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Image provided by: State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO
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tSntlet Stone. .3 ?8 la' Lft VOL. XV. T A The Largest and Best Selected Stock of Shelf and Heavy Hardware in B-tes County. Pieced and Stamped Tinware, Granite ware, Gasoline Stoves, Builders Hardware and Nails, Table and Pocket Knives, Scissors, Shears and Razors of the best makes, and CANDIES, NUTS. FRUITS, VEGETABLES, SALT MEATS AND FISH. The highest market prices paid for butter, eggs and general farm produce. We sell baled hay, bran, iar The Morgan Spading Harrow, The best tool ever need on a farm. Champion, Farmers Friend and New Ideal all Steel Corn Plauters, Buckeye Sunbeam Spring Trip Cultivators, the only successful Spring Trip made. Rock Island, Eagle and Brown Tongue and Tongueless Cultivators, Morgana New Iiiding Spading Cultivator. Casadys Sulky Plows. Rock Island Plows, the bett plow on earth. Bain, Harrison and Fish Bros. Wagons. SaTln our new Carriage Repository we carry a fine line of Top Buggies and Climax Spring Wagons. Sou.tb.east Virginia Items- Mr. Ben Watkins has good hay for salt J T Youug of Elkhart township, was over and set up his subscription in good shape . . . . F M Watkins of Liun county, Kan., has moved into our midst. . . .Mr Josiah Young of Oklahoma, has come home and is down with inflammatory rheumatism . . .Mr Noah Bright lost between Virginia and the Foster bridge, two new halters John Wesley has seed oats for "sail," and will go as soou an the wind raises. . J W Park enrolls his name on the booming Times lint here WT Cowan is building a wire feuce. . . . .The literary at the Neetlerode school house closed Saturday night. The house was crowded ad great inter est manifested .... We are glad to hear Cal Woody is better, but not out of danger yet .... Warren Ayers has found his wind nest and is sav ing the eggs for Easter.-Mr Frank Nash lost his $3 hat on the way home from Butler Jas Keeton has oats to sell for seed . . . .Mrs An me Hensley has taken worse in the last few days. . . .Mr James Oldham has returned from Kan, where he has been engaged in book agency the past winter. . Misses Ella Durst and Sarah Oldham went to Concord to church Sunday, and wheu they returned they were uui alone, and did not know the first word of the HlSSOIl Receives Deposits subject to Check, Loans Money, Makes Collections and . does a General Banking Easiness. DEPOSITORY FOR COUNTY FUNDS. U1RF.ITORS. Frank. Tons, Oscar Keeder, R. . Weftt. II. II. Fisolt, (looker Powell, CkR.ltadrord, a3X U Boulwart. v Deerwester, Wyatt. WH E. TTALTO.V lreUem J R JEX&IXa, Caiaier. ' BUTLER, SGML ic 3M: DEACON BROS & Oomor of text Mrs John Summers and family were down Sunday visiting Mr Ben Comiford Red John Foster knows the height of G. W. Scybert W K Elliott is pi irne- coating his new house . . . Geo Ma loney is building a new house on the Miami, four miles northeast of town Nels. A cyclone passed through parts of Tennessee Friday and did consid erable damage. Half of the big state penitentiary covering eight acres of ground. was torn to pieces, entailing an enormous Iohs. The convicts, 500 in number, had just moved out of the mess hall when the building collapsed and had they re mained a few minutes longer would have been killed. In thn city of Nashville much damage was dou and mauy persons were killed and injured. At Derderm, a suburban town, the entire place was swept away by the storm and fire. The town of Eelly was also swept away and farm houses in the wake of the storm were blown away and many persons are reported killed. , Hillsboro, Mo., March 23.-George Holt, colored, who murdered Wil liams, a white man at Crystal City in October last, was found guilty by a jruy last night and sentenced to nine ty nine years in the penitentiary. His plea of self defense did not win. toe lank OF BUTLER, MO. , - . - $110,000. U. H.tDntcbcr, Gel amitk, ff naf E. walton, J. RQ Jenkins, MISSOURI. THURSDAY MARCH -fclxo Square, Flour at Wholesale! We watn to say to the citizens of Bates county that w b-ive been with you for over 12 years, and are permanently 1 cated here, and for last three years, have done you all the good we possibly could, and we propose to stay with you as long as ! r . i . ! you iavor us witu your custom, as you have in the past. You know we have sold you your goods at almost wholesale prices, and we propose to continue to do so, and as a party has come to Butler offering Hour at wholesale prices, we have conclud ed to give our customers the benefit of wholesale prices ourselves, as we will not be undersold by anyone, and in doing so, we offer you the best flour ever brought to Butler, as all our customers who have used our flour will attest. Flour made from what grown in Saiiue eounty, on the river bottoms make much richer and finer flavored flour. Edible Flour per sack $ .80 Jumbo w " .90 19 ft finest granulated sugar 1.00 21 lb brown sugar 1.00 1 ft Java blend coffee 25 1 pkjr any brand " 25 20 To Carolina rice 1 00 5 ft pearl hominy made from hominy corn 25 6 Tb white Scotsh Oat flakes 25 6 fh hominy flakes 25 3 cans champion lye 25 1 gallon fine sorghum 45 1 pure sugar syrup 50 1 ft pare shot pepper 30 1 ibMoyune Imperial tea 35 1 ft Sun cured Japan tea 35 1 ft Moyune Gunpowder tea worth 80c for 50 1 lb Star tobacco 45 1 m Crane tobacco 30 1 ft Corn cob smoking tobacco 20 i barrel test salt for 1.20 1 pail while sugar drips 80 2 fl puie maple sugar 25 Pure Navy beans for seed 05 1 No. 8 copper bottom boiler 1.10 1 No. 8 solid eopper boiler 2.60 5 gal solid cedar churns 1.45 The best broom worth 30c for 25 Pare country honey 2 Tb for 25 1 Pail pure fruit jily, any flavor 90 1 gal plum butter for - 75 W A warranted, Guns, Revolvers and Animation, Fishing Tackle, Rope and Cordage, Iron and Steele, Wagon Wood Work, Wagon Sheets and Tents, Barb Wire, Churn, Washing Machines, &c. c n i n e r 1 " peach 75 1 ' quince " 75 1 apple ' GO 1 " fruit jelly, any flavor 50 Best dry salt bacon 12 2 fl good lard 25 20 boxes best matches 25 2 pkgs Dwights' or Churches' -vH 15 1 (t bottle bluing worth 25, for 2 qt tin cups for G tin buckets for Stew pans with handle for Largest size tin buckets 100 foot wire clothes line worth 50 for Buggy whips worth 40 for " 1.00." 44 .4 .4 200 " 1 busbrl feed baskets worth 50, Coffee bins for flour worth 1.50, 3 ttt large fine raisins fcr 3 lb new fresh dates " No 1 wood tubs worth 75 for 44 2 " 4i 90 4. 44 3 44 .4 44 I QQ 44 Galvanized iron tubs worth 1,25, 44 44 44 44 lo0 5 gallon oil cans worth 150, 175 test coal oil 1 set table knives and fcrks worth $1.00 for . 1 set table knives and forks 15 10 2( 15 35 35 25 45 '60 00 30 75 25 25 55 65 80 05 25 15 15 75 worth 1.25 for 1 set table knives and forks worth $1 75 fr 1 set table knives and forks worth 2.75 for 1 large bread knife for 1 9et tea spoons " 1 " table " 1.00 1.25 200 10 10 15 1 " solid Mexicau silver spoons 1.00 1 doz. fine lemons 25 The best iron bound well bue'eet 35 Nice willow school baskets 30 1 lb butter prints 25 Shoe brushes worth 40 for 25 4 ft Gold Dust washing powder 3 lb Cal. evaporated Grapes 1 Tb fancy mixed candy 25 25 10 We have Landretba garden seeds in bulk which was pronounced last year by our customers to be the be t they ever planned. We have 1,000 boxes of lye in our store Parties wanting to make soap will d well to come to us for their lye. Remember we have a car load ct pure Northern seed potatoes, as we told jou betore. We shipped them direct from Wisconsin ourselves Early Ohio, Early Rose, Beauty of Hebron and BurbanKs. Don't buy until you have . seen us and examined our potatoes. F6m the prices 30, 1893. U MS GARDEN I.. Ij. IA.YS, NUrthern Grown Seeds, are the purest and best. We handle them in BULK and will sell ft nickle or a dollars worth as Cheap as any Seed house. Buy your seeds at home. Pumps, Steel Lever Harrows, Stump Plows, etc. We will have more to say to you about "Deeiing Binders and ij Mowers and WhiteleyjUl Steel Mowers, Binding Twine, Machine Oils, etc CO. we have given you on Jumbo and Eiiihle flour; we expect to sell a can load everv week. Parties that haye not used our llour yet.we urge you to come and try it; we are offering you the Edi ble, which is a straight patent flour, for Soe a sack, while others are asking Soc lor their third (jrade. We ask the people to consider well when they came to Butler, whorrr they should trade with. Remember we are the o. es that brought the prices on gro ceries, glassware, queensware and tin ware down to where thev are Remcm be , also, that we have promised to hold them there, provided the people ot Bates county woull give us enough of their patronage to enable us to do so. We have to sell lots of goods at the prices we are telling- at to make us a liviner. We are having a satisfactory trade now, and we ask the people to stay with us ii you wish to save monev Yours Trul y, J. E. WILLIAMS & CO JonltKtown and Smmici tipm. We hear some talk of II P Calla han trading his stoix in tbix city for a farm in Vernon county .... 15 or 20 couples of young people in it, at Mr Dean's Sunday evening and enjoyed themselves in a social way Mr Dayis of Johnstown has moved on a farm 2 miles north of Bdlard While out iu the western part of Spruce last week we called on our old friend Sam Kersey. Mr Kersey is o-ie f our stock meu end has now on hand CO head of fine cat tle and a lot of hogs which he will OF BATES Cash Capital. D- X. THOMPSON 3. K. HOSIER E. A EES SETT E. D. KTPP Dr. 3. EVEEINGHAM T. W. SILVERS Receives Deposits subject to check, Lone Money, issues Drafts and transacts general Banking business. Tour patronage refcpectfoDy Solicit!. NO. 19 T V salt, feod, etc. t. EH,, SEEDS. BUTLER, 3VEO. ship soon.... R N Cheneworth is putting up a new fence. . . . Mr Hen d ix in laving an addition built to his dwelling Mr Parry is build inga new barn Miss Sue Cole man has returned from Baird col lege; we welcome Miss Sue back as she is quite a charming young lady Herman Maxy, Geo Wells and Jess Coleman with their beat girls attended church at Walnut Grove Sunday night. .. .Strode is still alive but we have not seen him this week Benny Lusk and wife in the city to day. .. .Smith Hale is farming for Uncle Jimmie Wcod this hpiiug CbasMcAninch gou- out to Strode's after corn to day. . . . Rev Wm Kenney and wife have gor to Bufler to day Mrs Isaac An derson returned to day from a visit to her sister. Mrs Cersman . . . Mr Billings and son Leslie passed through town this morning on their way to Montrose... Frank Fluty aud wife on to the Kenney farm this week Quite a number of farmers in town at the blacksmith shop with their plows Milton Bellisle of Appletou City passed through this section en his way to W L Oggs. Gov Ssobt. - The bank of Commerce at Nash ville, Tenn , made an assignment Monday. CI COUNTY, $50,000.00 Pratteat Viee-Praidcat 3d Yiee-Prerideat Caki1 Secretary Attoraey