.'7? TOM
tip PILLS,
E'c- He-ilache and relieve a!l the troubles Ju'
cent to a bilious atateot the system, such cJ
XizieF.s, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress sitae
ti:ip, laia in the Kid5, c While theiriaoeS
rc&a;-Ue success fcs been ahowa in curicjj
neaSacbc. yc-t 0.rtera little liver Fills are
t fjualiy vilfriiblo in Constipation, curing and pro
s .aUfcg ;tuCQiKyi:if.;coiapIaiitwttUs they also
correct all disorilersof thestomach stimulate tha
iiTer and regulate the bowels. ven it the; only
.clid they -roaM be almost priceless to taoes wha
t uii'.-r from Uus distressing complaint; but fort u
r ate'y t iieirgoodnees does notend here,and thois
-ho Mice try tiaem will find these little pills ralu
Lle in no many ways that they will not be wil
ixg to du without them. Bat after allatcfc bea4
'Is the banc of so many Uvea that here la where-
a e iu Kk ft our great boast. Our pills cure it while
ctl rrrH do not.
V-iru r'n J.ittlo Liver Pills are very small an4
very p.i y I t.n.o. One or two pills makea done.
'Xltcy si strictly vegetable ana do not gripe cr
; in:'", I'Ut by tiioir reutla action please all who
tisetiietu. iu nul.snt25ce.nts; iivefortl. Sol-l
t y drulat evory wiere. or sent by mail.
A reetnt discovery by an old
physician. Successfully used
monthly by thousand of
"Ladies. Is the only perfectly
safe and reliable medicine dis
covered. Beware of unprincipled druggist who
offer Inferior medicines In place of this. Ask for
Cook's Cotton Root Compound, take no substi
tute, or Inclose SI and 6 cents In postage In letter
and we w 111 send, sealed, by return mall. Full sealed
particulars in plain envelope, to ladles only, 2
ktanips. Address Pond Lily Company.
No. 3 Fisher Block. Detroit. Wen.
Hold in Butler and everywhere, by
all druggists.
Liver Pills
173 CMeherter's BtutUsa IHaead Bran.
arc. alwa; reliable, uoul, me
i nnuntm nr vstesaur s unguis, ma
- numd Brand in Ked and Gold metallic
Ev bnxaa. Mled with bine ribbon. Take
I I f if tions and imitations. Al DrbKsisla, ornd4e.
I W Uf in .tamp, fur particular!, te.limoniala and
J Kellef for I.urilea," in later, bj return)
P Mail. 1 0.OOO Trnimonial.. Kams fapar.
I 4?UU'lie.nr 4'hvmlcul C?oMndlon Hquiurav
"14 by all Uruj(UU. I'UladSw i'S
-1 Vv,y no other. Jtrfuw dangerous ruosf tfu
a-i , m 1 " '. '
-ji I'rt'tiH'H- a Inx'tn-titt ci""!'
Uever Fails to Bestore Orny
Hair to its Youthful Color.
aie.andgl.l'iat lrug?it
The Consumptive and Feeble and an who
;illi-rfnni rxhatiotiiiK disi-H. shouM us Parker's Glnrtr
Tonic, lu-uri'ithe orl Omen. Wiak l.uni!. lability. 1- -c.rritinn,
Fcllialt: Wt-aLiit.K. Hlu'Uii.utiiuatu lailu 60c. U
H I N D E R CO R W . TSc only ure cure for Cun-.a
Mup. all jMitu 3laLti w-!.n cat '. Kcl, at 1'rL.K..
Indispensible in
Every good Kitchen.
As every good housewife knoV8,
the difference bfttwteu appetiz
ing, delicious cooking mid the
opposite kind is largely in deli
cate 6auees mid palatable gra
vies. rsow, tuese require a
strong, delicately flavored stock,
and the best stock is
Liebig Company's
Extract of Beef
Special excursion rates for the following c
eabions at re rue Mirinirs. mo., nave been
made. State 1 eachers' Association June '-'( to
!?;. State Car Association June 27 to2
Mo. Methodist Sunday School Assembly and
hpwortn leaKiie convention July Kith to 1 St h.
lunior Order United Mechanics. Aug Mb
Circuit Clerks and Recorders of Missouri. Anir,
Mh Cumberland Presbyterian Sundav
School assembly and Synod August i;tli to
-Y.th. Missouri State Bee-keepers association
Koiooer i-'iu to sun, isb.
Summer Tourist tickets to Tertle Springs,
Mo., at rate of $'2 So for the round trip, and to
Sweet springs. Mo., $5 for the round trip.
win ie on saie uniu epi. i., i:'..
Xow is your time to visit the World's Fair;
rates -o. tickets good tor return nntil Oct
:;ist. Round trip tickets with same limit will
be aold to St. Louis at rate of V.
Round trip tickets to Denver, Colorado
Springs, Pueblo. Manitoa and Trinidad, Coir
will be on sale until Oct. Xlst. good for retnn
until November 15. at rate oi -ti.t0 and good
for return So davs frvim date of sale at rate of
il oo except Trinidad, which will be $i1.!5
Kor further information call on or address
W.C. Bi;KRUS. Ticket Agent,
Butler. Mo.
We desire to place out on
real estate security a large
a moun t efm on eih Will p'ine
the best terms and lowest
rates. yet ojj erect by anyone
in this line of business-
J"otcs dra wn forojie two
three or five years
Hare some moneu to loan
vauable on or before a. siren
Call and see how cheap
we can tei you nave money
The Bankers Loan & Title Co
P. C. FULKERSON, Manager.
FiTe lilocks of Uuildmi's in South
Chicago Burned.
j Fnit;iie Vunity lit? nonsible for the
liiif Calamity
linn DolU
Oiw .Mil-
Chicago, 1:1., Aug 24 A tire
which, iu the extent of territory it
coveied, almost rivals Chicago's his
toric conflagration began in that
part of the cit7 known as South
Chicago, thirteen miles from the
City hall, about 5 o'clock this after
noon. It is estimated that 2o0 buildings
were burned aud many people ren
dered homeless. The Joss approxi
mates $1,000,000
From a three story brick building
at the corner of Ninety first street
aud Superior avenue, flames which
rapidly grew iu volume under a gale
of wind from the west ate its way
over block after block of small frame
r ;sidences until they reached the
ake Within two hours the flames
had consumed at least thirty build
ings aud live blocks of the greatest
industrial suburb of Chicago. The
50,000 residents of Ithe town wtre
precipitated into a panic, second
only in this city to that which chur
acterized the conflagration of 1871.
As the pine structures in which
ivel the workingmen employed in
the large steel mills of the Uliuois
Steel company, aud the small mer
chants of the place made their homes
were leveled by the roaring flames,
those whose homes had not vet
burned fled with valuables and
household chattels to the other por
lions of the city. Streets were
blockaded with wagons containing
the effects of the frightend resi
Men aud women fled in every di
rectiou. Fiom the brick building in
which the fire had its origiu, aud be
fore the few fire engines of the dis
trict could make the slightest lm
pression upon the flames, they
bounded eastward between Ninet
first and Ninetieth streets iu the di
rectiou of the lake. House after
house fell before the sweep of the
fire, hurled blaziug brands far in
advance, After Superior avenue.the
flames crossed Ontario avenue, Buff
alo avenue, Mackinaw avenue and
Greau Bay avenue.
Before the scores of engines had
made the hast appreciable effect
upoa the progress of the flames, the
immense docks of the Sunday Creek
Coal compauy were iu rums. Over
100,000 tons of coal are stored in the
immense bins, which extern! for 500
feet along the river front. The earl
iest estimate ventured was that the
loss at this place alone would easily
be $200,000.
Wheu the fire began iu the coal
yards everything that could be spar
eJ and the powerful steamer Yose
mite, as soon as it reached the har
bor, was brought to fight the con
ignition. At the same moment the
Arbeck lumber Yards, with dock
frontages almost as great as those of
the Suuday Creek company, were
found to be burning, and there the
first great battle of the firemen with
she flames was begun. The fire de
dartuieut had only by this time sue
ceeded in getting together sufficient
number of engines to give it any
chauce at all agaiust the roaring
mass of flames.
There were but seven engines on
the ground at this time, aud the fire
boat arrived just in time to lend its
powerful aid at the critical moment.
Several small building bad been torn
down by the firemen and citizens,
and this gave them a breathing spell
which ultimately proved decisive for
the firemen, though at first not able
to do more than keep the flames in
check and steadily beat them down
when the additional engines arriv
ed. By 8 o'clock the coal in the yards
of the Sunday Creek company and
Beck's lumber yard were the only
places where the fire was still up
per most, and in a short time it was
practically under control aud all
danger of its spreading further was
There appears to be no doubt but
that the terrible conflagration origi
nated in the destroyed dwelling of
Master Mechanic William Gilles, an
employe of the rolling Mills. Mr.
Gilles dwelling was located at 162
Ninety-first street, where he lived
with Lis family, includiug Lis daugh-
ter, to whose youthful feminine van-
it v must be attributed the begin-,
ning of the fire. Miss Gilles, accord-
inff to those who had. lived iu the !
vicinity, was engaged about 4:30
o'clock in preparing her evening
toilette Iu this she was usiug a
lamp to heat her curling-iron, and
while arranging her bangs the lamp
was overturned, aud au explosion
followed, which in the end wrecked
the homes of several thousand peo
ple. Conservative estimate put the
aggregate loss iu the residence dis
trict at $400,000, the Sunday Creek
Coal company has lost fully $250,
000 aud that of the Beck Lumber
company $200,000 The latter com
pany recently made an assignment
and had just resumed business after
making arrangements with its credi
tors. Its large stock of lumber is
completely destroyed and its busi
ness is once mere at a standstill.
Despite the rapid ty with which
the flames spiead, aud the crash and
panic which at oue time choked up
the streets, no lives, as far as is
known, were lost.
The Only True Test of Religion.
Ye shall know them by their
fruits. Matthew, vii , 16.
It is perfectly safe to declare that
the man who is loya.1 to a high mor
al ideal will produce a life quite
worthy of our attentiou
A low theory is sure to show itself
in low deeds Great aims are apt to
be followed by great achievements.
Hitching your wagou to a star is not
a figment of the poet s imagination;
it is the exaggerated expression of a
divine possibility If one projects
hiH thoughts towards the heavens he
will at least kick the earth from un
der his feet. Companionship with
uoble idtas makes vulgarity distaste
ful. Christianity claims the reyerence
of mankind because it urges you to
climb high aud acquire a wider h m
zou The absorption of its truths is
equivalent to re-incarceration, or re
creation, or a re formation, for the
bases elements die out just as sav
age races die out aud a nob'er man
hood supplants them just as civili
zation supplants barbarism. We es
timate the value of Christianity, l ot
by the creeds of churches nor by the
the logy of learned scholars, but ly
its effect on society. In like manner
we estimate the value of a new in
vention the telegraph for instance
not by the language of the patent
which covers and protects it, but by
its ability to carry our messages
from one eud of the country to the
other. If it will do the work we want
done it is priceless; if it f ills wheu
tested in that way it is worthless.
Christianity does work, aud there
foiv we can't get along without it.
The following, to which I heartily
subscribe, ha been sent me: "A
high school girl in the full meridian
of her teens, if not a little tjast.
shocked her father the other day by
exclaiming: T am as hungry as a
dog.' He begged her to substitute
wolf or even hound for dog, but she
declined saying they did not express
the degree of hunger she felt. 1 am
sure she never heard suchau expres
sion about her home, aud must have
caught it from some would be smart
girl, though it savors more of the
masculine Woman aught to con
sider herself the guardiau of verbal
refinement, which is suffering im
pairment in these rapid material
times. She could hold aloft the
standard of elegance for her broth
ers and her lovers to keep them
from indulging in vulgarities of
speech. Great are her example and
influence for or against slang, es
pecially for. When she stoops to
vulgarity a mau drops to it like a
shot "Ex.
Washington, D. C. Aug. 24 A
number of negro Democrats met
here to-day in response to a call by
James A. Ross, of Iowa. A letter
was read from Senator Brice, cf
Ohio, in which he expresses the hope
that the conference may promote
the enterprise of bringing negro
Democrats into close association.
The following officers were elected:
President. Rfesrt G. Steele. Penn
sylvania; "Vice President, Charles F.
Smith, West "Virginia; Secretary,
John C Bell, Jr., Georgia; Treas
urer, George T. Downing, Rhode
Cincinnati, O., August 2i At !
Thorpe's Station, near SpriugfiiJ, j
O . White Caps found t.u t-ntiui.-e !
iiito the residence cf Ja:n ? Iu:L-i-
forl au J his wife h?t night and '.
dragged the eourie from tLtir btd I
to a wooJs near by. Both wtiej
stripped.and liuthe: f . rd was tied to j
a post and beaten until h" was u:,- ;
conscious. Mrs. Itather:...rd walked j
a half mile to a neighbor"
and sum
i&vu given
moiied he
for the outrage was tL.it the woman
had caused the arrest of a lu-ihbor
named Whileridge for assiuit. Ar
rests will follow.
A Conk Hmili Free.
"Table and Kitcken"' is the title of
a new cook book published bv the
Price Baking Fowder Co , Chicago.
Just at this time it will be sent free
if you write a postal mentioning the
Buth r Weekly Times. This book has
been tried by ourselves and is one of
the very best of its kind. Besides
containing over 400 leeepts for all
kinds of pastry and home cookery,
there many hints for the table and
kitchen, showing how to set a table,
how to enter the dining mom, tc.;
a hundred and one hints in evtrv
branch of the culinaiv Hit. Ct o'cerv
of the wry fluent ami i ch st a-i well
as of the most economical and home
like, is provided for. llea.embtr
"Table and Kitchen" will be sent,
postage prepaid, to any lady sending
her a ldress (na nr, town aud state)
plainly given. A cony in German
or Scandinavian will be sent if di
sked. Postal card is as gocd as a
1-tter. Address Price Baking Pow
der Co., Chicago, III.
I have beeu a great sufferer
fiom catarrh for over ten years; had
it very bad, could hardly breathe.
Some nights I could not sleep and
had to walk the floor. I purchased
Ely's Cream Balm aud am using it
freely, it is working a cure surely. I
have advised several frieuds to use
it, and with happy results iu every
case. It is the mediciue above all,
others for catarrh, and it is worth
its weight in gold. I thank God I
have fouud a remedy I can use with
6afety and that does all that is claim
ed for it. It is curing ray deafness.
B. W. Sperrv. Hartford, Conn.
G-t tile Nr-WS.
Every occupation in the country
is anxiously looking to the extra
session of Congress for relief. Every
citizen is direct v and personally in
terested in every measure to be dis
cussed, and will want the news
promptly and fu'ly. It is during the
time like this, that the great ad van t
age of the Twice a Week St. Louis
Republic, is conclusively demonstrat
ed. Its readers get ALL the news
each Tuesday and Friday just twice
as often aud as fully as it could
be had from any weekly paper and
vet it costs no more than the week
YEAR. It will be indespensible for
the next few months. Send in vour
subscription at once. Extra copy
free for one year to thf semler of a
club of four new names with four
dollars. Write for sample copies
and raise a club. Address The Re
public, St. Lons Mo
Special Excursions to World's Fair
The Missouri Pacific Railway lias
made arrangements for a cheap trir
to ine w oria s. i air, ami, win run
special excursions to ' Chicago at
greatly reduce'1 rates on the follow-
Iowtng dates: .Julv2fth and 81st and
August th. The advantages of tlm
route are many, owing to theelegant
through service and magnificent
equipment. All particulars, concern
ing rates, leaving time of trains, lim
it or tickets, etc., iiirni-hed by . '
Burrus. Ticket Agent, Missouri
The Most $aece8ful Remedy ever discovered
as it i certain in its eSecu x.d doe not blister.
Bead proof below.
Catox, Mo.. Apr. 3, 132.
Db. B. 3. Ketoaxx Co..
Hear Sir: I have m-ed several bottles of your
"Kendall's Spavin Cure with roixrh sar-s. I
think it the best Liniment I err oi. Bare r.
footed me Cars. oa Blood Spavin and titled
tico Beae Spa, in. Have recommended It to
several of my frieuds who are mach pleaed vita,
and keep it.
Eespectf ally. S. E. Rat. P. O. Sox StS.
Gbit Island, Kxekaska. May 11. 1330.
Da-B. J. KksdaAlCo,
Gents: I hve used tout ee'eh-ated Kendall's
Sparta Cure with excellent results. Fieae send
Kendall's " Treatise oa the Horse." Long lire Kea
daii's SpsvTjn Cere that is proring to beae&cial to
our noble animal, the Hore.
Sincerely yours, F. E. Bxxxa.
Price U per bottle.
EawMtarch Falls. Teracnt.
7 VkeiMlUs
for infants and Children.
C.storUiasowenad.ptedtocbJMre I OTSSSSS-.
I recommend it as superior to aoy preecnpUou I Worraa7givea slep, and promotes di
known to cie." H. A. Archih, M. P., I ration.
. So. Oxfori St., Brooklyn, N. T.
1 dp.'
Also the
Standard. Wood and Piano Mowers and Hay Rakes
Binder Twine, Repairs for the Excelsior Whitley and McCormick
Turnbull and Mitchell Wagons. Columbus Buggies
and Spring Wagons.
Call and see me pefore buying.
First door we6t Bates Co. National Bank.
a --- MOTHERS.
E8 Warren
Warranted Columbias.
With every Columbia is a warrant backed by the oldest bicvele house in
America the largest in the world a factory which does not turn out poor
work a plaut of superlative excellence in machinery and skilled work
men a reputation unmatched in cycledom all these things guarantee
the Columbias folks make no mistake in Columbia buying book about
Columbias, too good for a catalogue 45 beautiful engravings easy to
lead comprehensive free at Columbia agencies by mail for 2c stamps.
Unbiased articles, with no advertising in them, on all high grade outdoor
pleasure. Cycling, by Julian Hawthorne; foot ball, bv Walter Camp
base ball, by J C. Morse; rowing, by Benjamin Garnofcano. ing by 6'
Bowyer Vaux; Lawn Tennis, by F. A. Kellogg; Yatching, by George A
Stewart; Horsemanship; by H. C. Mervin. Magnificently illustrated by
Copeland, Merrill. Beals, Gallagher, and Shute, with covers in ten water
colors, by G. H. Buek of New York. All for 5 two cent stamps.
Boston, IToot Tork, Chicago, Hartford,
65 Cents Per Month,
If you would keep posted, subscribe for
The best daily paper west of the Mississippi River
7.50 A Year.
Executor's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that letter oi
testamentary on the estate of John C
McfCibben deceased, were granted to the
undersigned on the 31st day ot July
180,3, by the probate court of Bate? coun
ty, Missouri. All persons having claims
against said estate are required to exhib
it them tor allowance within one year
after the date of 6aid lettets, or they "may
be precluded ftom any benefit of aaid
estate ; and ii said claims be not exhibit
ed within two years from the date ot this
publication, they shall be forever barred.
This ist day ot July 1S93. .
Without injurious tueuication.
Th CssTira CoMrvsr, 77 Murray Street, S. T-
World Renown
bU, New Tori. Prico 60 cts.1
Notice ot Final Settlement.
v nE! fnvr; v mm
Y.X.K. Sh T( . JYi'A ir
Xotice ia bercbyclTea to all creditor. .t ...
thereof, at the next term of the B.tSy
probate eonrt. ia Bates eoanty state of wiZ
sonri. to he hell at Boiler on th.ii.hVi M .
Aurwt, l-!. ' "j wills'
Notice of Final Settlement
lamer deceased, that I, J W vif ; . L
trstor. of said est" ia4 to Jie tnfil
Uemeat thereof, at the Beit tr of thi Ra
eonntT probate court i.,lJ: .