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Image provided by: State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO
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C Mmi iff (tl mm f)T II I III III in hi hi in in ii in f if. tol. xv. B17TLER, MISSOURI, THURSDAY JANUARY 19, 1898. NO. 9 I When it comes to quoting prices but our tale the past week show' that we are decidedly "in it" when it comes to selling them We being strictly one pi i.e." and that marked in plain ligures, we cannot quote VOU nCtltlOUS VaillfiS for friinrls U?o ftumnt Mutimi CIKIa. 7in :awh , 1 you fictitious values for goods. U e cannot ask ou SI 5 for a Fifteen dollar suit, and tell you its worth j,mi ft'tei Qmrnm because you can see the price as well as ourselves. But we do give you 25 IRonr O&i0Lfc- IiscoTnLint- On each and every article in our store not a single thing reserved everything goes the finest as well as the uoorest ind right here let us say that never before have we sold first-class reliable goods as lol as tins, 25 per ceni discoum now mnkes 25per cent, culgives yoUger diSCUntS befre bUt n6Ver n Ur neWest and freshest oods as now- Notice what values 'that 1 Mens Satinet Suits for $2 25 Mens Black Worsted Suits for.. 3 75 Mens Black Worsted all -wool Suits for 7 50 Child's Satinet Knee Pant Suits for 75 Boys Satinet Long Pant Suits for 1 88 Bojb Satinet Overcoats 90 up Mens Satinet Overcoats ' s 1 88 up Mens All Wool Kersey Overcoats 5 65 Mens good stoga boots for . . $1 32 " full stock " " 1 50 44 u 44 Selr boots for....... 188 Child s gloTe grain shoes for 44 genuine dongola " Boys 'Sel Rock Bottom" shoes for. . 44 44 real calf .. Mens "Sels Enterprise" . $2 50 calf " .. " finest calf and kangaroo 1st quality arctics 2nd 75 75 1 50 75 1 50 1 88 3 75 95 76 1st quality rubber boots .7 2 10 it 1 Mens unlaundried shirts linen bosom 38c 44 good quality fancy underwear.. 19c 50c red underwear 30c all wool camels bair underwear 75o black wool hat 38c 44 good quality fur hat , 7fo. 44 Stetson bats . 3 00 44 Fih braud slickers. , j 1 79 IBBaBBmBBBUBBBBBBBBBI Bl H m m m HBaB ggm m bbbbBBBBBBBBJ juwij 1UVHTI UWliB, ......,.....,.,,. . 2 ll I Remember that we reserve nothing-e very thing goes at 25 per cent. discount for Cash during ctt cat'! lZlalTZT ht7Z 7 T 10 BftVe 25 ent n J0Ur PUrCha9e WhUe if a bargain and then again you may with the accent on the W Anoyer- coat can t cost both and 10-and yet both those prices have been quoted during the past week as cost on the earn teats. Don't think for a moment that you can beat our price, if you buy first class goods-tbat 25 per cent, discount kock. the profit, so high that well gladly give any man all the profit during this sale if he will par the expenses yes, and give him something to do it. 7 . v ng mis saie u ne win pay That's true and if true, isn't it wise in you to come to us for here you save 25 per cent sure-No guess work ,b,ut it. PALACE HOTEL CORNER, BUTLER, MO. Americai (CI mm. Missouri Mate mi OF BUTLER, MO. - - - . $110,000. Receives Deposits subject to Check, Loans Money, Makes Collections and does a General Banking Business. DEPOSITORY FOR COUNTY FUNDS. In the Real Estate l oan Department- Make loans on Real Estate on long or short time at lowest raies wunou aeiay. Allen, Mrs. Levin a Boulware, T C. Physician Bark. Monro. Farmer Ballard, J N Farmer Brown. Lola Bartlett, Edmund Farmer Bryner. Margaret Chelf, H B Farmer Coleman. Sam'l L Farmer Carnthers. Q A Fanner Christy, J M Physician Clark. Robert Farmer Courtney, J M Stock Dealer STOCKHOLDERS Hannah. W D medical atndent Slav back. Ed rarnr Hardinger, W N Farmer Smith. O L Liveryman Hiekman.O B Furniture dealer Starke.L B Deonty circuit clerk " " . , iurner, Mn at K Capitalist. Jenkins, J R Cashier Tucker. W E Dentist KinnffT. Don Aaa't Cashier Tvl.r w n v. Levy . Sam Dry Goods ft ClothlngVoris. Frank M Farmer moniaw, w n c aimer Miller.Alf Farmer UoCTacken, A Fanner McCracken, Robt Farmer uwea, M v Farmer Deer wester, John Farmer Pharia, John Grocery Darls, J B Foreman Times bfflcePharis, V P Grocery Dutoher, C H Pror Normal Son Powell, Booker Farmer DeArmond.D A.M C Plgott, H H Bank Clerk Deerwester. Frank Co tch com Rosier, J M Farmer Krans, John Farmer Reeder. Oscar Farmer Bveringham, J Physician Radrord, Chas R Freemam, Caroline and Kllxa Relsner, J W Pension Clerk Francisco, 8 P Lawyer Salient, J L Banker Vanrhan. J M rmnitmii.t Wyatt, H C Lumber dealer Wella, Wiley Teacher West, R 6 Farmer Walton, Wm K President Wright, T J Capitalist WeinerMax Merchant Walla, Wm Farmer Walton. G W Farmer Walla, J T Physician Whipple. NL Physician for rtnt yet and a few tons of good timothy hay for sale; inquire of C H Morrison Chief Jas Dudley and family passed through Virginia on their way to tne Blackfoot Nation Saturday Mr Hoover joined the Christian church here Sunday Geo H Thompson bought of Geo Jenkins a fine gray mare 2 miles northwest of Mulbery is coal bank that wants teams and hands to scrape and raise coal. Ira Gardner and ! Miss Toia Eyfield were married oie j daJ la8t week Jeff Park lost or i had a hog stray from the pen. A liberal reward will be paid for infor. I niation leading to its recovery. . . . j Saturday and Sunday was two of j the coldest days we bave had this winter Coal dealers picnic has just begun, good roads and cold WM. E. WALTON - BOOKER POWELL president vice-president J. H. jessiss DOS XISXEY cashier Asst.- cashier Trustee's Sale. .Whereas, Ln Beall and Alice Beall. his wife, by their dewfof frustrated SoTember 11. 1 Mil. and recorded la the recorder's offlce within and for Bates county, Missouri, in book MO lo7 page SM conveyed to the undersigned trustee, the following deecribed real estate ly ing and being situate i the county of nates and tate or Missouri, to-wlt: All of lot tfteea Hit. in aectien nineteen (19). t and all that part of lot twelve 131 la section nineteen iis.i lying easi or tne ato. raeiue railroad, all ln township thirty-nine i-ta. f range thirty-one 11.) eootaing it l-S acres atore or less, which conveyance wa made la trust to secure the payment or one certain note fully described la said deed of trust: and whereas default has been made in toe payment f more than one years accrued Interest on aald note and the same is now past due and unpaid, on accouDt or which nonpayment the whole of aald debt is due and pay able Now therefore, at the request of she legal hoider of said note and pursuant o the renditions of said deed or trust. 1 will pro ceed to sell the above described premises at ltubiio vendue to the biKhest bidder lor rash , j at the east front door of the court housu in the Slty of Butler, county or ISates ani slate of Missouri, on ; Friday February lOtb, trttween the hours of nine o'clock in the fore noon una live o'clock in the sfterno-n of that lay, for the purposes of satisfying said debt, interest and costs. KiiANK Al.LEX. -. Trustee. Virginia Items. Uncle Peter Crooks is as jolly and good natured as ever and can tell many reminescences of early days in Bates county; we hope that he may live to count his years by the hun dred ...Judge CW Wolf has not had a case in his Virginia court this winter that we have heard of; is it the fault uf the court or is crime decreasiug W.N Bateman and! W C Comiforvf have goue south ostfUMbly for their health but in reality to buy hogs ...Our gi,ial and go,l natured towusbip collector sajs that unless the good people of Charlotte township pay tJieir taxes more rapidly lie will be com pel led! to aid on the extra per cent which ! the law permits ou the nrst of Jan uary . . . .The A P Bridgeford faiia weather The box suDter at Hot a. 4. Water school house Friday niohi j o was a grand success. About $15 was taken in for the library fund, and could just as well have been $30; each box contained enough supper for three and was sold 25 cents . . . . The following boys around Virginia have quit the use of - tobacco. Bob Dudley, J H Porter, Wm Huffman, Bill Porter, John Nance. - John McFadden. This is boycotting ne for this is the way I make my living, selling tobacco; J will still keep some on hand for fear some of them may back- out. N. M. Nestlebode. Judge James H. Lay came in Monday last fro... Warsaw and open ed his regular term of circuit court Teusday inorniog. Jndge Lay is enjoying the best of health and en ters with teal into his labors for the new year. At each terra of his sev eral courts he completes the docket as far as possible. He is a worthy successor of Judges Gantt and De Armond. Henry Co. Democrat Au exchange truthfully says: It does not pay to keep your children out of school. Keep your children out of school a few days at a time aud they lose interest in their books, they get behind in their classes and work to a disadvantage the remain der of the term. It costs very little to keep your children in school. Their labor is cot so important to you or to them as it will be in a few years. Do not keep your children out because they do not want to at tend. Send them to school; teach them to like their books and they will soon like school. ft :. . . i - .i SUbbetl to Death ln a Quarrel . Warranton. Mo., Jan. 14. Dur ing a quarrel at Truxton, some 12 miles north of this city, James Kel ly was stabbed and instantly killed by Tobe Tines. The killing was the result of an old feud. Both men were prominent farmers and highly respected. Kelly leaves a wife and one child. Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report. .v n . o M OF BATES COUNTY, Cash Capital. $50,000.00 D. X. THOMPSON ... K. KOrilEB E. A BENNETT E. D. KIPP r. J. EVER1NGHAM. T. W. SILVERS President Vlee-Prealdent - 2d Vice-President Caahiei Secretary ...Attorney Receives Deposits subj.t to check, Lones Money, issues Drafts and' transacts a general Banking business. Your patronage re.pectf ully Solicited. AESfiULRnSUtf Order of Publication State of Missouri, County of Bates. In the Probate Court for the county of Bates November term, le. Mary A. Oneal del ceased. Willis I YMteadminUtior. Order of Publication. Now comes Willi I. Testes, adiniatstrator ft Mary A. . Oneal. deceased , presents to the court his peiitioa. praying for an order for the sale of so much of the real estate of said deceased as will pay and satisfy the remaining debts due by said estate, and yet unpaid for want of sufficient assets, accompanied by the aeeooata. lists and iaventoriea required by law In such ease; oa examination whereof Is or d??, lnmt " ? interested in the estate Of Sail! divMun h. m-nii I . I. -. . . " 1" - unleaV the 7C ?'"v"" ur oeiare the first day - : - una oa tne S.MS-f ? r?b, ' order will be made II..." : j j wwmc, or so m oca or the real rS. "i.d d?c!d " wi aafflcient for tile Mrmnt Af,. t i -. - - . ordered, that this notice be published in some - -- " mot jour weeu before this notire be served oa each of the heirs re- pnor to the first day of the next term of this court. STATE OF MISSOURI County ot Bate. . I, W T Cole, judge of the trobate eourt, held in and tor said county, hereby certify that the foregoing la a true eopy r the orijrlaa! rt!?r of pnbiication therein riTTe.! to. the same ap pears of record ia my office Witness bit band and seal olail cour: Don-atoSre in seal) Batler, this !Sth day of Jan. , Y. t. COLE, Judge of I'robate., Sheriff's Sale. EDeaton ud Jamea Deatoa air UrnS?? Mary C Dark and PreatoaDark VZ. an 2. which decree has bBdSirt OZij r nf..iH.- eoTnary terns. wv: " county, aisaoorl. wilt on Friday, February 24th. 1893u betweea the hoars of nine o'rlnrk i. boob and four 'dock in th. aJWraL ffI!T day. and whUe said eireait curt ElS".2L? offer tar . ...lie . IB Seoelwi. higbeVt WdSrr' it the fr0' ? court bouse i. the tr7f1au th ancnoea real estate, to-wit: The east ball of lot five (5 of u,, ouarter of section five u.) the wt t.'?1 (i the west half of the eietbal orSS foar of the northwest nnarteref.Le 'u theaoath ai f of tiwtbaJftf Tot titli the anrtovi est onarter of vTtL. ill . fi of south haif of tfi Z bttVffiiiV ll northeast q oarttr of seetioa . iV. m.S V" west three-fourtha of the mmtiAtr'S tn half of int tlx f&i of the aanhZJV tfe seioBSvel-Jeiee7t a wL8 of wHe across thVnono MtSft"1''0 r Jot ix 6J of the nfheaU q,.rLr f? ' r five iS au ia town,aip2"?ir ,?lo ran?e thirty-one 3J , rXjJTJ,