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CPeeMti m n i t in r ! 1 I VOL. XV. BUTLER, MISSOURI. THURSDAY JULY 27, L898. NO. 80 v I l I C i i I Ivi ssoun State lank C-B.FIT.fiX,. OF BUTLER, MO. $110,000. Receives Deposits subject to Check, Loans Money, Mokes Collections and does a General Banking Business. looker Powell, C. It. ICadfMKl. T. Bnulware, J oil ii Deerweeler, II. C. Wvall. Will J. It DlltF.UTOIl. Frank Voris, Oscar iceeder, IC ii. West. ii. ii. risoir, E. WALTON. President JRHIx, Cashier. C. II. Dtitctar, e-o I. miii i ill, Win K. wall J. II J, Jenkins, Mallard Items. Mr Dean wasiuite poorly last week. John Kudford makes a good con stable. Preaching at Walnut grove the first Sunday. Sam McFarland attended the law suit here. McClenney, (iiverand Warford all busy Friday. Alonzo Hay says he has the tooth ache no more. Mr and Mrs Patrick visited McClen ny's last week. Judge C Cole has gone south en a business trip. Hill Hughes runs his machine al most day and night. Andy Dudney furnishes the gas to run')gburn's thresher. A wedding reported northeast of here in the near future. Hob Heatty has coal, but says he is not running a coal bank. Hill Uros. the first to have thresh ing in this neighborhood. Some are threshing, while others are stacking and making hay. Hick Ray went home from Heatty's with the 12 gal. jar, a fine one it was. Mr and Mrs Chelf called a few days since to leave a couple of teeth, and we got them. Dave Manning gave us a trial on a tooth, but we failed to get it, and sunthimto the dentist. Our friend, Marion Colson has lo cated at Spruce, where he will clerk for liis nepbew Dr. Colson. We wish him well. C D Cole, Jas Ashburvand M L La Follett were appointed by the pro bate court to set off $l,r00 worth of property for Mrs Starke out of the farm of T M Starke. Mr Alexander of Johnstown, died of blood poison and heturt trouble one evening last week, alter an ill ness of two years. He was respected by all who kne w him. Messrs. Stayten and Callahan had a law su;t Thursday before Squ're LaFollett; the jurymen were Frank Patrick, S It Young, C C Pogue, Mr. Maxwell, 1) E Edrington and J M Askbery. W W ti raves, attorney for defendant, Mr. Stayten plead his own case and won it. Callahan took nn appeal to the circuit court. Jack. Lafe Short has strayed from Iter farm, it weighs about 200. Any infor mation thankfully received. N. M. Xkhti.kuodk. A HUITISH VIEW OF SILVER. IT IS HOT IX WYOMING. Xo Kain tar Wrk. and Firrc Foiest Fires are Kugnt. A Burglar Drops his Booty Lexington, Mo., July 23. This morning about 2 o'clock Officer Go lightly was notified that some one was robbing James Long's grocery uuttaio, yo., Ju'y 2d. lester- store. He went to the rear of the day and today at Foit McKinney the Btore ;ust a3 tho rober was coming temperature 112 in the shade, at out, and fired three shots at the Buffalo from 101 to 103, while the maB wmcu made him drop the mon i i if I mercury in tne sua stauas at irom ey uox anti Li8 bilt He Lad uot 160 to 1 0 degrees. This is the hot 8UCCeeded in getting the mouey box test weather recorded for eight years. opeu ad the money was recovered ot a drop ol rain has fallen for He got about 25c out of anothtr nine wt-ks, .. , .i.c 'ntuge is com- drawer iu the store pletely dent: yt-d. Buffalo is sur rounded by forest tires. To the son tli west, tivetitv rmls fire has been i ... , . ., the 6 year old son of Louis Harris, burning with more or less intermit , , . , ... T , rn c I was attacked by a rat that weighed tent seventv since .Inlv 7. The fire J o ... j . , nearly two pounds, and the right or niio 1 1 rn a catna ilrtvcn . .if r. the vol. I J X ' e , i n T.,n, tv 1 1. hand was bitten and lacerated so lev. (ltsti ovincr nil nt 1 nllev h iel1 a I f ii uauiv luhii it, is leareu inai ue w t, . , t , , ,f , lose it from blood poisoning. The Poison ciet'k, aud burning hau of . v cuiiu h cues a'n acieu ms inoiner nn M OF BATES COUNTY, Cash Capital. $50,000.00 D. N. THOMPSON' ... J. K. ROSIEK E. A BENNETT E. D. KIPP lr. J. ETER1XGI1AM T. W. S1LVEKS Presiilent .. . . Vire-Prebi.lent .id Vlf.Igi.lfnt Cashirl Serrtsry ... Attorney Attacked lV a Hat. Sedalii, Mo., Julv 23. Thomas, Receives Deposits subject to check, Ixmes Mouey, issues Drafts and transacts a general Banking business. Your patronage respectfully Solicited. H. L. TUCKER, Virginia Items. Geo. Metcalf is on the sick list. Mr. Fred Xestlerode has a very sick child. ()s Conger of Vinton Mo. is tie ranged. I have some corn to sell at '0 cts per bushell. A Viiij; meeting is going on at Miami Center this week. Mrs. J. W. Henslev has jrone to Eldorado Springs. Born, to the wife of Ha ry Packer, a f ie dishwasher. (rant (iarner aiul his best tri'"l were out buggy riding Sunday. O. M. Drvsdal" and familv went to Foster, Mo., on a 'sit Si'nday. Parish Xick'e is se'ling his timothy hay in the field at 5 dollars a ton. Sarah Oldham and Brother ,li were at Lewis Goner's Sundav visit ing. J W. Xance has taken the contract of putting addition on John W. Hen ley's barn. Jar. Win. Kennedy and taniily o Passaic were i" oar town Satutdav and Sunday. A black hog belonging tothe widow Commoner RicIihkI Lacy Everett I)e- noiince the Action of tire liu'iuu Govcrnnieiit. New York, July 24. Richard Lacy of this city has received a let ter on the silver question from Rich ard Lacey Everett, member of the British parliament, iu which he says: "The feeling of the many fiiends of free coinage of both metals iu England, both to be legal tender, is strong against the action of the government as to India. First, be cause it has taken a step of world wide iraportasce without consulting parliament, though parliament was Bitting at the time; second, because having in the early part of the ses sion indignantly denounced tamper ing with the currency, it had noyr tampered with it in a way that rests upon no principle, and that will ad Tersely affect the dumb helpless mil lions of the continent of India; third, because it did all it could to frustrate coming to an international agreement as to silver and gold at Brussels, while it now seeks to car ry out a bastard bimetallism between India and England by their joint action alone: fourth, having railed at the folly of the idea of attemp ting to fix an artificial value of one metal, it is now aiming to do that very thiDg; fifth, because a farther new demand for gold will be created for what is proposed, to artificially further raising the value of that met al and by consequent forcing down the prices of commodities to the urther depression of industry and the adding to the but den of all debts sixth, because new difficulties will be created between India and China Japau and other silver usiug couu tries; seventh, because the new poli cy tends to restrict the supply money instead of leaving it free and automatic. e iook anxiously now to see what the United States will do. W earnestly hope that free coitage at the same ratio will be America's an swer. The one great supreme aim of the moneyed classes and the Lon don press is to restrict the supply of money so as to enrich the owners of it at the expense of the raisers of produce and the owners of land and other real property. We hope that the sharp intelligence of your people in the main a nation of producers and land owners, will see through this cruel game of the moneyed classes and frustrate it. The mis eries of the agricultural classes here are indescribable, but they don't clearly see why it is that prices are forced down to their ruin, so it is difficult to get them to move. The wits of the American farmers are sharper. I hope our salvation will come from you." Horsttti's place south of Muddy creek. By treat exertions the fire was checked. Up Clear C. e-k can on another fire is burning. The cavalry tioops from McKinney went out yeit-rilay to endeavor to extiu guish it, but nothing can be done Killed by Pickpocket Milwaukee, Wis., July 23. Louis without raiu Ten thoucand acres Peterson and John Dunn, painters, of choice timber are already destroy while standing on Chestnut street ed just east of Buffalo. this afteruoou watching a procession Another fire broke out in the. Red saw two pickpockets working the tills and is burning some ten square crowd and frustrated their attempt Ditcher's Cafitorin "1 . 1 1 1 11. a ... I - - - v v ww - mu s or grans wnicn was iu mil to rob a woman. Uue ot tne thieves ange feed in the locality When whipped out a knife and disembow the fire ca-ue into the flats approach- Lied Peterson, and the other struck ing Buffalo all neighboring ranchers Dun over the head with a bluut in and some citizens and firemen from strument. Peterson is dead and the town fought it all night, getting: murderers have escaDed w " 1 cut off. Tr thfi north another hu?e timber fire is seen in Sheridan ' Hastings, Seb., July 23. The second delegation of the tramp county. and she was compelled to kill the rat before its hold was released. The rodent was the largest ever seen here. Prescription Druggist. A full Line of Everything Kept in a First-class Drug Store. Your Patronage Solicited Children Cry for Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. A toward' T npl Crime. miner! from Denver passed through Metropolis, 111., July 21. Richard this city this evening, en route for Shoemaker this evening killed Rich- Lincoln and Omaha The men bad ard Lukens, Jr., and Geo. Lukens, been furnished transportation and seriously wounding their father and traveled in box cars attached to a then committed suicide by sending special frtight. The only point of a bullet through his own body. All difference between this gang and its the parties were men of high social predecessors was the fact that they standing in this city and were well were furnished with bread and some know throughout southern Illinois meat. Their description of the suf aud iu Kentucky. Richard Lukens fering in the mining regions of Col Jr., married Shoemaker's step orado which thev have left is some I daughter, Miss Lillian Jones, some thing appalling. They claim that three years ago. Shoemaker was Denver authorities are trvin'r to sur - " I mf d M. Miss Jones' guardian, aud upon her press the real facts. marriage he was called upon for an accounting. Seemingly he had run through with a large sum left her bv ljaavuie, uoio., Julv '23 1. 1 Prospectors Robbed of Stake. Their Grui iMuwued. A sad accideut occured Friday. Several childreu of Mr. Benson's liv ing near the Osage River about two miles southeast of Pi airie Citv, were playing in a boat on the river. They were iu the habit of playing iu the shallow water, and not the slightest fear was entertained for their safety until one of the children came run ning to the house and told her mother that the boy a lad of 14 had fallen out of the boat into a deep hole iu the river over which the boat bad drifted. The father of the poor boy was at woik about one half mile away, was at once sent for and in company with several neigh bors rushed to the river but too late to save his child. The body was found in a place where the water was about 10 feet deep. Rockville Jefferson City, Mo., July 25. Governor Stone to day appointed Dr. George H. Williams of Jackson Cape Girardau county, physician of the penitentiary, to fill the vacan cy caused by the resignation of Dr. J. N. Holmes, who was appointed to the place when the present adminis tration came in and who resigned on account of the inadequate salary. The place only pays $1,200 a year and the incumbent is not allowed to practice outside of the institution. s r . i . ner miner. runt vn mnmr i in the court and bitter feeling resulted. Jonea ami Tetl Hicks' two o-time Keflex This evening Shoemaker, armed r ' F1CKeU Up Chicago, 111., July 21. Joseph J with two large revolvers, walked up ueau RUOUl rDree UJ,ie8 irom ine cllJ Miller of French aud Potter had to Richard Lukens, Jr.'s gate, and, lU13 mu,mu- ",CB 18 Bachfcl containing cash aud securiliei finding the two young men standing COTer- Aue men Btariea on a Pros to the extent of S7.2GG stolen from Hicks On the Weather. The 2G to 30 of July is to be at tended by excessive heat and storms. For August he mys: A temporary abatement in heat after last storms in July will be renewed about the;2 and 3, with many threatening clouds. As we outer period 8 to 12 look for about the hottest spell of the sum mer. Vulcan, Mercury, Venus, Moon and Saturn all bear on the period. Hard stormy, or phenomenal heat, changing suddenly to very cool must result. Causes fully explained in "Word and Works." The same con dition will i xss. fir th reactionary days, 1-1 i-nd 15. Stubborn heat, with much tendency to hard electrical storms and heavy IochI rains on ID to 23. Watch all heavy clouds. Cool er from 23 to 27, at which time in the yard, opened fire, shooting Pectlug tur JulJ 4 wel1 loaded him Wednesday afternoon as le s:it ! wrnpr with storms. Month ends George iu the right temple aud then witb Provision On Thursday they sending a bullet through Richard's were auacKea D? a P" OI Iour heart, as he was holding his babe in Austriaus and were relieved of all his arms. Shoemaker then entered tbeir Possessions. They pleaded tl, va.-,l nnA w of- w with the robbers to leave them ' vi !-' ouvv niiri cut'b l into the quivering bodies. Tichard "S11 lo eat Dut lue mfin laugnea Lukens. Sr.. hearing the firing ran at them- They were placed under t3 O in the Union Depot. He says that the flurry iu the West had scared him and he was comiDg to Kausas to do some collecting. Ouly 400 was cash. warm with storms starting in the west. Many earthquake indications in August. Washington, July 22. to the scene of the trouble, only to Saard until a11 tbeir provisions were ltwenty two days ag be met by the murderer, who open- rem0Tea and were toId to "gifc " ury has authorized iu t Since July the treas- the aggregate ed fire on him, shooting him in the AUer a wearJ lramP OI inree ays a new ana lurtner issue oi national thigh. By this time a crowd was Wltu0ut a blte t0 eat' atld sleeping bank notes of $5,032,000. The in gathering and Shoemaker ran a cou- ia tbe Pen air they stumbled into a crease to the money of the country pie of squares and then sitting down, sent a bullet into his abdomen and was dead in a few minutes. miner's cabin last night and were at goes principally to the west and once brought here. southwest. Washington, D. C, Julv 21. In About the Substitutes tor the Slier-! man Act. R! Mr a 4 M ess? m h re h dftin Denver. Colo.. Julv 21. (! 1 : :1 i.n- a i ' ' J r- MuicuSIng uer uumon to aay ai Thatcber o Agpen back from Wash t . caouij uc lQcrton. sftva that Derson&I talks with . i. 1 -l 1 O w C parunent paia a lower price man it Carliele and Qeveland assure him ! three years ago. nas ever paia lor the commodity, ui i 1 - 1 thev will not trv for uneonditinnftl J Grand Forks, North Dakota, July 2Q.-7-A case of genuine leprosy hfct j been discovered west of here iu Ne!- j son county. The victim is C H. ! son who came here from Norway Special Extiii'MoiiM to World's Fair. The Missouri Pacific Railway has made arrapgements fur a cheap trip to the World's Pair, and, will rim special excursions to Chicago at greatly reduce'1 rates on the follow low ing dates: July 24th and 31st and August 7th. The advantages of this route are many, owing to the elegant through service and magnificent equipment. All partieularc, concern ing rate, leaving time of trains, lim it of tickets, etc., furnished by W. . Burrus. Ticket Aarent. Missouri. j Pacific. MISSOURI. School Of IVIirie sr. The highest price paid for silver repeal of the Sherman silver law. bullion under the Sherman law waa tr i u u i . l j . . , ao He says thev have substitutes under 1 iAnfit.iA,afiAn a a fri Irnx-o- Waut-d to Sum His Agwl Wife. One for free coinage at an increas- Lincoln, Xeb., July 23.-At Friend ed ratio' and retirement of PaP" omer. The only Pure Creatp of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard thirty mi'es west of here last night, Michael Ktsler, aged 70 years, set fire to his son's house and it was burned. His wife, old and feeble, narrowly escaped being burned. Kessler was arrested to-day and made a confession, saying he wanted I the old lady, from whom he was separated, out of the way so that he could mortgage some land, she hav ing refused to give her consent to the transaction. money under o: becoud, iree coin age of 4,000,000 ounces monthly, with eignorage for coining foreign bullion; third, the re-enactment of tbe Bland law, making coinage of 4,000,000 ounces a month compul sory. Thatcher is thorougly respon sible and positively asserts these views are direct from the President and Secretary. Mr. Carlisle denies this statement and says he does not know Thatcher. Jasper Carter, formerly editor of a Populist paper at Paola, is serving a term in the state penitentiary and editing the Prison Trusty, a spicy Populist paper Blue Mound Sun. An Institute of Technology. Course; in Mining. Civil aud Mech. Engi neering, Chemistry and Metallurgy, Math, and Physicf. Special Court-es. in Assaying. Iand Surveying and Electricity. Excellent Chemical Lab ratorv, and StW-OOO Mining Labratorv 1 about erecting. Tuition $14.00 a year. jbxpeiifces low. ext wsiori begins September lth. For catalog ue, ic, addres, SCHOOL OF MINES, 2-2m Holla, ilo. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. P. B&Etiit u iiti n mm - . I ABSaULfTELY PURE