OCR Interpretation

The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, August 24, 1893, Image 7

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066489/1893-08-24/ed-1/seq-7/

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"V -
for Infants
"CMterla is so weU adapted to children that
I recomm.'nil it aa superior to any prescription
known to me." n. A. Aacin:, M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T.
SirajKot Missouri History.
The Asiatic Cholera first made its
appearance in St. Louis ia the Hum
mer of 18:32. The population at
that time was C'JIH, including those
who fled from the city to eacapa the
disease. Other river towns were
subsequently visited by the terrible
scourge. The disease reappeared in j
St. Louis in 19:54 and 1849.
Bollinger county was named in
honar of George Bellinger of Cape
Girardeau county who was quite a
prominent man in the history of
The first state capitol building
accupied the present site of the gov.
ernors mausion. It was destroyed
by fire on the night of November 17
1837. But little was saved from the
building. It was a brick building
and had cost 25,000.
The first legislature to meet in
Jefferson City was that of 1825.
Numerically it was the fourth gene
ral assembly.
Gen. Lafayette visited St. Louis
in April 1S25. He was recieved with
great honor. He was then G8 years
Halls county was named in honor
of Col. Daniel Italia, a pioneer settler
of the state and a man of consider
able prominence.
Thoa. II. Benton's first election to
the United States senate was not ac
complished without difficulty. Two
senators wero-clecteil by the legisla
ture in 1821. David Barton, who
was a very popular man, was elected
on the first ballot but Mr. Benton
encountered rough sailing aud it
was uot until several days of ballot
ting that he was elected, and then
at the expense of bringing Daniel
Ralls, who was on his death bed
into the assembly chamber to vote.
Mr. Hills was unable to leavo his
bed at the time and died a few days
later. Mr. Benton owed his election
to Col. Auguste Chouteau of St.
Louis, without whose powerful in
fluence he would have certainly been
defeated. Col. Chouteau induced a
Frenchman named LaDue to vote
for Mr. Benton which, added to the
vote of Mr. Balls elected him. Mr.
Benton had previously killed a young
lawyer of St. Louis, Chas. Lucas, iu
a duel. The circumstances under
which the duel was fought caused
Mr. Benton to lose many friends and
make a large number of powerful
enemies. Eveu Mr. Benton's warm
est friends coudemued him for killing
young Lucas, as the latter tried
every way in his power to avoid the
fatal encounter.
Pierre Laclede Liuquest, or as, he
ia commonly called Pierre Linquest t
Laclede, the founder of St. Louis
left no heirs to inherit his estate-
When he located his store near the
Merchants exchange he said he
believed it was the best place to sell
goods west of the Mississippi river
and he firmly believed that St Louis
would oue day be a great city. His
last resting place is unknown. He
died June '20, 1778 while returning
from a trip to New Orleans and was
buried near the mouth of the Arkau
sas river, near the town of Napoleon
This was an old burying ground.
Manj of the graves have since been
washed into the river, Laclede's it
is believed, included. After La
clede's death his residence became
the property of Col. Auguste Chou
teau, one of the most distinguished
men in the early history of this
Capt. Merriwether Lewis and Capt
Wm- Clark of the fomous Lewis and
Clark exploring expedition each
served as governor of the territory of
Missouri. Capt. Lewis was appoint
jed in 1807. Two years later while
on his way to Washington, he com-
n 1810 Capt. Clark was appointed
and Children.
Caatorla curs Colic, Constipation,
Sour btomai h, Iiarrha. tructation,
KiLj Worms, gives bleep, and promotes di
Witiiuut injurious medication.
Tu: Ce.vtcr C'o!ip.vt, 77 Murray Street, N. Y
anllidd office until the i ltuissicn
of tha state into the unio i, 1S21, and
died in St. Louis in lb'.i.
A posto'lice was deemed a public
necessity iu St Louis ia ISO 1 and
Rufus Eaton was appointed post
master. Joseph Charles established the
Missouri Gazette, the first paper
published west of the Mississippi
river iu St Louis in 1S08. It was a
very small paper and had a very lim
ited patronage.
St. Charles was orinitialy named
Mes Petites Cotes, meaning little
Hills. The name was changed in
It is claimed the first Americans
that ever set foot in Howard county
were Ira P. Nash, Stephen Hancock
and Stephen Jackson. They landed
in that county in February 1801 and
took up claims, but left a few months
A Sad Picture.
It is a sad record that the World
has to present to day. There no less
than 30,177 men reported idle in
fifty-seven trades in this city, and
these figures do not adequatley rep
resent the rapidly iucreiising army
of the unemployed. Thet e are the
victims upon whom the evils of
financial disturbance fall with most
terrible weight. To them the situ
ation meaus hunger aud homeless
ness for wives and little ones, a
dread prospect of poverty from
which no industry can sheild them.
And the worst of it is that when re
lief comes to the markets it cannot
come too quickly to these victims of
the disaster. The hard times that
panic breeds do not end for them
when the panic is over. It requires
time, after such a disturbance, for
industry to resume its ordinary
course. The poor, who have been
made so by this disaster, we shall
have with us for many mouths.
New York World.
Burying Himself Alive
Wichita, Kau., Aug. 17. Joseph
Weirich a rich farmer living west of
town, nearly succeeded in killing
himself yesterday in a curioue fash
ion. Weirich has been under guard
for some time as he has on several
occasions evinced a desire to commit
suicide, but yesterday he evaded his
guards and when found, some hours
later, he was sitting in a freshly
made grave, with his head and
shoulders above the surface, pulling
the earth in over him. Within his
reach was a bottle of laudanum
which he would doubtless have taken
but for the timely arrival of the
searching party.
Admits AM Cures
Chattanooga, Teuu., Aug. 17.
The intense rivalry here resulted in
the News sending a special repre
sentative to Cincinnati to investigate
the Amick treatment for consump
tion. The Times had reported sen
sational cures through it which the
News assumed to question. To-day
the News acknowledges the discov
ery is all it claims and admits the
cures he is daily eftectiug are indis
putable facts. It especially com
mends his seudiug test medicines
free to physicians and physic".ar.s
Clinton, Missouri.
Mr. A. L Armstrong, an old dru2srist
and a prominent citizen ot this eater-
prising town, says: "1 sei: some forty
different kinds ot cough medicines, but
have never in my experience sold so
much of any one article as I have ot
Ballard's Horehonud Syrup. All who
use it say it is the most pertect remedv
for cough, cold, consumption, and all
diseases ot the throat and lungs, they
have ever tried." It is a specific for
CROup and whooping cough. It will re
lieve a cough in one minute. Contains
no opiates. Sold b?H L Tucker, drug
gist. " 3
i mins h:uI Pretty.
Dfuison, Tex., 17. A woman;
in man's aitire was arrested here to- ;
day. She -I;tin,. to u- runniug away
I from home Doc S:ui:h from Guth- j
lit', (. I . -fait- that shv is the wo-'
man jore tiiu-f and j-tilf.i at Guth- I
: rie oi Hi nt'a ago. Sh- broke jail i
shortly aft ft- a ;.J -.-.e-.ied. Sh snrs
her nam is Nellie Hodge, but eon
tradicts L-is-if. a-d is U!id..nibted;y
; the worn in hors- thief When ar
rested she wore- a fuU.fiVdged man's
suit and a broad-brimtned sombrero
iwith pistol, belt iind spurs. She is
iyouu and iv c-.-me'iv.
I Ali.ii Hi., ihili.
i New Yoik, Aug. 17. A riot of
: unfciji; loj ed im ii i ccuiivu here this
monnt;g. 1 iit-ie were 5,000 men in
the crowd, mostly all Hebrews, cut
ters, garment makers, etc. They at
tacked a b;i!l tu Chord street be
cause admitt ue was denied them.
The crowd smashed the plate g!;lSS
windows, forced in the doer and
took possession of the place. The
police reserves succeeded in paitly
clearing the hall ai.'d then dispersed
the mob iu the street. At last ac
counts a meeting was iu progress in
the hall.
Ulla 1 . it ia CiiirKjro.
Chicago, Hi., Aug. 17. Five years
iigo C. W. Parker shot dead, a Con
stable in Georgetown, Ky . who tried
to serve a writ ou him. He escaped
and went to Cincinnati, Then he
went to Indianapolis and from there
to St. Louis. He lived in each city
about a vetr. He then went to Kan
sas. Last lii'!it on Iliu street here
two Pinker! ei men arrested him
after a desperate fight. He will be
taken to Kentucky to-day.
For Fie Silver
Richmond, Ya., Aug. 10. The
Virginia Farmers' alliance met here
yesterday with fifty-two out of 100
counties represented. A resolution
was passed iu favor of a memorial to
Virginia's senators and representives
in congress urging them to prevent
the repeal of the Sherman bill, uuless
there should be embodied in the bill
of repeal provision for the free aud
unlimited coinage of silver at the
rato of IB to 1.
The Horn Fly Pest .
S idaliii, Mo., Aug. 15. Horn flies
are becoming so numerous in this
vicinity that a milk and butter fam
ine is threatened. The pest is so
persistent in stinging cattle about
the biise of the h rti that thev are
unable to feed and a small quantity
of poor milk is the result.
High Carnival at St. Louis.
The Metropolis of tba Mississippi
Valley A-ruin Preseuts a
rKOUKAMME or fall festivities that
Paris, the most lnafxiiifieent city on
either continent, has for ages lielil
the proud title of "the premier carni
val city of the world." However,
within the last ten or twelve years an
Amerean rival of no mean protention
has contested for that hisrh honor.
and to-day St. Louisholds what Paris
so rehu'tlantly relinquished, the title
of "the carnival citv of the two con
tinents." Mot content with the successful ex
hibitions of previous years, the Au
tumnal Festivities Association has
arranged a programme for ls:j that
for brilliancy and variety will be dif
ficult to improve upon. The first of
the great attractions, The St. Louis
Exposition, will throw its doors open
to the public September tSth and con
tinue until October 2tst. The world
renowned Sousa's Band lias been en
gaged by the management, which is
itself a sufficient inducement to crowd
the magnificent buildingduringevery
Special attention has been given to
the street illuminations, and on the
evenings of August 12th, 17th, 24th
and 31st, September 7th, Uth, '21st
and 2Sth and October 3d, otht 12th
and Hth, the most magnificent dis
play yet attempted will greet the eye
of the fortunate visitor, electricity
forming a prominent part. The
evening of October ;!d the Veiled
Prophet and his followers will parade
through the principal thoroughfares
and immediately alter the great ball,
which has received considerable
prominence throughout the world,
will be held.
The 38d great St. Louis Fair and
Zoological liardens, October 2d to 7th
will be the crowning week of the car
nival season. This institution has no
peer, and is known in everv land
where the footprints of civilization
exist. The Missouri Pacific Railway
and Iron Mountain Route being dis
tinctly St. Louis hues, and having at
all times the interests of the citv in
mind, have made a remarkably low
round trip rate from all points on the
entire system to St. Louis and return
during the festivities.
For further information in regard
to rates, route, limit of tickets and
for a copy of the fall festivities pro
gramme, address nearest Missouri
Pacific or Iron Mountain Ticket Agt.
in vour territory, or H C Townsend,
li. P. and T. Agent, St. Louis.
y H i LLPS
MM Doable Chloride of Cold Tablets
v corarictt-lv destroy the flpsire forTOBACCX) in from S to 5 da vs. Periect'.y harm
c:u?e no sickness. anl nuv bf irivn in n rnn .f ti . infFv u-iThruir t h l ni .u l,
ed'e of the patieut, who will voluntarily
uxiuxiiiui.iiiiiuij uuu Diuai liiuu
iub paucar, Dy tte use of oar SPECIAL
Durinrr treatment patient are allowed
l)hine Ulltil SUCh Mine M thV Khll inhinlarilvirk-.. t ham
We send particulars and pamphlet
ne u.;ui to place sufferers from any of
"uu " persons wno nave ijteo carea by
H!LLft TAR1 IT "T C; ffir c4l
uiuuiati 9I.OO lrpacicage.
If your Urupist does uot keep them,
i, , i w-uu jou, uy return mau,
Write your name and address plainly, and state
y iitriutT liuiKis are lor xooacco, Alurphuo or
DO NOT BE OECEIVED into purchasing
nu) .i inc various nostrums mat are
TABLETS and take no other.
Haiiuiuctuied only by
Cl. r.3 & E5 Cpcra Block
tttk xxx 'v x.
& Cil V X X , X
r WW V;7 VMM
t hSP0NSIBLc :
(in writing pleattt
Truste "s Sale
Whereas, K P Niekell and Carrie K
Niekell his wife bv their deed of
trust dated October 'H, 1S, and re
corded in the recorder's ofliee within
and for Mates county, Missouri, .in
book 105 at page 22ti, conveyed to
the undersigned trustee the follow
ing described real estate lying and
being situate in the county of Hates
and state of Missouri, to-wif.
The north half of the northwest
quarter and the west three-fourths of
the south half of the northwest quar
ter and thirty '30.') acres off of the
we.-T side of the north half of the
northeast quarter of section twenty
four (21) township forty (10) range
thirty-three (:!) and containing 170
acres more or less, which conveyance
was made in trust to secure the pay
ment of one certain principal note
and ten interest notes fully described
in said deed of trust, and whereas de
fault has been made in the payment
of one of said interest notes, and said
interest note is now past due and un
paid. JN'ow therefore at the request
of the legal holder of said note and
pursuant to the conditions of said
deed of trust, 1 will proceed to sell
the above described premises at pub
lic vendue to the highest bidder for
cash at the east front door of the
court house, in the city of Uutler,
county of Itatesaud state of Missouri,
Monday. September -1th, 1893,
bet ween the hours of nine o'clock in
the forenoon and live o'clock in the
afternoon of that day, for the pur
pose of satisfying said debt, interest
and costs. U. (i. Hauwkll,
3S-4t Trustee.
i;hool Oi 3Iin-.
An Institute of Technology. Courses
in Mining. Civil and Mech. Engi
neering, Chemistry and Metallurgy,
Math, and Physies. Special Courses
in Assaying. Lund Surveying and
Electricity. Excellent ( 'hemical Lab
ratory, and $25,000 Mining Labratory
anour erecting, i uition j?14.oo a year.
Expenses low. Next session begins
September 18th. por catalogues, &c,
2i-2m Rolla, Mo.
Why Suffer ?
When you can be Cured
Thousands are sufferingf -with
Torpid Liver-the symptoms are
Depression of Spirits, Indiges
tion, Constipation, Headache.
Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator
is a reliable remedy for Liver
Disorders. It cures thousands
every ye?.r; "why not tr
Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator?
Your Druggist wi'.l supply you.
ht: twi -i-n-nu !bt I c A ft t B-frr. A. tar.
.c- . vir. r.r- W:c t h 1)5 it -SO Urn
,rr- -: r-n!? ,( 3 n'-.:i.!r?-:- Pr-.i,.... 4- x. J? tr. !' ia.
mz. I I-.; lnw riT. I-. iVut-.. in. m. i m.
hir t J1 sn. My rr-i f-'fitp 5" ia. 49 in. 9 ir.
VViii rhrrn!if rn'T 4(1 inoTJtrta with wtrnxop mrfd.
!- j "iiarimaf. i oit in tmicDa far particular tr
?5. . ... r. j.?iSs, micsES s uwit esiewa. ut
Myif e, after having nsed Mother's
Friend, passed through the ordeal with
little pain, was stronger in one hour
than in a week after the birth of her
former child. J. J. McGoldbick,
Beans Sta., Term.
Mother' Friend robbed !ara of its terror
and shortened labor. 1 have the healthiest
child I ever saw.
Mas. 1- M. AHEBS, Cochran, Ga.
Sent br express, ehargePTepai1- on receipt
of price,' $1.50 per bottle. Book "To Mothers'
mailed free.
For Sai aU trugxiaii- ATuajsxa.Ga.
i r? r: si
tt r ii
caret ul in estimation us to our rfsjonsibU-
stop smoking or chewing ia a few da yd.
HiPTTl can be cured at home, and witu-
UilUll outanyenort on the part of
ih fro ns nf T iming nr Mnr.
of testimonials free, aud shall
these habits in communiea-
the use of our Tib lets.
t -ill Trreri ft gq
enclose us SI OO
a paciuigu oi our
and from
from ten to
lor fl.iiu worth t your I
them all risht and.althousrh
a V X X X X
X c s
i i x. 'v -vx-v
they did the work in less than
Truly yours,
The Onio Chemical Co. :;ENTi.EMEi: It gives me pleasure to t-pcak a
ord of praise for your Tablets. M v turn was stnmclv addicted to the use of
liouor. and throutrh a friend. I was led
constant drinker, but after usinsr your
il will not touch liquor of any kind. 1
ui orucr to know te euro was i.Tiaaucat.
1 111 Til I T, t-u TO , , Pf, fr-vn, cpt. T a., v T" . I.IaI
I have used morphine. Iiypodcruiically, for seven
m o pactayes oi your Tablets, and without any effort
all Orders
o 1 1 S3 and 5d Opera Block. LIMA, OHIO.
mention this papor.
We have made arrangements with Dr. I.
J. Kendall Co., publishers of "A Treatise
on the Horse and his Diseases, which will
enable all our subscribers to obtain a copy
of that valuable work Jree by sending their
address (enclosing a two-cent stamp (or
mailing same) U Du. li. J. KkNDALL
Co., Kxosr.vRGit Falls, Vt. This book
is now recognized as standard authority
upon all dise.is.-s of the horse, as its
phenomenal sale attests, over four million
copies having been sold in the past ten
years, a sale never before reached by any
publication in the same period of time.
We feel confident that or.r patrons will
appreciate the work, and be glad to avail
themselves of this opportunity of obtaining
a valuable book.
It is necessary that you mention this
paper in sending for the " Treatise." This
offer will remain open for only a short time.
1 Bnr. Prom Tit. Pnmt.rm
. r - -
Curt for ImpoUnct, Lota
of Manhood, Seminal
Emissions. Spermatorrhea,
Nervousness. Self Distrust,
toss of Memoru, Ac. Will
make you a STRONG, Vigor
ous Man. Price $1.00, 6
Boxes, $5 00.
Soecial Directions Mall'it
with each Box. Aairess
SiUudSacw Ltniacnt Co.,
2010 Lucas Avi.
m obi
c&D easily he
obtained if 70a
will take an
Rcner for th HY
outhrariicle for tho
wtllcivtt Boch ttatts-
fnction to both buvr
u4 seller or bring such
profits to tho Agrnt.
For termn.territor.T od
Sample Corset 4dreu :
or JnTormaoon sua free Handbook write to
MINN & CO., 3fcl BuoiDWAT, NEW YUEK.
Oldest bureau for securing patent In America.
Every patent taken out br us is brought before
the public by notice given free of curge ia the
largest circulation of any scientific paper In the.
world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent
man should be without it. Weekly, S3.00 a
T-ar: tlJOslx months. Addrens JIuNN A CO
3 til Uroauwax, A'ew York City.
Our riBFECTIOS PYRtSGI Itw rnrw tMUc
I CLKA!. ton aot 8T11.H. PRETESTS gTBICTlaK.
Core. i.oKOKF.BCEa malt OI.KT tn Ja to i'uca dark
8o!4 by JI DRCGOISTS. Kat to n 4lm for fl 0.
i-, i j ; r Vetr what fai iwalta rw evt of rSa
iuf cturt by Mr Hojea at aa ermajooctai stand to ho A ih
uctHvasrj f The story iserls Lke a Cable, but to toil it one Bast
at toe aorautsr Compaa, vwalt saarte ma. ae taiisr,
45 sold In 'CO
st snothsr question : ratrt yom vr DottcM th aov
' 2,288 sold in t9
6,268 Gold in '90
20,049 sold In '91
iwr S mtnut .
ThMi ftzurM tau ttt
I Sftonolthttermr-tnwtnsu
.!! that MtobSBCSt
I cp actiJ it tmlzm thrr Imrt
W urn
UMt ImM u
-f npd!T(nTo
If . Jf wm .s. mm a m&
kli HB-JK1M kk
thmx tb7 Lsaraiiy v
nc American
i - " !
took I ' ' V i
J I lva
h n n w rr n wmtr irs
ill i
from persons
who have been
cured by the use of
Hill s Tablets.
The Onio Chemical Co.:
lrR SlRr I have twen n-:ir ronr
tj& 'mw at
cure for tobacco habit, and toumi it would
d- what you claim tor it. I used ten cents
of the stronee.-t chew imr tobacco a dav.
one to live clears: or I would smoke
lortv pines of tobacco. Have chewed
and smoked for twenty nve years, and two packages
Of your Tablets cured me -o I have n re f.r it.
15. M. JAVUl::, : .i iie, lu:h.
Koubs Kkbkt. N. Y.
Co. : OFSTI.rvrN : Some time ami 1 sent
ablets tor tobacco Habit. I received
1 was Imthaheavv smoker. 'ind ebewer.
three dav. 1 ain eitrHi.
MATiiEW JoHS;O.N, V. O. 3oX 45.
to trv vur Tablets. He us .1 heavv hiu!
Tablets but three davs he iuit drinklne.
have waited lour muiah bcloro w ilting
lours truly.
Cincinnati, Ohio.
j . a . . . nu.fnm u.1 .. . . . . . ? . . ... ..... .... A
yeara, and hiivu bvuu cured by the use of
on my part. W. L. LOTLUAY.
Do tlrop in and see X. M. Nest!e
roile at Virginia. JIo. He will give
you the highest maiket price for
chickens, eggs anil hides. AIbo
takes subscriptions to the Butler
Weekly Times, at $1.00 per year anil
as agent is authorized to collect aud
receipt for the paper.
Nelson SI. lS'Esii.rr.brE.
Missouri Pacific B'v.
2.- Dailv (Train 2
5 .Daily Train, 5
Kansas City to St, Louis,
K.anai City to Denver without change
General PasRenget and Ticket A'gt
Proprietor of
Elk Horn Stables
Having purchased the EIk Horn barn
and Liverr outfit ot J. W Smith, and
having added to the ame a number or
first-ciass Buggies, and horseR, I can av
to the public that I now have the
Best Livery Barn
In ou?hwit fr !ln...t i ,
. - - """" iiu muies
. bought and sold, or stock handled on
commission, stock bearded b the day
week or month, With 16 years exper
ience Mr Lewis feels able to compete
with anr Livery barn in this section.
Call and see him C B LEWIS tc CO

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