OCR Interpretation

The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, April 05, 1894, Image 6

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066489/1894-04-05/ed-1/seq-6/

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Is tlie SeawMi for Catarrh and Dyspep
ia Ui Btood Mut be Cleaased.
The ytajooi8 of catarrhal dys
pepsia are: Coated tongue, pain or
heavy feeling in the stomach, sour
stomach, belking of gas, dizzy head
sometimes headache, despondent
feelings, lots of appetite, palpitation
of heart and irregularity of the bow
Fur this condition Pe ru na is
found to be an admirable remedy.
In all cased it brings prompt relief
to the painful y mptotup, and in a
largo per cent, of the caea it mates
a permanent cure. Ph iu-na Hoothes
the inflamed mucus surface, and
thus strikes at the root of th dis
ease. In eases where th- inflarua
tion has been so severe and coutin
tied as to produce extreme irritabil
ity of the stomach the remedy may
be taken in small doses at first, di
luted in water; but. as soon a tin
improvement is sufficient to permit
a full dose to be taken undiluted, it
is a better way, and the cure is much
more rapid Pe-iu-na is also m
spring medicine which at, once re
"moves the cause of all affection
peculiar to the spring seaou by
purifying the blood of ab contami
nations and invigorating the whole
Two valuable books Family Phy
sician No. 2, setting foitu in detail
the treatment of catarrh, coughs,
colds, sore throat, br nchitia, and
consumption, in every phase of th
disease, and Family Physician No
.1, on spring remedies and diseases
will be sent free to any addrs
by The Pe-iuna Drug Munufactur
ing Company of Columbus, Ohio.
A Sound layer Makes Well Man
Are you Billious, coiuzipated or trou
bled with Jaundice, Sick Headache, bad
tastt in the mouth, foul breath, coated
tongue, dyspepsia, Indigestion, hot dry
skin, pain in the back and between the
shoulders, chills and tever, &c. If vou
have any of these symptoms, your liver
Is out ot order and your blood is slowly
being poisoned because your liver does
not act properly. Herbine will cure ali
disorder of the liver, Stomach or bowels
It has no equal as a liver medicine. Price
75 cents. Free trial bottles at II. L.
Tuckers drugstore. 48 iy
Klectinii Law.
The election laws of Missouri have
lately been compiled by Secretary ot
State Lesuer. They iuak" a book
of 134 pagep, exclusive of ind-x, fly
leaves, etc. The following extracts
from these laws ought to b cut out
and preserved:
Returns of votes cast for state
officers must be sealed and trans
mitted to the secretary cf atate,
directed to the speaker of the house,
and the latter shall cause the same
to be canvassed immediately vafter
an organization has been effected
Qeneral elections shall be held every
two years on the first Tuesday fol
lowing the first Monday in Novem
ber. Persons of foreigu birth may
vote nfter having declared their in
teution of becoming a citizen uot
less than one rear nor more than
five years before offering to vote
One year's residence in the state aud
sixty days in a towrship or city is
necessary before voting. Officers,
soldiers aud marines in the emploj
meut of the government canuot vote
in this state.
Judges of election (shall appoit,t
clerks of election. The polls must
be opeued from 7 o'clock a. m until
G o'clock p. in. The countv clerk
and two justices of the peace shal
cast up the vote of the county within
five days after the tiection. Judges
of election are required to preserve
gooi order and may impose a fine
and imprisonment on offenders
uontesiea elections lor governor
and lieutenant governor shall ba de
cided by a joint ballot of the genera!
assembly. The compensation
judges and clerks of election shal
not exceed $1.50 per day. It is un
lawful to steal or mutilate election
tickets. Ballots must be printed and
distributed at public expe-unH. The
county clerk must publish the mimes
of candidates at least s-wu
prior to the election. If a ballot is
spoiled a second one may be procur
ed from the judges of election.
Judges of election are not permitted
to disclose for whom any one voted.
Persons who have served sentences
in th penitentiary cannot vote un
less they they have been pardoned.
II is unlawful for any one to even
attempt to cast an illegal ballot.
Mayors of cities may require dram
- shops to be closed on election days.
Setting on the result of an election
is unlawful and may be punished by
a fine $50. Destroying or taking
away any list of voters is a peniten
tiary offense.
Bribery is defined to mean the
procuring of a vote by a gift or a
promise or a loan, and constitutes a
felony. Candidates are not allowed
to treat or to pay any of their friends
for doing so. Candidates are limited
in the amount of money they may
lawfully expend during a campaign,
and an itemized statement of all ex
penses must be filed ar.d sworn to
by candidates This is a feature of
the law thtt every candidate should
study carefully.
What a Prominent Insurance Man
Says. 2
11 M lilonnom, senior member of 11 M
Blossom be Co., 217 N 3d St., St. Louis,
writes: I had been lett with a ery dis
tie.tinj cough, the result of influenza,
which nothing seemed to relieve, until
I tooK Ballard's llorehound Syrup. One
bottle completely cuted tne. I sert one
bottle to mv Mster, who had a severe
cough, and she experienced immediate
relief. 1 always recommend this syrup
to my trien s.
Juiin Oanton, x3 Hampshire street,
Quincy, III., writes: I have found Bal
lard's Horehound Syrup superior to any
otner cough medicine I have ever known
It never disapDoints. Sold by H L
TucKer, Oruggist.
An Aeronaut' Awtui l)Hth.
Cannes, March 25. An imm- n
crowd gathered hie to-day to wit
ness a bnllooi: itscenoiou by the aero
naut Wilton, who is well known iu
America. No cur was attached to
the balloon and Wilton ascended
hanging to a rope. When 15,000
feet hih the balloon huh caught iu
current of uir that carried it rapid
y seaward. It wis apparent that he
could not control the valve at the
top f the balloon, which hud it been
opened, would have let the gas out
and the balloon to descend gradual-
Fur some unexplainable reason
the aeronaut let go his hold of the
rope from which he dangled, and
his body shot downward into the sea
with frightful velocity. The acci
dent occurred in full view of the
pectators and a number of women
in the crowd fainted awuy. A nam
ber of pleasure boats huriiedly made
their way to ths place where Wilton
had fallen, and after short search
his body was recovered His death
must have beu almost instantane
Ballard's Snow Liniment. 2
This liniment is different in composi-
lon trom any other linimi-nt on the
market- It is a scientific discover-,
which results in its being the most pen
etrating Liniment ever known. There
are numerous white imitations, which
may be recommended'because they pav
the seller a greater profit. Beware of
these and demand Ballard's Snow Lini-
meut. It positively cures Rheumatism,
Neuralgia. Cuts, Sprains, Hruises.
Wounds, Sciatic and Inflammatory Kheu
matism. Burns, Scalds, Sore Feet, Con
tracted Muscle, Stilt Joints, old Sures,
ram in Back, Barb wire cuts. Sore Chest
or throat and is especially "bene he al in
Sold by H. L. Tucker
Olive Jackson, an Alahnniu Negro
Murderer lliuMleri Willi lliillels
Montgomery, Ala., March 20 To
day Oliver Jackson, one of the Grnt
murderers, was taken to the lower
part of the couutj for preliminary
trial. After the trial the negro was
committed to jail without boud.
While en rute back to Moutgoin
ery to night a dozen masked men
took the prisouer from the two dej
uties at the poiut of pistols and sent
tha deputies back down the road
They had retreated about 100 jards
from the mob shots were heard
Getting help, the deputies went to
the scene and found the prisoner
dead with a hundred bullets through
Oliver Jaeksonwas the negro who
had been hired to kill Mr. Grant,
but was late iu meeting the conspir
ators, and the latter did the deed.
Jackson had committed three mur
ders. Several years ago he killed a
white man near the city and burned
him to hide the crime. Five of the
Graut murderers ar now in jail here
awaitiujr trial. The murder was
i ...
committed about three
near this city.
Grandmother " Well,Buddie w hat
is a fortification'?"' Buddie (with a !
wink of his eye) "Grandma, I don't
know unless it bo two twentyfica
tions." "Gimme my wife," said the Chi
cago man to the telephone girl.
"Number pleasef "Number three
oh er I mean gimme 41144.
Indianapolis Journal.
"Just Landed"
32 patterns of the latest works of art la
Picture Frame Moldings
Aleo a new lot r
Our line of
has nevjr been equaled in variety,
beauty, quality or price, in Butler
which iaJprodaceJ by the uee of the
Sherman-Williams Co.
and The
Weider Prepared Paints
The residences of II E.Percival.E S.
Carrithers. V E Walton, Joe McKib
ben, and very many others both in Hat
Ier ami various parts of surrounding
country, are monuments to its beauty,
durability, etc. For sale by
D. W, Dmmmond
Who has also the completest line of white
lead, oils, varnishes, brashes and Painters
Supplies in general in Bates coantv . Here
is also the place to get your WINDOW
GLASS. We don't sell at cost or below
cost, but will promise to cat the margins
very close if vou will call on us.
1 Block North of Post Office.
Listen! Listen!
Oar house Is fall. We are making
Pi ices Cheaper Than Ever
We have moved into cheaper and bet
ter quarters and will give our Cus
tomers the benefit of it.
A $30 Bedroom Suit at $22
A $28 Bedroom Suit at $20
A $20 Bedroom Suit at $18
And never before in Butler, have such
goods been sold at these prices.
.We have also added to our stock
Ingrain & Tapestry Carpets
Look at them before buying
Remember the place.
North Main St.. One Door
North Old P. 0. Building
Belle "What au absurd man Mr.
Snooks is! He told me he hoped I
never giggled."' Bessie ''And what
did you sayf Belle 4I giggled."
Bo3toa Trausciipt.
Reporter "Do you make much
money from lecturing?"' Great Man
"No; but my wife docs when she
lectures I empty 1113' pockets in
stantly.' St. Louis 1'ost Dispatch.
"I see j ou don't carry 3 our beauti
ul gold headed cane any more."'
1 T T
"jno: 1 m reducing my running ex
penses" "Ho.v is that?" -'The
tips come higher to th waiters."
N.Y. Herald
Chouy S.tppy think there's
BDine-thing wrong with my b.vain
.Uiss ivopstic, who would you see
about it?"' Miss Kopstic 'I would
suggest a microscDpist.' Philadel
phia Record.
Her Weak Point. Mrs Dick
How do you like your new servant?
Mrs Tom "I don't like, her at all.'
She wont do." Mrs. Dick "Wont
do?" Mrs. Tom ".No she won't do
anv thing.'" Detroit Free Press.
"Dout vou think Miss Tawkins has
speaking eye-?' he said. "I don
know I'm sure," replied the young
womar "If she has there isn't any
possibility that her mouth would
ever give them a chauce to be heard
Washington Star.
Ihe xraveier "hvdid vou eat
tha missionary and let the couvic
! no ilie Cannibal A.mr "ell
j w Itn iw a thing or two, we do. Th
1 missionary was nvi'i of the greates
teiiue.' iiess. jii tr- .-onyict was a
t;ugh as they iuikt- v.u. See.'
X. Y. Pie-t.
It vju do not look better, feel better,
eat beiter and slea p better bring it back
That is what we say when we seil a bot
tle ot Parks Nure cure. It Your head
aches, your back aches your stomach dis
tresses you, it you are all out of sorts and
dont know what tha trouble is why don't
you try a bottle on this guaranteed plan?
We willtake the chances it you will take
the medicine. Sold by H. L. Tucker.
Executive Clemaacy.
Got. Ston granted clemency to
two negro convicts Monday. Isaac
Dickson, convicted of manslaughter
in the second degree in St. Louis
November 1893 and sentenced for 5
years was granted a pardon. He is
70 years old and has been an inmate
of the hospital ever 6iuce his impris
on meut. mi
Charles King, who was convicted
01 rouoery in ice nrsi aegree in jacs
l-V ' il i- . 1 I "I
son county, November 1885, and
sentenced to the penitentiary for 25
years, was granted a commutation
reducing his sentence to 12 years
with benefits of the three-fourths
rule The sentence was deemed to
be unnecessarily severe and King had
made a good prison record. By
working overtime he has earned
considerable money which he has
contributed to the support of an ol
lady in Mississippi wh former y
owned him.
Men That Women Don't Like.
Of course, women like good men,
but they don't like prigs. The other
day one bright girl was entertaining
another with the description or al
young man who lived next door. lie
teemed a model, lie had never
smoked, played cards' etajed out j
i.ii.-i 1 1. 11 1..11
a lie or said a swear word in all his
"Now what do you think of a
juuus lunu linn IUHI. l licu luo UI Ol;
1 0 I
- 1 . r ...n.-i 111--. 4 i .1 4 ' " I ' . 1 , I f l I 4 - L) 4
bright girl, with the expression of
one who played the ace of trumps.
"1 ttiink. said me second ongni
girl, slowly and solemnly, "that he
mut iiyo iiTBt cuiuijiumi, nuu
it badlv." Chicaco Post.
Sweet Springs Ha a Blaze.
aiarsrjau. io., aiarcn
disastrous fire occurred at Sweet
. ... . 1 . 1
ufiUJbD' "- "'fe"-
B F. Swaggert's livery stable and
. . j 1 1
contents were consumed. Thirteen
horses perished. John M Bellaney's
41 1 hj :u :..
luiwm WHif iiimnn iiiir.il wilu fik i . I
0 7 1
were also destroyed. Two boys
sleeninir iu the bain narrowly escan-
,r T tl - r I
Chicago 111., Maach 28. P. E. Pren
derga6t, the assassin of mayor Har
risou, tried to kill himself in his cell
this forenoon but the guards preveu
ed him.
Prendergast tried to punch the
eyes out of Chailes Johnsou, his
eath watch, yesterday afternoon
He used the cell broom aud shuck
Johnsou in the face twice as the lat
ter sat in front of the cell.
The guards left cheek and fore
head were bruifed considerably by
the assault of the assass-in. Pren
dergast has become yery bold and
defiant since Judge Chetlaiu's order
giving him a new leise of life.
A cup of Parks Tea at night moves the
bowels in the morr.n g without nan or
discomfort. Sold by II L. tucker.
The criiiiinal laws of Missouri are
notoriously made in the interest of
criminals anil for the greater facility
of ciiiue.. Out of the worst of recent
unovjitions is the statute under
which u chiturt; of venue in critniiiDl
cases c tu be obiuio tl on :t tuere af
fiditvit of j-rt jiiJicc on tLe part of
the judre before whom tlie case
should be tried. No proof is uectE
sary, au.l the judge lias no discre
tion but to stud the case elaewheie.
Vv"e hope the next legislature wid
repeal or uitKiily this law bloLe
Washington, D C , March 28
Mis William T Wilson, wife of
Representative Wilsou. cbairmtn of
the ways and ineaus committee,
reached here to day from Texas af-
ter a long visit at her husband's sick
bed iu that state aud Mexico. She
stated her husband was well ou the
way to reKitiuinjr his health. He
was up and about, and while still
weak, he was rapidly getting back
his strength. He needed no further
nursing so uis sou naa frone on a
fishing expedition and Mis. Wilson
had come north.
Stern Employer "Set? here. our .
man. this makes three times vou
have been late at the office this week
T1 1 1
a aeoiauu au explanation. U ase
Clerk "Well, I believe in the theory
the office should seek the man rather
than that the man should seek the
office' Philadelphia Record.
ML Pleasant Peultry Yards.
Two miles southwest of Butler. Mam
moth. light Brahmas exclusively.
rrjrsniry cents per nneeru
K-lm " 3lR. E. P. CRABTREK.
Ira Heals
j the Serpent S
In all its stapes completely jit
m nnn nninnil eradicated bv S. S. S.
I ULUUU rvitfUII tuuu wires ami uiwim
ki 1 1 1 1 1 1 lji 1 1 v 1 1 ra . - - ...
Yield to its healins powers ,7
it'll itriutu tr iuc X)i3uuau(j uuuua up iucei sicuimi
ft !
Liver Pills
HiMtiirt Pacific Tlnie Tab-
Arrival and departure ot passenger
trains at Butler Station.
North Bound
Passenger. - 4M7 a. m.
Passenger, - - p. m.
Passenge-, - - g:i$ p. -
Local r .-fight - 11:20 a. m.
South Round
7:1ft 1. m.
Passenger. - - 9:55 p- m.
Local Freight - i:?5 p.m.
Something New.
... i.;., , r ...,
Tim koiKu: I itv l'ittsliirir A: dull
railroad is now open and ready for
both passenger and freight traffic
Sulphur Springs, Ark., Neosho and
Joplin, Mo., Pittsburg, Kan., and
Kansas City, Mo.
If vou are going to Kansas Citv,
St. Louis, Chicago, or any point north
I nuriiieiisi r etisi, r m jeiiri, 'K
den, Los Angeles, San Francisco,
liitluiwl jf um ittt ill tliM mt
and northwest, give the new line a
trial. Magnificently equipped pas-
senger train daily through to Kansas
city without change, connecting witn
lines from Kansas City to all points.
insuriiit; tne traveler iiuiciv inuf, iuw
rfttes aid excellent accommodation.
Merchants are requested to remein-
ber this line m eiving routing oraers
. . . . . 1 ' . . .
lor rreisrht shmments. as tlie expeui-I
tious and careful handling of all con-J
"gninents will be guaranteed. tor
additional information, call on near-
i esL airem ti ine iuii mi v. or auurr
tlie undersignetl, JAS. lJoXOHLK,
Fr'siht & Pass. Air't,
Kansas City, Mo.
(Cures )q
fi icU tree
JtM ClMlun and bmitifie the halt.
Promt m luxuriant ftrowth.
ufSSi J Never Fails to Bee tore Gray
tixFh0-'f Hair to ita Youthful Color.
S"V,'tT t Curce eralp diaraiee hair falling.
jjajjKjKjfJ gnc.and $1 ('at Orugcim
I -parkva nm..r Tanifi. It cures the worst loueh.
Wnk l,une;. ivhilitv, Imligrslion, l'ain.Take In time. 40 cu.
HINDERCORNS. .The onlr wem for Co..
hit) Da aii Dua. IOC. ftl Uiuint, or uxciwa w-, x.
.frrt rntt!lb IlAnaR Sritl
V"-v Oriciniti Mil Only Genuine. A
src. Jwt rclifcbie. ladies, ui ,
It rare rt for Chtcke$tr Knott li-A
nutnd Brand in ltted ni Void metllic
3SiiVvI no oihtr. fifa
imxoi. irttled with him rittbon. 'I a be
7 tm and tmtfaiiatu. At Iruicirits, or (end 4s
i nimiri for particular. irttimoDlaUS n4
i.l.-liMicr ibt'tailiful Cik.!.idlMn PMiunrnk
ViilL 14.00 TntimoDiaU. Same 'a9r.
'Keiur for I.nrtlea," utttr, tit rein
ltrity-..i Loc i :t-u... i hiimi i trmm
E D D C' C
B H eaO eaF
The Great English Remedy.
Promptly and permanently
cures all forma of Xcrroita I
otorrhea, Impotency and aS
effects oAbtue or Excesses.
Been prescribed over 35
ears in thousands of cases;
Before an After. I
druggist for Wood's Phoshodlne; If ho offers
tome worthless medicine in place of this, leave his
dishonest store. Inclose price In letter, and
we will send by return mall. Price, one package.
tl: six. Si One tcill please. Mix vrtll cure. Famptt-
let in plain sealed envelope, 2 cents postage.
Address The Wood Chemical Co..
131 Woodward avenue. Tjetroit, Xlch.
Sold in Butler and everywhere, by
all drugget
Tlie Meet Hrrrrl Rew-dy rrrr dtuwre
ered. as it Is certain is Ita eOccu and does sot
busier. Bead proof below.
Tasadfe, Ohio. Jan. Xth, 1SS.
Da. B. J. Eorsaxi. Co.
OentarI have been vstat! TCfar Bpssrtn Can
with remarkable eacca on a Bi - of
long standing. It rr nrf. i thiak.
i.ale,CcTcry c.. 1?GU
ST. Locm. Xo, Aprfl rth. KB.
I B- J. ITftojix Co.
Genu -l tried roar " KrvDiixl! Srsrct Ct aa."
and it had the desired effect. I osed ot eoite
half a bottle of it. Hy horse had Terrible
BBnuai OS ms MX. Kpectnirvjosra.
Lf iRZSCE wn TTFl.Bl. the
o 0
Wis A
PR. B. J. KK?IIA1VL ffl
Caeebarch J-'alla, rrsaeaU
Cheap Holiday Excursion Rates Kan
sas Citv Pittsburg tiulf K. R.
Hound trip excursion tickets will h
sold December 23rd, 24th. 2oth. SOth
and 31st, 1S93 and January 1st 1894
with hnal limit for return to January
3rd, 1$V4 between all stations on this
line at onk vark for round trin.
Fake advantage of this liberal rate
and visit vour friends, nearest Airent
of the Company will i v your furth
er intormation it desired.
Jamks Doxoiu k.
(ien'l Pass. Agt., Kansas Citv, Mo.
Do drop iu and tet N. M. Nestle
rode at Virginia. Mo. He will give
you the higlu st market price for
chickens, eggs and hidt. Also
takes sulisci intions to the Butler
Wt-t-klv Times, ut $1 00 per year aud
as agent is authorized to collect and
receipt for the paper.
Nel8on M. Nestlekod.
Proprietor of
lk Horn Sta ths
it., ;.T n.rh-,A th
anj Livery outfit ot J. VV Smith, and
Elu. Horn barn
having added to the same a number ot
I first-class Buggies and horse, I can tav
i t rtii-it. ti.i i nnu- h ih
, T Tj
oesi jjiverv Daxn
In southwest Mo. Hortes and mule
bought and sold, or stock handled on
commission, Stock lcarded b the day
week or month, With id year exper
ience Mr Lewis tceU able to compete
with anv Livery barn in this section.
Call ar c ee him C B LENVIS Hi CO
rot inTormstiirn ana tree Handbook writ to
MUSS & CO., 301 BllOabWaT, New To sr.
Oldest bureau for eeuurtnn patents In America.
BVery pau-ni lasen out vj Da la omunt befor
ttie public by notice given tree of cliarge In th
rf ricutiffc mmau
I I-arePst circtilatlnn of any aclentlfMpaperhl the
world. Splendidly illustrated. No tatellirent
man should be without it. Weekly. S3.00
Tear; vijusix nmiui. Aiiurefla Ml ct
VLUiJSUEita, 361 Broadway, Hew York Uty.
1 Burs. Piwrntt. Postttrsi
. 1
Curt for Impotence. Lom
of Manhood. Seminal
1 E million. Spe rmatorrtiea.
nervousnest, belj Ui strut t.
Los cf Memory, etc. WlU
make ycu a STROM. Vigor
out Han Price 41.00. 6
Boxes, $5 00.
Soeefol Directlom ttattrj
I wit each bjt. Atidrest
Ea'ii.rl Essw Llalaatt Cs
9WS Lucas Av.
tnrrupoljns persons are cono- VTTX
' Tantf Villa, the genuine are put UP In
metal boxes vrltli n-krlu-red trade mark tit
Urattliur HilfOI Cstsmatoamal
Shield. arext no wortiiles DUFtrum. 1 uifet mi
theKeouiii.a(aIllnucirii'tK. fcefuMo-nisfur
WumaD'i SaifP Uuard and ix-rtve theiu
L -iiiioi. V. UcoxHpciaclo.riiUawlsw
w Oiract Lines
Fast Time
Elegant Pullman Service
Hociining Chair Cars
I jqT Terr ; --rt -st ter ptrtnji
"Missouri Pacific Hy."
i Scientiflo America!
n Agency for
i ijr
1 I
f I
r i

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