Newspaper Page Text
'J ATTENTIONl - THE LIGHT HUH fill BINDER. Also the World Renown MINNEAPOLIS BINDERS, Standard. Wood and Piano Mowers and Hay Rakes. Binder Twine, Repairs for the Excelsior Whitley and MeCormick Machines. Turnbull and Mitchell Wagons Columbus Buggies and Spring Wagons, Call and see me pefore buying. S. W. S CHILDS. First door west Rates Co. National Rank. SO.ME FREE LAND I. EFT. it la S;il to lie an (Jimm! as the Strip, and Easier to Get. Guthrie, Ok., July A:: exam i&atiou of the record-) of the land of fices show there are 1,500.000 acres of laud in the Cheyenne and Arapa hoe reservation, m the western part of this Territory, subject to home stead entry, and which has never been filed upon. This is nearly all first class agricultural land, well watered and partly timbered, and tan be had for $1.50 per acre. In Beaver county, generally known as "No Man's Land"' there are also over 2,000,000 acres subject to home stead entry. This county adjoins theJCherokee strip on the west, and much of the land is better watered and more fertile than a large portion of the strip. These 2,000,000 acres aro abolutely free to the homestead- r, tue last ana only tree lauds in the Southwest. All a man has to lo is to settle upon them and live there, and why so matiy should over look these free lauds and wait for the Cherokee strip, where they must pay from $1 to $2 50 per acre for the same quality of land, and tight for it besides, is a mystery. IV ware of Mollis Hotter. The Bureau of Agriculture has recently issued a bulletin on the subject of "Nostrums for Increasing the Yield of Butter," which should be in the hands of every housewife. It appears that by the use of cer tain compounds, principally pepsin or other digestive ferments, the yield of butter may ba doubled at slight expense, but a great sacrifice to the quality of the product. The compound greatly assists the butter which it is mixed iu absorbing a quantity of milk, thus adding great ly to the weight of the product. The "butter" thus produced is a mixture of butter fat with water, casein, milk, sugar and other con stituents of milk. Such a product soon suffers a separation of its fatty iugredicnts with au accom panying decay. A simple test can be applied by anyone to distinguish this so-called butter from the genuiue stuff. Ou , ineltiug geiiuine.butter a small pro portion of water, about twelve per cent, will separate on the top of the j lioies AV,U U,m Asain. melted mass. But in the bogus but-; Des koines, la , July 2G Gov. ter the result is quiet different, j Boies yesterday announced that he About oue-half of the mass will be a ! woulJ be a candidate for renomiua mixture of water, curd aud other ! tion before the democratic conven materials, while with the genuine article of butter the fat will appear :u a clear, limpid mass with small amount of water and a little curd on top. auis test, wmcn is i given in the bulletin, can easily be made bv any one, no unskilled in manipulation, and the difference between good and biid butter readily distinguished. If a quantity of good butter be used by way of comparison with the suspect ed article the chances for greater accuracy iu the test will be increas- It is clear that the users of so FARMERS ! ! called dairy and creamery butter should be more careful iti their ex amination of butter products. Such doctored "butter"' as the bulletin describes seems to be made in large quantities throughout the country. It is a rancid, decayed product and the consumption of edibles of such composition will not tend to keep the cholera mortality list down if once that destroyer gets across the Atlantic Citizens should promptly break up the business of dealers in these nostrums ami advertise all person detected iu manufacturing the spurious product. And the Agricultural department should not cease its laudable efforts in the de tection and punishment of such frauds so far as the law allows. Kansas Citv Ti IlieS. A Million Friends. A friend iu need is a friend indeed and not less than one million people have found just such a fnend in Dr King's New Discovery for consump tiou, coughs and colds If vou have never used this great cough medi cine, one trial will convince vou that it has wonderful curative powers in .11 T r- l i i i an uiseases oi tiiroat, eUest ami 1uli''S. Each bottle is guarantee to do all that is claimed or money wil be refunded Trial bottles free at H L Tucker's drugstore. La,-ge l et ties 50c and 1 llai liansin Herinmu-t ! . Plainneld, N. J., July 21. Jhon nie Aavior, a iu vear-olu lov, was caught by Chas. L. Parmley stealin apples in lus orchard last, night dragged mto the cellar and strung up by the thumbs to a post. Par in ley men waiKeu down town am boasted of what he had done. Th 6tory spread quickly and a mob gathered at the house An hour 1l. --.l f "t rater a policeman ioutui tue noy in convulsions, while blood gushed from his mouth and ey. s. When the boy s condition became kuown the mob, led by a man with a red fi stormed the house, battering the doors and windows with stones an bricks and calliug for Parmley 's lift The police finally succeeded in get tiug Parmley out of the attic, where he had hidden, and to the jail. The boy's father made a desperate effort J to kill Parmley. Young Timor's condition is critical i to be held here August 23 Until j tcK,:l.v he bai positively stated that lie would under no circumstances j consent to the use of his name. A Souud Liver Makes a Well Man s Are vou biilious, constipated or trou- wed with Taundice Sick Headache, Bad Taste in Mouth, Foul Breath, Coated Tongue, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Hot Dry Skin, Pain in back and between the Shoulders' Chills and Fever, &c. If you have anv of these svmpionis your liver is out ot order, and your blood is slowly being poisoned, because your liver does not act properly. Herbine will cure anv disorder of the Liver, Stomach or Bowels. It has no equal as a Livei Medicine. Price "sets. Free trial bcttles at H L Tucker's drugstore 22-1 year New Method of Suicide. Chicago, 111., July 27. Tired of life, W. H. Irviug of Charles street, Wintbrop Beach, Mass , committed suicide sometime last night or early this morning cn the lake shore. A partly-filled can of powder by Lis side and the torn and mangled face indicated that the suicide had filled j his mcuth with povd,r and then j probably with a lighted match had ! caused it to explode. A hasty seaich of the body told the remainder. In the pocket of the coat was found a note book in which was this information: "My name is W. H Irving, of Charles struct, Winthrop Beach, Mass. In case of accident or serious illness notify Mrs. W. H. Irving, at the abuve ad dress." There was also the following note to city authorities: "Do not send my body home, as my wife has no money t: bury it. Don't bury me in a pau per's grave. I have been tired of life for the past two years, but have ived for my baby's sake. I can no oaer live. I have no work and am out of money. This world is out Sta-re aiul the curtain nas runr djwn upon one of its scenes The man was about 40 veaisold and well dressed. When I .ay That The Davis Sewing Machine leads all others, it is not merely to til 1 a column with an advertisement. I mean that no other machi;in is so finely made!, and that no 'other ma chine is so easily iuu! The "Davis" is polished like a watch; it wifi do more than double the vaiietv of work, without boasting, than any other machine can iro. All other 6ewiii; uiacbine men acknowled'te this, but say, Out's is the cheap est. But I 6av that to buv cheap sewing machine is not economy. The best is always the cheapest. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is onlv one wav to cure deaf ness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is can sen by an inflammable condition of the mucous lining of the Kustachian Tube. When til is tube trets inflamed you have a rumblmr sound or imperfect hearinir and when it is entirely closed deaf ness is the result, and unless the in flammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an In flamed condition of the mucous sib- faces. We will -rive (hie Hundred Hollars for ans case of deafness cans ed bv catarrh; that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. F. J . Chen v. Toledo. . fc-i? Sold by drUiTfri.-Ts, ". Killed Her ( Int. I an 1 Herself. Uuil'alo, July 2G. In Dou'as countv early this mornin", Mia. Henry May back. i years of ajje, cut the throats .f her youu baby and herself witii a raor. Majback is a harness milker and is a thnfy youn IUil with a yood lilisiuess ai.d COn- si lerable piopei ly His wife was a hiinlsome w.uuai-, accomplished ami and a geiieml fav uite in the yiilage of Sinclair She left a note say it g she feared iieie ba'v would die and that she could not live without the bady Sjecsal I'mhisioii- l World's Fdr. 'I'he Missouri Pacific Railway has made iirrairemenTs for a cheap trip to the World's Pair, and. will run special excursions to Chicago ar trreatly reduce'1 rates on the foliow lowinjr tlates: .lulv -Jlth and 31 and August Tth. The advantages of thi route are many, nwinj; to theeletranT through service and magiiihcent equipmeiit. All particulars, concern ing rates, leaving time of trains, lim it of tickets, etc., furnished by W. C. Hurrus. Ticket Aireiit, Missouri, Pacific. Next mouth Pottawatomie county will be represented at the world's fair by Jehu Clary, his wife, two sous and a daughter whose combined weight is 1,500 pounds. Kansas is coming out very strong in the stuff ed exhibit. Jefferson City Tribuue: The gov ernment dykes on the river between this city and Cedar City have caused immense saudbars to form on the Callaway side, aud the eutire safety of Cedar Citv from inroads by the liver is assured for all time to come. Ballard's Snow Liniment, i Mrs. Hamiiton, Cambridge, Ills., says I had rheumatism so bjd I could not raise my hand to mv face. Ba'lard's Snow Liniment has completely cured me. I take pleasure in informing mv neighbors and triends what it has done tor me. Chas. Handle v, clerk tor Lay A: Lyman. Kewanee. Ills., advises us Snow Linimeut cured him. of rheuma tism Why not try it? It will surely do you good. It cures all inSamation, wounds, sores, cuts, sprains, etc. Sold bv II. L. Tucker. Your Painter has often wasted time and material in trying to obtain a shade of color, and has even resorted to the use of ready mixed paints, the ingredients of which he knew nothing, because of the diffi culty in making a shade of color with white lead. This waste can be avoided by the use of National Lead Company's Pure White Lead Tinting Colors These tints are a combination of per fectly pure colors, put up in small cans, and prepared so that one pound will tint 25 pounds of Strictly Pure White Lead to the shade shown on the can. By this means you will have the best paint in the world, because made of the best materials Strictly Pure White Lead and pure colors. Insist on having one of the brands of white lead that are standard, manufactured by the " Old Dutch " process, and known to be strictly pure : "Southern" "Red Seal" "Collier" These brands of Strictly Pure White Lead and National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors are for sale by the most re liable dealers in paints everywhere. If you are going to paint, it will pay you to send to us for a book containing informa tion that may save you many a dollar; it will only cost you a postal card. NATIONAL LEAD CO., 1 Broadway, New York. St. Louis Branch, f Clark Avenue and Tenth Street. j ScHENCK'S' .. ! Nature's Remedy FOR JfciT Liver Complaint ( 1 Mandrake 1 ... ( Liver Pills Consumptive n- ! ; r ti i 'M x 'latiMint: ;im t - . . 1 . i Ut It if ,1. h-, . ' N'li.k.v t.Kt..-- . i. '. BT2 1Virtrr r,nffHh Ilftond Vrl& I BNNYROYALJPILLS rf ,iJr sari. 1t reliable. toic. ut & f IS I'rurgirt tor' Chicluturt MnfUih ""' Ai &li..l?Cv mmd i'rond in Hrd and Gold nwtslliC7 safe, ht tlible. toic. ul S IhoiM. it-alcd wiih Mue ribbon. Take Tiviis ana tKitrattun. A t lruKiu. or ?ca fu in xtantpii for vartieut&rt. totunomals and 'M li-I.-r k in uiUul ru.,Uadl Squarav Xlull. 1 ll.IOO 'ItkttuoniaU. Aame i'aper. CrlliT rir i.nfiKHt," n leiier. dt retara lndi?oersibie in Every good Kitchen. As every good housewife knows, the ditiVirnee betwten appetiz ing, deiicijus cooku g and the opposite kind is hugely ;u deli cate sauces and palatable gra vies. Now, these require, a strong, delicit Iv liavored stock. aud the best stock is Liebig OompanV'S P Ytoift nf Dnpf CAirdLi OI "eei L'.f ANTED -SALESMEN I.Or.U.nml TK.lVn.Ifl, toseil ourwell known Nurcrv Stock. Stpnflv employment. ;! l'ay. Cornplcto ootdt lrce. No previous experiunce necessary. ESTABLISHED OVER 40 TEARS. 600 Acres. 13 Greenhouses. Address, PHOENIX NURSERY COMPANY, P.O.Box 1215. Bloomington. Illinois. HPS PARKER'S I y ii- fV- eifjitin- o:nl l.ouKf'efl tit- l. fPT7 $ i jt r ": ' -'v1 I l-m h K lr, i BUI;! Doable Chloride of Gold Tablets W i ll ("mi iili'K i v iiestriy i'--; c:'-.ieii sickuew, . !;.' of tLc putieiat, who v. i: PPTTKfyrUWTJv? rrH t,?P")TJTTDTT? j-i:iitliiiitilliUU LLl liKj.ii lliitij JiilLlI ;ti.:.yi-i!rt oa the part o. the patient, the use t-t o::r SPECIAL FORMULA GOLD CL'RE TAELETS. n-Tri-.ijrtratmfTit p!3tif:-.t:ircii!owffl the fn-e u?e c f Liquor or Mor v:i-' uiitil such t line t;; y Mi nil volutitarily pi1 thorn up. v esctui :-.:ji p:t:nphl-t no u. t'i pia?-'; n:.. i-riT.s i rorn s.ny or Uoii witu person .- ii o Sive beta curcl HILL'S TAB LETS f---r If yairJru-6f..-i : i.'.i k ; th ni. ncl"! m S 1 .00 and we v.-ill suul you, v: rcturu Uiii, u .iickur ot cr A rite vrrr rsmn 'v' :i!rcssp': " "rj Ti.l-.eti -re i-Jt 'IoL--eco, Liquor i:..:.:i. DO NOT DC nncnivrr into purchasing Iinvtii Hi': van';:ii,:i.;r;: - zj- r- TABLETS m :1 taku to 21-i.uf rcturu! ouly b7 xnr: OHIO CHEMICAL GO. 11, S3 S3 Cpcra Eicclc LL'.IA, OHIO. rAr.r:crLAr.s S V-. v W aT" V -VLaJa. s K?CiSieL : AoESTS WHItu: Farmers F We haw opened a I VeU lara uact 01 n:o jtaiuu'is n;iu i.:. d :ue now prepired to take care of your horses and wagons wl.: is in town. In putting your teams in our lot you run no :!: of damage- or loss of preprty as we keep a man iu the ,.,v!.,..,r3L articles left iu wasjons will be - - - c-i-o t.-r'- and perfectly safe. Feed furnished utullrg Team in Stall, tanditig One Horse in Stall, t-t-dici; Team Corn and I lav. 1 Feeding One Horse corn and hay. - - la cents. Board horses or nml.-s. div each. - - - -3 cent.. Your patronage solicited. CANNON'S WAGON AND FEED 'YARD. DIRT DEFIES THE KING." THEN APOLIO IS GREATER THAN I 5oo;ooo. I M'e desire to nlace out on j j real estate security iui'Jc j ! u in ou lit oj hi on f II Hi iivc i tlic Lest terms and lowest rates tct offered ln anyone in tin 's line of in si ness- A'oies drawn l'orone two j tlircc or jirc years- i Jl"r'' soin enioieu to loan j vauahle on or lief ore a Jiiren date- 1 Call and see lane chea) ! we can let you hare money- j i The Bankers Loan & Title Co i P. C. FULKERSON, Manaet-r. -T3anio3i Aiioionaoaiivi -.3d "A" n AYMCivoaa zvz I -IT IS SO NOMINATED IN THE BOND " Warranted Columbias. With ewry Columbia is a wariaiit bat-Led b ti e uhh-tt bic!e house in America the largest in the world a factoiy which does not tuin out poor woik a piai.t td superlative excellence in macliiiHiy and skilled woik ineii a r nit;ttion uninatcht-d in cycledoui idl these things guarantee tlie Coluibias folks make no inistake in (.':Iun.biu buying book about Columbias, too good for a catalogue "t beautiful t-ngi avings easy to read com pi lunsie free at Columbia agencies by mail for 2c statu pp. 'BOOK OF OUTDOORS. i Unbiased articles, w ith no advertising j j pleasure. Cycling, by Julian Hawthorne; foot ball, by Walter Camp; i i base ball, b J C. Morse; rowing, bv Denjamin Garno; cauo ing, by C. ! Bowyr,. Vaux; L-iwii Tennis, by F. A. Kfllogj.; Yalchu g, by George A. Stewart; Horsemanship; by H. C. Copeland, Meirill, Deals, Gallagher, colors, by G. II. Duek of New York. POPE MFG CO. Boston, XTcvet Torls.j jCliicago, Saxtfcrd, iREMEMBER HE (it'AUATEK ami invito : caret ul investigation hh to our - it y ati'l the merits of our Tablets. -:ro ;-irT')I;Af'C' in frn:n 3to5davs. Pprfr-ctlv barni i v t.i; p: i-n 1:1 :.cup uf lcaor ftt'-p without tn: k'nuwl i.:'::i;tr:.y p s;uokiny or eucwinif ia a few days. tTirdU an li wl at homo, ami wlth- '. t-sti!jionijls :ui1 shII incic l.-abit.-) ia ooth tnuiaca- by the u.-ec: our 1 auleto by uZl -:si-CLAeS in': - . - , aivlst ilorrj t-r-iu worth ar,l Irom from tea and :nokl The Onto CatxiCAL r -v x x x v s V (TS. i-- "V -V X V S XX XX VJ W X. X J X X r jT x x x r JT r -V rtfl S ex xv XX S vSS. X . for !- worth of yonrTablewforTobaoro Habit. 1 received lr" fiU. V. . VAJ jF trin aii risataad.aithongh 1 wabfjtliahivytsniokf;raijilcli:wer F for tl-'M worth of yonr Tablets for Tobacco Habit. 1 received them ail risat aad.aithongh 1 ai bjthahivytsniokeran'lciiewer tiiey di'J tic wortt ia lf- than tbreova. I arn cured. Truly your. SUlTULW JoIISsOS, V. O. Box 45. PlTT'BCECH, PA. Oa:o Chewicai. Co.: ;E!rriEEi5It trives ire fitsuare to unrak o-orri of prai.e for your Tablets. M coastiiat Urinker, uat after uirie your aor.ana tnroatrn aineaa, i was ei and will not toach li lifjoor of asy imo. i (."IltCUritiTI Adio Tar. Ohio Chemical Co: Gejttlemev: Tonr Tablt have perforaed a miracle ia tnycase. t havi- uaed morphine, hvpodennicaily, for seven years, and havts iaxzu curfi by the uw of lWo iages of yonr Tablets, aad without any effort oa my part. W. I lOTGAf . Address all Orders to THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO., S 1 , 53 and 55 eei and Wagon Yard. . aV . I .... at the followm prices: 1(1 ovr.tx. ." vVlitS. - jr cents ROYALTY ITSELF. The Moat tiarrraafnl Krmrd; eer discov ered. M H II certain In IU eflttl auU tloea But blister. Rrad proof below. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Tadmoh, Ouio, Jan. 10th, 1393. Dr. B. J. KramnCo. Oentss-l hae bran uatntc yonr Spavin Cure with remarkable aiirreu n a Klng-bnno of long atandlng. il'a n aurrrurr, 1 Ibink, to almoat cverjr cuae. Youratrul;, aM. C lUiV HOLDS KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Ft. tons, Mo AprU ?7th. 1392. im. ii. j. KKimaLL to. tJt nl. 1 tried your "Kbhoall's Spatw rmi." and It had the desired effect. I ued nut quite half a bottle of It. My borae had Terrlbls Sprain on his lei. hecpectfuMy jroura. Price tl.00 per bottle. PR. H. J. KF.MAI.I. CO.. Eiionburgh Fall, VerananU SOI.D II Y All DRl'CCISTS. in them, on all hi"h made outdoor Meivm Jbimiiticent ly illustrated by and Shute, with covers in ten water All fur " two cent stamps. A Cl'KE S the must responsibil - : : from persons who have been cured by tho use of Hill s Tablets. The Ohio Chemical Co.: Iear fiRI have b'-en ngiijfr yrrar ro for tobacco habit, an4 foon'l it woull rhat votl flaim for it. I tiaiwl tM. - jt the strongest chewinir tubin-oiiliir. one to Ave eiirars: or I ould rnr.k to lorty ninMOf tolcco. Ilav phl for twenty five yar-i, an'l two packages ii. M. JAi', j.csiiv, such. Co : : home time ao I nent y ma wi strotitrly addicted to the aaeof 10 iry your i". tm waa a fan aiwi Tablets but tnree days be TJit driukin cave waited foar Cioctb before writing Mii3.HEI.ES MOEELOw. Opera Block. LIMA, OHIO. -v -v .a -ii'vi i i r iu s ill VV: