Newspaper Page Text
. jik .Ws L K. VOL. XVI. BTTTLEB, MISSOURI, THURSDAY OCTOBER 11,1894. NO 47 Missouri State lank OF BUTLER, MO. $110,000. Transacts a, general banking business. We solicit the accounts of far mers, merchants anil tit? public generally, promising a safe depository for all funds committed to our charge. We are prepared to extend lil-ral ac commodation in the way of loans to our customers. Funds always on hand to loan on real estate at lowest rates, allowing borrowers to pay part or all at tny time and stop interest. IDIRElTOItK. Or. T. C. Houlware 'J il inucher lolm Ufcrwfeter J It Jenkins K Hartlett Margarttt Bryner I.nlii Krown llnrley Lumber Co U A Carnttiera II 11 Chelf .1 M Conrtney Itobi-rt C lark 0 I A 8 L Coleman J H Iavln P.oo(cr Powell II II 1'iKKOtt ; H Ka ifor.l T J Wright Ueo L Smith Frank M Voria II C Wyatt K G West Win E Walton OTIIKll HTOLIillOI.DEKP. Krank Deerweter 1 v lttArmonl .lolm Evans l)r J K.verintfliam ; E Kreeman (i Hickman 1 l; Heath .Srinufl Levy ; 11 Morrison Dr 1) Hannah Robert McCrackenDr;W K Tucker A McCracltcn' M V Owen John Pilaris Charles Pbaris J K Hosier J W Kelsner I. l; Starke Clem Slaybsck John II Sulfcns W n Tyler M E Turner Wm W Triple Wm Walls G P Wyatt Ir N" I. Whipple Max Weiner New Home Items. The new P. M. at Rich Hill miss nent our mail Wednesday; euess he did uot know which way New Home was. .. .IVY. Morris has made his jack and retired from the mercantile busmens and goue to his farm North of town to live a happy life Mr. Seth Cope in on the sick list Un cle Johnny Bussett paused through our burg; en routo for home near Virginia, Mo. .. .John Cordell and wife has returned to their home, Austin. Cass County, after a short visit in New Home . . . .John Hedges of Charlotte township was in our Tillage one day last week .... Mr Itobb has moved hit saw mill near the railroad bridge on Jim Thomas' laud, where Mr. Kbb expect to do all kinds of first class sawing upon kbort uot'ce. , .Our old friend Maj. Dick Allen was up the other day hunt uj market for his poultry .... Boys now diiys are very reckless witb guns Jake Woods, one of Squire Wood' boys was at the saw mid on the liver West of Nyhart; the boy went down in the saw pit with his gun under his arm, the muzzle of the gun down aud the Haw caught the butt of the gun, broke the gun in two and both loads went off but did not happen to hurt any one There was a full fores of hands at work on the mill at the time H. Itobb signs for the Times this week. .... Walker Steele has put the win ter coal in at the School house. . . . The Cope boys have the School house in trood shape. . . .School com menced here Monday morning with Miss Kuuts as teacher. .. .Louis Jones is over hauling his house and is fixing it in fine shape Mr. Jas. Butcher is putting down a cyclone hole, it is some bigger than than Mr. Steele's Heudersou Miller, of Foster was in town the other day trying to trade a cow for a lazy driv ing pony. . . .Morfc Compbell took a load of pail sorghum to Rich Hill Wednesday, of last week.... Mr. Isreal of the Hill was out on hunt of a cow that got away from him in the Hill Thursday.... Skyler R. is in the calf business .... John don't hop so long and jjet in before day. ....Virgil Trobridge got one prize in horse show, tob . . . Bdiey Miller is holding a protracted meet ing at Prior Creek. . . .S Robb joins the Times list of New Home, Mo. There is talk of a pic nic at New Home in this month. . . .John Hedg ei and family were visiting in New Home Sunday. N. M. Nkstlkrodk. Virginia Items. Mr. Nestlerode has moved to New Home and in his removal the Vir ginia Items will not be as bright as when a competent band bad the handling of them. Mr. Nestlerode we believe to be the best on that line of any one we ever saw, and his clerk in taking the work up, will do the best he knows how and furnish the latest news .... Politically there has been but few changes the last week. . . .Rev. Galbieth preaches at the M. E. church every second Sab btth at 11 a. m aud fourth Sabbath at 4 p. m. of each mouth. Rev. De Garnet preaches every third Sabbath at 11 a. m . . .The young lady preach er of the United Brethern church has an invitation to be at Virginia on the 18th Carr Dudly is on the sick list yet. . . .The widow Lent is very sick. . . . Mr. Martin wants to buy a fresh cow. . . .James H Park has 20 head of shoats for Bale, weigh 80 or DO pounds .Quite a number of our people went to Kansas City last Tuesday. Among the old ones Mr. and Mrs. Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Wolf and Washington Park. There were a large number of the young people went .James Crook is re pairiog bis bouse. . . . Wm. McElroy is getting ready to build a large corn crib. . . .Rily Reed was in our town canvassing for a book.... All quiet at Virgiuia, what will move the people next There will be a Prohibition Basket meeting at Vn ginia Thursday Oct. 18. Speakiug at 11 o'clock and afternoon. Rev Stepens, Rev. Murphy and Miss Anoe Frev haye promised to be present and talk to the dear people. The W. C. T. U. of Butler have been invited to be present Rev W. T Piles and Rev. DeGaruettareexp?ct ed to be present. The Prohibition candidates are all expected to be present. Come and see them.. Mitiiou Iveuedv aud his nephew, of Passaic. w,i h-ie last Sunday to fee his mother Miss Ella Kent of Cli-t' ti Mil. Mhs tisiting her sister, Mr. Alt. P-ok. who returned hone with bet James I. Wolf, of Burl in ton. Kansas, in visitiug bis father and mother Carry Park has been visiting relativi s north of the Creek. Nll's Clfrk. COUNTY COURT I'KOCKKIUXUS. Grand ami l'etit Juru-s Judge of Lie -i i. mi t 'ounty Court met, Oct. 1 with all present. The following wan ants were allow ed: Mary Eliege, tern sup, $22 0 W. A. Highly, conveying pris oner to asylum, 4 30 Henry Hove, money advanc ed for patient in asylum, 25 00 Asylum No. 3, care of pa tients, $1,103 04 Jas Drysdale, clerk fees, &c. K52 42 ( F Reniek, 4, sal, 102 55 J F Meredith, assessing Mound township 19 82 .1 M McManus, caring for pan, 10 00 Thos (iault, assessing Osage towndup, lii'.l S5 S R Tyler, brooms, 3 tiO Lewis Scott, tern sup, 5 00 Chas Brannoek, cleaning cess pool, John Starr, work on jail, N A Wade, printing, C F Box ley, j sal, T W Patterson, coffin, C Stammen, ice, F C Smith, services B C, Joe T Smith, coal, 1) T Braden, assessing Homer township, S Dent, Summit, Water Co. m MEANS. 31 oo 2 20 S 50 245 00 4 00 10 00 35 Oo r,r, 73 TO 80 4j i;r 14 18 Geo Brown, bridge work, 333 75 S H Fisher, Countv Treasurer, ap peared and several thousand dollars of county warrants were cancelled. CO! KT OROKRS. Wm A Hayes received as county charge at Nevada asylum and Edw. (iiithrie at poor farm. W I) Rogers appointed J P of Pleasant Gap township in place of R B Cambell resigned. E L Ionian transfer school loan. Deed made to Henrv Litell for lot in Walnut. Henry and M innie Boland, colored, sent to the poor farm. Voting precinct changed from Mul berry to Amoret. JURIES AMI JllMiKS OK KLKt'TIOX. The following jurors were selected: flRASD JURY. Mingo Estes Smith Deep water Boone "ash RoeWville S. 1 Feniniore Pleasant (Jap I. T. Scifres Shawnee ......Geo. Alspaugh Dear Creek D. B. Glazebrook Mt. Pleasant R. G. Hart well Osage Dan Cressap West Boone Jonathan Todd West Point A. Wallev Walnut K. A. Henrv BOOTS! SHOES! For fall and winter wear. Every thing the very best and at the most reasonable prices. Mens' Boots (a surprise for you) at $1.25 Mens' Boots better grade at $1.50 Mens' Boots, still better - at $1.75 And Mens Custom Hand made boots at $2.00 Boys Boots at $1.25 and $1.50 Womons evorv day wear shoes for ood solid service. Woajans' Glove Grain Button (worked button holes) at $1.00 Womans' Glove and oil grain button, solid as a rock at $1.25 Womens' Best Glove and oil grain button shoes" at $1.50 Misses School Shoes, glove and oil grain, button, beel aud spring heel, Cap or Plain toes, sizes 13 to c $1 and $1.25 Childs of the same, sizes 9 to 12 at 75c and $1.00 Cbilds smaller sizes. 5 to 8, at 65c and 85c This is a partial list of the many bargains we bate and don't you buy shoes until tou bave seen them. Yours for best wearing goods at lowest prices. WIHIIEN LAME & ABA; IPEiKS THE PEOPLE KNOW WHAT IT You oave seen Closing Out sales, Removal sales, Clearing sales and Reduction sales, but here goes for a , GENUINE OLD FASHIONED BARGAIN SAIE, W here genuine bargains prevail in every department. We have too many goods or. our shelves; they must go. We Mean Exactly What We Say -They Must Go CLOAKS, DRESS GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES A specialty in this sale now we will sell you nice 27 ineh half-wool goods worth 10 for Se '27 ineh line brocade goods worth 20c for 15c 34 ineh Knglish Henrietta worth 25c for 2lV :t! inch fine brocade wool goods wort h 35c for . 25c All our 3i inch plain goods worth 35c for , 25c All our wool Cainelshairgoods worth 50c for 40c All our 5e dress flannels for 4iks 40 inch all wool henrietta worth C0c for 50c. All our !0c Arnold henrietta go at 75c And our Arnuires go at 7ic Fine line of Broadcloths with trimming to match for capes. (OloetblkisY ClOakSH We can now show one of the finest lines iu Butler. All the newest shades and styles; Havana Bros. Navy Blues, Blacks, etc., with the new sleeves aud large lapels double or single breasted and prices as low as any house in Southwest Mo. Don't buy 'till you have seen our cloaks. "Boots S JhLoes Good solid saddle seam boots $1 25 Extra good high cut saddle seam boots 1 50 Good custom made boots 2 00 K.vtra fine French kip 2 50 All hand work sod scant boots 3 0(1 i Our corker ami world beater Boys boots from 75c to Full line of school shoes lH)c to All kinds of ladies shoes from $1 25 to :i 50 3 00 1 50 4 00 Remember we still sav that we cm aud will save you 20 per cent on foot wear. Now call aud see for yourselves No old job lots, but nice new, clean salable goods. No trouble for us to (show goods. Lane & Mm oward Geo. McLaughlin I'KTIT JCKY. Mingo Kobt. Keeder pruce J. H. ipeer Deepwater J. C. M.Young Hudson Jas. Williams Kockville A. A. Wood rairie Chas. tons feasant Gap .J. Showalter Summit W. H. Caldwell Shawnee Fred Schauntz fraud ltiver Joe Pulliam leer Creek L. J. Winsett Mound.... A. G. Roberts j.ut. 1'ieasant r. v. r. v iiuus i Lone Oak A. Fritz Osage Geo. Shaffer New Home liert Caine harlotfe I. I). Burke Likhart Ellis Hand Kast Boone Wm. Stone, Sr West Boone Geo. Crawford West Point Bud Grider Homer John Henslev Walnut Chas. West Howard 1 H. Powers JllHiKS OK KLKCTIOX. MI.MiO. Estes Smith, Jacob Green, J M Mavs, H Cameron. P Hackler and .1 M Colsten. UBiSll RIV Kit. 51 M Tucker, Stephen Cantrell, H rgenbright, R M Powell. J F Sea- right, and W J Moulton. DEKR CRIKK. J N Bricker. L R Allen, Nelson Moudy, J E Dowell, C CGutshalland I- S Barber. KAST BOOXK., S T Mudd, A M Frazier, Dan Six, P F Brashear, Taylor Nelson and J C Javne. WKST BOOXK. Jonathan Todd, Wm Ewing, A S Rosier Sr., (feo Crawford, J H Sloan and J W Coleman. WEST I'OIXT. W T Sheets, P A Bruce, A McNutt, E C Cannon, Jas Coughlin and W A Megredy. KLKHART. ! B F Langford, F M Fouty, Ellis j Hand, H GuTord, M H Bowman and S C McKee. Morsn. Wm Stone, E C Eichler, M Frasier, E Ixckhart, W F Maddy ami V W MefTord. SHAWXKK. J II McCombs, W M Grigg, J Deer wester John Peters, J C Spearman andGeollnlT. J M Coleman, P O Neil, i B Mosier, M Kenney, C C Poage and J M Shel ton. DKKPWATKR. J 1? Newberrv, W M Ludwick, J H J Ravburn, T H Dickison, Bert Crigler . aud T 1 I'av. SIMM1T. W B Tvler, Jas Haiinan, Allen Wright, B F Glover, J F Weiner aud Aaron Kinnev. . MT. 1'l.KASAST. T K Lisle, G W Clardv, F M Wvatt, M S Clav, V D Snvder and H H Wells. li AHLOTTK. J 1) Wocxly, C Wallace, B F Harp er, G H Morrison, P Denning and W A Simpson. HOMKK. H P .Vitkell, Bob Braden, W J Bard. H M Gailev. Henrv Lvle and A J Dugan. WALNUT. At Foster. J H Sullens, T J Wil son, I. N. Drystlate, C B Cullison, D Lauahlin and A Hartshorn. At Worland J S Franklin, J T Smith, J A Chapman, J E Arm strong, Al Enyon and T S Mcllenry. SEW HilMK. No. 1 J S Bell, John March, P O McCoy, David Reese, W Littlefield and I Y Morse. No. 2 Sam Duncan, S 11 eddle, J A Patterson, Noah Nyhart, Abe Carpenter and Ed Holt. LONE OAK. Joe Rvan, A M Thomas, Herbert Walton C McKenna, Geo Baker and H Requa. PLKAsAXT OA P. W A Allen, W A Sigginf, SL Starr, 1 Ellington, L Hegnaur and JoeWix, Jr. HI IXsOX. Dan Donohue, Chas Wells, I D Peeler, T P James, Ira Patton and Jas Mack. ; RoCKVILLK. J M Wells, Ed Whalen, W I Hirt, S Hoffman, Wes Robinson' and C D Carpenter. PRAIRIE. Enes Terrv, W P Carrico, J' Fix, D O Bradly, G Hirschi and Wm Malthy. OSAOK. J F Smith, L 11 Bird, J ir iuipson, Walter trahaiu, Jno PhDip and W H H Black. HOWARD. i At Sprague S P Wilson, Tom Wil liams, A Gwinn, M iAaghlin, B F Ine and W M Kice. I At If nine S L Standish, J L 31c- I'onnell, P H Powers, i 'ha Moore, E ! M Dickinson and W A William. rn i nn it n p I liv 11 OF BATES COUNTY, Cash Capital. $50,000.00 COUNTY DEPOSTORY , OP BATES CO.; OSCAR REEDKR PresMent R. J. HURLEY 1st Vice-Precedent E. A. BENNETT 2i Vice-President E. D. KIPP Cashlet Receives Deposits subject to check, Lones Money, issues Drafts and transacts a general Banking business. Your patronage rebpeetfulh Solicited. I. N. Thompson, John Steele Oscar Reeder, DIRKI TORS. M. S. Kiersev, John E Shntt, M. G. Wilcox, ClsrK Wiv, i. J. McKee, J. K Rosier. E. D. Kipp- J. EVEK1NG1IAM. R. 3. Ifarier E. A. Bennett, M. M. O.Uy. Secretary Five State Tict-et. ! Everybody in the west mourns th ' death of poor Joe. Every cloud ha- Teft'erson Cilv Mo Oct r TI. wlver lining. The silver lining vr Jerterson city, .Mo., Uct.. o lue , offer aj4 a reHef and is of wJ socialist labor party to day filed with j ebrated the secretary of State their State , J9h 1)X.CUi;R. J ' made of clear lluvRhR Utmr fitltwl Vc.t f ticket, which consists of the follow-! sale bv J. S. I'ierce. S. W. cor. Kiaart ibg nominees, all from St. Louis: ' "V!r aim be cofivm?.- Judge of Supreme court, Albert E. j Sanderson; superintendant of pub- 24-2m road and warehouse comm L. Seller. ! The Democrats and Populists j have hied their State nominees, but the Republicans and Prohibitionists have not done so up to date. There will be five State tickets vcted for at the November State el ection, to-wit: Democratic, Repub lican. Populist. Prohibition and Social Labor. It is jet believed that a deal is between the Republi cans and Populists to withdraw the Populist candidate for Judge of the Supreme court in favor of the Re publican nominee. lie school?1, James A. Reode'l: rail-! fij r55i1 isioner, 1 1 Carpenter i Shafer We wans your Poultry and Eggs and will pity you the top of the market in cash. We are the only exclusive Poultry and Egg hou? in Butler, and will not b over bid. See us on south ide square, or on the street. We would pre fer handling your stock on Mon days, Tuesdays and Wednesday bnt are prepared tohandle it any day. Carpenter & Shafer. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U, S. Gov't .Report When the republicans began to put high protection upon wool it was a dollar a pound in this country. They bave protected it down to 12 to 15 cents a pound. Who will speak next? -1 Sg&3& Aa&QlLWVEJLV PURE