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for Infants and Children. "Castoria is so well KUptal to children that I recommend it ad superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Archer, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, II. T. CALL NOTICE. W. G. WOMACK, C. F. PHAR1S, It. E. DEACON, SONS & CO. T. W. FISK. LEE CULVER, A. L. McBIUDE & CO. HARPElt & ATKISON. Ask the above' merchants for the celebrated Rich Hill high patent & Jersey cream flour. 65 Cents Per Month. If you would keep posted, subscribe for THE KANSAS CITY TIMES, The best daily paper west of the Mississippi River. 7.50 A Year. Missouri Pacific R'v. 2. Dailv ffrain 2 i TO KANSAS CITY and OMAHA COLORADO SHORT LINE TO 5 .Daily Train, 5 Kansas City to St, Louis, THE PUEBLO AND DENVER, PULLMAN" BUFFETT SLEEPING CARS Kansas City to Denver without change H. C. TOVVNSEND. General Passenget and Ticket A'gt ST. LOUIS, MO W. H. H. LARIMER. ED. M. SMITH. Kansas 1 Y 7" THE POSITIVE CURE. ELY BROTHERS. 66 Warren Masile (Wood One reason whv Scoffs Etmtlsion of Pure Nor wepan Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda has had such a large sale is because it is " Almost as palatable as milk;" but the best reason is that its curative properties are unequalled. It cures the cough, s'.ippKe- the waste of tissues, produces tl'sh r:id b'lihis in the entire svstem. iVotf tmuUi'ia c iroo Coughs, Co!d3. Consumpt -n. Scrofula, ana all Anaemic and Wasting Uisoases. Prevents wasMng in Ch Idron. AJ:-jo t at ra'Jk. C?t only ths prnnlr.c. Pre parad by Scott & 3aTT,Vhemists, Naw Xoi!i. Sold by ali Dra-j. Castoria curs Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, JUlis Worms, gives sleep, cud promotes di Without injurious medication. Tb CejiTAra Computt, 77 Murray Street, S. Y ,S1XIAI. A.OlCE31E.T. We have made arrangements with Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., publishers of "A Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases," which will enable all our subscribers to obtain a copy of that valuable work free by sending their address (enclosing a two-cent stamp for mailinsr same) to Dr. B. T. Kendall Co.. Enosmtrgu Falls, Vt. This book is now recognized as standard authority unon all diseases of the horse, as its phenomenal sale attests, over four million copies having been sold in the past ten years, a sale never before reached by any publication in the same period ot tune. We feel confident that our patrons will appreciate the work, and be glad to avail themselves of this opportunity of obtaining a valuable book. It is necessary that you mention this paper in sending for the " Treatise." This offer will remain open for only a short time, cbd east It bj obtaioed if you win tatte an w 5 FA IE ceiacor SI ill It No other. rUc II I II Sex wtilgiTs the HV- CORSETS. rucie for the ueh nat is faction to both buyer ana seller or oncg sue a profit to th Agent, For terms.territory and sample Corset address U WESTERN CORSET CO-. St. Loui. CHURCH G. BRIDGEFORO. LIVE STOCK CATTLE, HOGS, SHEEP BOUGHT OR SOLD on COMMISSION We curry no twk of oiirown all our resources are utMMl in theaccutuiilisliment -f one certain object, namely, obtaining the liinbrst limrket prices for stuck consigned to us. Kansas t'ity is now tli? largest Livestock market west of the Mississippi Kiver. Correspondence invited, and given prompt attention. Any- kind of cattle, hots or siicep pur chased ou commission. LARIMER, SMITH & BRIDGEFORD, City Stock Yards, KANSAS CITY, WO. tit, Kew York. FriceGOcta. 1 v'0' aoi Scott'g Col. Dick Ilalton. The Jufterson City correspondent of the lioouville Advertiser tells the following story: "I met lion. Dick Da'ton," said one of Lis friends recently to me, 'last f-uuiuier in the circuit clerk's office iti the court Louse at Monom er City. I w as strangely impress ed while listening to him narrate a binguiar experience he had. Said he: 'Do vou see this little package I hold in my hand.' You notice that the paper is yellow from age and it is covered with dust. I want to tell you a strange but true story in connection with it. It was neatly thirtv years aso I was a poor bov living in Knox county, this state. A sweet-spirited and kind hearted lady manifested an interest in me and took me to live with her upon her little farm. One day while plow ing, my horse became unruly and gave me a tearlul kick on my lett eg, just below the knee. My suf fering was fearful. I was unable to continue the work and attempted to eturn alone to the house, one-half mile distant. The good lady attract ed by my screams came to me and assisted me home. The wound was carefully dressed by her, but fever set in and I grew worse aud worse. Doctors were summoned. They pronounced the case a serious one After a day or two of consultation it was thought best, iu order to save my life, to remove all pieces of broken bones. This was done and within a mouth or two I bean to recover. Alter becoming auout re stored, with the exception of a little lamtness, I was attracted to another part of the state, and I bade my good friend an affectionate farewell I had never seen that good lady who had nursed me during that spell o sickness until "Wednesday. I had an appointment to speak near her old home. After my speech, when I thought every one who was inter ested in me had come and shaken hands with me, she modestly came forward and introduced herself. Got" bless hei! IIow happy I was to meet her ajjain. She handed me this package. In doing so she said 'When the doctor took those bones out of your leg I saved them and buried them under the window near the old room where you lav sick so long. I thought you might like to have them returned to vou. Here they are as I buried them thirty years ago.' Mr. Dalton then stoo up and showed us the wounded leg with the long, deep, angry scars made by the kick of the vicious horse and the surgeon's knife. As he talked and thought of his strug gles in early life, how he suffered in the little farm house in Knox coun ty, as he lay upon his pallet, and as he recalled the tender ministration of the kind-hearted old lady, his Irish heart melted and tears filled his eyes." Wrecked by Dynamite-. Muscatine, Io., May 11 Three houses were simultaneously wrecked iu this city by dynamite at two o'clock this morning. Thej were owned and occupied by John Mahin, editor of the Journal; E. M. Kissinger, treasurer and active man in the Muscatine County Temper ance Alliance, and N- Kowenberger, local attorney of the alliance. An attempt to enforce prohibition has greatly aroused the saloonkeep ers. Four saloons were enjoined Wednesday, and certain saloon men it is claimed, by the victims, are guilty of dynamiting. Kessinger's house was stripped of floors, plas ter and furniture, and its walls were sprung. The Mahin and Rowen berger houses were completely wrecked. Koweuberger fell into the cellar and was covered in debris and a woman was blown out of an up per window. Miss Mahin was pinned beneath furniture and was hurt by falling between floor timbers. The three houses contained 20 people, but none of the others were hurt. The loss aggregates $15,000. W. S. Richie, a prominent witness in sa loon cases, was warned by a friend that he was on the list, and two men were driven away from his place. A large citizens' mass meeting was held to-night, in which the deed was denounced and action taken towards the arrest of the criminals. Rewards are to be offered. Worried Over the Star GanR. Coffeyviile, Kan., May 11. The Starr gang of eight men was seen two miles east of Caney yesterday evening and fearing an attack on the Denver, Memphis and Atlantic train, a strong guard was taken on i at Sedan. .No attack, however, was i made. Starr and two of his men were at Nowata Tuesday getting horses shod and the leader said they would have to make another haul as they were running short of money. It is thought here that the outlaws were supplied with amuuition from ere yesterday eveniug,as cartridges ere sold bvr one of the hardware stores. The brother of Starr s weet heart was in town this week and says there are nity-six men in rang, but this is considered mere boasting. Dromedary and Bicycle to Hace. Chicago, May 11. Abars Sahrs, one of the Bedouin chiefs of the so ciety Hamidie that is to give exhibi tions of life in the desert at the World's fair this summer, received a challenge yesterday for a race be tween his pet dromedary aud a Chi cago byciclist. He said that his fleetest auimal would go a mile in a trifle under three minutes and re ceived a severe pride wound by be ing told that his pet would have to be given a handicap of fifty yards The prospect of winning, however, got the better of him and he signed articles for a mile race by electric light some evening in July. ltioting in Mexico Durango, Mex., May 11. At holiday celebration here a desperate affray occurred between a mob of in toxicated Mexicans aud the police, which resulted iu the killing of four of the mob and one policeman. A large number of the. lower class o Mexicans were parading the streets, committing depredations of a serious nature, when the police attempted to suppress the lawlessness. The mob fired upon the officers killing Frederico Gerralvo and wouudiDg two others. The police returnee the fire killing four leaders of the outlaws. The others were captured and will receive the severest punish ment for their oflense. Now Try This It will cost you nothing aud wil surely do you good, if you have a cough, cold, or any trouble uith throat chest or lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption coughs and colds is guaranteed to give relief or money will be paid back. bunerers lroni la grippe found it iust the thine: and under its use had a speedy and perfect re covery. Try a sample bottle at our expense and learn for yourself just how cood a thine; it is. lnal bot tie free at H. L Tucker's drugstore. Large 50c and $1 Italy's Crop Ruined. Rome, May 11. Reports to th government from the prefects of the various districts throughout Italy show that the drouth has caused such damage to the grain crop tha Italy will be compelled to import this year 113i million bushels of grain iu excess of the ordinary im ports. The duty is five lire per quintal; the receipts on this account will probably cover the deficit in the Italian budget. The entire wheat crop of Italy averages only 122 million bushels and her normal imports are about 22 million bushels. The normal corn crop is 80 million bushels; im ports three millions; oat crop 17 mil lions, imports 1J millions. It would appear, therefore, from these figures that Italy's grain crops are almost entirely ruined. "Can any one,' asked David Pierce who is at the Lindell, "explain why it is that America exports some of the best cheese in the world and imports some of the worst to take its place? That it does so every man that has traveled knows, and he probably regrets it a3 well. In the opinion of many the best cheese that can be got in Europe is Ameri can and the prices charged for it in London and Paris are absolutely normal, and not more than a third or fourth the charges in this coun try. As au economic proposition one would imagine that the best would go to the highest priced mar ket, but for some reason or other it does not appear so, and much of the cheese sold in America would be practically unsalable in Europe. Of course, the frequenter of first-class hotels can get what he wants prav tically anywhere by paying for it, but the peculiarity I have mention ed makes itself very apparent when one has to go to a hotel iu a small citv or to take meals in a boarding house or private funily." Globe- Democrat. A!i Twite at the Wliitt Hue. Washington. May 11. Hamilton S. Saunders, a colored man from Sumter, S. C, who declared that he wanted the appointment of minster to Mexico, arrived here Tuesday evening and called at the White house, but did not get in. Yester day he showed up for a second time and was placed under arrest. He was identified as the insane man with whom the police had a similar experience about six weeks a.o. I Am So Tired" s a common exclamation at this sea- sou, mere is a certain bracing el fect in cold air which is lost when the weather grows warmer; and when nature is renewing her youth, her admirers feel dull, sluggish and tired. This condition is owing mainly to the impure condition of the blood, and its failure to supply healthy tissue to the various organs of.the body. It is remarkable how susceptible the system is to the help to be derived from a good medicine at this season. Possessing just those purifying, building-up qualities which the body craves, Hood s bar- 8aparilla soon overcomes that tired feeling, restores the appetite, puri fies the blood aud in short imparts vigorous health. Its thousands of friends as with one voice declare "It makes the weak strong."' A girl in this city recently found a lot of love letters written by her father to her mother many years be fore they were married. This daugh ter read them to her mother, pre tending they were of recent date, and substituted her own name for that of her mother's and the name of a young man, well known to both of them, for her father's. The mother was very much disgusted and has forbidden her daughter to have anything to do with a young man that will write "such nonsense and sickening stuff.'' Osborne,Kau., Farmer. Sucklen's Arnica Salve, The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter.Chapped Hands, Chlblainb Corns, and all Skin bruptions, and post tivelY cures Files, or no pav required. I is guaranteed to give pertect satisfaction or money refunded, if rice 25 cts per box For sale dy II. L. Tucker, druggist. liiii Distance Talking Nevada Mail. Wm. M. Torbert of the Missouri and Kansas Telephone company was here to day talking the extension o a long distance line from Kansas City to this place. Kansas City is now connected with Sedalia, Warrensburg, St. Joe Leavenworth, Topeka, Junction City and many other points iu Missou and Kansas. Mr. Torbert's idea is to extnd the line which is now at Harrisonville to this city by way of Butler, Rich Hil and other towns along the L. & S. railway. From this place it wdl be carried to Ft. Scott. At Frankfort, Pike county, this state, Albert Shotwell, 81, and Elizabeth Shotwell, iiO, and mem bers of one of the wealthies families in Pike count v were married. f-rt-l 4 j builders use 1 he best -saas iunibcr, brick, lime, cement, sand whatever goes into the construction cf a building; they employ only the best workmen and pay the best wages; they get better prices for their work than their less careful competitors, and always get the best contracts; they paint their work with Strictly Pure White Lead manufactured by the " Old Dutch Pro cess " of slow corrosion, and with one of the following: standard brands : " Collier," " Red Seal," "Southern" For colors they use the National Lead Company's Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. These colors are sold in small cans, each being' sufficient to tint twenty-five pounds of Strictly Pure White Lead the desired shade. These brands of Strictly Pore White Lead Tni National Lead Co.'s Tinting Colors, are !or sale by the most reliable dealers in paints everywhere. 1 yon are going to paint, it win pay yon 1 -end to us for a book costaininz informa in that may save you many a dollar; it will cost you a postal card to da so. NATIONAL LEAD CO., 1 Broadway, Sew Tort, St- Loots Branch, Clark Aveave and Tenth Street. A drr.nisr who has kaJ large ex periet ce lately leported ti au east ern pa;v r in response to inquiries, that he had traveled 5.S& iai!os; cai ried four trunks; showed goods 11G times; sold goods 1K times; been asked for i ews o.Otil times; told the news '2:210 times; lied about it times; did not know tiaies; been asked to drink l.tStll tunes; drank 1.801 titiH's; changed politics -46 times. The only thing in which the travehng mm seeuvs to have Ivvu unanimous witn e.iuers was ;a ttu 1,801 drinks. The body of Frank W. lioLk who escaped from Sing Sing with Thom as l'allister, both uudtr sentence of death, was found in the riv. r oppo site the prisou. shot in the head. CARTERS 5TTl. 13 PILLS, i 1 m n 1 FT I Bick Headache and telieTe all tha tronW inof ect to a bilious stata ot tha system, such a Bicaneas. Kauaea, Drowsiness. Distress aftec tUng. Vain in the Bids. as. Whil their most reruaiaaUlo auccoaa has been shown Ui curing , noaflaehK. yet Carter's littla liver TOTS are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pra venting this annoying complaint, while they alsa correct all disorders of thestomachaUmulata tha liver and regulate Ute bowels. ven U toe; only ""HEA Acls they would be klraoatprioaless to those tU suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortu nately their goodness does not ml berond thoss vho once try them will find these little plllavala ablo in so many ways that they will not be wil. Ua to do without them. But after allaics. hea4 !Za tie bane cf so mny Htm thst here if where we make our great boast. Our piUs cure it wails Others do not. ... Carter's Little Lirer Pills are -very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purpo, but by their gentle action please all wh -use them. In vialaat 25 cents; five for $1. Soil by druggists everywhere, 01 sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE Why Suffer? When you can be Cured Thousands are suffering with Torpid Liver-the symptoms are Depression of Spirits, Indiges tion, Constipation, Headache. Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator is a reliable remedy for Liver Disorders. It cures thousands every ye?.r; why not try Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator? Your Druggist will supply you. ;Frerr Mrt.V. .f wC of PtllttvIU. K.4H-: J. HaVLtr, ,f -V.'heo ! U-n your tra:mcl 3 at'-. I wii to 1 ir v.v work. Tb e. .XMg tic- Wr ft t .'4!, lt 196 lb M lb wu j w tWiwilt vf Z r !!' trr-u.'IWt..... 4 m. 57 in. 11 to., I iif.w U iike a w ; I ' U ai.. ia. V9 Is. II i. t-im-r U My fnftrft w l Hip, .... St to. 49 itv. in. in. tri'M. hrffili rrlv to HMri. with ttaunp inclwed. PATIEUS TREATfD BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL. Ilertr.lrM. X Htsvrrla.. V..uA 6 . iIitw f x particular t- rr.. 0. w. r. rr.mE. a-wisKti s num. chum, ill WANTED CHICKENS & EGGS I will pav the highest market price for chickens and egg delivered at my store at Virginia, Mo. I also have good feed stable in connection with my store. Nelsou M. Nebtlebode. Notice of Parti tioD Sale. Wberraa on the h day of Msreh. lris. T. W Silvers, M E biivers and Elizabeth Silvers recovered judgment ia isrtitlcn aesisst Lanra James Wsilsce Sotton, Thos J Jackson. John Bene r.TD,, l b rtrne. Jiroet Lte Sil,m. W Jackson. Milton Jackson. Soiomon Jark- son and Lettie J Jsekson in a certain action then pending ia the circuit court of Bates county. Missouri; snl whereat, it was order ed and decreed by the said circuit court that the following; lands lyinz; anO. belna; situate in r.aie. couiuy. aiiasoari. be sola to-wit: l' acres, the same being the southwest qnar ter of section twenty-one (21 , aa i ft acres, the same being the sontheact quarter of the south east qnarter of section tweaty (j ali in town ship o. lorty 40) of rso-e So. thirty-one (31) also 15 seres, the same being the eai J -4 of the north half of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section four (4) ia town ship thirty-nine i39 of range thirty-one fi). Now therefore, bv virtue of the power and au thority rested in me by law; and a certified copy of the said order and decree of the eoart aforesaid issued and directed to me by Jobs C Haves, the clerk of said court, f , I A Colrer, sheriff of Bates county. Missouri, will oa Saturday, June 24th, 1893, at the east front door of the eoart boose in Butler, sail daring the term of the circuit court, offer for sale and seU at public vends to the bit-nest bidder therefor all the lands sforesaid on the following terms : 1.3 cash ia hand, 1-3 ia one year, 1-3 ia two years, defer ed payments to bear interest at fc ter cent per ensura and to be eeeare.1 by trust ded 09 aai-J real estate. If. a. COLTKB. Sheriff of Bates Cosaty, Ho. aw4 mm ea