Newspaper Page Text
ffiitkr ft d lie iuucc VOL. XIV. BUTLER, MISSOURI, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 14,1892. NO 48 State I j SllO.CCO. Missouri OF BUTLER, MO. CAPITA!, - . Receives Deposits subject to Check, Loans Money, Makes Collections and does a General Banking Business. DEPOSITORY FOR COUNTY FUNDS. In the Real Estate Loan Department- Make loans on Real Estate on long or short time at lowest rates without delay. STOCKHOLDERS! Allen, Mr. I.evlna Boulware, T C. Physician Burk, Monroe Farine Kallard.J N Farmer Mrown, Lnlo Itartlett, Kdmnml Farmer Bryner. Margaret Chelf, H. B. Farmer Coleman. Sam'l U Farmer Caruthera. U A Farmer Christy, J M Physician Clark, Kobert Farmer Courtney, J M Stock Dealer Deerwester, John Farmer Davis, J 11 Foreman TiMitsofncePharia, UF grocery Hatcher, C II Prof Normal Sch Powell, Booker Farmer UeArmond.D A, M O Plgott, H II Bank Clerk Iteerwenter. Frank Co ach com Hosier, J M Farmer Kvans, John Farmer Reeder, Oscar Farmer Everlngham. J Physician UatUord, Chas R Freemam, Caroline and Kllza Keisner, J W Pension Clerk Francisco. S P Lawyer Sullens, J L Banker Hannah, V D medical student Slaybatk, Ed Farmer Hardinirer. W N Farmer Smith. G L Llvervman Hickman, G IS Furniture dealer Starke, L B Deputy circuit clerk Heath, It It 'turner, -Mrs M - lavil&nst Jenkins, J R Cashier Tucker. H" E Dentist Kinnev.Don Ass't Cashier Tyler. W B Farmer Levy. Sam Dry Goods A Clothing Voris. Frank M Farmer Morrison. C 11 Farmer Miller. Alf Farmer McCracken, A Farmer McCracken, Roto Farmer Owen, M V Farmer l'haris, John Grocery Vauifhan. J M Capital'st Wvatt, H C Lumber dealer Wells, Wiley Teacher West, Ii G Farmer Walton, Wm E President Wright, T J Capitalist Weiner, Max Merchant Walls, Wm Farmer Walton, G W Farmer Walls, J T Physician Whipple. N L Physician WM. E. WALTON BOOKER POWELL president vice-president J. R. JENKINS DON KINNEY A83t cafc1iior Virginia Items. j JolinMown r.rd Sin t:ce 'rwp Items. A farm of 100 acres to rent or j i Editor owinsr to tLe condition sell, for particulars call on C H Mor-, 0f BOme of my dear IT L Bros mind risou... 1 he grand meeting ciosea lfc 18 somewhat datjfrerous kst Friday night with several con versions. . . .Mrs. L. E. Uall of Tif Ohio, died at the residence ot tin. W. T. Cowan, Sunday evening, oi heart trouble Alice Malonoy de parted for Eldorado Springs last week for the benefit of her health . . Cy Summers is up from LeRoy, Kau., shaking hands with the boys J. W. Cathy of Anioret, was over one day last weak and left his tame as a subscriber for the "good Times" Mr. Sam Dishong wants hands to chop cord wood three miles south of Amoret. . . .Mike Malouey wants a good hand and will give him a job all winter Wm Smith Sr, shipped 3 car loads of cattle to Chicago that averaged 1390 pounds per head Joel Laud, of Amoret, was over one day last week and en rolled his name a3 a subscriber of the booming Times Mrs. Smith will accompany her niece, Miss Myr tle Young, who has been visiting iu this vicinity, to Kansas City and will remaiu uutil after the fair Virgil Jenkins has got him a tine pony Fun, fun among the bumble bees; Harry Simpson, Morton Jenkins, Jack Taylor, Ike Porter and Cliff Jackson killed a large and savage nest that was a nuisance to the town Uncle E Mills, living at the iron bridge, has some hogs to sell at a bargain Mr. Tom Fettys of But ler, was out Sunday morning to see his sick mother If Bro. G. W. Park decides to cast his fortunes with the people's party the prohibi tiouists of Charlotte township will certainly lose an able ally The people's party brought a Texas cy clone to Butler ou iasr, oaiuruuy, and a water spout at night, so say those that were trying to find their homes about 10 o'clock that night. . Every bo -ly invited to come to Grand to the Gov. to write, but however, we are ptill on the track Fanners iu this section are very busy sowing wheat; there will be one of thn larg est crops of wheat sown in this vi cinity this fall than ever before Add Shelton is digging a well; no water yet but still he La hopes Quite a number of the U L calamity howlers gone to Butler to-day to the convention; going to put out a "pure" ticket. I reckon, that is if we can idge the future by the past. . Johnstown is still on the improye; II P Calahan is putting in a new front to his business house.... We had the pleasure of attending the speaking at Butler thy 8th and list ening to G G Vest, the little giant, speak, and can say he showed what, standing up for Missouri means We meet our friend Ben Ireland to dav: Ben is one of the true blue democrats; he is enthusiastic over the outlook of the party and thinks Stone will be the next governor. We can eay that we believe Col Stone will roll up one of the old time dem- cratic maionties and forever bury Warner aud his crew from the face of the earth Miss Mamie Kenny returned home from .tadoraao Spring Quite a number of the boys went to Butler the Sth ... J II Crabtree was in this and Deepwater townships rustliugup the democrats ....The union protracted meeting at Walnut Grove closed Tuesday uii?ht with 111 conversions. Those churches that worked so harmonious ly are wonderfully revived and built ud We cau't'seo for the life of us how a democrat that is a demo crat bv m-iuciDle can vote with the U L party. We know of some demo crats that was democrats, we thought true-blue, that voted with the IT L norfv anil nm now redv to fuse Jurors. GRAND. Jno Ai iiittrong, Howard; H Md- iir, Walnut; jte aiewarr, west Point; B Blackman, East Boone; O W Frederick, New Home; L Lamp- kin, Oiuge; II Walton, Lone Oak; Jas Crabtree, Mt. Pleasant; L R Al len, Beer Creek; J E Butler, Sum mit; J B Van Oster, liockville; W J Crow, Spruce. petit. J A Carter, Howard; T J Farrell, Walnut; Thos Wiight, Homer; J H Shackelford. Vt Point; Jesse Nave, West Boom ; W D Alexander, East Boone; R Marshall, Elkhart; W K Elliot, Charlotte; A B Wood, New Home; Noah Audi ews, Osage; Wm. Maltbie, Prairie; Ed Bartlett, Lone Oak; G W Eichler, Mt. Pleas ant, T J Funk, Mound; J M Hogan, Deer Creek; Z A White, Grand Riv er; Frank Barber, Shawnee; Jas Cox, Summit; J W Gench, Pleasant Gap; J W Ruble, Rockville; A Zwahleeu, Hudson; L M Rich, Deepwater; R Starke, Spruce; K P Sheppard, Minco. Judges ot Election. Howard township at Hume J H Gregg, G A Corbin, H K Wood, J Tharp, J Armstrong aud J A Coul ter. At S or ague J L Bell, G T Hol- and, T C Robinson, A Gwinn, J W Babbit and W B S Gault. Walnut at Foster Ed Davis, C E West, E A Henry, J Doolittle, N L ivingston and J D Hart. At Worland T J Farrell, J S rankliu, L N Gritton, J Y Smith, G Deming and D L Itufuer. Osage J J Fiaucisco, L II Bird, W C Hedden, DCressap,SC Lemar. aud L J Burch. New Home, No. 1 S Beck, L S Blankenship, G Wilson, S S McCouu, ) Steele aud J Swarreus. No. 2 A Daniels, J M Hoaland, O W Frederick, N Nyhart, J II Wil- mms and C B Culhson. Lone Oak P Walton, O Frazee, M M Carroll, G WT Barber, M Ryan aud Morgan Carroll. Prairie J N Bradley, W II Sum- r- t "i i i- t w. tuey, tua iYOi-nier, w jjme, v is Carrco and E Terry. Pleasant Gap I T Scifers, B Campbell, J Showalter. C Reqnn, B Steel and W O Siggms. Rockville S Hoffman, J Ilart- man, V J 11111,15 1' onarpiese, J il Wells aud J W Ruble. Hudson G B Ellis, F Browning, O L Housley, It a Patten, T L Brown monies by the last of September. bhtna ordered to deliver booths to the various voting places in time for election. A Lefler, granted school loan of $200 and Laura P. Pearce for $250. ! Arbuckles, Cantrell, et al, appeal road case. Election precincts of West Boone township changed from Rosier to Merwin. Roley & Gouyh, of Rich Hill, were granted dram shop license; also to Heck & Charon, at Reavley. School loan granted to Emma F Nix, of $150. BILLS ALLOWED. G B Hickman, box for paup R & T A Ennis, books, M V Carroll, printing FAR nn IVI IF BATES COUNTY, BA iiv Cash Capital, $50,000.00 View Sunday' school next Sunday at I witb"th republican party which is a tlirpo o'clock to see and hear the new organ tested. .Prof. T J Wheel er will teach school the coming win ter in the Graudview district.... Hold on, boysl Never mind cyclones, water spouta! just wait uutil Stone speaks at Butler, then yoa will think the foundations of the deep have broke loose and Gabriel blowing hia horn Every democrat of Char lotte township should join the dem ocratic club. Now is the time that every one ought to show his colors. If we had more such workers as Ike Lockridge, Lee and Chis Browning, J W Porter and Jno McElroy Char lotte would give Stone its old time majority. . . . W W Park has 3S5 bu. of oats that he will take $50 for. . . . The clouds opened their veins and immersed the F & L U-Pprohibition-Republican democratic crowd that miuled together Saturday last. TEd Dudley has traded his cart ,.n,Vliftrneas for a big horse Miss Gussie Craig is very sick A Kan sas City doctor was down to see her Sunday.... Au old man was acci killed ut A more t Saturday , . by the cars ruuuuig over him. . ine school at No. 2 is progressing cice ly, the teacher evidently understands her business The Virginia school begins about the 20th. Miss Ida Whitsitt. teacher Born, to tha wife of Mr. Brough, a tine babe. . . . Charley Simpson has gone to Kan sas. N- M. Nestlerobe. high protection party while the U L claims to be a free trade iartv. Oh consistency thou art a precious jewel Gov. dnokt Ensilish Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, ioft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes trom horses, Blood Spavins Curbs, Splints, Svveene3', Rtn-Bone Stifles, Sprain all Swollen Throats Coughs, etc. Save bv lise ot one bottle. Warranted the most wondrfu B.emtsh Cure ever known. Sold bv W Morris, Druggist, Butler. 21-1 Some of the base ball players who got out of a job when "our national game" collapsed have taken a 6tep downward; they have gone into poli ties. F Deerwesttr, postage J B March serviced as bridge commissioner, O F Renick quarter salary as county physician and med O D Austin stationery S E Jones sent to blind school at St. Louis Mabel Thomas do W H Igo clean'g court house yard G B Hickman, goods for paup Pace & Trimble medicine fur nished Cummiugs family R & T A Ennis ree'd probate H C Reese i days' service F Fix G C Miller Jas Drysdale clerk fees C W Hartsock services C Hirni quarter sal treas J C Hajes office repairs H C Embree road work Mrs Lemaster sup Cummins family A Ii Henderson brdg work $ 2.00 19.50 5.50 GOO S.75 41.30 3.35 10.00 10.00 2.50 9.20 0.S5 19.50 20.00 20.00 20 00 88.85 8.00 250.00 12.10 li 00 5 00 10.45 1.6 2.80 24.S5 SO 8.00 13 20 I. N. THOMPSON ... Prnldnt J. K. ROSIER Vire-PTMldrnt K. A BENNETT id Vice-Pr-iiifnt E. D. KIPP CuMn Pr. J. ETER1NGHAM Swwtary T. W. SILVEKS . . ..AUorney Roceivos Deposits subject to check. Lories Money, issues Drafts and transacts a general Banking business. Your patronage respectfully Solicited. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. What is lacking is truth and fidence. If there were con- absolute truth on the on hand and absolute confidence ou the other, it wouldn t be mcessary for the makers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh remedy to back up a plain statement fact by a 500 guar tee. They say "If we can't cure you (make it personal, please,) of catarih in the head, iu any form or s-tage, Tve'.l pay you 500 for your trouble iu making the trial.' "Au au trtis ing fake,"' you fay. Funny, isn't it, how sme people prefer sickness to health! when the remedy is positive and the guarantee absolute. Wise men don t put their money oacK 01 nd "faking doesn t pay. and Wm Prior. DeepvatT J B Newberry, G W Ludwiuk, Dewitt Day, I M Smith, W Hubbard and J H Raybouru. Summit W B Caldwell. J L Shubert, G W Walton, A Frv, R C Wright and J C Phillips. Mt. Pleasant T D Rafter, J P Edwards, N B Laugsford, 11 G Hart well. J J McKee and D E Wy- koff. Charlotte J W McFaddeu, J D Woody, I Lockridge, R F Harper, J J Cameron aud W T Cowan. Homer T J Wheeler, H P Nick- ell, C T Munford, Wr J Bard, T R Stephenson aud J B Crook. West Point -S E Grider. T P Crawford, W M Dalton, A P Cline, W A McGreedy and E Crook. Elkhart L Langsford, F J? ry, x M Fouty, E Hand, M H Bowman 3nd J G Erwin. Mound W J Crewe, M L Wolfe, J K Rosier, R M Wilcox, E Osborne and W Finley. Shawnee O Harris, Doc Mc- Comb, W M Griggs, J Deerwester J Fisher and Frank Barber Spruce J M Coleman, W F La- fo'.lett, J W Cole, F Swartzenburger J H Bowden and D L Edringtou. Mingo E Staley, Estes Smith, T Buck, B F Gregory, J H Doug lass and Jeff Rogers. Grand River M M Tucker, O Reeder, A M Richey, L H Argen- bright, J F Seawright and Esq Moulton. Deer Creek J W Duncan, M Haas, John Taggard, N. Moudy, J Graham and C J Sartain. East Boone S T Mudd, H Mills, M H Trowbridge, W R Hoffman, W H Erwin and J C Jayne West Boone J H Crawford, C T Ha'derman, W H Lucas, J Todd, J W Coleman and W Marsh. M A Savage J B Fry mdse bridge N W Ballliuch repair'g brd. Whitueld Bros., nails C Hatcher mdse C W Hartsock services E G F Johaunes assessing Rockville twp 41.95 Standard printing co. blanks G.50 L Orear. Hancock inquest 1D.00 W D Yates, freight, ink, &c, 2.30 R & T A Eunis blank tax re ceipts 40.45 John McCaudille, for support of W S Fk-mmirsg and wife for two mouths 10 00 TTpiu-v Coats for tern surDort 10.00 G W Pollock for 144 ft side walk in front of jail block 3S.00 The investigation of the Oscar Reeder case, wherein it was discov ered, on adjusting accounts and makinor the settlement, the county owed Mr. Reeder, $44.00. Peanut politics are not quotable but the peauut national union has de cided not to lower the price of goobers. Has the best paving material been discovered? In the old world it is re ported that rubber paving is gaining favor. It was thought the Sin of the Wandering Foot' lnlonged exclusive ly for men but it is now claimed that the woman tramp is increasing. We Can and l)n Is the complaint of thousands suf feriug from asthma, consumption, coughs, etc. Did you ever try Dr. Acker's English Itemed? It is the best preparation known for all lung troubles. Sold ou a positive guar antee at 25c and 50c. 'fakes." And QUININE AND PE RU-NA. i-ui-'v I'oUl't i'yOCredlliKS. Court met with Judges Reese, Fix iu;d Miller, county clerk Drysdale and fceriff Hartsock, present Bridge commissioner was ordered to make estimate for a cable wire or iiou bridge over Caiou ford ou Gil liam's creek iu Walnut township; alo to repair bridge in Mound town- ship. C T Black awarded contract to furnish 82 bcoths, und files his bond m the sum of 200. Clerk ordered to apportion school Tw Great Jlaliti ml Remedies tou-- nared. Nothing is more clearly demon strated than that there are two dis tinct forms of malaria, which, for the waut of better uameB, may be denominated acute and chronic. It Las been recently ehown that the parasite which causes malaria are different in the acute and chronic forms. The acute form is commonly known as fever and ague, or chills and fever. This form of the disease is too well known in malarious dis tricts to need description, and is generally curable by large doses of quinine, though this is not so favor able a remedy as Pe-ru-na. The chronic form of malaria is, by no means, so well understood, as the symptoms are hardly ever exactly alike in any two cases, and it is rare ly, if ever, curable by taking quinine. Each case presents slightly different symptioms, the most common ones being dull headache, sallow complex ion, surred tongue, bad taste, poor digestion, shivering feelings, hot flashes, cold feet and hands, and constant, tired feelings. Quinine will not cure cases of chronic ina!aria as above described. Pe-ru na is the only specific for such cases. Pe-ru na is sure to cure, leaves the system with no derangc mtni. and produces no drug hauit hard to leave cff. which quinine will do. is for sal at most drus stores, accompanied with directions for use; but these who are using it should send for the family physician No. 1; a treatise on malaria. Sect free by the Pe-ru-na Drug Manufac turing Company, Columbus, Ohio. 11 Public Sale. I will sell at public sale on the Judce Ballard place 4 miles north ' of Johnstown aud 3 miles east of Ballard, on Friday, September 23rd, 18'J2, the following property: 22 htad of horses, consisting 1 mare 9 years old, 3 live old maree, 4 four year old mares, one being sired by the Wy coff horse, Artist of Montrose, one I 3 year old mare.oue 2 year old mare, 3 yearling horse colts, one sucking colt, one Bucking mule colt, C 2 year old mules, one hno black mealy cose jennett 3 years old, 29 head ot cat tle consisting of 16 head of 2 year old steers, 5 cows with young calves all good milkers, one 2 year old heifer, one extra steer calf, one fiv- Holstein bull calf, one road cart,one 5 jj wagon nearly new, one 6 section nar row, one Hapgood 16 inch riding plow, one 14 inch walking plow, one set wagon and one set single harness, one set plow gear, 30 tons timothy hay. Terme: Under .?10 ca."-h, on all sums of $10 and over a credet of 12 months will be given without in terest, if paid when due, otherwise to draw 8 per cent interest from date. Note to bear approved secu rity. J. M. Beatty. FACTS AND FIGURES. There are 197 publications and news Rgents in St. Louis, and. ac cording to the official figures given by Mr. Jno. B. Harlow, pofitma-.ter, ail of these sent out, during the month of July, 987,828 pounds cf second class mail matter, which in cludes all newspaperi and periodi cals mailed from the office of publi cation. Of this total, The St. Louis Republic mailed 229,139 pounds, or about one-third of all, which fact tells its own story as to the wond r ful popularity and large circulation of the great democratic newspaper 01 the west and ecuthweet. ! THE ''TWICE A WUtK"' EEirEtlC I is at once the best and cheap,: st I newspaper published in America It j will be indispensable during this campaign of education, and wid be mailed to any address, from now nn I til November ZiK for Thirty Cent, ! : 1 - " - j i ui 111 auus oi tezi tji iii'jrt; recive-l at one time, for Twenty five Cents each. Remember thit is for a Great Semi-Weekly Paper. Send in your orders at once. Sample copies free. Address, The Republic. St Louis. Mo. Whpn Baby was sick, pare hvt Ca. t.irta. Whin s,Ue was a CfciM, she cried lor C'&storia. When she brottm Miss, she clung to Castoria When the haJ Children, the gave the U Casturi 1 Tlie Cireat Kii!M! City Fair hihI Car nival Week. octobeu 1st to 9th. 1892. On October 1st, the Exposition Driving Park gates will again be opeu to the world aud the special attractions are too numerous to men tion in full. Prominent among the attractions can bo mentioned repub lican day, Tuesday, October 4tb, Hon. Wm. McKinley, of Ohio, will deliver nn address. Wednesday, October 5th, Priests of Pallas parade. Thursday, October Gth, Peoples Party day, and among the speakerB will be found Hon. W'm. IVfter and John B. Weaver; tLia is also Ger man dav. Friday i.-i democratic day. The Hen David B ILIi of New York, will address the people. Sig Libera! i, of New York, with his celebrated band of forty pieces will give concerts daily during the fair. Never iu the history of Kansas City has there been such wonderful attractions. Racing of a'! kinds and half rates on all railroads All of our citizens should arrange to spend one or more days at 11:0 and Exposition. (Treat Fair At-: tY-u Nevada, Mo , Sept. 10. A Baptist minister, Rev. William Greshan of this city ate 50 castor beans yester day on the advice of a friend for stom ache trouble aud has tinoe suffered intolerable agony. Two doctors were with him all night and to day. It ie ht he cannot possibly recover. 30 years of age. e is a single man BA9 SKIN ERUPTION Slany Years. AH Manner of Medictaes and Doctors Fail. Cured in One Mouth by C'aticura. In 1S55 1 had an rnpt;on com out r.n ir.y k!, and while at first it did not amount to much, u grew to be very jrirrvat';nt and ot tim- uabrar fcl'te. The (kin would pet bard, ir,t"amd, cjvi perl off, leaving an entire Dew akin, acting same vy I t week at a time, always wurre at nighu. Have tried all manner of medicine and had doctor resent to no tnect. 1 bouimt a l- i .? t i ik nu emeuiis and need CuTict aa Kiwjlvim lor my Ken Mood. I am fully cured, aad in le thin a motto It waa a mott aggravating kin dieae. and no -I am enjoying eaae and comfort. I have tad toid benefit. Anyone trying Citictr litwcnte.. caiinot help but derive benefit. Anyobe -ntinr K.e will receive an antwer ami my advice to irtv your Kexedii a trial. A. B. PATTOX, Manager i'oeUl Telegropfa-C'al.Ie Co., O-rdc-a Citv, Kasias Doctor Uses Cuticura WV Eire TMr;d a drsjr rtire at tfci p'ace a-vl are having a piendid aie on CcricrBa Kibcdie. hich we keep a full atoek ot. I weald not be wiifcoct yosr Ctrnau Keoitst, Crncriu, and CcricrRa tfoar for t5UO, ot for tbe benefit J d;d tay little boy. When be waa til rociitb oio, hi face wa covered with eczema, and Cvtictka ItElEDica enred ft. He i sow three year old We !ill oe tbe Ccnrc bOAf, ar.d 'ah birr ocasionaiiy with it, to prevent Lwokis froo: getting roh. We have fcandied yoar cvdieir- for five car, aid never b-e-rd a eompiaaat aiMict ai..uorfiat fraite. We toid otsr drcr stre s?j Km, ss-i will etatiss la the Srs taice hew. C. TY.Mi.H.U Cuticura Remedies Are oH everywhere. Price, CrT!' ttji. tb great friUi Cure, Sue.; ClUCTRa eoar, ckiB Fanfierarid Beaat:r,2Sc.; Y.msrtyi . the new Biood Iari3er, II. I'reptared vj m ttrTTia I) if 3tD ',KfS:'Al. i 'OKI"fcJlTii?5, Vxnrjfi. tin ieiid f jt " How 10 Cure ri kit 6 pzzvn, Uj uir-cti, ai.d 100 teticxAaa. ?! U PLES, biack-head. red. rough, e&ped, and ill ka ccred by CtTitt'JU tujir. HOW MY SIDE ACHES ! Acting Side and Back. IT;?, Kijcey .-jd L'ttrlie Paioe, arid i.teii;iUfn re- lie-rwl la ou minute 1t tbe Cnticer Aati-fAia t later, frice,