state. Mr. Weuneker levied quite a respectable tax ou his em ployes to organize a debating club in the interests of the McKiidey bill. Mr. Filley also denounces Matt Reynolds, the late president of the Republican League aud says that Reynolds denounced President Harrison at Sedalia as an ass. Rich Hill Review. WORST FORM ECZEMA Baffled Best Medical Skill for Klght Months. Cured In Two Months by Cuticura Remedies. Thli U to certify that a child of mine had c zemc In tu wont form, and which baffled tho bent medi cal nkill that could be employed here. The little tuderer waa wrapped in agony for at least eigtit monua. eiz mom Da 01 that time tu aufferiuit waa (imply untold , then I began the uae of the l'r. Tictaa KiaDii, in two month the awful diaeaae had ceased Ita vengeance, and mv dar ling boy had feet, and to party. The primaries will be held May 21st. Owing to the fact that my trade is confined to farmers aud the time has come to plow, I will close my lumber yard at Passaic on the fifth day of May. Only those to whom I have contracted lumber prior to that time will the yard be open to. Parties contemplating building barns, houses and sheds this fall will do well to communicate with me. After a trip iu the southern lumber regious I will be at home this summer in Pas saic. Thanks to the people for their liberal patronage in the past eight mouths. M. L. Wolfe. If you want your room go see . H. Hup; , in tin; Alien building on the south side. He has a nice line of wall paper and at rea sonable prices. 22. Special Railroad littes. To those desiring to attend the seven teenth anniversary reunion and grand conclave A- (J. U. W. at St Louis, Mo, May ita, 1SS2, the Mo Pac R'y Co will sell tic kets to St Louis and return at one fare tor the round trip. Tickets will be on sale Mav 10th and nth. good to re turn until Mav 15. To those desiring to attend the District meet ing , Southern and Central Tumvereiu Ao cintion to be held at Hot Springs, Ark , May '.'tli to 11th. 1-9-J. The Mo. Pac. Ry. Co. will sell tickets to Hot Springs and return bt one fare for the round trip. Tickets will lie on sale Mav Oth and 7th. K'od to return ur.til June 10th. Isui. for tlie'Anunal Meeting e.ent-ral Assembly Southern Presbvterian Church, ut Hot Seringa Ark., commencing May l'.'t h . Thf tickets will be on sale May H'.th and 17Ui, good to re turn until June 10th, 1: J, at one fare for the round trip. To those desiring to attend the G eueral Con ference M. E Churfch at Omaha, Neb.. May 1st, 1SJ-2, the Mo. i'ac. Ry. Co. will ell tickets to Omaha aud return ut one fare for the round trip. TloteU w;iil be on sale April ih, 2!th and Siith: pood to return m to and including June 1st. ISM. To those desiring to attend the General As sembly, Cumberland I'reabvterian Church, at Memphis, Tenn .commencing May luth, W- The Mo. rac. Ry. Co. will sell tickets ta Memphis and return at one fare for the round trip. Tickets will be on sale May ICtti. 17th lstli and l!th, Kood for rf turn op to and in cluding .Tune 1st. To those desiring to attend the Democratic National Convention at Chicago, June -Jlst, the Mo. I'ac. Ky. Co. will sell tickets to Chicajro aud return at one fare for the round trip Tickets will be on sale June lGth, 17th, IstU l!th and inlh: limited for return to and including July tith, but will not be good for return pas sage prior to June i'4th. To those tieslrinn to attend the Repnblican National Convention at Minneapolis, Minn June tith, 1.. "Hie Mo. I'ac. wHl sell tickets to Minneapolis and return at one fare for the round trip. Tickets will be on sale June 1 .", 4 and 5tii, limited for return to and includ ing June 2jth, 1 ?":! , but will not b good for return passage prior to June loth. For further Information in regard to date. of sale limits of tickets, rates, connections Ac. call onoraddree W. C. HLUUl'S, Agt. Mo. I'ac. Ky., Uutler, Mo .)llli A 0,0 y We understand that Supt. Geo. R. Sweeny has handed in his resigna tion to the Keith & Perry Coal Co., to take effect May 1. Mr. Sweeney vrill go from here to Rock Spring, Wyoming, to take charge of the Rock Springs mines for the Union Pacific R. R. Co. His family will continue to reside in this state for the present. Mr. Sweeney has been with the K. & P. Coal Coever since their mines were opened iu this sec tion aud will be much missed by that company. His successor's name has not been announced. Rich Hill Review. eaae bad continued tne medicine for several mciith after no trace could be seen of it on any part of h a body. The doctor hero watched the dineaae with much Interest, and could only say Well done! " The case was known fair aud wide, and everybody waa much surprised. Put thanks to C'lticvba KtMEmts. Could there be unythlng on earth that would cause a father to re joice It surely would b when the little Innocent one t-nuM have such a remedy at hand. (See terfwilh.) J. A. NICOLE-., Bunker Uill, led. A child wa brought to me with chronic eciema that had dotted splendid treatment from m:.ry pood doctors. As a regular M. l., should have continued similar treatment, bnt thought It useless, bo put It on t'VTicviua. The child is well. C. L. UI KNT-Y, it. V., Voon, la. Cuticura Resolvent The new Blood and SWn rurifler. lnternallv. and ClTtcfRA, the great Skin Cure, and CrriclR Soap, the exquisite Skin BeautiQer, externallv, in stantly relieve and speedily cure every disease and humor of the skin, scalp, and blood, with lot of hair, from Infancy to age, from pimples to scrofula. Seld everywhere. Trice, Ccricnu, 50c.: Soap. Rssolv.nt, 1.00. Prepared bv the 1tti:r I'ltt't and CuK-Iiaj. CoRPOKATiox, Boston. i- Send for How to Cure Skin Disease," pages, 60 illustratious, and 100 testimouiaU. Dl DV'C ekln nil SfllP puritied and beautified DAD I O by ClTictRA Soaf. Atsoluteiy pure. WEAK, PAINFUL BACKS, Kidney and fteriae rain and AVek nessee relieved in roe minute by the Cntirum Anti-Pain Flatter, the only lnsusUaeoua pain-kiiiir plaster. Mrs. Minnie M. Latimer, beloved consort of Ed. D. Latimer departed this life at her home iu Kansas City, April 10th, 1S92. The remains were brought to Butler on the 12th and all appearance the dis- ! ffc , 4i, r, r s bad yielded, but I ,ml,lli,sl,c ouu.v-u tuc x. cnurcn, were uuriea iu Uat uroye cemetery. Mrs. Latimer was the daughter of John Winsett, of Sum mit township. She was born in Black Hawk couuty, Iowa, Dec. 7, 1S59, and moved to Missouri with her parents in the fall of 1873. She was married to Ed. D. Latimer May 5th, 18S7. Resided in Pleasanton, Kansas, about one year then remov ed to Kansas City. Mrs. Latimer had been a devout christian for fifteen years, and at the time of her death was a member of the Second Pres byteriau church of Kansas City. She was a devoted and loving wife, kind and affectionate sitter and an obedient daughter. The kfllicted relatives have the sympathy of tLe community in their great lo. The Handsomest Lady in Butler tiiwii an 1 Spiiue Twp Itrtus The prophet Hocks, is hitting the nail on the head in regard to the weather. ... I'ncle ob ert Branch, of Altona, was in town to-Jay He is canvtesing ter the new process of tai. ning and will openmp a new tan yard at Alto na soon Ed Harbart went to Passaic to-day after lumber to repair his dwelling The masonic ledge met Saturday night and quite number in attendance Bill Huse, one of Ballard's citizens, was in town having b saddle repaired. Johnstown is the place to get good repairing done Call and see Mrs II tai.auan s sioct or miiunevy goods when in town ... Dr J W Choate reports a great deal of sickness. ...Walt stcCown says he wishes Dal Dreke would move back to town Prof JohnEtterof Arahie, passed throuch town en rente for uontrose Dawson in town to-day inemaa Strode was after our town carpenter, Bert Oneal. .vr, S will have a new house built and wants a good carpenter to do the job The U L'a held an open session at Oak Grove last week Frank Patrick was i the city to-day Chaa Kennev started for !enver, Col. last week. Success to you. Char lie We would like to know why Walt Mr Cown don't mnrry? II. P. Callahan i besy counting eggs and selUng goods. He re ceiveda large stock of aew goods to-daT, II P is a rustler Weil, the Gov 19 soniewhat rattled over the World's Pair, would like to ge my sell, but lack the stamps to take ray wife: and she, woman-like, wants to go too It may be I can borrow the money lrom the government at 2 ie cent Cncle Peb Cole man will make EsqUohn Coleman's his home this summer Born, to the wife of Samuel lalkner. April Htli a girl Mrs Andrew Dudney is reported dangerously ill M tmbree and C C Cliser are on for grand jurors tins Oneal was in lor band practice Saturday night. Gus is tbe Vss tuba player Unc! Bill Moore and V J Crabtree were in town to day. So they met onee mure Married, - the residence of the bride's parents. April bah Miss Edith Orear and Mr. C. A. McComb. R.ev P.P. Blakemore, officiating. A handsome j repast was spread to which the guests did am- 1 pie justice. The hiippy young couple start out j ! in lire with the hearty congratulations of their j ! Tiny friend-.. Gov Snort. ! Ballard Item. Weather rather mlxeAf late ... . John Lenta Sundayedin Adrian McClerney A Daril- son hauled hay Saturday sfternoon W C Cole and family spent Saturday In Montrose B D Beatty says, what are those boys doinj? Tney only had S 1-1 acres or eats to cultivate and have been out all day with S teams Eobt Douglas, Kay McFarland, of Butler and K C Cole were sight-seeing northeast Saturday ...Aaron Bell and Bob Hays went to Bntlar a re w days since ...Dave Manning and Chaa Teeter in our village a few evening since Jchn Bay of Shawnee, came down far his and Win Ray's mail, quite a number of Shawnee ltea get their mail here now .. .Man n France came In from the east (about a mile) the other evec:ar . . . Bill Hugiies received aa order from Oierseer Arbuck'.e to warn hands and C that culvert ...Our school commenced Monday Prof. Matey at the helm He is said to be a first-class teacher It was Nip instead of M.fs Kvans, Mr tj po. you will have to guefS better next tim . Bob Knous alter more seed oats.. Tom Brown's eye look better Peter S. called Saturday evening after the K C Journal and Bate Co. Kecord. He take lot ot stock ia the Atlanta Constitution , but like most republicans has no use for the Ku pubiic. .. Have jou heard John Hays' xcuse for leaving the democratic pf.rty? Hic Lisi explain WS Kay planted three acres of corn the !th . . W B Moshier and ramily sun Uaved a Judge Coles Lee Embree was uITered a good job at Butler, but could not leave hums j Met Ii-nnut came in with a cow. so expert ! will drini, milk . Judge Cole driving 4 mules SaturJay . Dick Andrews has not been to tow n for a long time, am afraid be will work him self down .. Beatty butchered a calf finished it t:ie muli-s commenced the work Milt Beattv and wife spent Sunday night with the erct.aut, Kent Beatty Monday gKiomy, bat Arbnckle had the boys out on the roads. . . is says its a mistake, be does not sell coffee k-e a pound instead of iVts lH-atty A Co are ee'ling beef to-day . Chi! rides 111 is ow n buggy uow KC Cole talks ol go to Texas, where Jim is Jim writes he like tbe country , has been on a big hunt through Mexico and is having a good time generally Mrs Emma Griffith and son Kay. called Sunday on their way home from the elope Bill Hughes bete Monday morning, the first time ince Sunday night, don't wear yourself out walking. Bill Ky prairie has a school di rector, and look out for the much needed chool house ...The boya at Sam Young's rid ing a colt Tes. we saw Jim Bradley feun- lav evoning. also Fred, Berry and John, fcn- oy ourselves while jou cun Preaching ast Sunday at Salem by Ki v Moshier ..Onr reporter telis us that John McCandlas did not ad out till Sunday night that T N Hendricks lived 011 the Billy Tyler farm Will Powell 011 the sick list ..Chsrley MeCombs is marir ried this time, sure; lie w ill live on the StncLy arm this Eeaeon . .Cia Gieer, Will Cole and McCleaey gardening this week, we are late, as usual Kec Cole thinks the i-addle is good enough for him Beatty has his buggy Did you see John Lenlz when he lit behind the sad die Billy Tj ler's lauiily spent the day at Jas Kuiledges this week ...Tom Slark left for the south to-day, where he and Sam Kiersey are feeding catttle KG Andrews Jr., has gone to work . . Due called this morning and tavs he is still holding the pot and pun for Moore aud Ailison llae you heard Cri8 Greer's dream Atk Beatty or .Mr.CTe.nny about it. ...Jas Willj went to Montrose this week after 'White foam" hich is the rage here .. Beatty & Thompson went to Butler Friday...- Kirt Gilbert has M acres of corn planted, we predict another planting Wilson on the sick list to-dav Dr. McF has been down with his back the pnst two days ...A C Edrington was home a night this week, preparatory to going with a crowd from Bntler tc Oklahoma We havo a good smith, if Bro. Carroll will bring Gov Snort over he ran get him fixed up in fine shape. Come, boys, quit your fussing. nobody wants to hear it; it yon have a griev ance get out and knock Dee says he w ill run the Bowden farm while Mr B and family visit in old Kentucky . . Bud Sammons is farming on a large tcale this vear. He ha the, Williams farm, Franklin's and soihh of It A C'a rented Will Morhier and w ife are living at home r-ar Fairplay school house ...Amos Hughes has not been to Ballard for eggs lately, why not come, eggs or no egs ..Mrs Winegard- ner visited her niece, Mrs Beattv, this week Win Belton has the track horse now, he also bonglit mule of wr Bowden . He had the misfortune to lose two horses by lightring... Rev Lampion preaches every 1st aud 8a Sun day at Walnut Grove C P church Itobt Beatty and 11 C CoU went to K C last week to buy goods See v.ill's team in town, guess has the house moved and is on his road home ..Squire LaFollett in town with the com pany horse. He is a daisy, in fact, can name seve-al good hordes here: Kutledge's. Board, gg, Arbuckles, etc ...Ed Griggs la painting the town not red but expect to see some red trimmings before he finishes . Cris propri etor to-day while Bob is away alter goods What about the new towar we hear so iunch and still know nothing. It ia to be George town I hear, with a store, harnees shop, black smith shop. I. O. u. F. hall, stock ecales and a town hall. Jack. 1 (1 1 l jTH D Latest Styles in m ti Newest Novelties in nnnniiM IWUIUVJ Can't be Equaled in Ipriiig Clothing, B. F. Rus::n ond. paints, oils, varnish-s, 1 - 1 - glass uive nun a building, sou: h side Midi paper, brushes and squ-tre. 20tf Purify blood. , Remarked to a friend the ether av that s-ho knew Ketn p's Ba'sam tor the Throat I and Lunss was a superior renieilv, as it i stopped her cough instantly when other cough remedies had no effect whatever. So to prove this and convince v ou of its merit, any druggist will give vou a sam fie bottle tree. Large si.e 56c and $1. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria The importance of keeping t!c Hood iu a pure condition is universally kiiown, and yet there are very few people who have perfect'y rure The taint of scrofula, salt rheum, or other foul humor is heredited and transmitted for generations, causing untold fufferins, and we also accumulate poison and germs of dis ease from the air v.-e treatbc, W ff the food we eat, or y'l llCt!ie watcr wc drink. There is nothing II rocro con clusively II Uul proven than the positive power of Hood's SarsapariHa over a!l diseases of the blood. Thl3 medicine, when fairJy tried, does expel every trace of scrofula or salt rheum, removes the taint which causes catarrh, neutralizes the acidity and enres rheumatism, drives out the germs of malaria, blood poi soning, etc. It also vitalizes and en riches the blood, thus overcoming that tirefl feeling, and building tip the whola system. Thousands testify to the superiority of Hood's Sarsaparilla as a Mood purifier. Fult Infor mation and statements of cures seat free. fu 00CTS Sarsaparilla Sold by a druggists, fl ; six for J3 Prepared oaly by C. L HOOD A CO, -Apothecaries, Lowell, Lua. 100 Doses One Dollar The Very Latest in Spin ft And the largest stock in the eity of Straw Hats for Men and Boys In short our store is packed with the latest Spring Goods of every description, style, quality and price, and as we bought them to sell, we cordially invite one and all to call and take a look at them. In Press oocls, we think we can please one and all and we know that you will find in our store all the 1 1 a i r latest styles ot the season. We also a large stock of carry BOOTS AND SHOES, Again which wc; will sell at bottom prices. we ask you to call and examine our stock 1 and investigate oui price mm lew r.