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! 0 I Skin Eruptions and similar annoyances are caused by an impure blood, which will result in a more dreaded disease. Unless removed, slight impurities will develop into Scrofula, Ecze ma, Salt Rheum and other serious results of I have for some time been Bad Blood a sufferer from a severe blood trouble, for which I (took manv remedies that did me no good. I have inow taicen lour bottles ot with the most wonderful results I Am enjoying the best health I ever knew, have trained twenty pounds and my friends say they never saw I me as well. 1 am feeline quite like a new JOHN S. KDELIN. I man- Government Priming office. Washington, D, C. Uur j. realise on uiooa ana Kin uiseases mailed free to any address. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta, 6a. STAT UK OF SHIKLUS US VKII.KD IN 1 If KCAI'ITUL WITH AI'POIMMAK i'KRKMONJK. fvnile ,.f Tin o Stales. Washington, D C, Dc. . Au jther figure was added this after noon to the distinguished array of watriot h, stateineii aud inventory whoso monuments, erected in Statu aty lnjl of the Unit d States Capitol, symbolize the regard in which they were held. General James Shields who was thuH honoied, was a favorite of three States, and his msIips rest in Mis souri, but Illinois, by resolution of ita legislature, decided that his statue bbould lie one of the two which it wan entit'ed to place in the Statury hall. Illinois, therefore, had the chief place in to day's ceremonies, but Missouri and Minnesota also took advantage of the opportunity to do special honor to the memory of their soldier of bygone days. Appropriate ceremonies and addresses by repre sentitive of the three States named marked the uuveihng of the statue, The ceremonies began at 1 o'clock with a small street parade, which was an incident rather than a feature of the occasion, a troop of cavalry from Fort Myer and the artillery baud stationed in this city escorting the speakers and guests from the Metropolitan hotel to the Capitol. Following thrt military were carri ages in which were Governor Alt geld and staff of Illinois, Goyernor Nelson and staff of Minnesota, Gov ernor Stone and staff of Missouri, the members of the Shields statue commission, the family, of General Shields, the committee of arrange. ments and the executive committee. Veterans of the Mexican war, mem bera of the G. A. R. aud of Emmett guards of this city brought up the rear. CEREMONIES AT THE CAPITOI. The exercises at the Capitol began at 1:30, when Mr. Springer present ed to the house the formal resolution accepting the statue on behalf of Congress. Advocating this, Mr. Springer, iu a breif speech, reviewed the life of Geaml Shields, aud paid a glowing tt tbute to his noble iuali ties Geueral John C Black followed. In the course of his remarks General Black said: The t-tatue i to stand through the ages for which the Capitol may eudure as a type chosen by our great State of its best citizenship. The State, as you cross it, is au a -bum where shines the names of Joliet the devout, of LaSelle the CJhevalier, of Maiquette the earnest and of a whole host of shadowy and heroic characters. Iu the seventy live years since our constitution was adopted, our bar and our courts have been thronged with wise and brilliant advocates and judges. Illi nois glories iu her sons, living and dead, and from all she has named the dauntless Shields, her citizen, her soldier, her Senator aud her judge, not that he is greatest of all, but that in addition to his public career, he stood for the broadest catholicity of Auierietiu citizenship. Mr. Canuon of Illinois, Mr Blaud of Missouri and Mr. ilall of Minue sota also paid feeling tributes to tht man upou whom such distin guished honor was conferred today. Colonel Oates, the ot,e armed Confederate veteran, threw a flavor of personal reminiscence into the proceedings, by arising at the close of the set speeches in the House, He apologized for intruding, but as a Confederate veteran under Stone wall Jackson, who had met General Shields on the field of battle at Port Republic, he said he could not refrain from saying a few words. He declared no soldier ever fought more bravely or gallantly than Shields at ! Port Republic. He honored him as highly as if he had fought on his own side. While the orations were being de livered the committee of arrange ments entered the House, and at the conclusion the members of the House and the visitors filed out to Staturday hall, where the unveiling took place. Mr. Condon of Chicago then de livered a long address iu t u'o-y of General Shields. At th- coi. elusion of his speech Miss K iU.aiL.e J Shields, the daughter of , drew aside the white drapery hat veiled the statue. and i h rs ic bronze the form and ri-me of tLe Geueral stood revealed Ti e pi in cipal oration of the day wa- theu de hvertd by G"V rnor A fg-ld .f 1 )i nois. who said: iOVEBSOB ALTOELls OKATIOS- Occasion of this kind ure not com mon, because lew men evtr render a service to mankind that iusur. s ihe gratitude of a nation. The bais of such den;o:-s'.iatio;js is gratitude, the gratitude of a people for th" i au. la Hi1 c ui ly day h htaturr, v. re built to wmiiors alone; as civilization pregressed the deeds of statesm. n aud honor ed bv a grateful people. The memory cf the man to day was worthy of a niche in the history for all these reasons he was a bril liant soldier; he helped lay th foundation of States, and he assist ed in guiding the destiny and bhap iug the institutions of the American Republic. Speaking of the fact of General Shields' foreign birth iu connection with his lofty patriotism, the speak er said that if the soul of Shields could animate this statue for an hour with what infinite scoru would his proud spirit look upon those men who having bled on no battle field, stormed the ramparts of no armed enemy, solved no great polit ical problems for humanity, now seek to turn the aecident of birth into a virtue by an act of Congress Closing with a reference to Shields' life long poverty, Governor Altgeld said: "Every age has produced millions of strong and industrious men, who kuew no higher God than the dollar; who coiued their lives in to sordid gold: who gave no thought to blessing the world or lifting up humanity; men who owned ships aud palaces aud riches of earth, who gilded meanness into splendor, aud theu sank into oblivion. Posterity erected no statues to these men's memory. Let young men of Ainer ica learn from this statue, and the career of Shields, that the paths cl virtue and henor, of glory aud iix mortality, are open to them." SENATOR VEST'S ADDRESS. Senator Vest also delivered an ad. dress, iu which he said: jussoun mauKB Illinois lor plac ing in the Capitol the statue of Gen eral James Shields with that Abraham Liucoln, her most distiu guished citizen. It is evidently suggestive that the great common wealth which honored them both should bring here the statues of Liucoln and Shields, always politi cal adversaries and at one time per 1 ? - t- A. ' 1 ouusi enemies, uui never uiviaea in 1.1- 1 . r . ineu- lo.e oi country, it augurs well for the future, when the petty divisions of political opiniou are thus obliterated, and the people of our country of all creeds, civil and re ligious, can, so long as the govern ment exists, look upon the marble images of those who differed in methods, but not in motive, and o ...1. ... : a i . Muum me impartial juugnient o their countrymen has declared that they "deserved well of the Repub ic. Of all the eminent men whose names will be found in our country's history, James Shields alone has represented three sovereign States in the United States Senate It is equally significant that he came to the Senate ou each occasion repre senting the same opinions and policies on public questions. Cast in heroic mold, steadfast to convic tion, a stranger to fear and duplici ty, this soldier-statesman is the most illustrious representative of those who have baptised in blood their allegiance to our free institutions. Illinois, Minnesota and Missouri YUO nn Mi ivjiyi In Buying Holiday AT AK He has the largest and most complete liue for CHRISTMAS TIME, and all other timep, at Panic Prices. Do not fail to call and examine his large and complete liue of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY Solid Silver and Plated Ware Spectacles, Opera, Field and Marine Glasses, &c. Spectacles Correctly Fitted. North Side Square, two doors west of Palace Hotel, Butler, Mo. ho lored him especially when living, aud the whole Union now claim his glorious career as a common legacy, but in Missouri, among the people who lovd him above all others, rests his ashes. We will guard thru well for in our broad domain never has there been a life which better illus trates Americau mtnhood nor shed more luster on the Americau name- DESCRIPTION OF THE STATUE. The statue stands in the south- west corner of that memorable hall, On the right are the erect figures of General Phil Kearney, the tall, angular form of Lincoln, molded in marble by Vinuie Ream, Alexander Hall aud Johu Winthrop. ou the left Richard Stockton and George W Clinton of New York, Rger Wil- liams, Robert Fulton, Colonel La rner of Vermont, "Bill" Alien of Ohio and Garfield. The Shields s tit ue is a brauze military figure of heroic size ou a grauite pedestal on the front af which are these words: I GENERAL JAMES SHIELDS '. '. W ARRIOR. JTBIST, STATESMAN, '. Os the other three sides are the coats of arms of Illiuos, Minnesota and Missouri The statue is regard ed as lifelike. It stads with head erect, the left hand resting easily on the hilt of a sheathed sword and the right foot moved slightly forward. The statue is the work of Leonard Wellsvoke of Chicago, who has made some famous statues of public men, among them Lincoln, Douglas, Clay, Chandler and Eiihu B. Washburne. General Shields enjoyed the dis tinction of being the hero of two wars, of having represented in the U- S. senat three States Illinois, Minnesota and Missouri of havinsr been Governor of a fourth Oregon and of having begun a career, cut short by the war in a fifth Califor nia. His last public act was to pre side over a political couventiou iu still an auother State Wisconsin. He was born in Ireland in 1810, and came to tuis country in 1S26 Dur ing thost early days i i Illiuois he challenged Abraham Lincoln to fight a duel, the cause of which has always been somewhat of a raysterv. Liucoln accepted the challenge and named broadswords as the weapons but the duel never came off. Per sonally he was a brilliant, dashing man, brave as a lion in battle, with a heart as soft as a woman's' in dis position roving and adventurous, a man whose personality held the im agination and fascinated the eye. WILL nn Your GoOds Tim (Jhihe-Democrat Free. Auy reader of this paper can get The St. Louis Globe-Democrat free. Bead the offer on another page, and take advantage of it at once The Weekly Globe Democrat is now is sued in semi-weekly sections, eight pages each Tuesday and Friday, six teen pages every week, making it practically a semi weekly paper, ! yet the price remains only one dol lar a year. Iu politics it is strictly j republican, but it gives all the news, aud is absolutely indispensable to farmer, merchant, or professional mnu wno lias not the time to read a large daily paper, and desires to ! keep promptly and thoroughly post ; ed. Sample copies will be sent free on application tn Globe Printing Co , St. Louis, Mo State Bonds Called In. Jefferson City. Mo , Dec. 5 The Board of Fund Commissioners held a meeting to day aud issued a call for $214,000 outstanding State bonds in which the state now holds an op tion. These bonds are 5 20 option and bear :H per cent interest. They will be redeemed at the National Bank of Commerce or the American Exchange National Bank on the 31st inst. The auditor was directed to draw a warrant for $133,070 to meet the semi annual interest on the state debt falling due Dec. 31. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach tile seat ot the dis ease. Catarrh is a blood or constitution al disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surtaces. Hall's Catarrh Cureisnota quack medicine. It was prescribed by one ot the best physicians in this country- tor vears and is a regu'ar prescrip tion. It is composed ot the best tonics known, combined with the bet blood purifiers, acting directly upon the mu cous surfaces. The pertect combination ot the two ingredients is what produrce such wonderful results in curing- Catarr h Send tor testimonials free. F. J. Che nev & Co., Paops., Toledo, O. Sold bv druggiists, price 75c Horrible Suicide. Ft. Scott, Kan., Dec. 0. Mrs. Luther Orr, 22 years old, committed suicid at her home iu this city this aftf rnoon by cutting her threat with a lazois. Shn committed the deed while standing in her parW holding her month old bady in her- arms. When neighbors were attracted by the infant's screams her lifeless body was found lying in its own gore on the floor across the child. Momen tary insanity if attributed as th only came for the act. STAKE R'S HER FAST ENDED- Mrs. (i. II. Williams 40 day Without Food. Portland.Ore , Dec. t'.. Portland's noted faith curer and religious en thusiast yesterday finished her forty days' fast and resumed eating. It was for the purpose of a closer com in union with the Lord that Mrs. Williams undertook this fast and to obtain in aiditiou to tl ose communi cttsons sue says sue uas already re chived from him. She prophecies that the end of the earth is near at hmd, to bepreceeded by rioting ami anarchy throughout the universe. Calamity after calamitv will befall us; the whole country will be devast ated by fire and tloods and there will be a terrible destruction of life and property in divers ways The influence of, Mrs. Williams- teaching has been of wide extent More than 100 pei&ous in the eit have "gone through the wilderness" as she calls the forty days' fast Parents have rt quired children t fast aud it has been necessary for the courts to order thre suffering childreu to be taken charge of by the Boys and Girls Aid Society. Domestic discord has ensued and suits for a divorce are a result. I several instances male followers have giyen up lucrative positions thinking they could better serve the Lml in ldleuess aud prayer. Mrs. Williams last fast was of 70 days duration. She has ben twice disappointed by the Lord and she says if it occur. again she will renounca her faith See the World's Fair for 15 Cts. 4 Upon receipt ot your address and tit teen cents in postage stamps, we wi 1 mail you prepaid our Souvincr Portfolio of the World's Columbian hxposition, the regular price is Htty cents, but as we want you to have one, we make the price nominal. You will find it a work ot art and a thiug to be prized. It con tains full page views ot the great build ings, with description of same, and is executed in the highest stvle or art. If not satisfied with it, alter vnu g.-t it, we will refund the stamps and let vou ke p the book. Address H. K. liueklen. Chi cago, 111. Horrible Double 31 order. St. Joe, Pa Dec. 5 A l.iutd aouoie muruer was c jiinmtu J a 311 1 mile north of here this mornin' airs, oames irrnn agea zo years and her mother Mrs. Christiana Hesler, aged GO, were found at 8 o'clock by Mrs. Hesler's soi., who had returned home from a well he wa pumping, lying in pools of blood Mrs. Martin's skull was crushed aud throat cut from ear to ear, aud her mother's head had been crushed by a oiow irom a poKer. J ue later is still living but will not survive the day. The murderer Harper Whit more, a son in law has not been ap preheuded but officers are after him The object of the terrib'e deed w 8 robbtrry and he secured about $200 from a trunk. Rheumatism. 1 Is a symptom ot disease of the kidneys It " ill certainly be relieved bv Parks Sure Cure. That headache, backache and tired feeling come from the sum ci use. Ask for Parks' Sure Care t'o- th liver and kidneys, price $i, at II I. Tuck er's drugstore. George A. Macbeth a lamp chim ney manufacturer at Pittsburg, talks like a man of courage, enterprise and Amtricaa spirit of the n;v tariff bill. 'There has b en toj tnnch tariff"' he says "on glass vare Ii it v-re taken off altogether it would be a good thing ivhich other manufacturers Cau"t see now but will later. With out a tariff ou the nuisbed product the uiaikets of the world would be open to us. We care nothing in our business for foreign competition. Labor saving machinery, skilled workmen aud all the natural benefits we possess give the Americans au advantage iu mauufaciuriug Lcb no other country poises. ' Th it is the American stunt which wins -;d conquers. CHILD BIRTH MADE EASY! " Mo-Trots' Frtwo " K a scientific ally prepared Liniment, every ingre dient of recognized value ar.4 in constant use by the medical pro fession. These ingredients are com bined in a manner hitherto unknown "MOTHERS' FRIEND" WILL DO all that i claimed for it AND MORE. It Shortens Labor, Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to Life of Mother and Child. Book to " McTtOKS " mailed FREE, con taining: valuable information and voluntary testimonials. 3tat by express on receipt of pric IMS pt btf Muannj tctuurw co mm, to Backlen's Arnica Salve, The Best Salve in the world for Cut Bruises.Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter,Chpped Hands, ChlbUint Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to eive pertect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cts per boa r-orsa.e bv H. L.. rueksr, druggist. BATES COUNTY National Bank. BUTLER, MO. THE OLDEST BANK rut: i.m;ir ami thi:, ONLY NATIONAL BANK IX BATES COUNTY. CAPITAL, - - $125,000 00 SURPLUS. - - P. J. TYGARD, - - -HON. J. K. NEWBEKRV f. C.CLARK President. Vlce-Pr. Cashier I-M W J t-ti. jJRAVES & fl.ARK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office oer the Mis-ouri State Dank Noil I) ide square. DR. J. M. CHRISTY, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, )ffice, tront room over P. O. All call Answered at office day or night. Special attention given to female dlfc ase. I" C. BOULWARE, Phyticlan and Surgeon. Office north tide square , Sutler, Mo. Diseasesof women and chii- en a specialty. 'Franz Bernhardt I On the north title of the tqnare, ; Butler. - Missouri. 1 I Port hit own Watch & Clock Repairing 1 Also Wtteliet, Clockt, Jewtlry and Sil-! verware tt ACTUAL COST AKS CAUIAGE. For the next twelve months. At t watch maker of .2 year experience' can ana win give jou satisfaction. Fine Watch Bepairing a Specialty. -GO TO- Q. A. VAN HALL SUCCE88OR TO- F. BERNHARDT & CO. FOR PUM DR0CS MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, TOBACCOS AND MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS' i' Prescriptions Carefully Com pound e A liberal Patronage of the public is elicited. tIiewwto photographer! and deM-ribed. Wid awake agent wanted f.r our ne. World's Fair look bv IWr tor fier eral Davis, Mrs PotW Palmar aif'i other official-. Over 500 picture., nearly all photjrraph. C pae. Low price. Big commission. Freight paid. 30 days' credit. Selling fatf. Men or ladies make $10 a day. S-7j for circulars; or send 50 cents to-day for large outfit containing' 100 phoff frraphs. P. W. Ziegler : Co.. 527 Market St., St. Loui?, Wo. 43-4t.