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HeAKXXONU ON THK TARIFF loRt for inanv, inanv vears. Well strong for us to throw off entirely i - " i The democratic conferees upon the ma' we Iearn from our political eni until the good people strengthen the narfc of the house, as well as those mie8 10 avoiJ " course wbicti ior ueuiocratic raDKs in me oenate 11 ' 11. 1 . . -i t ll .1, T v of the eame iartv representing the lueu excai"on ami tor our numu- aqu mis uoi iu xiepuoucans I .a . . I 1 1 11. . 1 ii tariff frtr,nD r.i I latiou they loDiT to see us take. uia sdoui sugar, xuev gave me iJnrr from the firBt that it would be The democratic pai ty must do the sugar growers of Louisiana and Ne o 1. .. , . - .... best it can do now for the rood tnat ROBERT J. IS NOW KING. must ensue immediately, and for the greater good which doing our best to-day will enable u? to secure in the future. Anv fair comnaiieon must con braska about $10,000,000 a year in bounties. Now this bill as it went from the House ou the first day of last February gave the people free fcugar in fact as well as in name, the 60 cents per 100 pounds given the vincethe most skeptical democrat McKinley law being wholly taken that the law which we may now ee away left in the pockets of the peo cure the onlv one withiu reach, the pie house bill with the senate amend- The Seuate amended the bill so as it At length these conspirators! against tariff reform, still wearing democratic livery, showed unmistak ably that they but await the oppor tunity to join their allies, the repub licans, and by killing the bill which useless to agree upon what could not be adopted by both houses. Long ago it was discovered that the nominal democratic majority in the senate are and were men who are not with the democratic party on the tariff issue. These few person trj really protectionists and therefore upon the tariff issue are really He nublicang. No mirli Brrrt-emonl- a a t) 1 ., 1. 1 i i:nt r 11. . tariff reformers earnestly desire raent8' 18 comparably better tnau u . mue ime muuy irotn me would be safe where these marplots McKinley law. people as a sugar tax, to ieseen the could lay their hands on and destioy LUe averaSe uul3" e iu v u - iviniey law is -ii.iu per ceui; uuuer ""i1 iuc uraauij uo this bill as amended it is 38.68 per 10,000,000 of the peoples money cent. The rate under the Mills bill which the McKinley law takes out was on an average 33.51 per cent. yearly and gives away in bounties Under the bill which we now can And besides all this, the Senate make law, plows, harrows, reapers, mowers, planters, cultivators, horse 11 j, i i .1 thev voted for 40 davs a??o. defeat raKes' mresnmir macmnes, couon all tariff legislation for this session t'. wool, lumber, salt and many into the Treasury in sugar taxes is of congress. othcr necessities now heavily taxed saved to them many times over by 1 ... . . .... There is but one wav to nut anv W1" be admitted free. woolen " "I ii 11.: tariff bill into law this vear and that gous, biauKets, inetai goous, glass- ujuuy umei is bv the concurrence of this house ware chemicals, carpets, hats, cape, already said, the House Democrats iu the senate amendments. To aeain boot9' 6boes' ahd veiT many other will not let this day close without trust the bill to the unholy senatorial things, without which our people passing through this body a bill to second and giving herself a new rtc- alliance of Republicans, unsound couia not nvem a state 01 civinza- n oru 01 z:u Democraes and the bounty seeking tion will bear much lower rates of cheaper than it eyer yet has been. Then cama the event of the day. Pooulists is to lose it duty than under the McKinley law burely, we shall not be expected Excitement was at a fever heat when . ., r, . . ....... I Ions for the dawning ot the day The duty on lead aDd zinc products to answer ior me oenate, especially it was announced tnat liobert J. i.o.ooqqi- I is reduced one half and on coal and for the undemocratic membership in would io. Gsers was confident that for use in the family at the workehoD iron is almost one half. . that chamber. he would eiual his record yet not or on the farm of any of the good And then the bill carries the in- Wo have done the best we could anyone expected the wou-ierful ter r,anr.a nf th',a rvj, 0i10ll l ,a ,,,nr1o come tax not to punish the rich but do to give tne people tne iuu meas- mination. After about ten minutes 1. .. .. . ..I i ir .. . r w i- . , . , higher in price or more difficult to t0 relieve tne poor and equalize the u re t n iarm leiorm. e are uoic spent in warming mm users scored procure because of any tariff or other burdens of . the coverument, and to day the best that can be doue down the track with a running mate legislation. wheu congress shall never mmy millions of dollars will pour ior in neopie; an.i to meir sounu uangiug on 111s wneei, out tue silent again make laws for the wealthy into tlje treasury each year from judgn-ut and sense of justice we man was not fully satisfied and the TimtonHnn.-.ta .n,(cn,l rJ Y,a .trt1rr. this source. appei 1 iov our vindication, to the word was uot iriveu. Again Geers 4 - - - 0 gling poor; when out of the incomes amendments will put into the Treas ury over 40,000,000 yearly from the tax on sugar. What the people pay lower taxes or no taxes at all on And, as I have He Made the Fastest Mile Ever I'aeed in Harness. lie Lowers the Rec ord to3:0:i. ! Fort Wayue, Ind., Ausr. 31. Mas- cat, Flyiu Jib and Xaney Hanks have been dethroned, aud Robert J. stands today king of harness horses. The great son of Hartford, driven by Ed Geers today made the fastest mile ever paced in harness, lowering the world's record of 2:04 to 2:03. Iu additkm to the three events, the card today contained three specials. The track was iu excellent condition aud the weather was warm with a a light breeze, but uot enough to iu ter fere with good work. Lady Houk was the first to at tempt to beat her time of 2:19. ard she clipped off one-fourth second, making 2:19. Then came Alix. The great crowd was deeply interest ed when Driver McDowell nodded to Starter Walker for the word, acd away went the little mare at a clip piug rate, and without a skip pull ed iu uuder the wire iu her record time. Fantasp, 2:07, next caused euthusiasm by palling off the half HEALTH COMFORT WORRY ivoi, WEAR . FOR ALL WOMEN WHO USE QyysOTE Soar SOLD EVERYWHERE THE N.K.FAIRBAI1K GOUPM. St.louis. MADE BY R. J. HURLEY, PRUDENT. O. H. HICKMAN, Vice Pres Bates m. El evator !S0o BUTLER, (INCORPORATED. DEALERS IN How pluetocracy did struggle that the Democratic party may scored down the track, a? he near of the rich instead of the necessities against this just tax, aud how vain cairy loiwam to triumpnani ac- ed the starters stand Hubert J. was I . . . . i I "1 i 1- I 1 1 of the poor, shall arise the revenues was the struggle: neither greed comp louiutui uie gieat woik. upon as stea Jy as a ciock aud going UKe nor treason could rob the rdaiu peo- which it has entered in earnest, aud the wind. Gjers nodded for the pie of the laud of the relief which it in which but few have faltered will afford them. of the Government. Indeed I would go so far for the relief of the masses that I was constrained to say of the Wilson bill last January wheu it was pending in the house. It is but a beginning, a first step on rough ground; but it starts us in the right direction by the right road, for we shall travel fast and journey far.' And so eager was 1 for a thorough Some talk about the rendering to the Beuate. Republican Policy Outlined. II the Hon. Thomas 1J. Reed cor rectly outlined the policy of the Re publican party in his Orchard Beach speech the other day, the Democrats need have no apprehension of losing their majority in the House as the result of the coming election. The ir. it, ex- house sur The demo crats of the house know no such a word as surrender. For the good of the party, the good of the people, irrespective of party, we bow to the inevitable. We have no right to re democratic reform of the tariff that Ject tUat wmcu w,u ue OI 8reat bea' ,,olicv of the Itenublicun r-artv. M . . ..I nht 4-Ann am! L.iiiitinn . I m a letter which appeared in the CUfc tl" uoi:. 1,1 Reed said in substance, will be on St. Louis Republic a few weeks 8 cl1819 we cu utt get something tue ecouomic liut!9 of tho McKin'ey arter our great victory at the polls " or e n nJ th ; of tbe Re . . ... . I .l :i .. l l i i : I m 1 expressed the hope that B"u "U"B-uu uul' l" publican party to power will result congress might be called in extraor away what is not good. Hence ia fa re8torati,n of tLfl McKinley dinary session in the spring of 1893 we camp at me ciose oi mis great Iaw tQ operatiou II .11 11 to hoonn ita wnrk nf reform a th uauie camp as victors on tue neiu people had directed. It was my rrom which we have driven the eue firm hlif then, an.l linn Uean ever my. It is true the enemies have iiinp.P. that a rrand onnnrtnnitv wns fallen back upou other intrench , - - e ri j i presented to Mr. Cleveland to begin meuts. and complete tariff legislation before We democrats of the house shall its enimies could mass their forces at once amend the bill which we are by convening congress immediately about to adopt iu so far as we can m. . . .. . . .1 11. 1 - - LI I after entering upon the presidential amena u oy passing oius io put u on which the people were robbed of office in March, 1803, He lost for sugar, coal, and barbed wire upon Qver $o00)000j000 a year It wa3 himself and his party the greatest the free list. And we shall follow e38entiauT the "Culminatin2 atrocity political opportunity for a genera- these amendments with others until of ca93 lecieIation" which tke peo. I . ( 1 I. II I v tOn. Mi we our y suttlluute nlnnmnin nnnnstftUahle terma . .. The republican party is the party ""f'A'-"t' -'v""" iu the election of 18l0 and even Of protection. Protection aud tariff Irom tne PeoPle ln proportion to i Qre ptieaUy repudiated in reform are implacable foes. Per- lueu VJ e1 1892. It Las been -weighed in the kQc tha o ,Ua rvf i, r.u , trusts and monopolies their death u.,irtrtrt a t 1 . ? :t ' l i -v-h 1 hA traa mtnrninff ImmA trnm hnrh mi",""iau i ' the Republican party will enter up on the campaign pledged to the res oi'ii o o r in u n tr I'udaAti j a .Yjinaf 6uch a restoration that even the su"- gestiou of it is aa insult 10 the in telligence of the people. That law ! is responsible for every trust aud combination that has cursed the country during the past three year?. It was the legalized process by the wind. Gjers nodded word aud Starter Walker gave and Robert J. started off like au press train. On to the Stat ipaarter he sped in everybod watched tho half and when that was passed in 1:01 the nerves ot .,U0U,uuu people was wrought to the highest tension. Geers slowed up just a trifle, but wheu the threequarters post was passed iu 1:33J all were certain the world's record would be brokeu. era again let the great horse out, and as he swung into the home stretch down he came like the wind aud crossed the wire ir. 2:03, niak ing the last qaarter iu just thirty seconds. The crowd was almost breathless until the wire was cross ed. and as the time was caught by hundreds of watches, ouo mighty shout rent tha air, and it was a most enthusiastic demonstrations that took place. Cheers were given for Geers, for Robert J., and for Ham lin, his owner. An Old Citizen Killed. Centralia, Mo, Aug. 2G. B. E er, one of the wealthiest and leading citizens of this city, was run over and killed last night by a Wa bash freight train at 10 o'clock as Missouri. Grain,Seeds,Flour, Feed and Farm Implements. Branch House at FOSTER and SPRAGUE. C"Flax Seed to Loan to Farmers. "HE TH AT W ORKS E AS I LY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH AFOLIO ila uk aXXJ Aikii MANHOOD RESTORED! .rKK fiiHi-niiu-wii to cure. I iiprnma ilisonwu.ducU an Wnk Memory, IaihiX Hraln 'uiicr, llcttdnolio. Wnkei!ilmn, l.oal Manhood. NltttiUy KmlKslonn, NurTuu. iicos.bII drnlnn Btifl li of power In tJi-nerittiTeOrKiin of either ff lrul I y overextTtlon, youtuiui rrrora, exceimiTe un oi lotiacoo, opium or auin- j. t n n lifnnts. which If&iflii IntirmltT. ('otisuinl)llon or ItmanllT. Can hn Carrie J In jKlve written (imrnntrr to cure orrrfund the money. Holil by all tjuruirirmtn. Ain f ur It, tak nn niher. W rite for free Meillcnl Hook Kent iual-(l Lsuu. InpiuiawrapiM-r. Addruas A Ell VEHl.1.11 CO., MuulcTuuipl),(,ulCAUv. For sale in lliiller, M ., by J. 11. ltl.KI.l., llruKlt. ELY'S CREAM BALM Cleanses the Nasal jrassaices, Allays Fain and Inflammation, Heals the Sores, Restores Taste and Smell, and Cures LrLruln Amiv into thf Softril. 50c l)ru,'ixtn or l.y mail. KLY J1KOS.. 66 Warren M..N.Y. It in (Jltlrkltt Abtnrlinl. I MY NATURE'S SCHENCK'S Remedy for rT IVl ANDRAKE Liver Com plaint Liver Pills C. I LEWIS ( CO. Proprietor ot Elk Horn Stables the bill as it passed the senate by blow ha .tfu.o n( T?i; created and sustained and made cans toward it. How do thev re- powerful tiiese trusts ana monopo tiiA tri,. : lies and it is not our fault nor the kttiu tuo ujaitci : nuab 13 &uc:ia 1 choice as between it and the Mc- Iau11 01 our Parly 11 inese PUDUC en Kinlevlaw? No man who has been emie8 have found in ODe brancb of .i,n 1,00 0.1 naranonora congress a lew irienas wuo ao not durins? the time of the tariff struscle Profes8 to be republicans. The pa nroif tV- onaWoe tn rVaea triots of the American revolution ore questions. All know the bill which not to be dishonored because Baue aict Arnoiawas a traitor AUCTIONEER. I. the nnilersiirnel. will cry Bales in this and adjoining counties cheap as the cheapest. Satisfaction (C'aranteeil or no pay. Address me MAYKSBU KG. Bates county. Mo. All orders promptly attended to. 17 3m PETER EWING. Dr.Kimberlin EYE AND toration of that law, thev stand de feated at the outset of the contest. lut as a matter 01 lact mere is nothing else for the republican par ty to do but accept the defeat that is inevitable on that issue. During IVia ni"fkf rof aoaaimi rf pnn err can the leaders of that party resisted by Wall Paper, Carpets, PaintS every available expedient the at He wa9 72 years of age and has for sixty years been a resident of Boone county. He attempted to cross the track as the train was approaching but slipped and the engine knocked him down. His back was broken and he died 30 minutes later. But when the bill now under consid- law, these WINDOW SHADES, PICTURE FRAMES, WINDOW GLASS, Painters Supplies or erery detcription. Agency for CO bv our vote we can now make law (for what mind outside of an asylum " "e do not now destroy the tempt8 to reJUce taxes and introduce is so diseased as to harbor the trusts and monopolies that oppress Mforma in the revenue system. It thought or fear that tbe president the people, it is because the Itepub .g weU kn0WQ that bufc for thij re would veto the best tariff bill that Hoan party has made them too strong 8i8tanca tbe Bew tariff law would can be passed at this time!) has had 10 oe overcome m ine nrst Dauie. have ben pa38ed from four to eix THE SHERWIN-WILLIA1I and still has the deadliest opposition .v wi: : f I eration Bnail Decome a congress. The protectionists, the mouopo lists, the founders and agents of trusts, desire no greater good for months earlier, and that the restora tion of prosperity would have fol- m a 1 -1.-11 1.-1 loesoi goou goveruuiem suau M01red tben aa certainly m it wUl en- less powenui. rveu me ougar i D0 nnv T ikl tlk,a nf tw.a - Trust, about which we hear so much ia 5f -uft..khr ! a J 1 ;i 1 I 0 e Win see a bsu uj wutu us creator ,v. ftrt f w, in PW - r - -- - tr- cer- the and WEIDER PAINTS, most reliable and economical tune than tbe failure of thU bill and I . , . . X batUe on lines that make deleat ite- painU made. One Block North Post Office, Butler, Mo. X. AA". Druramond I j ii .i.t.,1. i i. the continuance of McKinlevism. If w,u irum tain.-K. C. Times we suffer this measure to be lost monopolists would hold high caixi val; protectionists would celebrate the peoples overthrow with bonfires and illuminations: poverty would groan in its hopelessness; idleness would find promised labor vanishing a disappointed, disgusted people would turn deaf ears to those who might essay to preach tariff reform; misery would become a national her itage and a great cause would be publicans have pretended that they gave the people free sugar. Clinton, Missouri. The claim is false. They gave the M' A. L Armstrong, an old druggist . , , . v. , and a promiaent citizen ot this e.uer- trust free raw sugar and for the ben- prising town, sars: "I sl! some forty efit Of the trust taxed the people 60 different kinds ot cough medicines, but , , , have never in my experience sold so cents upon each 100 pounds of re- much of any one article as I hare ot fined sn?ar. It ia onlv the refined Ballard's Horehonud Syrup. AU who ... . . . use it sav it is the most perfect remedv sugar which enters xnto use among for cough, cold, consumption, and all our people, and that, I repeat, is not diseases ot the throat and lungs, they , , . , , . . haye ever tried." It is a specific for free under the MrEanley law, but ,nd whoomn con-h. it win re- taxed 60 cents upon each 100 pounds; Heve a cough in one minute. Contains and the 60 cents is given to the 1 no opiates. Sold b H L Tucker, drug- trust. No wonder this trust is too e151- 3 SHANNON & B1NKLEY, 9 WELL DRILLERS DREXEL, MO. If you are wanting a well drilled write us and 'we will see you. 36-3 m. EAR ii hi in i lUillM .SSL IntirintrT Nose. ThroatiCatarrli S. W. Cor. 9th aud Main "Junction." Streets, Dr. Kimberlin will visit Butler the Third Saturday of every month. Office, Day House. Ml Having purchased the E1k Horn barn and Livery outfit otJ.W Smith, and having added to the same a number ot first-elass Buggies, and horses, I can say to the public rhat I now have the Best Liverv Barn In southwest Mo. Horses and mules bought and sold, or stock handled on commission, Stock bearded bv the day week or month. With if. years exper ience Mr Lewis feeU able to compete with anv Livery barn in this section. Call and see him C B LEWIS Si CO Call and Settle. LOWEST or RATES Having sold my store building, I desire to close out mv etock of goods Dy septemDer lotn. Also an persons r ; knowing themselves indebted to me are requested to call and settle their accounts without delay. WANTED CHICKENS &EGGS. Do drop in and see N. M. Nes tie rode at "Virginia, Mo. He will give you the highest market pric for chickens, eggs and hides. Also takes subscriptions to the Butler Weekly Times, at $1.00 per year and as agent is authorized to collect and receipt for the paper. Nzlso M. NzsTin2. i0 Direct Lines Fast Time Elegant Pullman Service Reclining Chair Cars ( TO ST. LOUIS KANSAS CITY CHICAGO ahdthc WORLD'S FAIR" --" " f Imt nut rrt W wr!-lw , i. .Jit m Ihu UOU naat iu1 ) '"uSissouri Pacific F "$ H. C. TOWN5Er-r-' i -JTitsmjuzM Ticket - 1. t' .