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The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, August 02, 1894, Image 8

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

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Batter Wanted.
I want jour Butter aod will pay
you 15c per pound for good solid
ntock. W. G. Womack.
Cash Grocery.
Alenzo Badgley says the wind
Saturday almost depopulated his
orcLard of apples
Misses Anna, Ida and Cora Whit
titt were among those who attended
lie institute Tuesday, at Rich Hill.
Hon E. II. Benham, of Newton
Co., will speak in Butler, at county
Prohibition convention, at 1:30 and
7:30 p. m. August Gth 1894 Don't
fail to come and hear him.
We are in receipt of Newkirk Ok.,
papers giving the proceedings of the
democratic county convention. We
noticed our friend Ove Harris ia
mentioned in the proceedings as
having taken an active part. Ove ia
popular honest and competent and
we look to pee hifii promoted rapid,
Jy ftt hii pew home.
The Prohibitionists have secured
E. H. Benham, of Neosho, Mo., for
their convention. August Ctb. Mr.
Benham will speak at the city ball I
to the convention in the afternoon
and at the Court House at night.
The public invited.
A. H. Culver. Chairman.
One of our cycle riders was arrest
ed Tuesday by our swift marshal for
crossing the pavement on his wheel.
This is drawing the line pretty close,
but it may be all right. Moral: don't
eroos the walks with a wheel unless
you lead it.
Adjutant General Tarsuey positiv-
ly identified the man, Wilson, arrest
ed in Vernon the other day, as one
of the men who assisted in takiDg
him from the hotel. Wilson was
given away by a friend for the re
ward offered for M. Tarsuey s assail
ant. Thos. Crow, a successful business
man of Carlinville, 111 , went to the
city cemetery Friday, and at the
grave of his mother, blew out bis
brains, the bedy falling across the
grave. Mr. Crow owned and oper
ated the cooperage plant of the St.
Louis Milling Co. It is uot known
why he took his life.
Sue Duvall & Fercival before mak
ing a farm loan. 3G 4t
A fake hog seller took in several
farmers at this place bhow day. He
had lots of hogs and in order to
clinch a sole, demanded and received
of several persons sums of money as
a bonus rauging in amounts from
$10 to $25. He accosted one of our
butchers and, in trying to make a
6 ale, demanded $25 saying he had
been fooled several times by parties J
not taking the property after con
trading. The butcher told him that
he too bad been fooled and hereafter
he had made it a rule to pay when
he received the property.
Duvall & Percival, Butler, Mo.,
have a large amount of money now
on hand which they desire to loan
. on farm security. All notes are
payable at their office in Butler, and
the privilege given to pay at any .
time. The rates are lower than ever
before offered. Money on hand
ready at any time. 36 5t
Farms for Sale: Several 40, 80
and 160 acre farms for sale at low
prices and on reasonable terms.
Wm. E. Walton,
35 4t Butler, Mo.
The Rich Hill Review reports the
sudden and unexpected death of
Frank M. Ayers, a well known and
highly respected business man of
that town, Sunday night The doc
tor attributed his death to apoplexy.
He was 34 years of age and leayes
a wife and three small children, a
son and two daughters. The funeral
was under the auspices of the I. O.
O. F. lodge of which he was a mem
ber. Also the death of J. S. Lynch,
at lu ociocic sunaay, alter a long
illness. On the same dav the ten-
weeks old sou of Mrs. Nathan Lewis
Awarded Highest
Received on call deposit.
Check and deposit book fur
nished free. Checks and drafts
on other banks received or
cashed. Every accommoda
tion consistent with conserva
tive business methods grant
ed. Look over names of our
directors, and give us a call.
Farmer's Bask,
Butler, Mo.
Now that Judge Burton has re
ceived the Republican nomination
for Congress in the Fifteenth Mis
souri he has achieved a distinction
which he long has sought that of
being run over by a lawn mower.
The drouth and hot winds ia
South Dakota have about destroyed
all hopes of Having auy part of the
growing crops. At Lawrence Brule,
agency Friday, fire burned over
1,000 acres of land and destroyed
large quanitiea of hay. The dis
patch said the fire was still burning
headed toward Rosebud agency,
auu was doing large amount of dam
Uncle Tom Walls received a letter
from Lang & Lafe, furniture dealers
of CofFeyville, Kansas.statiug that a
young man named Thompson had
surrendered to the sheriff Sunday
stating that he waa the pereou that
shot John M. Walls and claimed
that the killing was in self defense
Mr. Walls being shot in the back
may put Thompson to some trouble
in establishing his plea of self de
The teachera institute now in see
sion at Rich Hill will adjourn this
week. By vote the teachers decided
to hold next years institute at the
the same plaee. In order to retain
the institute it is said the Rich Hill
folks registered and voted every high
school scholar in the town besides
bribing outside teachers with a tick
et to the fair as each teacher voting
in favor of the Hill waa presented
with a fair ticket.
Geo. M. Jones, living south of
town, who has been suffering for
some time with stone in the bladder
was operated on by Dr. Boulware
assisted by Drs. Renick and Lana
down, a few days ago, since which
time the patient has greatly improv
ed. A while back Dr. Boulware re
moved a stone from this same
patient which was 1$ inches long
and one inch in diameter. Mr. Jones
has been a great sufferer and it is
to be hoped thiB last operation will
restore him to health.
From Dr. Lyle we learn that a
that a dangerous and severe opera
tion was preformed on Mrb. James
Harrison, at Kansas City luesday
evening. Dr. Lyle says Mrs. Ham
sonstood the operation remarkably
well and when left a few hours later
was getting along as well as could
be expected. Mrs. Harrison lives
south of this city and is a sister to
J. P. Edwarda of this place. She
has been afflicted for some time and
an operation was decided upon as
the only relief for her ailment.
The magnificent rain which fell
in this county Saturday and Sunday
has been worth many thousands of
dollars to the farmers in the way of
saving the corn crop and reviving
the pastures. The hot dry weather
was telling on the corn crop and the
pastures had just about failed. Four
or five days more without rain and
the magnificent prospects for the
largest com yield ever raised in the
county would have left us with u
half or third of a crop.
Philip H. Jockley shot and killed
barkeeper D. F. Wolfe at Kansas
City Sunday morning. J. he shooting
grew out of a driuk of seltzer and
lemon. Jockley laid down five cents.
Wolfe demanded a dime. A quarrel
followed; Jockley was ordered out.
When he went he invited Wolfe to
come outside to settle it. Wolfe
took up a club and started out.
W hen he got to the door Jockley
shot him dead, the bullet entering
his right eye. Jockley is a railroader.
Ia it a fact that the marshal on
behalf of the city has gone into the
chattle mortgage or bill of sale bus
iness. We are reliably informed that
the aforesaid officer has been in the
habit of releasing prisoners on this
kind of paper after the victim has
been fined by the recorder and com
mitments have been placed in his
hands. The mayor and council
should investigate the matter. Judge
Wright says it is his business only
to act as a court and that when he
makes out the proper papers and
places them in the hands of the ot
ficer he has dope his duty.
Honors World's Fair,
-j of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
.-ai of Homes 40 Years the Standard
Williams' Cash Grocery.
We will Boon be ready to move in
to our New building, and to save the
trouble of moving our stock,we have
1 1 m
on nana, we will lor the next four
weeks make you wholesale prices on
most of our stock to close it out.
We intend to carry in our new quar
ters the largest stock by far of any
nouse in jsuuer or .Bates county, in
our line and we will buy in euch
qualities and for cash that we will
be able to sell you goods at such
prices that other Houses will not be
able to reach.
Remember we will not bo at any
more expense in our new building
than we were in our old one, fur it
is ours, and we pay no rent. Our
expenses are very little and we can
give our customere the benefit of it.
All we ask of you is to give us
something in return for our goods?,
either the cash or produce. We will
not sell anything on time for that is
the ruination of both Customer and
Merchant, which we suppose lots of
you have already found out.
. i We are now,and have bee giving
higher prices for Poultry than any
firm in Butler and as we have a
standing offer that we will at all
times pay you as much for our but
ter. eggs and chickens as anyone
will offer jou. You are peifectlv
safe in bringiug all your produce to
us. Besides we have now perfected
arrangements whereby we think we
can give you a little more for your
produce thau anyone. Remember
we will pay you all cash if you want
it and another thing, please remem
ber when you buy goods of us, if
they are not what they were repre
sented to be or do not suit you, you
can return them and get what suits
you or your money, and we will
at all times correct all mistakes,
should any occur at our Store, and
whatever you see advertised in our
column, you will get it to the very
ounce, regardless of what others in
our line of business may to the con
trary to injure our trade Full
weights, full measure, and square
dealing is our motto, and it shall be
strictly adhered to We will sell you
19 lbs hnest granu'ated sugar $1 00
20 lbs hnest light brown sugar
1 lb Mexican coffee
1 lb Java. Blend coffee
Z lbs best African Java coffee
50 lbs White Lilly straight
grade flour
50 lbs Gold Medal full patent
50 lb. Gold Baud flour
Pk. sack meal
Best dry salt meat pure sides
Pure leaf lard
1 plug Crane tobacco
1 lb Sledge tobacco
1 lb Star tobacco
1 lb Temple tobacco
1 'b Jolly Tar tobacco
1 lb Pure Moyum Imperial tea
1 lo Sun cured Japan tea
3 lbs of either for
1 lb Pure Moyum Gunpowder
1 lb Pure 6hot Pepper
1 lb Pure Spices
8 lbs Hoiuiny flakes
5 lbs large fine raisins
1 lb large fine raisins
2 lb fancy California apricots
1 tt fancy California prunes
6 lb fancy California grapes
1 doz oranges
1 doz fancy lemons
1 lb Macaroni
1 tb pure codfish
1 gallon can apricots
1 gallon can peaches
1 tb pecans
1 lb citron
2 pkg soda, anv brand
Hest well buekets
Best dashboard lanterns
Hest tubular lanterns
5 gal ct'dar churn worth SI for $1.3
iesi nax iiotr puns
10 qt galvanized iron bm ket
12 it galvanized iron bucket
20 tb pail jelly
lo lb pail jelly
Mason qt jars
Mason half gallon jars
Tin qt cans, hand made
Best ax handles
2 hoop pails
3 hoop pails
Columbian river salmon i Red)
White Carolina rice
Full cream cheese
8 box best parlor matches
100 feet wire clothes line
No 1 wood tubs
No 2 wood tubs
No 3 wood tubs
No 8 copper bottom boilers
No 8 galvanized iron boilers
No 8 tin boilers
Japan coal hods
Galvanized iron coal hods
Rope auy size
1 pail large white fish
1 pail fresh mackerel
Mop sticks and brush holder
1 pt bottle blueing
6 bars Clariette soap
C bars silk soap
6 bars white cassimere soap
6 bars white star soap
Large pkg golden state wash powar
Pure leaHard
SO boxes matches
Best 1 lb oysters
1 gallon golden synip
qt tin coffee pot
4 qt tin coffee pot
5qt tin covered pails
4 qt tin open buckets
6 qt tin open buckets
8 qt tin open buckets
qt tinsUew pans
8 qt tin dairy pans
12 qt tin dish pans
2 qt tin cups
our stock of pocket knWes. t.bu knirc and
forks, botcher knives, spoons and silverware,
we will sell at exacuy wnai mey oi . "
have lots of goais In our stor whicnwewnl
sell o at what tbey cost ns. to close ont oar
stock. Don't forget to brine us yonr butter,
egg and chickens. Yours traly,
Cash Capital.
Receives Deposits
transacts a general
D. NT. Thompson,
John Steele
Oscar Reeder,
The Repeblican Convention.
The republican convention called
to meet in this city, Saturday, for
the purpose of placing in nomina
tion a county ticket, waa convened
in the court room promptly at 10
o'clock by the chairman of the coun
ty central committee, aud organized
by electing Judge Ciaik Wix, presi
dent, and Fred Warren, secretary.
The chairman announced the fol
lowing committees:
C W Gilbreath, T D Moore, A M
Crigler, Asa Rosier and F M Patrick.
Wm Page, F V Hamilton, C A
Denton. R T Gwinn, John Hedges.
J R Hales, O D Austin, C C Cling
man, C J Requa and Wm Largent;
when it was decided that the con
vention adjourn to meet at the opera
house at 2 o'clock in order to accom
modate the large crowd in attend
The convention reconvened prompt
1.1 , lit
y ana the commuters maae tneir
reports which were adopted. The
temporary arganization was made
eiinanent, with the addition of E.
L Austin a9 assistant secretary.
The convention then proceeded
with the nomination of a county
ticket with the following result:
Representative, Judge Clark Wix;
reasurtr, G X Requa; sheriff, W I
Cross; recorder, L Green; county
clerk, A O Wtlton; probate judge,
W W Rose: prosecuting attorney,
Sain A Smith; presiding judge W B
S Gault; coroner, Dr. Jno R Colson;
judge north district, Louis F Page;
south district, S B Cole.
F D Warren, F V Hs'uilton, Rex
Gilbreath, O D Austin, Judge Tern-
pleton, Mat Cox, Joe T Reavley, A
0 Lositr
aud C A Emerson were
J A Brown, A J
isher, J K Martin,
Satterlee, I M
Thos Hedges,
Moudy, R L
were selected.
(Jims Lane, lienrv
Gwinn, J R Hales,
Insti acted for Geo P Huckeby.
Wm Page.J M Boreiug.S J Brown,
B F Wix, F M Patrick, F Schaeffer,
J L Richardson, J M Wise, Jas.
Lane were selected.
The 1. O. O. F. Home.
The Odd Fellows of Butler seem
to be very much in earnest in their
efforts to secure the home.
On last Monday night the follow
ing" committee was appointed to
solicit subscriptions. A. H. Culver,
D. L. Haggard, Dr. G. M. R;s!ey,
W. W. Ross and R. L. Graves who
have called to assistance the Noble
Gibud Ed. Williams and P. G. Jno.
VanCamp. The committee elected
R. L. Graves eecietary and W. W.
Ross vice president and after hold
ing two sessions adopted tie follow
ing plan.
All members of the home lodge
will be first solicited for subscrip
tions, if tLey are sufficient tojwar
rant the committee then ad Odd
Fellows in the county past ar:d preh
eat, will be solicited if the members
of the order evince that they are
anxious to have the home and are
willing to pay ior 1:, men ine citi
zens of Butler and the county will
be asked to help.
The committee is satisfied that the
Home would be a big thing for
R. J. 1R RLKY 1st .Vice-President
E. A BENNETT id Vice-President
E. 1). K1PP Cashlet
subject to check, Lones Money, issues Drafts and
Banking business. Your patronage ret-peetfully
M. S. Kirrsey,
M. li. Wilcox,
J. .?. McKee.
.lohn E. Shutt,
Clirs Wis.
.1. K Roller.
L. kipp.
Bates county and a constant source
of revenue.
And any information in the hands
of the committee will be cheerfully
i given to any one interested.
The committee means business.
A large contribution will not hurt
auy one if the home is not locat
ed at Butler; aud if we should be
fortunate enough to secure it, it will
be worth all it costs. And the best
part of it is our chances are just as
good as any other town.
Odd Fellows, we appeal to you to
come to the front. Two years ago
we raised one thousand dollars for a
celebration for one day's fun. Here
is something that if secured will be
a lasting monument to our enter
prise. A. H. Cclteh,
Senator Veat Very Sick.
Washington, July 29. Senator
Vest is quite ill: while his condition
is not considered serious, all callerg
are denied. The trouble is a combina
tion of erisypelas and the swelter
ing heat.
The past year hits been the hard
est one in the senator's legislature
experience. He has been to the
democrats in th tariff fight what
Senator Aldrich has been to the re
publicans, the expert in details of
the schedules. Recently the senator
has expressed himself as feeling that
he would never be able to go through
another like ordeal.
A later report says the Seuator is
improving and is able to be up and
about. His face, however, is badly
Rt solutions of Respect.
Hall of Walnut g
No. 240 1. O. ). h
To the Grand and members of Wal-
j mit Lodge No. 240 I. (.. F.
We the committee on resolutions of
respect 011 the death of the wife of
our beloved brother K. . Davis
would most respectfully submit the
Whereas, The Almighty ruler of
the universe has seen fit in His Divine
wisdom to remove from our midst
Alice Davis the wife of our brother
E. d. Davis, he it
Resolved. That in the death of
Mrs. Davis the community has lost
an earnest and faithful christian
worker, who was a devoted wife and
a loving mother, be it
Resolved, That Walnunt lodge
hereby express its sympathy to the
bereaved husband and children in
this their affliction,
Resolved, That a copy of thee
resolutions be entered on our minutes
and a copy be furnished our Tiro. E.
. Davi. Respectfully,
( H. f Mills
'ommittee - N. Walace
(W. E Well,-.
each month can find relief and emancipation
from their trouble. Dr. Pierces Parorit
Prescription is a safe and certain remedy
compounded by an eminent physician for
those weaknesses common to women. Back
ache. Irregularity, Headaches, Dizxmeas,
Lencorrhea, Womb Troubles, and Nerroq
ness, are readilv cured by the " Prescrip
tion. " Dr. Pierce has received hundreds of
testimonials. Here u one:
FrevUncn. Lncknirinna Co- Pa.
L'K. CI. . ' 1 1 r. .
Dtnr Str Several '-r
"aa-o I took yoor Fa
vorite Prescription."
'At tfcat time-. I was tn
mtsf-rable and bad been
so for many years ) that
I could scarcely dra
mrw-lf amund. I con
cluded to try vour med-.
lei no . I took half a
down bottlrs and I have
not had a return of my
Wokl troubte-
lvvd an I have itftx.
I remain. Sincerely, jibs. C H. BAKUL ,
W i f' lf
R. J. Hurley
K. A. Bennett,
H. M. Galley.
Twenty-Ninth Annual Convention.
Sunday School workers of all de
nominations to assemble at Chilli
cothe August 8 to 10. Railroads
inak? reduced rates. Everybody in
The Missouri Sunday School As
sociation is twenty nine years old
and will hold its aunual convention
on the above dates this year. This
Association has done a vast amount
of good in this 6tate, particularly in
the last few years. Several workers
are employed and kept in the field.
holding convention! and institutes,
maintaining an interest in Sunday
schools, and encouraging their in
crease and aiding in promoting their
efficiency. The State Association
organizes no Sunday Schools, but
keeps the movement alive and there
by serves all the denominations.
Some of the foremost talent in
Missouri will participate iu the con
vention. Among the well-known
divines and educators of the State,
who are down for address are Rsv.
John Mathews, D. D , St. Louis;
Rev. Robert L. Layfield and Rev.
Wm. L. Sutherland, Kansas City;
Rey. C. Gordon, D. D , Vice Preei
deut Westminster College, Fulton;
Rev. M. J. Breaker, D. D , President
of Grand River College, Gallatin; S.
M. Dick, Ph. D., President? Missouri
Wt6leyan college, Cameron; Rev.
Duccan Brown, D. D., Tarkio; J. T.
Mitchell, M. D , Kansas City, aud
W. H. McClain, St. Louis.
The railroads haye made a rate of
one and one third fare for the round
trip Persons going are required to
get certificates from ticket agents, to
get the one third fare returning.
The State officers are sparing no
pains to make this the beet conven
tion yet held.
Having a large amouut of cash on
hand we will make small loaus on
reasonable terms and at low rates.
Will lend on real estate running
from one to five years with interest
payable once a year and allow bor
rower to pay part or all at any time
a?d stop interest. Money here in
liftttk ready, no delay. Also want
loans with good personal security.
28 tf Mo. State Bank.
C. P. Catron fc Co. will buy court
cost and loan money in small amounts
on good chattel securities. 12-tf.
Soire special bargains at D. W.
Drummonds new Btore. See his
card. 30-tf.
Peafowls Wanted. A rooster
and two hens. Enquire at Tiues
R. S. Catron insure growing
cops against hail, also writes fire and
tornado insurance. 4 13 tf
Coal! Coal:
Coal can now be had at bank, 5
miles southeast of Spruce in Deep
water township. Batchelob Bio.
Wall Paper, Carpets, Paints
Palttr on!ies of eerr dnwitition
Ageney for
the most reliable and economical
paints made.
One Block North Post Office,
Butler, Mc.
I- 'VV. Drummond

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