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The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, December 14, 1893, Image 8

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

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jl Suits ami Oven-oatSjUn-
"ij !M vviir ami Furnishing
j! Goods, I fats. Caps and
Gloves Cmn? and see us,
' I it. is dollars saved to buy
11 from us. It don't cost a
$3 00
Worth $5 00
penny to look thiough
our stock.
Heavy Meriut
Shirts and
25cts each.
Best Goods
Duvallfy Percival of this
city are .saving the farm
ers of Bates county thou
sands of dolla rs by givinp'
them the benefit of their
lower rate of interest on
farm loans-
it-. a., fc:. lyi. i:,
Butler. Mo.
Special attention to Surgery, Ear,
Nose and Throat diseases.
Office: Southwest corner Square,
over Boston Store. Residence: On
South Main st, 40-2ni
D. W. Drummond's store is head
quarters for window glass, paint
and painters' supplies. 1 tf
It is now definately settled that
an income tax will bu incorporated
in the tariff bill.
The debate iu Senate. on there
peal of the federal election law was
begun Tuesday.
During the holidays the merchants
who have been closing at 7 p. in.
will keep open of TeuiugH.
Mrs Snow, the wife nf the state
printer of Kansas, has sued her hus
band for divorce. According to her
story he'hi been getting too gay
since he went to Topeka.
Keep the blood pure by taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla. If you decide
to buy Hood's Sarsapai ilia do not be
persuaded to take any other.
W. A. Keel, editor of the Afton
News,Iudiau Territory arrived in the
city Monday, to attend the Bchool of
instruction in I. O. O. F. lodge of
this city. He came as a delegate
from his lodge to gaiu information
in regard to the secret workings of
the order.
We see from the Nevada Mail that
Stone the president of the Tontiue
Bond Company has "lit out" for pas
tures green and with him went all
the portable effects of the company
and $1,100 of the funds. He is a
sleek fellow and it is said his real
name is Vaughn. The government
has done a good work in getting
after the lottery schemes.
McBride & Hutchinson have sold
their newspaper plant, the Pleasant
Hill Gazette, to H. B. Bishop, of
Kansas. The new propritor took
charge of the concern last week.
McBride & Hutchinson got out a
good local paper which was well
patronized and the Times wishes the
new management the same liberal
The southern Female university
at Birmingham Ala., was destroyed
by fire Thursday evening. Miss
Minnie Dean was burned to death.
After being out of the building she
rushed back to procure her dress
and -was cut off by the flames Miss
West was unable to make her exit
and jumped from a third story win
dow to the ground and broke her
arm and leg. The building was a
frame and burned rapidly. Loss
$60,000 insurance $20,000.
Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair,
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Xo Ammonia; No Alma.
Ued in Millions of Homes -40 Years the Standard.
Overcoat s
and 81.00
Xew Lot of
50c and 73c
At 25c.
1 Worth $0.00
Vow $3.50
T. W. Legg, the buggy man, foi
buggy repairs and everything in th
buggy line. 5 25-tf
Mrs. J. D. ParkiuiO'i has returned
from hf-r trip to Texas.
Our good friend Ed Heavlin, wh
has been farming near Adrian, ha
moved back on his farm southwest
of Butler.
It. 8- Catron
insures growing
cops against hail, also writes tire and
tornado insurance. -1)3 tf
It is now predicted that very lit
tie work of importance will be done
in Congress until after the holidays
Go to J. A Trimble's drugstore
aud see his nice line of books for the
holidays. 4 2t.
Sedalia and Kansas City will have
a bunging bee Friday. Both the vie
tuns are negroes, and both will be
hung for murdering women
Representative Bland, chairman
of the coinage committee, has deter
mined to present a bill restoring the
free coinage act of 1837.
A nice assortment of albums foi
Christmas presents at J A. Trimble's
drugstore. 4 2t
You will fiud at J A. Trimble'
drug store a complete line of Christ
mas novelties. Call and see him be
fore you buy your holiday presents
You will always regret if you faii
to look tLrouh McKibheus inagiii
ticent stock before buying yourholi
dsy presents. They have some eboic
bargains and handsome gifts.
See the beautitul fur, Moquetu
and Smyrna rugs at D. W. Drum
mond's. The prices are surprisingly
low. 1 tf
The old aud reliable firm of Sam'J
Levy & Co., iuvire you to call a:.d
see tht-m during the holidays you
know they always have the best aud
incest presents of the season. By all
means dou't fail to call at this store
if you wish for a merry Christians
Read the holidaj' advertisement
of Franz Bernhardt, the old reliable
jweier. He has one of the prettiest
lines of holiday goods to be found
in the city. So if you want some
thing real nice in the jewelry line
for a Christmas present his store is
the place to get it.
The American Clothing House is
the place to get you a new Christ
mas suit, neck tie. hat, gloves etc
This firm carries one of the largest
stock of clothing in this section of
the country and they have many use
ful and nice things for Christmas
Mike Doins, who killed James
Nicholson near Holden, Johnson Co
and escaped the officers, was captur
ed Saturday near Harrison Arkansas
The murderer has been living in
southern Missouri and northern
Arkansas, and two months ago mar
ried a 16 year old girl. Doins is 28
years old and a native of Johnson
county. He is now confined in jail
at Warrensburg and claims the kill
was done in self defense.
The residence of Mrs. Isaac Webb
hi the south east part of the city
aught fire Tuesdey morning and
hs damaged considerably b-fore
the flames were extinguished. The
tire originated from a defective fiue.
N B. Jeter the jeweler has laid iu
i handsome line of Christmas pres
-nts All kinds of jewelry, watches,
lings, poone etc. If looking for
-omethiug nice for a holiday, pres
ent be sure and call at Jeter. He
can supply your wants.
Joe Meyer, the Clothier on the
eat ide,has made special orders for
Christmas novelties and at his 6tore
you will find some excellent and ap
propriate Christmas presents. Anew
suit wou'd not be a bad thing and
you can fit yourself out in the very
' 'est styles Go nnd se him befo:
Christmas and pick out what you
Grand Master T. T. Parsons ami
Grand Lecturer T. P. Rixey of Si
Louif.speut Monday and Tuesday in
the city. These distinguished Odd
Fellows were here for the purpose ot
holding a school of instruction in
'he ecret work of the ordnr,and tb
members of Bates lodge and a large
"umber of vieittnff brethren from
other lodges v ere highly entertained
and instructed At the niht meet
meeting thirteeu candidates (most
of them from Rich Hill) pre
Bunted themselves for advancement
in the order and the work of instruc
ing them was preformed in a most
impressive manner. Walter Ander
on of Bates Lodge, rode the goat
and he can give you full particulars
of just how it's done.
At 10:30 the visitors were treated
o an ovfiter supper by Bates lodi'P
Of the visitois present Rich
Hill furnished niton 35 and a jo'ber
set of fellows would be hard to find.
Tuesday everting these distinguish
ed Odd Fellows delivered five ad
dresses on Odd Fellowship to n
large audience at the Calumet Club
rooms. Ex Grand Master Marrine.
of Schell City was present and de
livered a short address.
Popular Everywhere.
Beginning with a small local sale
iu a retail drug storo, the buiii-H
)f Hood Sarsaparilla has steadily
increased until there is scarcely a
village or hamlet in the United
States where it is unknown.
To day Hood's Sarsaparilla stands
at the head in the medicine world,
id mired in prosperity and envied in
merit by thousands of would be com
petitors. It has a larger sale than
any other medicine before the Amer
ican public, aud probably greater
than all other ssrsaparillas and blood
purifiers combined.
Such success proves merit.
If you are sick, ia it not the medi
cine for vou to tr? Hood's Sarsa
parilla Cures.
Expensive llrunk.
J. M Bartleson went on a spree
iu Butler last week aud iriday in
passing the large dry goods store of
McKibbens imagined himself insult
d by one of the small dummies used
in front of the store to exhibit boy
clothing, he seized it by the head
and threw it through one of th
I rge plate glass windows. He the
walked off down the street as though
nothing had happened The matter
was reported to the police and in a
short time Bartleson was placed un
df r arrest and locked up.
Duriing the evening he procured
a piece of glass and attempted sui
cide bv cutting an artery in his arm
near the wrist. The wound bled
profusely and but for the timely aid
of the marshal he might have ac
complished his purpose. The victim
was laken to Dr. Lvle's effice where
he received medical treatment.
Saturday friends of Bartleson
came from Rich Hill and liquidated
the bill of damages, amounting to
$50 for breaking the glass and $32
fiue and costs. In addition to thi
amount Bartlesou squandered $50
in drink and other ways before being
arrested So summing the whole
matter up he is out of pocket $132.
A pretty expensive spree.
The Modern Mother
Has found that her little ones are
improved more by the pleasant laxa
tive, Syrup of Figs, wbeu in need o:
the laxative effect of a gentle remedv
than any other, and that it is more
acceptable to them. Children enjoy
it and it benefits them. The true
remedy, Syrup of Figs, is manufac
tured by the California Fig Syrup
Co only.
In Business Ajrain.
Haviug purchased the stock of
groceries and queensware owned by
my son Charles, I take pleasure in
sfttin.f to mv old friends and former
customers that I can be fouad at the
old stand again, on the south side
of the square. I have replenished
the stock and now have one of the
best assorted 6tock of groceries in
the city. I will not be undersold and
extend a special invitation to the
citizens of Butler and Bates county
to call and see me- I will treat you
right and give you value received
for your money.
Clristmas Time
if fc
Store open every night next week
till 9 o'clock. Saturday night till 10.
If you want a conveyance to any
part of the county call on the popu
lar liveryman, C. Ii. IaIwiss, tAK
Horn stables, and Stock Exchange
Butler. Mo. Also runs the fast mail
to Spruce and Johnstown, which
leaves But'er eachuay at S:,-tO l M.
This stable and mail "line gives em
ployment to (seven men. Mr. Jewis
is one of our live and energetic men.
hen wanting anvthmg m his line
call and s-ee him. 4 St.
Butler Academy.
The Winter Term of this institu
tion will open Jan. 2, ISH. The corps
of teachers anil the rates of tuition
will not he changed. Many classes of
the Fall Term will continue through
the year, while new ones will be
formed for the accomodation of new
students. A new class in Delsarte
will be organized early in the term.
For fuller information inquire of the
1 i t Prim ipal, J. Met '. M AKTIX.
The closing entertainment of
Butler Academy will be given iu
Academy Hall on Thursday evening
Dec. 21, at 7:30 o'clock The exer
cises will consist of readings, recita
tions, dialogue, essay s,ruusicals elec
tions and a drill of the Delsart class
with tableaux Tickets may be
procured of ihe t-tudents r.d ut the
door on lb evening of the enter
tainment. kf Tnrtnrnn
And yet lives in ignorance of
the fact that a single applica
tion of the CUT1CURA REME
DIES, will, in the majority of
cases, afford instant relief, per
mit rest and sleep and point
to a speedy, permanent, and
economical cure, when the best
physicians and ait other rem
edies fail. CLTICURA Works
Wonders, and its cures of tor
turing, disfiguring, and humil
iating humors are the most
wonderful ev;r recorded.
Sold throughout the norsd. rorrrR Iari
ASO CHE..CoBPoie troi.,Btc.
About the Blood and fcn," mailed fret.
Facial BIemihe, fiiiinz hair and t'.m
ple baby rabe prpTrcted bj Cutieura Map.
NervOUS Instantly reUered by a Catf
. cr Plaster, because it v-
mUSCUlar taUzea the nerve forces and
jr . bene cures Berroos pains,
YY eaicnesS weakness aad cumbaes.
mm 1
iiould You lesire
four Friends
all and
See us.
At Danville, Ills
Friday Harry
Pate and Frank Stires, two young
men aged 19 and 21 yare, were
hung for the murder of Henry Hel
niick, a wealthy faimer. On the
scaffold Pate paid he was M iry for
the deed and wanted to warn all
boys agaii.st bad ci mpany and bad
books. Stires said "(hats
I hope to meet you iu heaven."
We have now iu our store
goods, a larger vaiitty aud
goods, thuu any two grocery stores
in Butler Auytbitjg you can call
for we have, and only of the best
quality. We bought these goods at
Jobbers pi ices, fur spot cash getting
all the discounts aud rebates, and
we propose to give our customers a
rrand benefit fiom now until New
Year, dou't throw any of your mon
ey away, at high priced store" until
you have seen aud priced our goods
We are satisfied that ever person
who reads this, will believe every
word we say, for we have never fool
ed the people, even iu one single in
stance, aud you can depend upon it
that we never will. ust wht we tell
you in thi advertisement, you will
t nd, when you call at our store, only
the goods will be of finer quality
tban you expected to see We have
more Gkss and Queensware in our
e'ore than sll the stores in Iiutler,
if you don't believe this, just call in
and see for yourself. We have Two
of the prettiest package of Import
ed Glassware and two of decorated
Porcelain Chiuaware, that we ever
j oa " buu jvii woj uuic 0 aiauvn Irvine
it yourself when you see it. e im
ported these goods ourselves, and
can sell them to you, at same prices,
the Kansas City and St. Louis
Houses ask the merchants here for
them. We ' have many packages
stored away in our House unopened
as we haven't shelf room for tbem.
so you see we are almost compelled
to dispose of it. If you want any
Chiistmas eoods glassware or china-
ware we will not parley with you on
the price it must go. We save
bought 15 tjanels of that fine brok
en Taffy candy, sells any other time
of tl.r ?ear t 20c tt, We will sup
ply our Customer. School Marms or
aime watting candy at 8 per 8..
Tbiisthe purest candy that is
madf, come now and get it or leave
your order with us. so you will be
sure to get it, as that amount will
nct last us long at that price,
also haye a large stock of cuts
anges &c which will go . at
ebeap price. We also hate a
& m.
( large Hotk of CalifoiLia tvapoiated
fruits and as a great many are used
just at this time of the year for
mince meat, fruit cakes Ac. we will
jjive you a benefit in that line and
sell vou.
New currants at 5c. ftt
" Dried Grapes 5C. ft,
California peaches
" pears
silver prunes
Largest layer raiainn
Seedless raisins
Evaporated apples
Broken taffy candy
New England mix candy-
8c D
10c ft.
84c ft.
He ft.
Gallon pie peaches 35c. a can
Above goods are all of the finest
Dry salt side meat
4 ft new lima beans
10c, ft,
$1 00
8 lbs new hominey
20 ft)9 whole Carolina rice
6 lbs white scotch oats
1 gallon fine country sorghum
1 " honey drip
t pail 20 lb jelly
1 " pure sugar syurp
1 lbs best soda
1 bbl best salt
No 1 tub
2 "
' 2 "
2 hoop pail
3 " 14
1 ft) Star Tob.
1 ft S'edge
1 ft) Natural Leaf Tob.
1 ft. No Tax
1 ft Sun cured Japan Tea
J ft Mo oun imperial "
1 ft) Gunpoder tea worth 75
2 lb Pure tea dust
Our ground spices are the purest
grown- We also Lave the roll ing
pin brand of extracts, once used you
will use no other.
Best well buckets 35
Mop stick and Brush holder 15
Best broom 25
Good broom' 20
4 ft Jave blend coffee 1 00
1 pkg. Arbucles " 25
1 " Lion " 25
1 ' Star
We also have the best green eof
fee ever brought to Butler. We
have a solid Mexican silver teaspoon
which we are selling at $1 per set.
Table-spoons, $2. This is the best
bargain ever offered in spoons We
also have a large stock of knives and
forks and butcher knives which we
want to close out- We will sell vou
1 100 pounds full Patent flour at 1 G5,
100 pound Straight grade at ?1 45.
j We will take your produce the same
i as cash or will give you cash for it
or order on Drygoeda Store, and
will give you as much as any other
j Groceryman will offer you for it, so
dont stop on the way but drive op
and unload. Their price is ours
IE. Williams S Co.

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