I. D. ALLEN Em-son.
I. D. Allen & Co., Ptoprietor.
The Weeki y Times, published every
Thursday, will be sent to any address
one vear, postage paid, for $1.00.
V are authorized to announce
as candMate for the office or Circuit Clerk of
bates county , subject to the action or the d -m
ocratlc convention. Hay )W
Democratic (Viitral 'niiimitte.
The committee decided that town
Ship conventions be b-ld Saturday
April 14th to select delegates to the
C"Uuty convention to held in But
lt-r, Monday April 16th. to select
delegates to the state convention.
Alo that township conventions be
held Saturday, May 26th to select
delegates to thecounty convention
t b held in Butler, Monday May
28 to noraiuate a county ticket.
Reports from Nebraska say the
wheat in that state has not been
fuse a seat in the United States sen
ate. Speaker Crisp did
The South Carolina whiskey law
is causing trouble ana Diooa Bneu.
At Darlingt u, constables attempted
to search private residences and
were rested by the citizens and
several men were killed. The militia
of the Btate was called out by the
governor to enforce the law and the
soldiers la d down their arms aud
refused to obey orders, and the
commanders of ihe companies re
sigued. The dispatches fay:
"The stat of war is no cLanged
to Columbia. The adjutant aud in
spector geut-ral of the State troops
arrived here on a special tiain. The
inspector general, under the orders
of the Governor, has tiaveled over
the State endeavoring to raise a
foice of volunteers to uphold the
iifpeusary la a, but the indication?
are he has met complete failure on
all Bides, as all classes of citizens are
refusing to bear arms against South
The adjutant general nas been in
consultation with the most couserva
tive citizens of Darlington to day,
and the inference is they have all
agreed to use their influence to quiet
the disturbed condition. A strong
determination still prevails, however,
that Tillman spies shall not invade
private residences. The spy McLen
j u . : :i u
It took a good deal of nerve to re- WUUT- V- a 1 I
ers of tne dispeuBary law between
the hours of 6:30 last evening and 5
The presidents message vetoing . ...f , p . Normt an(,
the seigniorage bill is published in a numbPr of the dead man's friends
full on another page of ths paper, are searching for him The "spy"
who was capture 1 in the woods near
Speaker Crisp refused the offer of Rogers has also escaped.
a seat in the United States senate
tendered him by Gov. Northen, of
TARIFF DEBATE HAS BEGUN the imperfections and shortcomings
alleged against the pending measure,
Chairman of Finance Committee
Vflorhees Launches the
Silver Sisrniorage.
Washington, D. C , March 21)
Representative Henderson (Demo
R. McManna, of Livingstone, Mon- crt) of North Carolina followed the
tana, shot and killed his youug wife presentation of th President's veto
and then committed suicide by message by submitting a bill for the
drawing a razor across nis own coinage of the 6ilver seigniorage,
throat. The text is the same as the Bland
bill, omitting the second section and
some of the explanatory language of
the first section. It directs the J?ec-
Pendiug tb.H completion of a new
jail, Howard county has eleven pria
oneisin the Boone county jail and retary of tne Treasury to coin as
pax s $lui per
month for their
McKinley in boomiug himself for
president by starring over the coun
try, in palace cars and making
peechea. He evidently believea in
the fable of the early bird.
fast as possible the silver seignior
Hge into legal tender standard silver
dollars. The bill was referred to the
coinage 'committee.
For Circuit Clerk.
This week the announcement of
D. H. Hill, of Hume appears in the
Times as a candidate for the office of
circuit clerk of Bates county Mr
Hill was born in the state of Virginia
fraction of 13
votes cast at said
The basis of representation in the
coming county convention is one
delegate for every 25 votes cast for ftnd a graduate of the university
Cleveland in WZ. And one lor every t,:- llHl:TA II came to Mis
souri i'i 18CS, locating iu Lafayette
county w.ier-i he taught school for a
numb r of years 1 1 1878, became
to Bates which county lias since
been his home. H was postmaster
at Hume for ten years, and now
holds the office of Justice of the
peace of his township Since his
residence iu this county Mr. Hill has
taken ai active part in politics, work
The seceding membeis of the
Christian church at Nevada have
purchased the rink building and ai e
fitting the same up for church pur
poses. Nevada can now boast of
having two churches of the same
Thfl tariff hill wra introduced in inar and votinr for the democratic
the Senate Monday The republicans nominees of his party, but never s9
announce that there will be no fili asked for himself a county office be
blistering on their part. But have fore. He has served a number of
agreed to fight the measure in detail terms and is uow a member of the
and it is predicted a vote on the bill county central committee and acted
will not be had before the latter part as chairman at the recent meeting of
of August.
that body He is a genial gentle
man, accommodating, competent aud
would make a model clerk
It is a quiet, though none the less
effective, contrast to the customary
affluence and money making attri
butos of the Senate that Senator Col
quitt, after serving eleven years in
chat company of nabobs, had noth
ing but his life insurance of $5,000
and a Georgia homestead to leave
bis family. To this will be added a
year's salary as Senator, but the
whole amount is not so large as the
averacre Senator often expends in a
single jyear. Senator Colquitt was
an honest man. Kansas City Times.
Of all memorials which have been
uresented to Congress during the
:a- ,o , oai o..,0. Brines comfort and improvement and
1 anAa tn wrvrtnal pnmvmpnt wnpn
ing than that signed by three Sena- rightly U9eS. The many, who live bet-
tors from Montana, idado and JNorth ter than otners ana enjoy me more, wim
less expenditure, ny more promptly
Dakota regarding sheep raising in i
the West. The basis on which a
high protective tariff for wool is
asked is the cheapness of pasturage
in Australia and South America.
adantintr the world's best products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pare liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedv. Svruo of Fies.
t . .
Its excellence is aue to its presenting
and will constitute the rock on which j
the temple of tariff reform will be
built, and against which, in the
ameliorated future, the gates of
ayarice, oppression aud fraud shall
not prevail. With such a beneficent
and stupendous result now plainly
within the reaoh of the American
people and almest ready for their
eager enjoyment, I envy not the fate
of the part, nor the man nor the set
of men who shall constitute them
selves a hinderanee and an obstruc
tion to its speedy fulfillment
Faults a-d imperfections can, of
course, be alleged and pointed out;
coucesious are apparent which have
been unwillingly made iu order to
seeure its passage; articles on the
free list, as they came from th
h use, have been made dutiable
under the duress of a small majority
here, yet, deeply as I regret the ne
cessity of these changes, I do not
hesitate to sav the bill, taken as a
whole, as it now stands, with its
combination of lower taxes ou the
necessaries of life aud at the same
time increased revenues for the gov
eminent, will bn hailed as a substati
tial measure of reform and release
bv the threat uroducms? luassss of
. T V 1 1
WrnL ancr. nlea mitrht hold with W e lorm m0" ccepiauie anu pleas
ant to thp taste, the ref reshim? and trulv
reference to the high-priced lands of beneficial properties of a perfect lax-
the Eastern and Middle States, it is stive ; effectually cleansing the system,
, . . , , . dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
obviously out of place where the anj permanentiy curing constipation.
immense and almost free ranges of It has given satisfaction to millions and
the Northwest are concerned. There met with the approval of the medical
. profession, because it acts on the Kia-
are no cheaper or more prolific sheep iey l; ver and Bowels without weak-
nastures anvwhere. The fact that taint them and it is perfectly free from
that wool h MKhrilUiT low- "gtffifinU.
eat point after three eara of the eists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man-
liiffhest protection on record is suf- ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
. i n Co. only, whose name is printed on every
ficient ground for bringing that mVA jd the name. Svrap of Fiirs,
costly ajwtem to a strict revenue and being well informed, you wilb not
basisKansas City Times. ) , ereo.
I 1
An Unusually Full Attendance, Both
on the Floor and in the Galleries
and the Indiana Senator was Given
a Warm Greeting He Occupied
Nearly Two Hours With His Ad
dress. Washington, D. C, April '2 The
principal interest in the Senate to
day centered in the speech of Sena
tor Voorhees, the chairman of the
committee on finance, who thus
launched the tariff question upon
the sea of Senatorial debate
Mr. President: Great abuses in
government, strong by the sanctiou
n growth of years,embedded in the
powerful interests of piivileged
lasses, created, fostered, encourag
d and protected by the lawa thein-
lves. have rarely, if ever in any age
ben promptly and totally eradicat-
d, except by forcible revolution and
bloodshed. Such is the concurrent
and unbroken testimony of historj.
he spirit of peace: ul and practical
reform, on the other hand, is a reas
oniug and progressive spirit,moving
rward. step by step no matter how the American people.
radical and thorough its ends and Manufacturing interests wuicu
nima mav V and nrsrmmino Hia 100 vears aro were indeed iu their
most gigautic evils with patient wis iufancy, aud were nursed and foster
dom and courage, rather than by ed while iu their cradle, are now the
colossal taskmasters of the whole
proactive system of tariff taxation people, commanding tribute from
as developed and fastened upon the every day s labor beneath the sun
busiue-s aud labor of the American haughtily striding the corridors of
people, especially during the third the capitol aud issuing tneir edicts
of a century past, growiug worse at in the tones of dictators lor or
everv htaije, is a svstem of indescrib- against the enactment of pending
- - i .......
able injustice and oppression, and measures in the nails 01 congress
yet who will contend that all its vie- Those who own and represent these
ious principles and workings, rau'ifi swollen and arrogant interests do
ed as they are through every branch not hesitate to declare in what terms
of trade and commerce, can be anni- a bill vitally affecting 70,000,000 will
hilated by a single legislative enact- be permitted to become a law, aud
ment? For the bill now under con in default of what provisions for
sideration no such claim is made,but finaucial profits to themselves the.
in Ha Kubulf nan tta mtVifll 1U noj.r will insure its defeat. In the hard
k u avv w.ut vsbtu w v uvui ww 1
ted aud will be successfully maintain working days of attempted tariff re
ed that it accomplished a vast work lorm they are met eveywuere; ana
in the field of tariff reform, embodies a rule bear themselves as favor
a ereat relief to the people from iui- of power generally do
quitious existing burdens and con- The enactment of the McKinley
stitutes a long stride, though not a 1 i 190 was a gigantic crime,
final oue, toward the approaching uot ouly against every workiugman
dav of a full and perfect deliverance, and working woman in the United
Su, I challenge the attention of States, but also against every mdi-
the Senate aud the country to the victual mauuiacturer sua agaiust an
gre.it aud commanding fact that by manufacturing interests. it was
provisions of this bill the same time designed by its authors, but sucli
au increase of public revenues will was its real and inevitable character
be reconciled when it beconiesalaw. It declared a pohcy so flagitious ic
will not stop to consider at this principle, so rotten in morality, and
I ... m .a
nnii.t. tbfi st individual robberies so ravenous in its exaictions of the
co umitted in protected markets.the absolute wants of life, that its pos
untold anJ incalculable millions of sible duration was ouly a question
blackmail levied by Americau manu of time when the next election by
tcturers for their own pockets on the people should occur, and yet the
their own enforced customers when ast manufacturing interests of the
l - --. i -
cut off from all out side competition: countiy were tempted ana eeaucea
it is euough for my present purpose to- accepting its delusive bribed
to say that we have liberalized Amer- and into an eager adjustmeut ot
ican markets, made them more acces- thenaselves to its alluring though
sible to the traffio of the world, and, evanescent and short-lived provision
while not establishing free trade, we If tbe "ward of labor bad ever been
increased as an incident or eonse-
UO.W UIU? .UU .1 vu. w.w ' I
handed between the manufacturer quoe of increased tariff duties on
and the consumer. But over and oreign imports, notnirg wouiu e
above aud beyond this wide and well easier or more gracious to the advo
known field of extortion and injus- ca9 nd twnehcianes ot protection
tice, it will be found from the sched- tban to 8DOW that fact- The Tery
ule of this bill that tariff taxes now reverse, however, is true. It can
officially ascertained and paid under DeTer forgotten in the enactment
existing law, on the want,necessities f th McKinley law in October,
and daily consumption of the labor- 90. was followed almost immedi
in- men. women and children of the telJ bJ a reduction of the wages of
United States have been reduced al1 workers in iron and steel, begin
more than $76,000,000 per annum. nioe ftt Homestead, iu Pennsylvania,
These reductions are as follows: Oa under Carnegie, resulting in blood-
chemicals, il.000.000: on pottery, hd and wholesale murder, and ex
81.900.000: on elass. $1,500,000: on tending to all parts of the country
metals, $12,500,000; on wood, $300,- ftnd to aIm08t every branch of man
nnn. q QfiA nnn. m ufacturing industry. He defended
cultural products.' $3,300,000; on the dlorem system as fairer, hon
spirits, wines, etc , $1,500,000; on ter and more easUy understood
cotton manufactures, $3,450,000; on than specific duties. On the subject
fiaxl hemp and jute manufactures, of sugar schedule he said:
C AAA AAA. nnnl.n m.nnfMtnnu. TBM SUOAB SCHIDrLI
u,uvu,uuu, W. " wv ' I
tja.500.000: on silk manufactures. Absolute free trade m eugar is an
$3,500,000; on paper and pulp,$300,- attractive theme, but no such thin
nnn n sundries. S2.450.000: trans- has ever existed for a single hour
- . .
ferred to the free list, $12,170,000. since the organization of this gov
Total, $76,670,000. ernment A moderate duty has al-
To this must be added the further ways been imposed on sugar, and it
imposing fact the bill provides for a has always been a staunch revenue
full and ample revenue, largely in- support to the government. In that
exces of present supplies, with which great model of a democratic tariff
to meet all the reauirements of the for revenue only the tariff of 1846
public credit. Such a consummation it was declared in short and sim
as this, so full of relief to the people, pie phrase that "sugar of all kinds,'
and of strength, safety and honor to and 'syrup of the sugar' were sub
, the government, may well atone for Meet to a doty laid tax of 300 per
Bradley and John Deere Stirring
Plows.Steel frame Lever Harrows
Deere and Challenge highand low
wheel all steel frame Corn Plant-
ters with check-rower and drill
Deere Spring Trip Cultivators, Stalk Cutters, Grub Plows, Disc
Riding Cultivators, Road Plows, New Departure Tongue'ess
Cultivutors. Farm Wagons, all kinds of Grass and Garden seeds,
Hardware, Groceries, Stoves, Barb wire. Queensware, Buggies,
Spring Wagons and Road Carts
We always pay the highest cash or trade price
for all kinds of country produce.
Bennett-Wheeler Mercantile Co.
cent ad valorem. The fact the duty and teacher of the natural rinMs of
ax on sugar hae inured more to the ra.n ever known in human history.
benefit of the revenues of the gov- The blows he struck for freedom,
ernment and less to the profits f justice and equality iu government
private parties than' any other tax ar yet resounding throughout the
knowu to tariff legislation, maybe irth, and they will never case to
stated as the main reason why the ! be heard until the last shiickif of
democratic party has never made an
issue against it. Every dollar col
cted from a tariff tax ou sugar paid
into the treasury relieves some other
article of even higher necessity in
the economy of life from the imposi
tion of tariff taxation.
During the present fiscal year,
ending June 30,there will be paid by
the treasury $12,300,000 as bounty
to the producer of sugar, and every
lollar of this vast sum is first col
lected from those who plant corn,
raise wheat, and engage in all the
various pursuits of labor. Nearly
$30,000,000 of bounty money hna
been handed over to the sugar mak
ers of the country since the law
went into operation, and ea"h year
the sura is rapidly increasing. It
was thought when the law was un
der discussion the bounty would
not exceed $8,000,000 per year, but
the stimulating influence of such an
enormous bounty was underrated.
If the law is to remain unrepealed
the time is at hand wheu it will con
fer as a mere gratuity more than
$20,000,000 per year on a small frac
tion of our population, engaged in
no public service, but in their own
private enterprises.
If I believed wool on the free litt
would hurt the farmer I would not
vote for the bill. It is a mattar of
actual demonstration, however,
which has often been made that free
wool, accompanied by such reduced
rates as can be placed upon manu
factures of wool and which are
placed on them in this bill, is one of
the greatest blessings than can be
fall the farmer. If the farmer should
get an increased price for his wool
by reason of a tariff for its protec
tion, he will pay it all out, and much
more, to the manufacturer, as a duty
on woolen goods when he next buys
a flannel shirt, an overeoat, or a pair
of trousers.
Mr Voorhees eoncluded as fol
lows: When the day shall dawn in
which the farmer, the mechanic, and
the wage-workers shall alike have
the right and the privilege to go into
the open, liberated markets of the
land and buy where their hard earn
ed money will buy most for their
wants, with none to molest, to assess
to levy, to take toll, or to tax, then,
indeed, will the miUenium of labor
have come, and all the sons and
daughters of toil shall rise op and
call their government blessed.
Sir, this ii the birthday of Thomas
Jefferson. One hundred and fifty
one years ago to-day he came into
the world, the greatest emancipator
of thought, philosopher of liberty,
privilege ami tvranny is broken.
Ttui days before his soul took flight
from his mountain boine, he wrote
his parting words to his own coun
trymen and to all the races of man
kind. With this great dying message
before us. Mud iu its spirit, we take
new courage aud go ou with our
4,AU evfS are opeu, or openiug,"
he said, "to Ihe rights of man The
general spread i-f the light of science
has already laid open to every view
the palpable truth that Ihe mass of
mankind has not beu born with
addles on their lneks, nor a favored
few booted and spurred, ready to
ride them legitimately by the grace
of God." Hail mighty message, aud
bail its speedy and certain fufillment.
All hail the counsel of Thomas Jef
ferson in this hour of ctte, based
ou wealth, or privilege granted by
law, and of monopoly feated on the
slaverv of laboi '.
The fourth annual reunion of the
United Confederate veterans will
take place at Birmingham, Ala.
Wednesday and Thursday, April 25
and 26. It will be an important
meeting and all exconfederates are
requested to be present.
Inii -I must sav tbe BmtoratiT Ncrria
and Men U4 liver Pill faAVe done BM
creat rood.
The itartlDf point of my disease wss a
ranctroke received in batxla before Fort
Hudson, Louisiana, Jane Hth, 153. Vp to
tbe time of beginning to take Dr. Mil
t M KcBMdltt I bad bad a coo
ri Mw tinnai distracting pain la woj
head; also, veak ipelU. and t&e pest four
years I have bad to glv mp amijlnlf
at an active character, and stay iu taw
Immim far C BoonWia a
a tl VVJ f&U eld stat
walk term tba rtmt 1 MOW TOCK
tkva ear will bo aai aaaat. Several
or my
bere are usinc roar i
wen oi laeca. xoars truly.
?aUool KUllary Home, Cavtoa.0.
tid enre far i
ws rwstratWay Dill )!. ttm
Habtr. voatamaaoi
sM as raasttvs)