Newspaper Page Text
i.,.,.,..,; ,.,v, . NVvsatjgi , ? sSR .... for Infants and Children. " Caa tori a Is so well adapted to children thai I Caatoria curs Colic, Constipation, I recommend it aa superior to any prescription I &our btomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, known to me." n. A. Ancnzn, M. D., I eitxp, and promote di 1U Sa Oxford SL, Brooklyn, IT. Y. TVithout injurious medication. Tb Cestacb Coap urr, 77 Murray Street, N. Y CALL NOTICE. W. G. WOMACK, C. F. PHAR1S, K. R. DEACON, SONS & CO. LEE CULVER, HARPER Ask the above merchants for the celebrated Rich Hill high patent & Jersey cream Hour. SOME FACTS ABOUT HunickeBros. WADE MARK, HAT. 1. They are the best Hats for the money. 2. They are made in every desirable shape to suit every taste. 3. They are the only hats guaranteed by the manufactur ers to be unexcelled for durability. 4. So many are daily sold that the manufacturers can afford to use nothing but the best materials. 5. None Genuine without above Trade Mark. Manufactured only by HUNICKE BROS., ST. LOUIS, MO. $1.00 A The Kansas City Weekly Times, Is the best weekly paper iu the Southwest. It consists, of twelve paces and contains information and entertainment for the household. SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE. SO CE2TTS FOR SIX MOITTHS iw ins r& njj. THE GENTLEMAN'S FRIEND. A' FtULEV Oor FUFKCTION STRINGS' n with rrr Soul. I CLEAN. DfWt M STAIN. PBK VENTS STKH'TI'RK. Can. OONORKUCBA sod OI.KKT In ) to Foua dua. A (IMC CURK for LKUCORBHOtAor WHITKS. Sold by all DRIIOGISTS. Hcn to mnt Aldreu tbr tl .90. julydub MAHuracTuaiiia co. lancistkb, owa I I av a i I ja I THE POSITIVE CURE. ELY EROTHERS. 68 Warren Bt, Hew Tort rriceeoctal IWhat shall stay 'SCty Scott's Emulsion of pure Norwegian cod liver oil and hypophosphites of lime and soda has cured us of consumption in its first stages. Have you a cough or cold acute or leading to consumption? Make no delay but take Scott's Emulsion cures Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Scrofula, and all Anaemic and Wasting- Diseases. Prevents wasting in Children. AUaest a aalataale ax sulk. ,cft only the seeatee. Pre pared, by 8eott Bowno, Chemists, New Torts." Sold by all Druggists. & ATKISON. & o o Hunicke Bros?. MARIC HAT. 9 & year! ".ffOFrom IS K Hnr mnnth hv hsu-mlea 1, erbiilN rpmiwliA. that dn rot in-l jure the health or Interfere with one's business or pleasure. It builds up sad improves the general health, clparstheskin and beantibes the complexion. No link lea or riabbiness follow this treatment. Endorsed by physituans and leading society ladies. PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL Hmbw, So Starvtof. Sand cent n stunns for ftartirctcr to 08. O.W. r. SSTCE8. 1 VICKER STSCATEL CfllCKO. ILL I I a I w I That dreaded and dreadful disease I its ravages? TJlOllsands EMuli(iiiiiii NEBRASKA'S DISGRACE Impeachment Proewdinss Beann AsainstCwnspt Stnte Officials. Lincoln. Neb., March 30 Im peachment proceedings against thri-e state cfiicii'.h and two ex officials are at last in full blast, ami the mot t sensational trial ever known iu. Ne braska's history since the impeach ment of Governor Butler will toon be in progress. The long delayed blow fell shortly before noon to dav when the advisory commission of impeachment reported to the house i - x - - - jwuoc that all the evidence had ,-Cn,T u n . . I a-- n, nua me unanimous opinion or the three emiuent lawyers that im peachment procedings would lie against every member of the state board of public lauds and building?, and that in justice to the state such proceedings should be at once insti tuted. The report was adopted by the house this afternoon, and the senate at ouee, on being notified en tered the joint convention at 4 o'clock to prepare the articles of im peachment. The only point on which the law yers differed in making their report to the legislature was with reference to tne condition of affairs at the Lincoln insane asvlum. Jnrlo-e Pound held that there was nothing to show that in that case the board had received any notice of crooked ness that was going on, and could not be presumed to be guilty in the absence of sach evidence. The eth er members of the commission held however, that the board could not nave been ignorant, and if not in collusion had been grossly negligent and. derelict in their duty, and were therefore culpable. Secretary Morton as a Corn Husk er from the Chicago Tribune. -uncie jerry itusK s omcial suc cessor in the agricultural department Secretary Morton, who is a practical farmer, declares that he can husk more corn than any man west of the Missouri river. "I think nothing of husking 200 bushels m a day when the weather is propitious" he says. In a shucking match with ex-Senator Yau Vyck of Nebraska a few years ago Mr. Morton claims to have beat ea his rival badly in a stretch of six hours. The prize in this contest wsa sorrel colt which the secretary still possesses. Domingo Gana has been nominat ed for Chilian minister to the United States in place of Blest Gatia. A great flow of natural gas has been struck at Cherry vale. Kan., and the citizens are expecting a boom. The reolution in Catamaica, Ar gentine, has not been suppressed. Disorders are reported from nearly all the departments of that state. Irying Latimer, the recaptured Michigan convict and murderer, told an interesting story of his es cape and capture. See the World's Fair tor Fifteen Cents Upon receipt of vour address and fifteen cents iu postage stamps, we win mail you prepaid our Souvenir Portfolio of the World's Columbian Exposition, the regular price is fifty cents, but as we want you to have one, we make the price nominal. You will find it a work of art and a thing to be prized. It contains full page views of the great buildings, witu descriptions of same, and is executed in highest stvle of art. If not satisfied with it, after you get it, we will refund the stain ns and let you keep the book. Address, ii. Jv Buckles Ac Co., Chicago, 111. It is reported from Guthrie, Ok., that hundreds of Texas cattle are being unloaded at Ponca in the Cherokee strip to graze and waiting settlers are mdiguaut. The Rev. Thomas Spumeon, sen of the late renowned London Baptist minister, has been called to the pul pit of the tabernacle of his father for a year on trial. Two churches and sixty five ether buildings in the mining town of Kaernatin, Germany, were destroyed by fire At least fifteen lives were lost. Peculiar Advertising. r Advertising a patent, rqedtcine in the peculiar war ia whichlhe ptoprietor of Kemp's Balsani tor Coughs and Colds is indeed wonderf ulv. 4 Ho authorizes the droststoipiqiho caaffor it a sample bottle tree, that they may try it before purehtsingt 33 lame bottles are 50c and $100. We advise a trial. It may save you from consumption. OPERATION. Tallin: the To th of a Ilinnnnntumm. A Molar Four Inches Lone. "George," the bi hippopotarnns bo longin g to a traveling: menagerie in win ter quarters at Philadelphia, had a tooth pulied the other day. For some time past he had been ailing and his keepers finally discovered that his trouble arose from the decay of one of his ponderous molars The tooth was affecting- his evesig-ht. and after ssvera'l conferences of surgeoas it was decided th it it must be extracted Great preparations were made for tha event and several well known scientists were invited to wit ness the operation. George was confined in his pen at the end of the elephant room just above the stall where Basil and her daughter. a-" ivui-iuuuuirutu trit-- llaPV lkUtn, the four-mnntht-nlil I Pant, are quartered. When the sur- geons entered the apart ::nent he seemed to bs sivttermg- great pain and lay in a semi-stupor in the corner of his stall. It was only after he was repeatedly caneu Dy name that he lifted his im mense frame and walked to the edge of the fence that bounded his captivity. Then Head Keeper George XV. Ars ting stall patted him on the nose and in duced him to open his mouth so that the tooth could be plainly seen. Mr. Arstingstall explained the nature and effect of the trouble, and told how it would eventually render the animal blind unless it was remedied. To give the scientists an exact idea of the mag nitude of the impendinsr ODeration the keeper had a few measurements taken. When fully open the jaws were found to be a little over three feet apart, the depth of the jowls being about six inches less. Across the front of the mouth the animal measured eighteen inches. Four big tusks, sixteen inches in length, protruded from the lower jaw and an equal number from the one above. The diseased tooth was away at the back of the mouth. Though the most clumsy and ill-favored looking beast imaginable "George" seemed to be intelligent and even affectionate, responding to each command of his master. It was intended to chloroform the beast, but after considering the matter Mr. Arstingstall concluded that it would be better not to do so, as he feared that it would be impossible to pry open "George's" jaws when he was once asleep. Besides, it would take several jrallons of the anasthptif! to stupefy the animal, and its adminis tration mignt result fatally. Accordingly two of the assistants tempted "George" to keen his month open by holding slices of bread in front 01 nis eyes, while Keeper Arstingstall made ready his forceps. Several times the keeper touched the tooth with the cold steel, but each time the animal pulled a way with a yell of pain. Water was streaming from his eves and blood was oozing out in drops all over his neaa and neck. The other animals in th ronm nt- traeted by his cries, began to trumpet and groan in sympathy. The noise was deafeninsr. Even "Babv Ruth" sepme.l to realize that something unusual was going on. Finally, by a dexterous twist, the operator fixed his forceps, and in a sec ond the whole tronhle tvne war George" pave an awful veil as the tooth, which proved to le more than four inches lony, left his head, and then settled back in his pea with a sigh of renet. Jiefore ieavinr hi:n the l.wnor dressed the wounded jaw with cotton and gave the biqr water monster some tempting delicacies. -Washington Star. FRENCH LOVE SONGS. Tuneful Romance of the Kleventh Century 1 rotumdoar and Trmneri'. The love sonjrs of France mav he. traced back to the time of the Crusad ers and chivalry, when the influence of women began to be felt in society, and they were no longer treated as inferior beings, but set np on a pedestal to be worshipped. The troubadours and trouveres singing from one end of France to the other, mingled with this new cult all the beauty and romance of nature, all the love of sprinc. the de light in trees and flowers and nifrhtin- gales, the rapture of sunset and sun rise, ttie music of running water. Thus the eleventh century seemed to brinf a new world into being, but it was only inai men learned tosee and that feelings wnicu nan always existed found their way into words and melodv. Nono-s ns old as this still exist and sre popular, and Dy adding an accompaniment to the old simple airs, M. Tiersot iustifies hii claim for them to be piaced higher in me scale 01 art taaa their more modern successors. In this old world cf sentimental sontr the most remarkable cvele i ihnt Cf the pastorals. One is at first apt to connect this name with all manner of unreality, and to see the shepherds and shepherdesses "in court dress. or at least from a courtly point of view. And truly, the pastoral songs and poems which owed their existence to trouba dours and trouveres did at last find their way to town and court, and the original "Robin et Marion," itself popular in the right sense even to this day, was the forerunner of "Tircis," "Aminte," "Philis," "Lisidas' all the dancing throng with ribbons and crooks which made M. Jonrdain ask: "Fourquoi ton jours ces bergers"?" These mock pastorals, as everybody knows, are a study in themselves. They have not interfered with the old peasant pastorals, any more than the ordinary popular love songs of the mid dle ages have disappeared because so many of them, losing their way, strayed also into the artificial air of courts, and thus lost, too, their own special charac ter. Yet tbey have lived a double life, like other songs, and linger on in their old forms among their old companions in the peasant world to which they really belong, and of which, on its sentimental side which exists in spite of the esprit ganlois they gire a tone picture. Contemporary Review. , Not Bffieiettlr Ksplicit- Judge Prisoner, wkat is your name? Prisoner In what state? Kate Field's Washington. - If yon feel that the dash down a eoasting hill doesn't pay yon for- the walk up it is a sign you are getting old. Atchison Globe. A REMARKABLE A Child Poisoned : Sedalift, Mo.. March 29. Ray mond, the 7-year old son of Richard S Yost, of this city, died this after noon from the effects of a peculiar pciso:;iug. About teu days ago the little bey aie a quantity of canned plums, which Lad ben preserved by his mother, and afterwards drank a glass of n-ilk. The chemical aciion .is supposed to liavf generated a p i ! son that resulted in his death. Auttte l uud S t Free. Dr. J, II. Ilanaioi J savs in the Wes tern Piowman.'lt the tit cough is-prop-erly treated, the fiist step in the direction ot consumption arrested the iunjj-; devel oped and the breath set tree, we need not tear consumption." Keirp's Calsam for the throat and lungs is the proper treatment to! the !irt cough. No other remedy has -aved so many from consum tion At all druggists. Large bottle 50c and 5; 1 . The lust hog in this neck of the woods has either bem killed or sold away from the scenes of his youth Even the familiar grunt of th old razor back sow has been forever chilled. Down in the bottoms cf Fishing river, where the festive shoat rustled for the early corn, and where great droves once gamboled on the green, and cooled their parched hides in the rippling waters, there is now neither a trace nor a grunt. These sad reminiscences, together with the scarcity and awful to cou template high prices of hog meat, leads us to suggest that it would be a good idea to plant out more hogs a id fewer dogs. Excelsior Springs Standard. Ti'T 1 j builders use ine best ,?the!est , . A materials lumber, bnck, lime, cement, sand whatever goes into the construction of a building; they employ only the best workmen and pay the best wages; they get better prices for their work than their less careful competitors, and always get the best contracts; they paint their work with Strictly Pure White Lead manufactured bv the " Old rnt rh Pro cess " of slow corrosion, and with one of the following standard brands : " Collier," " Red Seal," "Southern" For colors they use the National Lead Company's Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. These colors are sold in small cans, each being sufficient to tint twenty-five pounds of Strictly Pure White Lead the desired shade! These brands cf Strictly Pure White Leal .md National Lead Co.'s Tinting Colors ate ror sale by the most reliable dealers in paints everywhere. If you ere going to ptint, it will pay you ' sc"d to for a book containing informa on that may save you many a dolfar: it wiij "y cost you a posts! card to do so. NATIONAL LEAD CO., 1 Broadway, New York. St. Louis Branch, Clark Avenue and Tenth Street. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby eiven that bv virtue of an order ot the probate court "of Bates county, Missouri, made on the ziSth day ot February, 1803, the undersigned pub lic administrator for said county, lias taken charge ot tl e estate of l'heoba Ad dis, deceased, All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them to me tor allow ance within one year after the date of said letteis, or thev may be pre cluded fioin any benefit of said estate : and if said claims be not eyhibited within two vears from the date ot this publication, they shall be foreve. barred. This 2St!i dav'ot February, 189-5. J. WENXIS. 16 Public Administrator. Order of Publication. State of Missouri , i lyonnty 01 isates. ) Be it remembered. That, heretofore to-wit at court began nt held at the court house, in s rrnnr wnu 01 ine uates c-nnntv rir-nit wc wi ui uuKfr. in aii coqdij ana state on the second Monday In February. IS93! ano aismrwara. to-wlt: on the 3rd day of iiiarcn, tne same Demglne Seventieth Jodi- ciai uay 01 saia term, among other, the fol io ing proceedings werw bad. to-wit: De CMize. administrator of the estate or Mar-t-n W Mi7.e, deceased, plaintiff ts. The Bates County National Bank, Clara D Cooter, Bet tie Harrison and U H Mize, defendants Order of Publication. Now at this dav comes th 1rmi.wt n,. Bates County National Bank, herein h attomeye DeArmond 4 Smith, and fie its af- nuavu, anee.nir among other things, that de fendant H 11 Mize. is sot a resident or t. state of Missonri. Whereupon it Is ordered by the conn that defendant be notified by pnb lication tbst plaintiff has commenced a suit against him in this court, bv netitinn mrl -m davit, the general nature and object of which a eaiorce tne payment hy the Batea County National Bank, one of the defendants herein to the plaintiff, of dividends which h... 1 craedon certain shares or stock of said Bank the certificates of which were iesoed to M W Mize as for Clara D Cooter. Bettie Harrison and H H Mize said certificate being numbered iW. !l and 2K for two shares of the par value or one hundred dollars each and which stock and the dividends thereon are claimed by said plaintiff as the administrator of the estate of said M W Uize ani that unless the i-aid H H Mize be and appear at this conn at the nest term thereof , to be beznn and held at the court bonse in the city of Butler in said county on the 12th day ol June. lr$ next, and on or before the third day of said term, if the term shall so long conlinae, and if not. then on or before the last day or said term, answer or plead to the petitien ia said esnse. the same will be taken as confessed and lodgment will be rendered accordingly. And te it further ordered that a copy hereof tepabhshed, according to law ia the Batter Weekly Tiaa a weekly newspaper printed and published In Bates eoonty. Mo., for four weeks soecessivelv. the last insertion to be at least aft" days before the first day of the next term of the circuit eewt. A tree copy- of the record . Witness my hand ' and tke seal of the cireait eowrt of fsauL Bates eonaty, this 3rd day of March. M9. JOBS C. HATES. .Urcmit Clerk. SaSitSl r."ri:-i;lv u.;c: i's ; :-jor. cjU' vci-t;!. th-. joae vii;;!-w.-.p!..Hif.T-iiil? tlh-r r )"o c.a ".I rU . . . .".isisi. . Ii ,isa;ttl--tjt tha liver aai wai.-.. i - -uiveU. Ercuii tlsejoaly rears! fjicdersta r. ; ihiOtfiA.uu;cMftUii.t; butforra ; , ..d:. y sotaihlheMUi<liot i oi.-.. v U: ki ihal:i33j'iUsva!u - ny vrsvstU. thoy will nut bo 'J. ..J 'ailio-: iu. L'ut i"tcr aUsici ht4 : C .- no:. r's !? i.-rr ri" aro v:ry .vn ut c.1 a u-v. C ct two piU-i uaXi L-5. . :.!? v-vf ',-, a ! nt ll i v c ; rf. !!im i-l.-.uoai v.h i '"' "' ' iivtr$!. s' 3 V -TCR fi? CO.. r.ew Ycrk. ir:::. sihailppjcs ?:' Do you Know? That more ills result from an Unhealthy Liver than any other cause-Indigestion, Consti pation, Headache, Biliousness, and Malaria usually attend it. Dr. Sanford's Liver "invigorator is a vegetable specific for Liver Disorders and their accompany ing evils. It cures thousands why not be one of them ? Take Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator. Your Druggist will supply you. Sinn i IWlirrUl.. km.: t FO tnnumeiift a rona, ac' 1 wm ao i Tour .HauJtd .y vit. r.u that 1d,(1 Bfor. AfW. Lom. t, ;h-Tf thiu:. .Hiiwn.fca' t.-At- ti ia. 7 to. U tm. .iwit. I fi- fi? iX 5T.w lltyr. I!!t!WalL 4C-in. S fat. Ufa. p...(iar jt -.. My iti dt w ; illjw 5T ttt. 4S i. tm uryrued. VJII rhrfrlly rpW to inqxtit wftk mp tmclad.M PATIEMS TREATED Bt MAIL CONFIDENTIAL lar a! we. Sa .Stm-vli . nA $ et.u fat rtamw Ibr partfcnlan to s. c. w. f. smu. wmms Tti uiuu. iu. Sclentiflo Americao Agency for fiiwira. OCaiCN PATKMTS. CQBVBInUT :ia KPJ" uanaeoo wrttwto MV? BOAKWAT, NEW VOBIT. Oldest bureau for securing patents tn America. Krery Patent taken out by us Is brought beforo the public by notice given free ol charge tn the 9 fictttifif werifatt Lareest cimilatlon of any scientific paper hi the world, bplendidly lUustrsted. Ko Intelltirent man should be without it. Weekly. 83.OO a year, LS0 six months. Address MfJN A CO, Vlbusheks, 361 JBroadway, Hew York Utjv WANTED CHICKENS & EGGS I will pay the hierhest market price for chickens and egg delivered at ray store at Virginia, Mo. I also have good feed stable in connection with my store. Nelsos M. Nebtleeodz. NEW YORK CORRESPONDENCE FOR ! HOME STUDY BaBaVM&X! 243 BROADWAY N .VI 1NTR00UCT0RY LECTURE laV Missouri Pacific R'y. Dailv iTrain 2 TO KANSAS CITY and OMAHA COLORADO SHORT LINE TO 5 Daily Train, 5 Kansas City to St, Louis, THE PUEBLO AND DENVER, PCIIMAX BCFFETT 5LEEPKG CARS Kanaa City to Denver without change H. C. TOWNSEND. Genera! Paengei and Ticket At ST. LOUIS, MO. im m is ill J IN!-