OCR Interpretation

The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, January 26, 1893, Image 7

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066489/1893-01-26/ed-1/seq-7/

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for Infants and Children.
"Castorla is so well adapted to children that I Cator!a curst Colic, Constipation,
I recommend it as superior to any prescription I Sour k'oaiuch, I'iarrhrjpa, tructation,
known tome." B. A. A neurit, M. D., I fc'ea siep, and promote, dl
11 1 So. Oxford St, Erooltljn, N. T. Without injurious medication.
Tn CEKTxca Cojipixt, 77 Murray Street, N. Y
Ask the above merchants for the celebrated
Rich Hill high patent & Jersey cream flour.
VTa vrrn Intelligent, Industrious lady to receive
aubsoriptlonn.inaka collections, and attend to our
business In her own locality. , Kef erences required.
fifth Ave. ftudHftdUoattU., - C1IICAC.O, IVU
a O 3f:irviJlJLJSLg -
.fir-.. ,ocv in nr j sm fvw aw, if?.
suit a-Ai
I1 utti'
J . Thftjr aro .the best Hats
Tlievavomauo in every
- . - . . .
IS. 'I Hoy arc me only liars guarameeu uy ins inaiiuicu.m;-
crs to be unexcelled for durability.
1. So many are daily sold that the manufacturers can
aifonl to use nothing but the best materials.
5. None Genuine without above Trade 3Iark.
Manufactured only by HUNICKE BROS., ST. LOUIS, MO.
New DtsGbVeiy DV
i r rest wnUo", flaltily. (Vrrrespomlenre Mrietly ronM.ifiitial. This advertisement is honest and
st iiii'it ler'qnl in eve y word it contains. We invite vou to deal with ns and vou will find every
l i iirf r piv.i'iii...l. Address t)iit-t.i Clieniieal Co . 174 lSae- Street, Cincinnati. Ohio.
A o;i din register your letter at any Post Ortlce M insure its safe delivery. We will pay ti&oo. for
, JI'lr!"' f failure or slightest injury to smy purchaser. Every bottle guarantee..!.
SPECIAL 7" ladies who will intnxluc and wll imnni; thnr frintti Bottles of (Juwn's Ami. lUinnr we U pre
yrsi v.u.i M.I, itrvMi H yard lw ilk. Uree lnHtie nd muirt of silk, to select iruui nt ith rch order.
One reason why Scof's Emulsion of Pure Nor
wegian Cod Liver Oil and Hyixphosphites of Lime
and Soda has had such a large sale is because it is
'Almost as palatable as milk;" but the best reason is
that its curative properties aro unequalled. It cures
. t . ...
ine cough, supphe the waste o? tissues,
flesh and builds up the entire system.
Scott's Emulsion euros Coughs,
Colds, Consumption, Soro?u!a.
"iind all Anaemic and Wasting
uiseasss. Prevonta wasting in
cntioren. .iot at paratatlc
Bilk. ct only the Roanlac. r
pored by Soott & Botrne, Chemists. K
lors. 8oM bv all Dni- ;t5.
ftt'A f K liia perfect Ladies' Tailor
IneSTttWmof Souaru Uesjurfiiif-t.t.
t7 wbich jou can eut all your own nod children's gai menu.
Including aleevfs and underelotMoff, from Deck to iloor, to
ni pcrtcctijr, without- reuttins. icasily Learned.
C'h-ti. tniie. Iurublc,Pr:kcl.lcal Ovr
inO.OOO Kohl. Sent onThlrty JnyTrlal.
it 1 not chart or "Machine." Mammoth ill unrated eit
eu tar and address of ur nearest Agent Bent FREW.
tDh?sn,te,rr,veu8,tSsT. AGENTS WANTED
The Rood Magi Scaie Co., Chicago, 111,
L - Q w g 9
Hunicke Baas'.
for the money.
desiraDie snape 10 suit every hv.l.
. . 1 t ,i r
;fcly desolrwl and permanently removed with Ql'EEVS ANTI
illClNK, the new ami wonderful discovery. liscverel
"Alius r.,tne new ana wnnueriui discovery. liscverel
by nccident, while compounding; solution, a part was accidentlv
spilli'd on the hand, and on washiujs afterward it wu diNovered tlm't
tlio liair was completely removed. It is perfectly h:ti nilcis. and
tclmple any fhiltl can use it. Lay tlie hair ov'r jml upplv (.
n few minutes, and the hair disappears as if by magio Xn t. if i'itirii
liiscovery ever attained such wonderful rtvultx. Tliousntnis who imvo
been annoyed with hair on their FACE, Si KC'K antt A KM s att.t
its merits. It cannot fail. If the arowth be light, one applii.ntivti
will remove il permanently, the heavy strowth suoli cs tlie beard cr
) hair nil moles nmy require one or more applications bpforeall the roots
are destroyed, although all hair will be remove ! at each applii-ation
without the slightest pain or injury when applied or ever afterward.
Ymiiia iKTSiins who Hnd an cmharrHSRina enuvtn of lniir eo'iiinar nn
also use it. Harmless as water. Trice of Queei is Anti-Uairine 1.
ter hut tie. sent in safely mailing boxes postage paid by us, securely
salil from ohervtttioii) iMnil ttiittv or tntTiiw hv iVftor with (nil
i M il
August 21, 1890, H. C. Timiaonds
commenced a suit for P. II Cherrv.
.-1 , , , J
"-""oi me jruil railroad, to recover
$1,000 damages for being ejected
from the defendant's train, a few
weeks previous. The case up for ti
hearing at the February term, 1891.
and judgment of nou suit rendered.
The case ai set forth at the trial
was as follows: Cherry bought a
round trip ticket from Lamar to
Grand in, Missouri, over the Kansas
City, Ft. Scott & Memphis roal, iu
August 1890, the ticket aliowicg
mm rue pnviiego oi stopping over
at all points. Arriving at Willow
Springs, he inf.-rme.l the conJuc
tor that he wished to stop off at
Winona, 38 inilis east. The con
ductor tore off a coupun from tht;
ticket and icturued it to Cherry, who
left the train at Winona. The next
rnormug he boarded the same train '
with the same conductor ia charge,
to continue his journey to Grandio,
but upon presenting his ticket he
was refused passage on it, the coa
ductor demanding cash fare. At the
next station he was forcibly ejected
from the train. He brought suit
for damages, was beaten in the lower
court and appealed. The counsel
for the railroad contended that he
should have paid his fare and then
brought suit for money paid under
duress, but the court of appeals
held that it was not incumbent
upon Cherry to purchase a right he
already owned and had paid for.
The decision of the lower court was
accordingly reversed and the case re
manded Tor a new trial This is
another proof of Mr. Timmonds"
ability as a lawyer. This case was
hotly contested by able counsel for
the railroad company. The case
will in all probability be set for re
trial at the earliest possible date.
Lamar Democrat.
Guaratileeil (Mire.
We authorize our advertised
druggist to sell Dr. King's New
Discovery for consumption, coughs
and colds, upon this condition. If
you are afflicted with a cough, cold
or any lung, throat or chest trouble,
and will use this remedy as directed
giving it a fair trial, and experience
no beuefit, you may return the bot
tie and have your money refunded.
We could not make this offer did we
not know that Dr. King's New Dis
covery could be relied on. It never
disappoints. Trial bottle free at H
L Tucker's drugstore. Large size
50c and $1.
There have been many grotesque
burials but have any of them sur
passed this one: A funeral on
bicycles lately took place in an Eng
lish town. The deceased was cap.
tain of a bicycle club, and just be
fore bis death requested that his
body should be conveyed to the
cemetery on bicycles.
Croup, whooping cough and bronchi
tis immediately relieved bv Shiloh's
Cure Sold at H L TucKer's Prescrip
tion dtugstore.
Ft. Wayne, Ind., Jan. IS. A bad
wreck is reported at Hofcart, Ind.,
ou the Ft. Wayne road, tvo passen
ger trains haviug collided. Six
coaches were wrecked aud the lives
of 100 people were jeopardized, but
it is said tha no person was Lilled
outright. How many were iujured
could not be learned.
Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure
is sola by us on a guarantee. It cures
consumption. Sold bv II L Tucker.
Here is au example of how easy it
is to break New Year's resolutions.
Twelve young ladies met on the first
day of lasi year, and vowed never
to marry. Nine were manied be
fore seven months, and two others
haye breach of promise suits on
The other one is dead.
At Hastings, Neb., Mrs. Aui.a
Mason, who killed her lover, Dela
van Cole, when he aboned her after
her husband had also deserted her.
was sentenced to four years impris
onment. The report of the superintendent
of the Missouri state lunatic asylum
made to the legislature announced
that 29,500 saved from the appro
priation for that institution would
be paid back to the state.
The more the brain works the
worse the teeth. that is the last
word of physiological chemistry.
And th physical injuries due to loss
of decay of the teeth are greater
than are likely to be indicted by the
advent of an epidemic.
n" y :4'ld 1 ,wst
I Sw Yoait. Jan. 21 -Th. mwW wa
i eitreaiely aetivo this
dUeti w ere ia wag th.ia a dcz-ts s xvk-i Open
ing prices -were geaerul y hljfccr aa:l cor.sMer
bie hesiutloa was sti-a ia 'iioi.vai tle-Aliass
under 'o3tinu'?d realiz:n?. Kea!. utioa wa
markni ia Indu-stria and S-jrar js earrie
t-- from 116 to isi, ;h uga a saust axiitkl rally
afterwarJ ooeurred. TU- muuunremoa: tbat a
I'M per cent, scrip aiv.denj wou'U bts mal
upon Cordage f tiled to h p th? cjain j:i stock
to any mar ,e-l dejree. aith3u:rU the preferred
as Hi was up l;i per ceat. Tfl:i railway
list as the hoar wore aar developed increased
strength. St Pan! belnat very conspicuous bota
for activity ted aa advance oi 1 per cent.
Western L'nica was prominent in the dealing
anil rose above 1ji with talU that it wii, co to
10 The ffOJieral list was quiet to duil at times
an! fluctuatioas -er? s:islit wi"h a arm tend
ency. ; The mark?t, after 11 o'clo-k showed increased
animation in soots, but, wh-Ie a strong tons
prevailed, there were material gains In nothing
but the Industrials, cspeciall.- Cordage pre-
. ferred and ConsidUaietl Gas. The rest of the
market was rather feverish and irregular with
j some concessions ia prices.
j After noon the acuunt of s-'ol.l taken for ex
j port ,estrUy was swclithl to t yi. .
i ity I.lvn ock.
Jan. 2JI Cattle Receipts
shipped yesterday, tJ6:
market was quiet; steers
j Kansas City,
i 5,8 . calves, 4 !
calves, 1 1 J. Th;
steady to Wc lower:
lower: feeders steady
resentative sales:
calves steady, closing
The following nre rep-
18 1,393 l 9r ! ftfl 1 .357 fl.Ci
21 1,31 A SO ! 19 1.214 4.41
19 1.-21 4. "I 4J 1,2T! 4.3T,
20 l.-.l' 4.3 ::0 1,1112 4.2.
23 .:9 4 .0 21 1,152 4 20
35 l.03'5 4.13 2.1 l.uyi 4.0
;ti c. f. I 9.!7 4.0) 113 tjVi
75 Ark 7S7 3 2) j
21 ...
26 ...
....J,Ur taao
20 ,
.1,015 13.40
. 913 3.40
. l,ltW
3 40
a 15
3 00
.... SMS
.... 9J
.... h9J
.... 7.3
.... 514
.... 90
....1. 73
55 )
.... 830
... 8-9
... (
... 1,145
. .. 9.)8
... 1,283
a 25
a is
a io
a oo
2 70
2 65
89 '
6 1,1)83 2.UO
1 770 1.2a
11 866 11874,' 32 Ariz..... 72112.35
Hops Receipts. 8,092: shipped yesterday,
237. The market was active and 5 to 10c higher,
closing strong. The following arc representa
tive sales:
71...263 f7.55 74 . . .225 $7. 50 61 . .. 317 r7.50
80. ..2.5 7.45 56. . 247 7.45 76 . .211 7.45
79... 2 9 7.45 52... 880 7.45 78. ..264 7.45
63. ..272 7.45 56. ..277 7.45 76. .258 7.42't
72.. .267 7.42U 80.. .214 7.42'i 28.. .216 7.42'i
68. ..2.56 7.40 28.. .298 7.40 63.. .264 7.40
83.. .216 7 Ik) -68. ..243 7.40 81.. .238 7.40
71.. .211 737 4 76. ..230 7 .37 '4 53.. .216 7.371J
65. ..236 7.37'i C4...262 7.37i 23. . .2511 7.371J
76...VI7 7.35 53.. .209 7.35 35... 267 7.35
31. ..181 7.:'.4 S0...S27 7.3ii 6). ..212 7.33
46. ..207 7.30 177. ..192 7.30 58. ..186 7 33
33. ..185 7.i7!4 96.. .180 7.27J 41. ..212 7.25
85.. .189 7.25 75... 191 7.25 81...183 7.25
30.. .295 7.25 33. ..244 7.25 32. ..18.3 7 25
101 .191 7.23 77.. .172 7.21 49 .176 7.15
63. ..148 7.10 80. ..Ill 6 83 1 13... 103 . 6 50
23... 95 5.25 89.. .152 4 50 4.. .132 4 50
Sheep Receipts. 1,570: shipments yesterday,
101 Good sheep were active and strong: com
mon weak. The following are representative
122 1- 82 600 ; 15 mut .' 81 4.50
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago, Jan. 20. r-Hogs Receipts, 16,003:
offlclal yesterday, 25,650 shipments yesterday,
11,023 left over, about 21,0-0: quality, not very
good: market fairly active, packers and ship
pers buyiug common light lots unchanged!
other grades IO:7?.15c higher. Sales ranged at
87.107.55 for lifc'ht; J7.25(5,7.15 for routrli pack
ing: S7.3037.55 for mixed. 7.50 7.s5 for heavy
packing and shipping lots. Pigs. ?-5.so,j.7.1..
Cattle Receipts, 9,003; oSicial yesterday.
18,472; shipments yesterday, 5,012. market dull
and weak.
Sheep Receipts, 6,000; official yesterday. 8,.
903; shipments yesterday, 1,625; market slow
L at unchanged prices.
St. Louts Live stork.
St. Lon?, Jan. 20. Cattle-Reeeipu, 1,203;
market steady Hogs Receipts, 4,(i00: market
stronger; heavy, i7.20y,7.60; mixed. 7. 10;47..-0:
Yorkers, 7.1537.33 Sheep Receipts, 503.1
Market strong.
Kansas City Urain Market.
Kassas City, Jan. 20. Car lots of hard
wheat sold slowly for a time this morning and
some early sales were ic lower than yester
day, but the demand improved toward noon
and the last samples sold as high as they w ould
have sold yesterday. Soft wheat was He lower
and rather weak. The receipts to-day were
113 cars, against 44 care a year ago.
Prices were quoted as follows: No. 2 hard
wheat, 58',i(&5!-tc; No. 3 hard wheat, 57a-58c;
No. 4 hard wheat, 55 56c: rejected hard
wheat, 46&53e: xo. 2 red wheat. 45,64 ,c No.
3 red wheat, 59jn2c: No. 4 red wheat, 50 58a
The corn market was firm without important
change in prices. Shippers bought car lots act
ively. The local demand was small. Receipts
to-day were 68 car3. against 43a year ago.
No 3 mixed corn sold at 34',35c. No- 3
mixed, S4S34c; No. 4. 33331c: No 2 white, 36
36 ic: No 3 white, 35.3354c: No. 4 white sold
at 34c. Shippers paid SS'iac Mississippi
river and 41c Memphis for No. 3 corn: No. 2
sold at 384&38?4C Mississippi river.
Oats were weak. Receipts were 5 cars,
against 14 cars a year ago. Cash prices: No.
2 mixed, 30c: No. a 9c: No, 4. 27c No. 2 white,
31 r31 ,c: No. 3 white, 39S30'$c.
Rye was lc lower: No 2 gold at 55; c; No 3,
53c: No. 4. nominally, 50c
Flaxseed steady: 81.0011.02, according to
billing on the basis of pure: small lots 2c less
Bran steady; 5960e, according to billing
lOO-lb. sacks.
Hay Receipts, 3) cars: market steady. Quo
tations are: Timothy, choice, 19.50; good,
SS.00'9.0O: clover mixed, 6 53rJ7.5) per ton:
fancy prairie. S8.00; good to choice. 16 53&7.50;
common. 15. 503a 5a
hlcc Grain a Provisio .
! ! '
Jan 2. OpenedjHigh'stjLow'st i
Wh't-Jan 741 74; 73'ii
Mav.... 795! 79V 78V
July.... 771 78 -4 i 77 v'
Corn -Jan 42 V 12'v 4'v
May.... 47; 47 V 4.-c4
July.... 47-V 48,- 47,:
Oats Jan 30-, mn
May.... S3', 354 33!
July j
Pork Jan Is 18 &!?: 18 42tfj
Mar.... (
May.... 18 85 18 9754r 18 75
Lard Jan 10 75 10 83 110 724
Mar i !
May.... 10 72"4 10 73 j 10 67h!
Ribs Jan 9 67J, 9 824; 9 67U'
Mar f j.
Mav 9 75 9 87i4i 70
is 6214
10 83
"io 75"
8 82VJ
"9 87'i
Kansas City Produce.
Kansas City, Jaa 20. Eggs-Larger ra
ceipts: fair demand strictly fresh, more set
tled, active, not so firm. 26 (427c. Butter Larga
receipts: creamery, lijrht demand. duU, fancy,
27nj29c: (rood, 23c; store packed. 17c, poor,
trashy. 12V4 tile; dairy, active, firm: fancy,
20c. good to choice, 17-tlSc: roll, goad demand,
active, very firm: extra faccy, 23c: good to
choice. 17518c. Poultry Light receipts, scarce,
wanted, firm: roosters. 20c each: yonn?,
&Tc per lb- hens and sprinjs, firm. 8c;
broilers, 8 "(9c per lb. Turkeys, fair re
ceipts; fair demand, steady, 84&IOJ per
lb. Ducks, firm, 8c per lb. Geese, plentiful.
duU, 0'Jt64c per 10- Pig ecus, wanted, f 1 00.
Dressed chickens, rough. 74 8c: fancy. S-9c.
Turkays. active, steady, large rough. &3.:0vje.
faacv small, 1! -e-. ducks. 8t9c; geese Ti&r:.i.
Apples-Light receipts: quiet: common, dull,
steady, H.5.)2 5l: fancy, scare?, firm. 12.73
3.25; Michigan. ri033A: New York, iaooa
4 0a Grape, light supply, firm. Cranberries,
firm: &33g:aoO per bbL Ceiery. small, 102Sc;
Michigan. f 7c per bunch. Potatoes, light
receipts, liht su;v quiet, tlrm: northern,
TaQjMc per bu : Co. ri.!o. 83333c: sweet, firm;
red, 3)c: veiioir. ec per bo. Beans, easlera
hand picked. 2.13 j2 23 per ha: medium, t00i
Sheriff's Sale.
Bv virtue and in pnrsnance of a judgment
decree of the circuit court of Kates count? state
of Missouri, Tendered at the done terra thereof
1.2 and rertwed at the N vemher tfrai
ls2nerein W a Wright J EVVrij-hi.Marsarei
E Deaton and James Oeaton her hnshand
Mary C Dart anil Preston rk her linsband'
plaintiffs and Knnice J Wright Krauk j'
Wright. Nwton K right, uilo Mill Klla Hill
: and Alven Hili .lefendan's a crrtslie.1 copy or
which decree has lieen ilelivered bv the clerk
nf said court comnai:dinir me as' sheriff cf
Bates connty, Mp , to sell the real estaw here
ina'ter ie-critjl at the Fenruarv term. ljiiS.
, ot said court. Tneretore in purnam of said
ju-tgment and decree. 1. I) a Colver, sher-
u vi i.aies cuunsy, uissourt, win on
Friday, February 24th, 1893,
between the hours of nin o-elx-t in the fore
noon and lour o'clock in the ail-ni.wm of that
day. and hile said circuit court is in nesMim
offer for sa:e at public auction, forcah. to th
highest biiider at the east front door of the
court hon.-e in the city or Butler, the followini;
described real estate. to-it:
The eat halt ol lot tlve C.) or the aortheast
3 carter of se- tion live .) the w est lull of r.t
ve (3) of the northwest quarter of section four
(4) the west half of the east half of lot six (
ot the northwest quarter ot .ectto!i four 141
the south hall of the wen half of lot six. o; of
the northw est quarter of section i iur l the
south half of the east half of lot six ;.J of the
northeast qnartt-r of section live (.3, and the
west three-fourths of the north half of the east
half of lot six (6j of the northeast quarter of
section live .3 except a strip thirty-two feet
wide across the north hair or the east half of
lot six tl of the northeast quarter cr section
live (5) all ia townanip thirtv-nine :t91 of
range thirty-one 1I 1 in Bates county .Missouri .
sheriff or Hates County..
Order of Publication.
State of Missouri, J
County or nates. S
In the Probate Court for the county of Hates
November term, 18S2. Mary A. Ouesl. de
ceased. Willis I Yestes. administrator.
Order of Publication.
Kow comes WiilU I. Yeales. admintstrator
nf Mary A Uneal, deceased, present! to
the court his petition, praving for an order for
tne sale or so much of the resl estate of said
deceased as will pay and satisfy the remaining
debts due by said estate, and yet unpaid for
w ant of sufficient assets, accompanied by 'he
accounts, lists and inventories required bv law
Insnch case: on examination whereof it is or,
dered that all persons interested in the estate
of said deceased, be notified that application
as aforesaid has been made, and unless the
contrary be shown on or before the tirst day
of the next term of this court to be held on the
2d Monday of Feby next, an order will be made
lor the sale of the whole, or so much of the real
estate of said deceased as will be sufficient for
the payment of eai i debts; and it is farther
ordered, that this notice be published in soma
newspaper in this state for four weeks before
the next term or this court, and that a copy or
this notice be served on each of the heirs re
siding in Hates countv at leatt ten days
prior to the first day of the next term of this
County ot Rates. (
I. W T Cole, judge of the probate court, held
In and lor said countv. herebv certify that the
foregoing Is a true copy of the original order of
puuueauun tnerein reterrea to. as the same ap
pears of record in my office Witness mv hand
and seal ot said court Doneatotnce in
skai Butler, this ICth davor Jan. ISitt
V. T COl.K,
Judge of Probate.
Trustee's Sale.
Whereas, Lee Reall and Alice Beall. Ins
w ife, by their deed of trust dated November
11. 1 sol. and recorded in the recorder's office
within and for Bates county, Missouri, in book
No 107 paste 2S) conveyed to the undersigned
trustee, the following described real estnte ly
ing and being situate in the county of sates
and -tate of Missouri , to-wit :
All of lot fifteen 15, in section nineteen (10),
and all that part or lot twelve 1121 infection
nineteen 10, lying east of the Mo. Pacific
railroad, all in township thirtv-nine 13't
of range thirty-one 3l,) containg'44 1-2 acre
more or less, which conveyance wis made
in trust to secure the payment of one certain
note fully deMTibed in said deed of trust: and
whereas default has been made in the pavment
of more than one years accrued in If rest on
said note and the same is now past dne and
nnpaiil, on account of which nonpayment
the whole of said debt is dne and pay
able Now therefore, at the request of
the legal holder of said note and pursuant to
the conditions of said deed of trust 1 will pro
ceed to sell the above described premises at
public vendue to the highest bidder lor cash
at the east front door of the court house in the
city of Butler, county or Bates and state of
Missouri, on
Friday February 10th, 1893,
between the hours of nine o'clock in the fore
noon ana live o'clock in the afternoon of that
day, for the purposes of satisfying said debt.
uvi-icst amicuBls. IK.t.Mt AIXKN,
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice ii hereby given that all creditors
and al! others inlerest-d in the estate of
XV i CorA-ine deceased, that I, Euphe
mia R. Corwine administratrix of said
estate, intend to make final settlement
thereof, at the next term oi the Bates
countv probate court, in Hates counly,
state ot Missouri, to be held at Uutler on
the 13th dav ot February, 13
Klphemia R Corwine,
& Administratrix
, Executor's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given, that letters testa
mentary on the estate of David T Short de
ceased , were granted to the undersigned on
the;th day of Jan. 1803, by probate court or
Bates countv. Mo.
au persons having claims against said es-
' --v 1 ...j uii r.j caiiiuii fcuem i or allow
ance to the executors within one vear after the
timta nf a 1.1 I .-- . i t
....... . o.v. icivcis vi mey may ie precluded
irom any benefit r said estate; and if such
claims be not exhibited within two years from
the date of this publication they shall be for
ever barred. This u:h day or January, lsv
" Executor.
Notice of Final Settlement.,
Notice is hereby given to all creditors
and all others interested tn tht estate ot
Emley Cree, deceased, that I, J W
Ennis, administrator of said estate, in
tend to make final settlement thereof
at the next term ot the Bates county pro
bate court, in Bates countv, state of Mis
souri, to be held at Butler, Mo., on the
13th da oi Februarv 1S93.
8 " J. VV. ESNIS,
Public Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given, that by Tirtneof an
ordr ot the probate court of Bates conn
ty, Missouri, made on the 31st dav of Decem
ber. 18!2. the undersigned pnelie administrator
for said connty has taken charge of the estate
of Milton Kafferty. deceased.
All persona having claims against said es
tate, are required to exhibit them for allow
ance to the administrator within one year after
the datifof said letters, or they mav be ore
eluded from any benefit of said estate: and If
snch claims be not exhibited within two rears
from the date of this publication, they shall be
forever barred. This 31st day of Dee. 1
' w- ESSW,"
? Public Administrator.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is herebv eivea that letters of
administration on ti e estate ofHrariiet
Loubetu-tein. decH . 1 .
. ' fillllCU 10
the undersigned on the 6th day ot Tan
oyj, ure iM'.oatc court ot Hate
countv. Missouri. All rvrn. ..-.:
claims against said estate are required
. . i'ci tor allowance ta the ad
ministrator within .iru Ylr . c-
date of said ietteis. or they mav be pre
cluded fiom any benefit of said es-ta'e -and
if such claims b nr.- kiki." J
wuhm two years from the da'e of thi
pubifcation.they shall be foreve. barred
I his lA dav of January.
' Adminitrator.
,--ck n - end nUeaIl tbo troatl-j !i;cV
Cf zii t - abtlio-aa atataof tho rstcm.such 1
i-j-.-xlmsa, Xatueaa Dcowaiaeas. l istn- :'. t
t:;np. ia tha Sidn, ke. Wfcao tacr Ttccsi
r: ri.itixu. cucccas joaa ecvn anowa m cica 3
Headache, yrt Carter's Littla livr T'.Vlt ar
c-, V"liy xc'i.uiblo in Uoastlpati-.ta. ctmcg atwi pra-
-u:'i;T tisatiEej'iupcotaplaiiit.iifhilerhfvaiso
rrv - -1: -IisaorULrsci thttoc3iachjsuiiiecatt-ha
3.v-r ixuiite tbe bowekj. Kven ii ihsy only
.Ci o tUey wrn!2 be almoatprteelessto fhnsn wha
eu'.- f wn t!iiad-.3tresing complaint; bntfectu
ri:u i-! t ! i -: rr-xvlncaa does not end henbane! tlca
t al ncctiy Uicmwill find these llttte pills Vilo
lMin Mtiiuy ways thai they will not be wiV.
:.uj; tu ui. v-liicTit them. BaafiaraUaickhaa4
24tl.o iS!0Cf t'
we ?nak 9 our gre
Cthara do not.
drier's Littlo '
lfr"M f.st herolswhsra
t wn? ( .t cur it whila
v z Villa are very mall and
vatt fi'r t j tit.i r ,n , r twa nllla make a dosa.
Va y aro strictly vegetable and do not grtpa or
::-;, Ictbr their gentla action pleaaaaU who
titthera. IsrUlsstUeanU: nvaforfl. Soli)
ty drucpats evwryvfew or aoat by maU.
BUrn4uMif TWO
tairii. cotxecta.
Consn'tailon FREE. Medicines from the Hoc
tor's own laboratory furnished at aaaall coat and
sent anywhere socureljr aealed-prlvi.tr.
lies, Imtlacretion, Kxcaraor Indulgence, produclnc
Nervousness. Ovbility.IMatneaa of Sight, Sell l)i
trust, latlinir Memory Pkyalcal t3ecay, Plmplm
on Kace. Averjion to Soctety, Loaa ot Ambition.
Inntneaa to Marry, Dyspepsia, htunted UereF
opement. Pains in B.vk.M Ilk Urine, N ight Uwaea.
t'nnatural ltrains and LoM Manhood Iurr4 tm
Utnr fared. Belief at once: all ezhaulna
drains stopped, weak paru strengthened and eo
larited. Treeunert tested 33 years aod In thott.
sands of cases. WltiMn rsar means. Question
blank No. 11 free, plain envelope, with advice.
MIDDLE AO ED men having milky or cotton
llkedepoattain urine. with iwIIIbs; amwera are tn
the second stare ot seminal weakness. 1 car
these cases for life. Blank No. 11.
1L00DJNP SK1H Sjtbks ,7.
cema and Syphilis, recent or old cases.cvred for
life, snfely and surely. No poison used. My treat
ment Is the result or 30 years experience and the
Hot 8prlns method. Cure guaranteed never to
return, hitch casea demand special atndy and
experience. Avoid patent medicines or Inexperi
enced hands. Write for question Blank No. 12 and
careful opinion sunt privately, explaining- the
disease and why so-called -KemWllea." Blood
inirlflers. eto., fall to cure.
t(iqNEY m VRiNARY ftpvs p"--
frcoiieni, or bloody urine, Oouorrhirn, Oleet,
Strletnre, Weajk Klaildrr cored without In
struments or pnln. Question Blank No. lit free.
CATARRH r'necessrul new treatment and cure.
"lllf""'l Blank No.14. My practice is limited tc
above diseases alone.ln them I succeed. Male your
-aso and write nt oiree, delays are danserous.
Bnre, Prompt. Fotlttr
Curt for Impottnet, Lott
of manhood, Stminal
Cmlttiont, Qptrmatorrhta.
Mroou$nt$. 8lfDi$tru$t,
Lots of afsmory, As. Will
makt you m STRONg, If Igor
out Mem . Priet ft. 00, 6
Bona, f 6 00.
8oelal anctkmt Malted
with sacs Bo. Aadmt
tii-is- LialatttCa.,
SOto Lucas Am.
ST. LOUIS. - nia
fqrj nm mm
Oenersi and WERVODk nelrr.TTV-
Wetknesaof Body and Kind, Effects
lof TF.rrftr.nr Ctmum mflUM Vmm
HoIidm, l aAHOOnfally HwomL H. l.ni.nr mm4
BtmatkiWkAK,i-iinKVKU)riLDOR4t(sarak' si fteoi.
SbMlatriy .f.lll.f HOBS TBkSTBKKT KraeSt. ta s SM.
Bn W.tlly fro Hi tium mm tmrrirm oaatrim. Urllr Imm.
DmcHdUtc Ktk, nBtassllM ass prH mmUr (mM) 1m,
Do you Know?
That more ills result from an
Unhealthy Liver than any
other cause-Indigestion, Consti
pation, Headache, Biliousness,
and Malaria usually attend it.
Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator
is a vegetable specific for Liver
Disorders and their accompany
ing evils. It cures thousands
why not be one of them? Take
Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator.
Your Druggist will supply you.
Tor Infucraalloai and frw hka .
SLdi2S?. Patents tn Aanexiea.
Kvery patent taken oat by as ta kroacht before
tte rfSnSm mourn itUSttLS
tartest elreulatloB f asry selejsttSe mm tafbe
world. epteixlKlJy lDaauatd- . No tatUlrat
tan shoold be wttkokt u. WsMtW&3wk
rkUkattjKasxha. Addn-tWaTi foot
VtkUHHim. 24tl Brokdwsyr. kiew Tatk Uty.
I sf.ls-x
5an IK
Is CUU. Na sst BTars. tlMtatm kTktCrrBk.
defalli. iimiinnM . i - -' . - .
J wi. vi jgnsnu
amok reeeiot at M sMi. twferst k. t
tarsty yara ta ssxssxaafal kasv As aa tefSiuble.
sale tnd rpid cure, at ks kesxraal. ComonamrZ
SI fr3 A STV
4 Scientific Amerkaa
Agency for
I Jit 3. VJ
I li IS
ss vsw s kswa 1
tra lar utcoOkkMA r WktTlji.
k kAScrAcrniM c. iBcacru. o
two atnetiy copHdalhit rarocnlan aad tati
ktociala aaat'ed (io4) fye. AvUmk
,U?FJousc:! eociiL con
3 f I-irtakwasHs. MtmmkMjn, W. .

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