Newspaper Page Text
i ' VOL. XV. BUTLER, MISSOURI. THURSDAY MAT 25, 1893. NO. 27 1 i urn if r8 c 111 SAMUEL W. CiKKtNK, Mrtropolu, III. Liver Complaint Completely Cured by Sagwa! The Only Remedy which did Any Good. MktroP', Ir.t.., April s, 180,1. I had been troubled with liver complaint for twelve years when your company was in Paducah, Ky.t about two years ago. I irird one bottle of Kirkapoo Indian Hair wa, and it did mc great good. A slight occurrence of my trouble recently has caused me to purchase another bottle, and the results are so gratify ing that I have bought fivu bottles more, and am satis fied of being rouipletely cured, and I willingly recommend it to all who may be afflicted with liver trouble. It is the only medicine I have ever found which would do me any good. Samuel W, Ukkbnb. LESLIE, Hudson, N.II. Terrible Blood Poison! Completely cured by Sagwa. Hudson, N.H., Jan. if, iSoj. ' Two yean ago my blood was in a very bar! state, and I was afflicted with bolls and absceotte. to an alarming extent. At the time I learned of Klckapoo Indian Sagwa, I had two absoeaweit, one on my face and one on my neck, and was suffering untold agony. I used two lmttle. of the Sagwa, and was completely cured, and permanently rid of mv troubles, and am satisfied that as a blood purifier it is unequalled by any in the market. C C. Leslie. WM. KITI EY, I'rospect, OHIO. Rescued from the Crave! The Startling Story or lVm. Fittey. Pros?rct. O.. March jo, 1S02. About two ye srs ago I suffered with an attack of the Grippe, from which 1 never fully recovered ; and there has never been a waking moment since that I have not suffered with the headache, until I began using Klck apoo Indian Sagwa. Less than two bottles have completely cured me of headache ; and I am satisfied that if I had not got some relief from some source within another year, I would have gone to my grave, or would have been a fit subject for the lunatio asylum. The doctors failed to afford me any relief, and the numerous patent medicines ia the market were equally uneffectual, and nothing gave me any relief whatever except what I believe to be the greatest boon to humanity, Klckapoo Indian bagwa. william tittey. ' c c Indian Medicine Man whose medicines have done all this is now located in Butler on Hurleys lot. If you are sick or ailing call and see him. Advice and consultation FREE. Missouri OF BUTLER, MO. Receives Deposits subject to Check, Loans Money, Makes Collections and does a General Banking Business. DEPOSITORY FOR COUNTY FUNDS. D1UF.CTORS. Frank Voris, Oscar iceeder, R. ii. West. 11. II. Pisoir, Bunker Powell, C R. Radford. T.. Bouiwnie. I v Jolm Deerweater. WMJ E. ITALTOX. Presidents J n JEKIh, Cashier. COMMENCING ROBERT NUCKOLLS, Melr.poli., IU. ' V Lm.) Sufferings Terrible! fMt' VtPlM Life was a burden. IVlt that he was in- J curable, and gave up hope. Kickapoo Mwl-tf?f< Mffl Indian Sagwa restored him to health. taiM V K A Glorious Remedy. .JM. ill , I Metropolis, li.,.., April's iii. For tlirre years 1 was a terrible siilierer from chronic dyipepsia and nervousness, and lilV wan a burden to me. I tried everything ! heard of, and found noth ing would give me any relief, and finally concluded that my case was incurable, and I felt that 1 must die; my trouble was such that life had no attraction for me, and I was worn out and digemiraired. At this time my attention was called to Kii-kapoo Indian Sagwa, and I bought a bottle and besan uun; it. To my joyful surprise, it gave ine great relief. 1 purchased a-.d used six bottles in all, and to-day am a well, hearty man, thanks to thin glorious" remedy. I cheerfully recommend it to any one suffering with the tortures of dyspepsia, and it will do all that is claimed. Any one doubting this statement may write me or ct me in person. Robert Nuckolls, Proprietor Palace Hotel. Truly Wonderful!" Will do all that You Claim. r.irTt.en. III., April o, lSf)?. I have used Klckupuo Indian Salve, and found it wonderful in effect, and also used Kickapoo Indian Cough l!iire for mv eleven-months old child with pratifyinis results. These medicines are truly wonderful, and will do all that is claimed for them. Louta Lklmlk. JOHN II. EVERSOLE, rrospect.O. j A Little Child Rescued from i Pain and Anguish. j 1 Gratitude of the FcIIicr. The Bauph- j ter's Health also Improved. Kicliapoo Indian Remedies the Friend of the1 Family. My little hoy has been a terrible unflerer from earache, resulting from the measles, ana tor two vear he had been treated bv the best physicians at different times, and we had tried numerous remedies, laruinc of Klckapoo Indian Oil we obtained it. and used some according to directions, and the boy was cured within five minute, and has had no attacks since. 1 would cot take $30 for my bottle if I could not get another, and I gladly recommend it for all it claims to do. My daughter's health was also wonderfullv im proved by the use rf Klckapoo Indian Sagwa, and I consider the Klckapoo remedies invalua ble in every home. Respectf uiiv, John H. Evbksul. .Vw;V DtaJrr, pROSfBCT, 0. $110,000. C. H.JDutcher, Geo? L.. fiiiuitli, W111 E. waif 011, J. Ill Jenkins, ; J P State land MAT 115, ' V7 V COPYRIGHT Blood, Life, and OUR KICKAPOO FAMILY MEDICINE GUEST WVWWV KICKAPOO i ram an OH j the Quick Cure for Ail Pains KICKAPOO LTJDIAN COUCH CURE Cures Coughs, Colds, etc. Sold by All HON". WM. F. CODY. " Buffalo Bin." The Starr band of desperadoes who have succeeded the Daltons will encounter greater difficulty in rob bii) express car's on the Missouri. Kansas & Texas railroad in the future. The safes now used on their liues are burglar proof and the only manner in which they can be opened en route i by dynamite. The outer doors of these safes are locked by a key in the possepsion of the messeng er, but tne inner door is secured by a combination lock. The combina tion is known only by the agents at Hannibal, Sedalia, .Parsons. Musko gee and Dennison, and, even if the messenger knew the combination he could not open the safe for the dial is removed while the car is passing through the dangerous territory E. a Times. FflMR FIUR WEEKS. Strength flaking. CSCSCAPOO IfUDIAKM to a i rr pealing. Purifying, Soothin s KICKAPOO SEMDIAN WORM KILLER Requires no After-Physic Druggists. M mv are familiar with the fumnni " Ruffaln Ttiil- " Tvmidcrt'ul U'iM west show. Prior to his onture1 abroad, Mr. Codv exhibited at Statcn Is kir.d. in New York If arbor, where he became afflicted with Mainria. Knowin? t!e virtues of K.ckapoo Indian SaAvn, Ir. Colv sent t tlic ayents for tins wonderful Indian remedv, and after ustns a few N'ttlcs was permanently cured. ' Kickapo" Indian Safrwa is a remarkable rncdi rine said fr. Cody, ' and I have known ot its irtues a lon time. Von mav use mv name, snd sav thnt for what it claims to do it has no equal, and for malaria and chills it is far superior to qumme in mnnv ways. Kickapo- Fndian Saera i also a sure cure for Rheumatism, a. id if the fcickapoo Oil is used at the same tune it is impossible fnr rheumatic pains and stiffness to remain. It is the oniy remedy the Indians ever ue, and has been known bv them for apres. An Indian would as soon be without his horse, gun. or blanket as to be without Sa?wa." This, from the leading plainsman in American historvt a man whose inteeritv is unquestioned, should prove beyond a shadow of doubt that Kick a po Indian Sairwa is just what is claimed for it: an honest medicine of superior curative qualities, combining the best of the vegetable kingdom gath ered troni the forests and g:irdens of nature. K tblieMl by a Masked .Man. Kansas City, Mo., May 17. About 11 o'clock last night, as V. C. Het bard. manager of W. G. Brown & Co., 6tepped into the gate of his home, No. 720 Garfield avenue, Kan sas City, Kan., a masked man pi e- sented a revolver and demanded his money. Mr. Hebbard surrendered his pocket-book, coutalniog a small amount of change and some other articles of small alue. Mrs. Heb bard was waiting for her husband, and from the window t-he heard the highwayman demand. Instead of screaming the quietly procured a revolver and returned to the window just as the highwayman was starting away. . She fired several shots at him through the open window, but did not bring him down. sSK fl I "It is a Wonderful Med- i MISS NELLIE OKL'DT, Lacoilc. Quclwc. Stomach Troubles Instantly Relieved and Permanently Cured. Kickanoo Indian Saw;: i; a Clessia? to Ladies. I.Arot.t.R, Q-tTk, Marc'i S,;. I rcqard the Ki'kaHo Iiidiitu Sagwa remedies as trulv wontierful. 1 h.tvc been a Rre-t sufferer from fctomac-h trouble, and was unable to mid relief from any source until 1 heard of these valuable remedies. The Kirkapoo Indian Sagwa entirely cured me of my troubles, and the oilier remedies of yor.r preparation have proved cfticaoous in everv case, as I have reason to know. Miss Nelui 1r dy. COL. CHARLES O. 8EAVEK, Winchester, VLB. All Else Failed! Uoetors Towerless to Relieve. Klckapoo ! Indian Sagwa Cured. i Winchester, N.H., March 17, 1S01. ! For tVr pat twenty-6ve years I have been terribly ! afHi-t-d with scrofiila. and have tried every 1 tiling there was in the mark'.-t, but could pet no I relief. A year ezo I purchased six bottles of the ; Kirkapoo Indian Sagwa, and by its use was I completfiy cured, and the entire poison was eliiui j nated from my system. 1 always keep it in the house, ; and mv wife and myself both take it whenever we feel tile bit ' run down I woulil rather pay i 8S OO a bottle for Kkkioo Indian Sagwa ! than to be without it. C hakles L. fctAvnti. ITtAXKLIN BECK, Highland. I:L Kickapoo Indian Cough Cure breaks np a Chronic Ccugn. I Highland III., Jan. 12. lSq. i 1 - to certify that one bottle "o Kirkapoo Inii; (on;h Cure immediately relieved and IcoripleUiv cured me from a very severe cough oi j stvTa! 4 ccks' duration. j i kankun Beck, Justice of tht Peace. OF BATES Cash Capital. D. S. THOMPSON J. K. ROSIER E. A BESSETT E. D. KIPP Dr. J. ETEB1XGHA.M T. W. SILVEBS Receives transacts Solicited. MBS Deposits subj?ct to check, Lories Mony, issues Drafts and a general Banking business. Your patronage respectfully icine!" Kidney Troubles Conquered. Hk.hi and, li t... Tan. 14, iSm. 1 have been a creat sufknrr ltom kidney trnufde and was unable to find relief in anv treatment learn ing of Kirkapoo Indian Sagwa, I began taking it, and now am thoroughly cured, and mv apjeiKe ana strength ate fully restored. I feel that Sagwa is a wonderful Itietllelne, and revoiirnend it witk con fidence to all my f:i.:i Us. J.iun Zimmkhman. M1LUREU EVERSOLE, Proict, Ohio. Chronic Headache. Fonnd no Relief except In Kickapo Indian iSagwa, the Greatest Blessing to the Human Race. Pnosrrcr, O., March 10, 189J. For two years I had lecn more t-T less afflicted with headaches, and had failed to riud anv relief. I was recommended to use Klckapoo Indian Sagwa during my last attack, and by the second day mv head ache stopped, and 1 have had no returns of it sinee. My headaches ciw from a liver and Mtoniach trouble, and the hagwa made its curative effects felt at once, i cheerfully recommend Klckapoo Indian SKwa to ail who rn.iv lie afflicted, believing it to be tUe greatest blc-etiiif; of the human race. MllLKED LVKXSOLB. WIIXIAM SCOTT, rmgal. Out. An Old Injury Cured after 18 years. Kickapoo Indian Oil cures a Lame Knee. ' Fiscal. Ont.. Jan. 4, iftji. I For eishteen years 1 had suffered with lameness in j mv knee, caused by a fail, and doctored for it centmu. j ousH without relief. I tried Kickapoo Indian Oil, , and Li three days use it reduced the swelling and Iho ; pain was nearly cone, and a few bottles effected a ' permanent and lasting cure. I can faithitUy recoiDmesd iu use. - William Scott. WW P CI llJ COUNTY, $50,000.00 President Vice-FTitJect id Vle-pTeident Caahlei Secr-tary ..Attorney M 9 r f. JfxHpei, ;olsi(6",;..v. -S"