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whttler mm VOL. XV. BUTLER, MISSOURI. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 16, 1898. NO. 52 Missouri OF BUTLER, MO. Transact a general banking busine. We solicit the accounts of far mer, merchants and the public generally, promising a safe depository for all funds committed to our charge. We are prepared to extend liberal ac commodation in the way of loans to our customers. Funds always on hand to loan on real estate at lowest rates, allowing borrowers to pay part or all at ny time and stop interest. DIKF.LTORS. Or. T. C. Itoulware J II Dutcher John Deerwester J R Jenkins Boo tier Powell II H Pigeon C R Ba.1 ford Oscar Keeiler Geo L Smith OTIIKlt H rotKHOI K Bartlett Margaret Ilrner Lola Iirown .1 N Ballard 1 A Carnttiers Jl B Chelf .1 M Courtney Uobert Clark J P ft 8 I-Coleman .1 It Davli Frank Deerwester l A DeArmoml John Evan Or J Kverlngham CAE Freeman O B Hickman 1 B Heath Srmuel Levy ; II Morrison Dr W D Hannah Horrible Pontile Murder. Yates Center, Kan., Nov. 12 About noon to-day E. P. Bernard, an old and highly esteemed citizen of Toronto, this county, shot and in etantly killed his wife, daughter and himself. He left a letter to his son utatiug that he had outlived his use fulness and would be better out of the way. He was 80 years old, his wife G3 and his daughter 3G. The shooting was done with a 44-calibre British bull dog revolver. No other cause than that contain ed in the letter to bis sou. can be as cribed for the terrible deed, and that the act had long been contemplated goes without saying. He had bought A lot iu the cemetery not long ago, and left written directions & to the disposition of property. The citizens of Toronto are great ly excited over the horrible tragedy, which ha wiped out of existence al most un entire family. Died at a Broken Heart. St Joseph, Mo., Nov. 12. A dou ble funeral occurred this afternoon in which father and son were con signed to the grave side by side. James Kay was one of the oldest residents of this city. The idol of his heart was his son, Rev. Henrv Kay. Six months ago, the reverend gentleman, a minister in the Metho dist church, became deranged and was placed in asylum No 2 for treat ment. Friday afternoon he died. When the news reached his father the old man remarked that he would not survive loug. Ten hours after ward the old geutlemau was a corps, having died of grief and a broken 1 A ueai i. Highest of alljn Leavening Power. Li ABSOLUTELY PURE Butler rain Depot . Located at Butler, is now resdy and prepared to buy CORN, WHEAT, OATS, TIMOTHY SEED, FLAX, CASTOR BEANS, &c, for which the highest a-nrket price iu cash will be paid. Bring . your grain to this firm at Butler depop. Also keep a supply of Flour, Bran & Mill Feed for sale at lowest prices. Call and see us. D. D. McCANN, Superintendent. State mm $110,000. Kraiik M Voris II C Wytitt K 6 Weit Win E Walton Robert HeCracken A McCracken M V Owen John Pharla Charles Pilaris J K Koei.T J W Reisner I, It Starke Clem Stavback John H Sullen Dr"W E Tucker W "B Tyler M E Tomer Wm W Trigg Wm Walla P Wyatt lr N L Whipple Max Weiner TJ Wright Lying and Stupidity . Louisville, Ky , Nov. 12. The Courier-Journal to day saye: The lying Associated Press, though its lying agency iu this city, contained in its yesterday' re p i t of the Kentucky elections re turns, the following infamous etite menl: "The only iasues in this election were factional, the dominant faction of the Democracy being the Cleve land party, as opposed to wing which supported Mr. Henry Watterson in his opposition to Cleveland's nom ination." The malignancy of the liar seut this over the wires is equaled by his stupidity No in Kentucky ever dreamed of an issue in the recent canvass who only one such and vote iu Kentucky, and no one could conceive such a thing, except some venomus idiot. The Associated Press has fallen low, it is made the vehicle of such gratuitous and stupid falsehoods. Four Bold Bandit.". EI Reno, Ok., Nov. 13 Four bandits walked into the store of William Hightower at Arapahoe, Ok., on last Saturday evening aud presenting revolvers at the heads of the proprietors and clerks, demand ed that they open the safe and give up the money it contained. The persuasion of the six shooters was too much for the people, the safe was opened and the robbers rode off with the booty. The robbery took place earlv in the evening and the J. " - amount secured was about 81,000, with no trace as to the perpetrators. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Bitten By a Mad Doe. A'chisou Kan., Nov. 12 A little 7-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank T uug, who reide six miles north of town, was bitten over the right eve fboiit Hire-- weeks ago by a dog that is now supposed to have been ma i TLe vvouvii apparently healed u. i more attention was paid to it until Sauiday, wbeu the boy was seized wit h violent rpasms. Du ring these tits he complained of his head and stomach hurting him. The (' '-iiRt i wa-i brought to town to l uud three of the best doctors in the city examined him, pronouncing it a case of genuine hy drophobia. The doctors say that he cau not recover. Iu 1888 the people flipped out the Democrats and flipped in the Re publicans. The result was an in crease in pensions of $50,000. 000 per annum, and a like increase in tatiff duties. The Reed rongress had to make provision for it, uud we got the McKiuley tariff aDd the Sbertuau act. Thnt is one time the people jumprd out of the 1'jymg-pan igto the tire. It will not surprise us much to e them repeat the fol ly the lirs: cb tuce ttey get Hol den Euterpiise. Bandits Routed. Louisville, Ky., No?. 11. Infor mation jmd at hand is to the effect that at 2 a. m. eight strangers rode iuto North Middleton, Bourbon County, and it is supposed that their intention was to rob the bank at that place. They shot at every per son Peen on the street and mortally wounded Burt Morris, an old negro. The citizens opened fire on the des peradoes md they answered with a volley from their pistols. The citi zens kept up their tiring and the desperadoei left, but returned in an hour. They were again charged np the citizens and were driven out of town They stopped at a house on the roadside about a mile from the town and found that three of their number were badly wound ed took their companions away. A Son' iievenge. Birmingham. Ala., Nov. 11. A report, from Rivertoa, Ala . says that an unknowu masked man enter ed the houe of Mr. D:ivi. who was reported t have a large sum of money in her possession, ad de manded the money. On her refusal he shot the woman and her young daughter to death. He was robbing the house when a 16 year old son ar rived Taking in the situation he shot the murderer dead. Leaving the three bodies together the lad went and notified the authorities. Virginia Items. Fat ho"9 are on the decline. Mrt. B. F. Comiford subscribes for the Timks. Aunt Marry Furgeson sets her sub scription up into '94. Charley Zinn lost a tine big work nmle the" other night. Dick Holaway is proving hiniseif to be a first class road overseer. Born to the wife of W. R. Smith a fine boy. Billy set tip the cigars. Mr. Gardner and family of Neb. a nephew of aunt Nancy Nestlerode is down on a visit. Merritt Zinn was offered ten cents per bushel for gathering corn if he would board himself. J. J. Cameron is eagerly looking for a large consignment of" potatoes from the east, soon. The Grand View library and liter ary association is considered by one and all to be very interesting. We all wonder what Marion Fam uliner done with his Mississippi badge purchased at the Worlds fair. Carr Dudley says he will thank any one for the return of his buggy har ness some one .borrowed thein In his absence. Seph Kayboumand Wm. Furgeson, lost a good horse, N M. Nestlerode a yearling aad W. T.. Cowan a 3 Year old mule. " . Hon. Geo. Sampson one of onr good citizens will hereafter engage in the coal business one half mile south of Altona Mo. There are many rumors floating through the air at this time in re gard to the probable marriage of Mr. i. W. Scybert late of Colorado. C. H. Morrison savsthat he helieves the Garland Oak Stove handled by uennert ac w neeier Mercantile Co. is the best heater ever invented. Mr. Tuttle of Butler is in our midst writing up accident policies and re- CLOAKS. Will commence Thursday Nov. 16. 150 Xice New Stylish Cloaks must be sold regardless of cost. Now is your time Ladies, to buy cloaks. We don't want to carry the goods over to next season, and we must have the money out of them. We will sell them at a price that you can buy them regardless of the hard times. Below we give you some of the prices we are making on them: 3.50 Beautiful Gray Jacket, full sleeve 4.50 Beautiful Gray Mixed Jacket with cape 5 00 Serge, full sleeve, now 7.50 Hop Sacking with three capes, now 8.00 A Perfect Beauty, full sleeve 7.50 Black Beaver, extra full Aall these goods are of the latest styles aud colors, and cau give you the most perfect fit in the cheap est gsrnieut. Be sure to Fee them before buyiug. We will save you 23 per cent on a wrap. We mean business. We don't advertise for fun; nor merely to get the people in our house aud then tell them we are out of the goods advertised, but can give them somet ng better for m re money, but we will show you everything we advertir e. And now in conclusion Don't Forget our Dress Goods. Dout forget our Dress Trimmings. Don't forget our Ladies Underwear. Don't forget our Ladies and Childrens Shoes. Don't forget our Mens and Boys Boots and Shoes. Don't forget cur Overalls, Duck Coats and Shirts. Don't forget our Mens Work Gloves. Don't forget our Blankets from $1.25 to $ 5.00 a pair. Don't forget our Wool Hosiery. Don't forget the prices on the e Cloaks. Don't forget tbf y must go regardless of prices. Don't forget that we are directly connected with one of the largeet wholesale and tuaufacturiag houses iu the west, and are tie only firm tages. Don't forget, firit door ports he is doing a land office busi ness. Agood man is always welcomed. C. R. Lockridge and crew of Kan sas City is down on a hunt they are camped on Mulberry west of this place. Mr L. owns a large tract of laud at Mulberry. Died Mr. Freeman Short with typhoid fever. Mr. Short was only sick four days, he leaves a wife and four children to mourn their loss. Freeman was a man well liked by all. N. M. Nestlroue. Circuit Court Proceedings. State of Mo. ex rel Vernon Co. vs A J King et al. Motion of defendant for further finding of referee over ruled. Turnhull wagon Co. vs S K Childs et al. Dismissed. State ex rel S M Doyle vs J C Laughlin et al. Dismissed. Daniel E Ulm vs John Taggard Dismissed. Aaron Badgley vs J H Hall et al Dismissed. Adolph Bearet al vs Henry Moudy et al. Stipulation for judgment. G (i Glazebrook vs Joe B Shelby et al. Judgment for plaintiff. W M Stacey vs H R Field. Plain tiff granted leave to sue as poor per son. II M Sanders vs H Field. Plaintiff granted leave to sue as poor person. Wm Craig vs Geo Sampson. Judg ment of Justice affirmed. C W Hight appointed stenograph er. D A Colyer Sheriff with C M Bark ley, Joe T Smith, J B Harper and F M Steele deputies sworn. Grand Jurv empaneled, charged and G B Parker appointed foreman. State of Mo. vs Wm Kedmond. Defendant plea guilty. Lucv Strode vs C P Coleman et al. Plaintiff takes non suit. II C Clark vs M T Duncan. Plain tiff dismisses. Standard Electric Co. vs Rieh Hill water, light and fuel Co. plaintiff dismisses. John Hornback discharged from Jury. Josie Dudley vs C E Dudley. Dis missed. J R Mullis vs Mrs Meddly. Plaintiff required to give cost bond. John W Brown et al Mary E Spaw et al. W W Graves appointed guard ian ad litem for minors Laura and Katie Spaw. John Atkins vs K. C. Oi S Ry Co. Continued bv consent. Prentis Courtney vs KCStFt-S Rv Co. Continued by consent. Paul Bengsch vs Geo Catterlin. Jngdment for plaintiff. Wm H Trigg vs Jas H Becket et aL Dismissed as to defendant J. W. Badger. THE LEADERS, real lloali $2 75 ' 8.00 Euglish cork screw full sleeve 6 00 3 25 1 12.50 Fine Diagonal, full sleeve 10 00 4 00 j 12.50 Fine Tan Melton, extra quality 10 0D l 00 1 Aud many others too uumrrous to mention. 6 00! Also Childieus and Misses Cloaks and Jackets fi 00 1 from $1 00 to 10 00. south of Farmers's Bank. James A. R Elliot, the local wing shot, who holds the American Field championship cup, is still in the East About ten days ago Elliot defeated J. Frank Class, the Jersey champion in a 100 bird race at Paterson, N. J. in a hotly contested race. They tied on ninety-six out of 100 and in the shoot-off Elliot won, killing twenty four to Class's twenty-three out of twenty five. A retura match was made and was to have been shot at Morristown, N. J., last Saturday, but was postponed until yesterday, when the Eastern crack took sweet re venge on the Kansas City man by beatyig him handily by a score of 95 to 90. Elliott is said to have been out of form and shot behind his birds, his work generally being of the slob, bering order, while Class's was clean and every one of the five biids he lost fell dead out of bounds. Four of Elliot's birds fell dead beyond the boundary liuto. The score by quarters as: Class 23, 24, 24, 24-95. Elliot-22. 22, 23, 23-90 Another match under the same conditions, 100 birds for $250. a side, was arranged to lake place next week. OF BATES Cash -."Capital. $50,000.00 COUNTY DEPOSTORY OF BATKS CO. 0 S.THOMPSOX President J. K. ROSIER IIII.." !""r."" ... VTiePrSldSt E. A BES5ETT id Yiee-Freaident E. D. KIPP .... ..-. sa Tieeestaeat DIRECTORS. 4. 4 . McKee. " n: as s tts lieceiyes Deposits subject to cheek, Lones Money, issues Drafts and transacts a general Banting basin ess. Tour patronage rebpectfolly Solicited. ' CLOAKS. Sale than cnn ftVr you such adi lvan For Pitkin Pockets. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 9. Peter Barker, brother of S. B. Barker, for years king of Chicago lumber men. is in jil for picking the pockets of three women. He was Manager of the Farmers and Merchants' Lumber Company in Kansas City, Kas , for four years, aud was onc well fixed. Misfortunet crowded him down and now he is a common thief. Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Trusteb'a Sale. Default bating been made in the payment cT a note decribe! In trout deed executed hf George W. Kicbler and Molile Kichler hU wire dated 19th or Janna rr, 193, Bled for rec ord on January lirtti. im. and recorded heok So 110 at page Oil of the record o Bate county, Miaaonri: I will, pareoant to tfte legal holder of auea note, who declare i tfi. Hahl Hn. anil .a . , fc.t..W . I'll - . w ue uiguck umuer icr eatta. at public aale, at court home door tn city of Bntler. betweea the hour of Blue a m. and four p. nt. oa Saturday, December 9tb, 1893, the wet ball of lot two ; J in li'ock one fit William first addition to the town, now city of Bntler. for the purposes natUf riDr eaid debt and coat of thla trnat. 1 uoiu L. Habpj-i. Trustee. COUNTY, km - a nnraiHUin I w i J. EVfcKJSGHAH. Secretary PP -i