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$500,000. We desire to place out on real estate security a large amount of money- Will give the best terms and lowest rates. yet offered by anyone in this line of business- Notes drawn for one, two, three or five years Have some money to loan vaitable on or before a given and see how cheap we can let you have money- The Bankers Loan & Title Co P. C. FULKERSON, Manager. .BATES COUNTY National Bank, BUTLER, MO. THE OLDEST BANK Til I,4ftUESr A.I THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN BATES COUNTY. CAPITAL, - - $125,000 00 SURPLUS, - - 25,000 00 F. J. TYGARD, - - -HON. J. B. KEWBEKR1 , J. C.CLARK President. Vice-Pres. Cashier W Ae ROSE, LIVE STOCK AUCTIONEER. Will do busi.iess in Bates. Cass nnrf adjoining counties. Address me at liar- rihonyiiie, mo. Reference. First National Bank and 3ank of llarrisonville. . 4 tt -GO TO- G. A. VAN HALL J SUCCESSOR TO F. BERNHARDT & CO. FOR E BBUOS MEDICINES, TftllET ADTIPI CQ Euii.1.1 n111.ULi.u9 TOBACCOS AND FINE C1GA 1. ARTISTS MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS Prescriptions Carefully Compounded A liberal Patronage of the public is solicited. WANTED CHICKENS & EGGS I will pay the highest market price for chickens and gg delivered at my store at Virginia, Mo.' I also have good feed stable in .'onnection with my store.. Nelson M. Nestlerode. Missouri Pacific Rl 2 Daifr Tiaiii 2 TO KANSAS CITY and! OMAHA COLORADO SHORT LINE TO PUB 5 .Daily Train. btr,l Kansas City to St, Louis, THE PUEBLO AND DENVER. PLLI MAN KIFFETT SLEEPING CARS S.ane4ft City to Denver w ithout ctiange II. C. TOWNSEND General Passengei and Ticket A'gt ST. LOUIS, MO R. R. DEACON, SONS Parm 3M! a-cliiiier y 5 TOP BTJCCIES, SFRX2TC AMD FAEM W.S.COITS. Iron, Steel, ails And Pump Repairing. Gas Pipe moving into our new And are prepared t pay th? 1 Southeast Coiner Square, BUTLER, TO SEEK Full SLAVES. Another Butch of Gilbert Islanders Wanted forGautemalian Planta tions. San Francisco, Dec. 21. The tramp steamer Moutserrat, which re ceutiy earned a cargo ot unuert Islanders to Gautemala coffee plan tations, now has been bought by the men back of the project, and will b- used to transport by the wholesale the poor ignorant South Sm islanders to the unhealthy cof fee plantations of Central America. The Moutserrat left here December 4 for Gautemala. She had 011 board Captain W. II. Fergusor, thi man who brought over 500 Gilbert is- landers on the brig Tabita, and whom sickness compelled to stay Washington, 420.73; Penusy'.va here, so that he escaped the fate of nia' 256.64; New York, 230.32, Mich- all on the brig, which foundered off j the Mexican coast. The new own j era of the Montserrat are the men who lately brought a load of island ers to Gautemala and made a large profit on the cargo. The cruise will take iu the Satnoan and Caroline groups before the Gil baits are touched, but little is ex pacted from the former islands be cause the natives are not a laboring class. - The iour-mastea schooner Alexan-j 'der. now idle in Oakland creek, is also reported to be under charter to the slave dealers. The king of the Gilbert islanders is always hard up and the dealers pay him handsome ly for his influence in getting labor ers. Unless England, which lately assumed a protectorate over the Gil berts, steps in and forbids this "blackbirdinj the islands will be practically depopulated. The is landers are promised good wages and return transportation, but two out of three fall victims to deadly I fevers aud change of climate. That hacking cough can be so quicklv cured bv Shilo's Cure. We euarantce i it. Sold at 11. L. Tucker's Prescription Diugstore. Starvation in Oklahoma. Kansas City, Mo$ Dec. 21. Re - ports received from Guthrie point t3 great suffering in the western part of the territory, while up in the Cherokee Strip there are report ed Indian troubles on account of a shortage in rations. Fort Reno has not yet been called upon for troops, but on unofficial announcement Bays that the Indian bucks of the blanket tribes are dancing, .while the women are, starving. In one place 10 In- diaus in one tepee have had but 10 pouuds of meat for over a week, with heavy, soggy bread, and no coffee or other stimulant. There are many sick in the tribes who are dying rapidly, while the settlers who came iu ou the Arapahoe lands m e for lack of clothing food. Thev have lost ail if their stock by cold or starva tion aud the outlook for their own safety is gloomy. It is cold all over the territory aud a regular blizzard has been blowiug for heveral days, with fiue lifting snow. No colder weather has been experienced iu many years. For lame back, side or chest, use Shi loh's Porous Plaster. Price fsocts. Sold by H L. Tucker. CUTLERY, GUNS WAGON AND CARRIAGE WOOD WORK. and Fittings, Brass Fittings, Bath Room and general Louse Plumbing done by experienced men. Siuce quarters where we Lave plenty of room and light, we Lave added a complete line of choice family higest mu-ktt prices for Butter, Eggs, MO. Many New Railway. Chicago, 111., Dec. 21 The statis tics of railway construction during 1892 will be the subject of au article in to morrow's issue of the Railway Age. It shows that during the 12 months the total length of main track constructed in the United States was 4,0G2 miles, in forty- 1 l f 11 x l J . -uree 01 roe states ana territories, TLis is about 400 miles le6s tLaQ ia 189L The only states i" which there was no tiack laid weie Ve mout" Rhode l8land Connecticut, Delaware and Nevada. The total railway mileage now in the United States is 179,003 miles. The states m. which tu greatest mileage was 1 "4 aunuK tUt lsent year is as I010(Vf: 1Sau' .tl; 1 as, Jll i; W est Virginia, 130.94; Menuesota, 20J.27; "nio, LVi.i.y, .Missouri, 1'Ji.itf Shiloh's Vitalixer is whatt vou need tor constipation, loss ot appeite, dizt- j orders not to make public the tele ness, and a'l symptoms of dvsnepsia , . . Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. ' Sold j gi'n:s, but this much is known, that by li L Tucker. j there was a battle on the 17th, on , . , .. . . Mexican soil, near Guero, about 30 "lomaitfhe Jack a Judge. , e ... . t ,r . miles from the river, between Mexi- Ei Reno, Ok., Dec 21. Jack j oail t,0aps aud tLe revolutionists, Stilhvel!, familiarly known as -Coin j with a victory for tbe attei. There auche Jack," one of the most noted ! .,.,. r.,... oi,i;.. i.:n...i :.. .1. . characters of the Indian Ten-it orv, was o 1 loin eiecteit police ru it r . t i . - of this city and to-dav assumed the ,,e ui oniee. .jmck, every- Jack, ii every oae calls hi:u, is a big man with a j big heart, but in the performance of j his duties :n deputy United States marshal in the Indian territory, he j has seat his seventeenth mia to the happy hunting ground. Jack is fa miliar with almost every rabbit path in the territory, over which lfe has traveled for the last twenty 3-earK. The stormy scenes of former d clays hive lost their ever, and he charm for him how- 1 J 3 i u;wsciu uuMl IU deal out justice to the misguided iu El Reno. Will yeu suiter with dyspepsia and liv er complaint? Shiloh's Vilalizer is guar anteed to cure 3 ou. Sold by 11 L Tuck er, druggist. This story is told of Governor Russell of Massachusetts and his brother Harry, who isa member of his staff. The latter desired ap pointment to his present, position, but the governor had made up his slate without Harry's name appear ing thereon A mutual friend. Judge John Corcoran, however interviewed the chief magistrate aud inquired if - , , . 1 . he had any influence with the incom ing administration. Governor Rus sel asked what it was that he wanted and J udge Corcoran proposed Har ry Russel for assietaut adjutaut geueral. '"Do you vouch for him? ' a-fced the brother. . "I do" repited the Judge. "Then the appointment (.shall be made,"' was the reply of the governor-elect. 1 Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is sola by us on a guarantee. It- cures consumption. Sold bv H L Tucker. The inauguration of Piesident Cleveland wid fall ou Saturday. Sun dty Mid be a day of unrest to offiee seikers exican Cactus was thought to be worthless until it, was discovered that it cured Catarrh. "Cacterine" is the rem edy. Sold by H. L. TUCKER. i-8t AND AMUNITION.- and general farm Produce. Watch our A CLOUD OVER MEXICO Humor Says it .Hay liurst at Al most Any Moment. Laredo, Tex., Dec. 21 The storm is coming, and when it breaks it will be over the republic of Mexico. Dis patches are rushing to aid fro from the Mexican official to the United States officers on the frontier, and in the near future ther will be a genuine revolution in Mexico. t ! i..i" 1 formation was received here to-dav ! that Geneial Estrada, statioued at Mier, about seventy-live miles down the Rio Grande, was missing from j his post of duty, and it is thought ha has joined the revolutionists, who are marching toward the interior of Mexico. This is another indication that the outlook is yery bid for President Diaz. It is impossible to gaiu any infor mation from those high in authority as everyone is under the strictest 1. 1 t ii owiuitri r Klllttl ill SMI j mish, the revolutionists completely i routing the federal troons. aud in a Ann ; 1 t,: ivn-TswwE?aj.wii; t,u 11 111 irti 11 1 1 1 h 1 II1;ireli towards the interior When iast heartJ froui they were in R few uours t) the towu of Cora!vo, xvLi..b i bitllattcd fifty milles from the river, near the Candolia moun tains and thirty miles from the Mex icau National railroad. This infor mation is from au officer whose name is, of course, a secret, aud can i bs vouched for. He states that the Mexicau troops down the iver have , betn iven orders to march j to tfa ' ntcrwir an. tlof f.,-H... Kl ....... . . . l Lunb l it L 11 r 1 IIUUU1C will come from the m powerful influ ence working for the overthrow of the present administration in Mexi co. It is reported that there is co lacking of funds to carry out the movement. There has Deen a grand coupe made by the revolutionists. They made the raid at San Iuac'io on the 10th and did not recross to this side but went on into Mexico. Meanwhile the troops were ordered by both countries to the frontier with the expectation of finding them ! in tha fVinnnai-il rn iU Tamo C-J.l,. . . . . , A 4, of the river, when in fact thev were gathering strength as they receded towards the mountains in Mexico. j See the World's Fair for Fifteen CeiltS. Upou receipt o aJJrS8 . fifteen cents iu postage gtams. we j will mail you prepaid our souvenir porfoho of tbe W orld s Columbian ! imposition, the regular rtnea is fiftv cnts but as we want you to have one, we make the price nominal. You will find it a work of art and a thin" 10 oe pnzea. views o descriotio: ea in tne Highest style of art. If not satisfied with it after you get it we will refund the stamps and let you keep the book. Address H. E. Bucklen & Co . it contains luii pae j w"rn raay ne naa Ire 31 acxer- the great buildings with dgtrTe, wno guarantees una recom- j - : menus ur. jiiie unecuaiea . tiean ds of tame and is esecnt n. ... k... Chicago, 111. & 00. locals for Holiday Goods. Death brings to light this item of biography and reminds you that it was not long ago that the tirst loco motive began its travels. Mr. John Porteous, who was born iu Scotland in 1800, died recently iu Cincinnati! Iu eurly manhood Mr. Porteous was associated in business with George Steveusou, and together they c n slructed the Rocket, the tirst 'oc -motive that was ever built, nud which was run between Manchester aud Liverpool, but Mr. Porteous be ing an expert worker in bras., de signed and constructed the entire brass equipment of the engine. It was on the locomotive that Stephen sou was later killed. Croup, whooping cough and bronchi tis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure Sold at II L 1'ucKerV Prescrip tion dtugstore. In the good old dnys of Puritan ism the people in the old Bay state hid not got very far away from the idei, God and the state. There used to be a clause in the constitution of ! Massachusetts declaring that no man should be elected lor govtrnor "unless he shall declare himself to be of the Christian religion."' But the people voted that out years ago, aud now there is nothing in the con stitution to prevent a Mohanimedau or a Confucian or au infidel from beiug elected governor Some Foolisli Pole Allow a cough to run ur.til is tjels I e- yond the reach of medicine. They say "Oh, it will ve;ir away," but in most cases it wears ihem away. Could they he induced to try the successful Kemp's Balsam, which is told on a positive guar antee to cure, they would Fee the excel lent effect after taking the first dose. Price 50c and $1. Trial size tree. At all druggists. A consideration of the population question has developed the fact that one-fifth of the married woujc.. of Massachusetts are childless. It is said that in no country save Franc cm a similar condition of affairs be found. . On lhe other ban.', instead of over 20 per cent only 13 27 per cent of the. foreign born women of Massachusetts are childless. What is true of this state is undoubtedly in a greater or If ss degiea through out the country. Miles' Jierve & Liver Pills. Act on a new principle regulating th'. hyer, strnoach and bowles through the nerves. A new discover? They speedily cure billiousr.ess, bad taste, tor pid liver, pnes ana constipation, JspiCn did tor men, woman and children; smallest, mildest, surest 30 doses for 25 cents Samples tree at H L Tucker Drug Store. 24-nr Fci tuuKte is the man whom pros perity cannot spoil Edison, the electrician, is satisfied with ciacLed wheat and cream for lunch ad dines as plainly as if he v.a still a pocr operator wno naa to d,u .1 t-iy quarter fcc xrended. 2 Physicians make no more fatal mis take than when they inform the patient that nervous heart troubles come from the stomach and are of Hitle conse quence. lr. Frankiin iies, the noted Indtania specialist has proven the cn ! trarvin his new book on heart disease, heart remedy in the world. It cures aer vou aitd organic diea-e, short breath, fluttering breath, pain or tenderness in the side, arm or shoulder, irregular pulse, tainting, smothering, dropsy, etc His Restorative Nervine cures headache fits, etc. Backlen't Arnica Salve, The Best Salve in the world ior Cuts Bruises.Sores. Ulcer, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter,Chpped Hands, Chlblain Corns, and all Skin Eruption, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pa required. It is guaranteed to give peitect satistacuo-i or money refunded. Trice 35 cts per box For sale bv H. L. Tucker, druggist. W. H. H. Larimtf. CfJurerH3jBHlfO Ed. M. Smitn. iVSSkiM TUCK CATTLE, HOCS and SHEEP To LARIMER. SMITH & BR1D6EF0RD, M.AKWII ITV. Tti"'- wint Tour iuitw ml will cuJ you the nuif e; ripurts five. Write them. Franz Bernhardt! t On the north U1e of the square, i Butler, - Missouri. ; Itoec his own j Watch & Clock Repairing' I ! , I UVUo Wstelies. Clock, Jewelry ami SIH i 1 j verware at actual cost m mmi i Vor tise next twelve months 1 a watch ranker of Si years experience ; ran ana w 111 gur ou visibcuub. I Fine Watch K i' a Specialty. .i.f: . ... I wl uiic. Mm'UmI 1 Mil ko( t k t--T 1 . 1 ai tMtb tyrtd mA frmA bit tt ti it imckmmi fcr rcpW-- of lh ii..t. PAT;f:TS TCCiTfO BY H'lL. CONFIDENTIAL mi. 0. e. r. stnn buicni ir'ini. ciiuntu.- CORRECT His..mii:raciic Time Tabte.? Arrival and departure ot passenger trains at Butler Station. North Bovnh Passenger, - - 4:51 8- m. Passenger, - - V5C p. rn. Passenge-, - - (:Jj p. ni. Local c .-eight - .10:05 a.m. South Hound Passenger, - - 7:04 a. m. rassenger, - - 3:28 p m. Passenger, I :6 p..m Local Freight - 9i:37 P rn. LiiwyerH, T. W. RlLVKItS. 4. A.SlLTIK-. SILVERS & SILVERS, Attorney-at-Law. Will piactice in tbe courts of Baes and adjoining countict, the. Court ot Appeals, Supreme Court at Jefferson City and in the Federal Ccurts. j$3,0:T:ce over Farmers Bark; third door from head of staiiway. D E AUMOXU & OMIT11. ATTORN hi YS AT LAW. Will practice in Bates ai.d adioining counties. SiifOffice over Bates Co. Nat'l Bank. jpARKINSON & GRAVES, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OfHce West Side Square, over Lans down!s Drug Store. DR. J. M. CHRISTY, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OTj-e, front room over P. O. All call answered at office day or night. Special attention given to female dis eases. r C. BOULAVARE, Physician and Surgeon. Office-north side square, Butler, Mo. Diseases of women and chH en a specialty. , WHY NOT? Wben yonjgo to the Tott OaEefifor lyoar mail, why rot price STATIOSSY, SOAPS TOST Jactilceivel 25,000 Envelops from N. Y. l.V Ibt Toilet Soap from Pbil&delpbU, CIGARS. From Ei'itlrocre, and general awcrtttent o STATIONERS SUNDRIES We bv til tkece thlsfs and lots of thtrtta QUAWTITV! QMALITY! PRICE! Which will ait any hmjtr. Xjiamiaa go(it and price ud tee If we are ot correct. POST OFFICE EOOK STORE