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You have noticed that some houses always seem to need repainting; they look dingy, rusted, faded. Others always look bright, clean, fresh. The owner of the first "economizes" with "cheap" mixed paints, etc.; the second paints with Strictly Pure White Lead The first spends three times as much for paint in five years, and his build ing's never look as well. Almost everybody knows that good paint can only be had by using strictly pure White Lead. The difficulty is lack of care in selecting it. The fol lowing brands are strictly pure White Lead, " Old Dutch " process ; they arc standard and well xnown established by the test of ye'.rs: "Southern" "Red Seal" "Collier" For any color (other than white) tint the Strictly Pure White Lead with National Lead Company's Pure White Lead Tinting Colors, and you will have the best paint that it is possible to put on a building. For sale by the most reliable dealers in paints everywhere. If you are going to paint, it will pay you to send to us for a book containing informa tion that may save you many a dollar ; it will only cost you a postal card to do so. 9 - NATIONAL LEAD CO., 1 Broadway, Xew York. St. Louis Branch, f-. Clark Avenue and Taath Street. ' Shot His Brother by Mistake. Fort Smith, Art., Aug. -.lo. News reached here to day of a serious shooting affair which occurred in the Choctaw nation about seven miles from this city last Monday. "Waiter and Alex Massey live with their step father named Caiter. The latter had a juarrel with his wife and was beating her, when Massey interfered. Carter turned on Lim and kuoeked him down. Young Masst-y got up swearing vengeance and left, the house. He went to a neighb-i s i-d borrowed a Winchester. As lie Hearing the house he saw .-urn. .-ti-commg around the eon. r :' the house and supposing it wa Cut-. . opened lire. Iu this hf wa n.i.i. en and he soon leiti ned that iti.-t a-: of shooting his step father he h d mortally wounded hit br-ither A t . Massey was arretted a I ! e 1 in jail here. At last aceuun; - h.. 1 .l -1 ' . 1 Till 1 o o'uer was auve wiiu mtie nopf ice .very. DEACON BROS. & CO., Hardware, Groceries and Farm Machinery Grew Ont of a Singular Accident. Sedalia, Aug. 16 W. H. Hughes : BncMen's Arnica Salve, The Best Salve in the world tor Cut ii... i i ,i ... irme.;ores. itcr, oil.: : rnu I--!.. .IT. . .1.1T. . . . 1 . . . . . .! . .. allowance a claim for slSO Njres. Tetter.ChtppeJ Hani!, Crwbiain that ! Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi- grew out of a singular accident. A i ve!v cure V'es or KO ,7 i v i is guaranteed to give perfect satis-taction horse owned by him was hitched on 1 or'jnoney refunded. Trice 25 cts per box aud 1 sa ' Tucker, drussost. DEERING AND WHITELEY MOWERS Osborne all Steel lliFHuuri Pacific Time Table Arrival and departure ot passenger trains at Butler Station. North Bolxij Pasbcnger, - - 4:47 a. in. Passenger, - - 2:42 p. in. l'a.ssenge-, - - 9:15 p. n:. Local f .-fiulit - 11:20 a.m. Soi-Tii Passenger, - - 7:16 a. m. rassenger, - - 1:55 p m . Passenger, - - 9:55 P- rn. Local Freight - 1:55 p.m. .Special rxt'nraion rates for the following oc- anions at l'ertlt) Si-rinjig, Mo., have been inaile. State ieacliers' Associallon June :.. to 'l. l.v.t.'i. statu (Jar Association June 'J7 to i'.i Mo. olethnitlBt Sunday School Assembly and Kpwortli I.eaKue convention July loth to Inth. Junior Order United Mechaplca, Adk ath Circuit Clerks ami Recorders of Missouri, Aug. ith Cumlierland Presbyterian Sunday School anseiiibly and Synod August l.'ith to -'iith. Missouri Stale Bee-keepers association i,-tober UUi to iotli, li-iW. Summer Tourist tickets to Pertle Springs, Mo , at rate or to for the round trip, ami to hweet Springs, Mo., ." Ml for the round trip, will be oil sale until Sept. !.", Irtri. Now is your time to visit tiic World's Fair; rates J0.4."). tickets good lor return until Oct. :.lst. Hound trip tickets with same limit will be sold to St. Louts at rate of M'.!. :.". Hound trip tickets to Denver, Colorado priiiK8, Pueblo. Manltou and Trinidad, Coir win lie on sale until jci., goon lor renin, until November l.'i, at rate of$-i;.t.o and Rood tor return .10 days from date of sale at rate of m except Trinidad, which will be St.-S.f-5. t'or further information call on or address W". C. BliUUUS. Ticket Agent, Butler, Mo. 1?500H000. Wc desire to place out on real estate security a large amount of' money- Will give the best terms and lowest rates yet. offered by anyone in this line of business- Notes drawn for one, two three or jive years- Ha ve .some money to loan variable on or before a given and see how cheap we can let you havemoney- The Bankers Loan & Title Co P. C. FULKEIiSON, Manager. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that all creditors i, ud al! others interested in the estate ot Abigail France, deceased, that 1, ( V Knnis administrator ot said estate, intend to make final settlement thereof, at the next term ot the Hates count v probate court, in Kates county, state ot Missouri, to he held at Butler on the 14th dav ot August, kSj J. V. Knm, 33 Administrator. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given to all creditor and all other interested in the estate of Klizabetn Hi ton. deceased, that I Charles Dixon execu tor of said estate, intend to make final settle ment thereof, at the next term of the Kates county probate court In Bates county, state of Missouri, to be held at Bntler, on the 14th day of August, lSiU. CUAKLKS IUXOS. Executor Get the News. Every occupation in the country is anxiously looking to the extra session of Congress for relief Every citizen is directly and personally in terested iu every measure to be dis cussed, smd will want the news vromptlv aud f u'lv. It is during the time like this, that the great advant age of the Twice a-Week St. Louis Republic is conclusively detnonstrat e l. Its readers get ALL the news each Tuesday aud Friday just twice as ofteu aud as fully as it could be had from any weekly paper and vet it costs no more thau the week lies ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. It will be iudespensible for the next few mouths. Send iu your subscription at once. Extra copy free for one year to the sender of a club of four new names with four dollars. "Write for sample copies and raise a club. Address Ths Hi rrouc, St. Lous, Mo. Hit thf Spot. It may not be perfect C't'itf "Lilian to buncombe politicians, but it is something for the people to observe that the silver light is putting addi tional vijror into the determination to secure a tariff reform about whose efl'ectiveness there will be 110 room for doubt. DitlVreuces of opinion about the currency have animated the Democrats to a firmer union on a tariff for revenue. The low prices of farm products have put tariff re form into minds before crowded with protectionist partisanship. Free distribution of products and briskness of trade are bec oming a common demand instead of 11 politi cal dispute. If Americau farmers must compete with India ryots who work for two cents a day, manufact urers must take their chances with the rest. If the farmer compete with India aud Russia, the manufac turer can compete with Europe. He will get free raw materials aud will be exporting at a profit before the revenue tariff is in operation six months. It is time he was helping to get the balance of trade he loves so dearly. Hay Rakes. J i a newly paved asphalt street. 1 one of the animal's feet sank into j j the asphalt to a depth of neatly two I 1 inches, so soft was the material In attempting to remove its foot the j L -of was pulled oti. and the animal i i ... i i wa? so badlv injured that it Lad to be killed. The citv ay lor the noise. H. ov- f, is now asks d to ' Now Trv Tui SPRING AND FARM WAGONS. DEACON BROS. & CO. suFi r.tciN ; ;n 1 hi-: iiohdkh. Took Down the Notice. Kansas City, Mo., August 17. This morning the Dollar Savings Bank took down the notice requiring depositors to give ninety days' warn ing before withdrawing their ac counts, and began receiving money aud paying checks iu the regular course of business. The notice was posted thirty days ago, at the time Kansas City was undergoing a finan cial panic in common with the rest of the country. It was done bv the the bank officials in order to prevent an extensive run, but now that cou dence in Kansas City financial in stitutions has bceu restored, busi ness will bo transacted as usual an.l no notice will be required before de posits are withdrawn. Murdered for their .Money. Cherokee, la., Aug. 17. Mr. and Mis. Martin Shultz, au aged couple living alone on a farm in Ttlden township, in Cherokee county, were fvHi'lv murdered lust evening. Thev hid concealed about the house about $1,000 aud of this the murderer se cured only $250. The body of Mrs. Shultz was fouud in the yard. She had evidently gone to the well for water and was struck ou the head with some blunt instrument while on her return to the house. Her head was pounded almost to a jelly. Mr. Shultz had retired and was evidently murdered while asleep. A blunt in strument was driveu into the skull to a depth of two inches. The crime was not discovered until late to day and no clue has been obtained. Daily Scenes Among lloniesoek vrs W Iiicii Toll of (Ji eat Piivsilion. Arkansas City, Kftu., Aug. 17. Already a number of families who h ive been waiting ou the border since last spting for the opening of the Cherokee strip have become dis heartened at the outlook, aud pov erty has driven them back to tLe villages, cities or neighborhoods from whence they came. To get back to friends and relatives some have sacrificed a favorite colt, a milk env or may be a watch, and many have been compelled to sell their wagons and teams. Since their stay here among strangers many little folks have dind from change of cli mate water and1 the exposure of camp life which many families have been compelled from lack of funds to put up with. Your correspon dent has uoticed several funeral pro cessions wending their way to the cemettrv. and the mourners, who iu some instances rode in the Fame wagon with the dead, were in many cises the only oues who followed the remains to their last resting place. There has been no work of any kind excepting during the hay making season, aud the early arrivals have simply waited until their last rations were consumed aud last cent gone, and then given up in despair aud gone back. Another thing caused many to return. It was the failure of the First National bank here, which ciosed its doors during the month of June. Many depositors were well to-do people, who cold all they had in other States, expecting to come to this new El Dorado, un dergo the hardships of pioneer life, earn a livelihood, build homes and spend what they brought with them to gain this end. The failure of this bank left many of this das not a dollar in the world outside that iiistitutioa. Hardly a day passes that a covered wagon or something else belonging to au un fortunate homeseeker is not sold at public auction on the streets. A passing thought of such matters elicits no sympathy from the public, but if one should follow these unfor tunates to their humble camp in many cases he would see half clad children and hear a plain story of the young lady's home, aud are now in possession of the officers. Sus picion points to several parties, and it is to be hoped that the real culprit I will be discovered and caught. The law does not prescribe sufficient pnu ishment in such cases. The commu nity in which this is being done, is outraged to a white heat. The scoundrel who writes these letteis will do well to get out of this country. The young lady who is so foully aud cowardly attacked, is a respectable daughter of a prominent farmer, She is a lady iu every sense of the word, whose character is above re proach Lamar Democrat Geo. Boham, a wealthy farunr aud stock raiser, played the St. Jc seph bucket shops for four years Up to a year ago he was ahead, but the tables turned on htm in the last quarter. Monday night he went to his hotel, saturated his pillow with chloioform, turned on the gas and weut to bed. The next, morning his dead body was fouud in bed He leaves a wife aud large family. It will cost you nothing and will surely do vou good, if you have a . V 11 ..11 '-I .1 1 cougu com or uuv irouuie wun uie throat, chest or lurgs: Dr. King New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds, is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money will be paid back. Sufferers from LaGrippe found it just the very thing au 1 un der its use had a speedy recovery. Try a sample bottle at our expense and see for yourself what a good thing it is. Trial bottles free a II. L. Tuckers drug store. Large siz- 50c and 1 00 BATES COUNTY National Bank. BUTLER, MO THE OLDEST BANK Tin: i,ii;i:sr am ritr. ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN BATES COUNTY. CAPITAL, - - $125,000 00 SURPLUS, - - $25,000 00 F.J. TYGARD, - - - President. HON. J. li. NEWBKIIin, Vice-Pre. f.C.CLARK - - Cashier Lnwyerw. The fewest failures recorded dur iug the present stringency are those 01 larmers. Ut tnercnauts iU per cent fail at onetime or another, of farmers only 10 per cent. Agricul turists are apt t o consider merchants manufacturers and bankers as their euemies in some degree vet in this hour, whf-u the city business man is tearing his hair in the vain effort to find money where no money is, the farmer can sit secure under his roof tree, knowing that come what will lie is sure of at least food and shel ter. He may have to economize sharply, but luin does not stare him in the face. Ail this is something it is much Jefferson City Tribune Ballard's Snow Liniment. -i This wonderful Liniment i-s tror.i the Ati.mli to the Pacific, ami trom the lakes, to the gulf. It is the iti.-K? nn-tr.itincr linimnl in thf wnrl.l Willi j It will cure rheumatism, neuralgia, cuts, sprains, bruises, wounds, oid orcs. burns, sciatica, sore thaoat, sore chest aiul all inflammation, after all others have tailed. It will cure barbed wire cuts, and heal all wounds where proud tiesh has set in. It is equally eflicient for animals. Trv it and .vou will not be without it. Pi ice ;oc. Sold by Ii L TucKer, Butler, Mo. Missouri Crop. The Augus-t Bulletin of the Mis souri state board of agriculture re ports the wheat yield, the peach crop and the apple crop poor. Corn, buckwheat, Irish potatoes, timothy and sorghum are reported line. Fall pastures are put down at 07 per cent corn promises 97 per cent, north west counties leading with 105 per cent. Oats averaged 82 per cent; Iiish potatoes sweet potatoes tobacco 87; timothy 02; clover ,SH; sorghum 02; apples 23; peaches 38; grapes. Nevada Mail. There is more Catarrh in this sec tion of the country than all other dis eases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to lie incura ble. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and In constantly failing to cure with local treatment pronounced it incurable. Science has proven eatarrh to be n constitutional disease, and therefore, requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by V. J. fheny & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the iiiarKei. it is THKen internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoo'nful. it acts direetlv on the blood and mu cous surfaces of The system. They offer one hundreddollars forany ease it fails to cure. Send for circulars and Testimonials. Address. .1. 1 Cheney A: Co., Toledo, (). fe'C5old bv dnitryrists. 7.V. AY. O..J The physiei i i who a! tended Mr. Tdden during his last years brought suit for the ftim of 100,000 for 8 year's attendance ou the deceased millionaire, or 12,000 per year. It is to be supposed that this doctor had other patients. If he chaiufd them nil accordingly his fees would soon make him richer t han any other business man could hope to become The suit has been compromised, the executors paying 40.000 or 5.000 a year, which considering that the bill must )'. made out "curing Mr. Tilden until he died," would seem to most people quite enough to pay. Ik. AC K. SON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW' Will practice in ail the courts. Prompt attention to buMness. Office upstair second door south ot Bates County Na tional Hank. OARKINSON At GRAVES, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office West Side Square, over Lan- down's Drug Store. DK J. M. CHRISTY, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, tront room over P. O. All call answered at office day or night. special attention given to iemale dlt- eases. T. C. BOULWARE, Physician and Surgeon. Office north tide square. Butler, Mo. Diseasesof women and chll- en a specialty. Franz Bernhardt On the north Bide of the square, I i Butler, - Missouri. lues his own i Watch & Clock Repairing :.Uo Watchee. Clocks, Jewelry and ! verware at i i ACTUAL COST AKD mm, j For the next twelve months. J ,.s a watch maker of w years experience j can ami will give j ou" mitii-tai'tion. ' j Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty, j Shot anil Scalpl Hi Eloping Wile. Spokane, Wash , Aug. IT. A Kal ispell Indian called "Raiu-iu-the-Face Tomcat,' arrived yesterday eeeking his squaw, who eloped with a Spokane Iudiin "White Blanket." He found her in the suburbs last hardships and disappotntments.sick- j nps ni1 mnv hp ilpntli that would i , iri 1 4 t i nisht, ana shot and sclaped her. forever make of him an advocate 01 " . 1 "Uncle Sam" treating for and pur chasing every foot of idle land in the Cattle-Thieves Captured. Nevada, Mo., Aug. 17. B. Y. Tanner and Ira Short were arrested on charge of Dennis Wilson, who is in jail for stealing the Kincaid cattle of being implicated with him in the theft. Two other men were impli cated by Wilson, aud afterward re leased. Tauner is a brother-indaw of Wilson. Ira Short is only 17 years old, and &ays he was hired by Wilson to assist him in driving the cattle from the pasture to Harwood for shipment Both Short and Tan ner deny the charge. In default of bond of $600 they were committed to jaiL Their examination is set for the 21st. United States and throwing it open for settlement immediately. Another thing that has dishearten ed the pooier class is the fact that so many are here and coming daily, too, with such good teams and other wise so much better equipped for the race than are they. The only hope for this class was that few would be here to make the run and there would be plenty of land for all. But it now seems that every good claim will be hotly contested and this leaves the poor man, who has spent his all to get to the bor der, expecting his old bony horses to take him to a good claim, in a position deplorable in the extreme. A Cowardly Slanderer. We have seen a number of the fil thiest, vilest letters ever penned, that were picked upon the pu blic road, near Lamar, in which the char acter of a young lady was assailed in a most brutal and cowardly man ner. The letters were dropped near "White Blauket" and others after wards cornered him, cut off his ears then built a fire in the center of the car track, and then threw him on it bound The police arrived too late to save "Tomcat'' or catch his mur derers. "White Blanket has taken to the woods liintherirt Precaution. Decatur, 111 , Aug. 10. Owing to the frequent deaths in Decatur caused by diptheria. the mayor to day ordered the strict enfotcismeiit of the ordiuniK-e requiring doctors to promptly leport all caen of eo'it;:- gious or infectious diseases to the board of hf alth. Extra precautions will be tu.!u'!i at once to prye-nt ti e sprtad ot diptheria, which is now pronounced to be in epidemic form. Quite a number of sudden deatLs among children have occurred. -GO TO Fiends in HunMti Form. Vienna, Aug. 17 A gang of men have been arrested iu Biskuyitz, Groatia, because they have mutilat ed youDg children. The men have for years made a trade of crippling children and then sending them out to beg or pell them to others for the same purpose. Children were stolen and taken to the gang's house. Once there they were bound and tortured When the police found the place yesterday they fouud two voung girls with their legs broken. Anoth er lay bound on a bed with her right arm broken and both eyes gouged out. Two of the children, hardlv less horribly mutilated, were found in th cellar. Many instruments, which had been used in producing deformities, were found in the cellar and were taken for evidence. G. A. VAN HALL, -SUCCESSOR TO F. BERNHARDT & CO. -FOR- FURS DEUCS MEDICINES, StopWiP1- j Any one whose Watch has a g .iiimfjiiitfi.if. If bow .'ring),will never have oc casion to use this time-honored cry. It is the only bow that cannot be twisted o:T the case, and is found only on Jas. Boss Filied and other a:ch cases stamped wr.h this trade mark.. Ask your jeweler for a pamphlet, or send to the macufa-.-taren. Keystone Watch Case Co, PHILADELPHIA. TOBACCOS AND I IV E ClfiAR f MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS Prescriptions Carefully Conjponmd A liberal Patronage of the public is solicited. NEW YORK C0RRSPOTgMCr FOR HOME STUOV 243 BROADWAY N .V. WTRQDUCTOKY LECTURE L 2