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The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, March 29, 1894, Image 5

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066489/1894-03-29/ed-1/seq-5/

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ill uool
Long pant suits
and not the kind that are nil wool on paper only, but with
out a dingle cotton thread. Three handsome styles to se
lect from and also a blue flannel suit at same price ages
13 to 18, $5 00; ages 10 to 12 $4.50. Tbey are the Wet we
ever saw for the price but if your purne affords something
better, see tbope all wool black cheviots and blue serges
round and square cut we sell at $7.50 Colors guaranteed
absolutely fast and as handsome as any we ever sold for
$10, But if you want your boy to look the "swellest of
the swells," dress hiua in one of our "Picadilly" long cut
sack suits the very latest for young men's wear and made
as only our bent goods are and the fit simply perfect.
Au inspection is all we ask.
JitH3 &2oys
T. K. Lisle is
with the
Capt. Tygard went to St. Louis
Friday night on business.
All the latest Chicago novelties at
M. & N. Evans' Opera House block
Sam Heinline says the measles
have put in au appearauce at his
Wall paper!
somine, &c, at
Carpet paper! kal
the People's Drug
J. W. Morris.
Oats and wheat are looking fine
and a number of farmers have plant
ed corn.
The trade in horses must be im
proving from the number of buyers
in the country.
Smith & Aughe have a nice lot of
horses which they will ship to Boston
in a day or so.
Sam and Gertrude Silvers, attend
ing the normal at Warreusburg, spent
Sunday with their parents.
J. P. Nervins of Sprague and Miss
Georgia M. Rex, of Rich Hill, were
licensed to marry Saturday.
Mr Piggot, of Boonville, arrived
in the city the other day to spend a
few days visiting his sou Harry.
Will the cold wave injure the fruit
crop We would like a report from
some of the horticulturists on the
Miss Mary Evans has returned
from Chicago.where 6he went several
weeks ago to study the latest milli
nery designs.
" The Odd Fellows of Butler should
make an effort to secure the orphan's
home at this place. The proper effort
might capture this prize.
War! on scrofula and every form
of impure blood is boldly declared
by Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great;
conqueror of all blood diseases.
We have now our full line of spring
millinery and invite the ladies to
call and see our patterns.
2t M. & N. Evass.
William A. Sells, the great circus
man did at Topeka Kansas, one day
last week. He emased nearly a mil
lion dollars in the Bhow business.
The Easter entertainment given at
the South Methodist church Sunday
night by the young folk's missionary
society was entertaining and well at
Dr. G. G. Ferguson delivered his
' final of a aeries of lectures on science
in this city Friday night to a crowd
ed house. He left Saturday for Se
dalia, in which city ha has engaged
to lecture for aeyaral nights. 3
1 1
Vote the democratic ticket.
Rev. H. A. Pabbitt has moved
his new charge at Oak Grove.
The men that are fighting Dick
Wright have a personal grievance.
Clardy has time to look after the
interests of the town and will do it
Vote for him.
The Times wants to see the demo
cratic ticket elected because we be
lieve it will be for the best interest
of the town.
Butler never had a better marshal
than Dick Wright has made the
town. This is acknowledged by all
fair minded men.
The Missouri river at St. Joseph
is frozen over from bank to bank the
ice being from 3 to 4 inches, thick.
Joe Meyer the east side clothier
has ornamented the show windows
to his store with several incandes
cent electric lights.
Mayor S. D. Cox, of Lamar, has
been suspended from office by the
council. The charge against him is
immorality and drunkenness.
Casper Stammona unloaded sever
al cars of very fine manufactured ice
Monday and Tuesday, which he had
shipped in for family use this sum
mer. The cold wave has damaged the
growth of early vegetables. In many
gardens in the eity peas, beans and
radishes were up and the indications
are they will have to be planted over
The citizens of Butler are delight
ed to know that Rev Stephens, pas
tor of the Ohio street M. E. church
will remain in this city another year.
Rev. Stephens is a splendid preacher
and is well liked by all.
The preachers of the city of Jop-
liu have taken a decided stand against
the management of the opera house
in their town opening to snows on
Sunday. The matte has been ap
pealed to the city council.
Prof. Jas.
Bessie Belle
were united
o'clock at
R. Miller and Miss
Kiltz, of Rich Hill,
in marriage at 8:10
the residence of the
bride's parents, Monday morning,
Rev. W M Bewley, of the south
Methodist church officiating.
The Times would not throw a chip
in the way of Nevada, getting the
Odd Fellows orphan home. The
home is worth looking after and the
live men of Nevada never slacken
their pace or look back when in
search of a good thing for their
Ayer's Cathartic Pills are known
to be the safest, surest, and best
purgative medicine ever offered to
the public. They are mild yet cer
tain in their effects, give tone and
strength to the stomach, and keep
the system in a perfectly healthy
Next Tuesday is election day.
Sedalia wants the Odd Fellows
The convention to nominate a
county ticket will be held in Butler
May 28th
Mr. Asa Rosier went to Kansas
City Monday to buy a bunch of feed
inj; bteers.
Prices to meet the times, stylish
id elegant goods at mo derate prices
at M k N. Evan..'.
W. C Biown and Miss Bettie
Short of Virginia were married in
this city by Judge Cole, Monday.
At th prtseut rate of iucrease the
booming Times' circulation will soon
react) 3,U0O We intend to reach
that notch or brake a hame string
Geo. A. Todd, of Enid Oklahoma
waites the Times a communication
Iiom that town, and corrects false
repui ts It can be found on another
W. O. Atkison, Capt. Donohoe,
Everett Drysdaie an 1 M. V. Carroll,
went to Kansas City Tuesday us del
egates to the populist state conven
The missionary societies of Kan
sas tJiky 1 resuytery are holding au
interesting meeting in this city
Some prominent ladies in the work
are present
Our good friend Joel Pratt, living
in the east part of the county call
ed Wednesday and renewed. He
said it had been two years since his
last visit to Butler.
Joe Meyer, the clothier, placed in
his show windows Tuesday two
handsome figures dressed in the
latest style boys' suits. Read his
advertisement this week and give
him a trial on clothing and under
Through the real estate agency of
Clardy & Warnock Issac Concklin
has disposed of his property in this
city for Kansas City real estate. Mr.
Concklin is certainly displaying con
siderable confidence in the outcome
of Kansas City.
Jesse Trimble will move his drug
store to West Plains, Mo., about the
first. The Times ia sorry to see Mr.
Trimble leave Butler. He has a fine
store, is a good druggist and we
cordially reccommend him to the
I citizens of West Plains.
The execution of Prendergaet
which was to have come off in Chi
cago good Friday, has been post
poned on the sanity dodge. The
courts of this country are slow to
punish the guilty and in a great
measure are to blame for the in create
of crime.
Geo. Canterbury wants farms,
read his flaming advertisement on
another page. It you have a well
improved farm for sale here is your
chance to dispose of it. Don't delay
calling to see Mr Canterbury if you
wish to sell as he means business
and the time is short.
Joe T. Smith, who went to Indi
ana last weet, nas returned tie
was accompanied by his brother
J. N. Smith and family Mr. Smith
is in very poor health, and came back
to .bates with hia brother Joe in
hopes that he might regain his for
mer good health.
Lane & Adair, the popular dry
goods merchants, are talking to the
farmers this week about their larre
stock of spring goods and lew prices
To see the pretty spring styles you
must call at this store, their stock is
now open for inspection and their
prices they guarantee to be the low
D. H-Hill, of Hume, spent Satur
day in the city Mr Hill is one of
the prominent democrats of southern
Bates, and it is said he will probably
make the race for circuit clerk. He
has always been an active party
worker, is well qualified, clever and
courteous and will make a strong
Heurv Thurman, a citizen of
Hume, while in the city Wednesday
of last week, took on too much bug
juice, and in painting the town red
assaulted constable Arnold. He was
arrested and taken before Squire
Wnght,and that official fined himf 2o
i The fine was paid and Thurman left
a wiser if not a happier man.
T. K. Lisle, chairman of the deni
ocratic county central committee
being unable to attend the meeting
of the party leaders in St. Louis last
week, deputized Capt. Clark to take
his place and act for him and the
party interests of the county- Mr.
Lisle could not have placed the 1
BDonsibinty and nonor in more
worthy hands.
Mr. Wooiery and daughter Fannie
went to Kansas City Tuesday to at
tend the funeral of his grand daugh
er Mrs. Lula Maud Arterburn, who
died at her home at 10 o'clock Tuet
day morning. The deceased form
erly lived in Butler end was we
known by our young people. She
had been nick for the past month
and her death "was not a mrprise to
the family.
Derawratic (Vntntl Committer.
As per call the democratic central
committee of Bte eoui.ty. iuet t
the court house SntuitlaT. D H
Hill was mad- chauzam and Catr.
H C. Clark eecretarv The roll call
showed all townshms reores"nt-d
but three.
The committee decided that town
ship conventions be. h Id Saturday
April 14th to select ' 'egatep to the
county convention to be held in Bus
ler, Monday April ltJtb. to select
delegates to the state convention.
Also that township conventions he
held Saturday, May 26th to s-lect
delegates to th county convention
to be held in Butler. Monday May
28 to nominate a county ticket.
The committee passed a resolution
endorsin? the candidacv of Judge .1
N. Ballard of Henry county, for the
6tate senate for this district.
The committee having transacted
the business for which it was called
Dr. Risley and wife and Mrs
Swift have returned from Jersevvill
Mi., where they had accompanied the
remains of their mother.
C B. Lambert, of Chicago, is in
the city and wants to interest our
people in starting a canning factory
Kansas City capitalists must have
confidence in Butler, from the way
they are trading for real estate in
this city.
Wm. Brady, 20 years of age, liv
ing at r ulton, run through with
fortune in high living and committed
The candidates for the different
county offices can now get on a
hustle, the date for the county con
vention has been set.
John Siseo, has been sentenced to
two years in the penitentiary at Ore
gon, for kicking the jailor down and
escaping from jail
Township conventions to send
delegates to the convention which
meets in Butler, May 28tb, will be
held in each township, Saturday
May 2f,th.
L E Hutchison, a business man
at Joplin, was held up by foot pads,
Saturday night, slugged with a sand
bag and robbed of $70 in cash and
a gold watch.
The central committee did right
in arranging a short campaign this
year. The candidates will have two
months to canvass the county in and
that i long enough.
The Misses Harnsburger gave an
elegant party at home Saturday
evening in honor of their guests,
Misses Allie Colyer, of Butler, and
Miss Byrci, of Quincy, 111 A splen
did time is reported by those pres
ent. Rich Hill Review.
The title of Richard Hard;ng Da
vis's forthcoming story in the April
Harper s is "The Writing 00 the
W all. The scene is a dinner given
by an Egyptian official in Cairo, and
the principal actors are an American
young woman and a Russian diplo
The 14 year-old son of Jas. K
Kless, living five miles west of Rich
Hill, was bitten by a rabid dog a
ew days ago. The dog was killed
and the boy was taken to town and
the mad stone in the possession of L.
Lampkin was applied to the wound.
A son of Chas. Ferguson, living in
the same neighborhood, wan also
bitten by a mad dog a few days
earlier, and the stone was success
fally applied to the wound on his
person and it is thought the poison
was all extracted.
Our good democratic friend, Noah
Nyhart, spent Saturday in the city
snaking nands witn ms numerous
v 1 - , . .
friends, and said to the reporter
the committee has fixed the date
for holding the county nominating
convention and you can say to the
boys that I am in the race for record
er and expect to stay till the curtain
falls. I will make a canvas of the
county and if the party will give me
the nomination, will carry the banner
to success and make the countv as
good an officer ae ever had.
Frank Webb, the irate husband
who attempted to shoot hia wife at
Rich Hill last week, and then took a
large dose of morphine to end his
own existence, but was saved by the
doctors, says he will yet accomplish
tne aeeirea ena as ne nas two more
doses of the drug hid away and as
soon as he is able will take it. He
denies that he intended to kill his
wife, and says that the pistol wen
off accidentally, and that the load
was intended for himself.
Peculiar to Itself.
So eminently successful nas
Hood's Sarparilla been that many
leading citizens from all over the
United States furnish ; testimonials
of cures which seems almost miracu
lous Hood's Sarsaparilla ia not an
accident, but the ripe fruit of indn
try and study. It possesses merit
"peculiar to itself."1
Heed's Pills core Nausea, Sick
Headache, Indigestion, Billioosnesa.
Sold by all druggist.
I our stri gf 6t lines in our YOU
Youths liiie his season is extra stroug. t ices from
Knee Paut Suits at
$2.50 and 33.00
Are far ahead of any h ns; eve showu in this line.
Special line of Si .Suit.
The people of Nevada are paving
one dollar on the hundred to keep
up their schools. The school b ard
of Butler only asks 55 cents, and yet
there are people that kick and refuse
to vote the small pittance.
John C. Hayes informs us that he
will enter the race for the nominatiou
for circuit clerk. John has served
the people faithfully for two terms
as clerk, is a model offictr aud will
make a strong race.
Washington, D. C, March 20.
The cash balance in the treasury at
the close of business to day was
$134,288,000, and the net gold
Senator Wrignt.of Vernon county,
walked out iuto his large pastur
he other day and found a camp of
21 tramps Thy were eniovinsi
themselves hugely, and said they
were organizingjte join Coxey'sarmy
to move on Washington. The Mail
ays: "The tramps were well pro
vided with food. They had an im
nense fryiug pan filled with break
fast bacon on a big bed of coals and
a granite kettle was singing cheer-
ully. Large loaves of bread and a
sack of onions and numerous cans of
coffee went to make up the appetiz
ing menu.
The only complaint that the com
pany had to make was the uncom
fortable night which tbey had been
compelled to spend in the woods
It was evident that they were not
in love with the prospect of repeat-
ng that experience. There were no
over coats nor blankets in the
Horned to Death.
From Mr. Franklin Freeman, who
was in the city Tuesday, we learn o!
a most distressing and terrible acci
dent which happened at the home
of Peter Noble, livincr five or six
miles north of this city,Monday even
ing. Mr. Noble was burning prairie
grass near his house and unnoticed
his little daughter, aged six or eight
years, wandered out to where he
was at work, and getting in range of
the flames her clothing took fire
and before assistance could be rend
ered the little girl was most terribly
burned She was taken to the house
where she lingered in excruciating
agony until relieved by death Tues
day morning. In their sad affiction
the family have the sympathies of
the entire community.
Tirgiufa Items
iee iUiver 01 uutier was 111 our
town Monday.
Mrs. W. J. Oardner says this spell
f weather done her garden up.
The exhibition at the Plain View
school house was no failure. A splen
did and enjoyable time was had.
Born to the wife or Creth Wnrht
a son No. 3 Mrs. Wright is very poor-
Mrs. Betty Short and Mr. Wm.
Burdett went to Butler Monday and
married, they joined hands for life
to walk those golden streets.
v . x. lowsii nas gorje to iv. on
E. E. Simpson wants to buy or
trade for a good cart.
N. M. Nkstlkrode.
11: 'i' 4 . . -
The Best Goods
: Certainly.
Men's Fine
Worsted Suit
NobbT Styles
S6 00
Boys Suits
Long Pants
Good Value
tKr Our
:.;o to 10.
Badly Hurt.
Mr. Branch, an old gentleman
living in the Houiuwest part of tews,
met with quit a eeiious accident
Monday evening. He had been
hauling hay aud stopped at the
water trough at Wyatt'a lumber
yard on Ohio street to let hia horsee
drink. While in the aot of alighting
from his wagon to loose the bridle
reins, a loose plank on the framed
slipped and struck one of the ani
mals. This frightend the twain and
they dashed down the street at full
speed. They bad not run more
than 100 yards when the wagoa came
uncoupled and and Mr. Brauch was
thrown violently to the ground. In
the fall he was severely bruised
bout the head and legs and body,
but fortunately uo bones were brok
en as was at first supposed. Sever
al persons came to his assistance aad
the old gentleman was picked up.
placed in a spring wagon, aud taken
home. A messenger was sent for
Dr. Boulware, who dressed his
wounds and made him as com for ta
ble as possible. Those who witness
ed the accident were of the opinion
the old man wan fortunate to escape
as well as he did.
St. Joseph property owners are
making a vigorous kick against the
bigh rate of insurance being charg
ed there. Every town ought to kick.
Every neighborhood ought to kick,
ft is the extravagauce of company
management which calls for r of
rates and not the risk. Fay
officers are being kept in
style at the expense of p
rs. Tne kick snouid uwa,
and if necessary carried to the legis- -lature.
Extravagance is what the
American people should stand out
against. Nevada Mail.
A Bright Lad,
Ten years of age, but who declines to give his
name to the public, make this authorized,
confidential statement to us:
When I was one year old. my mamma died
of consumption. The doctor said that I.
t'H, would soon die. and all our neighbors
thought that even if I did not die, 1 would
n"ver ! ahl to walk, because I was so
weak and pnnv. a gathering formed and
broke under my arm. I hurt my finger and
it gathered and Uirew out pieces of bone.
If I hurt myself so as tn break the skin, it
was sure to Itecome a running sore. I had
to take lots of medicine, hut noUiing has
done me so much good as Ayer't Karsapar
rilla. It has niade me well and strong'
T. O. M.. Norcatur, Kans.
AYER'S Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Co, Lowell, Mm.
Gores others, will core you
Light Colored
6, $8
10 oo
Clay Worsted
Buy It From
the Best 50c
Shirt Sold.
' ,1
A i
- V.

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